Noella Ji Oneness Centre

Noella Ji Oneness Centre

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Noella Ji Oneness Centre, We are Specialist in Meditation, Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Pooja, healing Th


Wonderful ....True Story!

There was a couple deeply in love, cherishing every moment together. Sometimes, her husband-to-be would lament, "If only we had met when we were younger."
He often wished he could turn back time, saying, "If we had met 20 or 30 years ago..." One day, his proud bride-to-be responded, "Love comes and goes throughout life. When we were young, we treated time as if it were endless. Now, at our age, we can truly savor each other and blossom like the finest wine as we evolve. I understand you wish we had met earlier, but the truth is, I have the best version of you now."
Her husband fell silent and listened as she continued, "All those years you dedicated to studying and working hard, all those days you gazed out the window, barely noticing the beauty around you. Now, I have a man who understands so much because of his life experiences. You have become a living library of knowledge. I do not need to struggle to ask you lets go for a walk on the beach or to spend a night gazing at the stars together. We can enjoy an afternoon nap if we like, without the rush. I have you here with me. Every night, I can listen to the music of your heart as I place my head on your chest.
"We won’t grow old, my dear, because growing old is a mindset. We have moved beyond such beliefs. We understand that aging brings wisdom—freshness, inspiration, tenderness, and a loving compassionate heart. With it, we savor each moment. We are not preoccupied with the future or the past. We are here now, loving each other, and growing together through the phases of our lives that only enhance our strength and love. We will be there to see our grown children face the many challenges they will go through that young families do. We will guide them with strength and love, knowing they will forge their paths as they choose. This is part of becoming understanding and beautiful souls as we evolve.
"So, we do not need to meet 20 or 30 years ago. Your heart and mind are at their richest now with life experience. You can melt any soul with your calmness, awareness, and tenderness, appreciating the simpler things in life. We have become grateful throughout our lives, my dear. I have the best of you now and not the least."©

Divine Love to all those who wish to have been younger but in age is our strength through the wisdom of life experiences. Hopefully, we have learned to treat each other with love and respect. ©

Much Love Noella Ji Oneness Canada




Profound Truth on Human Character! 💪
Give someone power and we will see how he treats those who can not do anything for him.

Much Divine Love, Noella Ji Oneness






Nothing to fear but fear alone. Unity is strength, reflecting the interconnectedness of all life. Some people often fear what they do not understand, yet by elevating our awareness, we learn that embracing the unknown can be more enriching than fearing it.

Divine Love, Noella Ji Oneness


Teaching our children to be happy from within themselves is the best gift that keeps giving.
There was a wealthy family that embraced simplicity to keep their children grounded. The father, fully aware of the dangers of overindulgence, believed that spoiling children could be detrimental. The family's home was a sanctuary of love, and during Christmas, each child received a single, cherished gift, rather than a multitude. The parents were convinced that an abundance of presents would not serve their children well in the long term. Instead, they focused on family games, beautifully decorating the house, and involving the children in every activity, fostering a heartfelt unity.
They created enduring memories through quality time spent together, which they knew would cultivate a deep sense of joy. The family enjoyed splendid vacations, a lovely home, and an excellent education, with the children actively participating in community service. On occasions, they even helped construct homes for those in need. As the children matured, they grew humble and appreciative of their blessings, avoiding a sense of entitlement. They were acutely aware of the pitfalls of a wealthy lifestyle and how easy it is to lose touch with reality when everything is given on a platter. The wealth, established by their great-grandfather, was cherished, but the parents stressed that material possessions do not equate to true happiness. Rather, happiness stems from one's deeds and interactions with others.
As adults, the children emerged as positive leaders, leveraging their trust funds to support community initiatives. Like their parents, they were philanthropists, grateful for the life lessons and skills imparted to them. The parents might have showered their children with gifts on every occasion, but they chose to teach them that true joy originates from within. The thoughtful gifts given—usually one significant present along with smaller ones—were paired with family activities, highlighting the importance of understanding life's broader context. Embracing a life enriched by unity and acceptance, they contributed to making the world a better place for all.

Divine Love Noella Ji, Oneness



Worldly verses- Inner Treasure
Many journey through life seeking the ultimate experience, chasing the next thrill, opportunity, or that ineffable something promising belonging, comfort, or inner peace. Yet, even as we quest for these destinations, enticed by the allure of wealth, grand homes, luxurious vehicles, and verdant surroundings, such pursuits offer no lasting fulfillment. They may secure our material possessions, yet these assets are often manipulated by unseen forces. So, what remains? We enter this world with nothing and leave in the same state. No hearse has ever been followed by a moving van to a graveyard. The true treasures we carry are the riches within. Your soul is your paramount asset. This is the unvarnished truth: we either depart wiser, or we leave our earthly possessions behind.

With love,
Noella Ji Oneness 🙏


Noella Ji's Prayer "We Are One"
I pray that all of us can be one family of light and love and know it to be true. Color, creed, caste, disability or nation should not matter. That we are all Divine Consciousness, may we find our true healing by living as one family in peace and love. Amen🙏
Noella Ji Oneness Amen


Absolutely True!


Silence, in the spiritual context, holds immense significance. It is not merely the absence of noise but a gateway to deeper understanding and communion with the Divine. Swami Sri Yukteswar’s teachings encourage seekers to explore the inner realms beyond words and find solace in the silence of the soul.

As he beautifully expressed: “We entered a oneness of silence; words seemed the rankest superfluities. Eloquence flowed in soundless chant from the heart of the master to the disciple. With an antenna of irrefragable insight, I sensed that my guru knew God and would lead me to Him. The obscuration of this life disappeared in a fragile dawn of prenatal memories.” 23

May the silence within guide you to deeper truths and inner peace. 🙏


Emerging into the Oneness of Life: A Heart Overflowing with Love

Within the core of being, there beats a rhythm of deep, profound love—a love that is the very embodiment of oneness. Picture, if you will, our existence as both a singular droplet and the entirety of the boundless sea. We are the expanse of the sky, the tranquil glow of the moon, and the sun's radiant warmth that illuminates our days. Nestled within the forest's whispered secrets, at the veil of twilight and the break of dawn, exists a melody—a melody of tranquility and rebirth, an eternal hymn of the cycle of life.

Above, birds soar, their flight a ballet of liberty, their calls weaving a tapestry of connectivity, a reminder of our ever-present unity. Every flower we encounter is imbued with a scent both distinct and intimately familiar, echoing the diversity of life's experiences, from the thrill of adventure to the sweetness of love. Amidst the hush of stillness, an inner voice emerges, compelling us to seek moments of contemplation, whether in the quietude of evening or the crisp renewal of morning. This voice celebrates the simplicity of existence, the act of embracing the universal love that connects all creation.

We are the song that fills the silence of the night, a symphony that elevates the ordinary to the realm of the extraordinary, unveiling a beauty that takes our breath away. While some look to the starry heavens, entrusting their wishes to the celestial bodies, others find contentment in the pure bliss of being. Our very essence is interwoven with strands of love, gratitude, joy, and serenity. As the snow envelops one region, rain rejuvenates another; with every dawn in one corner of the world, dusk adorns the horizon elsewhere. Every instant bears witness to the majesty of life and the encompassing unity that surrounds us.

The essence of spirit dwells not just within you and me but permeates all things—the towering trees, the gliding birds, the endless seas, and the cherished companions, both near and distant. Collectively, we comprise a vast family, bound by the unseen threads of love and our collective voyage through life's rich mosaic. In acknowledging our interconnectedness, we encounter the purest form of love, joy, and unity, a tribute to the wondrous ballet of existence.

With immense love, we extend our hearts to all. United, we stand as One. In the spirit of Oneness,
Noella Ji


A heart full of Oneness love.
In the heart of existence pulses a unifying sentiment of profound love—a love that encapsulates the essence of oneness. Imagine if you will, that we are both a single drop in the boundless ocean and the ocean itself in its entirety. We embody the vastness of the sky, the serene glow of the moon, and the warmth of the sun that graces our days with light. Amid the whispering shadows that weave through the forest, both at dusk and dawn, there lies a melody—a melody of rest and awakening, a song of life's perpetual cycle.
Above us, birds glide, their flight a dance of freedom, their calls a message of connection, reminding us that we are never alone. Each blossom we encounter holds a fragrance as unique and yet as familiar as our own—be it the spice of adventure or the sweetness of roses. In the tranquil silence, a voice within calls out, urging us to pause and listen, to find moments of reflection at the day's end or in the fresh promise of morning. This voice speaks of the beauty in simply being, in embracing the love that binds all creation.
We are the melody that resonates in the quiet of the night, a harmony that transcends the mundane, transforming it into something breathtakingly beautiful. Some gaze into the night sky, casting their hopes and dreams upon the stars, while others find solace in the simple joy of being. Our essence is woven from threads of love, gratitude, joy, and bliss. As snow blankets one land, rain nourishes another: with every sunrise in one place, a sunset paints the sky elsewhere. Each moment is a testament to the grandeur of life and the oneness that envelops us.
The spirit's essence is not only within you and me but in all things—the trees that stand tall, the birds that soar, the vast oceans, and the friends we hold dear, both near and far. Together, we form a vast family, united by the invisible bonds of love and the shared journey through the tapestry of existence. In recognizing our oneness, we find the truest expression of love, joy, and interconnectedness, a celebration of the miraculous dance of life.

Much Love to all. We are One. Love Noella Ji Oneness


True Story!
There is no job too small!
In community there is unity!👨‍🦼

Mutual assistance forms the foundation of our community, emphasizing that no job is too small to make a difference. Among us is a man who embodies this principle through his dedication to recycling. Navigating our neighborhood on his scooter, he is a mature in age gentleman who relies on this vehicle for mobility due to his physical limitations. Despite his advanced age, he commits himself to this task with unwavering dedication.

Every recycling day, he diligently makes his rounds, collecting bottles and other recyclables that would otherwise be sent to the depot with the other glass, and plastic bottles as recycled garbage. When I was new to the neighborhood, I had the opportunity to converse with him and express my admiration for his efforts. I thanked him for his invaluable service, highlighting how many people overlook the monetary and environmental value of items they discard.

Motivated by our conversation, I fetched my containers of drink recyclables from behind my house. By assisting him in loading these items onto his scooter, I felt a profound sense of collaboration. I even offered to bring out more from my car, demonstrating my appreciation for his help in managing what I would usually dispose of every few weeks.

As we exchanged farewells, I reiterated my gratitude for his remarkable contribution. He shared how this activity not only benefits the environment but also provides him with financial support. His humble acknowledgment served as a reminder that his efforts, regardless of the motivation, significantly benefit our environment and our community.

Much Love Noella Ji ❤🦅❤


St. Francis of Assisi,
Gratitude and Spiritual Vision: Even when physically blind, St. Francis used gratitude to connect with the Oneness of Creation. He saw himself as a spiritual sibling with all living beings, including animals, plants, planets, and stars. His Canticle ( Hymn or chant) of the Sun reflects this profound vision of unity and interconnectedness.

May we, like St. Francis, find awe and reverence in the beauty of creation, and may we honor the interconnectedness of all living beings. 🌞🙏

In summary, St. Francis believed that prayer was a transformative journey—a path to self-awareness, connection, and alignment with God’s ways. His heart-centered approach allowed him to live as a gospel Christian, impacting countless lives through his example and devotion.
Much Love.




The Essence of Gratitude is Oneness:
A Remedy for the Entitled Mind!

In a world increasingly marked by a sense of entitlement, embracing gratitude stands as a vital missing piece. The practice of gratitude has the power to heal relationships between nations, rejuvenate our planet's soil, and guide individuals from failure to success. Daily gratitude lifts the soul, fostering a sense of appreciation for what we have, rather than fixating on unmet desires or what we believe we're owed. Our aggressive pursuit of wants can transform into a journey marked by grace and thankfulness, simply through acts of gratitude—towards ourselves, others, the divine, and the Earth. This shift from entitlement to gratitude can subtly, yet profoundly, change our approach to life and interaction with the world around us.

Gratitude is the essence of feeling and thinking in unity with everything. It's about appreciating all that we receive and recognizing our interconnectedness with all that exists.

Much Love Noella Ji Oneness❤


Yogananda the practice of Gratitude.

Thanksgiving and praise open in your consciousness the way for spiritual growth and supply to come to you. Spirit pushes Itself out into visible manifestation as soon as a channel is opened through which It can flow. You should be thankful for everything at all times. Realize that all power to think, and speak, and act comes from God, and that He is with you now, guiding and inspiring you.


Oprah's Open Secret: A Path to Success Through Gratitude

Oprah has openly shared a powerful secret for years, one that is accessible to everyone. While many spend their entire lives striving to get ahead, they often overlook a simple yet transformative practice: expressing gratitude to God and noting daily what they're thankful for. Oprah has embraced this practice throughout her life, underscoring her belief that everything is energy. Essentially, she's been guiding us toward success by highlighting how a daily habit of gratitude can elevate our energy and consciousness.

Gratitude's Power❤: A Simple, Transformative Practice

In Just a few minutes of writing each day can spark the change you've been seeking. Dedicate time to write, reflect, and truly observe. Listen to your inner guide. This simple act of gratitude can profoundly shift your perspective and path.

Much love Noella Ji Oneness


True story! ❤
Understanding one's worth!🤔
Once, a woman was engaged in a deep conversation with a professor specializing in human behavior. The professor remarked, "You are an extraordinary individual, but I'm curious about why you consistently encounter people who bring turmoil into your life." This led to a comprehensive discussion about her experiences and the difficulties she faced. A week later, they reconvened. The professor revealed, "Your problem has a straightforward solution." Intrigued, she asked, "How so?" The professor explained, "You tend to gravitate towards individuals who possess a lower energy level than you. These individuals are adept at deceiving you." To clarify, he suggested using a metaphorical scale. "Imagine your energy levels are at 90 out of 100, reflecting your genuine love, kindness, and compassion. Yet, you often meet people who are at a lower level, say 60 or 40 out of 100, who lack these qualities. You must recognize this disparity and make the necessary adjustments to distance yourself."
He continued, "People who resonate at the same energy level tend to find contentment with each other, as like attracts like. Those at a lower level are compatible with others who share their negativity. It's important to pause, reflect, and listen to your intuition before entering another relationship. Remember, you cannot change others; they must initiate their own transformation. Seek out those who match your higher energy levels, and you'll find greater happiness in life."

Stay blessed, Much Love, Noella Ji




In adopting a mindset of unity, we perceive the community as a collective asset rather than an individual possession. We've reached a point where the average individual can no longer afford basic necessities. People must understand that by uplifting our communities collectively, we contribute to the long-term health and sustainability of our society. This approach is vital for ensuring food sovereignty, addressing the housing crisis, improving education, and enhancing healthcare. If we merely observe price increases without taking action, it's imperative to stand up, voice our refusal to accept the status quo and collaborate to forge a stronger society. A society fortified through collective effort will distribute its rewards across the board, benefiting everyone's hard-earned income, not just the privileged few.

Much love Noella ji! We are One!


Service to humanity is the best service we can give back.

A leader passed away and ascended to heaven, where he was confronted with the full scope of his life's actions. He witnessed the devastation he had caused: the souls he had harmed, the natural world he had disregarded, and the creations he had neglected to honor. He pleaded with God, overwhelmed with remorse, admitting his ignorance and regret.
"Why did you allow this to happen?" God inquired.
Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, the leader confessed, realizing the emptiness of his pursuits too late.
"And what power do you possess now?" God asked.
Standing before the divine, the man acknowledged his utter powerlessness, a humbling revelation that stripped away all pretenses of control.
"We should never destroy what we did not create. Who granted you such authority?" God continued.
Admitting his folly, the leader recognized that his power was self-appointed, a misguided attempt to elevate himself.
"What will you do to amend your actions?" God questioned.
The man conceded that the choice was God's, ready to accept any judgment deemed fit.
With wisdom and a chance for redemption, God decreed, "You shall be reborn, to start anew and earn your place through a life of service."
Accepting his fate gracefully, the man agreed, only to find himself reborn and left at the door of missionaries. Where he spent his new life in devotion and service to humanity.

Much Love Noella Ji


Our perspective shifts at a certain point in life, and what truly matters becomes clear. External appearances fade in significance while our inner wealth takes precedence. We begin to appreciate the inherent beauty in a flower, feel the sun's warmth more deeply, and recognize the miraculous nature of each day. Inspiration comes from things that resonate with our best selves, regardless of their value to others. Living in the moment becomes essential—embracing life as it is rather than how we believe it should be. The past becomes irrelevant, akin to yesterday's news, and the future holds untold promises, like hidden treasures. The present moments we experience are nothing short of miraculous.

Much Love Noella Ji


The True Gift of The Christmas Spirit.
There is a magical time around Christmas, and it can be felt. This is the presence of The Christmas spirit. This is an incredibly humbling experience for one to partake in. For some, they become warm and loving in their highest nature. It is the magical warm wind that doesn’t go through you. It opens all the doors to the loving self. Some can feel its presence with you, and its presence within you touches others, too. It becomes a gift to those who recognize its presence when received. It’s not about décor or gifts; it’s about giving and receiving from your highest nature. You become genuinely blessed and grateful. It doesn’t just warm the body. It warms the heart and soul. There is no notice when it comes. It just does. My wish is that most get that chance to open to its beauty. It’s the little slice of Christmas that is never forgotten but treasured with gratitude from the highest sources of light and love,

Much love to all Noella Ji.
May your hearts stay warm with yourself and others. Stay blessed.

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The Power of Oneness Is Love.

Who am I? I’m a spiritual friend on the path of a Spiritual Mystic. I am a Oneness Teacher, Speaker, and writer. I have love for all because we are family. I’m sensitive like the water, I feel all intentions in your every message. Today, time is changing, I believe that through the power of Oneness we can help open many hearts open to it. Most people want to be loved not changed.

Our centre will be providing many services in Oneness education, Healing, Hypnotherapy, Past Life, First Nations Culture, Regression, Meditation, Pooja, Yoga, Prayer, Breathwork, and many more Classes from experienced teachers from India and all over the globe.

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Thanking Chad, for his compliment
Thanks Barb, for coming on by to Noella Ji.
Prayer : Lord of Love................................. by: Noella Ji



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