HHC Holistic Health Clinic

Welcome to HHC wellness centre offering psychotherapy, relationship counselling, acupuncture, naturo

Our team of health professionals include NATUROPATHIC DOCTORS, PSYCHOTHERAPISTS, HOMEOPATHS, CHIROPRACTORS, ACUPUNCTURISTS, REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS, SHIATSU & TUI NA THERAPISTS, HOLISTIC ALLERGISTS, NUTRITIONISTS, REIKI, ENERGY PRACTITIONERS and more. Our mission is to provide drug-free, integrated natural health care, addressing all aspects of wellness—body, mind and spirit.

Photos from HHC Holistic Health Clinic's post 09/12/2024

A little bit of recognition is a great motivation to keep going...

Photos from HHC Holistic Health Clinic's post 09/11/2024

A little publicity doesn't hurt! ;-)



The Importance of Time Off and Nature for Mental Health

In our fast-paced, ever-connected world, it can be easy to forget the value of taking time off and immersing ourselves in nature. As a psychotherapist, I've witnessed firsthand the profound impact that breaks and natural environments can have on mental health.

Time Off: A Necessity, Not a Luxury

Taking time off is often viewed as a luxury, but it's a fundamental necessity for maintaining mental well-being. Continuous work without adequate rest can lead to burnout, increased stress, and a decline in overall mental health. Breaks provide our minds with a much-needed respite, allowing us to recharge and return to our tasks with renewed energy and perspective. Regular time off can improve creativity, productivity, and emotional resilience, making it easier to handle life's challenges.

Nature: The Ultimate Healer

Nature offers a unique form of therapy that is accessible to all. Research consistently shows that spending time in natural settings can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature can ground us, helping to calm our minds and rejuvenate our spirits. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting by a lake, these experiences can foster a sense of peace and connectedness that is difficult to find in urban environments.

Combining Time Off with Nature

Combining time off with nature can amplify the benefits. When we step away from our usual environments and immerse ourselves in the natural world, we give our brains a chance to reset. This combination can lead to improved mood, better sleep, and a more positive outlook on life. It's also an opportunity to practice mindfulness, as nature naturally encourages us to be present and attentive to our surroundings.

Practical Tips for Integrating Time Off and Nature

• Schedule Regular Breaks: Plan and commit to regular time off, whether it's a few hours, a day, or a longer vacation.

• Explore Local Nature Spots: Identify parks, trails, and natural reserves near you. Even short visits can make a difference.

• Disconnect to Reconnect: Use time off to disconnect from digital devices. Thi



In the journey of self-discovery, a critical question emerges: 'Which one is more important to you: to stand out or to fit in? Because you can't do both.' This inquiry challenges us to examine our core values and aspirations. Standing out often means embracing our unique qualities and following a path less traveled, fueled by authenticity and individuality. In contrast, fitting in involves aligning with the norms and expectations of our surroundings, finding comfort in community, and shared experiences. Both paths have their merits, but the choice shapes our identity, relationships, and life direction. As you ponder this question, remember that your answer is a reflection of your true self and a guide to a fulfilling life. Embrace your choice with courage and conviction, knowing it's a step towards self-realization and personal growth.


🌿 In the dance of connection, our nervous systems are continuously in conversation. According to Steven Porges' Polyvagal Theory, we don't just exist alongside each other; influence each other's state of being. 🔄

Every interaction holds the power to regulate or dysregulate another person. Our presence, words, and actions can either calm and soothe or trigger stress and anxiety. This isn't just psychological; it's physiological. Our bodies respond to the safety or threat signals we perceive from those around us. 🧠💓

This knowledge empowers us to be mindful architects of our relationships. By cultivating awareness, empathy, and compassion, we can create environments that promote mutual regulation and emotional safety. Let's strive to be havens of calm in each other's storms. 🌊


As the New Year 2024 dawns, may it bring hope and peace for you.
Let each day be a picture of joy, with moments of love, understanding, and contentment.
May you find strength in your vulnerabilities and beauty in your flaws, embracing every part of your journey. Let laughter be your companion and resilience your guide, as you navigate through life's intricate tapestry. May the year be a gentle reminder to nurture your mind, body, and soul, fostering wellness in every breath you take. As you unfold the chapters of this year, may you discover new passions, kindle old dreams, and cherish every connection. Remember, in the quiet moments of self-reflection, lies the power to transform and grow.
Wishing you a year filled with abundant blessings, profound happiness, and enduring health. Happy New Year 2024!


I know things are really tough right now, especially with everything going on in the world. But I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a happy holiday season.

I hope these holidays give you a little break from the hard stuff, even if it's just for a bit. Remember, we're all in this together, and it's okay to lean on each other. Let's find some joy and peace where we can, and share it with those around us.

Here's to hoping for brighter days ahead, and making the most of the time we have with our loved ones. Happy Holidays, and let's keep spreading kindness and love as best as we can.


What would it take to make holidays ACTUALLY happy and joyful? Research shows that the majority find holidays stressful: overspending, not having enough time to get everything done, dealing with family conflicts, seeing family members you don't wish to see...
Try to include your own needs as you plan for the holidays: stick to your budget, set some boundaries when it comes to dealing with family, plan something that YOU want to do. Selfcare is not selfish!


Improvements continue on Major Mackenzie Drive in the City of Vaughan. On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 and Thursday, November 16, 2023 crews will be paving the section from Gram Street to Richmond Street, and the Keele Street intersection. Intermittent side street closures and lane reductions will be in place. https://conta.cc/40Fswe4


Vicarious trauma, also known as secondary trauma, refers to the emotional residue or psychological impact experienced by those who are exposed to the traumatic stories of others or who witness the aftermath of traumatic events. Over time, this repeated exposure can lead to symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as intrusive thoughts, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal, even though the person has not directly experienced the trauma themselves. It's essential to recognize the signs and engage in self-care and therapeutic strategies to mitigate its effects.
Being exposed to the recent global events, such as Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Middle East conflict, and hearing horrific stories of kidnapping, torture, bombing etc will have an effect. If you experience intrusive thoughts, irritability, emotional outbursts, and flashbacks, do seek help and prevent PTSD.


Vicarious trauma, also known as secondary trauma, refers to the emotional residue or psychological impact experienced by those who are exposed to the traumatic stories of others or who witness the aftermath of traumatic events. Over time, this repeated exposure can lead to symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as intrusive thoughts, emotional numbing, and hyperarousal, even though the person has not directly experienced the trauma themselves. It's essential to recognize the signs and engage in self-care and therapeutic strategies to mitigate its effects.
Being exposed to the recent global events, such as Ukrainian-Russian conflict, Middle East conflict, and hearing horrific stories of kidnapping, torture, bombing etc will have an effect. If you experience intrusive thoughts, irritability, emotional outbursts, and flashbacks, do seek help and prevent PTSD.



We're on the hunt for a dynamic and friendly Administrator to join our growing Healthcare team!

Key Responsibilities:

Servicing 12 healthcare practitioners with their bookings.
Handling customer service calls with a smile, professionalism and enthusiasm.
Efficiently matching clients with the right practitioner.
Managing payments, invoices, and other administrative duties.
Ensuring our waiting area and bathrooms are always tidy and organized.
**Excelling in sales closure, ensuring the best service for our clients.**
Essential Qualities & Skills:

**Welcoming and warm personality**

**Stellar customer service capabilities**

Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and other admin software.

Familiarity with Chat GPT.

**A friendly, sociable personality with the ability to create lasting relationships.**

Flexible and informal, yet maintains impeccable attention to detail.

If you're passionate about healthcare, thrive in a fast-paced environment, and can juggle multiple tasks without breaking a sweat, we want to hear from you!

Step into a rewarding role where your administrative expertise will make a difference. Be part of our mission to connect people with the healthcare they need. 🌟

To apply, email your resume at [email protected]

Note: Experience in a similar role is advantageous but not essential. We value passion, dedication, and the RIGHT ATTITUDE (desire to be helpful, accommodating and of service) above all!!!


It's a common misconception that for conflict resolution to be successful, both parties must agree on an objective reality. But here's a radical thought - objective reality is not essential as we believe it to be. On the contrary, it's the very problem.

Instead, what if we shift our focus? What if, instead of pinpointing who's right and who's wrong, we prioritize the HEALTH of the relationship and the peace it can bring?
Relationships thrive not on the absoluteness of facts, but on mutual respect, understanding, and the WILLINGNESS to bridge gaps. It's not about seeing eye-to-eye on every detail, but heart-to-heart on the broader picture that BENEFITS both parties involved. In other words, it is not about what's right - it is about what WORKS.

In conflict, both parties usually come from a place of pain, masked as anger and defensiveness. By putting the relationship and PEACE as our goal, we're emphasizing empathy over EGO, connection over correction.

Remember, it's not about surrendering your truth, but recognizing that in the realm of emotions, each individual's truth is their reality. The shared reality that we all seek is one -  PEACE. So, the next time you find yourself in a disagreement, ask yourself: Do I want to be "right" or do I want to be in peace? Prioritizing peace and understanding over proving a point can lead to more profound, lasting resolutions. And THAT benefits everyone.
P.S. I know nothing about politics, I know a little about history, and I know a lot about psychology. Looking at what happens with all the wars in the world (there are 32!), including the Israeli Palestinian war and Ukrainian-Russian war, from psychological perspective, I don't see the end of i.
Am I to worry that Native Indians will attack Canadians because Canadian land was theirs before?..
Pursuing "facts" as means to "win" a conflict is what renders both sides loosers - lost peace, lost economy, not to mention lost children... That's the psychology of human power struggle - sheer unconsciousness, sheer stupidity... God help us all to understand that it does not matter whose land it is - the only thing that matters is to make the land safe and prosperous.


🍂 Embracing Fall's Grateful Spirit 🍂

As the vibrant colors of autumn paint the world around us and Thanksgiving approaches, it's a perfect time to reflect on gratitude and its role in our mental well-being.

🌻 Embracing Change: Fall reminds us that change is a natural part of life. Just as trees shed their leaves, we too experience seasons of growth and letting go. Embrace the changes you've gone through this year, acknowledging both the challenges and the growth they've brought.

🍁 The Beauty of Impermanence: The fleeting beauty of fall foliage serves as a reminder of the impermanence of life. It teaches us to cherish the present moment and the people who enrich our lives. Take a moment to appreciate those around you.

🦃 Thanksgiving and Connection: Thanksgiving is a time for gathering with loved ones. Whether you're celebrating with family, friends, or chosen family, it's an opportunity to deepen your connections and express gratitude for their presence in your life.

🙏 The Power of Gratitude: Research has shown that practicing gratitude can have profound effects on mental health. Regularly acknowledging the things you're thankful for can reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

This fall, let's make a conscious effort to cultivate gratitude. Start a gratitude journal, express your thanks to those who matter most, and savor the simple joys of the season. Remember, it's not just about one day but about embracing gratitude as a year-round practice for a happier, healthier life.

If you'd like to explore these feelings of gratitude and change further, don't hesitate to reach out for support. 🌟


In the realm of emotional bonds, it’s crucial to understand the difference between attachment and love. As a psychotherapist practicing attachment theory, let's delve into the distinction between children's attachment to their parents and adults' romantic love, elucidating the unique characteristics of each.

Children’s Attachment to Parents

Children's attachment is a biological imperative designed for survival. Infants instinctively become attached to their primary caregivers, creating a sense of security and safety. This bond is not contingent upon the child's genuine interest in the caregiver's personality or life. It is a practical, survival-oriented connection that predominantly focuses on the child’s needs being met. This form of attachment lays the foundation for the child's emotional and relational development.

Adult Love

Adult love transcends the boundaries of mere attachment. It is a profound emotional connection paired with a genuine interest in the well-being and happiness of the other person. It is mutual, reciprocal, and rooted in respect, care, and understanding. Unlike the unidirectional nature of a child's attachment to parents, adult love embodies a two-way interaction, nurturing both individuals in the relationship.

The Intersection

While attachment and love can intersect, particularly in adult relationships, they are fundamentally distinct. Attachment might still play a role in adult relationships, providing a sense of security and dependability. However, for a relationship to flourish in a healthy, sustainable manner, it must be grounded in mutual love – the shared joy in each other’s company, the reciprocal affection, and a genuine interest in each other’s well-being.


You can't help others when you are not ok. People mistake self care with selfishness and exacerbate already difficult situations by not taking care of themselves.
Understanding that in your fight or flight mode (sympathetic nervous system activation), our mind is focused only on one thing - escape, an exit out. WITH self care and self-regulation, you can get out of fight or flight into ventral state (ventral nervous system activation), which is your smart and creative nerve. In that state your mind is focused on creating solutions - not mere running away from the problem.


We don't believe that life can be easy. And so it is - difficult...


Emotions are chemicals! Use your body to regulate your emotions - for ex., oxytocin production tips in the above post.

Unusual and Uncommon Mental Health Resources. Changes at the Clinic. 💚 09/10/2023

Therapy You Can Afford - our team includes talented psychotherapy interns, all of them hold Masters Degree in counseling psychology. Now we offer psychotherapy at a sustainable rate of $115 per one-hour session. Click on the newsletter link below to find our more!

Unusual and Uncommon Mental Health Resources. Changes at the Clinic. 💚 List of interesting resources. Affordable Therapy Options.   HHC Centre 2174 Major Mackenzie Drive Maple ON L6A 3Y8 T: (905) 553-9255 E: [email protected] Visit our Website   IN THIS ISSUE: Message

Unusual and Uncommon Mental Health Resources. Changes at the Clinic. 💚 09/08/2023


Unusual and Uncommon Mental Health Resources. Changes at the Clinic. 💚 List of interesting resources. Affordable Therapy Options.   HHC Centre 2174 Major Mackenzie Drive Maple ON L6A 3Y8 T: (905) 553-9255 E: [email protected] Visit our Website   IN THIS ISSUE: Message


Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, but it can sometimes leave behind emotional wounds that strain the bond you share. Here are some valuable insights on how to repair the bond that may have ruptured during a conflict using IMAGO therapy principles.

• Create a Safe Space: Before attempting to repair any damage, ensure that both partners feel safe and respected. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can talk without interruptions. Remember, emotional safety is paramount.

• Reflect on the Conflict: Each of you should take some time to reflect on the recent conflict independently. Consider what triggered your emotions, what needs were unmet, and how you contributed to the escalation. This self-awareness is crucial for productive communication.

• Practice Mirroring: In IMAGO therapy, mirroring involves one partner speaking while the other listens, and then the listener paraphrases what they heard. This exercise encourages empathetic listening, allowing each partner to feel heard and understood.

• Validate Emotions: Acknowledge each other's feelings, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. Validate your partner's emotions to create a sense of empathy and connection.

• Apologize Sincerely: If you recognize that you've contributed to the conflict, offer a sincere apology. A heartfelt apology is the sign of empathy and can go a long way in repairing the bond.

• Explore Childhood Wounds: IMAGO therapy emphasizes that our adult conflicts often stem from unhealed childhood wounds. Share your insights on how past experiences may have influenced your reactions during the recent conflict.
• Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Make it a habit to have regular check-ins to discuss your relationship and any issues that may arise. Consistent communication is key to preventing future ruptures.
• Practice Gratitude: End your discussions with expressions of gratitude for your partner and the efforts made to repair the bond. Gratitude can foster positive feelings and reinforce your connection.


When we fear being irrelevant, we often feel pressure to constantly stay on top of trends and technology. We might obsessively check social media, read the news, and consume other forms of media in an effort to stay up to date. We might also feel like we need to constantly prove ourselves and our worth to others, leading to overworking, burnout, and anxiety.

This fear can also cause us to compare ourselves to others constantly. We might feel jealous or resentful of those who seem to have it all together or who are more successful or popular than we are. This can lead to negative self-talk and feelings of inadequacy.

To overcome this fear, it's important to remember that relevance is subjective. Instead of comparing ourselves to others or constantly seeking external validation, we can focus on our own passions and interests. We can also challenge ourselves to learn new things and try new experiences, not because we feel like we have to, but because we genuinely enjoy them.

Remember, being relevant is not about conforming to societal expectations but about being true to ourselves and living a fulfilling life.
Instead of trying to fit in, build your self-worth and try building authentic connections. Authentic friendships are the antidote to fear of being irrelevant.



❤️Join our Coping Practices Workshop hosted by Aibhne Stranks, IBCLC and Child Birth Educator!

🫶Discover Evidence-based Practices for an Empowering Birth Experience! Increase Confidence in your decision-making and your ability to give birth! Learn powerful strategies to welcome your baby to the world with excitement & joy!

ℹ️Gather a variety of Comfort Measures and labour support strategies Practice movements, positioning, and working with labour sensations Increase your self-efficacy to create a positive & welcoming birth environment Optimize Birthing Hormones to reduce stress and aid labour progress.

📚Build resilience & develop an adaptive approach to challenges Expand your birth plan and add loads of resources to your toolkit! Learn life-changing skills that will serve you during pregnancy, both early & active labour, BIRTH, as well as infancy and parenting for years to come!

*This workshop is Inclusive & Compatible with ALL birth preferences!*
*Support partners are both encouraged & welcome!*

📅Saturday September 30th

⏰2:00 - 4:30 pm

💲$125 + HST

☎️Call us at 289 514 9662 or DM us to book

🔗Link in bio for more information

Affordable Therapy with Personalized Care 07/28/2023


Affordable Therapy with Personalized Care HHC Mental Health News   HHC Centre 2174 Major Mackenzie Drive Maple ON L6A 3Y8 T: (905) 553-9255 E: [email protected] Visit our Website   AFFORDABLE THERAPY - MAKING IT HAPPEN Your Emotional Well-Be

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Our Story

Our team of health professionals include NATUROPATHIC DOCTORS, PSYCHOTHERAPISTS, HOMEOPATHS, CHIROPRACTORS, ACUPUNCTURISTS, REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPISTS, SHIATSU & TUI NA THERAPISTS, HOLISTIC ALLERGISTS, NUTRITIONISTS, REIKI, ENERGY PRACTITIONERS and more. Our mission is to provide drug-free, integrated natural health care, addressing all aspects of wellness—body, mind and spirit.

Videos (show all)

Barrie location.#innersightpsychotherapy #barrietherapist #barriepsychotherapy #grouptherapy #familytherapy #couplesther...
In a relationship, the power of love can be the catalyst for change. When we feel truly loved – through appreciation, re...


2174, Major Mackenzie Drive
Vaughan, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm

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Certified Metabolic Balance® & Nutrition Coach 👩‍⚕️🍃 💧