MHC Canada

MHC Canada

At Men’s Health Clinic Canada, we pride ourselves on providing quality and affordable healthcare with the aim of treatment success.

Restoring confidence and quality of life for our patients.


Whether they have premature ej*******on or not, one piece of advice that men often receive to help 'prolong s*x' is to ma******te beforehand. But is there any truth to this tip? 🤔

Well, it turns out there is! Unlike women, men experience a refractory period after they or**sm. This means it’s not possible to ej*****te until enough time has passed. 🚫💦

For younger males, the refractory period is often around 15 minutes. However, it can reach up to 20 hours for older males. So be mindful of this when using this technique. ☝️

But even if you engage in pre-s*x ma********on, it still doesn’t solve the root cause for men who suffer from PE. It’s just a band-aid solution, so to speak. 😕

So if you want something more long-term, your best bet is to get in touch with experts. We offer free consultations for PE. All you need to do is book an appointment with us! 📞🧑‍⚕️


😩 Feeling helpless about premature ej*******on? Frustrated about the lack of control you have over your own body? The more you stress about it, the worse it might get!

💡 Your mental state heavily affects your ejaculatory control, which means the key to overcoming quick ej*******on is to maintain a calm mind. 😌

➡️ Check out our latest blog, where we share psychological tactics to improve your s*xual control and manage premature ej*******on:*******on/


The World Su***de Prevention Day 2024 emphasizes the importance of the LANGUAGE we use when discussing su***de. 🗣✨

At MHC, we want to champion mental wellness, especially among men, who have a higher su***de rate than any other gender! 😞💔

Here are the DOs and DONT’s to help you communicate effectively with someone you’re worried about:


✅Ask Directly — Inquire if they’re feeling suicidal. It shows you care and are willing to listen.

✅Listen Actively — Give them your full attention. Validate their feelings without interruption.

✅Encourage Professional Help — Support them in finding help from a mental health professional.


❌Avoid Judgmental Language — Don’t use phrases like “don’t do anything stupid” that can make them feel worse.

❌Don’t Minimize Their Feelings — Avoid saying things like “others have it worse.” Every struggle is valid!

❌Don’t Force Solutions — Respect their feelings and stop trying to “fix” them. Sometimes, they just need someone who can listen.

Remember, your words MATTER. By choosing compassionate language, you can create a safe space for someone in need. 🧡💙

Comment BELOW if you AGREE!



Are you feeling bad about your ED/PE? Do you find yourself comparing your s*xual performance to others? Wondering why you seem to be the only one who’s 'bad' at s*x?

Well, you’re not the only one with ED/PE! Research shows that both ED and PE are much more common than you think. The numbers may even be higher since men often try to hide these conditions! 😬

☝️ Also, having ED/PE doesn’t mean you’re bad at s*x. ED and PE are medical conditions that are beyond your direct control. This means you can’t simply will your ED/PE away.

To eliminate s*xual dysfunction, you need medical intervention. And you should seek it ASAP because ED and PE tend to be progressive. This means they can get worse over time! 😱

Fortunately, you can prevent the worst-case scenario from happening by proactively seeking treatment. So if you’re ready to move on from ED/PE, feel free to send us a message! 💬


Some men think that ED/PE is a ‘reality’ they simply must live with. They also falsely believe that their partners are ‘fine’, only to be blindsided by a notice for divorce. 💔

Why wait for things to reach a point of no return in your relationship? Why settle for less in the bedroom? And most of all, why are you allowing ED/PE to dictate the way you live?

You deserve to have your s*xual needs met. You deserve a fulfilling and secure relationship. And if ED/PE is getting in the way? We’ll help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of. 🌟


👀 Confused about which ED prescription is best for you? Don’t worry! We’ve come up with a handy guide on strategically choosing meds for your ED. 📖

Turns out, there are several factors that you SHOULD keep in mind to avoid spending on ED drugs that yield no results or lead to poor outcomes. 🤔

👇🏼 Click here to learn more about what to consider and what we think is the right solution for men who want to recover from ED:


Do you have a positive relationship with your partner? 😯❓

This year’s World Sexual Health Day takes on the theme of “positive relationships”.

But what is a “positive relationship”? 💖✨

A positive relationship creates an environment where you and your partner feel safe and valued. In a healthy relationship, both partners respect each other's boundaries and feelings.

Here are some tips to prioritize your s*xual health while building a positive relationship with your partner:

✅ Educate Yourself – Understand your body and s*xual health needs.
✅ Communicate Openly – Talk to your partner about desires, boundaries, and concerns.
✅ Empathize in a healthy way – Strive to understand your partner’s s*xual needs while also establishing your own boundaries.
✅ Regular Check-up – Schedule routine s*xual health screenings.
✅ Seek Help – Don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare professional for any questions or concerns regarding your s*xual health.

Comment below on how you promote a healthy, positive relationship with your partner. Let’s champion s*xual health together! 💙🧡


🤔 Did you know that men who endure both ED/PE tend to have high levels of anxiety? This is because anxiety alone can cause ED and/or PE!

The culprit of PE among younger males is often performance anxiety. Anxiety itself is also comorbid with depression, and men with low serotonin struggle with ejaculatory control. ☝️

ED can also be due to anxiety. This is because anxiety is a libido killer. This means, even if you're able to successfully enter, you might still soften eventually. 😕

Anxiety also raises your cortisol levels, which increases your blood pressure. As a result, your blood vessels may constrict, and there goes your er****on. 🤷‍♂️

Anxiety is no joke. Call us, and we’ll set you up with our experts right away. ☎️


Breaking your silence about ED/PE can be incredibly daunting. If you’re trying to date, they might instantly swipe left. If you’re in a relationship, they might try to ice you out. 😨

All sorts of things can go wrong when you talk about problems, especially something as stigmatized as s*xual dysfunction. But all sorts of things can also go right. ✔️🙂

And if it ends up negatively? It just means they’re not your person. That said, you can still do things to help you successfully communicate your s*xual issues.

The best thing you can do is to be authentic and empathetic. Don’t try to sugarcoat the situation. Be honest and speak confidently. Make sure to answer their questions properly. ☝️

Of course, even if your partner accepts your situation, you shouldn’t be complacent. So that ED/PE won’t be the cause of future serious 'talks', it’s important to seek treatment. 👨‍⚕️🩺

📌 Note: We offer free consultations for ED/PE. Book an appointment with us or send us a chat!


Has your physical intimacy with your partner hit rock bottom due to ED/PE? You can restore it with the right sensual activities! 👌

Not only are there ways for you to spice up your s*xual experience beyond pe*******on, but you also get to bask in non-s*xual affection! 👩‍❤️‍👨

😉 Feel free to try any of these romantic and sensual deeds with your partner later:

Photos from MHC Canada's post 08/23/2024

Low testosterone isn’t just a bummer in the bedroom. Not only does it kill your libido and contribute to erectile dysfunction, but it also sabotages your productivity. 😬

Here are the neurocognitive debuffs that men experience from TD:
⛔ Mood Swings – men who lack testosterone are prone to irritability and depression because they’re often flooded with cortisol instead.
⛔ Fatigue – one of the lesser-known functions of testosterone is that it helps create red blood cells, so men can become anemic due to TD.
⛔ Poor Concentration – brain fog is often experienced by men with TD, which makes sense given that they have fatigue and sleep issues.
⛔ Memory Loss – research shows that low testosterone is linked to decreased memory retention in both younger and older males.
⛔ Disturbed Sleep – males with TD tend to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that is also responsible for waking us up.
⛔ Low Self-Esteem – low testosterone can cause men to feel demotivated and even trigger muscle loss, which can lower self-confidence.

Suffering from low testosterone can lock men into a vicious cycle of becoming unproductive and then feeling worse about themselves.

To break free, it’s important to address the problem at its root. Our experts are ready to help you with TD and the issues it causes, whether it’s ED or loss of productivity. 💪


Men who have s*xual dysfunction are often under pressure to handle everything by themselves while their partners feel powerless about the situation. 😕

✋🏻 But it DOESN'T have to be that way. There are several ways for couples to face erectile dysfunction or premature ej*******on together as a TEAM. 👫

📖 Check out our latest guide for couples who want to kick ED/PE out of their bedroom:


💪 Men who have consulted us about ED and PE are brave. While we ensure total confidentiality, it takes courage to open up about something that makes you feel vulnerable.

If you want to change your situation of having ED or PE, you need to do something you've never done before. You need to undergo treatment and pick up new habits that are healthier for you.

It may feel uncomfortable at first because you're not used to it. But remember, everything great always started with challenges. And for some, it means confronting the unfamiliar. 🔥

Photos from MHC Canada's post 08/07/2024

For those who are trying for a baby, keeping the prostate healthy is of utmost importance. After all, this is responsible for producing semen which carries the s***m. ☝️

Here are some quick lifestyle tips for you to better maintain your prostate health:
📋 Check for prostate cancer regularly – get screened for prostate cancer and follow the recommended schedule.
🚭 Moderate smoking and drinking – ci******es and alcohol cause prostate diseases and oxidative stress.
⛹️‍♂️ Exercise and avoid being sedentary – exercise helps prevent prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
🥩 Limit eating processed food and red meat – red meat and processed food are linked to prostate cancer.
💧 Drink lots of water – flush out prostate toxins in your urine by hydrating frequently.
💆‍♂️ Keep your stress levels low – choose a lifestyle that does not unnecessarily stress you out.

Prostate disorders and prostate cancer treatments may also cause erectile dysfunction (ED). If you are struggling to get hard because of this, please call us for a free consultation. 📞🧑‍⚕️


👫 Vasectomy is becoming increasingly popular for males who want the security of birth control. It's also the choice of those who prefer not to use a condom and are sure that they don't want children.

However, since vasectomy is a type of surgery, there are concerns about the consequences if the procedure goes wrong. Some men specifically fear they can get impotence or ED because of a vasectomy. 😨

To clear your doubts, you can't get ED from a vasectomy directly because it does not target your p***s or testicles. What it does is tie up the vas deferens that's underneath the sc***um. ☝️

Those who develop ED after a vasectomy usually have it due to psychological reasons. Most men report better intimacy after a vasectomy because they no longer worry about unwanted pregnancy.

👀 Got more questions about ED and vasectomy? Drop them in the comments! And if you have er****on issues, send us a chat and we'll set up a free consultation. 💬


When taking medications, the last thing that you worry about is how it may hurt your s*xual ability. But a lot of prescription drugs have erectile dysfunction as a side effect. ☝️

Here are some types of medication that interfere with healthy erectile function:
💊 Antidepressants – psychiatric medications may affect your erectile capacity and libido due to hormonal disruption.
💊 Antihistamines – while histamine is linked to allergies, it is also related to er****ons.
💊 Beta-blockers – beta-blockers help with blood pressure but they may also disturb your nervous system.
💊 Diuretics – even if diuretics help your kidneys, they decrease pe**le blood flow and zinc.
💊 Analgesics – painkillers can lower your testosterone production and numb the nerves.

While it is important that you address the health condition that requires these medications, please know that you also have other options for treatment. You can ask your doctor for more information.

At MHC, we strive for all men to have happy s*xual lives. So if you are experiencing ED, our comprehensive treatment will help you find ways to get better without sacrificing physical intimacy. 💙🧡


😕 The harsh reality about ED and PE is that the partners of those who suffer from it may not be able to accept it. For some of the men we help, their partners left before they could even consult with us.

That's why if you find yourself in a similar situation, please know that many of our patients are doing well. Not only have they found someone new to love, they also feel great about themselves. 😁

Sure, improvements in their s*xual life contributed a lot to their current happiness. But it's also because they worked on and believed in themselves. And you know what? So can you– So WILL you. 🌟


While premature ej*******on (PE) has physical causes, most of the cases we encounter are psychological in nature. And you know what greatly affects your psyche? The people around you. 👥

A lot of our patients with PE experience performance anxiety due to high expectations of themselves. Usually, they have read unrealistic s*xual scenarios online or have partners who set a standard.

👎 But another cause of these expectations is that they try to compare their s*xual experience. They sometimes end up hearing about how their friends can "last for several hours before ej*******ng" or can do "more than 7 rounds."

The result? A highly pressured and s*xually insecure male. It doesn't help when the topic becomes about body count, which is a source of pride for some men.

💞 Sexual intimacy should feel enjoyable and safe. It's also a precious moment between you and your partner. Others' s*xual performance doesn't matter on your s*xual journey.

But if you're still struggling with PE and the emotional distress resulting from it, our treatment offers a holistic approach where you get to talk to psychologists. Book an appointment with us to learn more. ☎️


🤔 Wondering whether you have erectile dysfunction (ED) or not? Confused about how to rate the quality of your er****on?

We have a tool that is capable of showing the severity of the weakness of your er****ons. It's a Likert scale that researchers use to determine if a man has ED and to what degree he has it. 📋

Here are the scores and the exact qualifying conditions in the research tool for erectile capacity:
1️⃣ P***s is larger but not hard (severe ED).
2️⃣ P***s is hard but not hard enough for pe*******on (moderate ED).
3️⃣ P***s is hard enough for pe*******on but not completely hard (suboptimal er****on).
4️⃣ P***s is completely hard and fully rigid (optimal er****on).

While this scale is a helpful tool in gauging ED, it only checks your erectile softness and not the other symptoms. For a more detailed assessment, you can take our quiz about ED on our website. 📋

But if you have more questions or prefer to talk to a medical professional, you can also book an appointment with us. It's free and we'll let you know what the best next steps will be. 🙂

Photos from MHC Canada's post 06/28/2024

🧑‍🍼 Are you planning to have children in the future or are actively trying to conceive with your partner? If the answer is yes, then you NEED to be aware of what may cause infertility from your end.

If you and your partner are struggling to get pregnant, then all the more reason to look out for these health risks:
⚠️ Hypergonadism – too much testosterone can actually harm your chances of conception.
⚠️ Testicular Cancer – of course, lacking testosterone will also hurt your s***m production.
⚠️ S***m Disorders – male infertility is usually due to oligos***mia (low s***m) or azoos***mia (no s***m).
⚠️ Infection – orchitis, epididymitis, and HIV can disrupt the production of s***m and cause s***m blockage.
⚠️ Drinking & Smoking – both these substances interrupt testosterone production.
⚠️ Obesity – also linked to low T, obesity may cause ED making it harder to perform in*******se.

There are health screenings available for any diseases listed above. But remember, it takes two to tango. Your partner would need to get checked for infertility too.

But if your pregnancy issue lies in the fact that you cannot copulate because of impotence, please get on a call with us. You may also take our ED quiz on our website to be sure. 👨‍⚕️


With big organizations like the Men's Health Clinic (MHC), it can become a bit of a struggle to ensure that every aspect of our system is working smoothly. 👀

🙌 But thanks to Zoho, we no longer have to switch through various software. It's just like our comprehensive approach to your healthcare.

EVERYTHING is integrated in one technology which means we can concentrate on providing a better service to you. 👨‍⚕️🌟

🥇 To find out how we've upgraded MHC's acclaimed golden standard further, check out this case study by Zoho:


Is strength and resistance training not up your alley? If that’s the case, why not try yoga, the all-in-one exercise that will get you moving and make you happy!

Yoga is not just for women. In fact, most yogis, spiritual leaders in India who have mastered yoga, are male. And it even has a lot of benefits exclusively for men.

According to the latest research, by doing yoga, you can enjoy:
♂️ An improved s***m count and s***m motility
♂️ Increased prostate secretion and higher s*xual stamina
♂️ Regulation of your testosterone levels
♂️ Higher blood volume to your pe**le vessels
♂️ Stronger pelvic floor muscles and better ej*******on
♂️ Healthier male reproductive organs and boosted libido
♂️ Lower stress levels that improve PE and ED symptoms

This is because yoga combines poses (asana), breath work (pranayama), and meditation. So if you want to get into yoga, this International Day of Yoga is the perfect time for you to start!

MHC enhances its business operations and safeguards customer data privacy using Zoho CRM 06/14/2024

Part of our mission to restore confidence among men and rekindle relationships is to continuously provide top-quality service. 🥇🧑‍⚕️

To do this, we partnered with Zoho, the all-in-one business solutions technology that parallels MHC's clinical ethos and approach! 🙌

Zoho helped us upgrade our services to you by providing:
🏆 Enhanced security for maximum patient privacy
🏆 System integration for a faster and smoother transaction
🏆 Custom payment gateways for customer convenience

👨‍💻 To learn more about how we leverage Zoho to serve you better, check out this case study:

MHC enhances its business operations and safeguards customer data privacy using Zoho CRM MHC uses Zoho to transform its business by introducing automation and custom payment gateways, all while keeping patients' data safe



Men's Health Week (June 10-16) is a yearly event that aims to raise awareness about men’s health issues and promote ways for men to achieve optimal physical and mental wellness.

The Men’s Health Clinic (MHC) is proud to support Men’s Health Week’s advocacy by offering support for men’s s*xual health concerns. ✨

A lot of people think that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Premature Ej*******on (PE) are mere bedroom issues, but they can be signs of an underlying medical condition, too. These s*xual dysfunctions are linked to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, anxiety, depression, and more. 🩺

Men’s Health Week or not, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional when it comes to common s*xual dysfunctions like ED & PE. 👨‍⚕️ Our telehealth clinic is just a chat away to offer support and guidance for your bedroom health issues. Remember, prioritizing your health is a sign of your strength! 💪


Premature ej*******on or PE is NOT permanent. However, it takes dedication and hard work if you want to rid yourself of PE. Here are some useful exercises to help you manage PE. ✨

✅ Kegels – Kegels are also called pelvic floor exercises. These are exercises that help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles so you can control ej*******on better.

✅ Cardiovascular exercises – Cardiovascular exercises help tone muscles and support weight loss. This can help you get back into shape. It can help improve how you see yourself. This is crucial because having a poor body image is one of the main causes of premature ej*******on.

✅ Tai chi – Tai chi is a popular form of exercise that does wonders for your mental and physical health. It can help you relieve stress which is a common cause of premature ej*******on.

Premature ej*******on is a treatable condition and using any of the exercises above is an excellent first step. Improve your mental and physical health to increase your chances of getting rid of PE and its negative effects on your life.

If you believe a treatment would be more beneficial, the top-rate Men’s Health Clinic (MHC) can help you with custom treatments. Book a FREE consultation and message us! 💬


Photos from MHC Canada's post 06/08/2024

Intimacy is a critical part of any relationship. 💓 Although s*x is the main avenue for couples to get intimate, there are countless other ways to strengthen intimacy. Here are some bonding activities you and your partner can try:

💆🏻‍♂️ 💆🏻‍♀️Couple’s massage – Massages help relax the mind and body. You can go to your favourite spa and get a couple’s massage. You can also take massage classes together so you can take turns providing each other with a relaxing massage any time you want to.

🎗Volunteering – Joining volunteer activities not only reinforces your bond but adds purpose to your relationship.

🧹 Household chores – Chores can be burdensome when you do it alone. Cook meals or do laundry together. You can catch up with each other or discuss your future while doing household chores.

🏖 Getaway – Plan a special getaway with your partner. It can be a trip to a local spot or a well-known location out of state or abroad. A vacation helps you unwind and spend time together away from work.

Bonding activities help you rediscover your relationship and strengthen intimacy. Create lasting memories with your partner and take your intimacy levels to a whole new level! ✨

⚠️ Do you experience intimacy problems lately which may be related to s*x? Don’t hesitate to chat with us at the Men’s Health Clinic (MHC) for advice and possible treatment!


Being in a long and stable relationship can make things predictable. You and your partner establish a routine that can become monotonous and boring. 😶 Going on date nights and spending quality time together can break that monotony and bring excitement to your relationship. 😯

How do you make date nights memorable?

✅ Surprise your partner with dinner at a restaurant you’ve never been to.

✅ Secretly buy a ticket for a play that she likes.

✅ Go on a weekend getaway where you don’t have to worry about work.

✅ Spice up your s*x life with role plays or s*x toys.

✅ Try s*x positions you haven’t tried before.

✅ Learn massage and give your partner a relaxing and sensual massage.

Boredom can be dangerous to a relationship. 🙅🏾‍♂️ Show your partner the adventurous side of you. Take your partner on date nights to show her how special she is! 👩‍❤️‍👨


Experiencing Premature Ej*******on (PE) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can put a huge dent to one’s ego. It might make you feel inadequate, less manly, or unattractive. It can make you feel isolated. But it shouldn’t. As John Joseph Powell’s quote emphasises, one way to appreciate yourself is through the help of the people around you. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

The quote above highlights the importance of the support of other people during your battle against ED or PE. Your partner, friends, family members, and even trusted healthcare professionals can provide you with support during these trying times. They can guide you in finding an appropriate treatment. The amount of love and support you receive will show you that you are a wonderful individual deserving of love and not the failure you imagine yourself to be. 💖


Being attractive is not just about being s*xy. 🔥 Yes, a well-toned body and a handsome face won't hurt. But there are many ways to be more attractive to women and we’re here to tell you all about them! 😍

☑️ Be confident – Confidence is s*xy. Being comfortable with who you are without looking and sounding arrogant is the way to go. 💁🏻‍♂️

️☑️ Groom yourself – Proper grooming can unleash the Casanova inside you. Dress well. Maintain good hygiene by always brushing your teeth, using deodorant, and making sure you smell good. 🧖🏽‍♂️

☑️ Express yourself – Engage in meaningful and lively conversations. Let your date know that you are listening to what she is saying. Be emphatic when needed and use humour to lighten the mood. Communication can help you bond with your date and build a meaningful connection. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Attraction is not purely physical. ✨ You can be attractive by being who you are, showing that you care, and being proud of your strengths. Focus on showing the best version of yourself and you’ll surely sweep women off their feet.

What’s your tip on how to become extra attractive to women? Share us your thoughts in the comments! 👇🏼


In most cases, erectile dysfunction is treatable and manageable. ✨ However, there are instances when ED is irreversible. 😱 Examples are when men sustained injuries that resulted in damage to the nerves and blood vessels of the p***s.

So, what can you do to make sure that your erectile dysfunction is managed or treated? The most important step is understanding the cause of your ED. Is it because of an injury or a hormonal imbalance? 🤔 Is your ED because of a medical condition, like diabetes, obesity, or heart disease? Knowing the root cause of your problem will help your doctor devise a plan to manage and cure your ED. ✅

Erectile dysfunction can be managed and treated as long as you make the necessary lifestyle changes and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Don’t let ED be a permanent part of your life. Get medical help and get your s*x life back on track. Contact us for a FREE consultation! 🤙🏽

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Videos (show all)

Men’s Health TIPS! 💙🧡Is ED / PE ruining your bedroom game? It may also be straining your RELATIONSHIPS. 😨💔In our latest ...
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS? ASK THE EXPERTS! ✨👨🏻‍⚕️ In this video, DR. STOCK answers how MINDFULNESS techniques can help with a...
💪 We know that testosterone gives us bigger muscles. But what else does it do for you? Watch to find out! 😁
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS? ASK THE EXPERTS! ✨👨🏻‍⚕️ In this video, DR. STOCK reveals that certain drugs can indeed worsen prema...
😱 ED may be a sign of a chronic disease! Watch the video to learn what those are. 👀
🥇 As the leading healthcare provider for men, we are committed to giving you only the most optimal information for your ...
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTIONS? ASK THE EXPERTS! ✨👨🏻‍⚕️ Men’s Health Clinic (MHC) answers your burning questions about sexual condi...
😔 Did your erection weaken after starting painkillers? Here's why. 💊
👩‍❤️‍👨 Want to prolong your intimacy? Here's a handy technique for you to use! 😉
People often think that ED is something to hide thinking "no one likes it soft." But is that REALLY all there is to it? ...
☝️ Even if prostate cancer patients often have ED, ED isn't caused by cancer. Learn the truth about how they're linked i...
🥬 We all know that vegetables are good for us. But did you know that it can also help with managing PE? 🤯



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Victoria, BC

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