909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets

909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets

909 Peregrine Squadron is located in West Kelowna BC. We meet Thursday evenings 6:15-9:30 PM at Gre 909 Peregrine Squadron meets Thursday evenings 6:15-9:30 pm.

We currently meet at Green Bay Bible camp in the Green Bay Learning Center. 1441 Green Bay Road, West Kelowna, BC V4T 2B9

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 08/28/2023

909 will be hosting its annual recruitment night on Thursday, September 7th from 6:30pm-9:30pm at the Green Bay Bible Camp gym, 1441 Green Bay Rd! Please share to get the word out!

If you are, or know a youth between the ages 12-18 who has interest in any of: aviation, the outdoors, marksmanship, the Canadian Armed Forces, music, and more, AND/OR who could benefit from a structured and friendly environment that develops skills in: leadership, teamwork, effective speaking, confidence building and more, AND/OR who just generally wants a good environment to meet people and make friends while learning new skills, then the Cadet program is definitely for you! Come check us out!

A description of the event is provided below, but please visit the “Join Us” tab on our website for more detailed information. We hope to see you there!

New Recruits: (ages 12-18)
On our recruitment night, you can expect to experience many fun activities that highlight a few of the core components of our program (many of which are included in this post).

Please bring your parents and be prepared to fill out some paperwork. You will need to bring a piece of government issued photo ID as proof of age and residence, and will also need proof of health insurance (BC services card / carecard or private health insurance). More detailed information about what to bring and which ID are accepted can be found under the “Join Us” tab of our website. 909peregrine.ca

Returning cadets:
Please bring a parent with you, and prepare to fill out your return paperwork as well.


Great job, Sgt Rousseau! We’re all very proud of you!

The Provincial Effective Speaking Competition happened Saturday!

And the winner is.......

1st Place - FCpl Saanvi KATIREDDY from 848 Royal Roads Squadron

2nd Place - FSgt Ayda GUPTA from 861 Silverfox Squadron

3rd Place - AC Raine GURTON from 111 Pegasus Squadron

Congratulations to the seven Provincial Effective Speaking competitors ... it was an amazing competition this morning. You should all be very proud of your accomplishment !!

FCpl KATIREDDY will now move on to the National Effective Speaking Competition to be held via Zoom on June 3rd.


Congratulations Sgt Rousseau!!!

They spoke effectively!

The Effective Speaking Wing competitions for BC have now been completed.

Every cadet who participated learned a valuable life skill, the ability to stand up and speak on whatever, whenever.
Bravo Zulu to every cadet who took part.

Certificates of participation, the bronze Effective Speaking pin for Wing level competitors (that can be worn on the uniform), and medals for the 1st, 2nd 3rd place finishers, will be mailed out to the Squadrons for presentation to the cadets .

The First place cadets from each Wing, moving on to the virtual Provincial competition, on Saturday, April 22nd are:

Vancouver Island Wing – FCpl Saani KATIREDDY – 848 Sqn

Kootenay Wing – LAC Johnathan TALBOT – 552 Sqn

Okanagan Wing – Sgt Isabella Rousseau – 909 Sqn

Fraser Valley Wing – FSgt Adya GUPTA – 861 Sqn

Metro Vanc Wing - Sgt Gurnoor Kaur - 746 Sqn

Greater Vanc Wing – AC Raine GURTON – 111 Sqn

Lower Mainland Wing – Sgt Oscar LEUNG – 655 Sqn

** please note our original post inadvertently noted the incorrect 1st place finisher for the Metro Vanc Wing - this has been corrected, and the 1st place cadet is now noted. Our sincere apologies to these two cadets.




Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 02/24/2023

Happy February CO’s Parade! Tonight, there were several exciting promotions and awards!

(In photo order)
Congratulations to the following cadets on their promotions from AC to LAC:
LAC Ruffle, LAC Roy, LAC Maillet, LAC Chung.

Congratulations to the following cadets on receiving their four year service medals:
FSgt Barr, FSgt Hewitt, Fsgt Thompson, FSgt Hall.

Finally, congratulations to WO2 Hewitt and FSgt Fournel on receiving their five year service bars and rosettes.

Well deserved all!

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 02/17/2023

Our Squadron effective speaking competition is complete! Congratulations to our two speakers, Sgt Isabella Rousseau and FSgt Justin Hall on this massive achievement!

Effective speaking is an important skill in any field, and the cadet program offers a fantastic effective speaking program to help cadets foster the confidence and skills necessary to deliver strong speeches like the ones we witnessed tonight.

Congratulations to Sgt Rousseau on 1st place, and FSgt Hall on 2nd, and we are very pleased to be sending both to the regional competition! Well done and good luck to you both!

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 11/25/2022

Last night, 909 held our November CO (Commanding Officer)’s parade. This was our first full CO’s parade of the year!

Unfortunately though, this CO’s parade marked WO2 Reeves’ last night at 909, as he will soon be turning 19, thus aging out of the program. He was presented with a shadow box, along with a ceremonial “water” glass, for his years of dedication and service to our squadron.

WO2 Reeves is a truly gifted leader, with an unrivalled ability to inspire and motivate. He truly exemplified the model cadet, and will be greatly missed at 909, but we know he will have great success in whatever he choses to do next.

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 11/20/2022

Operation Frozen Pigeon was a… cold success!!!

This weekend, our cadets were able to experience a Field Training Exercise (FTX) for the first time since 2019. The cadets had a blast, and were able to learn a wide variety of important survival skills, and also even more importantly, team work and leadership skills.

The lessons taught on an FTX range from building shelters and fires, to dealing with the seven enemies of survival, to water collection, to field first aid, to map and compass navigation and much more!

During these exercises, many cadets also get to experience eating MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat) for the first time to… mixed reviews 😉.

Of course, no FTX would be complete without some fun and shenanigans, so our cadets were able to foster team building through activities such as MRE Iron Chef, a Mission Impossible night game, Skits (followed by the Bloggins academy award show, congrats WO2 Reeves) and a hike down to the always lovely Okanagan Lake for a Squadron photo.

A huge thanks is owed to all the senior cadets who put this exercise together, the staff, and of course, the cadet participants who showed up, gave their all, learned, and had fun!
Well done all!

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 11/07/2022

Poppy tagging part 2 is now complete. If you found us out in the community today we thank you very much for your support.

Join us and many others for the ceremony at Royal Lepage Place in West Kelowna on November 11th to commemorate Remembrance Day.

Photos from 909 Peregrine Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets's post 10/31/2022

As we move into November, it’s time for our cadets to make their first public appearance of the year to assist West Kelowna Legion Branch 288 with the poppy campaign.

Poppy tagging is an important part of our program, and allows the cadets to serve and interact with the community while supporting our veterans.

We will be out again on Sunday November 6th around West Kelowna, including at the Tim Hortons/Wendy’s, and Save-On-Foods.

📸1: WO2 Reeves, Fcpl Paterson, Sgt Busch, Sgt Aubichon

📸2: AC Peters, FSgt Hall

📸3: Sgt Hoult, AC Ewanchuk

📸4: Sgt Hoult giving an enthusiastic thumbs up

📸5: FSgt Hall showing off his sales skills

📸6: FSgt Thompson, FSgt Hewitt, WO2 Reeves, Sgt Aubichon. Our first shift at the day posing in Legion Branch 288


Check out who came to visit us.



Once Cadets have completed their onboarding to Cadet365 there an additional required step, the mandatory completion of the Cyber Awareness Course available at https://cjcr365.sharepoint.com/sites/cyber.

This dynamic online course takes less than an hour and will teach Cadets how to be safe online, a good digital citizen, and recognize cybersecurity risks. For more information about staying safe online visit www.getcybersafe.com.


2022 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP The RCAF Foundation Student Scholarship is offered to Canada’s next generation of aviation and aerospace leaders. These scholarships are designed to assist post-secondary students in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) areas of study who are planning future careers in the fields of e...


Today we celebrate 57 years of the Canadian Flag standing guard for our country.
At the stroke of noon on February 15, 1965, Canada’s red and white maple leaf flag was raised for the very first time on Parliament Hill. On the same day in 1996, National Flag of Canada Day was declared.

The Canadian flag is the symbol that unites Canadians and reflects the common values we take pride in — equality, freedom and inclusion.

Today let’s celebrate the !



NEW: These scholarships are also available to former cadets who will be in their first year of post-secondary education and will have turned 19 between April 2, 2021 and April 1, 2022.

Visit https://aircadetleague.com/for-cadets-squadrons/awards/scholarships/ for more info!


NOUVEAUTÉ : Ces bourses sont également disponibles aux anciens cadets qui en seront à leur première année d’études postsecondaires et qui ont auront eu 19 ans entre le 2 avril 2021 et le 1er avril 2022.

Visitez https://aircadetleague.com/fr/pour-les-cadets-et-escadrons/recompenses/bourses/ pour tous les détails!


It is time.


Watch the skies. They look like they are coming to Penticton.

Here’s our schedule for the 2022 Season! 🤩 Note that some dates will be added in the new year.
Stay tuned for a little video 📹 explaining our off season decision process.

How 2 Cadet - YouTube 11/26/2021

For the new cadets.

How 2 Cadet - YouTube Helping Cadets achieve better standards.

Home - Air Cadet League of Canada 11/11/2021

Home - Air Cadet League of Canada The Air Cadet League has been in operation since 9 April 1941. We are a proud non-profit whose mission is to promote and encourage the nation’s youth to develop and maintain an interest in aviation, leadership and citizenship, in partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces and other organizations.

Home - Air Cadet League of Canada 11/10/2021

Seniors check this out.

Home - Air Cadet League of Canada The Air Cadet League has been in operation since 9 April 1941. We are a proud non-profit whose mission is to promote and encourage the nation’s youth to develop and maintain an interest in aviation, leadership and citizenship, in partnership with the Canadian Armed Forces and other organizations.



Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting of The Air Cadet League of Canada,909 Peregrine Squadron to be held on Zoom on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 19:00 hours / 7:00pm.

The business of the meeting will include receiving reports, elections, and the consideration of any other business that comes before the meeting.

Any NOTICE OF MOTION is to be mailed or emailed to the Air Cadet League of Canada, 909 Peregrine Squadron by Friday, October 8, 2021 to [email protected] for circulation prior to the meeting.


Any cadets that are looking at applying for a flying course next summer must participate in the new online ground school offered nationally. Contact me via Slack for registration.

Capt Toms

Don't miss your flight!
Registration for the Air Cadet National Online Ground School is open via Fortress until October 8.

Ask your unit's adult staff for more information.

This training is mandatory for all cadets wishing to apply to the Power Pilot Training Course and Glider Pilot Training Course, and to access the selection exam.

This positive change will make our program more equitable and fair for all cadets.

Ready to board?


Our website has been revamped!
Visit our new online registration tool at:


Register now!

With a combination of instructor led, and self paced courses, cadets will be able to earn qualifications, learn new skills, and connect with friends across Canada.

Speak with your local squadron/corps staff
today about your summer training goals.


There is a wide variety of virtual training courses that are being offered for 2021. With a combination of instructor led, and self paced courses, cadets will be able to earn qualifications, learn new skills, and connect with friends across Canada.

The Virtual Survival course develops a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to be an assistant instructor and syndicate leader for survival activities and serve as an opportunity to further prepare for survival training within the Air Cadet Program.

Cadets will have an opportunity to apply practical skills and participate in a backyard FTX. Cadets applying for this course should be between the ages of 13 and 15, ideally in years 1, 2 or 3 of the Air Cadet Program.


Hello everyone!

With the cancellation of overnight training until the fall, the Formation has announced virtual training this summer. There are training courses ranging from 1-6 weeks for the summer period. NOTE: there are minimal training courses for Level 1. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN A TRAINING COURSE, NOTE THE LEVEL REQUIREMENT OR AGE RANGE FOR THAT COURSE. Here are links to the virtual training:

Virtual Cadet Training Centre (vCTC) courses: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadia[…]/summer-training/summer2021/virtual-cadet-summer-training.html

Let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in any of these courses!!

There is still a possibility of some day courses being run in-person for the summer period, but this is still in the planning stages, and of course will depend on health restrictions at the time. These will be announced when able.

If there are any senior cadets aged 16+ as of July, and are interested in any SCdt opportunities, please let me know. There are SCdt positions for vCTC's as well as other areas, including on a Cadet Advisory Council and Regional Cadet Council.

Capt Toms

Photos from Royal Canadian Air Force's post 03/13/2021
Sar Tech Course 49 12/18/2020

Great video to watch.

Sar Tech Course 49 Canadian Search and Rescue Technicians go through rigorous training to become an elite force. After an intense selection process the selected candidates go t...


Welcome Cadets Canada and Junior Canadian Rangers - Rangers juniors canadiens into our community!

Are you a Cadet or Junior Canadian Ranger? Visit CF1FC.ca/CadetsJrRangers for all the information and sign-up now with your token!

Through our Program, you can now access and enjoy perks like:

• CANEX: Special member pricing, exclusive perks, CANEX Reward points for both in-store and online purchases and a suite of quality branded items.

• CFappreciation.ca: countless discounts from events to attractions and much more.

• PSP Recreation: a variety of fitness and recreational programs and activities.

And many more!

Timeline photos 07/20/2020

Mark your calendar's. Should be good.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 📆 While we may not be able to bring the aerial action to the skies over YXX this August, we're bringing it right into your home with the on our YouTube & pages!! 💻🍿




Way to go WO2 Elder!



Here is an important update from the Formation Commander, BGen Cochrane regarding training in September.


Timeline photos 06/26/2020

Here is something for you to do this summer.

Amazing news, we may not be able to meet in person but the cadet program has set up a whole new opportunity
Virtual Cadet Training Centre opportunities are now HERE! To register, email the following information to [email protected]

(1) Last Name,
(2) First Name,
(3) Corps/Sqn Number,
(4) Corps/Sqn Element,
(5) Name of their #1 course choice & serial,
(6) Name of their #2 course choice & serial
(7) Name of their #3 course choice & serial,
(8) Preferred Language of training,
(9) Phone number (will be used as a second-factor authentication),
(10) Email address, and
(11) Instrument selection for cadets registering for the music course.

Course registration starts on Monday 29 June!


Cadets this one is for you! Over the next 4 days we will be asking you to participate in polls to help us narrow down the types of learning opportunities you would like to take part in over the summer.

What you need to know:
• These activities would be voluntary,
• Would take part in a virtual training environment,
• The opportunities would generally be 3-5 hours maximum per week,
• Each opportunity could offer interactive activities spanning anywhere between 3 & 6 weeks if you wanted to participate in the full spectrum of each topic, and
• They will be facilitated with the assistance of staff cadets and adult leaders.

Although there are no guarantees that the most popular choices will be selected your votes will help us make important decisions as we move forward.

Have your voices heard, vote over the next few days on activities that interest you and you would actually sign up for.


Who wants to do this?

We are looking for cadets to be featured in our Canada Day video!

It's easy to participate, all you have to do is jump into that uniform and film yourself saying Happy Canada Day from your hometown.

If you'd like in, send us a DM! We will give you some more instructions so that we all look as spiffy as can be!

Volume 27 Issue 4 05/13/2020

A great article on the Cadet Program, "Paving the Way for Higher Education" - Page 38

http://online.fliphtml5.com/insrc/acjw/ =38

Volume 27 Issue 4 Esprit de Corps Volume 27 Issue 4


Mark your calendars Warriors Nation! We are asking every West Kelowna household to order takeout/delivery dinner this Thursday evening to support our community. For every $30 order at one of these local restaurants, the Warriors will donate $10 to the Central Okanagan Food Bank West Kelowna.

See below for participating locations and how to order.

Want your organization to be the top-listed Non Profit Organization in West Kelowna?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)


1441 Green Bay Road
West Kelowna, BC

Opening Hours

6:15pm - 9:30pm

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West Kelowna, V4T2J1

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