Inspire Coaching

Inspire Coaching is a Basel based coaching company,developing leadership potential through emotional intelligence and StrengthsFinder 2.0 for best results.

Inspire Coaching is a Basel (Switzerland) based coaching company that offers the personal touch. We work with StrengthsFinder 2.0 and Emotional Intelligence with amzing results. You might be a someone finding it difficult to get the best from your team, cope with excess pressure in your role and feel the need to become more resilient, OR, someone planning to retire or are losing your role due to c

Registration ensa webinar 22/11/2023

What to do if you notice that someone is mentally unwell?

Many people do not know how to react when a friend, family member or colleague is struggling with their mental health. They lack the words and the confidence to do the right thing. Have you also experienced this feeling of helplessness?

Recognizing and responding to mental health issues is crucial for early detection and treatment. First aiders are trained to identify warning signs and provide support, even in a crisis.

As many of you know I am a trained Mental Health First Aid instructor, and am offering the MHFA webinar course in English, starting January 3rd 2024. available for anyone living or working in Switzerland.

Take your first step in becoming a certified Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) today. Or pass on the link to anyone who may benefit. It's great way to start the New Year!

Registration ensa webinar Please note: your registration is valid only after payment is completed. You will immediately receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.


Journaling. Have you tried it? Do you do it? Is it a habit that you stick to, every day?

Evidence is that journaling, and in particular keeping a gratitude journal, does have beneficial effects on our well-being. As Zig Ziglar put it “The more you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for”

So, do you? If you don't, what's stopping you and if you did, why did you stop? What benefits have you found from journaling?

If you are not sure where to start drop me a line and I'll send you a work sheet to get you going.

Photos from The antidote to Stress's post 01/07/2022

It's arrived ...and available in soft back and hard back from a global online book retailer near you (or France and Germany if you're in Switzerland!)


Clear Your Head to Get Ahead, the book, is availble on Kindle right now. The actual book takes a little longer!


Celebrating 10 years of Inspire Coaching GmbH by writing a book. Just back from the editor and now out for layout and stuff.

How to Stay Connected in a Remote Work World 1080WebShareName 29/04/2022

Working remotely, as in on your own rather than on a tropical island, can lead to health issues, especially mental well-being. While most people need some quiet time to be able to focus on what's important it is also important to stay connected, exchange ideas, seek feedback and so on. Here's a short video with some ideas which may, or may not work for you.

If you do work remotely what tools and techniques do you use to keep connected?

How to Stay Connected in a Remote Work World 1080WebShareName In the world of on line working isolation can be a blocker to success. Here are some ideas to keep that connection going and move into collaboration rather t...

Photos from Inspire Coaching's post 28/04/2022

An excellent day with some great conversations creating awareness of mental health and promoting Mental Health First Aid training in Novartis.
If you would like to know more about how to become a Mental Health First Aider, or introducing the program into your organisation, Inspire Coaching is now partnering with Promentasana and Ensa offering training in Switzerland, so please message us 😊


Inspire Coaching GmbH is delighted to announce a partnership with pro mente sana in delivering the ensa Mental Health First Aid training in Switzerland.

With this partnership Inspire Coaching GmbH now uniquely offers coaching for those individuals and teams in handling stress, training in building resilience in teams and organisations, activating the heart of teams for high performance and building a network of mental health first aiders in organisations.

For more information on any of these aspects call now or book a zoom call using the link in the comments.

Timeline photos 25/02/2022

5 Uncommon Methods that will Instill Calm into Your Life - because you're worth it.

We all know the conventional ways to achieve calm: meditate, go for a walk, listen to relaxing music, etc., but what about the uncommon ways to do it? For all of you who like to break the mold, here are some unconventional methods to instill calm into your life.

1. Put your Phone on Silent
Or even better, airplane mode. It’s a big ask, so don’t worry if you need to take baby steps to get there. The point of this exercise is that a silent phone increases the chances of achieving a quiet mind. We’re all so distracted by our black screens that we forget to soak up the present moment — so give it a go!

2. Mindful Eating
If you’re puzzled by this one, you’re not alone. Most people like to scarf down their food the second it’s in front of them — very primal of us. But every once and a while, it pays to eat slowly and take in every bite. Focus on the flavors as they marry, the textures, and the joy of being able to eat. That’s called mindful eating!

3. Watch TV
Hold on, watching TV will make me calmer?! Doesn’t everyone say it’s terrible for your mind? Well, we’re talking about watching TV in healthy, moderate doses. That doesn’t mean you should binge-watch TV every day, but when your mind needs a break, it’s perfectly acceptable to put on an episode of your favorite show to relax.

4. Do Something Mundane
Most people don’t get excited about mundane, menial tasks like doing the laundry or washing dishes, but it’s great for the mind. You’re probably used to a lot of thinking in that brain of yours, which means you’re not giving it a lot of time to focus on something without being totally consumed by it. Try it out!

5. Use Art to Achieve Calm
You may not be a junior Picasso (or maybe you are!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t use art to calm your mind. Go to a museum or stare at your favorite picture hanging on your wall. Art does an excellent job of calming people down and bringing them back to a grounded state.

Simple enough, right? No matter what method (or methods) you choose to try out, make sure you’re doing what feels best for your mind and body. This is a personal thing — finding calm should be a happy, worry-free journey. Good luck!

If you are struggling to become calmer, just get in touch. Link in comments.


Why is it Important to “Unwind”?

At first glance, the idea of unwinding might be thought of as one of those "good" ideas, but not a crucial one. What you might not realize is just how much being wrought up or worn out impacts us. When you’re not able to unwind, you start seeing these problems very quickly:

· Muscle tension
· Headache
· Stomachache
· Poor memory ... and more

At the same time, we start to see other effects. People who consistently fail to unwind become irritable and find it difficult to communicate. Over time, they become less outgoing socially and can avoid social situations. Stress, worry, and overwhelm can trigger depressive thoughts and emotions. These feelings left untended have consequences.

The problem is in our body chemistry. Think of a car. If you run a vehicle for a long period, it's normal to expect it to need some maintenance. You put fuel in the car over and over again to keep it moving, but unless you change the oil at some point, things are going to break down.

OK, that's something of an oversimplification, but you get the idea. The human body is much the same way. We run on a lot of adrenaline, especially when stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Sometimes tax can be good because it's what our bodies are designed to do. It's what feeds the "fight or flight" urge, which can be useful in getting things done. A small panic over a deadline can throw extra adrenaline into the system, enough so you can pull an all-nighter and get "it" done.

The problem is, you're not designed to work like this 24/7/365, much as we try to prove otherwise. This is why it’s fairly normal after finals week at college for students to come down with colds. The immune system can no longer handle the load it’s being given.

When we unwind, though, we give our bodies a break. Your hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA), which is responsible for keeping you going under adverse conditions, can finally rest and replenish. At the same time, when you unwind you'll find:

· Your blood pressure lowers.
· Your immune system gets a chance to recover.
· You experience fewer digestive issues.
· Your muscles relax, and the tension drains out.
· Your brain starts receiving more oxygen, and cognitive reasoning is restored.
· It's easier to sleep, and you lose your overall feeling of exhaustion.

With so many benefits to unwinding, you have to wonder why we don't emphasize its importance. So many people find it hard to move out of the anger and frustration of their workplace, mostly blaming poor management, and yet the tools and techniques are really quite simple.

Get in touch to find out how you too can learn to unwind.

Link in comments


Day 10 of the 12 Days of HeartMath tools and we take a quick look at Objectivity. It's a tricky one and one that I find tricky too. For a start we need to have the maturity to be able to disengage which you are in the middle of something and then get triggered, can be the hardest thing to do. Stop, disengage from the issue and let those emotions ease away.

The Cut-Thru® Technique is here to helps hold you find yourself needing it. As ever, it's best to practice so that when you need it you can just step in and use it. The book has all the details (link in comments), but first...the video.



Today, January 1st ... Happy New Year! It's also Day 8 of the 12 Tools and following the book it is Humility. Mmmm....tricky one, but for me is summed up by C.S. Lewis when he said "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less."

So as w start a new year with plans, hopes and aspirations maybe it's a reminder to be a little bit more understanding, a little bit more inclusive and a little bit kinder as a partner, parent or leader. (or all 3 if that's you)

The link to your free copy of the book is in the comments, but first...the video.


December 30 and following the 12 Day of Christmas we are on Day 6 of the 12 tools. Today we look at Ease. Sometimes when we get triggered we react putting us into a state that is less than helpful. Maybe we get angry, feel guilty or even sad, or more, all of which drain our inner battery. It's exhausting.

Top tip is to recognise that change of state in us and then shift towards ease. Be patient as it's not always easy to do.

Here's the video ...


Day 4 of the 12 Days of top tips. If you've missed the previous short videos they are all on the time line.

At this time of year and which ever festival you may be celebrating we often start out with all the good intentions. Somewhere along the line though we get triggered and the good will goes, so ... have some compassion.

Today's tool based on the book 12 HeartMath Tools is called compassionate latitude. Have a look at the video here and if you'd like the book the download link is in the comments.


Hello and welcome to Day 3 of the 12 tools to help you through stress and anxiety whatever your triggers. In the song The Twelve Days of Christmas I'd be describing 3 French Hens and I'd be happy to talk about my neighbours chickens, but not sure how that'll help relief stress and anxiety.

Instead I offer you some tips on coherent communication to take the heat out of frustration and bring in some peace and calm in to communicating with others.

To get your ope of the book 12 HeartMath Tools the link is in the comments, but first have a look at today's video.

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