The official page of the EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC), one of th

« L'impact de la science continue de croître dans nos sociétés » 15/06/2024

En décembre 2023, 🇫🇷 Emmanuel Macron a annoncé la création d'un « Conseil Présidentiel de la Science » composé de 14 scientifiques de haut niveau représentant toutes les disciplines. Le Palais de l'Élysée a déclaré que ce nouvel organe illustrait le souhait de Macron de placer la science 🧪 au cœur de la prise de décision publique.

Anne-Marie Kermarrec, professeure à l'EPFL depuis 2020, qui dirige le Laboratoire des systèmes informatiques évolutifs à la Faculté des sciences informatiques et de communication, a récemment rejoint les 12 membres inauguraux du Conseil 🎉


« L'impact de la science continue de croître dans nos sociétés » Anne-Marie Kermarrec, professeure à l'EPFL, a été nommée pour siéger au tout nouveau Conseil présidentiel de la science par le président français Emmanuel Macron.


Register for the upcoming Inaugural Lectures taking place on the 13th June in SG 1138💻
Prof. Maria Brbic is going to present the topic of « Towards AI-Enabled Discoveries in Biomedicine » 🧬
Prof. Thomas Bourgeat is going to talk about « Taming the Complexity of Future Computer Designs » 👨‍💻


The spring semester has officially ended! ☀️
The IC School hopes that all your deadlines and projects went well!
We wish you good luck for the upcoming the exam session 🍀

Photos from EPFL IC's post 30/05/2024

Pour cette 6e édition d’Alkindi-Suisse, nous avons eu plus de 2000 participant.e.s de toute la Suisse romande. C’est « The dream team 11a » qui a remporté la première place du concours avec un temps impressionnant de 01h14m24s 👩‍💻. Bravo au gagnant.e.s et tous les autres participant.e.s !
Et un grand MERCI aux enseignant.e.s qui ont accompagné.e.s les élèves depuis le début le 1er tour du concours.

Le concours Alkindi-Suisse a pour but de présenter la cryptographie aux élèves du secondaire suisses, organisé par la Faculté IC et le Service de Promotion des Sciences.

Photos from EPFL IC's post 25/05/2024

We are very pleased and excited to announce that Prof. Thomas Vidick will be joining our School! 🎉

Photos from EPFL IC's post 17/05/2024

Follow our account for more fun facts every week!

Orphan articles: the ‘dark matter' of Wikipedia 17/05/2024

Orphan articles: the ‘dark matter' of Wikipedia Wikipedia is the largest platform for open and freely accessible knowledge online yet, in a new study, EPFL researchers have found that around 15% of the content is effectively invisible to readers browsing within Wikipedia. They have developed a new tool to help overcome this.


Register for the Inaugural lecture taking place in SG 1138 on Thursday 16th May 2024 💻
Prof. Robert West will talk about Human Data Science 🧬

Photos from EPFL IC's post 10/05/2024

Ce samedi, Roman reprendra notre compte, au nom de PolyLAN. C’est son premier évènement dans l’association, et actuellement il fait de la logistique, de la communication et de l’animation.

PolyLAN, c’est la LAN de l’EPFL : Ils prennent des joueurs et les font s’affronter sur différents jeux pendant 4 jours. Cette semaine, PolyLAN organise sa 39ème édition : Plus de 1300 joueurs, 60 animations, 5 tournois, 1 bar, 1 scène, et le tout au Palais de Beaulieu de jeudi à dimanche !

L’association organise aussi une plus petite LAN sur campus qui, bien qu’annulée plusieurs années de suite, est organisé en octobre au Rolex. Cette année cependant l’organisation de cette LAN a été autorisée par l’EPFL, elle devrait donc avoir lieue ! PolyLAN est aussi souvent présent à d’autres évènements, tels que Vivapoly ou les chalets de l’avent.

Samedi, vous aurez l’occasion de suivre Roman dans sa journée, où il pourra vous montrer les coulisses de l’organisation. A+ en LAN !


LakeCTF finals are going to take place on the 2nd and 3rd May 2024. 💻 🚀
Participants first competed in an online qualification round, and the qualified teams will physically compete in the finals in Lausanne. The top teams will have the unique chance to meet the top members of the EPFL research community.
We wish them the best of luck ! ☀️ 🍀

AI's new power of persuasion: it can change your mind 15/04/2024

Could you be persuaded to change your mind by ? “The danger is superhuman like chatbots that create tailor-made, convincing arguments to push false or misleading narratives online.” https://actu.epfl.ch/news/ai-s-new-power-of-persuasion-it-can-change-your-mi/

AI's new power of persuasion: it can change your mind A new EPFL study has demonstrated the persuasive power of Large Language Models, finding that participants debating GPT-4 with access to their personal information were far more likely to change their opinion compared to those who debated humans.

Does Artificial Intelligence work in English? 14/03/2024

Does Artificial Intelligence work in English? EPFL researchers have shown that large language models primarily trained on English text seem to use English internally, even when they are prompted in another language. As AI increasingly runs our lives, this may have important consequences regarding linguistic and cultural bias.

Adaptable microchips for data centers: huge gains, new dangers 06/03/2024

Demands on cloud services continue to increase but the end of Moore's law means that are no longer getting significantly smaller every year. Epfl Ecocloud

Adaptable microchips for data centers: huge gains, new dangers Demands on cloud services continue to increase but the end of Moore's law means that transistors are no longer getting significantly smaller every year. Heterogeneity is the answer: servers need flexible platforms.

Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model 26/02/2024

Discover a new model able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions. EPFL

Anything-in-anything-out: a new modular AI model Researchers at EPFL have developed a new, uniquely modular machine learning model for flexible decision-making. It is able to input any mode of text, video, image, sound, and time-series and then output any number, or combination, of predictions.

“I'm a researcher, I want to work on the next security challenge!” 19/02/2024

Meet IC Professor Mathias Payer, the 'bug buster' and find out where he thinks the future of lies.

“I'm a researcher, I want to work on the next security challenge!” Professor Mathias Payer is ‘the bug buster’ and he’s just been named a Distinguished Member of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery for significant contributions to protecting computer systems in the presence of vulnerabilities.

Wireless in the blood 22/11/2023

Biological computing machines, such as micro and -implants that can collect important information inside the human body, are transforming . Yet, them for has proven challenging. Now, a global team, including EPFL researchers, has developed a protocol that enables a molecular network with multiple transmitters.

Wireless in the blood Biological computing machines, such as micro and nano-implants that can collect important information inside the human body, are transforming medicine. Yet, networking them for communication has proven challenging. Now, a global team, including EPFL researchers, has developed a protocol that enables...

"Choosing the right area of research is vital" 02/11/2023

Three young and enthusiastic candidates , each working in a completely different domain and faculty, share their insights into life as a researcher at EPFL. Their sole connecting thread is that their labs are collaborating members of the EPFL EcoCloud Center.

"Choosing the right area of research is vital" Three young and enthusiastic doctoral candidates, each working in a completely different domain and faculty, share their insights into life as a researcher at EPFL. Their sole connecting thread is that their labs are collaborating members of the EPFL EcoCloud Center.


Au Forum des 100 aujourd'hui avec notre labyrinthe de deepfake ! Sensibilisation sur les deepfakes et leur détection, ainsi que la recherche menée par le Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk et Peter Grönquist du Laboratoire Image et Représentation Visuelle (IVRL) de l'École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Merci pour l'invitation, Le Temps !

Cut/Paste 30/10/2023

Do you love comics and are you curious about how they have evolved over the years? From November 10, visit the EPFL Pavilions for an exciting new exhibition Cut/Paste that traces the journey of from the scissor-and-glue edits of yesteryear to today’s sophisticated images generated with enhancements. EPFL BDFIL

Cut/Paste Amplifier for Art, Science and Society

IC's Rishabh Iyer wins the Dennis M. Ritchie Award for 2023 27/10/2023

Congratulations to IC's Rishabh Iyer who has been awarded the most prestigious thesis in Computer Systems!

IC's Rishabh Iyer wins the Dennis M. Ritchie Award for 2023 EPFL PhD student Rishabh Iyer has been awarded the most prestigious thesis award in Computer Systems.

A game changer for building robust distributed systems 23/10/2023

“We’ve come up with a win-win. What is new and unique to QuePaxa is that it’s an asynchronous consensus protocol that finally achieves efficiency equivalent to the widely deployed leader-based protocols under normal network conditions."

A game changer for building robust distributed systems EPFL researchers have developed a new distributed algorithm that, for the first time, solves one of the key performance and reliability problems affecting most of the currently-deployed consensus protocols.

A new EPFL tool shows the decline of political tone in the US 19/10/2023

A new EPFL-developed tool, Quotebank 🛠️, has helped researchers provide the first large-scale data-driven evidence of a drastic shift towards a more negative political tone beginning at the start of Donald Trump’s primary campaign in June 2015. 📅

A new EPFL tool shows the decline of political tone in the US A new EPFL developed tool, Quotebank, has helped researchers provide the first large-scale data-driven evidence of a drastic shift towards a more negative political tone beginning at the start of Donald Trump’s primary campaign in June 2015.

Grand invité: Rachid Guerraoui, chercheur et professeur dʹalgorithmes en réseau à lʹEPFL 18/10/2023

Tous les vendredi, l'émission "CQDF" de la RTS reçoit un homme ou une femme scientifique pour parler de son travail et des ses recherches. 🔍✨

Cette semaine, c'est le professeur Rachid Guerraoui, qui dirige le laboratoire de calcul distribué à l'EPFL qui à pris part à l'émission 🚀

Grand invité: Rachid Guerraoui, chercheur et professeur dʹalgorithmes en réseau à lʹEPFL Tous les vendredis, "CQFD" reçoit un homme ou une femme de science pour parler de son travail et de ses recherches. Aujourd'hui, Sarah Dirren reçoit Rachid Guerraoui, chercheur et professeur dʹalgorithmes en réseau à lʹEPFL où il dirige le laboratoire de calcul distribué.

DemoSquare: the dashboard of democracy 11/10/2023

The EPFL spin-off DemoSquare, launched today 🚀, is an AI-based platform 🤖 that aims to make democratic and political data more transparent and accessible.

DemoSquare: the dashboard of democracy The EPFL spin-off DemoSquare, launched today, is an AI-based platform that aims to make democratic and political data more transparent and accessible.

How to mend a broken heart 19/09/2023

EPFL is collaborating with academic and industrial partners to develop a cardiac intervention simulator. This platform is designed to train interventionalists in much the same way as flight simulators are used to train pilots. EPFL Lausanne University Hospital

How to mend a broken heart EPFL is collaborating with academic and industrial partners to develop a cardiac intervention simulator. This platform is designed to train interventionalists in much the same way as flight simulators are used to train pilots.

EPFL team discover thousands of new transformable knots 05/09/2023

Leveraging results from and using physical simulation, IC researchers have created a data set of thousands of different that can be used in the of new structures.

EPFL team discover thousands of new transformable knots Leveraging results from knot theory and using physical simulation, researchers in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC) have created a data set of thousands of different elastic knots that can be used in the design of new structures.

"My computer architecture research intersects with security" 04/09/2023

EPFL student Atri Bhattacharyya has won a prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe for research in the fields of and .

"My computer architecture research intersects with security" EPFL student Atri Bhattacharyya has won a prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Europe for research in the fields of AI and cybersecurity.

Photos from EPFL IC's post 29/08/2023

🌟 The Workshop day has concluded on a positive note!

🚀 We hope the day brought you valuable insights into Generative AI, leaving you with a deeper understanding of the subject. Thank you for joining us, and we eagerly await your presence at AMLD 2024!

🙌 A special thank you to our wonderful speakers whose contributions have enriched these past 2 days with their knowledge on Generative AI.

Photos from EPFL IC's post 28/08/2023

With the curtains drawing close on AMLDGenAI, we take a moment to appreciate a day filled with enriching keynotes and dynamic panel discussions. Each speaker brought a unique perspective to the table, ensuring an engaging experience.

We truly believe that today's insights resonate with all participants, nurturing their understanding. Can't wait to see you at the next AMLD conference for more knowledge and inspiration!

To the EPFL community, get ready for the AMLDGenAI workshop day tomorrow – we're excited to see you there!


AMLDGenAI kicked off this morning at the SwissTech Convention Center with great excitement!

A diverse crowd from across Switzerland gathered to hear from exceptional speakers at our conference. Throughout the day, numerous experts will share their insights and research on Generative AI. Attendees will also have the chance to participate in networking sessions to discuss this trending topic.

Follow the conference via Instagram stories and Twitter !

We're delighted to have you all here. Enjoy the event and make the most of your day!

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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Last sunny days on campus before entering full autumn season. Have you been enjoying the weather like us?#icepfl #epflca...
Exams are finally over! We hope to see you more ready than ever next semester! For now, enjoy the vacations you all dese...
Nous vous souhaitons une excellente année 2022 ! Beaucoup de réussite et de bonnes choses à toutes et à tous ! 🎉———We wi...
Have you ever wondered whether it is possible to recreate the colors found in some of the first photographic color image...
Ateliers Alkindi Suisse 2021
There's something unreal about this empty campus...
Ghost Work
Learning with Knowledge Graphs - Alberto García-Durán



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