EPFL Architecture

Architecture School Lausanne

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 04/09/2024

Emanuele Coccia

Bringing the Planet Home. Notes on the Future of Domestic Topology

Long forgotten by architectural theory, domestic space is the prism through which to rethink the future of the planet. It is by imagining new homes that we will be able to rethink a new politics, a new nature, a new idea of society.

Join us Tuesday 10 September at 6.30pm at to exchange with the philosopher Emanuele Coccia.

Philosopher and lecturer at EHESS, Emanuele has been a visiting professor at the universities of Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Düsseldorf, Columbia and Harvard. He is the author of La Vie sensible, The Life of Plants, Métamorphoses and Philosophie de la maison.



Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 03/09/2024


Introducing the first edition of its School Lecture Series for Autumn 2024, the EPFL ENAC School of Architecture invites six architecture offices to discuss affordable housing through six exemplary projects. The series will begin with philosopher Emanuele Coccia, author of The Philosophy of Home.

The aim of these lectures is to not stare too romantically at affordable housing, but rather to show how building affordable housing is both difficult and possible. The lecture series will be inaugurated by philosopher Emanuele Coccia - author of the acclaimed book The Philosophy of Home - who will introduce the house as a place where to imagine new and unprecedented communities that can challenge the way in which we build and inhabit housing today.

Save the dates and join us on Tuesday evenings!

Emanuele Coccia
Bringing the Planet Home. Notes on the Future of Domestic Topology

San Riemo Cooperative Housing, Munich

Fala Atelier
Cheshire cats & Trojan horses

Peris+Toral Arquitectes
Modulus Matrix

RC Architects
Vivoli, Affordable Housing Mumbai

Plan Común
Architecture of Commons. La ‘Maison Commune’

Esch Sintzel Architekten
Permanence and transience - Converting a warehouse into a collective residential building

A program proposed by Sophie Delhay and Pier Vittorio Aureli, directors of the Architecture Section and the Institute of Architecture of EPFL.

Graphic design

delhay.architecte .atelier ._architects


The for the will take place from July 10 to 17 at the . The final reviews are and you have the possibility to attend them. EPFL Architecture is also pleased to invites you to visit the of the until July 27.

Final Reviews: July, 10 - July, 17 2024
Exhibition: July, 10 - July, 27 2024

Rolex Learning Center, EPFL Campus

Graphic design

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 03/07/2024

As part of the led by , and delve into the second chapter of the : . Their project, , is situated in the heat island of , an area marked by intense activities and a high proportion of . The project uses the climatic potential of the and the of its . First pumped, the water the parking site through various . Over time, the transforms into a marked by cracks, where new uses extend beyond just parking. The project explores the of , as a weight for structural purposes, an erosion evice, a climatic element, or a nurturing vessel for third vegetation to grow.

Project title: , Students: , ,Semester Project, Spring Semester 2024, Guest Studio: , , Assistant: , Studio Title: , Chapter 2:

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 27/06/2024

is very pleased to welcome two new directors: Professor at the and Professor at the , part of the .

Professor will assume the role of of the (SAR) starting August 15, 2024, succeeding Professor . She currently heads the at the school and leads the architectural firm Sophie Delhay Architecte in Paris.

Professor has taken over as of the (IA) since May 1, 2024, following Professor ’s tenure. He also oversees the laboratory and is the co-founder of , an architectural office based in Brussels, alongside Martino Tattara.

The SAR is responsible for in the fields of architecture and urban planning. Established in 2002, it replaced the former Department of Architecture, which was founded in 1943 and integrated into the alongside the former departments of civil engineering and environmental engineering.

The IA is responsible for and in the fields of architecture and urban planning. Founded in 2002, it includes 23 laboratories, 2 research groups and 2 platforms. Research within the IA primarily develops according to the specificities and competencies of the laboratories and groups that compose it.

We extend heartfelt thanks to Professors and for their dedication over the past four years.

Image credits: 2 Sidney Carron, 3 Bernard Verney, 4 DC-lab EPFL, 5 Sophie Dehlay, 6 EPFL, 7 Dogma, 8 EPFL, 9 Dogma

.sophiedelhay.epfl .delhay.architecte .name .farm


Introducing our . Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to our new shared calendar (link in bio)!





Graphic design


Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 14/02/2024

Excited to announce the organized by .epfl.ch ! Explore the future of and in .

Date: March 6th
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Venue: EPFL, Foyer of the SG building

Public inaugural lecture on March 5th at 18:30
by &

Speakers Research Practice:


Speakers Academic Research:

↗ Program at colloquetdb.epfl.ch
↗ Registration at colloquetdb.epfl.ch/inscription.

University-affiliated participants attend for free!
Non-academic attendees can register for CHF 250.

Looking forward to see you there!

.epfl.ch .ch

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 03/01/2024

The faces due to abandoned and . A five-year program aims to . ’s project „Home with what remains: A sorting-house as a form of occupancy right“ intends to , utilizing for cleaning and distribution. It proposes a sorting-house mirroring debris removal and housing to restore the area. Transitional buildings aid cleanup while maintaining the space. This approach forms a , ensuring ongoing for the sea and waste extraction elsewhere, showcasing a , nurturing relationship with the .

Project title: Home, with what remains: A sorting-house as a form of occupancy right. Student: Hervé Laurendeau, Master Project, 2023, Supervision: Yves Pedrazzini, Jo Taillieu, Axel Chevroulet, Unit: LASUR, LIF

More at: https://livingarchives.epfl.ch/projects/5773/home-with-what-remains-a-sorting-house-as-a-form-of-occupancy-right/ + https://hervelaurendeau.com/


Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 19/12/2023

For the second consecutive year, in Lausanne hosted last October the impressive and launch organized by the student association , showcasing their . The exhibition’s scenography was build with , thanks to the support of , the Geneva-based association promoting material reuse.

Complementing the exhibition, the beautiful designed by the talented graphic designer for the revealed its third editorial system and classification typologies, providing further insight into the showcased .

Photo credits: Julien Heil

Support: .ch .archi &Blanc .laboratory

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 08/12/2023

Congratulations to , associate professor at ENAC, leading the .farm, and , co-founders of .name, who have been honored with the prestigious .

"Dogma works on large scale urban design projects. Their exploration of the relationship between theory and practice continues to have a major influence on the profession, particularly among students, through both their thought processes and representation of architecture", explains the jury.

Discover research at www.epfl.ch/labs/tpod/ and www.burning.farm, an online journal project on architecture and domestic space.

# RIBACharlesJencksAward .farm

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 08/11/2023

"Congratulations to for receiving the Award for her , the Orlando Lauti Award for achieving the best average in the master's cycle of architecture, and the Award from the . » Her beautiful project explores the of Geamăna from a thriving village to a environment following the of the area with slurry from the Roșia Poieni in 1984, forcing the of over 400 families.

More here: livingarchives.epfl.ch.

Title: (dis)appearance : unearthing the fragile fossil of Geamăna through new narratives, Student: Theodora Stefan, Master Project, 2023, Teachers: Anja Fröhlich, Jo François Taillieu, Tiago Borges, Axel Chevroulet, Unit: EAST, LIF


L’association étudiante MAP a le plaisir de vous inviter au vernissage de l’exposition et au lancement de la publication MAP23. Ces événements mettent en lumière les projets de master réalisés cette année par les étudiant.e.x.s diplômé.e.x.s de l’EPFL. L’exposition se tiendra du 07 au 28 octobre 2023 à la Rasude, Place de la Gare 1 à Lausanne. Un DJ set suivra le book launch & vernissage.


Public Programs Autumn 2023

This semester’s Public Programs at EPFL Architecture.
Find the full program of events on our website (link in bio)

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 07/07/2023

Projet de Master 23
Exposition de photos

Une série d’images réalisée par la photographe Lisa Mazenauer est à découvrir au Rolex Learning Center pendant la durée des jurys et l’exposition Projets de Master 2023.

Son travail d’observation retrace, découpe, entremêle les espaces, atmosphères, objets, outils et lieux communs de la vie des étudiant.es en architecture à l’EPFL.

Jurys: 12-19 Juillet 2023
Expo: 12-28 Juillet 2023

Rolex Learning Center
EPFL, Lausanne

Photographies: Lisa Mazenauer (diplômée ECAL)
Exposition: Dieter Dietz, Antoine Iweins, Noémie Zurbriggen, Corinne Waridel (EPFL Architecture). 
Événement: Valérie Jacot-Descombes (Mediacom). 
Montage : l’équipe ISS.

Lien événement

Lien dépliant de l’expositionhttps://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/education/architecture/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/EA_PDM_2324_A2_digital.pdf

Lien horaire des jurys finauxhttps://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/education/architecture/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/PDM_23_Horaire_23.6.23-1.pdf

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 27/06/2023

La ville comme une maison - Lausanne
Spring 2023

Lausanne Anatomy

15 - Mathilde Forster
16 - Antoine Foehrenbacher

Le studio réalise collectivement un portrait domestique de la ville de Lausanne, pour lequel deux outils sont mobilisés: une grande coupe de 5km composée de 24 fragments, ainsi qu’une collection d’interviews d’habitant-e-x-s. Le trait de coupe est tendu entre le lac et le plateau. Son tracé rectiligne ne s’accorde pas avec la logique des espaces publics et sa position relativement arbitraire permet de dévoiler des situations qu’il aurait été impossible de découvrir avec des intentions préalables. Chaque étudiant explore le segment de coupe dont il est en charge et en extrait un fragment remarquable. Ce fragment met en lumière une situation, spatiale et/ou vécue, propre à Lausanne. Les 24 fragments et interviews mis bouts à bouts forment ensemble un portait domestique de la ville à partir de l’intérieur.


Projet de Master 23
Exposition + Jurys

Présenter son projet de master, c’est rendre visible, l’espace d’un instant le fruit de réflexions entêtantes sur le devenir de l’architecture. Les couches du dessin regorgent d’histoire(s) à partager, ses nœuds sont des relations à découvrir, ses aspérités, des espaces à investir, ses lignes, les vers d’une poésie universelle. C’est une multitude de parcours individuels qui résonnent à l’unisson dans le souffle de cette exposition 2023. - MAP 23

En parallèle de l'exposition ouverte au grand public, nous vous invitons à venir suivre les présentations et discussions des projets finaux réalisés par les étudiant·e·x·s du 12 au 19 juillet dans les différents espaces du Rolex Learning Center.

Jurys: 12-19 Juillet 2023
Expo: 12-28 Juillet 2023

Rolex Learning Center
EPFL, Lausanne

Projets: Étudiant·es de master en architecture (EPFL ENAC SAR). 
Photographies: Lisa Mazenauer (diplômée ECAL).
Activités associatives étudiantes: L’ASAR et ses commissions.
Design graphique: Roman Karrer & Sandi Gazić. 
Exposition: Dieter Dietz, Antoine Iweins, Noémie Zurbriggen, Corinne Waridel (EPFL Architecture). 
Jurys: Corinne Waridel (EPFL Architecture), Alicia Fankhauser, Léa Delessert, Sébastien Hasler, Laura Vuffray (Étudiant·es de master en architecture (EPFL ENAC SAR). 
Texte: Reda Berrada, Oana Stefan, Eliott Hounieu (Étudiant·es de master en architecture (EPFL ENAC SAR). 
Événement: Valérie Jacot-Descombes (Mediacom). 
Montage : l’équipe ISS.

Lien événement

Lien dépliant de l’expositionhttps://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/education/architecture/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/EA_PDM_2324_A2_digital.pdf

Lien horaire des jurys finauxhttps://www.epfl.ch/schools/enac/education/architecture/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/PDM_23_Horaire_23.6.23-1.pdf

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 23/06/2023

Projet de Master 2022 - Distinction SIA GCO

La distinction SIA pour la conservation des ouvrages (GCO) 2023 à été attribuée à deux jeunes diplômés de EPFL Architecture, Alexandre Gameiro et Pierluigi Surano, pour leur travail de master sur la Rénovation du Stade Renato Dall’Ara de Bologne. Le projet a été suivit par l’équipe du professeur Franz Graf (Eugen Brühwiler, Thierry Buache et Franz Graf).

Les projets distingués traitent de façon exemplaire de la gestion et de la conservation des ouvrages existants. Outre une réflexion éclairée sur l’existant, ils doivent clairement présenter les propositions de solutions qui en découlent. Ils peuvent également porter sur des constructions nouvelles, pour autant qu’elles offrent des possibilités de rénovation future qui fassent partie intégrante du cycle de vie de l’ouvrage et soient représentées comme telles.


Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 23/06/2023

MAS in Urban and Territorial Design, EPFL - ETHZ.

Inspiring discussions and great projects on the future of agriculture in Zurich by students of the MAS in Urban and Territorial Design at / . Thanks to Prof. Milica Topalovic and Prof. Paola Vigano for the invitation as guest critic and for hosting the final showcase in the beautiful Greenhouse Art-Lab!

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 02/06/2023


EPFL Architecture was pleased to launch the research exhibition POSITIONS and the END OF YEAR SHOW exhibitions showcasing students work from this spring semester 23.

Opening: Tuesday May 30, 2023.
Photography: Solène Hoffmann,

More informations on both venues:

May 30 - June 9, SG building, EPFL
Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 19:00
Saturday, Sunday closed

May 30 - July 28 2023, Archizoom space, SG building, EPFL
Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 17:30
Saturday from 14:00 to 18:00
Sundays and bank holidays closed

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 26/05/2023


EPFL Architecture is pleased to present the exhibition of the students' projects realised during the spring semester 2023 from May 30 to June 9 and the juries which will take place on the EPFL campus from May 30 to June 2, 2023.

We are looking forward to sharing the exhibition map with you, as well as the discussion program with all the information about the juries and exhibitions. Posters and flyers will be available at the entrance of the SG building, across from the Archizoom gallery.

May 30, 6pm, Place Ada Lovelace, SG building, EPFL

May 30 - June 9, EPFL Campus

May 30 - June 9, SG building, EPFL
Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 19:00
Saturday, Sunday closed

First year (BA2) : ALICE (Dietz + Zamarbide); Second year (BA 4) : Assemble (Binning + Perkins), Baukunst (Verschuere), Gay Menzel, LAST (Rey), LIF (Taillieu), MANSLAB (Bakker + Blanc); Third/Fourth year (BA6/MA2) : Ayoub-Lacaille, Baumann, Delhay, EAST (Fröhlich), IBOIS (Weinand), LAB-U (Viganò), LAPIS (Braghieri), LDM (Huang), Point Supreme (Pantazis-Rentzou), RIOT (Malterre-Barthes), Shahbazi, TEXAS (Lapierre), TSAM (Graf), Tsuneyama

.gaymenzel .sophiedelhay.epfl @ lab_u_epfl .studio.epfl


MAS ETH EPFL in Urban and Territorial Design
Call for Applications 2023-2024

Following 2021 and 2022 editions, the Master of Advanced Studies in Urban and Territorial Design (MAS UTD) is now delighted to open the call for applications of its third edition!
The joint MAS program bridges between ETH Zurich and EPFL, and is part of the Institute of Landscape and Urban Studies (LUS) at the ETH Zurich D-ARCH and the Habitat Research Center (HRC) at the EPFL ENAC. It requires one year of full-time postgraduate study for a 60 ECTS joint degree; it is taught in English and held at the two Swiss schools, EPFL (Autumn 2023) and ETH Zurich (Spring 2024).

The MAS in Urban and Territorial Design embraces the ecological and socioeconomic transition as a field of critical and imaginative investigation. Engaging with notions of transformation, reuse, regeneration, reparation, and transition of habitats and ecologies, the MAS UTD deploy the urban and territorial project as a crucial field of knowledge production across scales. It also aims to build an innovative urban and territorial design education addressing social and environmental challenges both within the city-territory and across wider landscapes.

Second round applications will be received until May 31, 2023. Do not hesitate to diffuse the call for applications to all potentially interested candidates.
For any clarifications concerning the programme, tuition fees, scholarships and how to apply, please contact us:

Nancy Couling - ETH
MAS UTD Program Coordinator
[email protected]

Tommaso Pietropolli - EPFL
HRC Coordinator
[email protected]



Studios : Exhibition & Final Reviews

EPFL Architecture is pleased to present the exhibition of the students' projects realised during the spring semester 2023 from May 30 to June 9 and the juries which will take place on the EPFL campus from May 30 to June 2, 2023.

We are looking forward to sharing the exhibition map with you, as well as the discussion program with all the information about the juries and exhibitions. Posters and flyers will be available at the entrance of the SG building, across from the Archizoom gallery.

May 30, 6pm, Place Ada Lovelace, SG building, EPFL

May 30 - June 9, EPFL Campus

May 30 - June 9, SG building, EPFL
Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 19:00
Saturday, Sunday closed

First year (BA2) : ALICE (Dietz + Zamarbide); Second year (BA 4) : Assemble (Binning + Perkins), Baukunst (Verschuere), Gay Menzel, LAST (Rey), LIF (Taillieu), MANSLAB (Bakker + Blanc); Third/Fourth year (BA6/MA2) : Ayoub-Lacaille, Baumann, Delhay, EAST (Fröhlich), IBOIS (Weinand), LAB-U (Viganò), LAPIS (Braghieri), LDM (Huang), Point Supreme (Pantazis-Rentzou), RIOT (Malterre-Barthes), Shahbazi, TEXAS (Lapierre), TSAM (Graf), Tsuneyama

.gaymenzel .sophiedelhay.epfl @ lab_u_epfl .studio.epfl



EPFL Architecture is pleased to invite you to the opening of the END OF YEAR SHOW and the exhibition POSITIONS.

Opening: May 30, 6pm, Place Ada Lovelace, SG building, EPFL


18:00 Welcome speech by Directors Dieter Dietz (SAR) & Jeffrey Huang (IA)
18:30-19:30 Guided tours of the studios and the exhibition Positions
19:30 Aperitif and snacks


Positions: Transcalar Prospects in Climate Crisis

EPFL Architecture’s research exhibition

With last year’s exhibition Positions focusing on architecture studios, EPFL Architecture initiated a new format that aims to provide an insight into the department’s multifaceted culture. From this year onwards the yearly exhibition Positions will highlight research activities conducted at EPFL Architecture, and will run in parallel with the End of Year Show featuring design studio work. The exhibition Positions that shall take place in the Archizoom gallery during summer will invite a national and international public to discover research undertaken at EPFL Architecture.

May 30, 6pm, Place Ada Lovelace, SG building, EPFL

May 30 - July 28 2023
Archizoom space, SG building, EPFL

Visiting Hours
Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 17:30
Saturday from 14:00 to 18:00
Sundays and bank holidays closed

With contributions from the laboratories ALICE, CRCL, EAST, FAR, IBOIS, LAB-U, LAST, LDM, LIF, LIPID, RIOT, SXL, TEXAS, THEMA, URBES, and the design studios Docta Manus and Baukunst.

.epfl.ch .studio.epfl


From the teaching module «Still Life – Color Shots». A series of abstract model scenes based on a free arrangement of analogue objects and their photographic reproduction.​

Teaching Module: Still Life - Color Shots​
Technique: Analog Model & Photography​
Course: AR-329: Constructing the View: Built Images. School of Architeure. ENAC. EPFL.​
Semester: Fall 2022​
Student: Darius Michoud

Course directed by Philipp Schaerer​
More Information: https://constructingtheview.org​ .the.view

Photos from EPFL Architecture's post 08/03/2023

Title: Les curiosités du Léman. Les pontons : un potentiel inexploité, Students: Valentine Aellen Anne-Sophie De Pesters, Master Project, 2022, Teachers: JoTaillieu, CorentinFivet, Axel Chevroulet Unit: LIF, SXL

"Sur les rives du lac Léman, plus grande étendue d’eau d’Europe occidentale et source de grandes fascinations, de nombreuses structures surplombent le lac. Ses rives ont été aménagées de manière différente au travers des siècles, offrant un paysage évolutif, ouvrant ainsi de nouvelles perceptions. Parmi ces aménagements, le ponton – par son implantation, sa structure, et son statut souvent privé – joue aujourd’hui un rôle flou au sein de l’espace public. Les curiosités du Léman cherche à questionner l’usage des pontons autour du lac. Le projet vient perturber leur utilisation conventionnelle par l’élaboration de cinq interventions, entre Morges et Epesses, mettant en lumière le potentiel inexploité de ces pontons. Ces interventions ont pour but de revaloriser ces structures et d'inviter le public à occuper ce seuil entre terre et eau.Implantée sur des structures hétéroclites, chaque intervention prend forme selon son contexte spécifique et génère un rapport au lac différent. A l’image des œuvres de Magritte, ces interventions sont libres d’être interprétées et constituent un nouveau langage subversif. Chaque intervention vit par elle-même, mais il est aussi possible de lire les interventions comme un tout et ainsi créer une scénographie alternative autour du Léman."

(Les curiosités du Léman. Les pontons : un potentiel inexploité, Students, Master Project, 2022, Valentine Aellen Anne-Sophie De Pesters) [Translation]

.nl .epfl.ch

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