Swiss Air Deluxe

Swiss Air Deluxe

Our vision is to give everyone the possibility to enjoy the positive benefits of Swiss Mountain Air. Get you personal swiss breeze of pue alpine mountain.


Healthy Swiss Mountain Air is Wellness for your Lungs ⚕️



Worldwide Express Delivery of Swiss Oxygen 💚

Timeline photos 19/12/2019

Ready for 📦📬

Timeline photos 27/11/2019

🎅☃️🎄 is in the
Get a special 🎁 from 🇨🇭 for your loved ones ❤️, and

Benefit from our and save up to 70%



In with

at this


SwissAirDeluxe around the 🌐


Always dreamed of a Swiss Virgin?
Here you go 🍑♥️

The Alpine air is enriched with the lovely smell of Heidi - a Swiss girl who lives in the mountains. Her fine underwear is inside the can ! ca. 120 puffs, one 1 second each puff
2.5 l

Venditori d'aria - Video - Play RSI 29/09/2019

Venditori d'aria - Video - Play RSI Nel Play RSI è possibile guardare o ascoltare numerose trasmissioni televisive e radiofoniche in qualsiasi momento.

Photos from Swiss Air Deluxe's post 25/09/2019


boire du café et lire la section economie de Dimanche

Teufelsstein und Bergkristall 2019 - Alpen-Initiative 19/08/2019

Dear loyal followers, we are proud to be nominated by the Alpen-Initiative for one of their outstanding awards.
Please share and vote for Swiss Air Deluxe :)

Teufelsstein und Bergkristall 2019 - Alpen-Initiative Die Alpen-Initiative nominiert erneut die drei folgenden absurden Transportpraktiken für den «Teufelsstein». Stimmen Sie ab!


the 🌞🇦🇪 swim the 🏖️
a 🍍 and


Our Story - Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today 🇨🇭


Visit Wellauer in Zürich and enjoy the great and friendly atmosphere

Photos from Swiss Air Deluxe's post 06/12/2018

Almost sold out 💵

#メリークリスマス #크리스마스마켓 #圣诞节 #🇨🇭 #शुभ क्रिस्मस

[날씨] 황사와 스모그 2차 공습...주말까지 공기질 비상 29/11/2018

fine dust emergency ⚠️
You live in 🇰🇷?️ Prepare now and get your can of pure
🇨🇭️mountain air to be prepared

[날씨] 황사와 스모그 2차 공습...주말까지 공기질 비상 [앵커] 한반도를 뒤덮은 가을 황사로 전국이 미세먼지 비상에 걸렸습니다. 오후에 중부 지방부터 농도가 옅어졌지만 밤사이 중국에서 발원한 황사가 또 유입될 것으로 보여 철저한 대비가 필요합니다. 정혜윤 기자의 보도입니

BREATHE Smart - Air quality monitor 27/11/2018

SwissAirDeluxe is funding 💵 the team which invents BreatheSmart. A device which displays pollution levels in real time. BreatheSmart will let you know when you need to inhale some fresh 🇨🇭 mountain air from SwissAirDeluxe

BREATHE Smart - Air quality monitor Displays pollution levels in real-time so you can reduce your exposure to toxic air | Check out 'BREATHE Smart - Air quality monitor' on Indiegogo.

K.N.O.W 일지 23/11/2018

👩‍🎓Check out the presentation from the Catholic University of Pusan 부산가톨릭대학교 물리치료학과 🇰🇷-written by Jiwoo Kim- and find out more about SwissAirDeluxe

K.N.O.W 일지


Get 60% off❗❗❗
Use the voucher code


in your shopping cart

스위스에어 디럭스 공기캔~~소중한 사람에게 선물해보세요^^ 22/11/2018

🇨🇭SwissAirDeluxe in 🇰🇷️ 대한민국/大韓民國

스위스에어 디럭스 공기캔~~소중한 사람에게 선물해보세요^^ 몇주 전부터 초미세먼지로 인해 저에 목과 코 그리고 폐는 심한 몸살을 겪었습니다ㅠ.ㅠ정말이지 너무너무 ...


Swiss Air Deluxe on TV📺

Moorbrand in Niedersachsen: Jetzt sind 1200 Retter und Tornado im Einsatz 24/09/2018

Swiss Air Deluxe hilft 💚 mit sauberer 🇨🇭️ Bergluft gegen die besondere Belastung. Wir tun etwas für die Atemwege der Bewohner dieser Region. Die ersten Care Pakete werden momentan vorbereitet 📦

Moorbrand in Niedersachsen: Jetzt sind 1200 Retter und Tornado im Einsatz


You are leaving 🇨🇭 and travel abroad? Always take some with you 👆 Beware of and bad in other countries 😷


in 🇭🇰


Always take some on your ride🚗 to prevent from falling asleep momentarily😴

Think of your family and beloved ones ❤
Don't 🚑 get hurt in an accident 🚨

CONTEST: Your chance to win a can of SwissAirDeluxe + freeshipping! 12/08/2018

Share it and get an additional chance to win for each friend you refer!

CONTEST: Your chance to win a can of SwissAirDeluxe + freeshipping! Swiss Air Deluxe wants to say thank you to all our fans and followers.Take your chance, participate in our quiz and win a free can of SwissAirDeluxe + freeshipping !!!You can find all the answers on our Facebook and Homepage . Share it and get an additional chance to win for each friend you refer!


Happy Birthday Switzerland💐🇨🇭️🎉

Today is and exactly on the 1st of August proudly presents its new product: - with 13 well selected herbs from ! Good for your

Wollen Sie Ihr Service zum Top-Gesundheits- Und Schönheitsfirma in Zürich machen?
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.

Unsere Geschichte

My name is Markus Klinkmüller. I live in Switzerland and my vision is to give everyone the possibility to enjoy the positive benefits of Swiss Mountain Air.

Swiss Air Deluxe(®) is collected at an altitude of 3000 meters and I personally guarantee for the best quality.

Below you find dome key facts about the positive effects:



Margrit Rainer Str. 15

Andere Medizin & Gesundheit in Zürich (alles anzeigen)
Mario Trullini - Praxis für Körper- & Prozessarbeit Mario Trullini - Praxis für Körper- & Prozessarbeit
Sihlstrasse 61
Zürich, 8001

Praxis für Körper- & Prozessarbeit | Shiatsu, Craniosacral Therapie, Myofascial Release

Careum Bildungszentrum Careum Bildungszentrum
Gloriastrasse 16
Zürich, 8006

Berufsfachschule & Höhere Fachschulen für Gesundheitsberufe

Oprandi & partner ag Oprandi & partner ag
Seebahnstrasse 89
Zürich, 8003

Kompetent, diskret und effizient unterstützen wir Sie in der erfolgreichen Suche nach einer neuen beruflichen Herausforderung in der Gesundheitsbranche.

Brine MedCare Brine MedCare
Selnaustrasse 2
Zürich, 8001

BRINE MED CARE vertreibt essentielle medizinische Produkte in der Schweiz und angrenzende Länder.

Noonli Noonli

AI-driven recipe recommendation. Noonli delivers recipes you'll love to cook. #swissmade

Cystinorm - Switzerland Cystinorm - Switzerland
Zürich, Thụy Sĩ
Zürich, 8000

Offizielle Fanpage von CYSTINORM in der Schweiz - 100% Sicherheitsgarantie - Garantieren Sie die beste Qualität

WakeUp Pelvic WakeUp Pelvic

Bringing pelvic physiotherapy to the next level. 🌿

Swiss School of Public Health Swiss School of Public Health
Hirschengraben 82

OneTwenty - the revolution in diabetes care OneTwenty - the revolution in diabetes care

We revolutionize the lives of people with diabetes - and of everyone else

Spitex Frei Zürich Spitex Frei Zürich
Seebacherstrasse 111
Zürich, 8052

Frei wählbare Dienstleistungen – Frei wählbare Termine – Freie Auswahl der MitarbeiterInnen

Esha - Ganzheitliche Perspektiven nach einer Krebsdiagnose Esha - Ganzheitliche Perspektiven nach einer Krebsdiagnose
Carl-Spitteler-Strasse 57
Zürich, 8053

Esha – Ganzheitliche Perspektiven nach einer Krebsdiagnose

Nutricionista Dr.ª Rosa Pires Nutricionista Dr.ª Rosa Pires

Ajudo pessoas a eliminarem o excesso de gordura acumulada na barriga e ancas, a recuperar o gosto pe