Evangilesansfrontiere.cuthe Pastoral of refugees

Le destin de l'homme est lié au Christ, L'Eglise en est donc responsable.

Elle ne peut prétendre suivre le Christ si elle ne marche pas sur leur route avec les hommes.

Agissons | Nations Unies 17/03/2024

La haine n'a pas sa place ni dans nos foyers, ni sur nos lieux de travail, ni dans nos écoles, ni dans nos rues.

Elle n’a sa place nulle part.

Faites la différence. Dites . https://un.org/fr/actnow


Agissons | Nations Unies La campagne Agissons (ActNow) est un appel des Nations Unies à une action citoyenne contre les changements climatiques et pour la durabilité.

Photos from Evangilesansfrontiere.cuthe Pastoral of refugees's post 16/03/2024

Our happy loan received a work interview with a member of The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL in the technical support center to discuss the next one. The launch of activities planned for next week, and a meeting to form its new coordination committee.


God always finds a place in the hearts of the most fragile people, such as widows, foreigners,... God is terrible against his enemies in his judgments against the ungodly, He shows himself full of tenderness towards those who belong to him and whom he calls "Righteous". God takes special care of those who have lost all natural support; the isolated are the objects of special care. God makes those who were alone live in families. How many have had this valuable experience? It is a prophecy which shows what becomes of the kingdom of Jesus Christ in the midst of its enemies until its ruin. We see there the marvelous works which operate in all times, when God arises and makes felt his presence in such a way as to test his enemies and to consolidate the faithful. Namely, the God of Israel will triumph over all his enemies. In the judgment that will strike Babylon, Edom and Nineveh, their presence in the ruins will be synonymous with a curse. Does God's plan sometimes seem to have no hope of coming true? Let us never give up. The Lord will have regard to the prayer of the desolate, he will listen to the groan of the prisoner even though he is rightly captive to the enemy. He will loose those who are doomed to death. Many of us have experienced such deliverance by pure grace. But on the cross, during the three hours of darkness, Christ was also the substitute before divine justice for those who in repentance and faith will later be part of the remnant of Israel. Christ paid for them the inestimable price of their redemption and they, like those of the nations who believe in Him, benefit from His work. Batax Jure IMBANDA

State Pastor


Over the course of a few months of sleep in our association, after some temporary technical and organizational complications, we can wake up to breathe new life into what we have assigned ourselves. This awakening allows us to form the core necessary for the development of the Asbl, to re-motivate minds for a new extraordinary adventure. I won't be with you to continue here, but it is important to understand what it means to be a leader in this world filled with hatred and jealousy in order to bring the love that is missing in the hearts of many. Being uprooted is not an identity but a temporary situation. it can be overcome through termination. We did it, and today we show you the route to follow so that you, in turn, become the quick answer to your own situation and for those around you.

The founder in his speech during the relaunch of the activities of the Asbl


God of the universe, it is you who regulates the movement and the roar of the sea and who calms the terrible noise of its waves May it please You, for the love of Your holy Name, to calm the storm and mercifully deliver those who are tormented on the Mediterranean Sea from this danger and have no help. please also give to our political authorities that you have entrusted to lead us the love and the heart to listen to your word and put it into practice, in this way, many things can change and stop the scourge of emigration to feel better considered at home. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen
The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL


La coordinatrice principale de l'Asbl The Pastoral of Refugees " Brenda Sandra EFFOUDOU" est attendue la semaine prochaine dans le nouveau bureau de l'association situé au Pont Emana, derrière CNPS pour une communication d'enjeu.

Honneur, valeur et dignité.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL is in the headquarters. Accompaniement, Support and care for uprooted people.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL at the new office in Yaoundé. Emana Bridge, see behind CNPS. We wish all members a great day in the Lord. Love is the motto


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL is back. the relaunch of activities took place yesterday late in the evening. a very precise launch given by its founder. Let us fight for honor, value and dignity.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL reprend ses activités
Notre fondateur a lancé la reprise des activités de l'association.


The resumption of Pastoral if Refugees ASBL activities is planned for the end of this week. Members of the administration committee will be invited to discuss this year's activities.


Plea A team from Pastoral of Refugees ASBL tried to restore the reputation of an uprooted woman and member of Pastoral of Refugees ASBL. This woman saw her dignity and reputation demolished by her landlord. Restoring a climate of peace, understanding and mutual understanding are also part of our mission. Restore courage and joy of living for those who are uprooted and preserve balance in relations with the host community.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL a recruté une fille-mère pour dans le cadre de son programme d'autonomisation de la jeune fille déracinée.Elle a reçu son emploi hier,et elle fera partie, désormais,de la liste de ceux qui seront rémunérés au sein de l'Asbl.
Nous aurons aussi besoin des volontaires pour travailler avec nous.


Too many beautiful bodies are inhabited by impure and dangerous spirits, and are spiritually very dirty souls. Our Coach, expert in theology of couples and marriage. We don't sleep with everyone! S*x is powerful energy transmission channels You don't know where your s*xual partner's blood lineage comes from. Our Coach and expert on the subject. Because of your ignorance, your star has been stolen, misappropriated or exchanged. this transaction was facilitated by the power of s*x. Your fats have been torn off, your crown stolen, your throne stolen, your silver and your gold have been stolen so that you sink into misery. Your tunic has been torn, incurable illnesses of which you are the victim, it is through lack of respect of the power of s*x. Yes projects destroyed, your graces were sucked and even sought to kill you. Many have failed after s*x because of negative energy and mind transfer. If you are concerned by this situation today, know that there is a possibility of recovering your stolen star as well as your misappropriated inheritance. You have the right to a state of health as a blessing from God. Contact our telephone number 6 59 78 74 24 CNPS to make an appointment with our technical support center avoid malicious people.
Jesus Christ loves you
Emana,behin CNPS.


Nous prions également pour ceux qui sont sur la route de la mer méditerranée,et qui sont buter à des menaces de naufrage.

Photos from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency's post 13/02/2024

The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL a reçu une délégation des femmes souhaitant faire partie de la communauté pour accompagner les personnes déracinées au Cameroun.
C'est en prévision du programme de relancement de ses activités.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL a eu des nouveaux membres.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL reprendra ses activités d'ici la fin de ce mois.
Il sera convoquer une réunion préparatoire pour la reprise de cette année.


The Pastoral of Refugees ASBL a accueilli des nouveaux membres cet après-midi dans son nouveau bureau associé situé à Pont Emana, voir derrière CNPS.


La reprise des activités de l'association The Pastoral of Refugees avec une réunion d'évaluation des activités antérieures.
La coordinatrice principale, Madame Brenda Sandra EFFOUDOU est attendue pour une séance de réunion préparatoire prévue la semaine prochaine.
Nous vous souhaitons de passer une excellente journée en compagnie de notre plateforme.

Chargé de communication

Photos from Evangilesansfrontiere.cuthe Pastoral of refugees's post 14/01/2024

Bon dimanche à notre coordinatrice principale , à la famille LANGUEU et EFFOUDOU.
Elle est attendue à son nouveau bureau.

Photos from Partenariat Camerounais's post 14/01/2024

Throw them out! A better world starts with all of us.


The Pastoral of refugees ASBL va devoir moderniser son siège social situé à Eman-Ambassa et l'équipé.
Notre Ambassadeur de bonne volonté, Master The Pastoral of refugees ASBL était en échange cet après-midi pour une éventuelle possibilité.


Bonne journée


Nous prions ce matin pour que ceux qui sont secoués par le mouvement et le mugissement de la mer qu'ils soient délivrer.
Cette prière est une recommandation de la séquence matinale de la chaire universelle.


Nous prions ce matin pour les personnes en mouvement, ceux qui sont en voyage par mer,que la tempête ne le dérange pas,qu'il soient éloignés de tout malheur des hommes ni de la part des animaux pour ceux qui sont en voyage par route.
Recevez le secours de la protection de Dieu.
Confessez-le au nom puissant de Jésus-Christ.

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Messassi Express Union. Yaoundé 1er

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