MINT Terapie
Kliniky v blízkosti
Národní, Nove Mesto
Národní, Malá Strana
Národní, Nove Mesto
Karoliny Světlé
Letenské Náměstí, Prague
Fyzioterapie pro všechny v centru Prahy
🌱 🤍
Physiotherapy for all right in the Prague city centre
Na porodu záleží: Martin Němec V tomto rozhovoru se dozvíte, jaká byla profesní cesta doktora Němce až do porodnice ve Frýdku-Místku.Více na:
Postpartum Bowel Movement Tips:
🗓️ Timing: Most women have their first bowel movement between the 1st and 3rd day postpartum. If you have trouble, consult your doctor about stool softeners like Lactulose.
💧 Hydration & Diet: Drink at least 2 liters of water daily and eat fiber-rich foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, whole grains). Avoid delaying toilet visits when you feel the urge—delaying can cause stool hardening and make bowel movements more difficult.
🩹 Perineal Care: For perineal pain from va**nal delivery or episiotomy, gently support the area with pressure while on the toilet. Wrap your fingers in toilet paper or press lightly through a pad. Use a footstool to elevate your knees above your hips, which can help with positioning and ease bowel movements.
🚿 Cleaning: After each bowel movement, thoroughly clean the perineum. Ideally, rinse with water in the shower and gently pat dry with a towel. Consider using portable bidets for better hygiene and comfort, which can also provide a soothing massage for the area.
🚫 Avoid Straining: Straining can put too much pressure on the perineum. Instead, take deep breaths and try vocalizations like humming “mmmmmm” to relax the pelvic floor. This helps move the diaphragm down and relax the pelvic muscles, making bowel movements easier.
🌿 Hemorrhoids: These occur from increased pressure and can cause lumps around the a**s, pain, itching, and bright red blood. Consult your doctor about treatment options to manage and alleviate symptoms.
Ergonomics of defecation
Difficulties with defecation can affect almost anyone, children and adults alike. They can occur in pregnancy, after abdominal surgery (e.g. caesarean section), in people suffering from haemorrhoids, incontinence problems or improper diet. 💩
The m. puborectalis, a muscle that maintains the angle between the re**um and a**s when the trunk is upright, plays an important role in defecation by keeping the feaces in the colon.
In the squatting position, the m. puborectalis allows the re**us and a**s to be stretched almost vertically. This allows the free passage of the digestive material out of the body without any significant need to increase intra-abdominal pressure. The need to push hard on the toilet is thus a symptom of improper defecation.
🚽 The position we adopt on the toilet is essential for proper bowel movement:
🌱 a moderate forward tilt of the torso - an angle of about 40° between the thighs and the torso.
🌱 feet fully on the ground
❗️squat toilets are therefore suitable for our defecation, in European type toilets it is advisable to add a stool placed under the feet.
Co je to hypermobilita a jaké jsou druhy hypermobility? Jaký vliv může mít hypermobilita na jógovou praxi? Na co si dát pozor, pokud jste hypermobilní a děláte jógu?
Odpovědi na tyto otázky se dozvíte v našem článku:
Jak spolu souvisí dech a držení těla? Jaké svaly se při dýchání zapojují a jak to ovlivňuje napřímení páteře a držení těla obecně? To se dozvíte v článku na našem blogu:
💻Ergonomics of working at the PC💻
Do you have a sedentary job and spend your working day at the computer? Then this post is for you!🪑
Sitting for long periods of time is not ideal for our bodies. Unfortunately, even regular sports activities in our free time can’t balance 8+ hours of sitting in a tasteful way. So it’s important to work with how we spend our time right at work and try to incorporate as much movement into our workday as possible.🚶
Research shows that so-called movement breaks can help best. For every 30-120 minutes of sitting, there should be at least 5 minutes of active movement. This means that at least every 2 hours we should get up from the computer and move - go for a walk, do some squats, stretch or practice your physiotherapy exercises, for example.💪
When you’re sitting at your PC or laptop, it’s a good idea to follow these guidelines:
🌱keep the top edge of the screen at eye level (it is advisable to prop the laptop up)
🌱keep your arms loose on the table top or armrests, shoulders clear of your ears (have an external keyboard and mouse with your laptop)
🌱sit in a high enough chair so that your hips are higher than your knees
🌱the whole of the walker should reach the floor
🌱and most importantly - change your position and often!
🩺 CHIRURGICKÁ LÉČBA JE JEDINÁ KAUZÁLNÍ LÉČBA ENDOMETRIÓZY. Jedině tak lze ložiska endometriózy odstranit z těla. K dispozici je ale také symptomatická léčba pomocí a**lgetik a hormonů, stejně jako rehabilitace, psychoterapie, psychosomatika a alternativní metody jako akupunktura.
Tyto doplňkové postupy pomáhají ženám po psychické stránce a urychlují rekonvalescenci po operaci, což vede k rychlejšímu návratu do psychické pohody.
To vše je důležité. V Akreditovaném centru pro léčbu endometriózy v Nemocnice ve Frýdku-Místku spolupracují s dalšími lékařskými i nelékařskými obory, aby pacientky lépe zvládly situaci. 👌
Projekt doporučujeme sledovat 🙌 Věnují se šíření povědomí o psychických obtížích u žen a rodičů v perinatálním období. A to je moc důležité téma!
Aniball (Vaginal Balloon Device) vs. Perineal Massage During Pregnancy
🌱 Clients often confuse the effects of the Aniball device with those of perineal massage, wondering which is better or if they should combine both. However, these methods serve different purposes.
🌸 Aniball is used for:
- Enhancing pelvic floor awareness
- Practicing pelvic floor relaxation 🧘♀️
- Synchronizing pelvic floor activity with breathing 💨
- Familiarizing with the sensation of pressure in the birth ca**l
- Trying out birthing positions 🛌
Manufacturers suggest starting Aniball use from the 36th week of pregnancy.
💆♀️ Perineal massage aims to improve the elasticity and flexibility of the birth ca**l tissues. Its benefits are scientifically supported, reducing the risk of birth injuries, postpartum perineal pain, and more. You can start perineal massage from the 34th week of pregnancy.
Our Opinion at MINT: We recommend perineal massage to all women due to its proven benefits and early start at 34 weeks. Aniball is generally not recommended unless a woman feels the need for extra preparation or struggles with pelvic floor relaxation. However, even if using Aniball, perineal massage should still be performed.
Manufacturers of Aniball acknowledge that confusing its effects with perineal massage is a common myth. For more information, visit or reach out to us with any questions! 😊
V tomto článku naleznete jednoduchá dechová cvičení, která si můžete vyzkoušet sami doma.
Můžete tak zapracovat na efektivitě svého dechového stereotypu, posílit bránici nebo třeba zklidnit svou mysl.
Jak se stane, že nedýcháme optimálně? Co s tím lze dělat?
Článek najdete na našem blogu zde:
🌿 7 Benefits of Perineal Massage in Pregnancy 🌿
Perineal massage is a simple technique with powerful benefits for childbirth. Here’s how it can enhance your experience:
1. 21% lower risk of episiotomy ✂️
2. Reduced incidence of birth injuries 🏥
3. 64% lower risk of third and fourth-degree perineal injuries 🛡
4. Improved healing of birth injuries 🌟
5. Reduced occurrence of perineal pain after birth 🤱
6. Shortened second stage of labor ⏳
7. Reduced risk of a**l incontinence 🚻
How to lift heavy loads properly? 📦
Lifting heavy loads (such as boxes, bags or children) is a common trigger for hip pain, so we often address proper lifting technique in the office. 🏋️♂️
Among the widespread claims is that lifting loads with a bent back is a risk factor for developing lumbar spine pain. 📑However, modern research shows that there is no direct correlation between the degree of flexion (bending) of the lumbar spine and the degree of pain in the lumbar spine. The advice not to bend the back when lifting loads is therefore scientifically unsupported. ❌
So what is the correct way to lift heavy loads? ✅
- try to lift the load straight in front of you (do not rotate your torso)
- hold the load as close to you as possible
- keep your feet on the ground at all times while lifting
- use your leg muscles and gluteal muscles as much as possible
- try to keep your back straight for as long as possible, but don’t panic if you don’t succeed throughout the movement
- only lift loads that you are used to (or have trained for) - do not over exert yourself and ask for help if necessary
👍What exercises can you practice to be best prepared for lifting loads?
- Squats 🏋️♂️
- Deadlifts 🫧
- Glute bridges 🌉
- Jefferson curl - an exercise in which we practice bending over (with or without weights) over a rounded back and then returning to a standing position. By practicing this movement, we can increase range of motion in the lumbar spine and reduce fear of movement. 💪
If you are unsure about lifting weights or already have some movement difficulties, we recommend seeing a specialist. 🧑⚕️
Lícní nerv zodpovídá za tzv. inervaci (tedy pohyb) obličejových svalů. Při jeho postižení jsou ovlivněny nejen svaly obličeje, ale i slzné kanálky nebo slinné žlázy. Jak k tomu může dojít a jaká je v rámci léčby role fyzioterapie se můžete dočíst na našem blogu.
Článek najdete zde:
Perineal teaeing / birth injuries🤰🏼👶🏻
🌸 Tears in the soft birth ca**l are a common complication of va**nal delivery. The most frequent tears occur in the perineal area, but they can also appear in the va**na and on the l***a.
🌸 Perineal injuries occur in more than 80% of va**nal deliveries.
🌸 Women giving birth for the first time are more at risk (90%). For women who have given birth before, the incidence of injuries is significantly lower (60–70%).
Risk factors increasing the likelihood of perineal injury can be identified in both the mother and the baby. The course of the birth itself can also be a risk factor.
Classification of Birth Injuries 🚼🔍
– Perineal injuries are classified into four basic degrees according to severity, i.e., the extent of affected tissues.
1️⃣ First degree: injury to the perineal skin
2️⃣ Second degree: injury to the perineal muscles without injury to the sphincter
3️⃣ Third degree: injury affecting the a**l sphincter
4️⃣ Fourth degree: injury to the external and internal a**l sphincter and a**l mucosa
How can perineal injuries be prevented from a physiotherapy perspective? 🤰💆♀️
A very effective method of protection is perineal massage. We teach our clients this technique in physiotherapy towards the end of pregnancy. It can be performed from the 34th week of pregnancy, and scientific evidence suggests the following benefits:
Benefits of Perineal Massage - Scientific Evidence 📊💡
– 21% lower risk of episiotomy ✂️
– Reduced incidence of birth injuries 🏥
– 64% lower risk of third and fourth-degree perineal injuries 🛡️
– Improved healing of birth injuries 🌟
– Reduced occurrence of perineal pain after birth 🤱
– Shortened second stage of labor ⏳
– Reduced risk of a**l incontinence 🚻
Jak má správně vypadat barefootová obuv a jak se liší od té konvenční?
To se dozvíte na našem blogu!
❕❗️ EDIT: Kurz je již zaplněn! Pokud byste se rádi zapsali na listinu náhradníků nebo byste byli rádi přednostně informováni o dalších termínech kurzu, napište nám na [email protected] :-) ❗️❕
Na dobrém začátku záleží a u miminek o to více! 👶💚
Již od prvních dnů a týdnů si miminko buduje základ své motoriky na celý život. To můžeme pozitivně ovlivnit pomocí správné péče a handlingu. 🤱
Naše dětská fyzioterapeutka Petra celý svůj profesní život zasvětila práci s miminky, malými dětmi a jejich rodiči. 👧 Ze zkušenosti ví, že rodiče si často správnou manipulací s miminky nejsou jisti a dělá jim starosti. 🤯
V rámci našeho kurzu vám Petra jednoduše a laskavě ukáže, jak na to. Uvidíte, že to není žádná věda! 🗯️
Zjistíte, co přesně psychomotorický vývoj je a projdete si jeho základní milníky (se zaměřením na prvni tři měsíce).
Osvojíte si nejdůležitější praktické dovednosti - jak miminko přebalovat, polohovat či přetáčet. 👨🍼
Také si ukážete, co naopak miminku neprospívá a vysvětlíte si proč. ❔
Zjistíte, jaké pomůcky si dobu pořídit a kterým se naopak vyhnout. 🧸
Narozdíl od online kurzů nebo návodů si na našem workshopu vše prakticky vyzkoušíte na panenkách nebo nasvém miminku za podpory a dohledu odborníka. 👩⚕️
Termín konání: 12.9. v 17:00
Doba trvání: 2 hodiny
Cena kurzu: 790 Kč pro jednotlivce / 1100 Kč pro pár
Kapacita: 6 - 8lidí
Rezervace: odkaz v našem bio
✌️PEACE and LOVE ❤️
are modern protocols aimed at treating acute soft tissue injuries such as sprains, bruises or tears.
They place great emphasis on patient education and the influence of the psyche on healing. 🕊️
The PEACE and LOVE protocols are based on the idea that inflammation and pain are normal and necessary parts of the healing process. ❌🧊
Thus, we should not suppress these natural processes. 🌸
PEACE is used in the acute phase.
LOVE is used in the sub-acute (or chronic) phase.
P - Protection☮️
Protection of the injured area by avoiding activities that cause pain or discomfort to the patient.
E - Elevation 🗻
Elevating the injured area or placing it on an elevated surface helps to reduce swelling and improve circulation.
A - Avoiding anti-inflammatory influences 💊
Avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other techniques (such as icing) except for severe pain.
C - Compression 🦵
Compression of the injured area helps reduce swelling.
E - Education 🧑🎓
Educating the patient about the healing process and treatment of the injury is proving essential.
L - Load 📦
Loading the affected area as soon as possible helps the healing process. We use individual exercises aimed at improving range of motion, muscle strength and flexibility.
O - Optimism ☀️
The patient should focus on the positive side of things and the progress they are making.
V - Vascularization 🩸
Improving blood flow in the affected area, for example by using gentle massage or light exercise.
E - Exercise 🏃♀️
Gradually increasing activity according to the ability and pain level of the individual.
Správně si vybrat barefootovou botu není zdaleka tak přímočaré a jednoduché, jako si vybrat běžnou módní botu z konfekce. Nenechte se však odradit, rozhodně to stojí za to.
Na co se při výběru soudtředit a na co si naopak dát pozor su můžete přečíst na našem blogu:
Máme ohromnou radost, že se nám podařilo rozšířit portfolium našich služeb a můžeme vám tak u nás nově nabídnout masáže! 💆🏼♀️🧡
Jsme nadšení, že kromě klasických masáží u nás nyní můžete využít i masáže těhotenské, které jsou pro ženy úplným balzámem a skvělým relaxem 🧘♀️🤰🏼🍉
Objednávání je možné klasicky přes náš online rezervační systém. Zatím máme vypsaných několik termínu na konci srpna/začátku září. Tak neváhejte 😊📆
*Masáže nabízíme pouze v českém jazyce.
We are thrilled to announce that we have expanded our range of services and can now offer massages! 💆🏼♀️🧡
We are excited to offer, in addition to classic massages, pregnancy massages, which provide complete relief and great relaxation for women! 🤰🏼🍉
Booking is available through our online reservation system. We currently have several slots open at the end of August and the beginning of September, so don’t hesitate to book! 😊📆
*Massages are offered only in Czech.
Jak stát “správně ergonomicky”?🪑
Jakákoliv dlouhodobá neměnná poloha je pro naše tělo nepříznivá.🚷Ve statickém stoji dochází k přetěžování velkých kloubů, páteře, chodidel i žilního systému.🦴
Stejně jako u sedu i u stoje platí, že je vhodné polohu, ve které se naše tělo nachází, co nejvíce obměňovat.🔄Ideální je i v průběhu dne pravidelně zapojovat aktivní pohyb (občas se protáhnout, udělat pár dřepů, projít se apod.)🏃♀️
V případě delšího stoje při práci je zásadní ergonomická úprava pracovního prostředí respektující individuální fyzické parametry.🛠️👷♀️Zásadní je i individuální výběr vhodné obuvi s ohledem na fyzickou zátěž.👟Co se týče speciálních pomůcek, někomu bude příjemné stát na senzomotorických podložkách nebo protiúnavových rohožích.🧘♂️
Jak ve stoje zaujmout aktivní napřímenou polohu?
* uvědomte si oporu o chodidlo🦶a délku celé páteře 🦴
* uvědomte si pozici pánve a zaktivujte svaly středu těla🧘♀️
* napřimte páteř a uvolněte ramena, představte si široké klíční kosti🫀
How should we stand “ergonomically correctly”?🪑
Any long-term static position is unfavorable for our body.🚷When standing statically, large joints, the spine, feet, and the venous system are overloaded.🦴
Just like with sitting, it’s important to vary our body’s position as much as possible when standing.🔄Different positions should be alternated throughout the day, and regular active movement should be incorporated (such as stretching occasionally, doing a few squats, walking around, etc.).🏃♀️
In the case of prolonged standing while working, ergonomic adjustments to the work environment that respect individual physical parameters are crucial.🛠️👷♀️Equally important is the individual selection of suitable footwear, considering the physical load.👟As for special aids, some may find it comfortable to stand on sensorimotor pads or anti-fatigue mats.🧘♂️
How to maintain an active upright posture while standing?
* Be aware of the support from your feet 🦶 and of the length of your entire spine🦴
* Be aware of the position of your pelvis and activate your core muscles🧘♀️
* Straighten your spine and relax your shoulders; imagine broad collarbones🫀
Čelistní (neboli latinsky temporomandibulární) kloub je nejvytíženější kloub v lidském těle. Během jediného dne vykoná až 2000 pohybů. Není tedy divu, že až 50% populace má s oblastí čelistního kloubu obtíže.
Jak se takové obtíže projevují a jak je možné je řešit se dozvíte na našem blogu:
🪑🛋️👩🏾💻 How to sit „ergonomically“ ?
🙌🏼 First and foremost, it must be stated that there is no single correct way to sit. The best approach for our bodies is to have as much variety and diversity in our positions as possible. What actually harms our bodies are unchanging positions of any kind, where even though the irritation to joints, ligaments, and other tissues is minor, it is persistent.
🌈 Therefore, advice on how to sit could be summarized as: sit as varied as possible! For instance, you can change where you sit – on a chair, on the ground, or on a mat. You can also make use of dynamic seating on an unstable surface such as a gym ball or balance cushion. However, these tools should be used sparingly throughout the day – for example, for 20 minutes before changing positions again.
👩💼🏢 If you find yourself in an office with limited options for changing your position and want to “align” yourself while sitting, try the following:
* Be aware of the support from your feet.
* Feel the contact of your sitting bones with the seat and try to sit on them evenly.
* Straighten your spine and relax your shoulders, imagining wide collarbones.
🙆🏼♀️🤸🏼♀️ By doing this, you will achieve a more active posture, actively engaging the muscles of your torso – your abdomen, back, as well as your lower and upper limbs.
V červenci nás čekají státní svátky, dovolené a další týmové aktivity, kvůli kterým budeme mít ve výše uvedené dny zavřeno. Děkujeme za pochopení! 🙌🏼
Přejeme vám všem krásné léto! ⛱️☀️🍉🌊
🇬🇧 [ENG]—-
In July, we will be closed on the mentioned days due to public holidays, vacations, and other team activities. Thank you for your understanding! 🙌🏼
We wish you all a wonderful summer! ⛱️☀️🍉🌊
Chodidla většinu času utlačujeme v ponožce a v botě, ale umíme naše chodidla ovládat? Nosí nás celý život, přemisťují nás, kam potřebujeme, jsou naší pevnou základnou, a přesto jim nevěnujeme takovou pozornost, jakou by si zasloužila.
Více o chodidlech, jejich funkci a obtížích s nimi spojenými si můžete přečíst na našem blogu:
🌸Advantages of pelvic floor physiotherapy during pregnancy🌸
🤰Pelvic health physiotherapists play a crucial role in a multidisciplinary approach to care, which is essential for reducing the incidence of birth trauma and aiding recovery. Here are 7 Benefits of seeing a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist in Pregnancy:
1. Alleviating Pain: Physiotherapists treat pregnancy-related back and pelvic pain, assess muscle tension or dysfunction, and provide advice and exercises to improve pain and strengthen the body during pregnancy.
2. Preventing and Treating Leakage: Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) exercises can prevent or treat urinary and bowel leakage during pregnancy and postpartum, reducing the risk of incontinence.
3. Checking PFM Contraction Technique: Physiotherapists check the correctness of pelvic floor muscle contractions using ultrasound or va**nal examination to ensure effective exercises and prevent leakage.
4. Assessing Abdominal Muscles: Physiotherapists check for diastasis recti and core muscle activation techniques to prevent further muscle separation.
5. Exercise Planning: They create personalized exercise plans for pregnant women to stay active and strong, and adjust exercises as needed.
6. Birth Preparation and Perineal Massage: They teach perineal massage and provide advice for birth preparation, including pelvic floor muscle relaxation, proper breathing, and positioning during labor.
7. Relax: Physiotherapy during pregnancy is also p-l-e-a-s-a-n-t! By addressing muscle tension and joint mobility, you will feel lighter, more relaxed, and find it easier to breathe. At least that’s what our patients say. ☺️
I naše chodidla si zaslouží péči! Pomoci jim můžeme specifickým cvičením, vhodnou obuví i dobře zvolenými pomůckami, jako jsou adjustační ponožky. Konkrétní tipy najdete na našem blogu:
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