Crop Trust

Ensuring the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide


Food Forever - Crop Trust 2030 Strategic Plan aims to: 🎯 🌱

🫘 Permanently secure key collections in global
🌶️ Make crop diversity more available for use to support sustainable, resilient agri-food systems

Learn more ➡️


Sorghum, a beloved crop in Kenya, faces growing pest and disease challenges.

Under the Seeds for Resilience project, researchers from Kenya's National Genebank (GeRRi) are teaming up with farmers to select resilient varieties ➡️


Biodiversity loss, climate change, and food insecurity are interconnected challenges and solutions often seem complex and costly. However, a simple yet powerful answer is seeds. 🌱



Travel to Jammat Shaim to witness local farmers' struggles and the innovative efforts of
plant breeders from the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA developing drought-resistant varieties. 🌱

🎧 Discover how ancient crop wild relatives can save Durum Wheat: .

No more chocolate, coffee or wine? ‘Last supper’ shows stakes of climate crisis 01/08/2024

The event featured dishes, including crops that could drastically change or disappear in the coming years. To cope with that, we need in farmers’ fields. But that will not be possible in the long term without the insurance policy provided by the world’s .

No more chocolate, coffee or wine? ‘Last supper’ shows stakes of climate crisis Former White House chef Sam Kass hosts a four-course dinner featuring dishes that could drastically change – or disappear


Have you ever wondered what happens to seeds in ?

From the field to the frozen safety of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault or in the hands of a plant breeder - our infographic by the Seeds for Resilience Project follows the whole journey!


Join us in the latest episode of the Crop Chronicles as we explore the world of Durum Wheat, a Mediterranean staple, battling Morocco's severe drought.

Travel to Jammat Shaim to witness local farmers' struggles and innovative efforts to develop drought-resistant varieties.

Learn how ancient crop wild relatives can save Durum Wheat and support farming communities. Listen here:


Established in 2004, the Crop Trust safeguards global by supporting worldwide.

As we celebrate two decades, our mission to conserve crop diversity continues to be bold. 🌱

Learn more about our first 20 years ➡️


Carrots 🥕are tasty, versatile, and packed with micronutrients.

But they aren’t immune to pests, diseases and climate stress.

Learn about the multi-country effort in which researchers used wild relatives to develop new, resilient carrot varieties ➡️

Photos from Crop Trust's post 27/07/2024

To date, the Crop Trust has developed and updated 41 global crop conservation strategies.

The next phase, funded by BMEL, aims to enhance evidence-based decision-making in International Plant Treaty processes.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:


Durum Wheat is used in all sorts of dishes globally, from North African couscous to Middle Eastern bulgur, but pasta? That's where durum wheat truly shines. Its high protein and gluten content make it perfect for pasta, ensuring it keeps its unique quality and texture.

Katie Parla, a renowned author and culinary expert based in Rome, shared a tempting recipe for making Sardinian cavatelli with us:


BOLDer is the newest part of the project, aligned with the initiative, and aimed to support food security across Africa by enhancing conservation, production, and consumption of opportunity crops.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:


Open call: we are looking for experts in ex-situ conservation to join our roster of Genebank Reviewers.

If you are an individual or a consultancy firm with strong scientific expertise and experience in genebank management and operations, click here to learn more and apply:

Photos from Crop Trust's post 23/07/2024

As a pre-breeder, Anna Backhaus from the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA, explores genebank collections to identify promising diversity and integrates it into breeding materials for new durum wheat and barley varieties.

Learn more about pre-breeding and the project:

Photos from Crop Trust's post 22/07/2024

By organizing Quality Management Systems events, the Crop Trust helps partner genebanks to improve administrative, technical and operational standards, ensuring consistent delivery of crop diversity and services.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:


There are about 827 crop genebanks worldwide, conserving 5.8 million seed accessions. To ensure these samples are preserved and accessible, we need more technical collaboration, knowledge-sharing, capacity development, and better communication.

The Crop Trust invites all genebanks to join a Global Genebank Partnership to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and impact:

Photos from Crop Trust's post 19/07/2024

Durum Wheat is tougher and more nutritious than bread wheat?

It's beloved globally and used to make some of the tastiest wheat products, like pasta and couscous.

Learn about the innovative efforts to enhance Durum Wheat's resilience and how scientists ensure it continues to thrive, sustaining culinary traditions for future generations.

Read more:


Explore the world of Durum Wheat, a staple grain in many beloved dishes worldwide!

Discover how plant scientists enhance this resilient crop, grown from the Mediterranean to India and Africa, ensuring it continues to thrive and sustain culinary traditions for years.

Read more:

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas - ICARDA


Recently, the Crop Trust hosted two virtual roundtables supporting the UK’s Breakthrough Agenda to highlight the importance of crop diversity for agricultural sustainability and meeting urgent needs for funding and support for genebanks worldwide.

Learn more:

Photos from Crop Trust's post 16/07/2024

Our new series presents plant breeder and geneticist Sir Otto Frankel, who dedicated his career to conserving disappearing in the wild and farmers’ fields.

Learn more about how his activism raised global awareness of biodiversity loss and spurred governments to take action:


Through a Global Genebank Partnership, the Crop Trust facilitates collaboration and knowledge sharing among worldwide, creating a cost-efficient system to address food security, climate change and biodiversity loss.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:


In 2023, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault celebrated its 15th anniversary and launched a virtual tour!

It now houses over 1.2 million seed samples, the world’s largest crop diversity collection in a single location.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:

Photos from Crop Trust's post 13/07/2024

In 2023, the Seeds for Resilience Project strengthened African crop diversity by working with five national genebanks, focusing on conserving and utilizing key crop collections, including climate-resilient varieties.

Learn more in the 2023 Annual Report:


To prevent the fruit’s possible extinction, the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew and its Millennial Seed Bank have collaborated with the Crop Trust on a project that collects and protects the wild relatives of 🍌 and other important food crops. The plan is to safeguard the genetic material essential to breeding a new variety should the Cavendish succumb to disease.

Read more in the Forbes ➡️

Photos from Crop Trust's post 11/07/2024

The Crop Trust is proud to join the Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils Implementer's Group to work on a more coordinated global effort to address food security through opportunity crops.

This significant milestone was announced at at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) headquarters in Mexico by Catherine Bertini, Chair of the Executive Board of the Crop Trust, and Special Envoy for Global Food Security Dr. Cary Fowler:


Between January and June this year, 27 national from 20 countries uploaded over 46,000 new accession records in Genesys.

An additional 1,200,000 existing accession records were refreshed in the same time period.


Crop Diversity Meets Climate Policy in Bangkok 09/07/2024

The workshop organized by the International International Plant Treaty, Crop Trust, and
UN Climate Change Asia-Pacific, brought together experts to discuss how integrating genebanks into climate adaptation plans can help countries strengthen their food security.

Crop Diversity Meets Climate Policy in Bangkok Climate and food security policy merged lanes at an international workshop in Bangkok to explore their untapped synergies.  More than 20 participants fr...

Sweetpotatoes on Ice - Crop Trust Annual Reports 08/07/2024

How can cryopreservation potentially be best used to conserve plant parts for centuries?

To find out, we collaborated with partners globally under the UK Government’s Darwin Initiative on a project called “Sweetpotato, a model for food security and long-term conservation of biodiversity.”

Read more in the 2023 Annual Report:

Sweetpotatoes on Ice - Crop Trust Annual Reports Sweetpotatoes on Ice- Crop Trust Reports -

Photos from Crop Trust's post 07/07/2024

Meet - a superhero crop! It thrives in tough conditions, improves soil, and is rich in protein.

As part of the project, experts are using wild relatives to create a less toxic, higher-yield variety, aiming to put grasspea back on the menu ➡️

ICARDA; International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas

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Securing our Food, Forever

An increasingly unpredictable and changing climate, and a world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, will place unprecedented demands on agriculture. Conserving the vast diversity of crop varieties is the only way to guarantee that farmers and plant breeders will have the raw materials needed to improve and adapt their crops to meet these challenges - and provide food for us into the future.

The conservation of crop diversity is neither technologically complicated, nor, considering the importance of the task, expensive. The varieties of many of the most important crops can be simply stored as seed in freezers. It is instead the reliability of funding which is so crucial to conserving seed, as even short-term breaks in funding can lead to cutbacks in basic maintenance and the loss of unique varieties. Currently, with no secure funding, many of the world's 1500 genebanks know neither what is being stored on their shelves, nor even whether the seed is alive or dead.

And there is only one organization working worldwide to solve this problem - the Global Crop Diversity Trust.

Our mission is to ensure the conservation and availability of crop diversity for food security worldwide. The fight against hunger is one of the greatest challenges facing the world over the coming decades - and crop diversity is fundamental to defeating hunger and achieving food security.



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