Arte Generali

Kontaktinformationen, Karte und Wegbeschreibungen, Kontaktformulare, Öffnungszeiten, Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen, Fotos, Videos und Ankündigungen von Arte Generali, Versicherungsgesellschaft, Adenauerring 7, Munich.


“Thanks to my role I can experience the art market from a fresh perspective”- meet Francesca Sinagra, Fine Art Junior Underwriter at ARTE Generali Italia.

🎥 In the video Francesca shares what she loves most about ARTE Generali and how she brings her passion for art to her role.


Today Johannes Kasek, Senior Underwriter at ARTE Generali Germany, shares with us how ARTE Generali is using the latest digital technologies and leveraging AI to 💥 simplify 💥 processes.

💡 Together with our cutting-edge tech partners Speak Art and Wondeur, we have developed solutions for both professionals and for the art community.
🎥 Watch the video to learn more and stay tuned.

Heute berichtet Johannes Kasek, Senior Underwriter bei ARTE Generali Deutschland, wie ARTE Generali die neuesten digital technologies einsetzt und AI nutzt, um Prozesse zu 💥 vereinfachen 💥.

💡 Gemeinsam mit unseren hochmodernen tech Partnern Speak Art und Wondeur haben wir Lösungen sowohl für Professionals als auch für die Kunstszene entwickelt.

🎥 Sehen Sie sich das Video an und erfahren Sie mehr.

Galerie Stefan Vogdt, Copyright: Ola Kolehmainen, Ernst Gamperl, Rotraut, Markus Priller


🚀 We're thrilled to announce that we're teaming up with Generali Hong Kong to bring our assistance and expertise on protection and risk management to the vibrant Hong Kong art market.

💡 “With a thriving art community and dynamic collectors, Hong Kong presents an exciting opportunity for us.”- says Jean Gazançon Gazancon, CEO of ARTE Generali.

🎥 Watch the video to learn more


🔍 In a world where preservation and protection of our artistic and cultural heritage are paramount, the Facility Report is the cornerstone for assessing the condition of a building that contains the artworks.

In her latest article, Cristina Resti - Art expert and Art Network Manager at ARTE Generali – shares her insights into this crucial tool.

🏛️ The Facility Report assesses the condition and performance of buildings that house collections and visitors, covering aspects such as construction type, facility management, maintenance and security.

Beyond its technical function, the Facility Report plays a key role in communication:

1. It allows managers to monitor safety components and collaborate with various professionals such as risk managers, conservators and curators.
2. It provides lenders with critical information about security measures when loaning works of art.
3. It acts as a reference for operators and service providers, including insurance companies, guiding them in understanding building characteristics and organization.

📰 ENG - Read the Facility Report here:

📰 ITA - Scarica il Facility Report in italiano qui:


Holidays are a time to recharge and relax, so we want to help you prepare to leave with peace of mind. We once again provide you with our checklist of important TODO's that you should not neglect before you leave your property.

💡 📢 Iris Handke - Chief Underwriting Officer and International Business Manager
at ARTE Generali:" It is often underrated how important it is to have someone check on the property, take in the mail, water the plants, make sure that everything is okay and react if it isn't. A pipe burst for example can cause a lot of damage in a very short time. And if this goes unnoticed for two weeks, there is not only the water to deal with, but potentially mold as well. Getting help quickly is key! ".

Let´s check together:
✔️Did you check if the alarm system is working properly?
✔️Did you inform your security company about your holidays schedule? While you are talking to them, make sure to review and update the intervention plan if necessary
✔️Did you appoint someone to come and check that everything is fine with your property on a regular basis?
✔️Did you prepare a list of emergency contacts for this person to cover any scenario such as water leak, theft etc.?
✔️Did you put all your jewelry in the safe?
✔️Have you considered storing your jewelry in a bank vault? If so, don’t forget to check with your broker and your insurance company how to go about this.
✔️Are all water taps closed?
✔️Are all electronic devices that are not needed unplugged?
✔️Did you lock up the property? All windows and doors closed and locked?
✔️Did you turn on the alarm before leaving?

📌ARTE Generali assistance and protection solutions: Arte Products - EN | Arte Generali


💡 Are you ready for some food for thought? ARTE Generali’s tech partner @ Wondeur Ai invites us to think about the role of AI when investing in Art.


🗣️ "Art and Culture could be also a strong attractor and magnet when it comes to sustainability" remarked Stefano Denicolai, Full Professor of Innovation Management at the University of Pavia and Chairman of ITIR - Institute for Transformative Innovation Research. His insights were shared during our recent event "Art and Culture as Drivers of Sustainable Development" held in collaboration with Banca Generali, Deloitte, and ITIR - Institute for Transformative Innovation Research of the University of Pavia, last January in Milano, Italy.

📊 The study focused on organizations that hold cultural assets or/and promote cultural initiatives, looking in particular at their ability to measure and communicate the social and economic impact of their activities.

💡 This initiative aims not only to highlight existing practices but also to develop transparent and collaborative policies. Our objective is to promote social cohesion, inclusion, and participation through accessible arts and culture.

🎥 Here is Professor Stefano Denicolai discussing the next steps to develop the research further.

Get in touch with the research team if you are interested in taking part in the next phase of the study! Contact them at the following email: [email protected]


🗣️ “During the last 20 years we have seen a change of patterns in the climatic event – directly linked to the global warming.” says Jean Gazancon, CEO at ARTE Generali. 🌍 Climate change doesn't just threaten our environment, it also threatens our culturalheritage. 🏛️

ARTE Generali is a partner in the CHARISMA project, launched co-funded by the European Union in response to the urgent challenges posed by climatechange. The main objective of the project is to identify new tools and methodologies to protect cultural heritage from the risks posed by the various effects of global warming.

At ARTE Generali, our main objective is to protect art and the intrinsic cultural heritage that art transmits from one generation to the next. This is why we are taking a proactive approach, using our deep expertise in art insurance and risk management to effectively address potential threats.

🎥 Play the video


🎤 On Friday 8th March, to coincide with the opening of in Maastricht, ARTE Generali presented with Apollo - The International Art Magazine a discussion chaired by Edward Behrens at the Fotomuseum aan het Vrijthof.

The panelists were Sarah Done (Director, Restitution at Christie’s), Professor Doctor Barbara Plankensteiner (Director of MARKK, Hamburg and co-founder of Benin Dialogue Group) and Christopher A. Marinello (CEO, Art Recovery International).

💡 Watch video through the summary below to get an idea of the points that were raised and read the full article here:

Panelists photo credit David Owens


At ARTE Generali we live and breathe art every day. Art inspires, challenges, and enriches us. It speaks to each of us in a unique way, resonating with our life experiences and personalities.

Today we share our team's TEFAF favorite finds. Each piece holds a special place in our hearts for unique reasons

Jean Gazançon, CEO of ARTE Generali - “The Galerie Leage gave us the opportunity to see how diverse cultural influences contribute to create masterpieces such as this XVII century French cabinet combining Italian Pietra dura works and Flemish marquetry”.

Iris Handke, Chief Underwriting Officer and International Business Manager - “Being an admirer of the Chinese Tang Sculptures, I was immediately caught by the demeanour and expressiveness of this little guardian and his friend”.

Cristina Resti, Art Expert and Art Network Manager - “The frame plays a crucial role in art, serving not only as an aesthetic embellishment but also as a boundary and protection. Insurance can be likened to a frame, defining the artwork by focusing our attention on the risks it faces and providing protection. It suggests guidelines for the best practices in the management of the artwork, both when on display and during transport”.

Leonie Mellinghoff, Head of Art Relations and Communication - “Every stroke is perfectly placed, the composition is clearly structured. Degas manages to make us feel like we are in the room with the dancers”.

Francesca Sinagra, Junior Fine Art Underwriter - “I have always been intrigued by the evolution of the iconography of Adam and Eve, the Flemish painting in this painting highlights the colors and details in a unique, intriguing and mysterious way”.

Marco Umberto Lo Presti, Sales Underwriter - “This impressive work gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in a culture seemingly far away from Western rationale, demonstrating how literature and art are able to transcend any time, space and artificial boundaries”.

Camilla M., Head of Digital and Partnerships - “With intuitive, emotive manipulations of color and an expansive vocabulary of short, quick, loose brushstrokes, this painting made me think that in art there is no past and no future. Art lives in our present”.

Johannes Kasek, Senior Underwriter - “Is it a claim or just a trompe l‘oeil? However you should better be well insured”.

Julia Ries, Head of ARTE Generali Germany - “The so-called Atmos clock from 1930 is a very early atmospheric clock: a coveted collector's item as a table clock and a special rarity as a wall clock with a gold-plated case. Jean-Léon Reutter was the inventor of the Atmos clock, which draws its drive energy for winding the mainspring from the smallest fluctuations in temperature. A temperature change of 1 Kelvin is sufficient for an operating time of around 48 hours!”

Caroline De Combarieu, Head of ARTE Generali France - “I liked the humanity of the virgin and the kindness of the child. I was impressed by the very high quality standard”.


Is Restitution Always Right?" was the topic of a panel discussion organized by ARTE Generali in collaboration with Apollo – The International Art Magazine at the Museum aan het Vrijthof on the occasion of TEFAF2024.

💡 Restitution is clearly a complex subject. The competing claims between institutions and individuals and where responsibility lies were discussed, and from the collectors' point of view it became very clear that they need to be responsible for doing the work to establish provenance. As well as taking the laws into account, there is an ethical dimension to restitution, which is about returning property to the rightful owners from whom it was looted or removed, and this is where it gets more complicated: it requires a lot of understanding, professional assistance and a very measured attitude to the history of the object. Without that, the art market will not work as it should.

💡To conclude, some take-aways from the conversation:
✔️ do your homework,
✔️ be careful, and
✔️ understand the context of the object or work of art

📷 Pictured, from left to right: Edward Behrens, Editor Apollo Magazine, Sarah Done, Director Restitution at Christie’s, Jean Gazançon , CEO ARTE Generali, Christopher A. Marinello, Esq., CEO Art Recovery International LLC, Prof. Dr. Barbara Plankensteiner, Director of MARKK, Hamburg and Co-Founder of the Benin Dialogue Group. Picture © David Owens


On InternationalWomensDay ARTE Generali celebrates Generali´s strong commitment to promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and to further strengthening our efforts to create a more gender-balanced organization as well as a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

“At Generali, we believe that true inclusion lies in the richness of our differences, making every contribution meaningful. Let's continue celebrating diversity, upholding equity, and ensuring that our commitment to inclusion echoes not just today but every day. Let’s all BeBoldForInclusion “ - Generali

“We at ARTE Generali live diversity every day. We believe that the intercultural mix of our team makes us strong to deliver the best performance.” Julia Ries - Head of ARTE Generali Germany.

In the picture, ARTE Generali´s ladies at TEFAF today: (from the left) Marie-Claude MIRE, Julia Ries, Caroline De Combarieu, Leonie Mellinghoff, Iris Handke, Sarah Corinaldi


🗣️ “The idea of accompanying people in their plans for their lives and their dreams, for us this is very much inherent in the identity of Generali, and we very much believe that art and culture should be a part of it.” – This is what Emma Ursich, Head of Corporate Identity, Heritage & Historical Archive of Generali and Executive Officer of the Human Safety Net, told us when we met her at our event Art and Culture as Drivers of Sustainable Development - in collaboration with Banca Generali, Deloitte and ITIR - Institute for Transformative Innovation Research of the University of Pavia - last January.

💡Improving the community's legacy is a crucial component of Generali's commitment to being a LifetimePartner. Over 6.5 million people have benefited from our cultural initiatives in Italy over the past seven years, and we are involved in global programs that promote the welfare of stakeholders. By launching a number of initiatives to address the difficulty of measuring results. The results show that those involved in these initiatives are more committed to their work, confirming the significance of art and culture as a strategic asset, as well as their potential to connect social inclusion, sustainability, and the need to effectively communicate corporate culture.

If you want to learn more about Generaliheritage check this link:

🎥 Listen to what Emma has to say about Art and cultural initiatives as a driver of sustainable development.


ARTE Generali, together with Arterìa, is the technical partner of Venetian Heritage and Galleria Giorgio Franchetti for the exhibition project titled Venetian Heritage for the Ca’ d’Oro Museum. Highlights of this collection will be presented at TEFAF Maastricht 2024.
This project is an example of virtuous collaboration between public and private entities and promotes the museum and its permanent collection. Some of the artworks that have been selected represent and synthesize the richness and variety of the collection.

Among these are the iconic Double Portrait by Tullio Lombardo, the bronze relief of il Riccio depicting the Saint Martin and the beggar, and the small panel by Jan van Eyck and his workshop depicting the Crucifixion.

💡 Thanks to personalized solutions supported by cutting-edge services and digital tools, ARTE Generali provides the necessary assistance to manage the risks associated with the experience of exhibitions.

In the next weeks we will share on our channel insights on the logistics aspects behind an exhibition in collaboration with our partner Arterìa and we will deep dive with Venetian Heritage on the importance of protecting and conserving our cultural heritage. Stay tuned!

👉 Tips for collectors | we recommend to read our article on the Loan of Artworks:

Ph. Matteo De Fina
Direzione regionale Musei Veneto, courtesy of the Italian Ministry of Culture


What is the impact of AI on Art Insurance?

Can AI add value to asset management?

Art Insurance and asset management are topics that require experts. These could be trusted advisors from the financial and art sectors, but there is always the risk of human error. Artificial intelligence on the other hand is a tool that can used for monitoring the global art market and can guarantee a significant level of accuracy in forecasts. One does not substitute the other, it’s an existing partnership.

👉 Swipe for our partner Wondeur AI ARTech takeaways.


What are the Risk Managers of the future saying about the first steps that need to be taken to raise awareness among cultural institutions about the risks associated with climatechange?

🗣️ “It was very surprising to find out of how unaware many cultural institutions are of the impact of climate change on cultural assets”- says Sarah Corinaldi, one of the participants in the RMCH - CHARISMA Academy training week "On the job training on Risk Management of Historical Manufacts", held from 22 to 26 January at the LCA Studio Legale in Milan. "I think there needs to be a real call to action for risk mitigation practices.”

🎥 Watch the interview!


💡 How do you start building a collection?

How and where do you look for interesting artists?

💡 "Art must be discovered!” says Johanna Neuschäffer of Galerie Office Impart when we met her at Art Cologne. “The trends are the influence of new technologies on artistic practice, such as AI, blockchain, 3D animation and augmented reality".

Today, we share a selection of insights for art collectors who want to know more about what factors to consider when building a collection.

👉 Watch video to read her tips on the subject.


Those who identify risks at an early stage and carry out regular monitoring are more successful at protecting their collections.

"The preservation and protection of art and the associated assets is our top priority," says Kathrin Schmitz, Underwriter at ARTE Generali Germany.

🗣️ Watch her video to learn how ARTE Generali deals with the topic of risk management.

Kathrin will also guide you through projects such as CHARISMA and Arte Primo Plus, which are about sustainably preserving our cultural heritage and counteracting risks before they occur.


What can go wrong and cause the damage
or loss of value of an artwork or a cultural asset?

⛈️There are types of risk related to the environmental
context - for example, flooding and water damage.
Climate change and the increasing frequency of natural
disasters are factors that we can no longer ignore,
and hope will not affect us.
🔥Then there are man-made risks, transport risks, and

💡How many of the risks illustrated below were you
aware of?
If you need advice on how best to protect your works
of art, do not hesitate to contact our experts.


The risk posed by climatechange to cultural heritage needs to be understood and addressed in its complexity: now more than ever, the skills and competencies needed to manage and promote tangible cultural heritage need to be integrated with risk assessment and prevention.

ARTE Generali and Mazzini Lab are partners of the EU co-funded project CHARISMA (Cultural Heritage Academy for Risk Management) joining the effort to spread high level education and awareness on the measures to be taken to protect and enhance our cultural heritage.

This time we followed closely the CHARISMA training week "On the job training on Risk Management of Historical Manufacts", held from 22 to 26 January at the LCA in Milan.
The course participants, a new generation of risk managers, learned how to identify and assess the risks to which cultural sites are exposed and acquired risk mitigation practices.

🗣️ "With this project we want to develop a highly specialised training programme dedicated to the identification, assessment and mitigation of risks threatening our cultural heritage" - Francesca Peyron- Project Manager at Mazzini Lab.

🎥 Listen to what the participants took away from the training week


While the intrinsic historical and cultural value of an object is profoundly human, artificial intelligence, thanks to its advanced analysis and machine learning capabilities, offers innovative and in-depth insights into the economic dynamics that characterize the art world and is able to predict potential changes in value.

This symbiosis between artificial intelligence and contemporary artistic expression therefore proves to be a valuable tool for art market players, helping to outline informed strategies and conscious decisions on acquisitions, investments, insurance and conservation priorities.

Italo Carli, Head of ARTE Generali Italia, took part in the talk "Artificial Intelligence in Contemporary Art, a Support for Interpreting Market Valuations" that took place on Friday 2 February within the BOOMing Contemporary Art Show in Bologna, together with Dr. Sandie Zanini - Art Consultant & Curator, Crypto Artists Manager, CMO Zanini Arte Gallery,
Avv. Lavinia Savini - lawyer, intellectual property expert partner of the law firm FPBLegal (Milan, Bologna, Trieste),
Avv. Luca Guidobaldi - lawyer dealing with intellectual property and litigation, mainly in industrial and commercial matters as well as in media and entertainment, information and IT law.

The talk was moderated by the writer Elisabetta Roncati, creator of the brand "Art Nomad Milano", active in consulting and digital popularization in the field of art and culture.

ARTE Generali uses the latest technological innovations to offer solutions that provide concrete support to art collectors and professionals in the field of artManagement and investments.

🤝In 2020 ARTE Generali has initiated a partnership with Wondeur Ai, a Canadian start-up that uses artificial intelligence to analyze large amounts of data related to the art world and the art market.
Wondeur's AI-powered technology allows the art world to access real-time data and unique insights on the contemporary art market, and to be constantly informed of the main changes and dynamics, including the probability of a change in the value of an artist on the primary market and on the secondary/auction market.

📱 Do you want to have an idea of how this works? The latest version of the ARTE Generali App, developed in collaboration with Wondeur AI, incorporates a unique function: My Art Market Trends – a tool that allows you to learn more about the latest market developments of contemporary artists.

Find out more here:

We would also like to thank AG. Generali Bologna Levante - Mililli & Barbieri srl for its warm support.


💡 Despite the fact that only 38% of the organisations surveyed were aware of the UNESCO Culture|2030 framework, which enables the definition of useful indicators for understanding how culture contributes to sustainable development, and only 7% actually use it, the data collected underlines an important desire for improvement and the possibility of strengthening the role of art and culture in .

💡 The discussion revealed a growing, but still limited, awareness of the importance of the arts as a strategic lever for sustainability.The experts present shared their perspectives on opportunities for improvement and the need to increase knowledge and awareness of the SDGs among organisations.

The study highlights a significant potential to recalibrate governance models and skills in the cultural sector, including through reporting, in order to amplify the positive impacts generated and contribute more effectively to the Sustainable Development Goals.

As this research is just the first step in a broader journey that we believe will inspire further studies and initiatives in this key area, we look forward to continuing to work with ITIR to further explore and promote the role of arts and culture in the context of sustainable development, and to constantly monitor the evolution of impact analysis in this area, also in light of recent European regulatory developments on sustainability and corporate reporting.

📰 The report can be downloaded in Italian (English coming soon) at this link:


💡 When assessing the value of an Artwork, what are the most important factors?

“For works by 20th and 21st century artists that are rarely or never traded in the secondary auction market, research through AI-assisted artist databases that take into account exhibition history, future exhibitions and purchases by private and institutional collectors, as well as auction results, can help provide a better idea”. Today we share the second part of the selection of the tips on Art Evaluation shared by the renowned Art Historian @ Hans Jürgen Kronauer , when we met him at the fair.

👉 Watch the video to read his guidelines on the subject.


What are the main factors that determine the value of an artwork? We can say it out loud: the road to artistic recognition is not easy.

Dr. Hans-Jürgen Kronauer, Art Historian with many years of experience in the field, gives us some concrete and fascinating insights.

👉 Watch to read his guidelines on the subject.


The evaluation of works of art is complex. Can AI assist with this, or even replace art appraisers in the long term?

💡 ARTE Generali’s tech partner Wondeur Ai, invites us to reflect on the role of AI in evaluating works of art.


🗣️ “Efficient planning, qualified staff and the right equipment are all factors that ensure that the art can be handled in a controlled manner at all times”- this was one of the key tips we received from Hans-Ewald Schneider | Managing Director of International Transport when we met him at the Art Cologne fair.

👉 Today, we are sharing a selection of transport and packaging risk management practices that we believe will help you manage the safe handling of your art collection.

Take a look at the tips below and see if any of them can help you manage the security of your art collection.

Photos from Arte Generali's post 28/12/2023

At ARTE Generali we believe that "Teamwork makes the Dream work".

Thanks to a positive team spirit and good cooperation between colleagues, we embrace challenges and take them to the next level.

These are the faces behind ARTE Generali. We look forward to seeing and supporting you in 2024!


When we talk about “Art” we often mention its dimension of “resilience over time” and how it reflects the resilience of humanity across generations.
The year 2023 has shown us that the world has become a place where it is increasingly difficult to feel safe.
As a LifetimePartner to each of our clients, our goal is to help them analyse and manage all the risks they face.

📹 We share a message from ARTE Generali CEO Jean Gazançon and we wish our customers, our distribution partners, and all our global network of service providers a happy end of the year and very good year 2024, full of prosperity and joy for themselves, their teams and their relatives.


"At ARTE Generali, we want to keep you in good spirits during the holidays by providing you with advice and support.

🚧 “ During the festive season, we enjoy having our loved ones over to celebrate together. To enjoy this without having to worry about your art, think ahead what artwork might be in the way when a lot of people get together and put it in a safe place for the time of the holidays. ”- Says Iris Handke | Chief Underwriting Officer and International Business Manager

📌Follow our account to get insights from our network of experts on art conservation, restoration, evaluation, risk management and much more.
📣 If you need advice from one of our experts, get easily in touch:

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