
Isenseven is a crew, a movie production, a clothing label, a party and everything else that makes you happy.

Our friends are Pleasure Snowboard Mag, Burton, Forum, Nike, Oakley, Vans, Airblaster, Nitro, Bataleon, Head, Planet-Sports, DC, Volcom, Ride and Zimtstern.

Timeline photos 22/12/2019

DON’T PANIC! (2010)

With the 09/10 season came a very very big change for Isenseven. After “Let’s Go Get Lost” the producers felt burnt out and nobody was quite sure what to do next. Vincent and Felix were seeking to explore their careers as filmmakers on different paths. And obviously Alex would not be able to run the show on his own. But he was determined to make it happen and also Vince and Felix wanted to do everything in their power to help Alex continue making the film. This was when our friends at Pleasure Magazin stepped in and offered to help. Their argument was that Isenseven is an essential part of the European and specifically the German snowboard world and it would be a shame to see it all end. So they proposed buying the name rights to Isenseven and supporting Alex in production of the films. And so it was that the Isenseven office in Munich was dissolved, Alex moved his workplace into the Pleasure office and all the sudden there was additional man/womanpower from Pleasure behind the films and editor in chief Bene became executive producer. So you could basically say that Pleasure saved Isenseven. Thanks for that, homies!

Although Vince and Felix went on their own journey with their new careers as commercial filmmakers, they still helped out in the process of making the film. Vincent stepped in to edit some of the film with Alex and he directed the Marco/Fips part, intro and outro. Felix directed and edited Alex Tank’s part and was responsible for most of the cinematography in his section.
Obviously it was also time to step up our filming game as well and we brought in our friend Tom Eliott as fulltime filmer who traveled with the crew 24/7 and also was involved in directing intros and editing some parts.

Featured riders:
Fredrik Evensen, Marco Smolla, Ludwig Lejkner, Christophe Schmidt, Fips Strauss, Tobi Strauss, Alex Tank, Tom Klocker, David Bertschinger Karg, Colin Frei, Benny Wetscher, Sindre Iversen, Simon Gruber, Gary Greenshields, Gjermund Braaten

Timeline photos 21/12/2019


2009 marked the 10 year anniversary of Isenseven which started back in 1999. LGGL was our 8th consecutive movie and the season was blessed with an awesome winter through out all of Europe. We managed to do so many cool trips in our home turf and spent loads of time at Arlberg, Hoch-Ybrig Switzerland and Norway which allowed the crew to stack some good footage over the months.

New riders this year were Alex Tank, Tom Klocker, Anton Gunnarsson and Marc Swoboda. Tank had been a friend since forever and now finally we were able to film a whole season with him and he delivered a solid fullpart. Anton Gunnarsson opened the film with his mayhem style and even more mayhem intro which we filmed at the Isenseven favorite club in Munich: The legendary Atomic Café. Fips & Tobi shared a part for the first time since …well?. Ludde & Torgeir redefined fun snowboarding in their shared part and Michi & Chris had probably the silliest intro of all times (not saying that’s a bad thing though). Fredrik was the first rider at Isen to have two different double corks on a powder jump in his part and Botner finally delivered a well deserved ender part that showed what an incredible rider he is.
But the most iconic part of LGGL was the outro featuring “Mindestens In Tausend Jahren” by Frittenbude. Vincent had moved to Portland for the winter and formed the US Isenseven base. In spring, Alex went to visit him and Travis Limoge in Portland and he told Vince about a song he had heard on FM4. They blasted it in the car on their iPod and immediately knew this song needs to be in the film. The song went on to become probably the most famous song of all our films and no premiere party was complete without the DJ playing this anthem and having thousands of premiere guests sing along and go crazy.
Unfortunately the year was also plagued by some tension between the producers. We were burnt out, been doing this for ten years, vibes weren’t super happy anymore and things began to fall apart. At the end of the season we weren’t sure what the future of Isenseven would hold and there were some major changes to come.

Timeline photos 19/12/2019


After the success of Undermovie, we figured why not do another entire bonus movie? This time though, it was our lovely mascot Snowboard Franz narrating the season and we also got a glimpse into his life. His early beginnings with the crew, his journey to America, his rise to fame, dating celebrities, the drugs and the rehab and finally his return home to the Isenseven crew to start a new season.
Keep it light, keep it fun. Life’s too serious anyway ;)

Featured riders: André Kuhlmann, Andre Tröltzsch, René Schnöller, Michi Zirngibl, Tobi Strauss, Erik Botner, Ludwig Lejkner, HC Bergheim, Fredrik Evensen, Xaver Hoffmann, Joonas Mustonen, Ethan Morgan, Peter König, Christophe Schmidt, Torgeir Berre, Marco Smolla, Christian Haller, Chris Patsch, Forest Bailey, Werni Stock, Haise, Alex Tank, Travis Limoge, Dani Rajscanyi, Mike Casanova, Basti Rittig, LNP, Marc Swoboda.

Timeline photos 18/12/2019


Number 7. This was the year where Felix was officially made partner at Isenseven and worked full time 24/7 on the film with and The movie’s name also came from .mov . We were selecting footage and saw a folder on his laptop named “Teenage Love Graffiti”. It was just a working title for something he had thought of a while ago and we decided to give this name to the new film. It doesn’t really have a meaning. It just sounds cool and lets people interpret their own definition.

As usual, we did all kinds of crazy trips that year. But he most memorable ones were the East Coast RV trip and the Grotli shoot. Half of the crew took two RV’s from New York up through Vermont all the way to Montreal and hit every spot they found on the way. Our friend , the good heart of Isenseven in the States, also joined for the trip.
And then was the legendary 2008 Grotli shoot. Again, we went to s hotel in Norway but this time it was 10 days of non stop bluebird and it was the very first time we had our own private heli shoot on the jump HC’s brother built for us.

We stepped up the intros a notch this season as well and brought in VFX wizard Kevin Karbon who did some pretty crazy magic during our editing process. The backgrounds in Michi’s intro, the floating water droplets in the André/Peter part, the asteroid crashing scene in Ludde’s part and a bunch of other stuff where his doings.
The film started in full on party-mode with the intro and the epic track “Music” by Nid & Sancy, followed by s crazy, over the top opening part. This probably was the most party suitable film we ever made. TLG marked s first real season filming with us and he delivered like a boss with his first fullpart. s first real part was non stop fun in your face and summed up the film with a seemingly never ending closer part. Unfortunately the season was plagued with the injuries of Marco Smolla, , , and and some of our homies were missing or cut short in the film.

Timeline photos 17/12/2019

now with English subtitles!

The summer of 2007 was definitely one of the heaviest editing times so far. Alex, Vincent and Felix spent weeks cooped up in the Isenseven office with no sunlight or air conditioning, living off of pizza and coffee. Obviously, there was always the plan to put random bonus parts on the DVD. But we noticed that we had so much leftover footage. And so many cool stories to tell about the season which would remain untold if we didn’t do something different this time. So, a few weeks before the deadline we decided to edit an entire second movie. We wrote a little script and in one night we filmed the interviews with Vincent and Alex, talking about all the crazy things that happened that season.
Undermovie went on to become another fan favorite and also crew favorite and looking back, it would have been fun to do more movies in this style. The vibe in this movie kind of sums up everything that our crew and our life on the road was about.

Timeline photos 15/12/2019


Nr. 6. “Übermovie”. Probably one the most popular films with the fans. Maybe even THE most popular Isen film of them all. Not sure why. Maybe it was the awesome new riders that were introduced. Maybe it was the way we mixed things up in the part structures a bit. Maybe it was just all the little details and characters and fun that made this flick so magical.
But one thing is for sure: Teaming up with Felix Urbauer definitely helped shape this film in to what it was. Alex and Vincent had been wanting to bring in a third filmmaker to help work on the movies and when Felix left his own production company to join Isenseven, a whole new scope of ideas and possibilities suddenly presented themselves to us.

2007 introduced new riders and for some reason these guys made the crew feel “complete”. Peter König joined and the first day filming with him felt like we had already been friends forever. Also, our childhood hero, the King Of Garmisch, the one and only: Xaver Hoffmann was now officially a part of Isenseven. Back in the day we used to watch him ride the pipe at Zugspitze in awe, wondering if we might ever be cool enough to hang out with this legend. And now we were filming with him!
Our homie René Schnöller, who had been our local guide in Sölden the season before, was now officially in the crew and little Norwegian cannonball Daniel Ek was also new in the roster. And then there were two riders in the mix-part who we would be hearing much much more of in the future: Ludwig Lejkner and Torgeir Berre.

(More insights in our Legacy story highlights)

Timeline photos 14/12/2019


Number five. Again, you might wonder where this name comes from. One day, the crew was on the road with an American friend and one of the Strauss Twins said “Alex is so prediculous!”. Obviously what he meant to say was “ridiculous”. Also, it could have been a mix of “predictable” and “ridiculous” which was quite fitting.
This year was a pretty big change for us. We bought an array of new Sony FX1 HD cameras. And we brought in the tech wizard Robert Eder who joined us for a bunch of shoots with all his crazy toys, stepping up our filming game. He had a crane, cable cam and also knew how to do that crazy matrix effect which we used in Fredrik’s part.
After our first trip to Norway we absolutely fell in love with this country and its people. So we figured, why not invite a few Norwegian riders to the crew? And so we were joined by Fredrik Evensen, Erik Botner and HC Bergheim. And of course one of the most iconic Isenseven riders appeared here for the first time: Michi Zirngibl.
Prediculous was the only film to not feature the Strauss Twins. Both of them tore their ACL on the first day of the season at the Pleasure Jam at Dachstein on the same day, on the same jump. They had to sit out this season but would back stronger the next year.

The 05/06 season marked the first time we started making the monthly videos. Something we managed to keep going for a few years but eventually had to suspend cause we were so focused on making the main movie. And remember, this was way before Youtube was a thing and we placed the videos on our website for people to download them.
2006 was the first time we ended the season with the entire crew at the Pleasure Spring Session in Laax. A giant homie-fest which would become an obligatory event for all the years to come. Nothing better than winding down the long season by hanging with all your best friends from snowboardland, drinking infinity amounts of Calanda beer, shredding the slush in the sun during the day and partying every night.

Timeline photos 13/12/2019

...well? (2005)

Our fourth film „…well?“ What does that even mean? It’s something Andre Tröltzsch would just sometimes add after a sentence. It’s weird. We’re weird. And we named our movie after it.�We finally became somewhat more professional. Vincent and Alex quit their day jobs and became fulltime producers, filmers, directors, editors, babysitters of Isenseven. Big trips with the crew became an essential part of the season. We embarked on our very first Norway RV trip (which would become a tradition over the next years), one half of the crew spent 6 weeks in Tahoe and all kinds of other fun stuff happened. There were some new faces in the crew like , Vinzenz Lüps and . Marek and Chris were actually the very first non German riders that officially joined the crew. And now finally Marco Smolla and the Strauss Twins were promoted from being in the “friends section” to having their own full parts in the film. This was also the first time we started adding some gimmicks to the DVD, like the now famous booklet. Back then it was called the “Mini Pleasure” and was written and designed by the guys at and it basically looked just like a Pleasure Mag. Just smaller and only featuring Isenseven Riders.

Featured riders: Basti Kuhn, Flo Bürgel, Heinz Löhle, Alex Rieger, Jonee Pülz, Bernd Pösl, Chris Patsch, Walter Strbad, Fips Strauss, Tobi Strauss, Vinzenz Lüps, Marco Smolla, Alex Wottrich, Marek Sasiadek, Andre Tröltzsch, Martin Wandinger, André Kuhlmann, Silli Mittermüller, Clemens Krüger, Christophe Schmidt

Timeline photos 12/12/2019


"IsensevenLovesYou!" was our third film and this was actually the first time that we had sponsors. Now, we still had to work our day jobs while producing this film but we were able to finance a few trips, a new camera, the DVD production and some beers for the crew. And most importantly: This was when came in and became the official media partner. A relationship that would flourish over the next decade and stay with us until today! Partners and friends whom we have so so much to thank for! All the love in the world to everyone at Pleasure, for ever and ever!
This was the point where Vincent and Alex seriously considered becoming full time producers of the films in the future.
And this was also the first time we brought in more friends to have their own parts in the movie. Before that it was the core crew that had their parts and everybody else got a section in the "friends part". This is where we really started expanding the crew and it was also the first time the Strauss Twins and Marco Smolla were featured.

Featured riders:
Alex Rieger, Simon Schöllhorn, Andre Tröltzsch, Silvia Mittermüller, Basti Kuhn, Bernd Pösl, Flo Bürgel, Stefan Templer, Martin Wandinger, Jonee Pülz, Tobi Reindl, Thomas Hlawitschka, Sven Kueenle, Martin Bauer, Vincent Urban, Clemens Krüger, Walter Strbad, Philipp Strauss, Tobi Strauss, Julian Fahrenkamp, Simon Allwein, Todd Wright, Rainer Lanz, Marco Smolla, Alex Wottrich.

Timeline photos 11/12/2019

TRIPOLI (2003)
Now playing in a YouTube near you. "Tripoli" is Isenseven's second full length movie and was released in 2003.

Back then we figured that this DVD thing might catch on in the future so we actually got DVD's made. Wow, so progressive huh?

Not much changed since "New Noise" the year before. A few new faces, "faked" 16:9 aspect ratio and some basic color correction (push that contrast and saturation baby!) Riders featured in "Tripoli":
Bernd Pösl, Simone Schreck, Vincent Urban, Alex Rieger, Silvia Mittermüller, Stefan Templer, Julian Bloch, Alex Schiller, Clemens Krüger, Martin Wandinger, Andre Tröltzsch, Martin Bauer, Rainer Lanz, Julian Fahrenkap, André Kuhlmann, Christophe Schmidt, Andi Kuban, Thomas Hlawitschka, Tassilo Hager, Julius Kerscher, Sven Küenle, Simon Schöllhorn, Flo Bürgel, Basti Kuhn, Jonee Pülz, Seppi Ecker, Tobi Reisenhofer, Simon Schweiger, Ile Eronen


Isenseven - New Noise (1999-2002) FULL MOVIE 11/12/2019

Isenseven - New Noise (1999-2002) FULL MOVIE "New Noise" is Isenseven's very first full length movie and was released in the summer of 2002 after collecting footage over two seasons. Back then we got 30...

Timeline photos 11/12/2019

NEW NOISE (1999-2002)
Now playing in a YouTube near you. "New Noise" is Isenseven's very first full length movie and was released in the summer of 2002 after collecting footage over two seasons.

Back then we got 300 VHS copies made which we paid for ourselves and we had to insert the video cover as well which we had made at a copyshop. The videos were given out for free to our friends, family and anyone that wanted one. Soon we were out of original VHS copies so we started burning it on DVD's at home and sent them out to people that ordered them via email. They only had to pay shipping costs.

The "premiere" of the movie was held in Stefan Templers back yard in our hometown Isen in August 2002. We had all our friends over from all over the place and the whole Garmisch snowboard gang we hung out with also came by. Actually so many people caught wind of our party that the street infront of Stefans house was so packed with cars that nobody could get by anymore.
We often talk to our friends from back then and everyone always reminisces over that party.

Somehow a few people in the industry got a hold of our VHS copy and before we knew it we had a half page review in Pleasure Magazine. We almost s**t our pants the first time we read our crew's name in a magazine.

From then on we started to get a little bit of recognition in the snowboard world and people thought it was a good idea to push us....and that's how the movie making began.
We hope you enjoy our first try's in riding and filming.

smolla lejkner zirngibl

soft 06/12/2018

s o f t

Another piece of art by Christian Haller and Kris Lüdi.

soft soft is an audiovisual translation of the "sense of feeling things” a film by Christian Haller Kris Lüdi featuring Christian Haller Severin Van…


This seems to be a great year for snowboard videos.
A snowboardfilm by Alexander Tank.

Must. Watch. Now!

ATAGGE NIEMANDSLAND fullfilling a trilogy. supported by Adidas Snowboarding a snowboard video by Alex Tank artwork by Fabian F. Fuchs filmed by Gustav Cavallin, Alex Pfeffer and…


THIS!! Anyone hyped for winter?


Did you know that our very first film "New Noise" is named after a song by Refused?
It also was a nod to "the new crew" at Zugspitze.

Real Snow 2018 15/03/2018

Our brother Benny Urban is laying down some new laws of steez in this years X Games Real Snow.

Real Snow 2018 Watch Benny Urban's entry into Real Snow 2018, the all-video, all-urban snowboarding contest brought to you by the World of X Games, then go vote for your favorite video at

Mit dieser Aktion macht sich Pechvogel Mittermüller zur Olympia-Siegerin der Herzen 15/02/2018

Huge shout out and respect to Isenseven OG Silvia M Mittermüller. IsensevenLovesYou!

Mit dieser Aktion macht sich Pechvogel Mittermüller zur Olympia-Siegerin der Herzen Sie war krank, sie stürzte und verletzte sich schwer - und dennoch ist Snowboarderin Silvia Mittermüller die Olympiasiegerin der Herzen. Sie zeigte, was der Olympische Geist wirklich ist.


Ladies and Gentledudes...
G E I S T E R F A H R E R by Alexander Tank.

ATAGGE GEISTERFAHRER A collaboration video with Adidas Snowboarding shot on a road trip through Europe in march 2017. a film by Alex Tank artwork by Fabian F. Fuchs featuring…

THE SURFER 09/11/2017

Sheeesh! Have you seen this epic piece from DBK (aka ANIMALS) for Bataleon Snowboards?!

THE SURFER Some things are hard to put into words. It's even harder to make that feeling last. Client | Bataleon Snowboards Production | HILLTON Director | ANIMALS DOP…

Isenseven The Full Story 27/10/2017

An interview with Alex Schiller on the current state of snowboarding and Isenseven for Pyramid Magazine

Isenseven The Full Story We wanted to find out exactly what happened with Isenseven, from their humble beginnings to creating one of the biggest fanbases ever for a snowboard movie production,

After 28 years of snowboarding, Camp of Champions on Whistler Blackcomb has closed 10/06/2017

Sad, sad news from Whistler. We loved spending our summers at Camp of Champions.
Thank you Ken Achenbach and crew for everything over the years!

After 28 years of snowboarding, Camp of Champions on Whistler Blackcomb has closed Due to a receding glacier and low snow levels, Camp of Champions cannot build its world class terrain park and will declare bankruptcy.


Fans of turn-up technology, hold on to your pizza boxes!
Our favorite DJ squadron Drunken Masters are playing this Wednesday at the Technikum in Munich together with ESKEI83 and Karol Tip.
This concert extravaganza is from 8-11 PM and is selling out fast. Get your tickets. Skuuurrrr!

Simon Gruber x Monster x Snowpark Seiser Alm 13/04/2017

Lean back, sip some Montenegro and watch our boy Simon Gruber tear up his home turf, Snowpark Seiser Alm. Boss!

Simon Gruber x Monster x Snowpark Seiser Alm Die komplette Story gibt's unter: Es gibt Snowboarder, die einfach unverschämt gut auf dem Brett stehen. Außerdem gibt…

ATAGGE X FOREAL DEMO 2017 05/04/2017

ATAGGE X FOREAL DEMO 2017 a gathering of the bottom 1%.


Benny Urban x VG...nuff said.

BENNY URBAN REMIX from VISITORS Everybody's second favorite German. Benny's Urban fled his homeland to live in Salt Lake City these past few months so he could focus on finishing this…


Kids, it's time to help out. Our friends over at Riders for Refugees are collecting donations for this cold part of year. There are spots all over Europe that are accepting all the warm jackets you have stashed in your attic and don't know what to do with. Check out their page for drop off locations. (i.e. Munich Drop Off: Millhaus Office / Kapellenweg 6)
And if you feel like donating some of the cash you got from Santa Claus:
Spread the word.


Alex Tank and his crew Atagge just released Wolkenkratzer, their first snowboard video project of the winter. Rumor on the street is, there is more to come! Crack a cold one and click play!

ATAGGE WOLKENKRATZER This is Wolkenkratzer, an independent seven minute short by Atagge. During the first snow storm of the season in Europe we spontaneously decided to move to Innsbruck…

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