
On a mission to develop a sustainable alternative to petroleum based foam.

Photos from Agoprene's post 29/08/2024

Kelp? Is that the same as seaweed? And what about macroalgae? 🤔 The terminology on this can be confusing, and it’s often used inaccurately. Let’s tidy it up a bit! 🌊 🌱

Algae is the umbrella term, encompassing both microalgae and macroalgae. Microalgae are tiny, single-celled organisms, whereas macroalgae are multicellular and larger in size. Macroalgae is what we commonly refer to as seaweed. Seaweed is further divided into three categories: green, red, and brown. Kelps fall under the category of brown macroalgae.

To get a bit more technical, kelps belong to the order Laminariales, which includes around 30 different genera. They are generally the largest species of algae, typically found in deeper waters compared to other seaweeds. Kelps are also unique in their growth pattern. They grow from the base (like hair) rather than from the tip (like a flower), which is how most other seaweeds grow. 💙


Erna kommer – kommer du? 😱🎉

Vi er utrolig stolte av at en av våre egne startups, Mandag igjen, representert av Carolina Grønsleth, skal dele scenen med selveste Erna Solberg i en liveinnspilt podcast med tonsbergsblad under høstens store kick off for næringslivet i Tønsberg og Færder torsdag 5. september!

Sammen med Celine Sandberg fra Agoprene, vil de diskutere hvordan bærekraft kan bli til business.

Men det stopper ikke der! Vår egen "gründermamma" Marie Hanche-Olsen deltar i en viktig panelsamtale om hvordan vi sammen kan styrke næringsutviklingen i Tønsberg og Færder. Her vil hun diskutere med ledende nøkkelpersoner som Charlotte Svensen (Tønsberg kommune), Jonathan Hall (Færder kommune), Cecilie Sørumshagen (Tønsberglivet) og Vivil Hunding Strømme (Tønsberg og Færder Næringsforening).

Dette blir en kveld fylt med inspirasjon, innsikt og muligheter – sees vi der?

🔗 Meld deg på nå og få meg deg viktige innsikter og planer for vekst og verdiskaping i fylket vårt!

Photos from Agoprene's post 07/08/2024

Welcome to Agoprene! After moving around Norway and Denmark, it was finally time to move into our very own offices! 🎈

We’re so excited to now be able to host customers, investors, partners, friends, and family in our very own building at Eiriks gate 11B at Tøyen, Oslo 🏢

If you’re curious about Agoprene, want to test our foam (we’re of course going to sit on our own foam) or are simply in the area and eager for a coffee, please stop by! The door is open 💚

Photos from Agoprene's post 24/07/2024

We receive a lot of questions about what our biofoam actually is. We totally understand—seaweed-based foam isn’t exactly what we’re used to today, is it?

* Biodegradable: Breaks down naturally in soil
* Petrochemical-free: 0% petrochemical content
* Inherent flame retardancy: Naturally flame retardant
* Durable: Lasts over a decade
* Versatile compressibility: Compresses along all axes.

Drop us a message if you have any questions💙

Photos from Agoprene's post 17/07/2024

Even though our biofoam is already making waves in the furniture industry, we believe there’s always room for improvement🔬🥼

We’re developing an alternative polyurethane, an incredible material known for its strength and versatility. The challenge? It’s derived from petrochemicals.

As we tackle this, we’re mindful that Polyurethane has had 80 years of refinement since Dr. Otto Bayer stumbled upon it almost by accident. His perseverance and creativity paved the way for one of the world’s most versatile materials – and our journey is just beginning.


Bionova fyller ett år, og det siste året har vi brukt 400 millioner kroner til å gjøre norsk hav-, skog- og jordbruk grønnere.
Bionova har støttet mange spennende kunder og en av dem er AgopreneAS.

"Støtten vi har mottatt gjennom bioøkonomiprogrammet har vært helt avgjørende for vår videre utvikling. Vi er nå i startfasen med å etablere vår første helautomatiserte produksjonslinje, og behovet for pålitelige finansielle midler og noen som tror på oss og velger å støtte oss i arbeidet, er stort. Vi er svært takknemlige for bidraget fra Innovasjon Norge og Bionova. Slike initiativer er avgjørende for å realisere nye norske industrieventyr innen bioøkonomi – en satsing som krever både offentlig støtte og midler sier Celine Sandberg i Agoprene".

Foto: Øystein Hermstad/Sparebank1 SMN​

Her kan du lese mer om ordningen:


A heartfelt THANK YOU to all the amazing individuals and businesses who have placed orders for our samples 🙌 Your support means the world to us.

We can't wait to hear your thoughts and feedback. Of course, we hope it finds its way into your product to bring softness without compromising our planet.

Missed out on ordering a sample? No worries. Simply order one on our website, and we'll do our best to get the samples to you soon.


We're thrilled to share that Agoprene is featured in an article on BBC today!

In the spotlight with BBC, we're shedding light on a critical issue that has gone a bit under the radar.

♻ Did you know that only 10% of all furnitures is currently recycled in Europe?

🏔 Shockingly, 40 million mattresses are discarded each year in Europe alone, equivalent to 904 times the height of Mount Everest.

Kudos to BBC for making space for this important problem that deserves our attention.

Explore the article and join us in raising awareness here: 🌍


We know that foam is one of those things that needs to be touched and tested, not only viewed through a screen.

Due to the overwhelming support and requests for free samples (💚), meeting every one has become quite the challenge for us in terms of time and cost.

Exciting news, though: we've launched the opportunity for you to bypass the wait and get your hands on our foam right away. Simply order your samples directly from our website—whether you fancy hand-sized or cushion-sized samples, the choice is yours!

👉 Order now at

We're on a mission to get these samples to you before Christmas, because who wants to wait?

Photos from Agoprene's post 07/11/2023

So clean you could eat it!🌱

Three years ago, we embarked on our journey with a logo created during a free trial period in Canva. It served us well, but it was time to bring in the experts to craft a brand that truly embodies our mission and identity.

Our product, the cornerstone of our business, resides inside the items you sit on – unseen yet impactful. Our commitment? To ensure that you can enjoy your seat with a clear conscience, knowing it contains foam free from any petrochemicals.

A few months ago, we entered a partnership with Maybe Tomorrow to embark on a rebranding adventure. Together, we delved deep into our manifesto and cultivated a brand DNA that resonates with our core values.

Say hello to our new logo! We are confident it will soon find its place outside of the world's most sustainable furniture as we continue to make waves in the furniture industry🌊


Make your own bioplastic with us 🌱

Yes you heard right and you're invited! 💚 Tomorrow we will be at the Agoprene x Designers' Saturday event in Oslo from 13:00 - 14:00 at Rathkes gate 4 🤩

We'll provide everything you need, including a recipe you can recreate at home. Maybe you'll bring coasters, a lid for your cuttings, or new Christmas decorations home?

We've experimented with flowers, but the possibilities are endless 🤩 Join us, it's going to be a lot of fun!

Designers Saturday Oslo


🌟 Back in Action! 🌟

We've returned to our production facility this week, turning our summer insights into tangible large-scale biofoam production. Our biofoam is now powering exciting projects 🎉

And that's not all – exciting weeks lie ahead, and we'd love for you to join us:

DESIGNERS' SATURDAY in Oslo, 08.09 - 10.09. Details:

TechBBQ in Copenhagen, 13.09 - 14.09. Catch Celine discussing female role models in a Panel Discussion on 13.09.

Plast- og komposittkonferansen, in Gjøvik, 14.09 - 15.09. Details:

PlussLab Temamøte on 21.09.Dive into our digital presentation about Agoprene. Details:

Exciting times ahead – let's share the journey! 👏


Agoprene's biofoam debut: join us at Designers' Saturday in Oslo 8-10th of September🗓️

We're excited to announce our biofoam's debut at Designer's Saturday in Oslo. Don't miss our special event planned for the public day on September 10th at 13:00. See you there!👋🏼🌟

Sign up to the event here:


At Agoprene, we're not just creating biofoam – we're creating a world where foam doesn't cost the Earth🌱


🌿 Once upon a time, in the quest for sustainability and innovation, we stumbled upon a true gem – Asanga De Alwis! 🌟

Picture this: A young, driven team sitting in a meeting room, wondering how to find the perfect chemist for our mission. And then, like magic, we received a recommendation from one of the professors at the prestigious Chemical Engineering department at Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). They gave us a list of their finest students, and guess who was right there on the top? Asanga!

With his background in Chemical Engineering from NTNU, Asanga was more than just a perfect fit; he was our first technical team member!

From the very beginning, his passion and dedication shone through. We remember how he fearlessly took charge, leading the development efforts right in the heart of our workplace – the kitchen! Mixing, experimenting, and innovating, he transformed seaweed into a biomaterial. It's safe to say; we wouldn't be where we are today without him.

While contributing immensely to Agoprene's vision, he is also pursuing his PhD in nanotechnology at QUT. Talk about a powerhouse of talent!

Today, he continues to lead our sustainability efforts, spearheading LCA analysis and conducting cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of what's possible.

So, here's to Asanga De Alwis, our sustainability champion! Thank you for being a part of our team 🌎🌱


📅 Since 2020, three years ago, our relentless pursuit of a mission began - to develop a biomaterial made from Norwegian seaweed🌿💦

Many skeptics doubted our vision, telling us it was an impossible feat. But today, we are proud to announce that we've done it! 🚀

🌍 Our driving force? The urgent need for sustainability in the material industry. We recognized the significant environmental impact of materials used in daily products, where chemicals from oil and gas constitute a staggering 90% of all raw materials (IEA, 2018). It was time to find a greener alternative🍃

How does our biofoam bring about this change? Let's have a look:

🌊 Up to 80% of our raw material is responsibly sourced from the sea, meticulously harvested without interfering with the delicate ecosystem

🚫We have eliminated any reliance on fossil fuels - our biofoam is completely free of petrochemicals!

♻️ Our biofoam is handmade in our own sustainable production facility

🌏 We understand the significance of treading lightly on our planet. Hence, our biofoam boasts a minimal carbon footprint


🏭🌱 After an intense 4-week pilot production, it's time to look back on our achievements.

We've gained invaluable insights into our biofoam and production methods, setting the stage for future improvements. Scaling up our production 40 times larger was a remarkable milestone, leading us to discover smart ways and test various hypotheses, with both successes and failures👀🔬

This summer has been unforgettable, and our excitement for the future knows no bounds. While our initial goal seemed sky high for a first-time endeavor, we're not disappointed in the results🏆 The journey has brought us immeasurable gains in knowledge, production methods, and a deeper understanding of our technology, not to mention the memories we've created as a cohesive team.

This milestone is only the beginning of our journey. We eagerly look forward to the next pilot production, where we'll build on our progress and continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible 🚀🌱


🌟 Another Week of Pilot Production🌟

It's hard to believe we're already wrapping up the 3rd week of our pilot production journey! We've been working tirelessly, embracing challenges, and turning them into opportunities. Here's a glimpse into our progress:

✨ Learning from Experience: We took the valuable insights from last week and elevated our game. Each day brought us closer to refining our processes and making significant improvements.

🔨 Crafting Excellence: We want to give a special shout-out to our amazing interns who have been the backbone of our operations. They've embraced their inner carpenters this week, creating a customized mixer that has enhanced our production capabilities.

🌱 Overcoming Challenges: We won't sugarcoat it; there have been hurdles along the way, but we're tackling them head-on. Each hurdle we overcome brings us closer to refining our processes and turning our vision into a reality.

💡 Turning Dreams into Reality: What once seemed like a distant dream is now taking tangible form. Our knowledge on scaling up biofoam production is expanding by leaps and bounds. We're ready to bring our vision to life!

🎉 The Final Stretch: We're buzzing with excitement as we enter the last week of the pilot phase. It's a pivotal moment in our journey, and we're filled with anticipation for what lies ahead.


🌟 Update: Our Second Week of Pilot Production 🌟

We wanted to give you an update on our second week of pilot production. It's been a rollercoaster ride, but we're thrilled to say that things are finally falling into place! 🎢

Last week, we faced a few hiccups and felt a bit disheartened. But guess what? This week has been a game-changer! All those missing puzzle pieces and issues we encountered before magically resolved themselves. Talk about a breath of fresh air! 😅

The highlight of our week was the nerve-wracking big-scale test we carried out. We were on pins and needles, but you know what? It went surprisingly well! 🎉

Now, it's time to roll up our sleeves and dive into the exciting phase ahead. We're gearing up to kickstart the full pilot production in the next few days. We can practically feel the buzz of anticipation in the air! 🛋️

For a behind-the-scenes peek into our daily progress, make sure to follow our Instagram stories 📸✨


🌞🎉 Say hello to Sandra, Axel, and Sindre, our talented interns joining us this summer! 🌱

🔬 They're currently pursuing their degrees in biotechnology at NMBU and NTNU, and we couldn't be more thrilled to have them on board.

Over the next four weeks, Sandra, Axel, and Sindre will be working closely with our team to help plan and carry out the pilot production.

We feel incredibly fortunate to have their fresh ideas, energy, and passion on board. Their perspectives will undoubtedly spark innovation and breathe new life into our development. 🚀🔥

To Sandra, Axel, and Sindre: Thank you for choosing to spend your summer with us! We're excited to see the impact you'll make during your time here🙌

For more updates on our pilot production, be sure to follow our Instagram stories! 📸


🌞 Summer is here, and we're thrilled to announce that our first pilot production is finally underway! 🚀

🔑 We just received the keys to our new facility. In just 4 days, we will transform an empty space into a production facility. Doing it ourselves is a labor of love!

💪 Well, almost all by ourselves. We have to give a huge shout-out to the incredible teams at Omhu AS, Maybe Tomorrow, Hugo Harstad and the team at Norske Skog. Their help and guidance over the past few weeks have been invaluable in making this pilot production a reality.

📸 If you're as excited as we are about this journey, we'll be sharing more of the pilot process on our Instagram Stories for the next 5 weeks. Get ready for exclusive behind-the-scenes content and daily updates.

Follow us on Instagram and stay connected as we bring our vision to life:


📢 Exciting Update! 🇳🇴🇩🇰 Yesterday, we had the privilege of presenting our company and future plans to a Norwegian delegation at BioInnovation Institute in Copenhagen. It was so much fun to showcase Agoprene's vision and achievements.

A heartfelt thank you to the Norwegian delegation for coming by and taking the time to visit. Your interest and support mean a lot🙏

We're excited to reconnect with you in Norway!

Now we are off to Folkemødet together with BioInnovation Institute where our founder Celine Sandberg is to be seen on BIOscenen! 🌟 So if you're attending Folkemøde, let's connect!


🌟 Discover Agoprene's Biofoam at 3 Days of Design! 🛋️

This week, from June 7th to 9th, Agoprene's biofoam material will be making its appearance at 3daysofdesign event in Copenhagen.

We're thrilled to announce that one of our esteemed customer NCP Nordic Comfort Products will be showcasing the Public Chair, featuring our biofoam. Prepare to be captivated by its unique and sustainable design!

To catch a glimpse of this collaboration, head over to the DDcated exhibition space. You'll find the Public Chair proudly displayed, demonstrating the seamless fusion of style and innovation.

For more details about the event and to plan your visit, click here:

We're always looking to expand our network, so if you're attending 3 Days of Design, let's connect! Feel free to reach out and let us know if you'd like to meet up 🤝💼


🌟 Introducing Eva: Our Biopolymers Guru! 🧪🎉

Hold onto your lab coats, folks, and meet our team member Eva! With a Master's degree in Biotechnology from NTNU and a heart full of love for biopolymers, Eva is the secret ingredient to our tech development.

Picture this: In our very first meeting, Eva unleashed a bunch of biopolymer fun facts that left us amazed by her passion for the field. We knew right then and there that Eva was the person we needed to take charge!

Eva isn't just smart—she's like a human encyclopedia. Her thirst for knowledge drives her to continuously learn and embrace new challenges every day.

We can't help but feel lucky to have Eva in our team. She's the kind of person who can turn a biopolymer chain into a work of art (literally, we've seen it!). So join us in giving Eva a big round of applause and a warm welcome! 🌍💚


🌍 Greetings from Norway! 🇳🇴 We've had the most incredible week back in Oslo. Thanks to ShareLab, we've got access to awesome work desks and meeting rooms whenever we're in Norway. Talk about feeling privileged! 🙌

But it's not just about work! We've had the chance to take a break, spend quality time with our families, friends and celebrate Norway’s national day 🫶🇳🇴

Now, it's time to say goodbye to Oslo. We're heading back home to Copenhagen, feeling supercharged and ready to tackle new challenges.

Thanks, Oslo and ShareLab for an unforgettable week and for welcoming us with open arms! ✈️🌆


🌱 Discover Our Sustainable Biomass Material! 🌊🌿

Hello Facebook community! 👋

Exciting news! At Agoprene, we've developed a remarkable material made from sea-sourced biomass, with no petrochemicals involved.

We handle every step of the production process. Check out this satisfying snippet of our foam growing and doubling in size 🌱

Originally designed for furniture foam, our material has recently shown incredible versatility, finding new applications in new areas.

We're eager to hear your input! Do you have any fresh ideas for additional applications we should check out? Let's collaborate and explore new possibilities together.

Join us in shaping a sustainable future with our innovative biomass material. 🌿🌊


🔬🌱 Agoprene Seeks Summer Interns! 🔬🌱

Are you a student with a passion for sustainability, chemistry, or biotechnology? Join our biotech startup as a Summer Intern and help us build and execute our first pilot production!

What We Do:
We are a biotech startup dedicated to challenge the worlds current dependency of petrochemicals. Our goal is to create sustainable solutions using biotechnology and chemistry to make the furniture industry less depended on petrochemicals.

Position: Summer Intern
Location: Østlandet, Norway
Duration: 4 weeks
Start Date: 26.06.2023

- Assist in building and executing our first pilot production.
- Optimize chemical processes for efficiency and scalability.
- Conduct experiments, analyze data, and report findings.
- Help develop and implement quality control measures.
- Collaborate with our team, suppliers and customers.

- Currently pursuing a degree in biotechnology, organic chemistry, or chemical engineering.
- Strong interest in sustainability, biotechnology, chemistry, or chemical engineering.
- Familiarity with lab techniques and equipment.
- Problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
- Good communication and teamwork abilities.
- Passion for innovation and making an impact.

- Valuable hands-on experience in a biotech startup.
- Learn from industry experts.
- Contribute to the development of a completely new biomaterial.
- Dynamic and entrepreneurial work environment.

How to Apply:
Send your resume and relevant transcripts/certificates to [email protected].


😎 Where can you find us?

We've recently moved our company to Copenhagen, Scandinavia's most vibrant and dynamic city!

As a proud member of the Bioinnovation Institute, we have access to some of the brightest minds and most in the region, as well as our own office and lab space 🤓

We're feeling grateful to be a part of this inspiring community and can't wait to share our journey with you 🤩

If you're ever in Copenhagen, send us a message and come visit us - we'd love to show you around 🙌


🎉 We are so happy to announce that...

Agoprene just received € 75.000 from EISMEA!

Alongside seven other Norwegian companies, we have been chosen through the Women in Tech 2022 program to gain, not only financial support but also coaching and the opportunity to build a stronger European 🙌

Therefore, we would like to say thank you to the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) for believing in our mission. We would also like to thank Innovasjon Norge and Norges forskningsråd for helping us to achieve this 🔥

This is a massive recognition of the hard work we all put down every day!

Looking forward to what comes next 💥


The of Agoprene 🌱

🤔 Did you know that we produce furniture foam from biomass ourselves?

Everything started 3 years ago in a kitchen in Trondheim. We were so proud of the little lumps we made at first. After 1 year we built our own and facility, still on a very small scale. Today we are able to produce chair pillows in the size required by the customer 💪

We are proud of building our company brick by brick. It may take twice as much time, but it has been twice as meaningful to build and do everything ourselves 😌

Looking back at the old kitchen days it’s been quite the journey, and we are beyond excited for what’s to come 🙌

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Videoer (vis alle)

Understanding flammability is essential in materials science to ensure consumer safety when these materials are used in ...
Time to get some *good* foam to sit on 💚We’re DIYing the old, grey office chairs into greener ones - stay tuned 🍃We’re j...
With our new logo announcement last week, it is time to introduce our new brand.Say hello to our new brand profile – it'...
🌱 Discover Our Sustainable Biomass Material! 🌊🌿Hello Facebook community! 👋Exciting news! At Agoprene, we've developed a ...

Internet side


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