Raise The Mind
Discover a holistic approach to mental wellbeing, fitness, and personal development that transforms people.
Our mission is to inspire and support you to achieve optimal mental and physical wellbeing, discover your true self and unleash your potential.
🏃♂️ What is VO2 Max and why it is relevant for our Quality of Life?
But first, Where’s Our Gym? 🏋️♂️ Guess our location (name of the town) in the comments! If you’re right, you’ll win a free intro session!
VO2 Max: the maximum oxygen your body can use during intense exercise, and it’s more than just a number. Higher VO2 Max is associated with a stronger cardiovascular system, greater endurance, and better quality of life as we age. Research links improved VO2 Max to:
- Lower risks of heart disease and diabetes
- Greater daily energy
- Longer lifespan
Try This: Start with moderate cardio sessions (20-30 min, 3-4 times a week) such as brisk walking or slow pace running/cycling and gradually increase intensity or distance to build VO2 Max.
🚴♂️🌟 An incredible day at the Italian Embassy in Copenhagen! 🌟🚴♂️
I had the honor of being personally invited by the Italian Ambassador in Denmark to contribute to a unique event co-promoted by the Embassy and Sport4Impact, exploring the powerful connection between sport, tourism, and lifestyle.
The event highlighted the impact of sport on society, featuring inspiring discussions from experts in both the Italian and Danish sports landscapes. I was thrilled to share my insights on how physical activity and mental well-being go hand in hand, not just for personal growth, but for creating positive social change.
From networking sessions to cycling through the beautiful streets of Copenhagen, it was a day filled with learning, collaboration, and of course, the joy of movement! 🚴♀️🌿
If you're curious about how sport and fitness can transform not just your body but your mind, too, feel free to drop me a message! Whether you're looking to kickstart your fitness journey, achieve weight loss goals, or find mental clarity through physical activity, I'm here to help you make that change. 💪🧘♂️
Let’s make fitness a lifestyle! 💫
Skal du gøre noget godt for dig selv denne weekend - både mentalt og fysisk?!! 🤗
Søndag formiddag kl 09.30-11.30 afholder vi Kick-Off event i Fælledparken og her kan du slå to fluer med ét smæk! 🎉
Uanset om du er i god form eller gerne vil i gang - om du har arbejdet meget med dig selv eller blot har tænkt tanken, så håber vi på at se dig til vores helt unikke event!
Vi skal igennem en 1,5 times træningssession. Vi arbejder med kroppen i bevægelse og psykens ubevidste og bevidste reaktionsmønstre heraf. Vi vil give dig en smagsprøve på vigtigheden af at arbejde med krop og psyke som en helhed, når vi arbejder på at højne vores trivselsniveau. Den her formiddag kan være startskuddet til en ny rejse, hvor du lærer at navigere i hverdags stress og hamsterhjul mod et mere meningsfuldt og givende liv 🎉🏋🧘🧠
Start din søndag med at gøre noget godt for dig selv. Vi arbejder både med kroppen og psyken med det formål at højne trivselsniveauet for dig - så vi håber på, at se dig til en fantastisk formiddag 🙏☀️
Tilmeld dig til vores KICK-OFF EVENT her 👇
💡🎉KICK-OFF EVENT på søndag d. 21. maj 2023 fra kl 09.30-11.30 i Fælledparken!
KOM OG VÆR MED ! Vi i Raise the Mind inviterer til KICK-OFF event ! I løbet af de to timer får du en introduktion til, hvem vi er, hvordan vi arbejder med psykologisk coaching kombineret med en fysisk træningssession. Du får lov til at opleve effektiviteten af at kombinere mental træning og fysisk træning og hvad det betyder for arbejdet med os selv 🏋️♀️🧘♀️🧠
Afslutningsvis vil vi sørge for lidt snacks og vi vil snakke om, hvordan vi på bedste vis kan hjælpe dig med at leve et meningsfuldt liv, hvor trivsel og velvære sættes i højsæde 🤗
Vores vision er at hjælpe mange flere til at forbedre deres mentale og fysiske velvære. Vi ønsker at højne livskvaliteten gennem en kombination af mental og fysisk træning. Vi er et stærkt og erfarent team, som alle er certificerede og professionelle trænere. Vi er et internationalt team, som alle er uddannede og eksperter inden for enten fysisk- eller mental træning og coaching.
Det er GRATIS at deltage!
Der er begrænset plads og de første pladser er allerede booket. Det er efter først til mølle princippet, så book jeres plads i dag!
Tilmeld dig dig op til vores KICK-OFF EVENT her:
Dele af eventet vil blive filmet, men kun med din accept.
Mere information om dagen bliver tilsendt, når du er tilmeldt 💡🤗
We at Raise the Mind are happy to announce our first KICK-OFF EVENT on the 21st of May 9:30-11:30 in Fælledparken.
The event includes an introduction to psychological coaching followed by a physical training session, where you get the chance to practice the mental techniques you just learned 🏋️♀️🧘♀️🧠
Afterwards, we will serve some snacks, and we would love to talk to you about how we can best service your needs, and help you live a less stressful and a fulfilling life 🤗
Our vision is to help people improve their well-being and quality of life through a groundbreaking science based combination of mental and physical training. We are a team of experienced, certified, international professionals who are experts of mental health, coaching psychology and functional training.
Best of all, it’s FREE for two hours of training and snacks.
We have limited spots and some are already booked. Sign up to our KICK-OFF event here:
And follow us here on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RAISETHEMIND
And here on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raise_themind/
Parts of the event are going to be filmed, but only with your consent!
More information will be sent after your sign up
May is mental health awareness month and this is more relevant than ever, as mental health issues are on the rise.
We believe that part of the reason for this is that many people are constantly seeking comfort and distraction in order to deal with stress 😢
A core principle of our program is that people adapt to what they do repeatedly.
Constant comfort seeking makes you less resilient to stress, which in turn increases comfort seeking.
Our mental fitness program makes you stronger mentally and physically, so that you are better able to handle and adapt positively to life stressors💡🤗
Maj er måneden for mental sundhed og det er mere relevant end nogensinde, da mistrivsel er stigende! 📈😳
Vi mener, at en stor del af årsagen til den mentale sundhedskrise, er fordi folk i stigende grad håndterer deres stress gennem at søge midlertidig komfort og distrahering 😢
Et kerneprincip som ligger til grund for vores mental fitness program, er at folk tilpasser sig til det, som de gør ofte. Derved bliver opgaver, der kræver koncentration mere stressende, og situationer, der er ubehagelige, bliver sværere at rumme.
Vores mental fitness program gør dig stærkere mentalt og fysisk! Gennem tilpassede udfordringer trænes du i at handle hensigtsmæssigt uanset, hvilke følelser og tanker du oplever. Du får dermed redskaber, så du kan håndtere den daglige stress og få mere overskud til livet og dets udfordringer 💡🤗
A touching story of how you can turn panic into strength! 😰👊
Stefano was going to be a father - but it all happened very quickly! So quickly that he had to help his wife deliver their son in their own house! He felt his body nearly faint for a split second 😵 In an important moment, he managed to calm his body - and through strong and well-trained tools, Stefano was able to return to the moment when he was needed the most and help his wife give birth! 👶
Would you like to learn strategies for effectively managing your reaction patterns ? 👥💡💭 - join our Bootcamp 👇
🇩🇰En rørende historie om, hvordan du kan vende panik til styrke ! 😰👊
Stefano skulle være far - men det hele gik hurtigt ! Så hurtigt at han skulle tage imod deres søn hjemme i eget hus! Han mærkede, hvordan kroppen et split sekund, var ved at besvime 😵 I et vigtigt split sekund lykkes det at få ro på kroppen - og gennem stærke og veltrænede redskaber kunne Stefano vende tilbage til øjeblikket, hvor der var allermest brug for ham og tage imod hans søn! 👶
Vil du lære, hvordan du effektivt kan arbejde med dine reaktionsmønstre ? 👥💡💭Tilmeld dig vores Bootcamp 👇
Mental health binary - either healthy or sick 🧐🤔 ... Lacking concept of mental fitness !
May is mental health awareness month and is more relevant than ever, as mental health issues are on the rise ! 📈😳 We believe that a binary understanding of mental health - either sick or healthy, is counterproductive in solving the mental health crisis.
Just as with physical health, mental health is a spectrum ranging from pathology to fitness. We believe everyone can increase their mental fitness, becoming healthier, happier and stronger, and thus better able to deal with major life challenges while maintaining mental health 🧠🤗
Mental sundhed - enten er du rask eller syg 🧐🤔 ... Vi mener, at det ikke er så sort på hvidt, og der mangler et begreb om mental fitness!
Maj måned sætter fokus på mental sundhed, og det er mere relevant end nogensinde, da psykiske problemer er stigende! 📈😳 Vi mener, at forståelsen af mental sundhed - enten syg eller rask, er mangelfuld i løsningen af den mentale sundhedskrise.
Ligesom med fysisk sundhed er mental sundhed et spektrum, der spænder fra patologi til fitness. Vi tror på, at alle kan øge deres mentale sundhed, blive sundere, gladere og stærkere og dermed bedre i stand til at håndtere store livsudfordringer og samtidig bevare den mentale sundhed 🧠🤗
We are live on our webpage 🔛
Mental fitness bootcamp 🧠💪
A combination of physical training and mental training with a strong team !
It’s going to be exciting, challenging and most importantly - it will truly make a difference in people's lives.
Mental Fitness Bootcamp | drstefanodedominicis Introducing the Mental Fitness Bootcamp: An 8-week transformative program designed to reduce anxiety, stress, and negative emotions, and elevate your mental wellbeing, enhance resilience, foster social connections—ultimately leading to lasting life satisfaction.
🧠💪 Together we want to improve mental wellbeing !!
We believe that combining mental and physical training can unlock untapped potential for growth and happiness.
Follow to hear much more and let’s improve mental wellbeing together 🙏
🧐 Which aspects of mental wellbeing do you believe are the most important?
1. Reducing anxiety, fear, and panic
2. Managing stress and mental fatigue
3. Boosting confidence and self-esteem
4. Overcoming negative emotions
Write a comment with your opinion ! 🙏
Your input will help us tailor our program to better serve your needs.
Tomorrow (Saturday) at 04.00 PM we are going live with our new website and program for mental wellbeing ! 🎉📣
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Fruebjergvej 3
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