GoalSet Fitness

GoalSet Fitness

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GoalSet Fitness ligger i Køge og er et perfekt fitnesslokale som tilbyder 1-til-1 Personlig Træning.


Success 💪🫡

Big congratulations to Mr. T who past his Army Test this weekend. Very well done. Almost top of the class I hear 😉

Let’s keep training hard 🏋🏼‍♂️



Success 💪

At the beginning of the year, I had a goal to complete 1000 push-ups in 60mins. At last that goal has been achieved. Today, the official count was 1080 push-ups in 60mins, where 1001 push-ups was reached right around the 55 minute mark 🫡

You can see the video evidence on GoalSet Fitness’ page 😊

As you know I was very happy to turn this into a charity event, supporting a child cancer charity❤️ From my own donations and the generous donations of you, we raised a little over 2500kr. Thank you so much 🙏 I will send the money to a charity this week.

I would just like to say a massive thank you for the emotional support and for believing in me throughout this journey. It really means a lot.

Hope you all have the best Sunday ☀️

Chris 🙋‍♂️

👉 Last chance donations via MobilePay: 1305QN

Contact info:

Personlig Træner: Chris Wiggins
Business: GoalSet Fitness
Hjemmeside: goalsetfitness.com
E-mail: [email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


Today is the day. Final attempt at 1000 push-ups in 60mins 💪❤️
After video total: 1080


Hi all 🙋‍♂️ Chris will be attempting 1000 push-ups Live at approx 10:00 today. The goal is to complete all 1000 in 60mins 💪

This is also a charity event for children suffering with cancer. So far 2000kr has been raised. Thank you so much everyone for your donations 🙏


For the kids ❤️

Hi all,

On Sunday 1st September I will attempt to do 1,000 push-ups in 60 mins. This will be live here on Facebook.

I have decided to make it a charity event for children suffering with cancer here in Denmark ❤️

My plan is to guarantee the charity 500kr from my own economy no matter what. So if I only make 999 push-ups within 60mins, I will still donate 500kr 💕

If I make it to 1000 push-ups, then I will donate 1000kr 😊

If you would also like to support this cause, then you’re very welcome to make a donation.

I have made Box on MobilePay: 1305QN

That way you can make a donation.

I think a good donation idea could be 10kr for every 100 push-ups. So if I make it to 1000 push-ups, then that’s 100kr for the children’s’ charity 💪💪

If you wish to donate not using MobilePay, please send me a message here on this page, to my email or to my phone number 😄

If you can not donate right now, then I would love your emotional support when I go live on Sunday 🤗

Thanks so much for reading this and let’s hope it goes great on Sunday 😃

Have the best day,
Chris 💪

Contact info:
Chris Wiggins
[email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


1000 push-up attempt in 60mins.
Results: 985


I’m speechless… 🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🇩🇰

6 gold medals. Yes that’s right, 6 gold medals at the Nordic Rowing championships this week.

A very big congratulations to Frida who has been training hard with her rowing club and specified strength training with GoalSet Fitness 🏋🏼‍♂️🇩🇰

You’re a super strong girl and amazing things are happening for you because of the hard work you put in. Denmark is very proud of you, and so is Chris.

Well done 👏


This girl is crazy 👀😮‍💨 🏋🏼‍♂️

Congratulations to Mrs C…. Making a new record with an 85kg deadlift 😎

To be fair, you made it look easy 😉



Success 💪

Most of you know I have had a personal goal of 1000 push-ups in 60mins.

Today I did 35mins of push-ups and made it to 679. The last time I did an hour I made it to 688 push-ups. So that’s only 9 reps difference.

Oh… and I’m think of doing 1000 push-ups to raise money for fighting against children’s cancer. I will set up a new post about that soon 😉



12kg lost 🏋️‍♀️

Very proud of your Mr B.…. You have stayed with it and worked hard 😃💪


25kg lost 💪

Congratulations to Miss P…. She has lost 25kg along her weight-loss journey. Along the way she has become very strong, lifting incredible weights in the gym, doing pull-ups and became a motivated runner 🏃‍♀️….. 💨

Today she ran her fastest 21km in 2hr and 8mins (official time).

Big congratulations. You’re amazing and an inspiration 💪🏋️‍♀️🏃‍♀️🍻



10kg lost 🏋️‍♀️

Great job Mr Tobias. Almost at the next goal 😉💪


So 2 days ago it was 606 push-ups in 30 mins. Today its was 605 😉

Maybe it’s time to do those 1000 push-ups soon, right? 😁💪


13kg lost 🏋️‍♀️

Great job Miss T.…. Now keep up the good work 😃💪


606 push-ups 🤩
30mins Push-Ups: Video 5 (I think) 😅


Would you like to learn how to Deadlift and lift heavy weights?

It might just be the best thing you ever did 💪Here are 7 reasons:

1. To keep your muscle: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass. Weightlifting helps counteract this loss, preserving strength and function.

2. To keep bones strength: Weightlifting increases bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

3. To boost your metabolism: Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue. By building muscle, weightlifting can help maintain a healthy weight and improve your metabolic health.

4. To improve your balance: This speaks for itself. No balance = falling ☹️

5. To improve joint health: Weightlifting strengthens the muscles around the joints, providing better support and reducing the risk of joint pain and injury.

6. To keep you sane for the daily game: Weightlifting releases endorphins, which can help fight symptoms of anxiety and depression, and improve your overall mood.

7. To help manage chronic diseases: Regular weight training can help manage conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis by improving insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular health, and overall physical function.

So, want to start getting lifting? 😃 You think about it. Right now I’m going to the gym.

My details ⬇️

Personlig Træner: Chris Wiggins
Business: GoalSet Fitness
Hjemmeside: goalsetfitness.com
E-mail: [email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


Do you need help with any of the below:

- Technique
- Weight-loss
- Strength
- Muscle mass
- Running
- Fat burning

If yes, then look no further. Chris at GoalSet Fitness is the trainer for you 💪🏋️‍♀️

Personlig Træner: Chris Wiggins
Business: GoalSet Fitness
Hjemmeside: goalsetfitness.com
E-mail: [email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


Wednesday was 537. Today was 582 😮‍💨

☝️ I think I’ll try two more sessions for 600 in 30mins or as close as possible. After that, I’ll attempt the 1000 in 60mins 🤤


Are you over 60? Congratulations, you are also welcome at GoalSet Fitness. The place were your training and health is all about you. ❤️

Personlig Træner: Chris Wiggins
Business: GoalSet Fitness
Hjemmeside: goalsetfitness.com
E-mail: [email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


Plus 500 push-ups in 30mins | 1000 Push-ups training | Video 4


1000 push-ups training | video 3


Deadlift time 💪


1000 push-ups training | video 2 - 30 mins max


Exercise does it, not the sofa.
Healthy food does it, not the pies.
Will-power does it, not the TV.

Well done to all my clients who have been training super hard this summer, both here at GoalSet and all of you enjoying a beach somewhere away from cloudy Denmark. Very proud 👏

❤️💪 🏋️‍♀️


Training for 1000 push-ups in 60mins 😮‍💨💪

GoalSet Fitness - Onlinebooq 20/07/2024

🏋️‍♀️ 💪 🏃‍♀️……… 💨

Her kan du booke en gratis 15 minutters opstartskonsultation hos Chris, The Trainer. Der kan du tale om dine fitness og sundheds behov og hvordan han kan hjælpe dig.

Personlig Træner: Chris Wiggins
Business: GoalSet Fitness
Hjemmeside: goalsetfitness.com
E-mail: [email protected]
T: 53 50 63 77


GoalSet Fitness - Onlinebooq


Nu starter Ladies Fitness Class hos GoalSet Fitness i Køge.
Gør noget godt for din krop ❤️

Nu har du mulighed at træne sammen med kun 2 andre kvinder helt privat i 45 minutter fra kl. 18:30 - 19:15 hver tirsdag.

Fokus er på styrke, muskelmasse, fedt forbrænding og på at booste selvtilliden i forhold til hvad din krop kan klare.

🙋🏻‍♂️Træningen foregår sammen med Chris "The Trainer", som skal guide jer fra start til slt med effektive øvelser, hjælpe jer med at holde en god teknik samt presse jer på en positiv måde.

🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️Træningstiden er til 3 kvinder af gangen, så hvis du vil træne sammen med dine veninder, så kan I booke tiden kun til jer selv.

💗 I må gerne komme 10 minutter før tid for at varme op og efter træningen er det muligt at blive og træne cardio i op til 25 minutter.

📄 Til træningen, skal du komme i træningstøj og medbringe et par indendørssko samt et håndklæde, en flaske vand og masser af postiv energi 😃

Prisen er kun 170 kr pr. person pr. session, men du kan også købe 12 sessioner til: 1870kr
Ses vi?

Lokation: GoalSet Fitness, Strandvejen 8, Køge.
Pladser: 3
Kontakt: Chris, The Trainer
Telefon: 53 50 63 77
Email: [email protected]


Great work team GoalSet 👏👏👏

This week we had to beat an old gym record of 3900 sit-ups in a week. We beat it by 9 🥳

Push-ups next week? 🤷‍♂️😉

Have a beautiful weekend ☀️


4252 reasons to train at GoalSet Fitness 😉

We smashed another week goal team. Well done. We was meant to hit 4250 push-ups as a team this week. We beat it by 2 💪

Have a great weekend everyone. Well deserved ☀️

Vil du plassere din virksomhed på toppen av Gym-listen i Køge?
Klik her for at gøre krav på din sponsorerede post.

Videoer (vis alle)

Today is the day. Final attempt at 1000 push-ups in 60mins 💪❤️After video total: 1080
1000 push-up attempt in 60mins.Results: 985
606 push-ups 🤩30mins Push-Ups: Video 5 (I think) 😅
Plus 500 push-ups in 30mins | 1000 Push-ups training | Video 4
1000 push-ups training | video 3
Supergirl smashing out 5 reps on 70kg 🦸🏻‍♀️💪
1000 push-ups training  | video 2 - 30 mins max
Training for 1000 push-ups in 60mins 😮‍💨💪
Ready for private training 😉
Goal achieved 💪Congratulations on Deadlifting 75kg for the first time 👌Next Goal 100kg 😉
Find an affective measuring scale 🙌🏻You can use the one at GoalSet Fitness in Køge for just 79kr a month including a fre...


Strandvejen 8, Kl. TV

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TRÆNINGSFÆLLESKAB I KØGE 🏋️‍♀️ Holdtræning for kvinder. ⚖️ Hjælp til vægttab. 💪 personlig træning.