Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood

Welcome to the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood.

If you like history, mythology, jewellery and design, or are a serious scholar of phaleristics - be sure to plan a visit to the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood. Among our most prized possessions are decorations of the Orders of the Garter, the Golden Fleece, Malta, Black Eagle and the Legion of Honour, as well as a considerable comprehensive collection of the state orders of Estonia. The mu

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 14/04/2023

Dear friends! We are happy to announce the opening of our new exhibition: War Awards of Ukraine at War! This exhibition is our first collaboration with the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War (Kyiv War Museum). We present Ukraine’s first state awards for gallantry in combat, established last year by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. You can see unique project models and designs for Ukraine’s second highest award – Cross of Combat Merit, as well as the cross itself, on loan from the recipient exclusively for this exhibition in Estonia. This is the first time that these awards are exhibited. The exhibition will be open until 2 September 2023.



Photos from Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні. Офіційна стор.'s post 24/02/2023

Our colleague Andrus Rumm met yesterday with the director of the WWII museum in Kiev. The Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood is planning a joint exhibition with the Ukrainian museum. Stay tuned for more news on this exhibition as they unfold.

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 24/02/2023

Today we invite you to celebrate Estonia's Independence day with us! As every year for this holiday, the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood is open and welcoming visitors. This year we have a new book to share that was published in time for this occasion.: Wabaduse Sangarid by Aleks Kivinuk, Jaak Pihlak, Heino Prunsvelt.
The book provides the biographies of 29 soldiers who distinguished themselves with special bravery in the Estonian War of Independence and were recognized with the country’s highest decoration awarded for personal bravery – the Cross of Liberty II degree 2nd class (VR II/2), and II degree 3rd class VRII/3. The authors have collected and presented lots of photographic material, as well as documents. For more information visit


Dear friends, we are happy to announce that our audio tour is now available in the Polish language. A big thank you for making this audioguide possible goes to our dear friend Lukasz Gaszewski, specialist in phaleristics, counsellor to the Polish Army Museum and the National Museum in Warsaw, long-time member of the Orders and Medals Society of America (OMSA), author of publications about orders, decorations and medals.

We hope that this will make the visit of all our guests from Poland even more unforgettable and would like to invite everyone to come and get acquainted with the orders of Poland and their history.

For more information, visit our site tallinnmuseum.com


From all of us at the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood
Happy Holidays and Peace in the New Year!

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 18/12/2022

Great news came from Germany yesterday! The priceless jewels that were stolen from the Dresden Green Vault (Grünes Gewölbe) in 2019 have been recovered and are now back in the museum!
The thieves stole the treasures from part of a collection created in 1723 by Saxony's ruler, Augustus the Strong. Among the stolen items was the Diamond Rose Garniture (Diamantrosengarnitur), including a badge and star of the Polish Order of the White Eagle.
We hope that the items have not been damaged and look forward to seeing them displayed in their rightful place after their authenticity is confirmed by our Dresden museum colleagues.

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 06/12/2022

We would like to congratulate our northern neighbours on their Independence Day and invite everyone to celebrate at the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood.! If you are in Tallinn this week, come and check out our ever-expanding exhibition on Finnish orders.

Happy Independence Day, Finland!

You can find more information on the Finnish awarding system here

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 19/10/2022

Daniel Craig Receives the Same Honour As James Bond!
The actor was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George – the same honour held by Ian Fleming’s famous character – by the Princess Royal at the investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle on Tuesday, 18.10.2022. Ian Fleming's spy, James Bond, was fictionally appointed Companion of the Order in 1953. It is mentioned in the novel From Russia, with Love and in his obituary in the film Skyfall.

At the conclusion of the Napoleonic wars in 1814, the island of Malta and the Ionian Islands in the Adriatic were placed under the protection of Great Britain. The Order was created to reward the inhabitants of these new territories for their loyalty and services to the British Crown and Britons for exceptional services in the Mediterranean. Today it is an order of diplomacy, typically awarded to those who serve as ambassadors and governors overseas or in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. The Badge of the Order depicts St George fighting the dragon on one side and St Michael trampling over and subduing Satan on the other.

You might have noticed various letters on the boxes holding British awards. These are acronyms of the specific classes of the orders. They are added after the name of the Knight or Dame as post-nominals. There is an old joke, which is famously mentioned in the satirical British television programme Yes Minister, about what the various post-nominals stand for. According to this joke, CMG stands for "Call Me God", KCMG stands for "Kindly Call Me God", and the post-nominal for the Grand Cross of the Order of Saints Michael and George, GCMG, stands for "God Calls Me God".


We are happy to report, that starting this Monday our free audio guides are available in the Ukrainian language!

We thank the Embassy of Ukraine in Estonia and its cultural attaché Leonid Tretiak for their assistance.


It is with great sadness that we say goodbye today to our dear friend and colleague, the co-founder of the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood, Rudolf Reznicek. Rudolf has been instrumental in the creation of our museum, the formation of its collections, and the development of its scientific laboratory. His knowledge of phaleristics based on his experience as an engineer and a long-time collector has shaped our museum into the organization that it is today. His humour and optimism, his energetic demeanour have touched all who knew him. He will remain in our hearts always.
Rest in Peace

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 07/07/2022

Since 1975 Swedish subjects have not been conferred any orders of knighthood for services rendered to their country. From that time there have been over 130 submitted motions to the Swedish Parliament concerning the restoration of the Swedish Awarding system. It is now part of history that on 15 June 2022 the Swedish Parliament confirmed the new awarding system to be taken into use from 1 January 2023!

You can see the insignia of the Orders of Sweden at the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood. In the past few weeks, we have added to our collection!

You can read more about the restoration of the Swedish Awarding System on our site:

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 20/06/2022

Military Orders of Chivalry flourished in Portugal from medieval times. Although they underwent a series of changes through the ages, one thing remained constant – the beauty and elegance of their insignia! Discover the history of Portugal through the stars, badges and chains of its powerful orders and most respected awards.
Find out more about the famous military orders of Portugal on our site


Dear Friends! We are proud to announce that The Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood has won the 2022 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Award for the best museums and attractions in Estonia!

The Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood has been recognized by Tripadvisor as a 2022 Travelers’ Choice award winner and the number one museum in Tallinn! The award celebrates museums and attractions that have received great traveller reviews from visitors around the globe on Tripadvisor over the last 12 months. As challenging as the past year was, the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood stood out by consistently delivering high-quality content, top educational and cultural experience and high quality of service.

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 18/04/2022

We invite everyone to visit our new exhibition called Diamond Awards. We have prepared a brilliant display of original stars and badges from all over the world made of diamonds, emeralds, rubies and precious metals. Presented are both lavishly decorated pieces ordered by the knights to match their fancy buttons and buckles, and diamond awards intended to commemorate special deeds and occasions.

How Ukrainians are saving art during the war 12/04/2022

Amid the unfolding human catastrophe of war comes the threat of irreversible damage to Ukraine’s rich cultural heritage. Although our museum is no more than 5 years old, we have made friends in many countries and work with museums from all over the world. We have a special connection to the Museum of Hetmancy in Baturin and the Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery, where we were planning to open a joint exhibition in October. We still hope that this will be possible, but for now, we are doing all we can to support their efforts in safeguarding the historical treasures under their care. Our friends and colleagues from the Lviv National Art Gallery have assisted in the making of this video, which we would like to share with you.

How Ukrainians are saving art during the war And the long history of why protecting physical culture matters.Subscribe and turn on notifications 🔔 so you don't miss any videos: http://goo.gl/0bsAjO Des...


With wishes of peace and love to all on this special day - International Women's Day!

From our exhibition: Royal Order of Civil Merit. Bulgaria.

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 14/02/2022

Dear friends! To mark St Valentine's day, which has come to be associated with love and friendship, we invite you to bring the one you love to our museum today and hear the romantic stories associated with the world's most famous orders!

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 10/02/2022

Today is the 160th anniversary of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert, founded in four classes by Queen Victoria on their 22nd Wedding Anniversary, just two months after his passing. It was awarded personally by the Queen only to female members of the British Royal Family and courtiers. The beautiful badge at the Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood is of the 3rd Class (1880-1902). The cameo of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert is in a gold frame surrounded by pearls and diamonds, the enamel crown is set with emeralds, rubies and diamonds!


We are very excited about this collaboration!


Як і обіцяли, розповідаємо детальніше про найяскравіші задуми нашої Галереї на рік.

Осінь 2022 - спільно з Талліннським музеєм лицарських орденів планємо відкрити виставку «За вірну службу». У розкішних залах першого поверху Львівського Палацу Потоцьких будуть представлені нагороди з цього естонського музею, які є унікальними для світових колекцій. Нагороди будуть у компанії портретів своїх сучасників (переважно збірка ЛНГМ), тобто осіб, що їх носили. Атмосфери до нової музейної розповіді додаватимуть відповідні предмети гардеробу та новітні технології.

У минулому українці служили під владою Польщі, Росії та Австрії і отримували високі нагороди цих країн за вірну службу - спробуємо висвітлити і їхні заслуги. Таким чином наші два музеї об’єднують зусилля, щоб розповісти історію світової системи нагородження. Сподіваємось, що виставка буде цікавою не лише для любителів історії, а й для поціновувачів моди та дизайну.

Очікуйте побачити красиві ювелірні вироби, адже більшість з них виготовлено найкращими майстрами 18-19 ст. із дорогоцінних металів і каміння. Окрім загальновідомих орденів, таких як австро-угорське Золоте руно та польський Білий орел, ми плануємо показати унікальні знаки англійського Ордена підв’язки – всіяний діамантами оксамитовий ремінь, який підтримував панчохи. Багато орденів, які будуть представлені, після Першої світової війни застаріли, проте деякі існують і донині. Лицарські ордени, започатковані як суто європейське явище, тепер є невід'ємною державотворчою складовою багатьох країн світу.

Таллінський музей лицарських орденів – це спеціалізований історичний музей, який розповідає про історію системи нагородження, починаючи від перших лицарських орденів і до наших днів. Він демонструє, як уявлення про лицарство та його цінності: вірність, честь, захист слабких, хоробрість у битві, - вплинули на перші королівські ордени. Музей розповідає про те, як лицарство вийшло поза межі виняткових товариств, кіл наближених до суверена осіб, про створення орденів за заслуги, відкритих для всіх гідних.

Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood

Photos from Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood's post 20/01/2022

Dear friends, we are busy working on a new exhibition. Here is a glimpse on what is to come. The exhibition is set to open in February and will last all through the summer. Stay tuned for more news!


It's snowing in Tallinn!


Happy Birthday, Estonia!

Today the Republic of Estonia is celebrating its 99th Anniversary!

We joined in the celebrations with some special events at the museum and will be posting new pictures as the celebrations unfold in the Old Town of Tallinn!

We would like to start with pictures of some of Estonia's most prestigious awards http://www.tallinnmuseum.com/collection.html?lang=en


On this day exactly 620 years ago, on February 21, in the year 1397, the Queen of Portugal, Philippa of House Lancaster, gave birth to her first daughter. The young infanta was named Isabella.

On January 7, 1430 Isabella married Duke Philip III of Burgundy, called “The Good”. Three days later, on January 10, Duke Philip established the Order of the Golden Fleece to celebrate his newly founded union. This order of knighthood was to become one of the most famous and prestigious of its kind.

On the 620th anniversary of the birth of Isabella of Portugal, visit us, to see her legacy cast in gold with your own eyes!


Amantibus Justitiam, Pietatem, Fidem

"To those who love justice, piety, and fidelity" - the motto of the Order of Saint Anna, founded on this day in 1735 at Kiel, Germany, by Duke Karl Friedrich of the House of Holstein-Gottorp in memory of his wife Anna, daughter of Emperor Peter the Great and originally called the Order of Anna.

The motto of the Order was inspired by the first letters of the Duchesses name and honorary title: Anna, Imperatoris Petri Filia (Anna, Daughter of Emperor Peter).


Peagi avatakse Tallinnas rüütliordude muuseum

The museum is getting some pretty impressive coverage from the media! To see more tv and newspaper reports on our museum visit our website!

etv.err.ee Reedel avatakse Tallinnas rüütliordude muuseum, mille väljapanekusse kuulub enam kui 700 hinnalist ordenit ja aumärki üle maailma.


We are back on schedule! Open every day except Monday from 10:00 to 18:00. Welcome!


Busting the Myth of Friday the 13th and the Knights Templar

The medieval religious order of the Knights Templar that fought in the Crusades is a favored subject of superstition and myths.
See the insignia of the Military Order of Christ at our museum, founded in 1318 by King Denis I of Portugal after Pope Clement V, prompted by King Philip IV of France, had dissolved this powerful Order. King Denis I did not partake in the Templar’s prosecution; he favoured the Knights and decided, with the approval of Clement's successor, John XXII, to recreate their order in his realm.

news.nationalgeographic.com The medieval religious order that fought in the Crusades is a favored subject of superstition.


We are open!


1 day left to the opening! Looking forward to our first visitors tomorrow morning!


🎄 Merry Christmas!


Just 5 days left!


6 days to the big day!


Just 7 days to the opening!

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Kuninga 3

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00

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