Find colleges & universities in Cairo. Listings include شباب مسلم, Faculty of clinical pharmacy , Al-azhar university, TRIC Academey, Department of Entomology at KSU قسم علم الحشرات_جامعة كفر الشيخ, OET/ Ielts/ Toefl Preparatory Courses, معمل التشخيص المبكر للاورام.
faculty of clinical pharmacy , Alazhar university . كلية الصيدلة الإكلينيكيه
Also, TRIC Company provides incubators and accelerators With HR services for companies and entities TRIC noticed that, market requirements are updates and aggressive so it decide...
International Peparatory Courses translation interpretation proofreading research prep.assistance
The research areas of this unit include the development of New Methods based on Nano-Optical Biosens
Platform connecting and supporting you-th. An open space for you to share your ideas, achievements, talents, brands, and businesses freely. We support young talents!
وحدة تقويم الأداء وضمان الجودة بكلية الآداب جامعة عين ?
The Purpose Of The Qur'an And Hadith Academy Is To Popularize The Qur'an And Hadith And The Arabic L
الدبلومات المهنية لإعداد معلمى وقادة مدارس المتفوقين للعلوم والتكنولوجيا STEM بكلية التربية عين شمس
Department of Agricultural Economics - Faculty of Agriculture - Ain Shams University
Scope is a Student Activity , Which Stands For Planning , Priority , Patience , Professionalism
تابع تفاصيل قرار المجلس الاعلى للجامعات بالتصديق على انشاء صندوق تحسين اجور العاملين من غير اعضاء هيئة التدرس على صفحتنا
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ( Egyptian Chinese University)
رَبَّى اُحِب طاعتَك وإن قَصَّرت فيها واكرَه مَعصيتَك و إن وَقَعت فيها فَتَفَضَّل علىَّ بالجَـنَّة برحمتك وإن كُنت لَستُ أهلاً لها
الصفحة الرسمية لجامعة مصر التكنولوچية الدولية التابعة لصندوق تطوير التعليم التابع لرئاسة مجلس الوزراء
The Solar Decathlon is an international competition in which 20 university teams are selected to design, build, and showcase a house that runs on solar energy. The American Univers...
This is the new official page of the Department of English Language & Literature, BUE
Network marketing is the greatest opportunity in the history of mankind for the average person without a lot of money to invest to become financially free.
KAMDU is a unit dealing with various movement disorders & spasticity providing patient Care (diagnosis, treatment, followup), Education (patients & physicians), and Research.
نهتم بكل ما يخص خريجو جامعة أزهرنا الشريف, لنجيب بكل اخ?
Established in Sep-2008 as the 1st university hospital-based palliative medicine service in Egypt.
تم انشاء هذه الصفحه بهدف شكاوي واحتياجات وطلبات وخدمات