Axialent is the global leader in culture transformation. We help multinational organizations drive s
We help multinational organizations drive sustainable business results by creating effective behavioral change in people throughout departments, across languages and around the world.
Does tying rewards to competencies really work?
I wish it did! If that was the case, it would be an easy solution for driving large-scale behavior change.
Though rewards can be an important lever for change, if we really want to drive organizational-wide transformation, we need to address the unwritten norms that signal to people how they are expected to behave. In other words, we need to transform the culture!
In my opinion, if the culture is constructive and widely understood, we wouldn't even need competency models, because it would be pretty clear which is the desired way "we do things" here.
What do you think? I’ll read your comments.
By Teryluz Andreu to
Insecurity? Confusion?
These are some of the different emotions that many employees in today's companies are going through with the emergence of in applications such as .
In just seconds, this AI can do a job that can often take minutes or even hours.
👉🏻 Is artificial intelligence already diminishing work?
👉🏻 Are teams suffering from psychological safety concerns?
I would like to take this opportunity to share a PDF with you that outlines key points to help executives navigate scenarios in which an employee can emerge as unscathed as possible.
By Constanza Busto to
Fostering Conscious Kids NO victims: Adolescents who experienced victimization were 2.07 times more likely to have depressive symptoms compared to those who did not experience it.
🚨 This is a wake-up call 🚨
And the most serious thing is not only how the condition of young people is affected by the fact that these attacks occur, but the damage extends into , resulting in people with increased depression and insecurities.
When is it time to do something? We must be aware of the environment in which our young people live in order to strengthen them in the presence of adversity.
As parents or adults, we have a double responsibility: Making sure of course that our kids know how to react as potential victims and making sure that our kids do not practice nor allow any kind of cyberbullying around them.
Make them .
By Thierry de Beyssac to
👉🏻 En el 2021 fue la "Gran Dimisión", donde millones de trabajadores dejaron sus trabajos voluntariamente.
👉🏻 Luego, fuimos testigos de la "Gran Reestructuración", donde los empleados empezaron a buscar trabajos que se alinearan con su propósito personal.
¿Hacia dónde nos dirigimos ahora?
Este debate fue abierto en sobre el futuro del trabajo y la conciencia .
La inestabilidad económica, los cambios abruptos sobre el clima, la incertidumbre ambiental. Todos son factores que empiezan a preocupar el del y de la vida misma.
¿Estás incluyendo la medioambiental en la agenda de tu empresa? ¿Con qué iniciativas?
¡Me gustaría leerte en los comentarios!
By José Suarez to
Many leaders have declared that they want to achieve a better between tasks and people, in other words, become a more caring organization.
The challenge is that employee is a shared responsibility of the organization and the individual.
Often, companies invest in programs and resources to help employees improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
Many times, these programs are targeted to drive individual , but don’t address the systemic organizational changes needed to promote a that truly encourages individuals to care for themselves.
No fitness or PTO program will make a real difference if the unwritten ways of working promote putting work always first, micromanagement and lack of inclusion and . This is what I call ‘unanchored care.’
👉🏻If we really want to care for our people, we need to go deeper.
What do you think? I'll read you in the comments! 💬
By Teryluz Andreu to
¿Sabías que Henry Ford redujo la jornada laboral de 6 a 5 días hace casi un siglo?
Para él, pasar a este modelo innovador en la época era una situación en la que los obtuvieron:
✅ Aumento de la moral
✅ Reforzamiento de la lealtad
✅ Aumento de la para trabajar.
Esto se debatió en la agenda del y varios expertos llegaron a la conclusión de que reducir la jornada laboral a 4 días en los tiempos que corren aporta una serie de beneficios que te cuento a continuación.
Desliza el PDF y descubre más.
Y tú, ¿te has planteado este cambio en tu jornada laboral?
By Jose Suarez to
*tculture #
Two quotes guide my work journal this year:
👉 One from Martin Luther King
👉 The other from James Clear.
Here's the reason why 👇🏻
The first one alludes to my chosen word of the year, which is ‘dream’. It is to remind me of something I heard from Simon Sinek that stayed with me since: Dr. King moved people with the ‘I have a dream’ speech, not the ‘I have a plan’ speech.
The nice thing about my Asian heritage (no cultural appropriation intended) is that I have a second chance to celebrate the new year, and add another guiding quote 😉.
I picked this one from James Clear, because I’ve reconciled myself with the shadows in my life. The most beautiful portraits and landscapes in my photo reel are those with pronounced contrasts. Without shadows, the pictures are just flat.
If all of us were superstars, we’d be blinded. So, this year, I will not work against the shadows. I’d rather see through them to fully appreciate the light.
What about you, how do these quotes speak to you? I’ll read you below.
By Anabel Dumlao to
Mi proyecto personal, nacido durante el confinamiento, se llama “Crear Abrazos de Papel” y es un blog donde comparto mi pasión por la creación artesanal de tarjetas de felicitación.
Por otra parte, me dedico a trabajar con y equipos de alto rendimiento. Les ayudo a desarrollar un consciente que les convierte en ejemplo de la que desean para su organización.
Siempre he tenido la intuición de que mi por las tarjetas hechas a mano podría servir a ese trabajo, pero aún no he encontrado la manera de integrar ambos mundos. ¿Se os ocurre cómo?
¡Os leo en comentarios a la espera de la idea que me arranque la mayor sonrisa!
By Anabel Dumlao to
What gets in the way of you showing up as the leader you want to be?
Very few times the issue is lack of competence or not knowing what it takes to be a good leader. Frequently, it comes down to feeling like they don’t have the bandwidth to dedicate the appropriate time to their people or feeling overworked and stressed out.
This is an invitation to pause and re-think how we are approaching development: What real impact can leadership skills training have if leaders are ? 🤔
At Axialent, we have integrated individual as an essential part of our leadership development and programs.
💬 I am curious, are you addressing burnout as part of your leadership development approach?
I’ll read your comments!
By Teryluz Andreu to
Trust is the cornerstone of any long-lasting , including the ones we have at work.
Many would agree that trust is the foundation of any , especially if they aspire to performance.
However, in my experience, it is complicated to talk about . Among other reasons, I think this is because there are few definitions out there that are appealing to leaders, and even less “user manuals” on how to build it. We simply know we’ve lost it, or feel we’ve never had it.
Today, I’d like to share the simplest formula I have found to date to get leadership teams to discuss this topic. I’d love to read which formulae have worked for you, so drop me a comment, will you?
By Anabel Dumlao to
What would happen if you planned your time off?
A study by Harvard Business Review found that people who set goals for their downtime were happier than people who just said they "wanted to relax".
Are you one of those who plan your time off, or do you let things happen spontaneously?
By Thierry de Beyssac to
For the past 20 years I dedicated 100% of my (and more!) to build, grow and shape Axialent. I learned so much on this journey!
Through this journey, I had the immense privilege to lead global projects, working with , their and across the globe in their transformation journeys. I learned and enjoyed through every single process, from every single client experience, every colleague and with everyone we partnered with to create greater impact.
Thanks so much to each of you!
Now, I decided to make a . Moving from working with many clients at the same time to dedicating most of my time to one single project! One in which I believe I can contribute to create high impact for the organization’s ways of working, the business, and the customers!
I will now be “inside” with a very special assignment as “Culture & Executive Development Lead”. We will be working every day to make Booking Culture an enabler for all the great intentions and plans to make travel an easier and enjoyable experience for all.
By Fran Cherny to
I'm not talking about a disease. It’s a situation that has shown up in the at companies lacking the to communicate assertively or to express what one feels.
is not a disability. It is a reality that affects everyone and that reminds us to sharpen our observation skills with the colleagues around us.
Click on the PDF and discover 6 causes of burnout!
By Anabel Dumlao to
70% of people said their intent to leave a job was due to a toxic organizational culture.
And more than half of negative workplace outcomes, such as burnout and distress, are caused by toxic behaviors at work.
These are data from a recent study by McKinsey (If you want to know more about this, send us a private message, and we'll reply with the link).
So the question is:
👉 Are you going to invest in cultural strategy in this 2023?
By Teryluz Andreu to
Hoy revivo a través de estas fotografías nuestro encuentro de cierre de año con el equipo de Axialent de Cono Sur. 🤩
Un día juntos, aprendiendo y descubriendo más acerca de nosotros mismos y compartiendo los logros que tuvimos en 2022. Pausamos y dedicamos tiempo a reconectar, compartir y divertirnos. Lo mismo que le decimos a nuestros clientes.
¡Salí energizada y con ganas de conquistar el mundo! 💪💪💪
Somos un gran equipo comprometido con el propósito: ayudar a las personas a conectar con su verdadera esencia y expresarla hábilmente en todos los ámbitos de la vida.
Un agradecimiento especial a Caleido, María Luján Brinzoni y Marcela Contigiani por habernos regalado un hermoso espacio y dinámica para explorar nuestros arquetipos de liderazgo.
Abrazo a todos, y a los que no estuvieron, los extrañamos.
Pablo Gimenez Camila Vaccarezza María Laura Roubakhine Horacio Rieznik Vito Sgobba Benjamín Gil Maria Belen Zurita Franco Palazzolo María Luján Brinzoni Marcela Contigiani Richi Gil Sergio Ledesma María Alejandra Ordoñez de Gettas Esteban Negroni, MD, PCC Ednéia Lima
By Constanza Busto to
Change doesn’t happen by pushing a button or waving a magic wand.
Not only will and desire are needed for transformation to start, we also need to overcome the unconscious obstacles that we tend to build.
We need to learn how to recognize “saboteurs”. Lisa Lahey, mentor, and contributor to my latest book , taught some critical things to make change happen, that I want to share with you today:
👉🏻 We must focus on personal Big Assumptions, which are the real internal detractors of change (out of self-protection).
👉🏻 We need to focus first not on changing our behaviors at the “doing level”, but on recognizing these big assumptions that create competing commitments.
I invite you to reflect and think about who your great spoilers are. You can share them in the comments.
By to
SMART performance goals are not enough…
We typically start the new year having goal setting conversations with our manager and our teams. While we know that performance goals must be clear and specific (“Increase sales in key accounts by x% by X date” or “Complete Phase 1 of project x by x date”), ensuring agreement on the end goals is only one step in the process.
This year, I invite you to be more conscious about your performance goal conversations. Expand your focus from the end goal to the journey to attain those SMART 👉 Swipe the images
These will help you and your team members adopt a player mindset and feel excited, not daunted, by challenging performance goals. It will also help you and your team enjoy the journey, making adjustments along the way, and recognizing the progress made.
Tell me, in your goal conversations, do you typically pay more attention to the end goals or to the process of achieving the goals?
By Teryluz Andreu to
The world is constantly changing and so are our leaders!
If we have learned anything from the past few years, it is that the only thing that is permanent is change. We can plan and lead teams towards a common goal, but we must be able to adapt quickly to sudden changes or new circumstances.
And a good way to adapt is to be .
Agile is not a technique or a method, it is an attitude and must be worked from the leaders to the team to be able to cope with the circumstances and get the best benefits from the changes.
Swipe and learn from this graphic extracted from Agilmente that summarizes very well the Agile attitude
By Constanza Busto to
Our 2022 fellows at finished these 4 incredible days together, defining their commitment for driving in their organizations.
It’s very inspiring and energizing to see what we achieved in our time together in Santa Fe. Rebecca Williams, IMBA, PCC and I had a blast facilitating the culture roadmap sessions and learning from everyone’s unique journey.
Thanks to all the fellows for their trust, engagement and commitment!
By Teryluz Andreu to
The need to have the last word could come from…
our desire to have control and/or preconceived notions of how a leader should behave, showing authority and demanding respect.
However, having the last word can undermine our true power - people around us know how we operate and may opt to hide information or color the facts to get to the outcome that they think is best.
Swipe through the PDF and discover what could happen when our team (…and our friends and family!) knows that we like to feel like we make the ultimate decision.
Can you think of other consequences of the need to have the last word?
By Teryluz Andreu to
“There is something that an organization needs more than leadership, it's having a leadership culture.” —Mark Miller
Great first day facilitating the culture roadmap development at culture master class event in Santa Fe, NM.
Honored to join over 50 senior leaders from all over the USA to learn from culture icons like Ginger Hardage, Kelly Ann Doherty, Dave Salyers and Ed Catmull, former President of Pixar.
🌟 Stay tuned for more updates!
By Teryluz Andreu to
¿Estamos trabajando por la igualdad de la mujer, o hay mucho "postureo"?
El 46% de las directivas piensa que los objetivos que tienen las empresas con las políticas de igualdad de género es lavar su imagen.
Me gustaría contrastar este dato, quizás un poco obsoleto (Esade Gender Monitor, 2019), con tu opinión.
👉 Responde a la siguiente encuesta y/o deja directamente tus ideas en comentarios.
By to
Do you know what’s the next step after working on your team’s trust?
High-performing teams maintain a dynamic balance between both extremes of the conflict spectrum: (cosmetic) peace on one end, and nasty outbursts on the other.
We remove the stigma from the word conflict by defining it as “a difference that causes tension”, and not equating it to a fight. Hence, it becomes a primary resource that allows all ideas and voices to be heard. This is a reliable way of achieving true commitment.
If we address conflict in a healthy way, we can:
✅ Shift team members’ focus from compliance to commitment
✅ Strengthen trust and
✅ Contribute to team cohesion
should exist between ideas, not people. In a healthy conflict, team members can honestly say “I trust my peers, so I assume good intent – therefore I understand that what they question are my ideas, not me”. And viceversa.
After what I’ve shared, can you guess the word? I'll read you in the comments.
By Anabel Dumlao to
Effective with a clear purpose and effective are two ingredients for...
Knowing WHO makes the and HOW, will help us to be effective while saving time from anyone!
Therefore, I would like to invite you to read my most recent article at , as part of the "Productivity Killers" series.
We will explore in detail the art of effective decision making in organizations and how to make it work for successful implementations
I invite you to...
📖 Read this article [LINK IN BIO]
💬 Leave your comments and experiences.
by to
Reaching the peak is a fantastic milestone to celebrate.
However, conscious expeditions know that euphoria may fade soon after the summit.
This journey cannot be considered successful if we don’t return safe and sound to base camp and that’s why I want to show you how to go back, to sustain the momentum of a high-performing team.
Swipe the PDF to read it in detail.
What do you think about these ?
I’d like to know your opinion.
By Anabel Dumlao to
We are ready to climb!
Our backpack’s been loaded with just the right weight to undertake this journey – the , , distinctions that will serve us on our way. Now, we’ll focus on the route to the top.
How do we ascend? In 5 stages, inspired by the work of Patrick Lencioni on cohesive teams:
1️⃣ We always begin with . Without it, the way forward will be overly cumbersome. Building trust will help us every step of the way.
2️⃣ When there is trust, we can deal with conflict constructively. We see conflict on a spectrum, where both extremes (denying conflict out of avoidance, to downright explosion) are unhealthy.
3️⃣ A team who manages conflict constructively can truly commit. Authentic commitments require a clear request, an equally clear acceptance of the request, and all team members’ buy-in.
4️⃣ Practicing accountability is the next stage. It is embraced to ensure the team’s commitments are honored, even (or especially) when they cannot be fulfilled.
5️⃣ The peak is reached when the expedition is able to focus on the collective results they have set out to achieve, above and beyond the individual goals of each of its members.
This is how we set out to conquer the summit!
By Anabel Dumlao to
How productive are our conversations when we are triggered by someone or something?
Do we share what really concerns us in an easy and simple way?
How can we save time and be more effective in solving our issues?
Why? Because if we don't, we create:
❌ Unnecessary meetings
❌ emotional issues with people
❌ Unproductive conversations
These impacts our agility, wellbeing, and workload!
If we improve the way we talk and share what really matters, we can create much more productive conversations…
I invite you to...
📖 Read this article [LINK IN BIO]
💬 Leave your comments and experiences.
by to
Have you ever felt trapped in between meetings? 😓
No matter which role we play in organizations, I can bet (based on experience 😊) that almost all of us can agree on 1 thing:
📆 Our agenda is full of meetings and many times we don't know why we are there and for what. Does this happen to you?
This often reduces our and can affect the of our .
I invite you to:
1️⃣ Swipe the PDF to discover some interesting facts about how meetings minimize our productivity. 👉
2️⃣ Read this article I have written for Axialent clients to discover how to conduct productive meetings. 👉 [LINK IN BIO].
Have you also suffered from low productivity in meetings?
I'll read you in the comments 💬
by to
The end of the year is closer than you think!
It's time to consider effective ways to close 2022 and jump-start productivity, innovation, and high performance for 2023.
Our Business Application Coaching for Leaders is a 100-day sprint of applicable tactics and insights training with some of the world's leading minds in leadership, conscious business, and culture transformation.
Learn more and sign up here:
This year our team has grown thanks to the addition of great individuals that contribute to our growth and our clients' success!
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