Psychology practice today

I’m a educational psychologist and psychotherapist , with over 8 years of experience of study, resear


Our daily worries and OCD symptoms can often creep into our thoughts at night-time and this can seriously disturb our sleep. Navigating intrusive thoughts at night can be challenging, but remember, they're just passing clouds in your mind's sky. Ground yourself, embrace routines, and await the morning clarity.

Dealing with Obsessive Thoughts Before Bed tools.

We've all been there - your head hits the pillow and suddenly your mind is racing with worries, fears, and intrusive thoughts. Obsessive thoughts can make it difficult to fall (and stay) asleep.

Here are some tips to help manage those late-night obsessions:

🧠 Practice mindfulness meditation. Take 5-10 minutes before bed to focus on your breathing and bring your attention to the present moment. This can help quiet the mind.

🗓 Write it down. Keep a journal by your bed and jot down any pressing thoughts or to-do's. Getting them out of your head and onto paper can provide a sense of relief.

🚫 Avoid rumination. When an obsessive thought arises, resist the urge to dwell on it or try to solve the problem right then. Gently redirect your focus.

💤 Establish a calming bedtime routine. Take a bath, read a book, listen to soothing music - whatever helps you wind down and prepare for sleep.

👋 Reach out for support. Talk to a trusted friend or mental health professional if nighttime obsessions are really interfering with your sleep and well-being.

Remember, you're not alone in this. With some healthy coping strategies, you can learn to manage those late night thought spirals.


# Discounting In Perfectionism: The Ratchet Effect

Have you ever noticed how perfectionists can be really hard on themselves, yet downplay or dismiss their own successes? This psychological phenomenon is known as the "ratchet effect" of perfectionism.

The ratchet effect describes how perfectionists will raise the bar for themselves after achieving a goal, rather than allowing themselves to feel a sense of accomplishment. It's a never-ending cycle of always striving for more, while discounting the progress you've already made.

For example, a perfectionist student might ace an exam, but then immediately focus on the one or two questions they got wrong, rather than celebrating their high overall score. Or a perfectionist employee might receive glowing performance reviews, but attribute their success to "luck" or "being in the right place at the right time."

This tendency to discount our own achievements is a major component of the perfectionist mindset. We become so fixated on the gap between where we are and where we think we "should" be, that we can't even appreciate how far we've come.

The ratchet effect can be really demotivating and erode our self-confidence over time. That's why it's so important for perfectionists to work on celebrating small wins, adjusting unrealistic standards, and cultivating self-compassion.

What are your thoughts on the ratchet effect of perfectionism? I'd love to hear your experiences in the comments!


"Life is all about balance - between work, family, "me time," and couple time. As women, we often feel pulled in a million different directions, leaving little room for fun and relaxation.

But girlfriends' time is so important! It's where we can let loose, be ourselves, and recharge our batteries. When we make time to have fun with our besties, it actually empowers us to better manage all the other responsibilities in our lives.

So ladies, don't feel guilty about taking a night (or even just an afternoon!) to let your hair down and enjoy some quality time with your girls. Whether it's grabbing drinks, having a dance party, or just laughing until our stomachs hurt - this is the kind of self-care we all need.

When we prioritize that essential "girls just wanna have fun" time, we'll come back to our work, families, and partners feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to conquer the world. Who's with me?! 💃🥂"
" _practicetoday


Are you constantly preoccupied with thoughts about what happens after you die? You're not alone. Many people with OCD struggle with disturbing intrusive thoughts about the afterlife.

The reason these thoughts can be so distressing is that they touch on some of our deepest fears and uncertainties. The unknown of what lies beyond this life can feel terrifying and overwhelming to obsess over.

If you find yourself trapped in a cycle of rumination about the afterlife, know that there are ways to find relief. Some evidence-based tools that can help include:

- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to challenge unhelpful thought patterns
- Mindfulness meditation to become more present-focused
- Exposure therapy to gradually face fears in a controlled way

Remember, your intrusive thoughts don't define you. With the right support and strategies, you can learn to manage this OCD symptom and regain a sense of peace.

Reach out to a mental health professional if you need help. You deserve to feel free from the mental anguish of these unwanted thoughts.



Girls with ADHD: Understanding Those Unwanted Thoughts

Hi girls, if you have ADHD, I know you may sometimes struggle with intrusive thoughts - those sudden, unwanted ideas or images that pop into your mind. I want you to know that this is a very common experience for those of us with ADHD, and it's nothing to feel ashamed about.

ADHD is a neurological condition that affects how our brains work, particularly when it comes to focus, impulse control, and organization. Many girls with ADHD have very active, fast-paced minds that are constantly taking in information and making connections.

This high level of mental activity can lead to those intrusive thoughts - fleeting ideas or mental images that you don't want or can't control. They might be negative, strange, or just randomly distracting. And they can make it really hard to concentrate on what you need to do.

The good news is, these thoughts don't mean anything is wrong with you. They're just a symptom of how your amazing ADHD brain works. With some healthy coping strategies, you can learn to manage them.

The most important thing is to be kind and compassionate with yourself. Don't judge or criticize those intrusive thoughts - just acknowledge them and let them pass. Try refocusing your mind on something positive or practical. Over time, you can get better at redirecting your thoughts in a healthy way.

Remember, you're not alone in this. Lots of girls and women with ADHD deal with intrusive thoughts. With self-care and the right support, you can absolutely learn to live confidently with ADHD, including those pesky uninvited thoughts. Wishing you all the best on your journey!


The ROCD Cycle 🔁

Like other forms of OCD, Relationship OCD (ROCD) involves a cyclical pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The cycle usually starts with a *trigger* that leads to an *intrusive thought* about your relationship.

This then sets off a chain reaction:

1. **Intrusive Thoughts:** Your mind gets stuck on doubts, uncertainty, or perceived flaws about your partner or relationship.

2. **Obsessive Rumination:** You get caught in a mental loop, analyzing the thoughts over and over, trying to find certainty.

3. **Anxiety & Distress:** The intrusive thoughts cause significant emotional distress and unease.

4. **Compulsive Behaviors:** In an attempt to reduce anxiety, you engage in compulsions like constant reassurance-seeking, checking, or avoidance.

5. **Temporary Relief:** The compulsions may provide temporary relief, but the cycle soon repeats, starting the whole process over again.

Breaking the ROCD cycle requires addressing the underlying obsessive thoughts and maladaptive coping mechanisms. With the right support and strategies, it's possible to find freedom from this exhausting pattern.


**Relationship OCD: When Love Becomes a Compulsion**

Does your mind constantly worry about the state of your relationship? Do you find yourself obsessively analyzing every interaction and word with your partner, seeking constant reassurance? This may be a form of relationship-focused OCD.

Relationship OCD (also known as ROCD) is an anxiety disorder where intrusive, distressing thoughts lead to compulsive behaviors in an attempt to alleviate relationship doubts and uncertainties. Some common obsessions include:

- Questioning whether your partner is "the one"
- Doubting your feelings or attraction towards your partner
- Constantly seeking proof your partner loves you
- Fixating on your partner's perceived flaws

The compulsions can include:

- Constant checking-in with your partner about the relationship
- Researching relationship advice online for hours
- Mentally reviewing past interactions for signs of problems
- Avoiding intimacy to prevent being "trapped"

While it's normal to have occasional doubts in a relationship, ROCD takes these intrusive thoughts to an extreme, debilitating level. The obsessions and compulsions can severely impact your ability to be present and enjoy your partnership.

If this sounds all too familiar, know that you're not alone. ROCD is a treatable condition through therapy and self-care. With the right support, you can regain control and focus on the healthy, fulfilling relationship you deserve.


Why Do Kids with ADHD Like to Argue?

Children with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) often have a tendency to get into arguments and debates. There are a few key reasons for this:

1. **Impulsivity**: The impulsivity that is a core symptom of ADHD can lead kids to blurt out their thoughts and opinions without much filter. This can spark disagreements more easily.

2. **Difficulty Regulating Emotions**: ADHD can make it harder for kids to manage their emotions, including frustration and irritability. Arguments provide an emotional release.

3. **Need for Stimulation**: The restless energy of ADHD means kids are often seeking mental stimulation. Engaging in back-and-forth arguments can provide that stimulation.

4. **Poor Social Skills**: Kids with ADHD may struggle with reading social cues and communicating effectively. This can lead to misunderstandings that turn into arguments.

Of course, not every child with ADHD will be an argumentative person. But the cognitive and behavioral traits of ADHD do contribute to this tendency in many cases. With the right support and strategies, these challenges can be managed.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you have experience with ADHD-related arguments?


"Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there! 🎉

Fathers play a crucial role in the psychological development and wellbeing of their children. Research shows that involved, nurturing fathers can have a tremendously positive impact, helping kids develop better self-esteem, social skills, and emotional intelligence.

Whether it's teaching valuable life lessons, offering a listening ear, or simply being a steady, supportive presence - fathers make an irreplaceable contribution. Today, let's celebrate all the dads who go above and beyond for their families.

What's the best piece of advice your dad ever gave you? Share it in the comments below! 👇"


Photos from Psychology practice today's post 16/06/2024

Had a magical experience at the Concept Art Exhibition! I went to the Hotel Artmadams to see my friend's work, which featured pieces by the talented artists Fairy Azarine and Harry Harnell. Their art is truly amazing.

One painting that captivated me was "The Red Rose of Tears." This powerful visual metaphor captures the depth of depression. The rose is a deep, beautiful red, with eyes in the middle and tear drops falling. The stem has prickly thorns, symbolizing the danger and pain that can accompany mental health struggles. Yet, against the backdrop of black darkness, a healthy new bud is emerging at the top, representing hope.

This painting will be a wonderful addition to my art collection and an impactful piece to display in my psychology practice. It was an honor to experience this thoughtful, emotive work.

We also visited the opening of the Art Village in Pueblo Español, which was simply stunning. Every room of the magnificent castle was filled with inspiring artwork and moving performances. The atmosphere was lovely, with beautiful music and champagne, all surrounded by great company.

It was a fantastic day immersed in art that speaks to the human experience. I'm so grateful to have had this uplifting opportunity.

Immersing myself in art that captures the complexity of the human condition. A magical day exploring profound Artwork.


"Mutual Consideration: A Couples Therapy Superpower 💫

When things get tough in a relationship, it can be easy to slip into selfish thinking and forget about your partner's needs. But practising mutual consideration is a game-changer for couples.

Mutual consideration means actively considering your partner's perspective, emotions, and desires - not just your own. It's about finding ways to meet both people's needs, not just prioritizing one side.

Here are some ways to cultivate mutual consideration in your relationship:

💬 Communicate openly and listen attentively when your partner shares their thoughts and feelings. Don't just wait for your turn to speak.

🤝 Make decisions together, compromising when needed. Avoid unilateral actions that only benefit you.

🌱 Nurture your partner's interests and goals, not just your own. Celebrate their wins and support their growth.

💕 Express appreciation for the ways your partner considers you. A little gratitude goes a long way.

Mutual consideration is a powerful couples therapy tool that can strengthen intimacy, deepen trust, and help you both feel valued. Give it a try in your relationship!"



🌸 Happy Mother's Day! 🌸

Today, we celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives and made us who we are. To all the loving, caring, and strong mothers out there, this day is for you. 💕

Mom, thank you for your unwavering love, endless support, and the countless sacrifices you've made for our family. Your selflessness and dedication inspire me every day. I am so grateful to have you as my guiding light.

To all the amazing moms, stepmoms, grandmothers, and mother figures, thank you for the unconditional love and boundless affection you shower upon us. Your nurturing spirit and warm embrace create a safe haven that we can always return to.

Today, let's take a moment to reflect on the beautiful memories we've shared with our mothers and the invaluable lessons they've taught us. It's a day to appreciate their strength, resilience, and the immeasurable impact they've had on our lives.

Tag your mom in the comments and share a special memory or a heartfelt message to let her know how much she means to you. 💖

Happy Mother's Day to all the extraordinary moms out there! You are cherished, loved, and admired beyond words. Today and every day, may you be celebrated for the remarkable women that you are. 🌺


Today, I want to talk about some amazing tools for those with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style. If you're not familiar, dismissive-avoidant individuals tend to struggle with forming deep connections and may find it challenging to trust and rely on others.

But fear not! There are ways to navigate these patterns and foster healthier relationships. Here are a few tools to help you along the way:

1️⃣ Self-awareness: Take time to understand your attachment style and the reasons behind your dismissive tendencies. Awareness is the first step towards change and personal growth.

2️⃣ Communication skills: Practice open and honest communication with your loved ones. Express your needs and feelings, even if vulnerability feels uncomfortable. Effective communication builds trust and understanding.

3️⃣ Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or therapists who can provide a safe space for you to explore your emotions and experiences. Having support can make a world of difference.

4️⃣ Mindfulness and self-care: Engage in mindfulness practices to become more aware of your emotions and develop better self-regulation. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

5️⃣ Challenge negative beliefs: Dismissive-avoidant individuals often hold negative beliefs about relationships and intimacy. Challenge these beliefs by seeking evidence to the contrary. Surround yourself with positive influences.

Remember, growth takes time and effort. Be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process.

If you resonate with the dismissive-avoidant attachment style, I encourage you to explore these tools further. You deserve fulfilling relationships and connections.

Let's support each other on this journey of personal growth and transformation. Together, we can build stronger, more meaningful connections. 💪🏼❤️


Dismissive-avoidant attachment, also known as dismissive attachment style, is one of the four main attachment styles in adult relationships, as described by attachment theory. Individuals with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style typically have difficulty forming close and intimate relationships. They may exhibit behaviors characterized by emotional distance, self-reliance, and a tendency to minimize the importance of relationships.

Here are some common characteristics and behaviors associated with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style:

1. Emotional detachment: People with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style often struggle with expressing and recognizing their own emotions, as well as connecting with the emotions of others. They may appear emotionally distant or aloof.

2. Self-reliance: Individuals with this attachment style tend to be highly self-reliant and independent. They may prefer to rely on themselves rather than seeking support or closeness from others.

3. Minimizing relationships: People with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style may downplay the importance of close relationships and may prioritize personal autonomy over emotional connection. They may view relationships as less significant or necessary for their well-being.

4. Fear of intimacy: While dismissive-avoidant individuals may desire connection and intimacy on some level, they often have deep-seated fears of being vulnerable or dependent on others. They may avoid or resist emotional closeness in relationships.

5. Difficulty with trust and commitment: Individuals with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style may struggle with trust and commitment in relationships. They may be hesitant to fully invest in a relationship or to rely on others for support, fearing that they will be let down or engulfed.

6. Dismissing emotions and needs: Dismissive-avoidant individuals may dismiss or suppress their own emotions and needs as a way to maintain their independence and avoid vulnerability. They may struggle to express their feelings or ask for help when they need it.

It's important to note that attachment styles can be influenced by a range of factors, including early life experiences.


🌟 Nurturing Secure Attachment: Tools for Soothing Anxiety 🌟

Hey, Today, let's talk about a topic close to my heart: anxiety attachment. Many of us struggle with anxious attachment styles, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear in relationships. But fear not! Today, I want to share some powerful tools that can help you cultivate a secure attachment and soothe anxiety. Let's dive in! 🌈

1️⃣ Self-Reflection: Take the time to explore your attachment patterns and understand where your anxiety stems from. Journal about your experiences, seek therapy if needed, and develop a deeper awareness of your emotions and needs. Remember, self-reflection is the first step towards healing.

2️⃣ Open Communication: Practice open and honest communication with your partner or loved ones. Share your fears, concerns, and needs with them. When we express ourselves authentically, it fosters trust and understanding, creating a safe space for both parties to grow and support each other.

3️⃣ Mindful Awareness: Cultivate mindfulness in your daily life. Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judgment. By developing this awareness, you can identify anxious thought patterns and gently redirect your focus to the present moment, fostering a sense of security within yourself.

4️⃣ Boundaries and Self-Care: Set healthy boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Prioritize self-care activities that nurture and recharge you. Engage in practices like exercise, meditation, or creative outlets that help you build resilience and develop a strong sense of self.

5️⃣ Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek professional help or join support groups that specialize in attachment issues. Therapists and support networks can provide guidance, tools, and a safe space to explore and address your anxieties in a supportive and understanding environment.

6️⃣ Practice Self-Compassion: Be gentle with yourself throughout this journey. Remember that healing takes time and progress often comes in small steps. Practice self-compassion by offering yourself love, understanding, and forgiveness. Embrace your imperfections and celebrate your growth along the way.


🌟 Signs of Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: Navigating the Path to Healing and Connection 🌊💖

✨ Hello. Today, let's shed light on the signs of fearful-avoidant attachment and explore ways to navigate this attachment style with compassion and growth. Understanding these signs can empower us to cultivate healthier relationships and embark on a journey of healing and connection. 🌱🤝

🔒 The Complex Nature of Fearful-Avoidant Attachment 🌪️❌
Fearful-avoidant attachment is characterized by conflicting desires for both closeness and distance in relationships. Here are some signs that may indicate a fearful-avoidant attachment style:

1️⃣ Intense Ambivalence: Feeling torn between the longing for emotional connection and the fear of intimacy. You may desire closeness, but when it becomes too intense, you may experience anxiety and withdrawal.

2️⃣ Push-Pull Dynamics: Engaging in a pattern of pushing others away while simultaneously yearning for connection. This can create a cycle of emotional turmoil and confusion in relationships.

3️⃣ Fear of Rejection: Deep-seated fears of rejection, abandonment, or being engulfed in relationships. These fears may stem from past traumas or negative experiences.

4️⃣ Difficulty Trusting: Struggling to trust others fully due to a fear of being hurt or betrayed. It can be challenging to open up and be vulnerable, as self-protection becomes a priority.

5️⃣ Self-Sabotage: Engaging in self-sabotaging behaviours or creating emotional distance as a defence mechanism. This can be a way to protect oneself from potential pain or disappointment.

🌱 Nurturing Healing and Connection 💞🌈
Recognizing and addressing fearful-avoidant attachment patterns is crucial for fostering personal growth and cultivating healthier relationships.


Today, let's explore the topic of avoidance behaviour and its impact on our lives. We all experience moments when we feel compelled to avoid certain situations, emotions, or thoughts. However, understanding this behaviour can empower us to navigate through it and embark on a journey of growth and healing. 🌱💕

🔒 The Nature of Avoidance 🙈🚫
Avoidance behaviour is a human response rooted in the desire to protect ourselves from perceived threats or discomfort. It manifests in various ways, such as avoiding difficult conversations, evading challenging tasks, or even distancing ourselves from our own emotions. While avoidance may provide temporary relief, it can hinder personal growth and prevent us from fully engaging with life's experiences. 🛑🌪️

❌ Breaking the Cycle of Avoidance 💪🌈
Recognizing avoidance is the first step towards change and personal development. Here are a few strategies to help break the cycle:

1️⃣ Self-Reflection: Take time to understand the underlying reasons for your avoidance patterns. Explore any fears, anxieties, or past experiences that may be influencing your behaviour. Self-reflection can provide valuable insights and open the door to healing.

2️⃣ Support Network: Seek the support of trusted friends, family, or professionals who can offer guidance and encouragement on your journey. Having a strong support network can provide a safe space to discuss your challenges and receive valuable perspectives.

3️⃣ Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Cultivate mindfulness practices that help you stay present and aware of your emotions. Practice self-compassion by nurturing a non-judgmental and understanding attitude towards yourself. This can help you approach-avoidance with kindness and openness.

4️⃣ Gradual Exposure: Take small, manageable steps towards facing the situations or emotions you've been avoiding. Break them down into smaller tasks or seek professional guidance to help you navigate challenges gradually. Remember, progress is a journey, and every step forward counts.

🌱 Embracing Growth and Healing
By acknowledging and addressing avoidance behaviour, we pave the way for personal growth and healing.


Today, let's delve into the fascinating realm of attachment styles and how they shape our relationships. 🌟 Understanding our attachment style can empower us to build healthier connections and foster personal growth. Let's embark on this enlightening journey together! 🌈

🔍 How our early experiences with caregivers influence our adult relationships. It suggests that our attachment style is formed during childhood and continues to impact our interactions throughout life. 👶🏼💕

🔒 Secure Attachment Style ✨
If you resonate with the secure attachment style, you're a shining example of emotional balance and trust. You feel comfortable with intimacy, express your needs openly, and believe in the reliability of your relationships. You understand the importance of both independence and connection, creating harmonious bonds with others. 🤗💖

🔗 Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment Style 🌪️
With an anxious-preoccupied attachment style, you crave closeness and reassurance from your partner or loved ones. You may worry about abandonment and seek constant validation. Self-doubt and fear of rejection may occasionally cloud your mind, but remember, you're deserving of love and care. Practicing self-soothing techniques and open communication can help ease your anxieties. 🌸💞

💔 Avoidant-Dismissive Attachment Style 🚶‍♂️🔇
If you identify with the avoidant-dismissive attachment style, you value independence and self-reliance above all. Forming deep emotional connections might make you uneasy, leading you to maintain distance and avoid vulnerability. Remember, it's essential to cultivate trust and gradually open up to others. Healthy relationships require embracing both autonomy and emotional intimacy. 🌻💫

🚧 Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style 🌊
Those with a fearful-avoidant attachment style often experience conflicting desires for closeness and distance. Past traumas may contribute to your fear of intimacy, leading to a cycle of pushing others away while yearning for connection. Healing and self-compassion are key to fostering healthier relationships. Remember, it's never too late to embark on a journey of personal growth and rewrite your attachment narrative. 🌱💗


Behind every strong and successful woman stands a tribe of equally strong women, and I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by them throughout my life. It all started with my incredible mother, who paved the way for me. Then came my Nan and aunts, who continued to inspire and support me. Along the way, I have also been blessed with amazing teachers who have guided me. And now, I am grateful for my independent friends in Mallorca, who are not only strong women but also my lifelong companions. Together, they form a powerful network of women who have played an integral role in shaping who I am today.


🌟 Embracing Anxiety: A Path to Growth 🌱

Let's be real, anxiety can feel pretty overwhelming. Our instinct is often to avoid it or escape from its clutches. But here's a gentle reminder: anxiety is not something to be ashamed of or shunned away.

🌈 Step 1: Embrace it

💡 Step 2: Learn from it

🔧 Step 3: Equip yourself with coping strategies

🌻 Step 4: Embrace necessary changes

By establishing a healthy relationship with anxiety, you might be surprised to discover that it's not your enemy after all. It can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Embrace the journey, and you'll unlock newfound strength within yourself. 💪💖


🌟 Every Strong Woman Needs Her Bestie! 💪👭

Shoutout to the incredible woman who stands by my side through thick and thin, my rock, my confidante, my bestie! 🙌❤️ There's something truly empowering about having a strong woman as your best friend. She's the one who lifts you up when you're feeling down, celebrates your victories, and encourages you to chase your dreams fearlessly.

She's the kind of friend who isn't afraid to speak her mind, challenge you to be your best self, and remind you of your worth when you forget. Together, we navigate life's highs and lows, and the bond we share is unbreakable. 💫

In a world where women are often pitted against each other, it's a beautiful thing to have a friendship filled with support, love, and understanding. We champion each other's successes, inspire one another to break barriers, and cheer each other on every step of the way. 💃👯‍♀️

To all the strong women out there, let's celebrate the incredible friendships that empower us and remind us of our strength. Tag your bestie and share a shoutout to the amazing woman who has your back no matter what. 🌸🤗

Remember, ladies, when strong women come together, we become an unstoppable force. Let's continue to uplift, inspire, and empower each other, creating a world where sisterhood prevails. ❤️✨

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