
Your creative digital partner. We are a creative full-service digital agency.

We design, build and maintain exceptional digital services and products for our clients.

Hallitse brändiäsi muotoilujärjestelmän avulla 24/11/2020

Design System eli muotoilujärjestelmä auttaa luomaan yhtenäisen käyttökokemuksen, m***a on myös hyvä työkalu brändinhallintaan.

Hallitse brändiäsi muotoilujärjestelmän avulla Muotoilujärjestelmä ei ole vain tuotekehityksen työkalu vaan myös brändinhallinnan työkalu.

Intranet PWA -sovellus kenttätyöntekijöille 28/05/2020

Teimme Keuruun Energialle intranet-ratkaisun Progressive Web App -mobiilisovelluksena. Kevyen projektin tuloksena on intranet, joka kulkee kätevästi kenttätyöntekijöiden mukana.

Lue lisää projektista linkistä.

Intranet PWA -sovellus kenttätyöntekijöille Sangre toteutti Keuruun Energialle kevyen intranet-ratkaisun PWA-sovelluksena, joka kulkee työntekijöiden mukana mobiililaitteissa.

"Minulla on sovellusidea, miten kannattaa edetä?" Vastaukset yleisimpiin kysymyksiin 07/05/2020

Oletko joskus pyöritellyt sovellusideaa ja miettinyt, miten sen voisi toteuttaa? Lue blogissamme vastaukset yleisimpiin kysymyksiin! 👇

"Minulla on sovellusidea, miten kannattaa edetä?" Vastaukset yleisimpiin kysymyksiin Kokosimme yleisimmät kysymykset liittyen mobiilisovellusidean toteutukseen.


We’re excited to announce we’ve partnered with software development company TX - Tomorrow Explored to bring together our service offerings with a design-centric approach to engineering data economies.
To kick off our collaboration, our CEO Mikael paid a visit to TX’s podcast to discuss the growing demand for applications that realise the value of data, why design must be an iterative process with an emphasis on trust, and how we collaborated in in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Listen to the podcast here:

Carebot - Hack the crisis 26/03/2020

In times of crisis there’s a need for cheap and scalable solutions to scope out the health and wellness of the pop**ation and keep the pop**ation informed e.g. if they should seek help. Together with TX and Streamr, we participated in with our entry Carebot - a chatbot service for citizens to self-diagnose, get up-to-date info and news during the pandemic.

See the video of our entry here:

Carebot - Hack the crisis Hack the crisis submission by TX, Streamr & Sangre


At times like these, business is more reliant on digital channels than ever. We want to let you know that we’re running our service as usual during this challenging time.

*We’re staying home*
We’re all now working from home to stay safe and keep our communities safe. We’re already used to remote work as a natural part of our operations, so this won’t affect our service quality. We’ve postponed all travel between our international offices for the time being. All client- and new business meetings are handled remotely.

*No service disruptions*
We’re taking care of our customers’ digital services and developing them as usual without any disruptions. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss how we can help mitigate the effects of the crisis and bring your business online by developing digital services.

*We’re helping companies apply for funding*
We’re helping companies apply for Business Finland’s funding for business development in disruptive circumstances together with TX and Boit Oy. The service is intended for Finnish companies suffering from the effects of the Corona virus pandemic. Read more about the service here (in Finnish):

We're all hoping things will be back to normal soon. In the meantime, let’s stay safe and secure business in the future too.


7 steps to designing a digital brand identity 11/03/2020

How to create a digital brand, step-by-step. Supplied by our Visual Designer Minh.

Read it on the blog👇

7 steps to designing a digital brand identity How to create products and services that stand out in the digital landscape


We’re looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer to join our distributed team and develop world-class web and mobile applications for our clients. Helsinki / Warsaw / remote. Read more and apply:

5: 14 työntekijää, kolme maata 17/02/2020

Sangren toimari Mikael vieraili 0-100 -podcastissa kertomassa mm. Sangren syntymästä, omasta matkastaan toimitusjohtajaksi ja miten rakennetaan kulttuuria 14 hengen tiimin kesken kun tiimi sijaitsee (vähintään) kolmessa eri maassa.

Käy kuuntelemassa!

5: 14 työntekijää, kolme maata Design- ja ohjelmistotalo Sangrella on työntekijöitä Suomessa, Puolassa ja Bulgariassa. Yrityksen rakentaminen kolmen maan välillä ei kuitenkaan aina ole ollut helppoa: Sangren toimitusjohtaja Mikael Koskimaa käy läpi mm. Puolan toimiston alkuvaiheen haasteita. Tämän lisäksi Mikael kertoo ...


Mobiilisovellus tehostamaan yrityksen prosesseja

”Lähtökohtana koko ajan oli käyttäjäystävällisyys ja sovelluksen dynaamisuus jatkokehitystarpeille. Lopputulos on mielestäni sekä selkeän näköinen että helppokäyttöinen ja ylitti odotusarvomme. Saimme projektin aikana Sangrelta useita ehdotuksia siitä miten sovellusta voisi kehittää tarpeeseemme, jota edesauttoi heidän hyvä kokonaiskäsitys ongelmakohdistamme ja tavoitteistamme”, kertoo Havatorin Fleet Manager Joakim Mette.

Lue case siitä, miten tehostimme Havatorin sisäistä tiedonkeruuprosessia mobiilisovelluksen avulla. Suunnittelimme ja toteutimme mobiilisovelluksen kartoittamaan Havatorin 250 nosturista koostuvan kaluston nykytilaa.


Sangre's cover photo


Tiedätkö miksi asiakkaasi eivät osta verkossa?

Jos verkkopalvelun ostopolku takkuaa, kiinnostunut kävijä ei päädy ostajaksi. Eräässä projektissamme käyttökokemuksen arvioinnin ja sen johdosta tehtyjen muutosten avulla lisättiin verkossa tapahtuvaa myyntiä 15%. Blogissamme projektin UX Lead Perttu kertoo miten.💡 Käyttökokemuksen arvioinnilla ja ongelmakohtien korjaamisella voidaan parantaa verkossa tapahtuvaa myyntiä merkittävästi.


Meet the team: Back End Developer Konrad Wlodarczyk

“Working in smaller and shorter projects means that we can always use new frameworks or libs that are available. I really like that, I don't have to work with old technologies like CORBA again.”

On the blog, we chat with the biggest coffee-lover in our Warsaw office, who used to travel the world with a folk dance group and now develops our Java back ends. Meet Back End Developer Konrad! What's it like to develop back ends in our Warsaw office? Let's hear it from our Back End Developer Konrad.


The mobile app shaping organizational habits

Introducing the new generation of BEAT mobile app:

Want to speed up strategic change in your organization? What are the habits you need to root on a grass-root level to create organizational transformation?

We’ve partnered with Trainers’ House to continuously develop BEAT - the digital tool in our client’s change management framework.

Already used by companies from SMEs to global corporations, It’s the solution to create, guide and track strategic change in your organization.

Read more about what we did in the case article. With our client Trainers' House, we created BEAT mobile app - the tool for change management in organizations.


Sangre x Tori: Leading product development in Finland's biggest marketplace

In 10 years has matured from a startup to the leading marketplace in Finland. In this episode of podcast, we’re chatting to Luis Orozco who leads the product team of the hugely pop**ar digital service.

What are the “three legs” that a Product Manager has to stand on? What's it like to fill the expectations of 2.4 million monthly users on a daily basis? Listen via link! In this episode of the Sangre x startups podcast, we’re talking with Luis Orozco about leading the product development team of one of the most well-known digital services in Finland,


Suunnittelijan näkökulma innovointiin

Suunnittelu ei ole yhtä kuin innovointi, vaikka niin usein luullaankin. UX Leadimme Perttu puhui hiljattain Sangre x startups -tapahtumassa siitä, mikä on suunnittelun rooli innovoinnissa. Lue Pertun kirjoitus aiheesta blogissa! Suunnittelu itsessään ei vielä ole yhtä kuin innovointi, vaikka niin usein ajatellaan.


Sangre x Leadoo: Designing human-like interactions with chatbots

New podcast episode is out! In the second episode of the podcast series we’re joined by Mikael Da Costa of Leadoo - the startup designing meaningful interactions that drive sales. After being founded just one year ago, Leadoo has already built between 10.000-20.000 chatbots for various industries and established offices in 3 countries. They must be doing something right for their customers - listen to find out what! In the second episode of the Sangre x startups podcast we dive into Leadoo's MarTech bots and designing meaningful interactions that drive sales.


Sangre x Finders Seekers: Modern recruitment and the candidate experience

We have a new podcast! As a continuation of our Sangre x startups event series we’re launching a podcast featuring some of the most interesting names in the Nordic startup scene.

In the first episode, our host Jemmi Laaninen is joined by Pipsa Aro and Anna Schoonover of the startup Finders Seekers to talk about modern tech recruitment and employer branding.

How do you design a winning candidate experience in an extremely competitive market? What are the three top tips Pipsa and Anna have for tech startups in order to not fail in recruitment?

Listen to find out! How can tech companies stand out and design a great candidate experience in an extremely competitive recruitment market?


Designing with multiple agencies – what you should consider first

Digital projects sometimes involve several agencies working together on different aspects of the project such as branding, design, content or development. Here’s a few things we’ve learned along the way to ensure a smooth project from start to finish when working with other agencies. Designer and front-end developer Antti shares his best practices for working in web design projects with multiple stakeholders.


Implementing a brand renewal into the digital space

We had two goals when we started our project with Yamarin and Yamarin Cross:

1. To create two websites that work as drivers for growth, turning users into high-quality leads
2. To differentiate two unique boat brands visually in the digital space

Read how we did it in the case article. We created design systems and websites for two leading boat brands, Yamarin and Cross.


Get to know Sangre Warsaw office

We had a chat with our Office Manager Arletta about what it’s like to work as part of the growing team at Sangre Warsaw office. How do teams handle remote communication? How do we establish a feeling of unity across locations? Who drinks 8 coffees a day!? Head over to our blog to find out! To shed light on what it's like to work at our Warsaw office, we interviewed our Office Manager Arletta.


UX is part of your brand


Innovaatioseteli auttoi liiketoimintaidean validoimisessa

Minkälainen on innovaatiosetelin hakuprosessi ja miten sen avulla validoidaan liiketoimintaidea? Kamupak sai innovaatiosetelillä toteutetusta käyttäjätestauksesta rohkaisevia tuloksia, minkä pohjalta palvelun kehitys jatkuu täydessä vauhdissa.

Lue blogissamme Kamupakin perustajan Iida Miettisen vieraskirjoitus! Business Finlandin innovaatioseteli auttoi kehittämään Kamupak-palvelukonseptia.


Digitaalisten innovaatioiden rakennusmestari - Content House Newspool

“Kun innovoimme asiakkaamme kanssa digitaalisia ratkaisuja, asiakas tuo syvän ymmärryksen omasta liiketoiminnastaan, ja me puolestamme tuomme pöytään tietämyksemme siitä, miten teknologia voidaan valjastaa kyseisen toimialan käyttöön. Nämä yhdistämällä syntyy innovaatio.”

Sangren toimari Micke puhuu innovoinnista Helsingin Sanomien välissä julkaistussa Content Housen Innovaatiot -liitteessä. Lue koko juttu: 20192, Innovaatiot2, vaaka Digitaalisten innovaatioiden rakennusmestari 17/09/2019 | by Content House | 0 Likes Näkökulmia liike-elämän kiinnostavimmista teemoista. Sangren toimistolla viihtyvät sekä Roger-koira että hänen omistajansa, toimitusjohtaja Mikael Koskimaa. Digitaalisten innovaati...


Proof of Concept kertakäyttöpakkausten korvaavalle innovaatiolle

Kertakäyttömuovijäte on yksi suurimmista globaaleista ympäristöongelmista ja ratkaisuista huutava p**a. Kamupak on startup, joka haluaa mullistaa pakkaamisen ruokailun saralla.

Startupilla oli idea, jonka toteutuskelpoisuutta he halusivat testata Business Finlandin innovaatiosetelin avulla. Teimme heidän kanssaan POCin jota käytettiin pilottiprojektissa. Lue case-artikkeli projektista! Teimme startupille innovaatiosetelillä Kamupak-palvelun Proof of Conceptin.


Guest blog: Sangre x Riesa

At our recent Sangre x startups event, we had the pleasure of hearing Joel Hentunen tell the story of Riesa Oy - the startup making services and environments accessible for everyone. If you missed his keynote, you’re in luck, because Joel also wrote a guest blog post for us! Read it now on our blog.👇 Sangre x startups guest speaker Joel Hentunen shares the story of Riesa - the startup making services and environments accessible for everyone.


A big thank you to everyone who joined our Sangre x startups Afterwork last night and to our wonderful speakers from Observ Agency and Riesa Oy! We couldn't be happier to facilitate conversations on design and innovation together with like-minded companies and professionals. Stay tuned for upcoming events and podcast!


Riesa Consultative Oy - Tehdään maailmasta yhdessä esteetön

Introducing Sangre x startups guest speakers: Anni Kyröläinen, Atso Ahonen, Joel Hentunen, Riesa Oy

Riesa Oy is a service design company specialised in accessibility. Riesa provides consulting to their clients on matters of accessibility in services and physical spaces. Their aim is to release the hidden potential of the disabled and make the world’s biggest minority a visible force in society.

At the Sangre x startups event today, we’ll be joined by Joel Hentunen and via remote-connection, founders Anni Kyröläinen and Atso Ahonen. They will speak about how they created an innovative business model and a market with zero competitors.

Read more about their business at


Sangre x startups is a meet up for people who like to get inspired about digital products and new business growth.

Join us for Sangre x startups Afterwork today starting at 5 pm! Info & RSVP: Olemme esteettömyyden ja yhdenvertaisuuden edistämiseen keskittyvä palvelumuotoiluyritys. Haluamme nostaa esiin vammaisten piilossa olevan potentiaalin ja tehdä maailman suurimmasta vähemmistöstä näkyvän osan yhteiskuntaa.


Introducing Sangre x startups speakers: Emma Hertzberg, Observ Agency

Observ Agency is a creative legal design and strategic insights agency. Drawing on their deep expertise in design, business and law, the Observ team helps their clients with complex legal challenges and legal design.

One of the founders, Emma Hertzberg, will join us as a guest speaker at Sangre x startups main event. This creative strategist and award-winning designer has over a decade of experience in design and communications. She is a frequent speaker at global events on law and design.

At the Sangre x startups event on 14.8., Emma will talk about applying design thinking everywhere - not just where you would think - and bringing design into processes and industries in a non-invasive and easily understandable manner.


Sangre x startups is a meet up for people who like to get inspired about digital products and new business growth.

Join us for Sangre x startups Afterwork on Wednesday 14.8. at 5 pm! Info & RSVP:


Introducing Sangre x startups speakers: Perttu Talasniemi, UX Lead, Sangre

Perttu is a UX designer with over 10 years’ experience in designing digital products and services for various industries. At Sangre, Perttu works as UX Lead and plays a central role in leading our projects in a design-driven way and creating value by bridging together user needs and business goals.

At the Sangre x startups event on 14.8., Perttu will talk about the designer’s approach to driving innovation as a team effort between business, technology and user-centred design, setting the context of the event for our next speakers.


Sangre x startups is a meet up for people who like to get inspired about digital products and new business growth.

Join us for Sangre x startups Afterwork on Wednesday 14.8. at 5 pm! Info & RSVP:


Sangre x startups

Speakers & program released! Join us for Sangre x startups main event this Wednesday.


17:00 Event starts, networking & snacks

17:30-18:00 Welcome notes by Jemmi Laaninen

"A designer's approach to driving innovation" Perttu Talasniemi, Sangre Oy

18:00-18:30 "Design is everywhere, not just where you think." Emma Hertzberg, Observ Agency

18:30-19:00 "Designing for accessibility - a business innovation" Anni Kyröläinen, Atso Ahonen, Joel Hentunen, Riesa Oy

19:00-20:00 Discussions & networking


The event is free of charge. Sangre x startups is a meet-up for people who like to get inspired about digital products and new business growth. Join us for afterwork events 18.7., 1.8. and 14.8.


Meet the team: CFO Tiina Hong

“Being self-managing doesn't mean that there isn’t any leadership. Much of the work that line managers traditionally do just flows directly to individuals. That means there must be clear mechanisms in place for different situations.”

Tiina has gone from managing the office to handling all our money matters and HR. On the blog, a chat with Tiina about people and numbers, but mostly about people. We spoke to Tiina about managing numbers and HR in a self-managing organisation.


Taide vs suunnittelu – ja miten niillä luodaan kilpailuetua?

Suunnittelu ei ole taidetta, eikä taiteilija ole hyvä suunnittelija tai toisinpäin. Näitä kahta yhdistämällä voidaan kuitenkin luoda kilpailuetua aidosti erottuvilla palveluilla. UX Leadimme Perttu kirjoitti blogin aiheesta. Taiteilija ei ole hyvä suunnittelija, ja sama toisinpäin.

Oma Yritys listan huipulle Tietokone- Ja Elektroniikkapalvelut Helsinki :ssa?
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.

Our Story

We’re Sangre, nice to meet you.

Our mission is to make exceptionally good, scalable digital services that drive the world forward. And we do it full-service for our clients through strategy, design and engineering.

We help our clients identify their strategic opportunities and create digital services that fit the market. Then, we maintain and continuously develop those services. Our clients get a customised solution to their specific need, for the whole lifespan of their digital service.

What kind of future do you envision for your business? Let us help get you there.


Iso RoobertinKatu 28 A 2


Maanantai 09:00 - 17:00
Tiistai 09:00 - 17:00
Keskiviikko 09:00 - 17:00
Torstai 09:00 - 17:00
Perjantai 09:00 - 17:00

Muut Tietotekniikayritys Helsinki :ssa (näytä kaikki)
Auronic Oy Auronic Oy
Turkhaudantie 5
Helsinki, 00700

Auronic Oy offers IT support services, hardware, software, cloud solutions, virtual hardware and everything else small companies in the Helsinki capital area needs.

Codento Codento
VuoriKatu 14 B, 4. Krs
Helsinki, 00100

AI + App Innovations. On Google Cloud. By the Partner of the Year.

Chargly Oy Chargly Oy
Helsinki, 00370

Chargly tarjoaa sähköautojen latausta palveluna ja mahdollistaa sähköauton latauksen jokaiseen t

Talentech Finland Talentech Finland
KasarmiKatu 23 A 14
Helsinki, 00130

Oli haasteenasi talenttien houkuttelu, rekrytointi, perehdytys tai kehittäminen –autamme sinua joka vaiheessa!

PLCU -team Dragon PLCU -team Dragon
Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi
Helsinki, 00100

Cyber Security Finland Cyber Security Finland
LapinlahdenKatu 16
Helsinki, 00180

We offer a range of customized IT consulting services focused on the alignment of business and IT. We specialize in providing advice, planning and strategy services that will powe...

HelpDesk Help&Go HelpDesk Help&Go
RautatieläisenKatu 5
Helsinki, 00250

Autamme kaikissa tietokoneisiin liittyvissä ongelmissa, palvelemme ma-to 9-18

Edita Prima Oy Edita Prima Oy
VerkkosaarenKatu 5
Helsinki, 00580

We orchestrate automated customer journeys to perfection

OGOship Oy OGOship Oy
Palkkatilanportti 1
Helsinki, 00240

Easy and flexible 3PL solutions for online stores | Helppo ja joustava verkkokaupan logistiikkapalve

eSystems Nordic eSystems Nordic
ItämerenKatu 1
Helsinki, 00180

We help you to bring your ideas to market faster, supercharge your talent and modernize your IT stack.

Kontur.Hotel Kontur.Hotel

Our simple way to run a hotel.

Snowfox.AI Snowfox.AI
FirdonKatu 2
Helsinki, 00100

Increase your invoice automation levels with Snowfox.AI. Track your company’s carbon emissions based on your suppliers’ invoices and global emissions data with Carbonfox.