Claned Claned is a collaborative online learning platform that supports real-time how we can learn better.

Claned personalizes learning to each individual improving their study motivation and learning results. This is possible by combining artificial intelligence, machine learning and Finnish pedagogy revealing what factors impact individual learning. With real-time analytics both educator and student receive insights into factors impacting the learning of each individual. Claned is a cloud-based, cont


Zoom ei välttämättä ole paras koulutusalusta!

Eihän tämä sinällään ole yllätys, m***a usein moni yritys kokee, että nyt on koulutukset hyvin hoidossa, kun on vain "digitoitu" vanha livekoulutus verkkoon.

Verkossa olisi niin paljon isompaan potentiaalia, jos vain on oikeat työkalut käytössä ja oikea ajattelumalli taustalla.


How Poké Perfect Transformed Their Onboarding Process with Claned

🍣 Overcoming Challenges:
Poké Perfect, a franchise food chain in the Netherlands, faced the challenge of quickly training new employees. Staff needed to master fresh meal preparation, payment processing, hygiene maintenance, upselling, and informing customers about deals and seasonal dishes. With a workforce primarily consisting of university students and high turnover rates, efficient training was crucial.

🔄 The Collaborative Process:
Partnering with Claned, Poké Perfect developed a comprehensive and straightforward training program. Utilizing tracking, short videos for processes like creating signature dishes, visual communication, regular quizzes, and final assessments, the course ensured clarity and ease of understanding. This approach instilled confidence in new employees, equipping them with the knowledge needed for their roles from the first shift.

🌟 Remarkable Outcomes:
The results were outstanding. Initially used at company-owned locations, the training program expanded to franchise locations, ensuring consistency in service and training across all branches. This standardized approach saved valuable time and resources, eliminating the need for on-site training and ensuring all new hires were well-prepared and confident in their responsibilities.

💡 Shaping the Future of Franchise Training:
Poké Perfect's collaboration with Claned set a new standard for franchise training, highlighting the benefits of a streamlined and effective onboarding process. This success story underscores the importance of innovative e-learning solutions in enhancing employee readiness and operational efficiency.

Join us in celebrating Poké Perfect's journey towards revolutionizing employee onboarding. Together, let's pave the way for a brighter future in franchise training!


🎄👷‍♂️ Ever Wondered How Santa’s Workshop Masters the Art of Teamwork? 🎅✨

This holiday season, join us on a whimsical journey to Lapland as we uncover the secrets of Santa's Workshop! Discover how Santa and his team of elves teach us invaluable lessons about teamwork, continuous learning, and the magic of collaboration.

In our last blog post of 2023, we're taking a light-hearted look at how the elves’ impeccable work ethic and team dynamics can inspire our own professional strategies. From candy cane phones for seamless communication to Santa's savvy leadership skills - there's much to learn from Lapland's most efficient crew! 🛠️🎁

📖 Read the full post and unwrap the secrets to a collaborative and joyful workplace, elf-style!



What makes training programs not just educational?

Your learning program should not just be educational, but also engaging and respectful of the learners’ professional backgrounds and time.

On our new blog, you will discover key elements for successful learning & development strategies and enhance learning experiences with practical insights.

Read on


Perehdytyksen onnistumista voidaan myös mitata! Monet koulutukset ovat laadultaan hyviä, m***a lopulta unohtuu se viimeinen steppi eli testata ja varmistaa, että perehdytyksen jälkeen oppi on jäänyt päähän.

Tässä Hoplop antaa vinkkejä, kuinka he varmistavat puistotyöntekijöidensä osaamisen!


How can organizations harness the power and benefits of peer learning while maintaining some of the value and insights offered by more formal approaches?

Find out what Chris, our Head of Learning Design has to say while investigating the possibilities that exist and some ways in which peer learning can be effectively harnessed.

Read here


Käy kuuntelemassa uusimmasta podcastista, kuinka Mari Korpi tiimeineen laittoi asiakaskoulutukset uuteen uskoon Clanedilla! Keskustelun aikana saa käytännönläheisiä ideoita, kuinka toteuttaa tuotekoulutus asiakkaille, ja on erityisen hyvää kuultavaa kaikille, jotka kehittävät asiakaskokemusta ja asiakaspitoon liittyviä asioita.

Learning Clania voit kuunnella näissä kanavissa:
Youtube ->

Spotify ->

iTunes - >


Imagine a workplace where curiosity is encouraged, knowledge is shared, and every step forward is a leap towards organizational greatness.

Now, we want you to reflect on your organization's learning culture and be ready to embark on this transformative journey.


Read our new blog post for more >


Learner Agency and Autonomy

Shifting the dynamics of traditional training! Today's blog explores the pivotal concepts of learner agency and autonomy, transforming professional development into a learner-centric journey.

Why does Learner Agency and Autonomy matter?
1. Ignites Curiosity and Motivation 🌟
2. Enables Individualized Learning 🎓
3. Nurtures Problem-Solving Skills 💡

Learn More On Our Blog Post!


🌟 Exciting News at Claned! 🌟

We are thrilled to announce that Aino Seitamaa has taken on the role of Head of Customer Experience at Claned. Aino, previously a key player as a Learning Designer, is now spearheading initiatives to take your Claned experience to new heights! In our article, Aino will reveal her first visions for the future.

🚀 Aino's vision includes a proactive Health Check process, ensuring you receive tailored support as your needs evolve. This means personalized check-ins twice a year, building a relationship that's more than just business – it's about your success and satisfaction.

🤝 Aino is working towards seamless collaboration, ensuring every team member at Claned is in the loop about your needs, and promoting a unified journey from sales to CX.

🔍 Looking to the future, Aino envisions a hub for all things Claned – from usage data to invoicing details. This integration will enable real-time insights, allowing us to be proactive and provide the support you need, exactly when you need it.

🌐 Join us in welcoming Aino to her new role! Together, we're shaping a Claned experience that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey of innovation and your success! 🚀🎓



Definitive Guide to Hybrid Learning! 💡

Discover what it's, the benefits, best practices, and the role of technology.

Read now on our new blog post 👇


Bounce back from setbacks!

Having a growth mindset is one of the keys to overcoming setbacks. Instead of tying your ego to outcomes, focus on reflecting on what could be improved and learning from experiences.

The concept of "productive failure" highlights failure as a learning opportunity, offering numerous benefits for mental health and self-esteem.


Hybrid Learning vs Blended Learning! 🤔

Let's explore the differences between these learning style, which to use, and when.

Now live on our blog


Kerran tehty perehdytysprosessi ei ole valmis prosessi. Hoplop päätyi useiden testien jälkeen nykyiseen hybridiperehdytykseen. 👍

Lopulta löytyi oikea malli, joka oli sopiva kohderyhmälle ja tuotti oikeanlaisia tuloksia tavoitteisiin nähden.

Videolla Hoplopin tekijät kertovat mitä kaikkia perehdytysprosesseja he ovat kokeilleet ja miksi ovat päätyneet nykyiseen!


Is the hype around Gamification over?

Gamification can support learning and engagement but "Gamification is not a silver bullet" said Dr. Mutherem Dindar


What about Micro Skills?

These micro skills are game-changers in the workplace. 📈

Learn what it's exactly, the importance, and types with our expert insights.

Read our blog for the insight:


Hoplop teki hybridiperehdytyksen, jossa yhdistellään onlinekoulutusta ja työpaikalla tapahtuvaa perehdytystä. Tällaisesta mallista on useita eri hyötyjä:

- Tasalaatuisempi koulutus, joka ei vaihtele kouluttajien välillä

- Voidaan mennä syvemmälle henkilökohtaisessa perehdytyksessä

- Kustannussäästöt

- Opiskelija voi käydä myös kertaamassa asioita, eikä ole vain yhden perehdytyskerran varassa

Katso videolta tarkemmat vinkit!


Playful Learning Experience 💡

Creating gameful learning experience without needing the digital game is achievable!

Listen to full episode >


Needs Analysis! 📊

In today's fast-paced business landscape, continuous learning is key to staying relevant and competitive. How can you ensure your skills and knowledge align with your career goals and your organization's objectives?

Our latest blog post provides a step-by-step guide on conducting a Needs Analysis, a strategic tool to identify and bridge skill gaps effectively. Whether you're an employee looking to level up your skills or an organization seeking to enhance your workforce's performance, this blog is a must-read!

Click the link to read the full blog now! 📚💼


Miksi aloitit käyttämään Clanedia?

Aki Maenpaa on pitkä kokemus myyntiorganisaatioiden ja kanavakumppanien kouluttamisesta. Ongelmana useasti oli se, että oli vaikeaa saada tietoa, kuka oikeasti osasi jotain myyntiorganisaatiossa.

Clanedin käytön vahvuutena olikin se, että voitiin laittaa osia myyntikoulutuksista nettiin ja siten saada samalla tietoa siitä, että kuinka moni oikeasti ymmärsi asiat.


Have you launched your Professional Learning Community?

But that's only the beginning!

Let's now unlock the secrets to success!

Our latest blog delves into "Managing and Developing Professional Learning Communities" 🛠️

Discover how to steer clear of potential pitfalls, sustain your progress, stay in alignment with your mission, and remain adaptable in changing times.

Read more here >


Gamifying Knowledge Transfer💡

We all know that knowledge hiding is a big issue, how do we get this fixed?

Our guest, Dr. Mutherem Dindar said "Focusing on the outcomes" by "Utilizing gamification and giving recognition to the employees," could be a potential solution to this challenge in a workplace.


Kuopion työllisyyspalvelun asiakkaat voivat aloittaa itsenäisesti palveluprosessin Clanedissa, jolloin henkilökohtaisessa tapaamisessa voidaan syventyä aiheeseen entisestään.

Ja vaikka tapaamista ei olisikaan, niin kurssit tukevat asiakasta jo itsessään. 💪

Samalla asiakas voidaan ohjata oikean sisällön pariin henkilökohtaiselta tapaamiselta.

Täten oppimisympäristö ei jää vain paikaksi opiskella, vaan osaksi monikanavaista palvelua!☝️


Game is valuable in learning!💡

But we must connect the dots on what the values are and the role in learning 📚

Game is fun and it always trigger curiosity.


There are "many overlapping bridges between what makes learning fun and what game can offer"

And they must not be overlooked.📝


Let's level up our PLC series! 💪

We have discussed how to identify and launch a Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).

Now we have got the pro tips on fostering growth and firing up your team's motivation! 🔥

Read the full article on our blog:


Kuinka saada yrityksen perehdytys skaalautuvaksi ja kustannustehokkaaksi? Hoplopissa työskentelee satoja puistotyöntekijöitä, keiden pitäisi pystyä välittämään hyvää fiilistä ympärilleen, m***a samalla ymmärtää liiketoiminnan tarpeet. 😍

Tätä kysymystä Hoplop lähti ratkaisemaan uudella prosessilla, jossa haluttiin saada koulutukset tasalaatuisiksi online -koulutuksen ja puistossa tapahtuvan perehdytyksen yhdistelmäksi.

Aino Seitamaa, Kati Tainio, ja Tiina Riihola paljastavat uusimmassa podcastissa, kuinka tämä tehtiin, minkälaista palautetta on tullut ja miten tuloksia mitataan?

Kuuntele jakso 9:
Spotify >
Youtube >
Apple Podcast >


🚀 Discover the Power of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)!

Dive into the world of collaborative excellence with our 3-part series. In the first article, we have shared the secrets to identify and launch your very own PLC. 🌟

Start your PLC journey today!

Read the full article on our blog:


🧠 Can digital games truly boost cognitive skills? 🤔

In the world where gamification is widely talked about and used, are these games genuinely enhancing problem-solving abilities, memory, and creativity, or are we falling for a flashy trend? 🤷‍♂️💡

Let's dive into the discussion!

Our guest Dr. Mutherem debates with Chris that games for example Chess, Minecraft, and Roblox doesn't necessarily increase cognitive skills. So, can we really attribute cognitive improvements solely to gaming? 🤯

💬 What's your take on this? Have you experienced cognitive benefits from games?, or do you think it's all just hype?

Share your thoughts below 👇💡


Why is no one talking about Fun in Online Learning? 🤔

It should be fun! 🎉

Here are few question to ask:
Does your course trigger curiosity? 🤔
Does it align with learners' ongoing interest? 🤩
Does it trigger new interest within them? 🌟

Well, let's talk more about it! 💬


📚Stay ahead in the world of eLearning!

🚀 Check out our top 10 eLearning trends in 2023! 📝📈

1️⃣ AI-Powered Co-Pilots for Course Creation
2️⃣ AI-Powered Co-Pilots for Learners
3️⃣ Cohort-Based Learning
4️⃣ AR/VR (Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality)
5️⃣ Well-being and Quality of Life/Work-Life Balance Training
And lot more! 👇✨

Oma Yritys listan huipulle Tietokone- Ja Elektroniikkapalvelut Helsinki :ssa?
Klikkaa tästä saadaaksesi sponsoroidun listauksen.


Konepajankuja 1

Muut Helsinki tietokone- ja elektroniikkapalvelut (näytä kaikki)
mbar mbar
Mannerheimintie 22-24
Helsinki, 00100

Bar, terrace & café in the heart of Helsinki.

Nordic Wristbands Nordic Wristbands
TallberginKatu 1
Helsinki, 00180

RFID, NFC, wristbands and much, much more. [email protected] 09-6813 9981

Teraset Finland Oy Teraset Finland Oy
TeollisuusKatu 21
Helsinki, 00510

Käytetyn tietotekniikan erikoisliike. Runsas valikoima käytettyjä tietokoneita ja oheislaitteita, monipuolinen huolto- ja kierrätyspalvelu. Myymälä Teollisuuskatu 21, Helsinki ja v...

Auronic Oy Auronic Oy
Turkhaudantie 5
Helsinki, 00700

Auronic Oy offers IT support services, hardware, software, cloud solutions, virtual hardware and everything else small companies in the Helsinki capital area needs.

LLS Data Ab Oy LLS Data Ab Oy
Svetsargatan 6
Helsinki, 00810

We are an IT-company specialising in solutions for companies that will make your working day easier. Many years of experience for a good quality.

Tulos Helsinki Tulos Helsinki
SiltasaarenKatu 18-20
Helsinki, 00530

Tulos Helsinki is the leading digital marketing company based in Finland. Our proven method of combining soft customer experience data with agile performance marketing is the formu...

Agile 4 Agile 4
Hiilikatu 3
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ElimäenKatu 5
Helsinki, 00510

Alfamen menestyksen alkujyvä on hakkeruus. Se on meidän erityispiirteemme ja toimintatapamme.

Kisko Labs Kisko Labs
VilhonvuorenKatu 11 D
Helsinki, 00500

Autamme yrityksiä kaikilla toimialoilla löytämään uusia liiketoimintamalleja ja toteuttamaan digitaalisia palveluita. We help companies from various industries to find and create ...

Visuaalinen suunnittelutoimisto Timangi Visuaalinen suunnittelutoimisto Timangi
Helsinki, 00270

Luo sisältö, Timangi hoitaa designin.

Ässä Merchandise Ässä Merchandise
MeritullinKatu 33
Helsinki, 00170

Ässä Design Oy palveluksessanne! Ässä Design Ltd. at your Service!

Vierityspalkki on blogi web-asiantuntijoille. Seuraa, niin pysyt mukana alan tapahtumissa, ilmiöiss