Ferney Model United Nations

FerMUN is a MUN-conference held for high school students, with over 600 delegates, 30 chairs and 9 committees in Geneva, in the United Nations facilities.

fermun.org Le MUN – ou MNU, comme Modèle des Nations Unies – est une simulation académique des Nations Unies dans laquelle des lycéens et des étudiants débattent sur des sujets d’actualité. L’atmosphère de ce club dirigé entièrement par les élèves est toujours enthousiaste et animée. De l’agriculture aux droits de l’Homme, les délégués découvrent une large palette de thèmes dans lesquels ils sont



Environ 600 lycéens et lycéennes en provenance de 22 pays prennent part du 10 au 12 janvier au siège de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail à la 14eme édition de FerMun Ferney Model United Nations , un programme de Modélisation des Nations Unies organisé depuis 2011 par le Lycée International de Ferney Voltaire (France Voisine). Durant 3 jours ces élèves participeront à des simulations de négociations sur le thème du travail.

Entretien avec Florence Baudry directrice du programme FerMun après à la cérémonie d’ouverture au Palais des Nations qui a eu lieu ce mercredi 10 janvier ⤵️

🎧 https://cc2d.short.gy/TW2jwU

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Our Story

MUN – Model United Nations – is an academic simulation of the United Nations in which high school and university students debate on current topics.

Entirely run by students, its atmosphere is always enthusiastic and animated. From disarmament to agriculture to human rights, delegates find a wide range of themes in which they are actively involved and suggest solutions to the problems facing today’s world.

The project was created to engage young people in today’s current issues and to raise their awareness of the world around them. Not only do their debating skills increase, they are also brought to solve problems and compromise in the best diplomatic way possible. From discussing to debating to writing resolutions, MUN makes students discover the diplomatic world of international relations.

On top of that, FerMUN is a completely bilingual club where students are encouraged to develop their language skills. Therefore, the conference is a mix of both English and French and speakers can talk in their language of choice as their speech is simultaneously translated by our translation team. This allows the club to have a wide variety of bilingual and non-bilingual students.

Vidéos (voir toutes)

FerMUN 2022 Closing Ceremony
FerMUN 2022 Closing Ceremony
Closing remarks from arthur Lassagne, our SG during our first online FerMUN.
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros, video message for FerMUN 2021
Fermun 2019, short film
WIPO Fever
Partying @WIPO
FerMUN 2018 - Official video - Vidéo officielle
FerMUN rules
17 years old Syrian refugee delivers a moving speech


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