TOCnDix is a fast growing company specialized in software development and particularly in Mendix.

Mendix is a low coding language that you will be able to learn within our TOCnDix Academy.


Planting the seeds of future success

"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."

- Warren Buffett

We believe that building a strong foundation today is essential for future growth and success.

By leveraging low-code development, we help businesses plant the seeds for innovation and efficiency. Our solutions are designed to empower you to build scalable, adaptable applications that stand the test of time.

Let's partner and plant the seeds for your business's future success.



"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time."

- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Just like RBG, we believe that significant transformation is built on a foundation of small, consistent steps. At Tocndix, we're committed to making each step in your digital journey count.

Low-code development is about more than just building apps; it's about empowering businesses to achieve their goals, one step at a time. From automating processes to enhancing customer experiences, low-code is the catalyst for enduring change.

Let's take that first step together. Are you ready to transform your business?


Enhancing Your ESG Score

We are committed to helping businesses not only achieve their business goals but also make a positive impact on the world.

By leveraging low-code technology, organizations can effectively implement and measure ESG initiatives.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Build custom applications to collect and analyze ESG data, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Efficient Reporting:

Develop automated reporting tools to streamline the ESG reporting process, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Create platforms for enhanced communication and engagement with stakeholders on ESG initiatives.

Process Optimization:

Streamline internal operations related to sustainability and social responsibility.

Ready to elevate your ESG performance? Let's talk about how we can help you achieve your sustainability goals.


"We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action."

- Dr. Henry Link

We get it. App development can be intimidating. The fear of failure, the unknown costs, the technical complexities... it's enough to make anyone hesitate. ✋

But what if you could build an amazing app without needing a team of coding wizards?

That's the power of low-code development!

Low-code makes app creation:

🔔 Accessible: No coding experience required, allowing your team to bring ideas to life.

🔔 Agile: Prototype, iterate, and launch quickly - adapt to changing needs and user feedback.

🔔 Cost-Effective: Skip the expensive development teams and complex infrastructure.

Let's turn those development fears into action!

Tell us in the comments:

What app ideas are you afraid to pursue?

How could low-code help you overcome those fears and build something incredible?


A New Look for Tocndix: Unveiling Our Brand Evolution!

We're thrilled to share an exciting milestone with you today - the launch of our brand new logo!

This isn't just a change in visuals; it's a reflection of Tocndix's continuous evolution.

Our new logo represents:

💡 Modernity and Innovation:

Clean lines and a bold presence reflect our commitment to pushing the boundaries of low-code development.

🎯 Focus and Clarity:

The simplified design symbolizes our dedication to streamlining app development processes.

📈 Growth and Stability:

The upward movement signifies our steady growth and continued success in the low-code industry.

But our core values remain the same. We're still passionate about empowering businesses to build incredible applications faster and easier.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on our new look! Let us know what you think in the comments below.


Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.

— Robert H. Schuller

Merchandising Management - Tocndix 10/07/2024

Tired of juggling complex logistics and ensuring consistent brand presentation across multiple retail locations?

Check out our use-case: Powerful merchandising management solution designed to empower in-store teams and elevate your brand experience.

Here's how it works:

📢 Centralized Campaign Management:

Plan, track, and optimize merchandising campaigns from a single, user-friendly platform.

📢Real-Time Inventory Tracking:

Gain instant insights into product availability and optimize stock levels at each location.

📢Effortless Task Management:

Assign and track tasks for field teams, ensuring efficient ex*****on of merchandising activities.

📢Data-Driven Insights:

Analyze campaign performance and identify areas for improvement to maximize ROI.

The Benefits:

💡 Increased Efficiency:

Streamline workflows and reduce time spent on manual tasks, allowing teams to focus on higher-value activities.

💡 Enhanced Brand Consistency:

Ensure consistent product placement and brand messaging across all your stores.

💡 Improved Customer Experience:

Maximize product visibility and availability, leading to happier customers and increased sales.

💡 Data-Backed Decisions:

Make informed decisions based on real-time data and insights.

Ready to transform your in-store merchandising?

Learn more


Merchandising Management - Tocndix Discover our web and mobile application solution developed by Tocndix, specially designed to meet the needs of in-store merchandising professionals. Our platform provides advanced logistics management to efficiently handle hundreds of campaigns simultaneously.


"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one!" - Dolly Parton

This quote perfectly captures the frustration many businesses feel with traditional app development. High costs, lengthy timelines, and resource limitations can leave you feeling stuck and unable to achieve your digital transformation goals.

But what if there was a better way?

At Tocndix, we believe low-code development is the key to paving a new, more efficient, and cost-effective road for your apps. Here's why:

🔔 Empower Your Team:

Low-code empowers citizen developers and business users to create custom applications without needing extensive coding expertise.

🔔Faster Time to Market:

Build and iterate on applications quickly, allowing you to respond to changing market demands and user needs swiftly.

🔔Reduced Costs:

Low-code development eliminates the need for large development teams and complex infrastructure, saving you valuable resources.

🔔Increased Agility:

Adapt and scale your applications easily, ensuring your technology adapts as your business grows.

Don't settle for a bumpy road. Let Tocndix help you pave a smoother path to app development success with low-code!


Let's Talk App Development Pain Points!

Building custom applications can be a rollercoaster ride for businesses. While the potential benefits are vast, some common challenges can derail even the best-laid plans.

What keeps you up at night when it comes to app development?

Here at Tocndix, we understand that navigating the development process can be tricky. We're curious to hear what's currently causing the biggest headaches for your business.

Take our quick poll below to share your biggest development pain point:

💰 Cost: Development budgets can quickly balloon. Are rising costs keeping you on the sidelines?

⏳ Time to Market: The race is on! Does the slow development process leave you feeling behind the competition?

🙋‍♂️ Lack of Development Resources: Finding qualified developers is a constant struggle. Do you need a way to empower your team to build solutions?

🧠 Integration Challenges: Connecting new applications to existing systems can be a nightmare. Are integration roadblocks hindering your progress?

❓ Other (Let us know in the comments!)

By understanding the biggest challenges businesses face, we can work together to find solutions!


Streamline your projects with The Teamer: A unified platform for success!

Tired of juggling disparate project management tools and inefficient workflows?

The Teamer offers a holistic solution to elevate your team's performance and achieve peak operational efficiency.

The Teamer empowers you with:

💡 Seamless Integration: Effortlessly merge timelines, resource allocation, budget control, billing processes, and PTO management - all within a single platform.

💡 Real-Time Visibility: Gain instant insights into project progress, resource utilization, billable hours, and PTO requests for informed decision-making.

💡 Enhanced Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment with centralized communication, document sharing, and task management features.

💡 Simplified HR and Operations: Streamline HRIS, time tracking, resource allocation, and PTO approvals, freeing up valuable time for strategic initiatives.

💡 Agile Project Management: Adapt to evolving project requirements with The Teamer's flexible approach, ensuring your team stays ahead of the curve.

The Teamer delivers tangible benefits:

💡 Increased Productivity: Streamlined workflows and centralized data empower teams to focus on high-value tasks.

💡 Improved Cost Control: Accurate billing and efficient resource allocation ensure project budgets are met.

💡 Enhanced Employee Satisfaction: Simplified PTO management and clear communication foster a positive work environment.

💡 Data-Driven Decision Making: Gain real-time insights to make informed choices and optimize projects for success.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your team? Explore The Teamer today!



"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." - Ralph Marston

This quote perfectly aligns with Tocndix's mission: empowering businesses to leverage the power of low-code and transform their future today.

As low-code specialists, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to help you:

💡 Craft custom applications: Our team of experts will partner with you to build apps that perfectly address your unique business needs.

💡 Customize pre-built solutions: Fine-tune existing applications like The Teamer, The Tracker, and Nedivoot to seamlessly integrate with your existing workflows.

💡 Unlock the full potential of low-code: Get expert guidance and support to maximize the benefits of low-code development for your organization.

Don't wait for tomorrow to start building a more efficient and agile future! Contact us today!


Stop searching, start building: Powerful, customizable apps with Tocndix!

Struggling with inefficient workflows or repetitive tasks? We can help!

Our low-code development services empowers you to:

💡 Craft custom applications to address your unique business needs.

💡 Customize pre-built apps like The Teamer, The Tracker, and Nedivoot to perfectly fit your workflow. Check out more exemples here:

💡 Work with our expert services team to build tailored solutions from scratch.

Ready to unlock greater efficiency and agility? Let's chat about your needs!


You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

— Martin Luther King, Jr.


Low-Code on the Rise: A Game Changer for Business Agility in a Slowing Economy?

The new KPMG report explores the growing adoption of low-code development platforms. These platforms empower businesses to build custom applications faster and more cost-effectively, even with limited coding expertise.

In today's uncertain economic climate, low-code offers a compelling solution. It enables businesses to:

📢 Boost Efficiency: Build applications quickly to address specific needs without relying heavily on IT resources.

📢 Bridge Skill Gaps: Democratize app development, empowering citizen developers to contribute.

📢 Reduce Costs: Streamline development processes and potentially lower costs compared to traditional coding.

Are you considering low-code adoption for your business?

What are the biggest challenges you see?


"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra."

- Jimmy Johnson


AI Assistants in Coding: Friend or Foe?

This article sparked a great discussion: can AI assistants actually lower code quality?

At Tocndix, we believe AI in development is a powerful tool, but it's important to use it strategically.

The article highlights:

📢 Unchecked AI generation can lead to bloated code.

📢 Guardrails are needed to ensure quality and efficiency.

However, AI assistants also offer significant benefits:

📢Faster development cycles with AI-powered code generation.

📢Empowering citizen developers with user-friendly tools.

📢Improved developer productivity by automating repetitive tasks.

The key takeaway?

AI is a valuable asset in the developer's toolbox, but it should be used alongside best practices and a focus on clean code.

What are your thoughts on AI in coding? Share your experiences in the comments!

Looking to leverage AI for efficient app development? Contact TOCNDIX today and learn how we can help!


here we come!


"How soon 'not now' becomes 'never!'"

- Martin Luther ⏰

Are innovation and digital transformation on your back burner?

Many businesses face the challenge of pushing it aside due to perceived complexity or resource limitations.

At Tocndix, we're your digital transformation enabler. We understand the "not now" mentality, and we're here to help you turn it into a resounding "NOW."

Here's how we can help you achieve digital transformation success:

📌 Strategic planning:

We guide you in crafting a clear roadmap for your digital journey.

📌Technology expertise:

We navigate the ever-evolving landscape, recommending the right tools and solutions.

📌Implementation excellence:

We ensure seamless integration of new technologies with minimal disruption.

📌Change management:

We empower your team to embrace the digital future with confidence.

Don't let digital transformation become a "never."

Tell us in the comments below:

🔔 What's holding you back from taking the leap towards digital transformation?

🔔 How can TOCNDIX be your partner in achieving your digital goals?

Share this post with anyone who wants to say goodbye to outdated processes and embrace the power of digital transformation!


Struggling to manage your 3D printing projects? ‍

Traditional methods AKA Excel files can be time-consuming and inefficient. ⏳ Say goodbye to those headaches with our solution!

This application simplifies 3D printing project management. With features like:

- Effortless quotation generation
- Real-time production tracking
- Mobile-friendly interface for on-the-go management
- Seamless integration with ERP systems
- Streamline your workflow, boost efficiency, and focus on what matters most - innovation!

Want to learn more about how TOCNDIX can transform your 3D printing operations? Read our latest blog post on the website or contact us for a demo


“Innovation is the future delivered.”
- Jorge Barba


Congrats Gal Shlomo Ben-David for achieving the Mendix Partner Presales Enablement Certification!

Gal has officially earned his Mendix Partner Presales Enablement Certification! This certification demonstrates Gal's deep understanding of the Mendix platform and its capabilities, equipping him to effectively position Mendix solutions to our valued clients.

Gal's dedication and expertise are invaluable assets to Tocndix.

With his knowledge, he plays a crucial role in helping businesses leverage the power of Mendix to streamline operations, boost productivity, and achieve their strategic goals.


"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

- Leonard Cohen


Is Your Business Drowning in Data But Thirsty for Insights?

In today's data-driven world, businesses are collecting information at an unprecedented rate. But the challenge lies in transforming that data into actionable insights.

Spreadsheets can quickly become unwieldy, and traditional software development is often time-consuming and expensive.

Here's the question:

How can you harness the power of your data without overspending your budget or waiting months for custom solutions?

The answer:
Low-code development platforms like Mendix!

Low-code platforms empower businesses to build custom applications quickly and efficiently. This means you can unlock the valuable insights hidden within your data and transform it into actionable strategies for growth.

Curious to learn more?
Let's chat about how low-code development can help your business thrive in the age of data!

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag Mendix hashtag hashtag


3D Printing boom creates project management headache (but fear not!)

3D printers are revolutionizing businesses, but managing complex printing projects with traditional tools is like trying to herd cats!

Spreadsheets get overwhelmed, and expensive ERP systems are overkill for most.

The good news? There's a better way!

Tocndix offers a solution that streamlines 3D printing project management, from effortless quoting to real-time production tracking.


- Boosting efficiency with automated workflows.

- Optimizing production with clear visualization tools.

- Keeping everyone in the loop with mobile access for all stakeholders.

Ready to unlock the full potential of 3D printing?Contact us!


May the Fourth Be With You... But May 1st Be Productive for your digital transformation!

A fresh start for your business! Is your current development process slowing you down?
Explore how low-code solutions like Mendix can help you accelerate innovation and achieve your goals faster.

Learn more and unlock the potential of low-code development: [email protected]

Photos from TOCnDix's post 17/04/2024

Stop the Development Struggle! Unleash Agility with Mendix Low-Code

Are you tired of slow development cycles and frustrated IT teams?

Traditional coding methods can hinder innovation and limit your business potential.

There's a better way!

Mendix, THE powerful low-code development platform, can revolutionize your app development process. ️

➡️ Swipe through our carousel to discover how Mendix can:

🎯 Empower your IT team with faster development times and increased productivity.

🎯Reduce costs and accelerate time-to-market for your applications.

🎯Drive business value with improved operational efficiency and happy users.

Ready to unlock the potential of low-code development?

Contact our team of Mendix experts today and see how we can help you build and deploy powerful applications that propel your business forward!


“Never confuse motion with action.”

—Ernest Hemingway

Focus on meaningful actions rather than just being busy. It's crucial to prioritize tasks that drive real progress and results. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in constant motion without moving forward. Let's ensure we are taking purposeful steps towards our goals.


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Vidéos (voir toutes)

Planting the seeds of future success "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time a...
"Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time." - Ruth Bader GinsburgJust like RBG, we believe that signific...
"We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action." - Dr. Henry LinkWe get it. App development can be intimida...
A New Look for Tocndix: Unveiling Our Brand Evolution!We're thrilled to share an exciting milestone with you today - the...
Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities. — Robert H. Schuller #mondaymotivation#neversettle #Productivi...
"If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one!" - Dolly PartonThis quote perfectly captures the f...
Streamline your projects with The Teamer: A unified platform for success!Tired of juggling disparate project management ...
"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." - Ralph MarstonThis quote perfectly aligns with Tocndix's mission: e...
You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. — Martin Luther King, Jr.#mondaymotivation#neverset...
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson#mondaymotivation#neversettle #...
“Innovation is the future delivered.”- Jorge Barba#Productivity #Efficiency #LowCode #Innovation #mondaymotivation #digi...
"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen#Productivity #Efficiency #LowCode #Innov...



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