Aberdeen Bowen Clinic

Bowen Therapy (Musculoskeletal, Nerve, Lymphatic, Vagal Tone & Fascia Work)
Feet 🦶
Food Is Medicine


Text neck syndrome didn’t exist when I was a kid unfortunately it’s now very common.

For every degree forward your neck sits it adds weight to your spine. Only a 15 degree forward position adds over 12kg of weight.

Excessive forward head position can cause not only pain but symptoms such as headaches, dizziness , vision issues and a ‘hump’ on your back.

If you are experiencing these issues please feel free to book an appointment.
Not only will it ease the pain & symptoms we will also start to introduce ‘good’ posture to prevent further issues.

Things you can do to help yourself 📱 💪 💆🏻‍♀️🗣️

- Raise the phone to eye level

- Stand with good posture
tuck your chin in and roll your shoulders back with your shoulder blades down

- Gently arch your upper back and neck backwards periodically through the day to ease the muscles

- Spend time away from the device

- Exercise. If you have a strong neck and upper back muscles they will cope better with the stress

- Strengthening your core. A strong core supports your upper body


After only 2 sessions
-the above scar has changed greatly in appearance
-no longer causing a pulling sensation on the left side
- back pain has gone
- plus the added bonus of feeling returning to the area which has been numb for over 6 years.

It’s never too late to come and have scar work.
The above client had said not to bother as the scar would be too old to be worked on!
So glad I ignored that instruction 😊😊

Whether for cosmetic or functional reasons it’s always worth getting scar release work if it’s 6 months or 60 years after the scar was formed.


Absolutely love this pic for 3 reasons ❤️❤️❤️

- As the saying goes when you get given lemons make lemonade. My treatment room is ideally the best place to work, but you do what you can when you can !! The treatment techniques I use are tailored to you and are very versatile (some can literally be used anywhere).

- It shows never be afraid to ask for help.
I hope people feel they can approach me and I will always try and help you where I can.

- I have the best friends who let me post pictures of them lying on the floor getting treated !!!!


Getting a ni**le sorted quickly is a good idea.
Niggles often cause strain on other muscles and can change your posture.
A ni**le quickly can become a much more complex problem with a lengthy recovery!

Don’t leave it, get it looked at 👍👍👍


Mid week brekkie. Everyone having to have a different version to make sure it is eaten! 🙄

It’s not always possible but I really do try to have a form of protein in our breakfast


The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in modulating the immune system. Certain bacteria can enhance the effectiveness of immune responses, therefore playing an important role in immunotherapy.
Studies have shown that the composition of the gut microbiome can influence the efficacy of immunotherapy, particularly in cancer patients. A diverse and balanced gut microbiome is often associated with better responses to treatment.
The gut microbiome can be enhanced through a diverse, high fibre diet particularly focused on probiotic & prebiotic foods.
F***l microbiota transplantation is also becoming a more common treatment to boost microbiome varieties and numbers.
The effects of herbal supplementation and repurposed drugs is also showing great results.

The gut-brain axis is known as being bio directional, this means it has a two-way communication system involving neural, hormonal, and immune pathways. This system allows the gut and the brain to influence each other. The microbiome can have a huge impact on the brain as they produce neurotransmitters and other metabolites that affect brain function and behavior. Changes in the gut microbiome can influence mood, stress responses, and even cognitive functions.
This has been proven in a number of studies. One in America where a high fibre, whole food non processed diet outperformed anti depressant medication.

Everything in our body is linked and involves our brain. Our thoughts, nervous system, and immune system all interact and influence one another.
Therefore Immunotherapy can be affected by other factors such as excess stress as this has a negative impact on our immune system.

More research into an individuals gut microbiome /gut-brain axis and it’s influence on immunotherapy and other treatments for disease are crucial for developing effective personalised therapeutic strategies.

My take home message would be food really can be a medicine too 🍀🌿🌱
Eating a healthy diet , doing moderate exercise if possible and trying to limit stress all could benefit you greatly.


I have had a number of clients going through immunotherapy and yesterday one suggested I write a post on the chat we were having.
I explained I’d decided to keep away from this subject on a public platform as
a) I’m not a medical doctor
b) working with my clients has taught me everyone is very different in their thought process and approach to treatment. On size does not fit all.
c) I have no idea what they are going through so I do not want to look like I am lecturing or judging.

She said that was the wrong attitude to have. 😬
A person can choose to take the information on or not and although the below may be obvious to me to some it might give them a different perspective to their current one and the motivation to help themselves.

She was told by a consultant that exercise may help but diet didn’t really make a difference to her condition. She was also scared off using any supplements incase it negatively impacted her treatment .
She thankfully did her own research and has changed a number of things in her life and is feeling better because of it.

I am not a medical doctor and this information is based on my nutritional studies, clinical papers and the anecdotal information of clients I work with. 🙏❤️

See the next post for the actual information.

The post has actually been sitting written since November last year but I was too worried to share it.
Thank you to my client for encouraging (being very pushy 🤣) and giving me some of my own advice.


People see the soft tissue work and the nutrition work as separate things.

I have been interested in food and it’s effects on the body for the last 17 years but I only actually sat an official qualification since working with the central nervous system.

I was seeing people with chronic illnesses, everything from skin conditions, bowel diseases, hormonal imbalances, brain function/neurological disorders and of course cancers. Almost everyone of these people when we delved into their history had a issue with their gut.
There was no way this was a coincidence, so I started to read clinic papers and enrolled in a number of courses specifically related to the gut brain axis & the microbiome within our guts.

So to answer the question

By offering you both I am working on the same thing, improving your health just in different ways! 😊
The vagus nerve is a crucial component of the gut-brain axis, it is the direct communication line between the gut and the brain.
My soft tissue Vagus nerve work promotes this connection to influence both gut and brain functions, offering potential therapeutic benefits for the conditions mentioned above and more.

The subject can seem very complicated and overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be and the reason I did / do all these courses is so you don’t have to.
I will happily simplify the science and assist you through vagus nerve regulation (hands on therapy)
& gut health to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.


Hedgerow Foraging 🌿🌿 Immune System

Galium Aparine is considered a herb in some countries, not a w**d!
It’s commonly used to help autoimmune skin conditions and to support the liver /lymphatic system and as a diuretic for fluid retention.

Galium Aparine Contain
Flavonoids: These are antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce inflammation.
Coumarins: These compounds have anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties supporting the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems.
Iridoid Glycosides: These compounds, have antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.
Tannins: These are astringent compounds that can help tighten tissues and reduce inflammation.
Saponins: These compounds improve nutrient absorption. They also have immune-boosting properties.
Galiosin: This is a specific compound in cleavers known for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.
Vitamin C: an essential nutrient with antioxidant properties that support the immune system and skin health.
Chlorophyll: This green pigment is known for its detoxifying properties and can help improve oxygenation and overall health.

The most exciting thing about this ‘w**d’ I played with as a child is it seems to shown it can boost the production of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) boosting the immune system as well as reducing cancer cells.

There is currently lab based cancer studies being undertaken including [multiple myeloma,
MCF-7 ( breast cancer cell) and Caco-2 (colon cancer)]testing the ability of galium aparine extract to inhibit cancer cell growth through apoptosis (where the body gets rid of cells damaged beyond repair).

I’m sure it will be a very long time before we see this common garden pest being used in the mainstream. Lots more human studies are needed to prove its capability as well as real life trials not just lab work, however I love the fact that we have an abundance of this healthy plant.

🌿🥗 food is medicine 🌿🥗


If you’ve every had a treatment from me you’ll know I often ask you to take a deep breath.
Breathing correctly has a massive impact on our bodies.

Every breath we take sends interoceptive signals to the insula part of our brain.
The insula is involved in autonomic control and regulates our sympathetic and parasympathetic system (fight or flight response).

This affects everything from our immune system, gut, even the pelvic floor!!
Mouth breathing for example can contribute to teeth over crowding, jaw misalignment and neck & shoulder pain. New studies are even showing links to dementia.

The stresses and tensions of life often initiate ineffective breathing and a large majority of us no longer know how to ‘breath properly’.
Our muscles have become tense , weak or both stopping our diaphragm work in the way it was designed.

I’ve had many frustrated clients who have bought books on breathing or sign up to various apps or programs yet don’t feel they progress for feel any benefit.
Sometimes muscle release is required for the body to reconnect and everything to work together.
You might breath automatically but is it in a way that is affecting your health, fitness or well being ?


⬇️This post is so true. It’s more common than you would imagine that someone comes to me with unexplained muscle pain .
They always say they never did anything to cause the pain and nothing they’ve tried has helped.

This is one of the reasons I ask if you’ve had an accident or injury!!

Posted • .scar.release Yes, scars have layers.
And they go deep...and wide...much bigger than you can see.
Over time they can become deeper, and wider, and thicker - meaning that a scar you’ve had from 10, 15, 20 years ago, may only start to trouble you now....today. So you never make the connection.


Cancer is something that affects so many yet so many don’t get the after support and care for their body.

Very humbled by the above post. Delighted to have had the please to work with this very talented lady today !!

Never give up, there is always something that can be done and someone out there to be your cheerleader.



Absolutely love opening my inbox and finding messages like this!
It makes it all worth it ❤️🙏❤️


Zero Drop??? What is it???
The majority of shoes have a heal to toe drop, stilettos are the most extreme example however most children’s shoes, trainers, ‘flat’ pumps and men’s dress shoes are also in this category.
Zero drop is when the shoe is flat , mimicking our natural foots position.

Elevated heal / heal toe drop footwear is a major culprit for mobility issues, joint and lower back pain.

Elevated heels also play havoc with running mechanics.

Another major side effect of heeled footwear is that it promotes an anterior pelvic tilt and weight shift. This shift promotes the dominant use of our quads and inhibition of the posterior chain glutes and hamstrings.
Sound familiar????
For all I recommend zero drop, you must be very careful and transition into running and even walking long distances if you have always worn very padded / elevated heel shoes. As your mechanics may be ‘off’ you could have weak muscles that suddenly are ‘called to work ‘ this can result in injury .
Always seek advice first , DM me for an appointment 🦶 🦶


Kimchi is a great food for sustainability (I use leftovers) and your health.

I can’t handle too much spice so by making my own I can tailor it my taste buds 😋

This is just some of the reasons you should try incorporating it into your diet 👍

Probiotics- Kimchi is rich in beneficial bacteria, which are essential for gut health. These probiotics can help improve digestion and boost the immune system.

Nutrient Rich - Kimchi is packed with vitamins A, B, and C, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, and selenium, depending on the ingredients used.
Antioxidants: The fermentation process of kimchi produces antioxidants like flavonoids and phenols, which help protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Weight management - Kimchi is low in fat but high in fiber, which can promote feelings of fullness and aid in weight management.

Heart health - Studies suggest that regularly consuming kimchi may help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Anti-inflammatory properties - Certain ingredients in kimchi, such as garlic and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and alleviate symptoms of conditions like arthritis.


I’ve never seen anyone buy a young child, if fact any child a 70% + Easter egg, have you???
As a kid I always got milky bar, buttons, maltesers etc. My kids get given white or milk Lindt bunnies, mini eggs etc.
I understand the cute marketing for a lot of these products but I’ve actually seen quite a few local chocolate producers and big brands with sweet bunnies, chicks or really pretty packaged eggs all made with dark chocolate.
It baffles me, as would it not be better if you’re introducing them to chocolate to let them start with the dark stuff???
Introducing children to dark chocolate at a young would have several benefits. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and fiber, which can support overall health. Additionally, it may help improve cognitive function and mood due to its flavonoid content.
As with anything it’s important to try and only allow moderate consumption as a dark chocolate egg still contains sugar.
Introducing dark chocolate in moderation can help children develop a taste for less sugary treats and promote healthier eating habits in the long run.

Definitely food for though as you head to the supermarket 🐣 🍫 🐰 ❤️


This took less than 10 mins to literally chuck into a box as I was leaving the house!
Out and about today with a container and a fork, no need to go and buy a shop sandwich or fast food.

Little changes to how you eat can start to make a big difference not just on your waste line but on your mood and energy levels too.

falafel & spicy pepper dip not homemade (just didn’t have the time ) but still better than a
Gregg’s Sausage Roll 🙈🤣 and this will keep me full as it’s filled with fibre & protein unlike a sausage roll.


If you are a client of mine at some point I’m sure you have heard me speak about the importance of feet !
I may have even suggested some exercises to carry out at home.
If you spend some time strengthening your feet, I guarantee you would have less injury, better posture, better flexibility and amazingly better mental health!!
Feet really are everything 🦶
For more information or to book an appointment PM me 👍

Great post below (confirming everything I believe) ❤️

Posted •

Maybe this seems obvious. But let’s take a look at some widely held beliefs.

1. We’re taught that using arch supports make your feet healthy.
2. We’re told cushioned shoes prevent injury.
3. We’re warned to be careful standing on flat and hard surfaces.
4. Being barefoot is seen as a social faux pas.
5. People think feet in general are gross!

If we really believe that strong feet are healthy feet, we need the make some serious changes!

1. We need to move our feet. Spread our toes. Do foot exercises.
2. We need to wear footwear that allows for natural foot movement. Footwear that doesn’t restrict movement.
3. We need to expose our soles to various textures so they learn to adapt to the environment.
4. Go barefoot whenever it doesn’t make sense to have a protective shoe on.
5. We need to recognize that feet, as our foundation, need our attention! They are designed to carry our entire bodies efficiently!

If you’re ready to get your feet strong, but don’t know where to start, check out our global health professionals directory at healthyfeetalliance.org to find someone who can guide you!


I had the pleasure of volunteering at Grampian Women’s Aid yesterday for their International Women’s Day celebrations !!

Meeting lots of very strong ladies ❤️💪❤️

Photos from Aberdeen Bowen Clinic's post 07/03/2024

Give the gift of destress this Mothers Day !!

This voucher includes a 30 min consultation and a
1 hour treatment based on the clients specific needs


No matter what age you are you should be trying to practise movement patterns different to your normal routine.
It reduces the risk of injury by ensuring that your body is adaptable and well-rounded in its abilities. Additionally, varying movement patterns challenges different muscle groups and prevents overuse of certain muscles, leading to better balance and functional movement.
It also helps mental focus, lymphatic drainage, strength and my favourite thing…..the vagus nerve, especially if the activity is enjoyable and helps you destress !!!

This weekend we all roller skated then had a family break dancing contest!

Definitely need to practice 🙈🙈


I wanted to write a post today to raise awareness and show support for those living with rare diseases.
They often get very little time and support from the medical profession and the general public.

Let’s amplify their voices, advocate for research, and show understanding and empathy.

I hope for those that have worked with me whether through nutritional support or hands on manipulation / bodywork you have always felt listened to and supported.
I very much want to help fight your corner !


Posted by Paris human remedies

Great post from Paris !!!

The gastrointestinal tract has substantial two-way neural interactions with the central nervous system through the vagus nerve, thoracolumbar connections and sacral nerves.

Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) to treat incontinence and to treat constipation is possible through a Bowen / EMMETT therapy treatment

Inhibition of gastrointestinal inflammation might be possible via vagal nerve stimulation (VNS) or sympathetic nerve stimulation, and limited clinical testing suggests effectiveness of cervical VNS. VNS therapy is available through the Bowen and EMMETT technique!

The Vagus nerves is connected to and controls the upper part of your oesophagus as well as the sphincter muscle at the lower part of your oesophagus and the phreno-oesophageal ligament.

The anti-reflux barrier is composed of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the crural diaphragm, and the phrenoesophageal ligament. This barrier will NOT work optimally unless your Vagal tone (how well your Vagus nerve is performing) is optimal.
I have successfully treated many clients with up to 20 years old acid reflux, and usually after 3 treatments most acid reflux symptoms have disappeared and medication is no longer needed!

Furthermore, the vagus nerve carries signals for feeding, whose block might reduce appetite and treat obesity; direct stimulation of Vagus nerve afferent endings increased satiety in some studies!

Finally, stimulation of the Vagus nerve can help with improved mood, anxiety, your immune system and chronic pain! What’s not to like?

Ready to feel better? ✅


This gent is living with stage 4 cancer and he is LIVING!
He gave me a master class on life.

He would not accept what his physicians told him. Through his own research, determination and positivity he is smashed it 💥

Every persons body is different and will react differently but he has combined some standard NHS treatment with off label (designed for other illnesses but still prescriptive and legal) drugs, supplements and de- stressing.

He looks at everything he exposes his body to and categorise’s whether it is nourishing, neutral or no go!

He is thanking me but I learned a lot from him .
He believes nourishing his gut (preventing viruses) and keeping his stress to a minimum is the key things that has blown his prognosis out of the water 💪💦


Sometime you might not have a specific reason to come for a treatment … it’s just nice to relax !!!

Lovely client feedback from last night 🙏😊🙏


Food contains chemicals which can affect us, positivity or negatively or more importantly affect our gut microbiome.
There are studies which show highly nutritious diets have out performed anti depressants in controlled trials!!!
Drug companies aren’t so keen on publishing this 😑

People suffering with mood affecting conditions are often found to have less variety and numbers of microbiome.
Microbes secrete a number of chemicals to protect our gut walls. They also send large numbers of chemical signals to the brain informing it whats going on.
These chemicals contain things like serotonin (which lifts our mood).

Less microbiome means less protection and less chemical secretion.

It seems our microbiome is also linked to other conditions such as inflammatory/ auto immune problems, autism & dementia.

Foods to help your mood include
Pulses, Nuts & Seeds, Veg ( particularly leafy greens) all have a positive effect on your brain.

Refined sugar, alcohol, refined grains all have a negative effect .

The general rule is try and eat real whole food, mainly plants and try to eat only a little processed, refined food.

This soup is filled with ingredients that are good for dealing with stress and anxiety and boosting your mood.

Super tasty and simple 😋

Sweat 2 onions , 2 cloves of garlic , 2 sticks of celery , 2 handfuls of spinach and a level tbsp of smoked paprika in a pan until soft . Add 4 handfuls of red lentils , seasoning with sea salt and then cover with veg stock and cook until lentils are soft.
Roast 6 carrots and 5 large sweet potatoes in the oven until caramelised and soft.

Mix everything together and blitz until creamy and smooth 😊😊😊

It can also be frozen 👍


Stress and vagal nerve tone can manifest in SO many ways.

The client above genuinely didn’t feel they were stressed or anxious, just busy!
Needless medication including some very strong antibiotics and antacids unfortunately.

There is always an answer .
To make an enquiry DM or email
[email protected]


Love when a client sends me evidence they’re doing their homework especially on a Saturday night.
With some conditions or injuries ‘homework’ is also required!
This client has been a model patient and her rehab is progressing quickly 👏⭐️


Sometimes clients can challenge me with specific nutrition requests and recipes.
This one was particularly difficulty but I think turned out 😋😋😋

A wild smoked salmon and green apple salad with a lime, sesame and ginger dressing
Even snuck some raw broccoli in without anyone noticing !

Videos (show all)

Most people do a ‘this is me post’ for new followers. I’m also doing this for the current ones who will be in shock I’m ...
The best start to the day receiving messages like this 🙏❤️This lady had travelling nerve pain. I used a mixture of techn...
Hey 👋 #babyreflux #babybowen#centralnervoussystem #muscloskeletalsystem #stressrelief #vagusnerve#nutrition#feet#retaine...
Absolutely perfect video by @mcloughlin.scar.release showing the effect a scar has on your body!!For more information or...
I often hear stories like this. People struggle or are unable to do normal everyday tasks due to pain or injury.The quic...
Trying to fit in exercise is always a challenge with these two! I’ve learned that even doing 15 mins is better than noth...
Last week she couldn’t even bend her toes!Last night she was able to grab the towel 👏 😀It might be a small gain and ther...
We’ve been stuck in a bit of a rut with our food as my oldest child has become the kid that before she even tastes it … ...



