The Holistic Body Barn

The Holistic Body Barn

121 Fitness Training | Remedial Massage | Holistic Core Restore | Basingstoke, Hampshire Level 4 Sports Massage Therapist. Abdominal Scar Therapist.

Based near Basingstoke in Hampshire I specialise in Women's Fitness & Wellbeing from pre-pregnancy to post menopause. Highly skilled in pelvic floor rehab and prescriptive training for all life phases. Holistic Core Restore® Coach. Breast Cancer Rehab Coach.


These are some of the things I use when working on scars but did you know that alongside soft tissue therapy your lifestyle can play a huge role in how well you heal after abdominal surgery? In particular the magic trio: nutrition, sleep, and stress.

🥦 Nutrition: Fuel your body with nutrient-rich foods! Protein, vitamins A and C, and zinc are your best friends for scar healing. Think leafy greens, citrus fruits, nuts, and lean meats. Your body needs the right fuel to repair itself!

💤 Sleep: Quality sleep is non-negotiable! It’s during those restful nights that your body gets to work repairing tissues and boosting your immune system. Create a calming bedtime routine, warm bath, cool bedroom and no phones in the room. Promote peaceful slumber and let your body do its thing. 💤✨

🧘‍♀️ Stress: High stress can slow down the healing process. Practice mindfulness, deep breathing, and gentle activities like yoga. A calm mind = a healing body.

The whole body, holistic approach to healing is a powerful way to support your body’s natural healing abilities. Stay positive, nourish well, rest deeply, and embrace tranquility.


Following hysterectomy and other abdominal surgeries women are often advised not to lift anything heavier that a kettle of water. ⠀

That’s all well and good except for the fact that they need to be able to safely lift THEIR OWN BODY WEIGHT. ⠀

It’s crucial that they are taught HOW to safely move, lift and load to protect their pelvic floor muscles and organs and that includes lifting their own body. ⠀
💪🏼 An empty cast iron pan can weigh in excess of 2kg⠀
💪🏼 A standard washing machine holds 7kg of washing ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

💪🏼 An average 2 year old weighs 12.5kg⠀
💪🏼 A carrier bag of shopping can weigh 7kg⠀
💪🏼 Lifting your own bodyweight out of a chair can equate to lifting 9kg!⠀
The Holistic Core Restore®️Recovery programme is specifically designed for women who are recovering from abdominal surgeries such as hysterectomy or who are living with the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse. ⠀

To find out more about this and all the other amazing HCR®️Programmes follow the link in the bio. ⠀



This week, I’ve been working with two remarkable women, each at a different stage of their breast cancer journey. Despite their unique stories and surgeries, the support and care they require from me are remarkably similar.

🩷 We begin with gentle movements aimed at improving flexibility and mobility in the shoulder, arm, and chest.

🩷 Followed by targeted stretches to alleviate tightness and enhance range of motion.

🩷 Deep breathing exercises are incorporated to aid lymphatic drainage and reduce swelling.

🩷 Gradually introducing resistance exercises to strengthen muscles around the surgical site and enhance overall arm strength.

🩷 Scar massage techniques are applied to facilitate healing and prevent adhesions.

🩷 Lymphatic drainage massage plays a crucial role in preventing lymphedema.

🩷 Postural exercises are emphasized to mitigate shoulder and neck pain.

🩷 Additionally, clients receive comprehensive education on self-care techniques, including skincare, nutrition, stress management, lymphedema prevention strategies, and recognizing signs of complications.

Throughout our sessions, we adapt and progress as needed, ensuring each client receives tailored strategies and solutions to support their recovery journey.

Whether you’re facing a recent diagnosis, undergoing treatment, or navigating life beyond cancer, I’m here to offer unwavering support, guidance, and expertise at every step of your breast cancer journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out for personalized assistance.


One of my clients recently underwent a laparoscopic hysterectomy and is progressing well in her healing journey. As she strengthens, we’ve been gradually advancing her exercise regimen.
During today’s session, we focused on addressing her incision scars. She noted some lingering tightness and restriction, despite their small size, which came as a surprise.

Although laparoscopic surgery is less invasive than open procedures, it remains a significant intervention that can result in scar tissue formation. If not properly managed during the critical healing phase, this scar tissue may lead to adhesions, movement limitations, and potential discomfort. Scar therapy plays a vital role in breaking down scar tissue, enhancing movement comfort, facilitating exercise, and promoting a smoother recovery process.
This is why as part of my approach, I always provide hands-on treatment following any surgical procedure to ensure complete care and optimal outcomes for my clients.


Every birth is unique.
And giving birth via caesarean is just as important and as valid as a vaginal birth.
There are many reasons why a C-section is performed. Sometimes they’re planned, sometimes they’re not, but it is never because you gave up, or that you wanted an easier option, or that your body let you down or that you didn’t try hard enough.
It’s a just a different path that still requires strength, courage, and resilience.
Your body brought your precious baby into the world, and that’s a monumental achievement.

Remember, what matters most is a healthy baby and a healthy mum.
The method of delivering your baby (or babies) doesn’t diminish the beauty and significance of the event.
Either way, you gave birth.


It’s World Sleep Day. 🛌 💤

It’s crucial to recognize the profound impact quality sleep has on our overall well-being. Amidst our busy lives, prioritizing sleep often takes a backseat, but its benefits are truly transformative.

Quality sleep is not just about the number of hours you spend in bed; it’s about the depth and restfulness of your rest.
Adequate sleep is essential for:

1. Muscle Recovery: Sleep is when your body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissues.
2. Hormonal Balance: Adequate sleep regulates hormones responsible for mood, stress, and reproductive health, vital for women’s well-being.
3. Immune Function: Quality sleep strengthens the immune system, aiding in overall health and vitality.
4. Stress Management: Deep sleep reduces cortisol levels, helping to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep 😴

1. Establish a Routine: Consistency is key. Aim for a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s internal clock.
2. Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment: Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep. Keep it dark, cool, and quiet. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to support your body’s needs.
3. Limit Screen Time: The blue light emitted from screens can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Aim to limit screen time at least an hour before bedtime.
4. Mindful Relaxation: Engage in calming activities before bed, such as gentle stretching, meditation, or reading. Avoid stimulating activities that can interfere with relaxation.
5. Watch Your Diet: Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime. Opt for sleep-promoting foods like herbal tea, almonds, or bananas instead.
6. Stay Active: Regular exercise promotes better sleep, but aim to complete your workout at least a few hours before bedtime to allow your body to wind down.



“Happy International Women’s Day!
Today, let’s celebrate the incredible progress we’ve made in advancing women’s rights, breaking barriers, and shattering stereotypes. From voting rights to leadership roles, women have achieved remarkable milestones.
However, let’s also acknowledge that our journey towards equality is far from over. Let’s continue to uplift each other, challenge societal norms, and advocate for inclusivity and empowerment for all women, regardless of race, ethnicity, s*xuality, or background. Together, we can create a more equitable and just world.


Happy New Year!
First week of January and our news feeds are full of New Year-New You promotions.
There are old diets, new diets, gym memberships, alcohol free drinks, meat free meals…the list goes on.
And while I support moving and fuelling our bodies in a healthy way I think it has to be achievable and sustainable.
January is a bleak enough month anyway, the days are short, cold, wet and dark and personally a hearty warming meal is more appealing to me than a salad (and I love a good salad)
If we try to make lots of changes all at once then there’s a greater risk of feeling overwhelmed and that’s when we’re likely to give up.
If you want to make changes towards a healthier, fitter you then perhaps start small, add in more veggies, lose a bit sugar, add in more movement, drink a bit more water. Small changes are manageable changes.
Happy New Year and Happy Same You 💜


All set for a Post Natal Nurturing session. 🙌🏼
Postnatal rehab should not be about shedding pounds and getting into jeans.
It should be a journey of healing and nurturing. The focus should be on restoring core strength, pelvic floor function, and overall well-being.
Prioritising the recovery process over social pressures, encouraging self-care and gradually approaching postnatal fitness can be powerful tools for physical and mental recovery.


Have you had a baby in the last three years?
Hampshire Maternity Voices Partnership are looking at women's experience of and support for pelvic health during and after pregnancy.
Please take a moment to complete their short survey.

Have you had a baby in the last three years in the SHIP area - Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight or Hampshire?
We are looking at women's experience of and support for pelvic health during and after pregnancy.
Please complete this survey (and share the link with other women who have given birth) and tell us about your experience.

The survey has been put together by the Maternity Voices Partnerships across SHIP who are working with staff on improving access to pelvic health services.


Whether you’re an HCR®️ graduate or just interested in prioritising your pelvic health then this is for you!
7 days, 7 emails of the latest up to date pelvic floor wisdom from Holistic Core Restore®️
Sign up here, it’s totally FREE! 🙌🏼


Are you happy with your core and pelvic health?⠀

Do you know some of the signs that your pelvic floor muscles may need some assistance?

‼️Spoiler Alert‼️ It’s not all about leaking! And it’s not all about strengthening.

Yes, leaking when laughing, coughing, sneezing and exercising is probably the one thing everyone thinks of - how confident would you feel jumping on a trampoline in grey leggings? ⠀
Leaking is a big indicator that your pelvic floor muscles need some retraining. ⠀

But other signs can include ⠀

❗️Pelvic pain. ⠀

❗️Painful intercourse⠀

❗️Difficultly inserting tampons⠀

❗️Bladder or bowels not emptying properly ⠀

❗️Not being able to hold on ⠀

❗️Needing to go to the loo even though you’ve just been. ⠀

If you experience any of these symptoms please do not ignore them.

There is a solution. Correct pelvic floor muscle training can put a stop to these symptoms in just a matter of weeks. ⠀

Holistic Core Restore®️Everywoman prioritises your pelvic and core health. This groundbreaking, whole body approach is fully adaptable to help virtually every woman at every life phase. ⠀

If you would like to join the thousands of women who have benefited from Holistic Core Restore®️⠀
Then please get in touch.


It’s not always about rehab.
Today has been a day of prehab.

First prepping a client for birth.
At 41 weeks pregnant we focused on releasing and relaxing tight muscles, practicing optimal breathing and mobilising the hips and pelvis ready for the big day.

Then preparing the next client for her upcoming hysterectomy.
We practiced movement strategies to help with the first few days post surgery, discussed optimal nutrition for healing and explored ways to prepare her home to aid her healing journey.

And finally I helped prepare a lovely lady for her first of 10 radiotherapy sessions following a recent breast cancer diagnosis.
In a calm, quiet space we worked on shoulder and back mobility and discussed foods to aid healing.

Whatever we’re facing, preparation is key.
Getting our bodies, minds and environments ready are key components to recovery.


Are you happy with your core and pelvic health?⠀

Do you know some of the signs of pelvic floor dysfunction? ⠀

‼️Spoiler Alert‼️ It’s not all about leaking!⠀

Yes, leaking when laughing, coughing, sneezing and exercising is probably the one thing everyone thinks of - how confident would you feel jumping on a trampoline in grey leggings? ⠀
Leaking is a big indicator that your pelvic floor muscles need some retraining. ⠀

But other signs can include ⠀

❗️Pelvic pain. ⠀

❗️Painful intercourse⠀

❗️Difficultly inserting tampons⠀

❗️Bladder or bowels not emptying properly ⠀

❗️Not being able to hold on ⠀

❗️Needing to go to the loo even though you’ve just been. ⠀

If you experience any of these symptoms please do not ignore them. ⠀

There is a solution. Correct pelvic floor muscle training can put a stop to these symptoms in just a matter of weeks. ⠀

Holistic Core Restore®️Everywoman prioritises your pelvic and core health. This groundbreaking, whole body approach is fully adaptable to help virtually every woman at every life phase. ⠀

If you would like to join the thousands of women who have benefited from Holistic Core Restore®️⠀
Then please get in touch. ⠀
Follow the link in the bio.⠀


Every birth is unique.
And giving birth via caesarean is just as important and as valid as a vaginal birth.
There are many reasons why a C-section is performed. Sometimes they’re planned, sometimes they’re not, but it is never because you gave up, or that you wanted an easier option, or that your body let you down or that you didn’t try hard enough.
It’s a just a different path that still requires strength, courage, and resilience.
Your body brought your precious baby into the world, and that’s a monumental achievement.

Remember, what matters most is a healthy baby and a healthy mum.
The method of delivering your baby (or babies) doesn’t diminish the beauty and significance of the event.
Either way, you gave birth.


What lovely feedback from one of my new clients 🥰

I wholeheartedly believe that we are more than just a neck pain, an aching back, a tight hip, a restricted scar. We are a whole being and every part of us is part of our story and of who we are.


If you’ve ever dropped a book or a magazine into the bath you’ll know how difficult it can be to separate the pages afterwards. ⠀
The layers of tissue under our skin are a bit like those pages. Once they dry out, they don’t move so freely and they get stuck in places risking damage. ⠀
When there is trauma or injury, poor posture or lack of movement those fascial layers can get “stuck” ⠀
Imagine trying to pull your sock up if part of it was glued to your shin. ⠀

🙌🏼 Gentle massage, foam rolling, tool assisted massage and soft tissue releases can all help to get the tissue moving again, as can good hydration, stretching and exercising. 🙌🏼⠀

Do you feel stuck? Are you experiencing pulling or pain? Restricted movement? ⠀

I can help with that 🙌🏼⠀

Every treatment I do is bespoke, it’s tailored to YOUR needs and how you are TODAY, based on a full assessment and it is designed to get you moving better and feeling better. ⠀


For whoever needs to hear this today 💜

Motherhood can be an isolating journey.
Amidst the chaos, it's easy to feel like you’re drowning in responsibilities, losing touch with your our own identity, and longing for connection with others who understand.
The weight of this can be incredibly heavy.

Mums can spend countless hours attending to children's needs and demands, providing comfort and care, but sometimes you just need someone to hold you, listen to your your fears, and validate your struggles.

It's crucial to remember that there is no shame in feeling this way.
The myth that motherhood should be blissful and effortless is often far from reality.
It's hard work. It's emotionally and physically draining. It's okay to admit that it's tough, and it's okay to reach out for support. You are not weak for feeling overwhelmed; you are human.

And remember, self-care becomes even more important when we're feeling overwhelmed.
Prioritise your well-being without guilt. Take time to nourish your own soul, to engage in activities that bring you joy, and to seek professional help if needed. Your mental and emotional health matter, and seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.


We are all unique. 🙌🏼
Whether your goal for your pelvic health is strengthening weakened muscles or releasing tight, hypertonic ones, it all starts with being able to feel the connection.
What works for one doesn’t always work for all but that’s where Holistic Core Restore®️ comes in.
We have plenty of exercises to help you find your sweet spot. 🫶🏼

Your Holistic Core Restore(R) programme is as unique as YOU! Right down to helping you find your 'activation sweet spot'. This EMBODIED approach ensures that we support you being truly connected to your WHOLE BODY as a means of connecting to your Pelvic Floor/Pelvic Bowl.


The Power of Touch. 🙌🏼

Massage is More Than Just Relaxation.

Touch is an essential human need.
Studies have shown that touch, especially through massage, can have numerous physical and emotional benefits.

Here's why we all need touch, and why massage can be an essential part of our self-care routine:

🙌🏼 It boosts mood.
Massage has been shown to increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine, two chemicals that help regulate mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

🙌🏼 It reduces stress.
Touch through massage can help reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone that is associated with stress and anxiety.

🙌🏼 It improves circulation.
Massage can help increase blood and lymphatic flow, improving circulation and promoting the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the body's tissues.

🙌🏼 It relieves pain.
Massage can help reduce muscle tension and alleviate pain by releasing endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

🙌🏼 It promotes healing.
Touch through massage can help stimulate the body's natural healing processes, reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.

💜 Massage can be the key to unlock our bodies own medicine cabinet. Whether you're looking to boost your mood, reduce stress, or alleviate pain, massage can provide numerous physical and emotional benefits.


Yesterday I saw a lovely mum to be who has been suffering with round ligament pain.

Round ligament pain is a common discomfort experienced by many of the mums who come to see me.
As the babies grow the ligaments supporting the uterus stretch and this can cause short spasms of pain or discomfort around the tummy, hips or groin, often experienced around the second trimester.

Soft tissue therapy can be a very effective way to relieve this pain by reducing local muscular tension and tenderness.

By using gentle massage strokes, mobilisations and some soft tissue release techniques we can encourage the muscles and ligaments to soften and relax giving relief from the spasms and reducing reoccurrence.

Round ligament pain is usually a short, sharp spasm, often (but not always) when moving suddenly or coughing or sneezing.

⭐️ Any pain that lasts and doesn’t ease with rest or repositioning should be investigated further with your pregnancy healthcare provider.


I’ve got my eye on you 👀

When you come to see me an important part of our session is assessment.

I look at your shoulder position, your head position.
I look at how your spine curves, at your foot placement, at your hip and knee alignment.

I’m looking for asymmetry imbalances, restrictions in range of movement.

But this all starts before you enter the treatment room.
I’m watching to see how you get out of the car, how you carry your bag, how you’re walking today.
And while we start chatting I’m looking to see how you are sitting, how you breathe and how you hold yourself. What your mood is like.

So don’t be surprised if I start working on your hips when you thought you came to see me about your shoulders. Or your feet when you’re struggling with knee pain.
I may have seen something while I’ve been watching, something that gives me an idea of what might be contributing to your pain sensation, your restricted range of movement or your tension.

In the human body nothing works in isolation, it’s all connected. 🙌🏼


This lovely Mumma is very fit and active but knew after her first baby that this time round she needed a different approach.
So as well as exercises for strength and fitness, we focused on breathing, pelvic floor connection AND pelvic floor relaxation so that when the time came she was able to use these strategies to help her sail through the birth and make a swift recovery afterwards.
There are many benefits for both you and your baby of exercising during pregnancy but it should be the right kind of exercise for you.

Holistic Core Restore®️ BUMP is a functional movement programme designed to safely guide a woman through an active Pregnancy and Birth Preparation.


Did you know that not all pelvic floors need strengthening?

For some women their issues come from tight, tense - hypertonic muscles. The muscles stay contracted which can be just as problematic as weak pelvic floor muscles.⠀

Pelvic pain, back pain, painful s*x, constipation, difficulty emptying your bladder and bowels, weak core muscles. These can all indicate a need to relax and release these muscles.⠀

Pelvic floor programming is not “one size fits all”


Pelvic Floor Myths

All women should do pelvic floor strengthening exercises.

While it is true that pelvic floor exercises can be effective for many women, there are cases where they may not be the best approach or may even be counterproductive.
For example, if someone has a pelvic floor that is already overactive and tense, doing more strengthening exercises may actually exacerbate the problem.
In such cases, relaxation techniques and exercises to release tension in the pelvic floor muscles may be more helpful.
If you have any questions or concerns about your pelvic health it’s important to have a proper screening and assessment to determine the best approach for you.
While pelvic floor strengthening can be a valuable tool in managing pelvic floor issues, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and individualized care is important to ensure the best outcomes.
Not sure which approach is best for you? Why not book a free consultation with me to discuss your options.
Check out the link in my bio 🙌🏼


From the moment we’re born we take around 20,000 breaths each day.
Breathing is involuntary, it just happens. But are we breathing well?Take a moment to sit quietly with one hand on your chest and one on your tummy.
Which hand moves the most?
Ideally it should be the bottom one.
Now set a timer and see how many of these breaths you take in 60 seconds.
It should be fewer than 20, ideally around 12-15.
More than 20 and you could be overworking your breathing accessory muscles, some of which are in your neck, and this can lead to pain, tension and discomfort.
So how can we resolve this?
I can help you adjust your breathing pattern, calm down the overworked, painful muscles and fire up the primary muscles.
A better breathing pattern can reduce pain and tension, oh…and this will also help your pelvic floor muscles 🙌🏼


Judging by the amount of pregnant clients I’ve got at the moment 2023 is going to see a bumper baby boom.

A specialist massage is a wonderful way to relax and feel pampered when pregnant but it’s also a very effective way to ease any aches, pains and discomfort you feel as your body changes to accommodate your growing baby.
Propped up on pillows or snuggled up on your side we can easily access your hips, ribs, back, neck, shoulders, in fact anywhere that needs soothing and releasing.
A pregnancy massage can

💜 Reduce discomfort and swelling.
💜 Improve your circulation.
💜 Promote restful & restorative sleep.
💜 Instill a sense of calm.
💜 Create a sense of wellbeing.

Massage is safe and suitable for most pregnancies and is a wonderful way to look after you and your growing baby.


Happy New Year!
First week of January and our news feeds are full of New Year-New You promotions.
There are old diets, new diets, gym memberships, alcohol free drinks, meat free meals…the list goes on.
And while I support moving and fuelling our bodies in a healthy way I think it has to be achievable and sustainable.
January is a bleak enough month anyway, the days are short, cold, wet and dark and personally a hearty warming meal is more appealing to me than a salad (and I love a good salad)
If we try to make lots of changes all at once then there’s a greater risk of feeling overwhelmed and that’s when we’re likely to give up.
If you want to make changes towards a healthier, fitter you then perhaps start small, add in more veggies, lose a bit sugar, add in more movement, drink a bit more water. Small changes are manageable changes.
Happy New Year and Happy Same You 💜

Holistic Body Barn on Instagram: "If you’re stuck for gift ideas or would like someone to treat you, my Christmas Gift Packages are available to order on my website. They come beautifully packaged with scented bath salts and a gorgeous candle and.. 21/11/2022

Holistic Body Barn on Instagram: "If you’re stuck for gift ideas or would like someone to treat you, my Christmas Gift Packages are available to order on my website. They come beautifully packaged with scented bath salts and a gorgeous candle and.. Holistic Body Barn shared a post on Instagram: "If you’re stuck for gift ideas or would like someone to treat you, my Christmas Gift Packages are available to order on my website. They come beautifully packaged with scented bath salts and a gorgeous candle and a gift voucher that can be used for a...

Photos from Hampshire Hospitals Maternity - Andover, Basingstoke & Wi******er's post 21/10/2022
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🙌🏼 Deep Tissue Massage - It Isn’t About Hard Pressure. When people think of deep tissue massage, they often imagine inte...
I’m always very grateful when clients take time to write a review 🥰In my pregnancy massages I aim to go beyond relaxatio...
In the last few weeks of pregnancy, if everything is going well and to plan,  a perfect way to prepare your body for bir...
We know that exercise and healthy eating keep our hearts healthy but there are some foods that have been found to be par...
Whether you are totally new to exercise, a regular runner or a hard core gym goer all my pregnancy exercise sessions inc...
This lovely Mumma is very fit and active but knew after her first baby that this time round she needed a different appro...
3 months post c-section and this new mummy is making great progress. 🙌🏼⠀⠀She’s steadily building up strength in her pelv...
I’m off for a reboot ☺️I’ll be back in “office” on Tuesday 19th April. #selfcare
I love this 6 D kinesio tape. Great for mobilising “stuck” tissue. In this case my client had a large mole removed 8 wee...
I will be Out Of Office until Tuesday 1st February. Off to breathe in some mountain air, spend quality time with my love...
Happy New YOU!!It’s never too late to start looking after yourself. Will 2022 be your year? Whether you’re pregnant, rec...



Wigmore Farm

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