Rachel Dare Business Services

I organise your finances, get you paid on time, claim back what you’re owed in expenses and keep the wolf from the door.

So you can get out on the road and do your job without worrying about finances.


Happy , where we celebrate the unsung heroes of business—the coffee makers, the keyboard warriors, and those brave souls attempting to fix the office printer!

Today, I'm raising my virtual coffee mug to all the hard workers out there. ☕

Did you know that 12th January is officially recognized as ? It's the perfect day to honour the hustle, the grind, and the occasional desk-dancing when no one's watching. 🕺💻

But let's talk about working smarter, not harder, especially when it comes to bookkeeping! If your spreadsheets look more like a maze than a financial statement, fear not! I'm here to rescue you from the chaos.

Let's face it, nobody wants to spend extra hours buried in paperwork. So, on this , let's shift gears and embrace efficiency, automation, and the joy of a clutter-free financial life!

I'm on a mission to help small businesses work harder in a smart way. If your bookkeeping is giving you more stress than a stubborn printer jam, it's time to chat! 🗣️💬

Drop me a message saying "chat," and together, we'll navigate the financial rollercoaster with ease. Let's make your books as smooth as your slickest dance moves! 💃



🎉 Happy National Clean Your Desk Day! 🎉

Did you know that the second Monday of January is dedicated to making your workspace sparkle? 🧹✨

While you're decluttering your desk, here's a thought: Is your credit control process as organized as your newly cleaned workspace? 🤔💼 Or are you unintentionally teaching your clients that paying you is a leisurely stroll rather than a sprint? 🚶‍♂️💸

Let's turn those payment hurdles into a clean and clear credit control routine! 💪⏰

Drop a comment below and spill the beans on your credit control strategies. Are you an invoice ninja, or do you give your clients a scenic route to payment? 🕵️‍♀️💼


Happy New Year, fabulous friends! 🎊 As we dive headfirst into 2024, I'm sending you vibes of health, happiness, and prosperity in amounts that even my overflowing coffee cup can't measure!

No matter what shenanigans this new year has in store, remember: I'm here for you, like a supportive cheerleader but with a much lower chance of accidentally doing the splits. 🤸‍♀️ Let's embark on this financial adventure together - I've got your back like a trusty Wi-Fi connection. 💻

Take all the time you need to map out your goals for the year. Whether it's becoming the next crypto millionaire or mastering the art of budgeting, I'm ready to be your financial wing woman.
Here's to a year full of promise, potential, and probably a few unexpected expenses. 🙈✨

Now, dear reader, your mission, should you choose to accept it: NOW is your moment to build a better tomorrow!

What financial goals are you aiming for in 2024? Drop them below and let's turn those dreams into pound signs! 💵💭



Hey, parentpreneurs and home office heroes! 🏠✨ I hope you've enjoyed the wild and wonderful whirlwind of summer with your little ones. 🌞

But let's face it, trying to keep those spreadsheets straight while the kids practice their best Olympic-level cartwheels in the living room can be, um, challenging. 😅🤸‍♂️

Small, parent-owned businesses often take a back seat to family activities during the summer holidays – and trust me, I get it. Between days out and impromptu science experiments gone wrong, who has time for "balancing the books," right? 🧪📈

But hey, as the back-to-school excitement looms large, let's make a pact. Picture this: serene mornings, a quiet workspace, and an inbox with just your biz (and not the 127 new water balloon fight invitations). 📚📝

That's where I come in! 🦸‍♂️🧾 As your trusty bookkeeping sidekick, I'm offering you a sweet deal to celebrate this return to productivity. 🎉

How about a whopping 25% off on retained packages until the end of the year? Yep, you read that right – until 31sy December 2023, you've got the golden ticket to financial zen without breaking a sweat.

So, why not give yourself the gift of uninterrupted focus? Let's chat about your bookkeeping needs and say goodbye to the summer distractions that made you question if spreadsheets and popsicle stick forts could coexist. 🍦🏰

Slide into my DMs, drop me a comment, or send a carrier pigeon (or just a good old email). Let's make the most of this offer before it vanishes like a sandcastle at high tide! 🏖️🏰

Time's ticking, so let's keep those books balanced and your sanity intact. Offer expires 31st August 2023.

Let's do this! 💼📊


Photos from Rachel Dare Business Services's post 28/08/2023

What can I say. What an amazing evening we had raising money for the with a pamper and cocktail evening with . The facials and hand massages went down a treat, a well needed pampering for the lovely ladies that helped make this night amazing.

Thank you for your infectious energy, knowledge and support. Also .dare107 for the cocktail making, being hostess with the mostest and again your support to put the whole thing together. Couldn’t have done it without you guys.

We have raised £120 so far and still going. This is amazing and the generosity overwhelming.

Just want to thank the lovely ladies that came along and helped support me and mum on our quest to raise awareness and money for a cause close to our hearts. It means soooo much and I can say I haven’t had that much fun in a while. Love you all 🥰

p.s. Alison and Louise, you looked blooming gorgeous with your make overs.

P.p.s. After the success of this can’t wait to hold another. Dates coming soon.


Hey there, folks! How's your summer (not so sizzling) going? Hence the hat brrrrr

So, I'm the mastermind behind a nifty business that handles all the number-crunching and cash-juggling jazz. Just wanted to pop out a post and spill the beans about a deal I'm rollin' out for the entire August.

Hold onto your hats, 'cause I'm dishing out a jaw-dropping 25% off on my top-notch services, all the way until the year's final curtain call. But wait, there's more – if you hop on this gravy train before August 2023 waves goodbye, I'll also chuck 10% from the first month over to the Alzheimer's Society charity, 'cause why not spread some good vibes, right?

Now, picture this: you're staring at your credit control and bookkeeping chores, like "Ain't nobody got time for this!" Well, worry not, 'cause I've got you covered.

Enter "Show Me the Money" – my superhero credit control service. I'll wrangle those payments, chase those coins, and save your sanity, all on a monthly basis.

And hey, if bookkeeping's got you feeling like a donkey in a suit, I've got just the solution – "Doing the Donkey." I'm the donkey whisperer, so let me take the reins and handle your bookkeeping while you focus on what you do best.

Think about it – having a sparkling account is like having a perfectly timed punchline; it's essential! I'll sprinkle some automation magic to make your life breezier – think automated reminders, invoicing pizzazz, and more.

I'm all about being your financial wingman, from cooking up invoices to sending them out, keeping an eagle eye on your expenses, and even playing referee between you and your bank. Plus, I'll whip up those fancy reports and have a chit-chat with your accountants when the need arises.

Coffee, anyone? Or maybe a virtual chat while you're chillaxing in your PJs? Just give me a holler, and let's get gabbin'! Swing by my website (check the comments) if you're feeling all click-happy and wanna book a chat.

Catch you on the flip 😄👋


There he goes…my little nine year old 🥺. My funny, footy obsessed ⚽️, food monster 🍱and giver of the best snuggles🥰. You make me proud everyday and keep making me laugh 💗. I love our giggling fits 😉. Time to say hello to double digits!! Love you to the whole universe and beyond. Welcome to being 10, Happy birthday little man 🥳🎉🥰


📢 Hey! Are late payments really a problem in your business? 🤔 Well, let me tell you, YES, they could put you out of business! 😱 But don't worry, I've got your back with some hilarious ways to combat this! 🛡️💪

1. Make sure customers are clear on the terms of credit and when they need to pay. Attach a neon sign to your invoices saying, "Pay up or face the wrath of our dancing unicorns!" 🦄💃

2. Have the right person to manage the credit control. Get someone with a detective's nose for sniffing out late payments. Bonus points if they wear a Sherlock Holmes hat and carry a magnifying glass to meetings! 🔍🎩

3. Ensure that you have tight procedures and processes in place. Institute a mandatory "Dance-Off for Payment" policy. If customers are late, challenge them to a dance battle. If they lose, they pay double! 💃🤑

4. Good credit control starts the moment you receive that new enquiry. Offer potential clients a free pet rock with their inquiry form. Why, you ask? Well, pet rocks never forget deadlines! 🪨😉

Now, I want to hear from you! Are you doing anything to reduce the frequency of late payments in your business? Share your funny tactics and tag me! 😄📝

And wait, there's more! Book a 20-minute chat with me your payment ninja, to find out what else you could be doing to limit the risk of not getting paid on time. Don't miss out on this epic opportunity! 🗓️📞


🤣😱 Is cashflow messing with your sanity? Don't let it drive you bananas! 🍌🤯

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Did you know May Mental Health Awareness Month? Let's talk about how cashflow can turn our lives into a rollercoaster ride of emotions. 😅💸

Running a business means dealing with the ups and downs of financial challenges, and let's face it, sometimes it feels like we're riding the crazy train. 🚂💨 The never-ending pressure to manage cashflow, meet expenses, and keep the profits flowing can seriously mess with our minds. But fear not, my friends! Help is just a reach-out away! 🤝

When those cashflow blues hit, here's what you can do:

1️⃣ Share the load: Don't be a lone ranger in this financial adventure. Reach out to your trusted sidekicks—your friends, family, colleagues, or even a professional. Let them be your superheroes with listening ears, ready to swoop in and save the day. 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♂️

2️⃣ Laughter therapy: They say laughter is the best medicine, and they're not wrong! Take a break from crunching numbers and indulge in a good old belly laugh. Watch a funny video, listen to a comedy podcast, or share hilarious memes. Trust us, it's like a mental health spa day! 😂🧘‍♀️

3️⃣ Dance it out: Shake off that financial stress with some killer dance moves! Put on your favourite tunes, let loose, and dance like no one's watching (because let's be honest, your accountant probably isn't). It's a guaranteed mood booster! 💃🎵

4️⃣ Embrace the chaos: Cashflow may be a rollercoaster, but remember, you're the one holding the safety bar! Embrace the twists and turns, and focus on what you can control. Keep hustling, adapt your strategies, and don't forget to celebrate those small wins along the way. 🎢🏆

So, my fellow money warriors, let's conquer those cashflow demons together! Reach out to your squad for a listening ear and share your worries.

Remember, laughter, dance, and a sprinkle of craziness can turn any financial frown upside down! 😄💰


🤣😫 Is the current financial situation causing you stress when it comes to getting your invoices paid? Trust me, I feel you! The struggle is real! 💸 But hey, let's find some humour in this chaos and talk about managing cashflow during these unpredictable times.

Managing cashflow is always important, but it becomes even more critical when your bank account feels like a never-ending rollercoaster ride. 🎢 So, here are some "funny-but-effective" tips for managing cashflow in the current financial situation:

1. Create a budget: Pretend you're the CFO of a fancy corporation and make a budget. Feel free to wear a suit and carry a briefcase while doing it. It might not magically make money appear, but at least you'll feel important! 📊💼

2. Reduce expenses: Have you ever tried turning off the lights and pretending you're on a secret mission to save money? It's like a personal game of "How Low Can Your Expenses Go?" Get creative, folks! 💡💰

3. Delay payments: Juggling your bills has never been more exciting! Negotiate with your suppliers to delay payments, like a master of the delayed-disbursement arts. It's a balancing act that would make any acrobat proud! 😅

Oh, and by the way, if you want more funny (yet helpful) tips on cashflow management, I've got a blog post ready for you. It's the perfect blend of financial wisdom and a good laugh. Check it out and let's survive this financial rollercoaster ride together! 🎢🌪️



It’s a new month and Spring is officially here! 🌷⁠

There are 3 bank holidays this month. Are you dreading the lack of days 😫 and what this means to your business or are you chomping at the bit for a break 👍, to spend time out of the business with loved ones and friends? ❤⁠

Personally, I prepare ahead for these days so I can spend time with my son, family and friends. And how often do we get to see a new monarch get crowned? 👑 ⁠

I am not a royalist as such, but this is momentous in British history, so I am going to organise a get together with friends and family to celebrate 🎉. I am sooooo looking forward to good food and good company! ⁠

My top tip to get organised and enjoy a day off, is to plan for the next week on a Friday. You know then that you are organised for the next week and what needs to be achieved. 🙌⁠

In a past life, I used to be a VA, so I know how super important it is to be organised!📅⁠

Enjoy the extended weekend, whether you are working or taking a break! You deserve time out, don’t forget to look after yourself!⁠

Tell me what you are up to for the coronation, I would love to know! 👃⁠


Anyone else leave it to the last minute to come up with a costume for ?

Thank god for Amazon prime is all I can say 😂 and for Billionaire Boy. A good read and not so taxing costume.

On another note, I love reading. Ever used to as I am quite a slow reader so never really read many books until recently. Last year I read 5 whole novels and 2 self help books.

This might not seem much to many people, but for me a huge achievement, considering before that it was none existence.

I really believe reading has helped calm me and really helped me with growing my business. In that I am taking things in better.

Do you read? If so love to know what you are reading at the moment.

Photos from Rachel Dare Business Services's post 21/02/2023

Oh yes I need to make my life simple, don't you?

And I do this by using an amazing CRM system in my business to take away hours of work when managing my clients. That CRM is Dubsado! Blooming amazing tool, my clients are impressed too.

I love automation as it makes life soooo much easier, and using Dubsado to do this has saved me so much time.

I love setting up workflows to manage everything from an initial enquiry to offboarding a client.

And what makes it even better is that Dubsado have a sale on this week from Today to from 10am PT to 24th February 2023 at 2pm PT.

Stater plan will be $15/mo or $150/yr Normally $20/mo & $200/yr
Premier Plan will be $35/mo or $350/yr Normally $40/mo & $400/yr

When you sign up for Dubsado during their sale, you're locked in at that price every time their your plan renews. You don't just save THIS year, but EVERY year from here on out.

See link in bio to get this not to be missed offer!

If you have any questions, drop me message.


Happy Single's Awareness Day!

Believe it or not, I am so happy to be single! It is a crazy concept for some people to accept. But not all single people are out there seeking the perfect partner!

After a Christmas spent with family and friends asking when are you going to get yourself out there and meet someone. I tell them I am getting myself out there and meeting people, but making friends socially and through my business and I am more than happy with that :-) .

Single is no longer a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out.

So today I have treated myself to a meal for two from M&S, sharing this with my dearest mum and I am going to hit the gym & spa later!

How are you celebrating?

Share an emoji, gif or anything to make me laugh if you are single & proud to be!


Are late payments really a problem?

Yes, as they could put you out of business!

The thing is, when you’re running a growing , you’ve got to focus on building relationships & sales, and when it comes to invoicing, the processes you had in the early days, which mainly consisted of roughly thrown together credit terms and a goodwill method for paying invoices on time, are no longer working for you as you’re growing.

Especially tricky if you’ve got contractors or temps on your books that need paying on time…when the client is 60 days late on their invoice, but you don’t want to upset the relationship apple cart by suddenly becoming all Sheriff of Nottingham on them.

So, here are a couple of pointers if you are stuck in that scenario…

Are clear expectations being set with your clients with regards to terms of credit and when they need to pay?

Or it could be that your credit is not being managed correctly i.e. having the right person, with the right skills to manage the credit terms, processes and communication with clients.

This could cost you in time and money, and in the worst case scenario your business.

Limiting the risk is the key to your business surviving, know who you are giving credit to and monitor the credit risk, this will significantly reduce the need for chasing at the other end.

Good credit control starts the moment you receive that new enquiry. The chasing part is just the end of the story.

Managing credit procedures, processes and policies will ensure cash flow is king. They will help improve relationships with clients, limit bad debts, increase profitability, and keep you in business.

Are you doing anything to reduce the frequency of late payments in your business?


I love my clients and I just can’t get enough of seeing the result from us working together.

My amazing client, have been with me for over 2 years now and we have a great working relationship. In fact, I would say that I am part of the furniture now.

Team work = dream work.

I love what I do and what I do for my clients. Getting this is made my day!


If I had a pound for every time I was called a Rottweiler or a ‘do you knock on doors’ when I told someone what I did for a living; I wouldn't need to work again!

Rotties are also cute and misunderstood just like us credit controllers. It makes me a little sad that we are called this as it shows no respect for the skills that a good credit controller needs.

So what do you look for in a good credit controller?

Someone who works hard to nurture client relationships whilst doing their best to improve payment performance.

It's not about threats or being aggressive; it's about empathy, influence and tenacity.

It's about having a positive attitude and being confident and skilled enough to have difficult conversations, not hiding behind email. Keeping your cool when others may not be keeping theirs.

A good credit controller needs to be organised, keep good notes and be results-focused, not give up when it gets a little tough.

There is nothing more I love more than getting that invoice ticked off, it feels me with so much satisfaction.

If you want to speak to a good credit controller then look no further, DM for a chat.


Do you have too much on your to-do list to stay on top of chasing your clients for payment?

Are you aware of the cost to your business by not getting paid on time?

Studies show that the longer you wait to remind customers about outstanding invoices, the less likely they are to get paid.

Time is of the essence.

I know finding the time to stay on top of credit control tasks can be a challenge.

Not staying on top of your receivables means late payments can build up month-over-month, which can have a detrimental impact on your cash flow.

In fact, the FSB found that in the UK alone, 50,000 businesses fail every year due to late payments and the strain they place on cash flow.

But support is available. A trained professional can manage your credit control process, take a proactive, polite approach, and effectively reduce late payments for your business.

Credit control services are there to remove the chasing workload for you and your team, so you can focus on growing your business.

• Improve the collection of your receivables
• Get invoices paid faster.
• Choose the support that’s right for you
• Optimise your process
• Achieve long-term improvements
• Delight your clients with a personable approach

Send me a DM to book a chin wag about all things cashflow!


Are you worried that cashflow is going to knock you out of business and you just don’t know where to start to get it sorted?

Are you are concerned about negotiating late payments for fear of damaging the client relationship?

Well worry no more!!

Time is precious and I know for sure that you want more time winning business than chasing existing customers to pay up.

I use my time to chase the dollars and create streamlined processes so you don’t have to.

I take the worry away and give you peace of mind the cash is being handled.

My expertise and way of working with your clients is my secret formula to getting the money moving.

I have two spaces available to work with me in 2023, and here’s how I can help your business:

💶 Fully managed outsourced credit control
💶 Supporting your existing team
💶 Project or short term credit control
💶 Client relationship building
💶 Single invoice collection
💶 Process and system development
💶 Implementing Automation
💶 Invoicing admin
💶 Cash reconciliations

So if you are feeling some of these things…… get in touch for a chin wag! Or just for a friendly chat either way it would be good to talk!


Let me be your 'Pam in Accounts'

I do the heavy lifting for you, and keep the client relationship from falling down by getting the money paid in the background.

My clients say that I am part of the furniture now, I love that and you can call me Pam 😂. I enjoy being part of your business and bringing my expertise to help you.

When it comes to credit control, having the right person for the job is essential.

Did you know that it takes a special kind of expertise to get invoices paid on time?

•You need a strong understanding of accounting principles.
• Strong communication skills
• Thorough knowledge of credit policies
• Know how to speak to clients to resolve payment issues
• Knowledge on how to get to the right person to get timely payments
• Be very organised, detail is key for credit controllers
• Keep good records, this is a vital part of the job

Do you have a Pam in accounts that can do this to get your invoices paid on time? If not drop me a message and let’s chat!


Hi, I’m Rachel, Cash-flow Queen and Xero Expert.

Some of you know me and that I have been around for a while, but most of you don’t know that I have pivoted from VA (Virtual Assistant) to focusing on what I am good at, Credit Control!

It’s taken me a while to get here, with obstacles and personal circumstances to overcome but here I am showing up again.

It has been a bit of a journey to get to a place that I know I can really make a difference to people’s businesses.

So, I have taken to plunge and giving the socials a go again.

I'd love to connect with likeminded humans, so here's a bit about me:

My son’s nickname is snail due to the trail of crap he leaves behind him.

I have two crazy cats, one has real issues. He likes to remove tea bags from the mug and pretend it is a mouse? Who knows?

I am a self-confessed geek, I love setting up tech and getting people organised (or is it my OCD kicking in and what credit controllers thrive on).

I love a bit of banter, so bring it on.

Any excuse for a glass of wine, oh but there is always a reason to celebrate! Me writing this post is one.

My favourite food is anything tasty (hence why I am hitting the gym in a mo), if I must name one, I would probably have to say a good old curry.

Oh and I love hats (as you can tell).

That’s me in a nutshell.

Please drop me a hello, would love to meet you!


Can’t believe it is 2023 already, Christmas was yesterday right?

This is the one of few pictures I took over the Christmas break and it was a blooming awful day weather wise down in Southsea. But despite the weather, we (me, my boy, my friends and their boys), had a great day, full of laughs and fun.

I hope you had a great Christmas and took some time off to spend with your nearest and dearest? I certainly did, I totally switched off.

Must admit after taking a bit of time off, it is a bit of a shock to the system getting back into the swing of things.

I am a bit scared to be honest but in an excited kinda way, if that makes sense.

This year I really want to get my business out there and highlight how I can help businesses improve cashflow through their business.

Other than that, I haven’t made any new years resolutions but I am going to make it my mission to focus on the important things like looking after me, making a good life for me and my son, having fun and loving how I help other business owners.

What is your focus for this year? I am nosey so love to know!

Have a great year everyone!

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Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm

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