The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect is located in Belfast, just 10 minutes from the city centre. The Ripple Effect offers a holistic approach to health and well-being.

I aim to treat each individual as a whole; mind, body and spirit, with treatments tailored to their needs. I believe making that one change, big or small, can have a ripple effect through our lives. I offer a range of treatments to help with relaxation, reducing anxiety, stress management and pain relief. Specialising in aromatherapy, reflexology, holistic therapies, deep tissue massage and a rang


Happy Mothers Day!

Wishing all the mother's out there a lovely and relaxing mother's day. You're doing a great job! 💪

Whether you're putting your feet up today and relaxing at home (well deserved) or treating yourself to a meal and drinks out. Remember that mothers deserve to have some me-time to relax and unwind daily, not just on mothers day.

Self-care can be anything that allows you to feel at ease, helps you relax and de-stress.
Whether that's a hot bubble bath with candles and wine (I mean herbal tea) 😇 trying out some meditation, yoga, or treating yourself to a Massage/Reflexology treatment. It can even be something as simple as ordering in and starting a new TV show.

Whatever it is that helps you to unwind, try to make that one change, allowing yourself to incorporate some regular relaxation into your life daily.

Thank you for all that you do. Happy Mothers Day. 💚✌️


Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 🍀



Monday blues can be a real struggle for some people. That dreaded Monday morning feeling. When that feeling is combined with the winter blues it can be hard to stay positive, or feel any motivation at all.

Having ‘the Winter blues’ is actually a real thing. The combination of the colder weather, shorter days, and the come-down from the holiday period, it's no surprise that it can be the time of year when many of us struggle with our health, mood and motivation. So, what better time to incorporate some essential oils into our routines.

I love burning oils at home to help with my mood and create a relaxing atmosphere.
Essential oils can be blended together in an oil burner or diffuser to help create a comfortable and relaxing setting, to motivate and focus the mind while working from home or to refresh, de-stress and unwind in your sanctuary. These amazing oils can help boost our mood, give relaxation, inspire motivation, or help with both our mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Here are just some Aromatherapy oils that can be beneficial for how we may be feeling at this time of year.

Uplifting oils - Bergamot, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Melissa, Orange, Palma Rosa, Rose, Rosewood.

Relaxation/Stress relief - Camomile, Frankincense, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Motivation - Basil, Black pepper, Lemongrass, Lime, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary

Immune system - Eucalyptus, Fennel, Grapefruit, Ginger, Melissa, Petitgrain, Rose, Sandalwood, Tea Tree

A very small amount of essential oil is needed, only a couple of drops. (Even less if blending oils within a cream/salts for the skin. Especially citrus oils.)

Please be aware of any contraindications of essential oils before us. Especially during pregnancy, If you are diabetic or suffer from epilepsy. If unsure then please seek advice before use.


Wishing you and yours a fun-filled and healthy 2023! May the new year bring you peace, joy, and happiness.

Thank you to all my lovely clients, I look forward to seeing you all in 2023.

Happy New Year from The Ripple Effect. 🎉



Thank you to my lovely clients for sticking with me throughout all the change of the last couple of years. It hasn't been easy but we always find a way. I am very grateful for your support and trust. I love seeing you all make that choice to invest in your health, gifting yourself the time to relax, recharge and rejuvenate with some self-care.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, a relaxing holiday season and a very Happy New Year. See you all in 2023. 💚 🥳


Mentha piperita

Peppermint essential oil has a sharp, fresh, minty, herbaceous aroma.

There are different types of Peppermint. They can be distinguished via their menthol content. Peppermint from the UK generally contains 60-70% menthol whereas Chinese or Japanese Peppermint (Cornmint) contains approx 85% and Peppermint from the USA contains approx 50% menthol.

Peppermint essential oil derived from Mentha piperita is considered to be superior to that of Mentha arvensis.

Contraindications: Do not use while pregnant. Do not use peppermint on babies and young children. Only use small amounts in blends for the skin and when using in the bath as it can irritate. Peppermint is a strong stimulant. Also, it is advised to avoid this oil if you are taking homeopathic remedies.

Peppermint soothes the stomach and aids digestion. It is very beneficial for all types of digestive problems including nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, indigestion, colic, muscle spasms/cramps and IBS.

Its pain-relieving properties are good for soothing muscular aches, pains and strains. It can help with asthma, toothaches, sore throat, sinusitis, dermatitis, eczema, period pain, irregular or lack of periods. Peppermint is useful for low blood pressure, poor circulations and varicose veins.

It can also be beneficial for headaches and migraines (particularly when combined with Lavender). Its high menthol content makes it a useful expectorant for respiratory conditions such as colds, flus, catarrh, coughs and bronchitis.

Peppermint essential oil has a soothing, cooling effect on the skin. It can help to reduce redness and inflammation and calm irritation and itchiness. It is good to use in a facial steam to deeply cleanse and decongest the skin, particularly where acne is present. (Very small quantities!)

Peppermint is excellent for tired feet, so it is lovely when added into a good quality foot cream. This can help keep the digestive system regular, ease cramps, pains, stress and fatigue. It has a refreshing and stimulating effect on the mind, gives mental clarity and helps keep the skin feeling fresh. Great for

I used to only think of Peppermint as the oil mostly good for digestion, muscular aches and pains, but its emotional uses are just as great. Peppermint helps to stimulate the mind and improve concentration, giving mental clarity, mental agility and focus. It is also beneficial for treating mental/physical fatigue, depression, shock, stress and feelings of negativity and insecurity.

Interestingly insects and vermin dislike peppermint oil. So it may be useful to burn this oil in an oil burner/diffuser or add it into a room spray at this time of year.

Blends well with: Benzoin, Camomile, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Rosemary, Tea Tree.

Do not apply essential oils undiluted to the skin. Never take essential oils internally. Always be aware of contraindications before use. Message me for advice before using essential oils with children, if you are pregnant, or suffer from epilepsy, diabetes, or high/low blood pressure.


World Reflexology Week - 19th - 25th September 2022

World Reflexology Week takes place from 19-25 September 2022 and relieving stress and tension is just what we all need right now as we go into the colder months.

Reflexology is an amazing treatment to help support health and well-being.

Five benefits of Reflexology:

• Relaxation
• Eliminates harmful toxins
• Improves nerve conduction and Blood circulation
• Helps with pain relief
• Promotes psychological wellness

These are just some of the incredible benefits you can receive from Reflexology.

I plan on posting more about Reflexology during World Reflexology Week.

If you have any questions or would like to try Reflexology yourself please contact me.


Can you list 5 things you are grateful for?
If this is too difficult at this time, then that's okay - try to list 3, be patient & start off small.

The great thing about keeping a gratitude journal is that it forces you to think about things you can be thankful for. These don’t need to be big things, you can be grateful for the air you’re breathing, the chair you’re sitting on or the device you’re reading this on.

While these things may seem like they aren’t big enough to be worth writing about, they are. Beginning with small things is a good way to get started & it can still have great benefits. The more you add to your list that you’re grateful for, the more you’ll start to notice a shift in your overall wellbeing, building an awareness of what you truly appreciate & are thankful for. The more comfortable & confident you become with your journaling, try to be more detailed by adding in why you are grateful for these things on your list. This is a powerful exercise to help show us what we are grateful for within our lives. It is so important to show some gratitude, thankfulness & appreciation for what we have. This increases our self-awareness & self-worth, inspires kindness, warmth & positivity.

There are many types of journaling that can benefit our mental health.

Keeping a daily mood diary/journal can keep us on the right track. Writing down how we truly feel, all our fears, anxieties, life issues & stresses is an amazing self-care tool to help us unload how we feel and let go of any negativity we no longer need. Sometimes seeing it all written down on paper can help us express ourselves, process & let go, or give us the strength to work through our issues. Keeping a journal is one of the many tools we can use to benefit our mental health & take control of our lives. By adding in this simple self-care daily, we can see the benefits ripple throughout our everyday life.

Journaling is so beneficial for the soul. We can write down how we truly feel with no judgement. It can help us understand & control our emotions better. By doing this it helps reduce stress & anxiety, giving us self-confidence, bringing inspiration & it can help lighten the load which helps improve our mood. Journaling is a great way to track our progress day to day. It can help us enforce healthy boundaries within our lives. It allows us to be mindful & gives the strength to move forward.

A manifestation journal can be a great way to manifest & attract what you want. Write down what you want or desire out of life, set yourself tasks & goals, try to visualise what you desire & have & hold clear intentions.

Gratitude journaling is an amazing daily practice to show gratitude & compassion for ourselves & others. It’s not only a great way to improve our writing & communication skills, but is a great way to help us realise what we have, what we want & what we are truly thankful for. So why not try writing down things in your life that you are truly grateful for?

Keeping a journal may not be for everyone or it may sound like a lot of work. If so, why not try this simple exercise to begin:

When you first wake up in the morning, before you get out of bed, why not try to list 5 things you are grateful for? This may sound easy & may-well-be for some, but for others this can be very challenging. If so, try to list 3 things you are grateful for & gradually work your way up. Start off small, be patient & give it time.


Happy Father's Day!

Wishing all the hard working Dads out there a Happy Father's Day. I hope you have a great day.

With life getting busier and ever changing, it is very easy to get stuck in auto-pilot - all work and no relaxation. We all deserve some me-time, whether that is going for a run, listening to your favourite tunes, a session at the gym, a steam in a sauna or heading for a sea swim. These are some great ways to let go of your worries and feel reinvigorated; but self-care doesn't always have to be something active. You can relax and put your feet up. We often think that self-care has to be a healthy meal cooked from scratch. Calming the mind with some deep meditations, or finding balance through the amazing practice of yoga, yes that would be amazing, and over time the benefits can be seen rippling throughout every part of our lives.

Self-care can be anything that makes you feel at ease, something that allows you to de-stress and feel relaxed at that time. It can even be a pint down at the local watching your favourite team, a lovely meal out or a takeaway ordered in. Whatever it is, just try to incorporate something you enjoy. This is self-care. Make that one change and others are likely to follow.

It is not surprising that a massage is one of the highly recommended options when it comes to self-care and making that first move into looking after yourself - mind, body and soul.

Whatever you do today, please try to ensure you take some me-time, to just do you.


Getting a massage is sometimes not very high on peoples’ to-do list. It is often thought of as a luxury-only purchase to pamper or treat yourself, a gift to others once a year, or as a last resort to pain/injury. Yes, massage is a wonderful treat, but we all deserve to add a regular massage to our self-care routines. More people are looking after themselves with regular exercise, healthier eating options & a lot more socialising, but what about mental & physical stress? Massage & other holistic therapies are a great way of tackling this stress & helping us maintain a level of mindfulness in our everyday lives.

I feel that massage is undeniably a valuable component in healthcare, with more doctors referring their patients for a massage because it has been shown to improve both physical & emotional wellbeing.

Massage has been shown to help reduce pain by loosening tight muscles & relieving tension in the body. It’s proven to decrease everyday aches & pains, while promoting a better quality of life for people with long-term health problems & chronic conditions.

Massage is also a great tool in relieving stress. Not only can massage help boost our mood by triggering the release of Oxytocin, & increasing our “happy hormones” Serotonin & Dopamine, it also lowers the stress hormone Cortisol. This hormone is essential in times of emergency but so many people are stuck in this state of stress which is harmful to the body.

Massage can be a powerful tool to help us with our mental health. Helping conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress & sleeping disorders. Regular massage can even help boost our confidence, self-esteem, poor self-image & increase our self-awareness. Taking some time out for yourself to incorporate self-care is half the battle. This can be very empowering, giving us support & allowing us to take charge of our own health & wellbeing.

Here are just some of the amazing benefits we gain from receiving regular massage & holistic therapies:

• Gives you a deep sense of relaxation
• Helps you handle stressful situations much better
• Gives support & a boost in mood, helping you unwind
• Boost in confidence, self-esteem & self-awareness
• Inspires motivation, productivity & increases mental alertness
• Revitalises the mind, allowing a deep calmness within
• Helps conditions such as anxiety, depression & insomnia
• Encourages feelings of comfort & stillness

• Helps to relieve tension, aches & pains. Eases muscle pain
• Pain management; helps you cope with ailments/chronic conditions
• Speeds healing time of soft tissue injuries
• Maintains the body to prevent injury from sports/exercise
• Improves muscle tone & skin tone
• Increases joint mobility & flexibility
• Can break up scar tissue
• Improves many skin conditions & may help elasticity & wrinkles
• Reduces physical effects of stress on the body by lowering the stress hormone, cortisol
• Can help lower blood pressure & heart rate
• Improves circulation
• Helps improve digestion
• Promotes healing with increased blood flow
• Helps you feel restored & improves sleep
• Boosts the immune function & stimulates the lymphatic system
• Boost in energy

• Builds self awareness, encourages self-love
• Promotes further self-care
• Builds confidence
• Gives deep comfort & support
• Increases awareness of the world around you
• Promotes a deep connection within your mind, body, & soul
• Helps you feel balanced & promotes tranquillity
• Revives, restores & rejuvenates the mind, body & soul

The benefits of receiving regular treatments are amazing & all this can be enhanced even further with the power of aromatherapy.

It is important to find the correct massage therapist & the best type of treatment that suits your needs, whether it is a massage, a holistic treatment or even reflexology. Most of the time this is decided during the consultation process, where we work together to gain the best results & ensure the meeting of expectations.


It is Mental Health Awareness Week - 9th-15th May 2022. This year's theme is loneliness.
Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation.

Most of us have experienced loneliness at some point in our lives, especially with these last few years drastically impacting our lives and taking a toll on our health mentally, emotionally and physically. Thus, increasing the amount of people living with mental health issues and living in loneliness.

We all know what loneliness feels like and feeling lonely from time to time is a normal part of life, but when loneliness is severe or lasts a long time, it can negatively affect our mental health.

This week is to help bring awareness to mental health issues and help tackle loneliness. You are not alone

One in four adults feel lonely some or all of the time. There’s no single cause and no one solution. The longer we feel lonely, the more we are at risk of mental health problems.

Yes, dealing with loneliness can be extremely difficult, but there are things we all can do to help cope with loneliness and prevent some of the negative feelings and mental health problems that can come with it. Here are some coping strategies that you might find useful.

• Keeping yourself busy with activities. This is a great way of trying to manage loneliness by keeping busy and doing things we enjoy. Finding fun hobbies such as arts and crafts, candle making, reading, a bit of gardening, going to the gym or even smaller activities such as sorting out your kitchen cupboards, doing jigsaws, crosswords, word searches or knitting. Small activities can give you energy and help increase positive feelings. It’s important these things are fun or fulfilling rather than distractions from how you feel.

• Try to do things that stimulate your mind. Stimulating activities that occupy your mind can really help with loneliness. This can include taking workshops or joining courses that spark an interest within you. Start small with stimulating crosswords, word searches, or puzzles. You could even try listening to podcasts on topics from comedy, cookery to fitness. This can be stimulating and something as simple as listening to the familiar voice of someone you like can help you feel less lonely.

• Physical activity. Physical exercise can definitely help with loneliness. It can be as simple as going on a nice walk in the park when you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. Set yourself tasks/goals such as smiling at a passer by, saying hello to a stranger or sparking up a conversation with someone new.

• Music. Listening to music can be healing in itself, it can help us express ourselves through the creativity of others, allowing us to let go of stress and sadness or give us a boost in mood and hormones. This is another great way of getting in some exercise, why not turn the music on and have a boogie and singalong in the living room - be aware of your neighbours though.

• Engage with people. Try to engage with the people you meet in your daily life. It can be hard to talk to others when you’re feeling lonely. However, trying to connect with the people you meet as you go about your day can be helpful. Even catching someone’s eye and saying “Hi” as you walk along can make you and even them feel better. It is a simple way of building up your confidence while lessening your feelings of loneliness. Why not try saying hello to the postwoman/postman or going to the shops and talking to the person at the checkout. By sharing a polite greeting – you might find you give someone else a positive lift too.

• Social media. Try to use social media in a positive way. Social media can help your mental health, but it can also affect it negatively. The key is to use it in a positive way. Try finding different pages, selfcare blogs, digital communities that you share interests and passions with, or information on local groups that can help. Most importantly be aware of how you feel when you use social media and focus on topics and activities that work best for you.

• Connect with people. It can be hard to connect with others when you’re feeling lonely. But there are great benefits in finding people who have been through similar experiences to you. Interacting with others that understand you and have similar experiences with loneliness can give you a sense of belonging that may be missing. People who have been there have found connections in local groups or social media.

• Pets. Spending time with pets, if you are lucky enough to have a pet, can be a great way of managing loneliness. Not only do animals provide us with unconditional love and support, but they also help to give structure to our days and even encourage us to get out and connect with others socially. Interacting with your pets is also shown to help reduce stress levels.

• Holistic therapies. Holistic treatments such as massage, reflexology, meditation and yoga are all great ways of promoting some self-care with their physiological and psychological benefits. Helping reduce pain, muscle tension, while reducing stress levels and promoting feelings of well-being and connection to ourselves and others.

• Talking therapies can help. Talking through your feelings with a counsellor or therapist can help you cope with your feelings of loneliness. Talking therapy can be hard to get, especially as of late – but if you can find a professional, it can really be of benefit. It’ll provide you with a safe space to work through your feelings and thoughts without judgement. Allowing you to understand yourself and work mindfully and patiently. Check out your local resources by visiting the NHS website or contacting your GP.

These are just some ideas and strategies that may help us while struggling with loneliness.

Please feel free to comment below and share any of your ideas for coping with loneliness and help bring awareness during mental health awareness week.


Black Pepper | Piper Nigrum

Black Pepper essential oil has a spicy, woody fragrance. It has been used as a culinary and medicinal spice for over 4000 years.

In modern day aromatherapy, Black Pepper essential oil is particularly useful for digestive problems, muscle pain, stiffness and fatigue.

Contra-indications: Be careful if you have any kidney issues as too much of this essential oil could over-stimulate the kidneys or irritate sensitive skin. Also some believe that this oil should be avoided in pregnancy.

Black Pepper essential oil is extremely useful in massage blends for muscle pain, stiffness, fatigue, rheumatism and arthritis.

This oil is excellent to use before/after any sports/exercise as it promotes blood flow and improves the circulation.

Black Pepper can be beneficial for digestive complaints such as flatulence and constipation.

It is known to stimulate the kidneys and the spleen, therefore may be useful for anaemia. It may also help issues with the liver and stomach.

Black pepper is one of my absolute favourite essential oils with its warming, stimulating qualities, it can give comfort and uplift the mind. It warms the heart when indifferent. This oil can be a great help when we are struggling to let go of feelings of anger or fear. When we are low-on-energy it can give us a boost with its strengthening qualities.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Ylang ylang.

Do not apply essential oils undiluted to the skin. Never take essential oils internally. Always be aware of contraindications before use. Message me for advice before using essential oils with children, if you are pregnant, or suffer from epilepsy, diabetes, or high/low blood pressure.


Wishing you all a great easter break filled with family, friends, love and laughter! 🌷 🐇 🐣


Wishing all the mothers a very happy mothers day.

I hope you all get spolit and pampered today. You deserve it.
Show yourself some appreciation with some self care today if not everyday.

Go ahead and book that Reflexology or Massage appointment that you haven't had time for.
You are worth it.

I hope you all enjoy this lovely spring day, we all lost an hour of sleep with the clocks going forward but mothers are well used to that.

Have a great Mothering Sunday.


Why not give the gift of self care to the wonderful women in our lives.

I know they're worth it, but you don't need to spend a fortune for Mother's day - especially in these recent times.

Why not impress this year with some lovely homemade bath salts to help encourage your mum to have some me-time. Adding aromatherapy oils to some bath salts is a great way to help promote some much needed self-care, while allowing them to relax the mind, let go of stress, replenish the skin and sooth their aches and pains away.

There are different kinds of salts that have different benefits. I do plan to post loads of information about these amazing salts and the beneficial effects they give, but do feel free to DM me in the mean time if you would like some advice on choosing your salts and oils.

For Mother's day I recommend using some Pink Himalayan Salt or Dead Sea Salt - usually found in 500g/1kg bags.

In a large bowl mix 500g of bath salt with your chosen oils. The amount of essential oil varies. I recommend between 5-10 drops of each oil to be added straight into the salt. Beware of skin irritating oils such a citrus oils. Once mixed, add your lovely scented therapeutic salts into a nice air-tight glass jar.

Here are some essential oils great for the women in our lives, especially at this time of year.

Lavender: Great for relaxation, helps sooth the skin and a good all rounder.

Grapefruit: Known as a natural Spring cleaner, this oil is great at this time of year. Very little is needed as too much will irritate the skin. Amazing for the lymphatic system, helps tired skin and cellulite. It revives and uplifts our spirits.

Rose and Melissa: These are powerful feminine oils. They are beneficial for any gynaecological problems, great for the skin and for reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Bergamot: Very uplifting, it promotes relaxation, helps when feeling low and is great for skin and urinary problems. (Photo-toxic)

Geranium: Do not use during pregnancy. It is very balancing for the hormonal system, it can help with depression, anxiety and menopausal conditions.

Jupiter: Do not use during pregnancy. It has a cleansing and detoxifiying effect, it gently stimulates and revitalises. It can be used in the bath for menstrual problems.

Clary Sage: It has a euphoric and uplifting effect. Very little is needed. Great for stress. It can be beneficial if struggling with headaches and migraines.

Camomile: Do not use in the early stages of pregnancy. It is a very soothing oil, it gives patience, and promotes peace. It helps calm the mind and may help conditions such as insomnia, IBS and muscle pain.

These are some powerful, healing and relaxing oils. Please be aware of any contraindications before use. DM me for advice.


Happy International Women's day!

Showing love and appreciation for all women. 👏 💪

I hope you know how important you really are, please use this day (if not everyday) to show some appreciation for yourself and all the other amazing women around you.

Why don't you use today to treat yourself or treat the amazing women in your life. You could have a girls night in, book dinner out or show some appreciation for yourself and book that much needed treatment.

"Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated."


Winter is on its way out & little signs of spring are coming to life.

For a lot of us it has been a very challenging winter & we are looking forward to that fresh springtime feeling.

A good walk can do wonders for our mental & physical wellbeing.
I know it may be too cold for some but when it’s cold, your body works harder to maintain your core temperature. You therefore expend more calories in this process. Colder temperatures can help people think more clearly, so if you’re struggling to focus whilst working from home, or you are juggling childcare at the same time, you may benefit from getting outdoors for a lovely winter walk. Breathe in some fresh crisp air & take in all the changes in nature.

It can be very refreshing for the soul to have a walk in nature, connecting with all its sights, sounds, & scents. Checking in with yourself & taking in all the scenery can turn an ordinary walk into a healing and tranquil experience, giving us an appreciation of life, helping soothe the soul & calm the mind, while exercising the body. Allowing us to forget about our stresses & simply focus on being in the present, at one with nature.

Research has shown that walking on a daily basis can help lessen stress & symptoms associated with chronic mental illnesses such as anxiety & depression. It has been shown that walking outdoors can boost our production levels of chemicals such as serotonin & endorphins, which can improve our well-being, help boost our mood & have a ‘restorative’ property on our mental health, helping to create a break away from regular routine & lead our minds away from stressful situations.

Physically active people have up to a 30% reduced risk of becoming depressed & staying active helps those who are depressed recover.

It is often overlooked as a form of exercise, but walking briskly can help you build stamina, burn excess calories, help maintain a healthy weight, improve muscle & bone health & even make your heart healthier & keep your brain young.

You do not have to walk for hours. Studies have shown that people who regularly walk briskly for half an hour, five days a week, were likely to have a lower BMI than people who are less active. Even a brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits & counts towards your recommended 150 minutes of weekly exercise.

Regular brisk walking can help you:

• Maintain a healthy weight & lose body fat
• Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer & type 2 diabetes
• Improve cardiovascular fitness
• Strengthen your bones & muscles
• Improve muscle endurance
• Increase energy levels
• Improve your mood, cognition, memory & sleep
• Improve your balance & coordination
• Strengthen immune system
• Reduce stress & tension & fatigue
• Mental health issues such as anxiety & depression

Obviously the faster, farther & more frequently you walk, the greater the health benefits.

A lovely scenic winter walk is a great way to get some ‘me’ time, let go of stress & be in the now.
Why not take advantage of the alone time & enhance your winter walk by trying some walking meditations? A walking meditation is designed to bring body & mind in sync while we’re out & about. So if you don’t like to sit & close your eyes to meditate, this is a great alternative that still trains the mind in awareness.

For more information about the benefits walking can bring, or where to find some great walking meditations, please feel free to DM me.

Or why not comment & share your favourite safe spots for a lovely walk?

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298 Cregagh Road

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 12pm - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm

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