Safe Space

Safe Space is a page for those who any form of mental health conditions, mental health matters.


If I told you I use to hate myself most of my life it would probably take you by surprise upon meeting me now.
If you didn't know me, you'd have probably never known that I used to think of myself as a monster and that I thought I didn't deserve good things.
That I'd speak horribly to myself and date people that did the same.
And well, you get the picture.
A lot of people love to shun the person they use to be. They love to say things like, " Oh, I don't even recognize that person anymore," or that person is gone... I don't even want to know them."
Well, i do not do that. I instead love that person i was, too, and that's how I became this person now, by doing exactly that.
I had to love her and pull her close because that's what she needed. She was strong.. she held on no matter what happened, she was so so strong! Beautiful.. resilient, smart.. a lover.
How could I say anything terrible? How could I reject her? She held on long enough to get to the women I am now...
I do not reject any parts of myself that I know of.
And, I will tell you, the thing that made this clear, the thing that allowed this all to happen was for me to go back and understand her.. and I will share with you a little secret on how...

When I was in the middle of my deep shadow work a few years ago, I decided to grab a picture of myself from when I was little, maybe about 7. This was actually for another reason. and I was sure I had my focus on the right person, ( the reason I actually grabbed the picture was because there was someone else in the picture I was suppose to go back and confront) but because they are not here, I chose a picture attached to a ritual instead...
well.. I'll tell you, caught by my surprise.. my focus went directly on my child self instead of the other person in the picture.
My eyes were so deeply focused that I couldn't break them away..
It's like I was there..
I just starred at myself and cried.
I was so taken by the way I reacted..
I looked at myself differently for once! And that was so badly needed for years..
I was a little girl!
How could I have hated and rejected a little girl?
Now, maybe it hit different because I am also a mother now, but I will tell you, I wanted to jump in that picture and hold myself.
I wanted to tell myself how brave and special I was, and how I was so so sorry that they hurt us and that no one protected us.. but that I have us now, I will protect you (us) and love you and I will be the safe adult we never had!
I'm telling you, I cried and cried.. and I loved my little self more than any soul ever had before.
I pulled her close to me because I realized she was my core.
My love,
My resilience..
She had no idea the world was going to leave a mark on her soul at such a young age..
But look at us!
We got through it!
I just remember saying, " I love you, I love you, I love you" over and over again. It just poured out of me..
It's like I become one with a part of myself. And then it all made sense.
I made sense!
And it was one more step in the direction of self love..
I have come an even longer way from then and it is a truly freeing feeling..
It's so so bittersweet too!
That's the part of healing...
When you mend yourself, it hurts to see how much bad you allowed around yourself, what you allowed yourself to believe, and how the world made you believe it.
I'm telling you, when you do this hard work.. when you finally understand.. when you go back to hell to bring yourself back over and over again..
You won't let just anyone come in and destroy that! You won't surround yourself with people who don't treat you the way you deserve!
When you get your worth back, it changes everything!
When you realize the life you lived and your way of thinking was all created by those people that hurt you, when you finally realize you were never the monster....but them!?
You my friend will be unrecognizable.
The you now, I mean..

When you get yourself back, your life will never be the same again, because you won't be the same.

When you you go back to save yourself, when you claim all those parts of yourself you've split away from you for so long.. then you become an even stronger version of yourself..

Because you become whole.

And I hope you see through me that it is absolutely possible. No matter what you've been through.

We all deserve to live a life we had the right to have when we were created.

So please be strong!

Don't let the monsters win.

Fight for yourself instead and keep going on your journey..

Believe ✨️

©️Magdalena Moon 🌙
Dancing With Darkness


There are moments in life that hurt big.

Like, really big.

Moments that shatter your heart into a million pieces.
Moments that make you question the point of it all.
Moments that make you doubt the future of humanity.
Moments that make it hard to find hope or light.
Moments that make you want to scream, cry, and shout.
Moments that make you feel completely out of control.
Moments that make you feel like you can’t find any air to fill your lungs.
Moments that make you feel like you are falling apart.
Moments that make you actually fall apart and send your world crumbling down around you.

When those moments hit you - and they will - because it seems no one is immune to moments like that, remember to reach out and hold on.

Reach out even if you can’t see where you are reaching.
Hold on even if it feels like holding on is the last thing you can do.

Reach out and believe that the people that love you most will find their way to you.
Hold on and remember that even the darkest moments are just moments in time.

Those moments will move on, leaving new moments in their place.
And in those new moments you will find love, support, and hope.

Keep reaching out.
Keep holding on.

Better moments are ahead.
They have to be.


Some food for thought today.

You’re wellbeing is important too!

I forgot I left out the flowers after coming home from the grocery store. I’d spent an embarrassing amount of time deciding whether even to get flowers.
When it comes to buying flowers for friends to cheer them up, I don’t hesitate. But flowers for myself? It felt too indulgent. Then I felt torn between buying flowers that cost less or buying the ones I wanted: Lilies.
I decided to go for it, placing the lilies in my cart. But they ended up on the countertop at home that night. Because I was rushing to get dinner on the table, by the time the family gobbled up the food and washed the dishes, it was too late.
I forgot to put the flowers in water! They were neglected, put to the side. The petals all wilted.
So many times, I feel like those wilted flowers, worn and exhausted because I’ve neglected my emotional and physical well-being. I get so busy taking care of everyone else, I forget who cares about my well-being.
Do you, too, ever feel like those lilies, in need of nurturing? Do you find it easy to put your heart to the side?
The Universe understands all the hard circumstances surrounding you. Yet your well-being is at the very centre of It’s heart. You are It’s beloved child. The universe and all it’s spirits cares for you.
How you feel is important to the Universe. It sees how you’re really doing. It wants you to take care of yourself because It loves you.
Having grown up as one of the oldest children in a difficult family, I’m an encourager by nature. I find it easier taking care of others, yet so often I forget my own well-being needs tending to … until I end up feeling exhausted and burned out with stress and worry.
Are you worried about so many needs around you that you’ve forgotten you, too, are worth taking care of?
Let’s get practical. Maybe you’re wondering, What is a simple way to remind myself of the Universe’s love for me Soul Care Tip: Buy yourself flowers. A University study found that simply looking at flowers improves emotional health; the presence of flowers triggered happy emotions in participants, increasing feelings of life satisfaction. Flowers are a Universal given, natural mood enhancer!
Today, when you feel pressures pressing in, here is truth you can hold on to and breathe in.
Do something that brings you joy.�Do something that brings you peace.�Do something that brings you beauty.
And hear the Universe whispering: �I love you and care for your every need. I love you
You are worth investing in, taking care of and nurturing.
The happy ending to my story is that I learned Lilly petals freshen up when placed in warm water. A few hours later, my flowers were refreshed again!
Your heart will also be refreshed, just like flowers blooming in the warmth of the sun, when you take time to rest and enjoy what brings you peace and joy.
It’s never too late to run into the arms of our loving Universe, who cares


To free us from the expectations of others, to give us back to ourselves - there lies the greatest singular power of self-respect. ~ Joan Didion


You’re used to being the strong one.
You know what it’s like to be alone and facing battles that feel overwhelming.
But that’s your life and you’ve long accepted it the way it is.
You’re not going to be a victim, complain or seek help to get through your days,
For you have long known that you alone will be the one fighting for your peace, survival and sometimes, sanity.
Truly, all you seek is happiness…
And it’s often the one thing that eludes you
But you’ll keep showing up and keep trying.
That’s who you are and how you are built…
Pieces together from the often broken pieces of the times that you’ve fallen apart and gotten back up and tried again.
Lovers have broken your heart, friends have let you down and people have disappointed you.
But you still keep hoping and loving anyways.
You won’t let the failures of the past darken your hopes for the future.
You believe in love, dreams and yourself.
You fight to become the woman you want to be.
You choose to never give up.
You’re many things, but you’ll never stay in one spot and doesn’t expect perfection in your life..
But you push yourself every day to be better than you was yesterday.
Maybe someone will come along one day that doesn’t try to tame your wild heart and won’t seek to cage your passionate spirit,
But you haven’t found it yet…
But it doesn’t mean you will give up hope.
But until that day,
You will do what you always have done.
Pick up your sword and fight the battles with unrelenting strength and fiery resolve.
You’re a unique and strong woman..
And that’s just what you do.
You know the sun always rises on a new day..
So you keep dreaming of the day when you will see the sunrise holding the hand of the one you love.
Then, you will finally be able to rest.


Hope you’re having a good start to your year


Here’s food for thought as we enter a new year.
A good life is an intentional life. We are not defined simply as a reaction to who others want us to be. Nor be ruled by meaningless distraction or maniacal busyness without purpose. We are here to live, not surrender. To embrace meaning. To love unconditionally. To give without expectation. To settle into solitude. To make meaning. To participate, not watch. To create, not copy. To be unapologetically ourselves. To rise up, and help others rise. I believe that this moment seeds every moment. Vulnerability is a virtue. Life is growth, stagnation is death. Presence beats presents. Compassion is a gateway to connection. Life is a co-creative process. With rare exception, everything is better when it’s shared. These things I know. These things, on my best days, I aspire to live. And, yes, I am now and always will be a work in progress. It’s called being human. A good life is not a place at which I arrive, it is a lens through which I see and create my world. It is lived this moment. And the next. And the next. Let’s do this despite what’s being thrown at us!!!!


My hope for everyone is that this time of the year brings you happiness. Not because of presents, not because of delicious food and treats. My hope is you are known, you are loved, you matter and whatever happens tomorrow, you are not alone. Peace, love and light this Christmas


Just imagine that you finally reach the summit of your journey and at first you think that you are done. But then you look at the vast world before you and realise that this is the first climb of many. You see other mountain tops and you see dark ravines between. Life is like that for all of us, we climb up once only to realise that there are other summits to be climbed, dark ravines that you must walk through. It’s not simple or easy but no one ever promised us that life would be easy. So the choice is upon you. Do you stay at that mountain top and go no further, settling for that one victory? Or do you face what lies ahead and push yourself on? By settling you only get what you have got, but journeying on you discover and become more. You grow just as the mountains ahead of you grow, you discover that you are more than you ever imagined you could be. Take the journey, grow and become who you are truly meant to be.


It’s been a while. How is everyone doing? Is there anything that anyone would like to talk about, remember that this is a safe space


Some pondering thoughts. Here is a truth you often don’t hear:

Traumatized women have the potential to become the most powerful people in this world.
The most ignorant members of society call this type of woman “damaged.” But she is the most powerful type of woman there is.
What they forget is that survivors have the most dangerous advantage of all: resilience.
When you try and you try but you can never bring a woman down, you’ll know there is no going back.
Don’t fool yourself. You could never defeat her. You never will.
This is the woman who will always rise from the dead; Lady Lazarus, after going through hell and back.
This is the woman who has burned her feet in the flames time and time again and always lives to tell another tale – even if she has to crawl back to life. . . .
When someone tells her, “You can’t do it,” she says, “Watch me.”
She is fiery light birthed out of wintery darkness. Brought into the underworld by Hades, Persephone brings forth spring and rebirth when she reemerges finally from the cold.
She owns her shadows and seamlessly weaves them into the fabric of her freedom, creativity, imagination and independence. . . .
She lived all of her nightmares in high definition. She was given every reason to give up, handed every justification to never believe in herself or anyone.
But there is raw magic in the ways in which she cultivates a faith in herself, to manifest the dreams her soul was meant to bring forth.
Despite it all, she still conquers.
She still survives and thrives.
The “damaged” woman is capable of immense manifestation not just in spite of, but because of the traumas she has gone through.
There is no one more motivated than a woman who has constantly been told what she cannot do or who she cannot be throughout her lifetime.
There is no one more determined to succeed than someone who has nothing left to lose.
The “damaged” woman doesn’t sign up for the hardships of her journey – but she plays the hell out of the cards she’s been dealt.
The “damaged” woman is not damaged at all – she is wounded, and in channeling and healing her wounds, she becomes the source of incredible energy, the site of unbelievable potential for abundance and change.
She possesses the power to use her wounds for the greater good and her highest good.
She builds her own success and becomes her own rugged hero; tends to her own scraped knees.
She uses every stone thrown at her to build the foundation for her empire.
Brick by brick she builds – and despite every attempt to tear her walls down, she rescues herself again and again.
Despite it all, this type of survivor may still face hatred, envy, greed from those around her. . . .
As a result, she becomes the survivor of countless witch hunts, the target of many persecutors. Yet when they try to burn her at the stake, she does what comes naturally: she resurrects herself. . . .
Now when she creates, she creates new worlds and transforms and manifests on a level that cannot be recreated by someone who never had to struggle to survive.
When you hear the voice of a powerful survivor and the will of a warrior – there is nothing you can do but to stop and listen.
She is the voice of a million lifetimes lived.
She is the voice of the hopeless and the powerless when the fire is brought back to their eyes. She is the harbinger of the justice that the voiceless have longed to hear and feel and touch.
Regardless of how much you try and how it may seem, you can never truly bring a survivor like this to her knees; she already knows the value her scars bring.
She knows how to fill the cracks between her wounds with gold.
She knows how to transform each bitter word cast upon her into an iron-clad will that will set her and other caged birds free.
You can’t ever defeat a “damaged” woman, she will always rise with fire in her veins


You’ve been through a thousand things in your life people don’t even know about.
You’ve experienced things that shook you, changed you, broke you, built you and taught you to be stronger than you ever thought you had the ability to be.
And you are who you are for all of it.
So the next time someone judges you based on a small part of what they see and how they interpret that, remember who you are, remember how much you’ve overcome and smile and keep walking because you don’t have a single thing to prove to anyone else.
You’ve already proved so much to yourself who muddled through storms that people didn’t see because of how well you carried yourself ..

~ Unknown ~

Artist Credit : Nom Kinnear King & Adam Oehlers


If there is anyone that wants to share any troubles, this is a safe space to talk. As a trained life coach, I’m always ready to listen without judgement. Sometimes sharing with strangers is more easier than to share with friends and family


I’m not perfect
Sometimes I don’t feel pretty
Sometimes I don’t feel worth it
Sometimes I don’t want to fight
Sometimes I’m fighting myself
But damm it, I’m worth it 
I don’t have to barter for my worth
I don’t have to pay someone for it
I can allow myself to feel it
I came out of my mothers womb worthy


Even on your worst days, still try to repeat these words

TikTok · ally robinson 21/06/2023

TikTok · ally robinson 20K likes, 168 comments. “What if”


Self love is the message and medicine.
And this is why we embody self love ❤️
Everything changes when we love ourselves and love from our higher self vibration!

Self-love, a tonic for the soul,
A balm that heals and makes us whole,
A treasure trove of purest gold,
Its benefits are manifold.

Physically, it brings us ease,
A calm that soothes like gentle breeze,
Reduced stress and lowered pain,
Self-love helps our bodies gain.

Emotionally, it lifts us high,
Fills us with a sense of pride,
Self-acceptance, kind and true,
Self-love brings a brighter hue.

Mentally, it frees the mind,
A clarity that's here to find,
No more doubts, no more fears,
Self-love dries up all our tears.

Spiritually, it sets us free,
A deep connection that we see,
With the universe and all its might,
Self-love opens up new light.

Biochemically, it works its magic,
Neurotransmitters become fantastic,
Serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin too,
Self-love brings a chemical brew.

In every way, self-love abounds,
A medicine that's always around,
Its benefits are vast and wide,
Self-love, an essential guide.

So love yourself, with all your heart,
And feel your well-being start.

"I forgive myself for any past mistakes or shortcomings and choose to move forward with love and compassion."

"I am grateful for my unique qualities and gifts, and I honour them with love and acceptance."

"I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me in my journey of self-love."

"I know how to allow myself to receive love and kindness from myself and others."

"I am worthy of love and respect, and I choose to honour and value myself."

"I know how to identify and release all limiting beliefs about my worthiness and embrace a deep sense of self-love."

"I know how to feel I am deserving of all the love and abundance that life has to offer, and I open myself up to receive it with an open heart."

"I know how to fully love and accept myself, just as I am."

"I know how to release all self-judgment and criticism, and embrace self-love."


There were so many times I didn’t think I would make it..
When I thought heartbreak, life or failure would finally overwhelm me.
The days when everything that could go wrong did and it took everything I had just to keep going.
People would tell me I’m strong, brave or whatever word they chose to use..
I just called it survival.
I didn’t have the answers and I rarely knew the way, all I knew for sure was that I couldn’t quit.
Underneath the misery and past the darkness in my life was a flickering light that kept calling to me..
It would whisper to me amidst my struggle..
“Don’t give up.”
Every time I wanted to throw in the towel, each time I thought I was done,
I would think of that distant light and muster up my courage to pick myself up, dust myself
off and press forward.
It was always painful and hard, never without strife and struggle, but I always found my way.
I had always lived in a constant state of fear-
holding my breath waiting for the next bad thing, heartache or disappointment.
That’s a tough place to live when you’re always expecting disaster around every corner.
I got to a point where I just got tired.. tired and fed up.
I was sick of living my life fighting for survival every day, holding onto the painful past and thinking that what I was doing would change my present or future.
All the anger, shame and guilt of where I’d been were burning me like a branding iron..
Searing the fear into my psyche that I couldn’t shake, shackling me and weighing me down so heavily I could barely smile.
I hit that wall and something inside of me clicked.
I was done living afraid of what might happen, who might hurt me or what could go wrong.
It would take a long journey and many battles, but I was determined to change my mindset, my heart and free my soul.
Looking back now, I realize that choice saved my life, because my downward spiral would have consumed me whole.
Maybe I don’t have the answers or even know where I’m going some days, but I know I’ll end up where I’m meant to be.
I found that distant light that was calling to me for so long was the love for myself that was just waiting to be found.
So, yes, I started over, stumbled and fell..
But I also rose again, dug myself out and found my wings.
My life isn’t perfect and won’t ever be,
But with love in my heart and peace in my soul, I’m living my life and finding my love just the way I was always meant to.
For me, by me, because of me.
Beautiful, strong and free.


Nurture Your Inner Adult.

In Buddhism, there’s a saying: “No one is in charge.” There’s no god, government, lover, or therapist who can take responsibility for your happiness or do the work you need to do in order to train your mind so it guides you in the right direction. We think we know this, but if we really did, we’d have much different priorities.

People often ask, “How can I hold myself accountable?” That’s the wrong question to start with. First, you need to check if you’re seeking a child’s accountability or an adult’s. Child-accountability is based on avoiding punishment. Don’t do that or Dad will yell. Don’t say that or Mom will make you feel guilty. People often base their whole lives on child-accountability. They stay in romantic relationships because they’re scared of what people will do or think if they leave. They make career-decisions based on avoiding the disapproval of bosses and colleagues. A life based on child-accountability is not something to aspire to, nor will it make you happy.

Adult-accountability, on the other hand, begins with the recognition that you are more important than your accomplishments. You’re more important than your credit score. You’re more important than the number of Instagram followers you have. And yes, there will be times when you need to clean up areas of your life, but you’re going to do that as an adult tasked with taking care of herself, not a child atoning for misbehavior. If you find yourself getting fearful when people criticize, judge, or compete with you, there’s probably an undeveloped voice within you that isn’t able to remind you clearly that who you are is more important than what you achieve.

So nurture your inner adult. Inner-child work is important, but someone has to look after that kid. Learn to talk to yourself in a kind-but-firm parent voice, telling yourself, “I love you no matter what, and I will protect you from inner and outer harm, no matter what.” That should be the first item on your to-do list, every day.


Deep are the wounds women have endured for centuries.
The pain, the shame, the injustice, the injury and anger runs deep in our cellular memory...
Somehow we must find a way to renew ourselves genetically and heal inside all the way to the Core of who we are.
Consciously we believe we are no longer attached to the past, we believe that we are not our mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers sold in slavery or subjugated.
Yet, we carry within our DNA our ancestor's sorrows...hidden deep in our subconscious, so deep that we are not even aware of it.
Because our grandmothers' and mothers' memories are still with us, we can feel them when we allow ourselves to stay in relationships that hurt so much, when we continue to allow ourselves to be used and abused, when we continue to be angry with our partners for insignificant things, when we allow to be disrespected at work or when we hide our magnificence.
When centuries old wounds will heal deep in our veins and cells, we will no longer accept to be surrounded by those who are blind to who we are, we will be repelled by disrespect and what is insulting to our soul.
Becoming aware of these ancient wounds will open the door to evolution...
The day has come when we are no longer in bo***ge. Now we are free from within, responding to the calling of our heart the way it pleases us.
For we have nobody above to dictate how to feel and how to act. We are sovereign beings, Ancient Souls now stepping into the most extraordinary awakening ever.
Never in previous times, so many of us lived life embracing a new reality, a reality based on self-respect honoring the deepest place in our heart and soul as sacred.
And it is just the beginning...Many of our brothers are also waking up from their own historical nightmare. Many are ready to soften their hearts and meet us half way, now together creating a new reality where none is above the other, but equals contributing together to the betterment of this world.
For it is not us and them, we are ONE and together we can make this world a better place for all.
Let us, dear sisters soften our own hearts and create a sacred space where reciprocal healing and loving is possible.
For what is Healing, but a deep remembering of our Soul being free of burdens that get in the way of living a life of joy, peace and Sacred Service for the good of all.

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