Emi Souza

Private & Group Empowerment Coaching For Women Make peace with food & body and live you best life!

Photos from Emi Souza's post 08/09/2024

So, what's body freedom❔️⁠

Body freedom is about releasing the constraints of societal expectations and developing a nurturing, accepting and connected relationship with our bodies⁠

It is not required that we LOVE how our bodies look at all times, that's not even realistic ⁠
but we can learn how to love our bodies, like we love the people in our lives ⁠

Your partner, family, friends, or pets...⁠
I am sure they are super cute, but they aren't perfect all the time⁠
and still, you love them as they are - perfectly imperfect ⁠

Body freedom is closely tied to embodiment 🌊⁠
the practice of fully inhabiting our bodies and connecting with them on a deep, somatic and intuitive level⁠

When we engage in embodiment practices, we’re not just passively accepting our bodies⁠
We’re actively participating in a loving, accepting and respectful relationship with them⁠

Because you can't embody what you hate⁠
And the more connected you feel, the more empowered you get⁠

By tuning into our bodies and listening to their wisdom, we reclaim our power and agency 🔥⁠

Empowerment through body freedom means saying “NO” to harmful ideals ⁠
and “YES” to authenticity, liberation, and radical self-acceptance⁠

It’s about standing in our truth and knowing that our worth isn’t dictated by appearance ⁠
but by the kindness of our hearts and the strength we cultivate within⁠

This journey—moving from body freedom to embodiment to empowerment—is a holistic path toward self-love and profound personal growth ✨️⁠

Do you resonate with it?⁠ ⁠


This concept will transform the way you approach recovery 👇

Did you know body hate is the evil root of all eating disorders and the reason why so many people “relapse” after going through traditional recovery programmes⁠?

It's where everything starts
It's the single reason why anyone would put themselves in a restrict diet (outside special medical conditions)

Once I was able to let go of self hate and rewire new self loving beliefs, I became able to:
✨ enjoy quality time with my loved ones
✨ I stopped using exercise to “make up” for something I’ve eaten
✨ I finally started to feel normal around food!

Food Freedom is truly LIFE-CHANGING!⁠

⁠For step-by-step guidance material to help you install new beliefs and a safe and non-judgmental group of like-minded women going through the same as you, enrol now in our Free* Empowered Eating Mini Masterclass! "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO BREAKING THE BINGE HABIT"
*for limited time

We will be there to keep you accountable and celebrate progress, no matter how big or small! ⁠

Join us today, and let's embark on a transformative journey together! 🚀🌟 link in bio .eating.programme⁠


"When a woman is too long gone from home, she is less and less able to propel herself forward in life

Instead of pulling in the harness of her choice, she's dangling from one

She's so cross-eyed with tiredness she trudges right on past the place of help and comfort

The dead litter is comprised of ideas, chores, and demands that don't work - have no life - and bring no life to her

Such a woman becomes pale yet contentious, more and more uncompromising, yet scattered. Her fuse burns shorter and shorter

Popular culture calls this "burnout", but it's more than that 👉🏼 It's hambre del alma, the starving soul

Then she knows, she MUST return home."

📚 Women Who Run With The Wolves,
Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Join my Spirals, Circle & Waves 🌀, a 30-minute beginner-friendly online embodiment class inside the Embody Community - so you can too return home 🤍✨ - link in the comments to RSVP for FREE!

Silent Battles New Subscribers 19/04/2024

I created a new newsletter for you!
It's called Silent Battles 🍩 it's about exposing the truths about your relationship with food and giving you practical tools AND hope!

This is for you, if you have been in a constant battle with food, have tried EVERYTHING under the sun and feel alone in your journey

Get ready to dig deep into the ups and downs of our food journeys with this eye-opening email series 🤩

Whether you're in the thick of your own struggles, supporting a friend, or just curious about this wild ride we call food freedom, you've landed in the perfect spot

Let's Get Real. Let's Get Free.

Over the next few days, we're diving headfirst into those silent battles so many of us face with food. From busting myths to sharing stories of strength and growth, our series is your go-to for insights, support, and the tools to navigate your relationship with food

👉🏼Let's Bust Some Myths: Say goodbye to all those misconceptions that have been holding you back.

👉🏼Let's Find Our Zen: Discover tips and tricks for finding peace and balance in your food journey.

👉🏼Let's Share Stories: Connect with real people who've walked the same path and come out stronger on the other side.

Join me as we unpack the emotional, physical, and mental sides of our relationships with food.

This series isn't just about the tough stuff—it's about finding hope, embracing change, and taking back control.

Ready to Dive In? Let's Go!

This series will only be sent to those who opt in.
So please hit that subscribe button https://www.emisouza.com/silent-battles-new to kickstart your journey toward a healthier, happier and peaceful relationship with food 😋

*available for only for a limited time

Because we're all in this together, and no one should have to go it alone ❤️

Lots of love to you x


Silent Battles New Subscribers This email series will teach you how to master your mind, build a solid routine of mental self-care, and get back in control!


Today, as I turn 36, I'm taking a moment to appreciate the journey that brought me here.

Age 35 was an incredible year, filled with fun, dance, community, and explorations 🌍
This was the year I allowed myself to dive deeper into my essence more, embracing the wild, free spirit within me.

It gave me the opportunity to face my deepest fears and made me realise that I am even stronger than I thought I was.
This past year has been a combination of both incredibly hard challenges and some beautiful triumphs, each piece shaping me into who I am today.

I’ve remembered that resilience is developed in the fires of tough times, and joy is sweeter when shared 🌸
This birthday, I’m reflecting on the lessons learned and the precious moments cherished.

I am thankful for the love I’ve given and received.
The laughter that filled my days. And the quiet moments that brought me introspection and growth.

I’ve once again realised the importance of giving myself grace and space, and embrace the challenges that come my way with love and compassion.
I’m really looking forward to stepping into this new phase of my life and continuing to bring you along with me.

My word for this year is DEPTH.
I am excited to continue deepening my connections with my loved ones, my commitment to my craft, and my heart-centred offerings.

I’m ready to keep building on these new foundations and cherishing every single moment.

Here’s to another year of laughing lots, loving my people hard, serving fiercely and living this beautiful life.

Bring it on, 36! 🎈

Check out what we have to offer! We think you'll be pretty thrilled about it.

This month, I'll be working closely with a handful of private clients.
You have two options to work 1:1 with me at a discounted price:
A one-off session with 25% OFF. From £120 to only £90!!
A monthly plan, including weekly sessions with £100 OFF. From £479 to £379 (+-£85 per session)
**very limited slots available, save yours now!
Click here https://calendly.com/emisouza/appt to book your free discovery session now


I LOVE people who love what they do, the passion, the devotion to their craft, the love they pour into their work... you can feel in their energy ✨ 

In these 12 years as a therapist and coach, I’ve poured my heart and soul into every session, guiding and supporting my clients on their journey to empowerment and personal development - I can confirm: NOTHING gives me more joy than being of service ❤️

And speaking of love, I offer two different paths to support you on your journey: 👇

🌸Self-love coaching: For those ready to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth, boost self-esteem, build confidence, and find radical self-acceptance.

This is ideal for people-pleasers, anxiously attached, broken-hearted, empty nesters, or anyone wanting to level up their self-love game. Together, we'll unlock the power of self-love and create a life filled with authenticity, joy, and fulfilment!

🥑Food Freedom Coaching: For those ready to end the battle with food, make peace with their bodies, and embrace a healthy relationship with food.

Say goodbye to restrictive dieting and hello to food FREEDOM, peace of mind, and a nourishing lifestyle. This is for you if you binge eat, stress eat, emotionally eat, compulsively overeat, purge or restrict your food

Both paths incorporate evidence-based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-Coaching, a powerful approach that combines the best of cognitive-behavioural techniques with personalised coaching strategies ⚡
Unlike traditional therapy methods, CBT-Coaching focuses on practical tools and actionable steps to create real and lasting change!

For a limited time, I'm offering a 25% discount on the first online CBT-Coaching session 💰 It's a chance to experience the transformative power of personalized coaching at an exclusive rate.

If you have been waiting for a sign this is IT! 🔥
Embark on a journey of growth and transformation, now is the time!

Comment below READY to claim your discount and take the first step towards a brighter, more free and fulfilling life ✨ 

Cant wait to be on this journey with you!!


I am here to remind you that wherever you're on your journey, it's perfect 🌹
That you're so loveable
So worthy
And more than enough, here and now, just as you are 🤍

And as someone further along on the path of remembrance of my inherent worth, I hope to inspire you to see your own ✨
So maybe you too can realise you can stop trying so hard.
And that it is enough to just BE
Perfectly Imperfect, yourself. 🌸

I am here to know pain
and joy
and pleasure
To practice forgiveness, over and over again
And find a way to keep my heart open, somehow.

I am here to learn how to love.

And as our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for every other relationship we have
I am here to teach others how to love themselves so they too can experience true freedom and a fulfilling life 🕊️

Drop a ❤️ if you resonate

Subscribe to my Self Love Mastery Series - www.emisouza.com/subscribe 🔗 only limited time available**


It's my birthday month and I'm serving....GIFTS! 🎁
Woop woooop 🎉🎉🎉🥳

Today marks the beginning of an empowering email series I created just for YOU, where we'll explore the four pillars of self-love: self-worth, self-care, self-esteem, and self-acceptance ✨

In our first step together, let's dive into the essence of self-worth

Self-worth is the belief in your inherent value and deservingness of love, belonging, and respect in the world. It's about recognising that you are worthy of happiness, love, belonging and fulfilment simply because you exist 💖

Sign up for the Self-Love Mastery Series and join me as we uncover the keys to embracing your true worth and living a life filled with love, freedom and liberation!

Click the link to subscribe www.emisouza.com/subscribe
and get ready to find more special gifts inside this gift 😍
*only available for a limited time*


It's my birthday month and I'm serving....GIFTS! 🎁 Woop woooop 🎉🎉🎉🥳

Today marks the beginning of an empowering email series I created just for YOU, where we'll explore the four pillars of self-love: self-worth, self-care, self-esteem, and self-acceptance ✨

In our first step together, let's dive into the essence of self-worth

Self-worth is the belief in your inherent value and deservingness of love, belonging, and respect in the world. It's about recognising that you are worthy of happiness, love, belonging and fulfilment simply because you exist 💖

Sign up for the Self-Love Mastery Series and join me as we uncover the keys to embracing your true worth and living a life filled with love, freedom and true liberation!

Click the link in bio now 🔗
and get ready to find more special gifts inside this gift 😍
*only available for a limited time*


📢 Let me introduce you to a recovery framework that ACTUALLY works 🙌🏼⁠

I used to believe that ED recovery was this never-ending treatment, overly complicated and extremely time-consuming...⁠
it doesn't have to be! ⁠
It can be pretty straightforward. ⁠

CBT-E is the abbreviation for “enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy”, and is one of the most effective treatments for eating disorders there is out there. This is the framework I use combined with powerful coaching strategies 💥

This is perfect for you if you want to develop a sense of agency around food without having to spend years unpacking all your childhood traumas in therapy 🍭⁠
1️⃣ Stage One focuses on understanding why you're feeling out of control around food (BED/Bulimia explained from a brain/habit perspective).⁠

2️⃣ Stage Two, plans are made for the main body of treatment (Stage Three), and special tools & techniques are introduced.⁠

3️⃣ Stage Three consists of addressing what is maintaining the eating disorder and kicking its ass FOR GOOD! Body image, eating patterns and emotions.⁠

Towards the end of Stage Three and in Stage Four the emphasis shifts onto the future. There is a focus on creating a plan to deal with setbacks and maintaining the new good habits created. ⁠
Bye-bye food chaos 👋🏼⁠

It has been tested and proved successful amongst millions of people worldwide, myself included, and it just works.⁠

🎉 I'm excited to announce that I have 3 COACHING spots available 🎉

Applications are now open until 30th of April and spaces are very limited. ⁠DM me READY to get 25% off your first call!! 💙

Click on the link in bio to get started 🔗


Transform your recovery journey with empowering nutrition knowledge!

Struggling with sudden cravings and energy dips? Discover how understanding your blood sugar, the power of magnesium for women, and maintaining a balance can revolutionise how you feel and help you stop having intense cravings!

In the empowered eating programme, we dive deep into the secrets of nutritional awareness, the crucial role of clarity and intention setting, and how to harness your body's desire for balance.

Start your Food Freedom journey today! Apply now for private recovery coaching, only 3 spots available!! Your 12 weeks to food sanity starts now 🕊️

Link in bio 🔗


Hey there, warrior! 💪 I see you! Let's talk real about recovery twists and turns – because every setback you face is an opportunity to rise even higher!

Life isn't a smooth sail, but you're navigating those ups and downs like a boss! Each victory, big or small, is proof of your unstoppable spirit. Keep riding those waves, because you're stronger than you know! 🌊

Despite the bumps, you're finding joy in the little things – like savouring your favourite foods without guilt. That's the magic of embracing your journey with an open heart! Keep chasing those moments of bliss, because you deserve every ounce of happiness! ✨

Setbacks happen, but guess what? You're not defined by them. Dust yourself off, stand tall, and turn those setbacks into epic comebacks! Your resilience knows no bounds, and I'm here cheering you on every step of the way! 💥

Keep prioritising your well-being: self-care isn't selfish – it's essential! Whether you're battling with crazy urges or facing tough body image days, remember to put yourself first. Nurture your body, mind, and soul with love, because you're worth every moment of care and compassion! 🌸

💖 Trust Your Path: Trust in the journey, even when the road ahead seems uncertain. You're exactly where you need to be, and your journey to food freedom is a testament to your strength and courage.

Keep embracing every moment with grace and determination. The best is yet to come, and I'm cheering you on every step of the way!


Things I wish I was told by my therapist when recovering from BED 👇🏼

1.  Make sure to increase the volume of the ED voice in your head that tells you to binge eat, so that you don't miss it. Sometimes it may sound like "I'm already feeling terrible, I might as well eat everything", "I don't have any commitments tomorrow, so it's okay to binge", "who cares", "why not", "this is the last time", etc. It's important to catch it and challenge it. These are all lies.

2.  Remove yourself from the triggering environment. When the urge to binge eat arises, your brain may be hijacked for a moment, and thinking differently might not be possible. In such cases, try to act the opposite of what you feel like doing. Give yourself some time to ride the urge and make space for any discomfort you may experience.

3.  Remember that binge urges are an opportunity to recover. They provide you with a chance to build new neuropathways. Binging and purging will only make things 10x worse, adding guilt, shame, bloat, health problems, disappointment with yourself, etc. It's not worth it.


I've been in the coaching game for over 13 years, and this Recovery Coach Certification is a GAME-CHANGER! 🚀⁠

From coaching worldwide to living my dream in Bali, it's been 8 incredible years as a Recovery Coach. Now, I'm inviting YOU to join me on this transformative ride 🌏⁠

🔑 Key Benefits:⁠

Location Freedom: Picture coaching from your favourite spot – maybe a local café or a hammock in Bali! This program lets you work wherever feels right for you⁠

Time Flexibility: No more clock-watching; you decide when to work. Night owl or early bird, it's your call!⁠

This isn't just about living your purpose and changing lives, it's crafting a career that pays the bills and some more 💸⁠

This is your opportunity to embrace a lifestyle where you live your passion and dance to the rhythm of your own drum. 🕊️⁠

Ready to join the elite crew of Recovery Coaches? 🌟 DM me for more info ⁠or go to this link https://training.bingecode.com/ref/3/ to get started on this adventure!

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in London?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Transform your recovery journey with empowering nutrition knowledge! Struggling with sudden cravings and energy dips? Di...
Transform your recovery journey with empowering nutrition knowledge! Struggling with sudden cravings and energy dips? Di...
📚 Join Our September Book Club! 📚🍂 Autumn is approaching, and so is our next read: "The Binge Code" by Ali Kerr 📖 Dive d...
🌟 2 NEW SPOTS AVAILABLE FOR 1-1 COACHING 🌟Ever wondered where you stand on the journey of recovery? 🤔 Let's dive into th...
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Self-care advice for mothers
How will Intuitive Eating change your life?
Life as an Intuitive Eater ✨
You didn't fail the diet, the diet failed YOU
Join us!



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