180 Transformations

180 Transformations

Bournemouth & Poole's, No.1 6 week transformation program, see our home FB page 180Strength also.


🌟 Feeling like you're going it alone on your fitness journey? 🤔 Let's change that! 🚀

1️⃣ Hire a Personal Trainer: Get personalized guidance tailored to your goals and someone who'll ensure you're giving your best. 💪

2️⃣ Join Our Group Training Program: Dive into group classes where the collective motivation and energy will propel you forward. 🏋️‍♀️

3️⃣ Find a Workout Buddy: Connect with fellow members, share your goals, and hold each other accountable. 👯‍♀️

📅 Our next 6-week program starts Monday, September 16th! Don't miss your chance to transform with a community that supports you every step of the way. 🌟

👉 DM us now for more info on all our monthly memberships and 6 week programs - or even book a FREE taster session, link in the bio.


Did you know there’s science behind this?! 🤔

A study by the National Institutes of Health found a link between positive self-talk and better well-being, lower stress, and increased resilience.

👉 The only problem is, we’re usually our own worst critics.

So many of us pick at our appearance…

Beat ourselves up when we make mistakes…

And we doubt our abilities and our worth.

Still, our bodies hear everything our mind says!

Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean it doesn’t count…

So this weekend, choose to be kind to yourself 🙌

Need reminders like these from time to time? Save this post and follow us for more mindset, strength training and weight loss tips!



Why warm-ups matter? 🌟

To prevent injury, enhance performance, and ensure your workouts are effective and comfortable from start to finish. Here’s how to elevate your warm-up routine:

Dynamic Stretching and movements 🤸‍♀️ - Increase mobility and blood flow.
Cardiovascular Activation ❤️ - Get your heart rate up and ready for action.
Muscle Activation 💪 - Prime your muscles to work harder and smarter.

Start every workout right to maximize results and minimize risks!

🔗 Discover more training tips by visiting our website. Link in bio!


Unlock your power with our go-to moves for effective strength training 💪!

Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, these exercises are essential for building strength and muscle efficiently. From squats and deadlifts to bench presses and pull-ups, master these to enhance your workout routine! 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♂️

Make sure you follow us to get tips on perfecting each exercise and let us help you achieve your strongest self yet!

🔗 Tap the link in our bio to join our strength training program today!


"The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness." – Abraham Maslow

Are you too busy chasing the “future version” of yourself?👇

Focusing on the future and on where you’re headed is KEY to growing and hitting your goals…

But not if it’s at the expense of living in the present moment.

Chatting to one of our 180 members recently, she learned this the hard way…

She was so caught up in “getting to the end result", after returning from having kids, that she was missing how far she had already come, week after week.

So we got her to ask herself things like…

😴 Is it getting easier to sleep through the night?
🧘 Are my joints feeling better?
🍏 Am I craving less junk?

Thinking like this completely changed her perspective.

More importantly? It made her feel better “in the present moment” instead of waiting for some future scale weight to feel good.

We have to celebrate those little wins!

Tell me — did you need to hear this today?

If you want more inspiration like this on your way to losing weight, you getting stronger? Save this and follow us for more! 🙌


"Surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself." - Zig Ziglar

Some days, you just won’t feel it.
You’ll wake up tired, unmotivated, or just plain off — and that’s okay!

Instead of staying in the struggle, these are the perfect moments to surround yourself with people who support you.

We all need people who:
🙌 Inspire us to keep going
🙌 Remind us of why we started
🙌 See our full potential

And who want to see us succeed 🤩

If you have those people in your life, show them some appreciation today…maybe tag them in this post.

Save this post and follow us for support on your way to a healthy, stronger and leaner body.

And if you’d like more of those people in your life, come and join our group training! 🙋


3 gone already - 7 left, ‘Total Transformation Year’ membership offer closes next Friday.

This is an absolutely crazy offer.

Our ‘Total Transformation Year’ includes:

* 12 months of small group training, plus a FREE extra month,

* Personal nutrition coaching all through the 13 months with a dedicated coach,

* A load of PT sessions or sports massages (or a mix of both),

* Exclusive Total Transformation group sessions,

* Quarterly seminars,

* A two-part workshop on gut health, cooking demos and an exclusive goody bag, plus...

* Regular body composition testing

……….all at a significantly reduced price!

Hit me up and let’s have a chat if the next 12 (13) months the is going to be your year! 💪


I'm in love.��

I know you've heard it before. I told you I'm in love with burpees (ha ha, ok that’s a lie).��

I'm also in love with how our coaching APP, new equipment, and 1:1 sessions are coming along and they will make you love them too.��It's sort of a love/hate thing to be honest I guess.

I love the great workouts, the camaraderie and results that you are all getting, even though I can see the sessions have been REALLY TOUGH.��

But I hate that until now, my TEAM and I have not ever offered you the ability to invest in your fitness goals for a long stint and save a ton of money.

​You see, we've had a lot of members come to us and tell us how they have weddings to go to, they want to look great by a certain time, or they just want a program that is designed specifically for them, and we've been listening, now we also want to help you commit for the long term...

If any of the following things sounds like you then our Total Transformation Year Program is for you:

✅ You've had AWESOME results in the past, but need to focus on your goals and make them stick
✅ ​You have NO clue what to eat.. EVER
✅ ​You are seeing results, but want... more GUIDANCE
✅ ​You just want to focus on PROGRESS

We only have 10 spots available and the last day to sign up is 26/07/24, so if you are someone that is ready to take their results, training, and nutrition to the next level, then click on the link below.



Deepakh's fitness transformation story is nothing short of inspiring! 🌟

'I've been working out at this gym for a while, and it's been fantastic. The gym is conventional and nothing fancy, but it has everything you need 💪. I learned the basics of squats, bench press, and deadlifts here, and my form is now absolutely perfect 🏋️.'

The Metcon classes by Tommy and Rachel are curated to increase stamina and endurance 🏃‍♂️. They push me to my limit and can be brutal at times 😅, but it feels great once you finish 💥. Jake's Strength Club is excellent for covering all major muscles through the three compound movements with a workout plan designed for progressive overload over time 📈.

The gym also has an app to track workouts, daily diet, and monthly progress, adding extra excitement to my fitness journey 📱.

Overall, it's a wonderful community of lifters who support each other, pushing one another to grow together 🤝. It's a fun place to work out, with a lot to learn, and the coaches are always approachable. Highly recommend this gym!'

Ready to start your fitness journey and be part of a supportive community? Join us today!

Click the link in our bio to sign up for a free trial class! Let's achieve those fitness goals together! 🔗💪


💡 Your fitness formula when your schedule is busy:

Short workouts ➕Intensity = 💪

When you bring the intensity — e.g., short periods of hard work mixed with lighter activity, you don’t have to work out as long to get the same (or better!) results.

Here are just a few benefits of shorter, intense workouts:

💃 Efficient Weight Loss – you’ll get the same calorie-burning benefits as regular workouts, but in much less time.

🌬️ Increased VO2 - The greater your VO2 max, the more effectively your body is able to use oxygen to generate energy and power. Essentially, the better your VO2 max, the better you’ll be at working out and exercising.

❤️ Better Heart Health, Blood Pressure, and Blood Sugar Levels –it’ll boost your body’s ability to use energy in ways that can make your heart healthier

🧠 Good For Your Brain – it helps with learning, memory, and fighting the effects of aging

🏋️ Builds Bone Density – high-intensity resistance training beats moderate-intensity resistance training when it comes to improving bone health.

Comment “WORKOUTS” if you want a free copy of our latest ebook, “Back Pocket Travel Workouts” – it’s loaded with short, effective workouts you can do anywhere!


⌚ It’s called “I’ll start tomorrow” syndrome

And it’s a HUGE hurdle between you and your goals. 🚧

It’s exactly what it sounds like: it’s when you decide to start up a new health/fitness routine… TOMORROW.

Here’s what to do instead of waiting till tomorrow:


🚶Take a walk around the block instead of waiting endlessly to begin that fancy 12-week periodized workout plan
🥗 Make a healthy choice for dinner, instead of expecting yourself to dive full-force into a complete meal-planning program
💃 Schedule that weights session for this week.
📞 Call us or book a discovery call to see how we can get you started / or re-started back on a path to health and fitness

The whole point is to just START. You can always add those bigger actions later!

Speaking of which…

Want some short & effective workouts you can do starting TODAY? Comment “WORKOUTS” to get out Back Pocket Travel Workouts ebook… FREE!

Photos from 180 Transformations's post 15/01/2024

So what are the 5 reasons why you're not losing weight?

You’ve been dieting for months and months, at least that’s what you keep telling yourself. You are fed up and so decide to have a day off just relaxing. 2 Big Macs, half a pack of chocolate buttons and a Domino's later you realise you’ve gone a bit too far.

A lot of time we don’t achieve our goals of weight loss or body composition change because of a lack of motivation and will power. This usually occurs when we don’t see the results we expect.

Lets look at the 5 most common mistakes we at 180 see from new clients:

1) You may be underestimating – Calories in vs. calories out is 90% of the battle in losing weight. Sometimes we forget this and look for the quick fix. If you don’t already track your food intake using an app such as MyFitnesspal, we would recommend doing so even if it’s only for a few weeks. This way you will quickly see where you are going wrong. Already tracking? Try and be super critical on how and what you track. note: you must weigh and measure everything if you’re tracking - Even oils etc

Foods such as nuts, cooking oils, fatty meats and cheeses can become a double-edged sword if you aren’t tracking your intake accurately. For example, a handful of nuts can vary depending on how much you want to fill your hand. The best way to do this is with a good old fashioned weighing scales. Trust me, by doing this, after a few weeks you will become an expert at eyeing up the weight of foods. This makes eating out and guestimating even easier. Its win win.

2) You are eating healthy – BUT you are not looking at your PORTION SIZES. Eating healthy isn’t always eating the right amounts. Instead of me banging on about this just look at the picture below of the avocado on toast:

Both meals are “healthy”. One is going to get you to your goal, one isn’t. Over 1000kcal for a meal, where in comparison you could go to McDonald’s and get chicken nuggets and chips for just over the 600kcal mark.

I’m not sitting here and saying that McDonald’s is the more nutritious choice.

But at least your portion sizes aren’t warped.

3) You are drinking your calories –

(See the Myfitnesspal screenshot of the drinks) Which one of these above do you think is stalling on their weight loss?

One or two changes (that’s not depriving you, that’s just making small realistic changes) can go a long way.

So don’t give me any of this “Oh I just don’t have the will power you do” bu****it.

4) You are stuck in the weekend rut – Monday you smash your diet and the gym.

Tuesday and Wednesday still going strong and you feel like you could do this forever. Thursday is even better, you rule.

Friday the football is on so you have a cheeky beer or two, cause you know you’ve done so well this week you deserve it.

Then Saturday comes around and the sun comes out… You have 4 burgers at a BBQ, 2 pints, 2 bottles of wine and the next minute its 2am in the morning and you are smothering your face in a garlic mayo kebab. Ever been there?

Even if it’s not to that extreme you can see how a small deficit in the week can be eaten up easily by the weekends antics and hinder your losing weight.

If you know you have weekend events you are going to overindulge in then plan ahead for it and take a large deficit in the week.

Not only are you prepared for the weekend, but you’ve also got parameters. I.E. If you save 100kcal a day Monday to Friday you know you’ve got 500kcal extra for Saturday if you want.

But that’s your lot. Want more? Eat less in the week.

sums this up in an infograph way more efficiently than I ever could. WEEKLY calories in Vs. Calories out. You are starting to get the trend now right?

5) You’ve been dieting for too long – Your metabolic rate is like a falling ceiling. Without support it will continue to fall. Your support in this case is your calorie intake.

It is important to take diet breaks every once in a while.This will encourage a healthy metabolic rate. Without these breaks it will become harder and harder to drop fat mass in the long run.

During your diet break you should look to increase your calories little by little weekly, with minimal fat mass gain preferably. How much you increase weekly will depend on your needs and how much you are willing to “fluff up”.

A larger increase will allow for more muscle mass increase (important for when you lean out again) but also runs the risk of putting a small amount of fat mass on. Not a bad thing at all during this phase, but can be psychologically challenging for some people. Find your happy medium.

Most likely, one or more of these points resonate with you if you’ve read this far. If that’s the case then spend a week or two implementing some changes and doing them religiously.

You're more than welcome to give me all the credit if you get good results. No change? then look to review your intake and training and see where you may have slipped up a little. If nowhere is the answer it probably means you need a further drop in calories to create a positive change to your body composition.

Remember calories in vs. calories out.

I feel like I haven’t mentioned that enough…


"I know I need to start exercising and eating better, but _________ keeps holding me back" 👇👇

Photos from 180 Strength's post 12/08/2023

Embrace the Extraordinary! ✨

It's the little extra that sets apart the ordinary from the extraordinary.

🌟 Whether it's going the extra mile, putting in that extra effort, or pushing beyond your comfort zone, greatness awaits those who dare to give that little extra. ✨

💪 Embrace the challenge, embrace the journey, and embrace the extraordinary life that awaits you. Let's make every moment count! 🔥


Saturday Shout-out 📣 to our unstoppable fitness family!

👊💪 Every rep, every drop of sweat, every challenge overcome - it's all part of our shared journey to a fitter, healthier life.

Here at 180, we're more than just a gym; we're a community. A community that supports each other, pushes each other, and celebrates each victory together. 🎉

This is what makes 180 super – YOU, our dedicated members! Remember, it's not just about perfect form or smashing personal records; it's about showing up, giving your all, and having fun while doing it. 😄

So here's to you, our 180 Squad, keep on shining and dominating your goals! 🌟💯

Busting Myths: The Power of Strength Training for Weight Loss 12/07/2023

💪 Discover the transformative power of strength training for weight loss in this engaging blog post.

👉 Busting common myths and misconceptions, we delve into the science behind strength training and its crucial role in effective weight loss.

🔥 This post also offers practical strength training exercises that fit into your busy schedule and highlights how 180 supports you with personalized, expert-led training, both in-house and online.

Ready for a 180-degree change towards a healthier, fitter life? Dive in and start your transformative journey with us today.


"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." – Rikki Rogers

Busting Myths: The Power of Strength Training for Weight Loss Discover the transformative power of strength training for weight loss in this engaging blog post. Busting common myths and misconceptions, we delve into the science behind strength training and its crucial role in effective weight loss. This post also offers practical strength training exercises th...

180 Strength · 80 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8AQ, United Kingdom 15/06/2023

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Excellent review by Alya Shokry, via Google

“Everyone extremely helpful, the trainers and training programs are beyond great. It’s only my second week and I feel stronger already.
Highly highly recommend them”

180 Strength · 80 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8AQ, United Kingdom ★★★★★ · Gym


Group Workouts: More Than Just Fitness, It's a Community!

Are you stuck in a workout rut, struggling to find the motivation to hit the gym alone? Do you want to make your fitness routine more engaging and exciting? If yes, then group workouts might just be what you need!

At our Bournemouth and Poole gym, we firmly believe in the power of community. That’s why we’ve made group workouts a fundamental part of our 6-week summer transformation program. Let's dive into the benefits of group workouts and understand why they are more than just about fitness:

1. It’s Motivating and Engaging:

Ever struggled to complete that last set of squats or push through another mile on the treadmill? We've all been there. But in a group setting, the collective energy and enthusiasm can be incredibly motivating. Watching others push their limits can inspire you to do the same. Plus, having an experienced coach cheering you on adds a level of excitement that’s hard to replicate in solo workouts.

2. Accountability and Commitment:

With group workouts, you're not just accountable to yourself, but also to your team. Knowing that your workout buddies are expecting you at the gym can be a powerful motivator to show up, even on days when you're not feeling up to it. It’s a commitment not just to your fitness journey but to your team as well.

3. Social Interaction:

Group workouts aren't just about getting fit; they're about making connections, too. They offer an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who are also on a fitness journey. This sense of community can make the gym a fun and welcoming place, rather than a chore.

4. Learning Together:

Whether you’re a seasoned gym-goer or a beginner, there's always something new to learn. In a group setting, you can benefit from others' experiences, tips, and tricks. Watching others perform exercises can also help improve your own technique and form.

5. Healthy Competition:

A little friendly competition never hurts. It can spur you to push your boundaries and step out of your comfort zone. Plus, celebrating each other’s victories, big or small, can be a significant morale booster.

Remember, your fitness journey doesn't have to be a solo trek. With our 6-week summer transformation program, you’ll experience the power of group workouts, guided by expert trainers and a personalized plan to meet your goals.

It's not just about getting into shape. It's about joining a community of motivated, supportive individuals all working towards becoming the best versions of themselves. So, why wait? Join us today, and let's make fitness a fun, shared experience!

So why wait? Let's embark on this exciting fitness journey together! Secure your spot in our 6-week Summer Transformation Program and experience the powerful benefits of group workouts firsthand. Not only will you work towards your fitness goals, but you'll also become part of our vibrant, supportive community.

Spaces are limited to ensure personalized attention for everyone. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Click the button below and start your transformation today. Together, we can conquer your goals and turn fitness into a fun, shared experience.


Act fast and let's make this summer your time to shine!


🔥💪 Overwhelmed by fitness goals? Scared of the unknown? STOP 🛑 Let's banish those fears together!

🏋️‍♀️Our skilled coaches turn uncertainty into progress, gradually building a fitness program designed just for YOU. 📈 No more 'I’ll start next Monday', today IS the day!

👇 DM us today and let's start the conversation 🗣️ What's the worst that could happen? You might just say no. But you might also say YES to a life-changing fitness journey! 🎯

Are you ready? Click below to start NOW! Your future self will thank you. 💖🚀


Maz’s story - could be you next! 👊👊

“I contacted James at the beginning of this year for some help. I’d plateaued with weight loss and as I was training at home on my own I had lost some motivation.
I am now 12lbs down after some nutrition advice and I attend 3/4 Metcon/sweat sessions a week along with a little running . The classes are tough but great . I am leaner and stronger in just a few months. A great team always there to help, guide and support however you need.”


Summer bodies are made in spring! 💪🏼 With the right plan and a little bit of dedication, you can achieve your weight loss goals just in time for beach season ☀️ Comment below with your favourite summer activity and let's get motivated together! 👇🏼

Photos from 180 Transformations's post 18/04/2023

Just some of our awesome reviews recently…thank you guys for leaving such amazing feedback 👊👊

Photos from 180 Transformations's post 17/04/2023

It's a brand new week, and guess what?

The sun is about to come out in Poole! ☀️🌈 So let's kick off this Monday with some epic motivation to get that summer body ready! 💪☀️

Here are some high-energy tips to help you achieve that fit and healthy physique before beach season!

Tip 1: Rise and Shine with a Morning Workout! 🌄
Tip 2: Crush Your Cardio Session for that Beach-Ready Stamina! 🏃‍♀️
Tip 3: Pump Up the Volume with Weight Training! 🏋️‍♂️
Tip 4: Fuel Your Body with Nutritious Meals and Snacks! 🍎🥗
Tip 5: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! 💧
Tip 6: Get Enough Rest for Optimal Recovery! 😴
Tip 7: Stay Positive and Believe in Yourself! ✨
Tip 8: Surround Yourself with Motivating Vibes! 🎧

The sun is about to shine, and so are you!

It's time to kick those summer body goals into high gear and make it happen! 💪☀️

You've got this! Let's crush this Monday and set the tone for an amazing week ahead! 💪🔥

Don't forget to like, comment, and share this post for some extra Monday motivation, and stay tuned for more uplifting content from us!

Keep pushing towards that beach-ready physique, and let's make this week one for the books! 💪☀️

Hope you’re having a fantastic day, and let's make it a week of fitness wins! 💪

Photos from 180 Transformations's post 29/03/2023

What do all these people have in common?
They let us help them ❤️


👉Jade lost a stone and dropped 2 dress sizes over a few months👈

"As a complete beginner to any kind of weight/power lifting I was quite nervous joining James and 180. I needn't have been, it's such a welcoming environment (not a crazy ego in sight!) and I quickly felt comfortable despite being out of my comfort zone.

All the coaches are fab, so knowledgeable and supportive.

I initially joined to get stronger and improve my posture but have also lost about a stone and a half over the last few months and gone down 2 dress sizes with minimal changes to my diet - that's next to get sorted.

I really look forward to the sessions and it's such a feeling of achievement when you get a new PB. It's also a great stress-buster!

I'm so glad to have found 180, I've always hated exercise in general but I have a new hobby which I love but just so happens to be good for me 😊

Thanks guys!"


Photos from Tommy Goodspeed Fitness's post 17/03/2023

This client started working with us in January, safe to say he’s smashing it.

👉 Starting weight 20stone 2lbs
👉 Todays weigh in 18 stone 0.8lbs

Legendary performance from him following the plan which we tailored between us to maximise effect around his very restrictive timetable.

We have a nutritional plan in place and a step target for each day….oh and he’s fully accountable to us🤪

If you need help or know some who is needing some guidance just drop a “let’s do this” below in the comments and let’s arrange a coffee ☕️ virtually or in person. 👊


A great post here from Tommy, coach at 180 Landsdowne. 👇

Let's delve into the distinction between exercising and training, and why it's crucial for those of you looking to improve your performance and physique.

Exercising can be a fine way to stay active and healthy, but it often lacks the focus and structure needed to achieve significant progress.

After a while, you may hit a plateau in your performance or physique, and that's where training with intent comes in.

Training is a purposeful and structured approach to fitness, with a specific goal in mind.

By creating a plan that progresses over time, and executing that plan with intent, you can improve your performance and see real changes in your physique.

Training is not only about the physical benefits, but it also teaches you discipline and cultivates a sense of purpose.

When you only exercise, you may not push yourself to your limits or challenge yourself to improve your performance.

This can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress. With training, however, you are continuously pushing your boundaries and expanding your capabilities.

You will find yourself breaking through plateaus and achieving things you never thought possible.

So, let's embrace the power of training with intent. By setting specific goals, developing a structured plan, and pushing ourselves to improve, we can achieve the results we desire.

Not sure where to start? Drop me a DM and I will see if I can help.



Fat loss is easy, if you make it easy for yourself. We like people to track their food.


Because most people aren’t aware of what they’re consuming.

Massively over eating on “healthy food”. Take a healthy dinner.

2 fish fillets, veg and sweet potato wedges with mayonnaise, healthy right?

Comes in at over 1000 calories.

Now people say tracking is obsessive.... Come on now... You track your money don’t you?

Is that “obsessive” or sensible?

If you track you can eat “unhealthy foods” without the need to feel guilty.

It’s not a “syn” as other fitness companies call it.

Calling something a syn or unhealthy gives you a complex around good.

Makes you feel guilty and then sometimes causes you to eat more.

I will eat whatever I like as it’s called balance.

What most people don’t have is balance.

It’s the all or nothing mentality.

Don’t get me wrong there are many ways to skin a cat.

Tracking isn’t the only way.


When you’re more aware of the calories you’re consuming you can make better choices.

You’ll understand what foods you’re over eating on.

A handful of nuts for example can set you back a few hundred calories.

That latte you you have a day is 1000 calories over a week.

It’s all about becoming more aware.

And if you tell me you don’t have the time to track.

You’re reading this on social media.

So stop talking s**t, you telling me you can’t take 2 minutes to get results.

Quit the bu****it and you might actually succeed!

Videos (show all)

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Ready to conquer your 2024 fitness goals like a boss? 💪 Unlock your strength with 180Barbell! 🏋️‍♂️ Join the #StrengthSq...
It’s time to take responsibility for our health! Let's get comfortable with making healthy choices today by adding some ...
If you’re looking for a mix of strength training and cardio - book in for our Saturday sessions every week in both clubs...
Our fitness journey is more than just what happens in the gym - it's about convincing our own minds that we can be healt...
🔥💪 Overwhelmed by fitness goals? Scared of the unknown? STOP 🛑 Let's banish those fears together!🏋️‍♀️Our skilled coache...
Maz’s story - could be you next! 👊👊“I contacted James at the beginning of this year for some help. I’d plateaued with we...
Ready to show off your summer bod? Try these tips to help you reach your weight loss goals this season: Eat the foods yo...
We have a tendency to make erratic decisions because of the lag between our actions and the outcomes - it's like smashin...
Getting accountable to a friend, family member or coach is a top tip when it comes to you achieving your goals…👊👊
Life can be busy, but it doesn't mean you can't stay fit and healthy! Thanks to 180 Transformations and the amazing Jame...



80 Holdenhurst Road