Swedish Made Easy

Language builds bridges and cultural understanding We believe in using modern technology to share Swedish language and culture across the globe.


Today, I’m front page news at 😌

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 23/04/2024

Gifts for Swedish language learners 🎁🇸🇪

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 20/04/2024


Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 08/04/2024

If English were spoken like Swedish - but in Swedish! 😆 Yeah, so I’ve been working on a completely new way of learning Swedish, and it has turned into a course. Link in my profile for more info and to join the waiting list. 🇸🇪🇸🇪


50 years ago today, ABBA won Eurovision in Brighton. Now, I live here. ☺️🇸🇪 Not for that reason, but still. Happy Waterloo anniversary!

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 26/03/2024

Are you studying with Teach Yourself Complete Swedish?

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 21/03/2024

Idag fick jag äta lunch med och hänga lite på Riksdagen! 🤓 Tack Martin, så kul att ses igen! 💛💙


Today, I had the pleasure of joining the brilliant on a street walk on Södermalm. We had so much fun and talked in both Swedish and English about learning a language, beautiful places in Stockholm and the paint on Katarina Kyrka. ☺️ Wonderful start to the day! Video coming to ‘s YouTube channel later this week.

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 08/03/2024

Today, I went out to Stockholm University to pick up a book on Swedish dialects. 🤓 I’ve hardly been there since I studied musicology and pedagogy, too many years ago. While in Akademibokhandeln Frescati, I got chatting to the women who work there about books for studying Swedish. It turns out that they haven’t previously stocked Teach Yourself Complete Swedish in that particular store. I’m very happy to reveal that they have now ordered it and it should be available at some point next week. Happy 6th birthday Teach Yourself Complete Swedish (first published 8 March 2018)! 🥳🥳🥳🇸🇪


Till alla mina medsystrar där ute på Kvinnodagen. ❤️ Det tog mig nästan 2 år att fatta varför jag mådde så konstigt. Varför jag sov så dåligt, varför jag hade panikångest, varför det kliade så förbannat i hårbotten, varför jag hade hjärtklappning, varför jag hade hjärndimma, varför jag knappt ville gå utanför dörren. Varför hade ingen talat om för mig att förklimakteriet (perimenopaus) brukar börja vid 35 års ålder (och till
och med kan börja tidigare)? Varför trodde jag att det var något som hände efter man fyllde 50, och att det enda symptomet var vallningar? Varför visste jag inte att östrogenbrist påverkar varenda cell i kroppen? Att det ökar risken för demens, benskörhet, hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, och tarmcancer? Varför visste jag inte att hormonbristen påverkar hjärnenergin? Vi behöver ju behöver våra hormoner (östrogen, progesteron och testosteron) för att hjärta, hjärna, leder och muskler ska fungera, och för andra viktiga kroppsfunktioner.
Om du känner att du mår konstigt, läs på om förklimakteriet. Jag önskar att jag hade gjort det lång tidigare. Och sök hjälp.

Bra resurser:
▶️ Dr Louise Newsons pod, webbsida och app (Balance app) ▶️ Boken ‘Oestrogen Matters’ av Dr Avrum Bluming
▶️ Boken ‘The Menopause Brain’ av Lisa Mosconi


Idag spelade .nystrom och jag in ett poddavsnitt för Oskars podd ”Lätt Svenska med Oskar”. Vi pratade om England, Sverige, dialekter, att vara husvakt och om att lära sig svenska. ☺️ Kommer inom en snar framtid på podden. Följ podden om du inte redan gör det. Tack för ett fint och inspirerande samtal Oskar!

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 18/01/2024

Enrolment for Tone Your Swedish closes 31 January. We’re offering a free Zoom live Thursday 25 January (7pm GMT), where we’ll give you a taste of Tone Your Swedish. We will go through the curriculum, present the Tone Your Swedish framework, show you behind the scenes of our MRI recording, and you get the opportunity to ask questions about the course. Sign up for the live session via the link in Swedish Made Easy’s profile. Or DM us. Hope to see you there!

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 10/12/2023

Looking for julklappstips? 🎁 Here are 5 Christmas gift ideas from me. ☺️ Either to give to someone you love, or to put on your own wish list. 😉

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 23/11/2023

🇸🇪5 Common Myths about Swedish pronunciation🇸🇪

“I Can Be Understood, That's Enough."
While basic intelligibility is essential, precise Swedish pronunciation enhances your overall communication. It helps you convey nuances, emotions, and intentions accurately, avoiding misunderstandings.

"I'll Sound Like a Parody of Swedes if I Overemphasise Pronunciation."
The goal isn't parody speech but clarity and authenticity. Swedish pronunciation training equips you to speak naturally while being understood. It's about striking a balance, not sacrificing your unique voice.

"It's Too Difficult, I'll Never Get It Right."
Pronunciation is a skill that improves with practice. It's about anatomy and muscle coordination. It's about progress, not perfection. Even small improvements can significantly boost your confidence and communication skills.

"I Can Always Use Translation Apps."
Relying solely on translation apps limits your Swedish skills. Developing proper pronunciation enhances your speaking and listening abilities, enriching your overall Swedish experience.

"I Don't Need It for My Goals."
Precise Swedish pronunciation doesn't just benefit your own verbal communication; it also aids in listening comprehension and cultural integration. It can open doors to deeper connections and better opportunities.

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 21/11/2023

Pronunciation is not about just sounding 'correct'. It it can be frustrating trying to use Swedish if you haven’t dedicated enough time to pronunciation training. Here are some common difficulties Swedish learners might experience:
1️⃣ Misunderstandings: Without proper pronunciation, you risk being misunderstood. Imagine asking for a “glas” (glass) and getting a “glass” (ice cream) instead. Such miscommunications can lead to frustration.
2️⃣ Loss of Confidence: Poor pronunciation can lead to a lack of confidence. You may hesitate to speak, fearing ridicule or embarrassment. This lack of confidence will hinder your progress.
3️⃣ Difficulty in Listening: We have 29 letters in the Swedish alphabet, but we have 18 vowel sounds and 25 consonant sounds. In other words, spoken Swedish is different compared to written Swedish. If you can’t pronounce words correctly, you may also struggle to understand other Swedish speakers. This can be immensely frustrating, as of course you want to engage in real Swedish conversations.
4️⃣ Cultural Barriers: Correct pronunciation isn’t just about words; it’s also about cultural nuances. Mispronunciation might inadvertently confuse Swedes, or they might have to strain to understand you. This can create barriers in forming meaningful connections.
5️⃣ Feeling 'Foreign': Without proper Swedish pronunciation, you may feel like a perpetual outsider in the Swedish language community. Feeling foreign even after learning the language, or after living many years in Sweden, can be disheartening. The frustrations coming from inadequate pronunciation training can make your Swedish language learning journey less enjoyable.

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 17/11/2023

⏳ Nedräkningen har börjat! Om en vecka öppnar vi vår nya uttalskurs TONE YOUR SWEDISH 🇸🇪🍾 Här kan du se vad du får lära dig i kursen. Missa inte vårt Black Friday-erbjudande, 40% rabatt (bara på Black Friday). 💥

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 17/11/2023

⏳One week to go until we open our new Swedish pronunciation course TONE YOUR SWEDISH 🇸🇪🍾 Here’s what you will learn from the course. Don’t miss our Grand Opening offer on Black Friday - 40% off original price (only on Black Friday).

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 18/09/2023

After numerous requests, my ETT-words Master List is finally available to buy and download. 🥳 Here's the link: https://swedish-made-easy.teachable.com/p/my-downloadable-330790

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 11/09/2023

Geografisk karta över det svenska SJ-ljudet 🇸🇪

➡️ I dialekter i södra Sverige används bara det bakre SJ-ljudet (Skåne, södra Halland, Blekinge, Öland och södra Småland).

➡️ I mellersta Sverige används både bakre och främre SJ-ljud. Detta kallas ”komplementär distribution”, och det kan variera mycket från dialekt till dialekt. Vissa personer använder bakre SJ-ljud för vissa ord, men kanske inte för andra. Till exempel ”schampo” med bakre SJ-ljud, men ”duscha” med främre SJ-ljud (Östergötland, Västergötland, Bohuslän, Dalsland, Närke, Södermanland, Uppland, Västmanland, Värmland, Gästrikland, Dalarna, Hälsingland, Härjedalen, Medelpad, Jämtland, Ångermanland och södra Lappland).

➡️ I dialekter i norra Norrland används bara främre SJ-ljud (Västerbotten, Norrbotten, norra Lappland). Det används också i vissa delar av Stockholm (till exempel Östermalm) och i svensktalande regioner i Finland.

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 31/08/2023

What are successful language learners like? 👀
Learning a language is learning a skill. So what are the traits or qualities that you need to develop, in order to succeed?

In this English E-book, I've gathered my perspectives from over 15 years of teaching Swedish.

✳️ I bust language learning myths
✳️ I outline what successful language learners are like
✳️ I explain how you can develop sustainable language learning habits
✳️ I reveal what the Six Learner Characters are like (and what each character needs to be aware of when learning a language).

There are also useful tips for how to find time to self-study, what to focus on when learning the 4 core skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), as well as an emergency grammar glossary for grammarphobes. (+ a bonus list of 59 cheesy, motivating phrases for when you feel low - they will put a smile on your face 😘).

Format: E-book, PDF
Pages: 44
Language: English

If you’re interested in this E-book, you can buy me a drink (it’s $5). :) Link in my profile and also on the Swedish Made Easy website. Thanks in advance! ❤️

Photos from Swedish Made Easy's post 09/08/2023

Vi öppnar SPRÅKKAFEET igen - 6 september 2023! Det går fint att boka från hemsidan eller via direktlänk i min profil.


I veckans avsnitt (186) av humorpodden ”Den som skrattar förlorar” diskuterar de några av mina videos. 😆😆 Giant fun!


Att vara lycklig betyder inte 'to be lucky/fortunate' på svenska. Det betyder istället att man är väldigt glad, nöjd och upplever stort välbefinnande. Däremot använder vi ordet 'lycka' i frasen 'Lycka till!', som på engelska betyder 'Good luck!'.


'för' kan ibland betyda 'for', men inte när vi pratar om HUR LÄNGE något hände, har hänt eller ska hända. Då använder vi prepositionen 'i'.


Titta betyder "look", men titta på betyder "watch". Vi behöver alltså prepositionen PÅ när vi pratar om TV, film, Netflix, etc.


Vad i hela friden?! 😂 Varifrån kommer detta? Ordet "örngott" har mycket gammalt ursprung och kommer från fornsvenskan ("örnagāt"). I äldre svenska betydde "örngott" det man lägger huvudet mot (alltså huvudkudden). Men i modern svenska betyder "örngott" bara tyget man har runt kudden. Ordet "örn" kommer från "örna", en gammal pluralform av "öra" (idag är pluralformen "öronen"), och man menade kanske att det är något som fångar upp öronen. Så det kommer egentligen inte från ordet "örn" (eagle), men det ser roligt ut på svenska!


Kom ihåg 2 viktiga saker:
❗️ Använd ALDRIG ordet "är" innan ett annat verb
❗️❗️ Om du börjar med tid/plats, så måste verbet komma efter det


Instruktionen till hur man gör finns i namnet: dra(g) och spela! 😁


Kom ihåg 2 viktiga saker!
❗️vill = want to, ska = will
❗️❗️ Om du börjar med tid/plats, så måste verbet komma efter det


Det här ordet är presensparticip av verbet "fortfara" (som vi mest använder i formellt språk), som betyder att något som tidigare gällt också gäller nu. Men det ser roligt ut när man översätter det bokstavligt. 😄

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What language means to me

In 2005, I started teaching my very first student. This was before Skype had gone mainstream and was only in its infancy. I was studying for my PhD, and I took on another couple of students – the idea of teaching Swedish was so much more appealing than working extra in a pub.

Since then, I have taught over 210 students, for more than 10,000 hours. I set up a website, an online booking system, social media profiles. I have become a qualified SWEDEX examiner. I have got a teaching degree (oh, and my PhD too of course!). I found Daniel, who has been teaching alongside me since 2016.

Some of you have popped in for a lesson or two, whereas some have now been with me for over 5 years. Some of you have studied intensively, some less frequently. Some of you have stopped and then come back again. Some of you now live in Sweden. Some of you have now got children. Some of you have lived in Sweden and now moved somewhere else. Some of you became sambo or got married. Some of you are now divorced. I have talked to teenagers and pensioners, men and women. I have talked to doctors, nurses, midwives, authors, IT programmers, students, lecturers, managing directors, editors, archaeologists, solicitors, store managers, computer game designers, psychologists, priests, football coaches, sales people, HR people, marketing people, embassy workers, postmen, economists, bankers, musicians, film makers, translators, dancers, dog kennel owners, marine biologists, veterinary surgeons, post docs, PhD students, pharmacists, recruiters, entrepreneurs, unemployed and more. I have taught via Skype from the UK, from Sweden, from the US. You have Skyped in from all over the world, into my little computer, across time zones and space.

I have taught Swedish conversation, grammar, pronunciation, culture and quirks. You have shared your life stories with me, taught me your culture, shared your experiences. We have together seen the fruits of your labour (and sometimes it has been hard), and I have been so proud of your progress. Like the first time you asked a Swede something on the streets and got a Swedish reply back. Like when you first watched a Swedish movie without subtitles. Like when you read your first Swedish book. Or managed your job interview in Swedish. And got employed. Like when you started speaking Swedish more regularly with your partner. All those little moments that have been so rewarding for us both.

Videos (show all)

If English were spoken like Swedish
Ljus vs jos/juice
How to sound Swedish even if you’re not - part 4
Florence’s thoughts on TONE YOUR SWEDISH 🇸🇪 Florence Wetzel
The many meanings of the Swedish long A-sound
How to sound Swedish even if you’re not (part 3)
How to sound Swedish, even if you’re not
Swedish vowels in the MRI (i vs y)
If English were spoken like Swedish - How see your week out?
If English were spoken like Swedish - “Hello come and help me!”
It has been a bit blowy… (edit: should be “it here the summer”, instead of “this here the summer” 😌)
Tack och hej, leverpastej! 👋🇸🇪



Brighton And Hove

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 9pm
Tuesday 7am - 9pm
Wednesday 8am - 7pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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