Aurora Ananda Healing Arts

Channelled Energy healing. Reiki Master. Clearing blocks around money, love, pain. Wave therapy what is it?

Firstly this is a service that requires connecting in with a client via Zoom or video call. Starting the session with an arriving breath, then a short chat to feel at ease and connect. Moving on to hear what issues the client is experiencing; I offer a loving gentle presence, caring listening, empathy and compassion this allows clients to feel heard, accepted and not judged. It can be challenging


Hello sweet beauties! I am bringing another opportunity to expand upon your expression on Saturday 27th of April. A chance for you to speak and hear others sharing Light language and notice how it feels in our bodies to give and receive the frequencies that come from each of us. Many of you have maybe explored with your voice and want to experience a space where you can see what wants to arise. I am Aurora and Light Language has passed through me for 7 years now It has become a natural way for me to be with energy even in day to day situations. I find it supportive and relieving so wanted to bring a space where we can build our confidence and welcome more of our true nature to the world in this moment. If this feels alive for you then Comeeee :)) big love xx 5:30-7pm Revitalise, Hove. Sliding scale £17-£25 Muchos love to you all xx


Saturday 13th April 5:30-7pm

🩷The Greedy Piggy Experience- A chance to embody our fears and play with the role of being a total selfish A**Hole. Do you worry that if you do step into your power or do ask for more money that you’ll turn into an arrogant, thoughtless being?

Here is your opportunity to act that out, be the worst rich Piggy you could imagine and be seen in that…. And still loved. And see why that part also has validity. Then to embody your highest self aligned with your values and using your power for good, what it feels like and how you would speak, act and behave.

🩷In this space participants get to release their fears, act out their shadows and choose with awareness a trajectory that is in alignment with their values. Participants will embody the energy of being in their power, sure of themselves and confidence in order to know this energy in the now.

🩷 £20-£35 sliding scale.

I like to see each participant deeply so again this container is for maximum 6 participants
So if you do feel called please inbox me to keep your space :))

Photos from Aurora Ananda Healing Arts's post 03/04/2024

Sharing Three new events I have been guided to hold here in Brighton…

💛Golden Holding-
an opportunity for facilitators and space holders to go where they need to go within themselves and request the specific holding they need in order to fulfil their self care needs. A chance to let go, be held and receive. A confidential space where all parts are welcome and dropping into surrender is encouraged and loved.

💛In this space facilitators get what they need, fill up their cups and leave feeling ready to serve in the world again.

🩷The Greedy Piggy Experience-
A chance to embody our fears and play with the role of being a total selfish A**Hole. Do you worry that if you do step into your power or do ask for more money that you’ll turn into an arrogant, thoughtless being?
Here is your opportunity to act that out, be the worst rich Piggy you could imagine and be seen in that…. And still loved. And see why that part also has validity.
Then to embody your highest self aligned with your values and using your power for good, what it feels like and how you would speak, act and behave.

🩷In this space participants get to release their fears, act out their shadows and choose with awareness a trajectory that is in alignment with their values.

💙The Complainer- are there things in society that really don’t make sense to you? Is your body doing things you can’t accept? Do you feel you didn’t sign up to this experience for it to be painful all the time? Are you at the end of your tether and half complaining to friends doesn’t really get to the bottom of your dissatisfaction?

Then here is an opportunity to complain to the max! Let it all out, all the things that annoy you things you don’t think are fair, people who treated you badly, things you want not coming to you… express it all and be witnessed. And LOVED!

And then… you can write how you want this experience to be!!!

My body is healthy and feels relaxed and at ease.
With this peace I am kind to others and it is mirrored back.
I feel settled and grateful for what I have.
I have choices.
I write my experiences and I choose kindness and beauty.

💙In this space participants get to release pent up frustration, voice things that have been difficult to accept and discharge stuck energy. They then get to voice spells of choice of how they wish their worlds to be.

✨These offerings will be over the next months… they may be one off activations so if you feel called to join do enquire and connect with me. This could be the best time to commit 🙂

✨As I feel to hold small intimate groups where everyone gets to be seen I prefer to have 6-8 people in each session. So if you do feel a pull, please do get in touch to find out more and secure your place 🙂

✨I prefer to have a little check in with each person before the session is booked to feel into if these activations suit your current needs.

✨The Room I use is in a building where there are no other people using the space so we can be loud and really go for it if we want to.

✨Sessions will be an hour and a half long.

✨Sessions will be on a sliding scale from £20-£35 to make this accessible to all.

✨Dates for these events are coming up so keep an eye on my page!

I welcome questions and inquiries as am excited about these offerings and am ready to explore these new energies with friends 💎


My unique values ❤️

Really great Unique Truths about my business…

✨ I speak to your soul- so I’m not pressurising you to buy a session it’s more about what is best for you right now.

So id ask you ‘Is a session with me the most helpful action you could take right now?’
And listen to how your body/intuition/your deeper knowing reacts to that question.

✨I am available out of hours times so if you want a session after 9-5 work times and on the Weekends… I’m here, Available to hold you.

✨I can hold big things! However shameful or ‘terrible’ your actions or past experiences might sound… I can say that I will love you in all of that. Your shadows are welcome.

✨My loving presence doesn’t just end after the hour slot. To me it’s important to follow up with the aftercare. From my experience; I have looked at and released old energy that was a big part of my identity and then finding out who I am after that takes some recalibration. So having someone available to hear me in the days after a session has been really important. Im here to give reassurance and holding if you have intuitive dreams and/or body reactions following the session.

✨Energetic intelligence and Discernment. My childlike curiosity really allows us to explore the unfolding of the places we go in your psyche with unconditional love. Coupled with my highly trained energetic intelligence this allows me to discern if it is healthy and safe for us to go towards more difficult past experiences. Deep releases will Only happen if it’s kind and gentle and what you feel you are ready to let go of. Kindness is essential.

If any of this resonates with you I’d love to hear your responses.
And sessions are available this week and next inbox for a Free connecting call ❤️


Beautiful Light beings of Brighton & Hove! This is a call to you to let you know there is a Light Language Activation Session happening This Saturday the 9th of March. 5:30-7pm at Revitalise Studio Hove.
Your place for the hour and a half will welcome £15 monetary exchange 😃😃😃

💎If you have wondered about Light Language,
💎If you have seen some signs but didn’t know how to move towards knowing more.
💎If you feel a pull when seeing this post.
💎If you feel intrigued or a childlike curiosity.
💎If you wonder about channelling or
💎If you feel that light language is something you did as a child and want to explore it again.

Then come to explore with me Aurora on Saturday in a lovely small group (Maximum 8 beings).

I have allowed light language to pass through me for the past 7 years and found it to have wonderfully healing responses from clients.

As best as I can say it that the specific tones and sounds have an effect on stagnant energy and assists it to loosen and come back to a more healthier flowing state. It can also instantly change certain moods into more openness and forthcoming energies.

I personally LOVE the feeling of doing it, my body feels this certain quality of purity and light heartedness that feels really joyeous and pleasurable.

So if this feels alive for you or intriguing get in touch and book your space as there are only 3 spaces left and I’d love the right people who are excited to be there 🏵🌺🌸

Big love and light to all.

Inbox to know more and secure your payment ❤️


Sharing my personal experience of allowing light language or specific tones to come out of my body and be expressed. And an interesting story where it had a big effect on a situation to bring resolution 💕

WELCOME | Aurora Ananda 04/03/2024

So I am in the process of building a new life. New because I was 100% focussed on healing myself for the past 7 years. The mission is as complete as it can be I’ve looked at what has come to me so far and I’m ok.

So now it’s time to cultivate a life I want to live that I want to wake up to. I am seriously brilliant at holding space, any deep dark emotions you think no one would ever accept… I will. Any thoughts of su***de that you might be ashamed to say out loud… I understand you. Any feelings of broken heartedness and giving up, I can be there with you in it and its fullness.

I need to make a living for myself now after a lot of support from those around me. If you do feel sad/down/depressed… you can also have the uplifting thought that in helping yourself it can also help me/others.

If you bottle it up it just continues going round in circles pain on top of pain, check if that is actually true for you or if bottling it up actually feels good for you?

So if there are difficult decisions you want clear support with or if you have heart ache and need comfort, check in with me as I feel I’m here to provide this service to bring you back to life again.

At the moment my sessions are only £40 for an act of kindness and accessibility. They are deeply transformative and healing. Usually sessions are £111 and will be returning to that price soon.

Check out my website or even my Facebook with over 60 5 🌟 star reviews. I have worked with hundreds of clients all having relief and satisfying experiences.
Aurora Ananda Healing Arts

WELCOME | Aurora Ananda Hello and welcome to my splendid new online home! Here you can find out more about the gifts I have been guided to share with the world and how to enjoy them for yourself. 


New light language course coming soon! In person, exclusive to Brighton!

Are you intrigued or curious?
What do you know about it?
Is it even a thing?
Can you speak it?!?
What do you feel when you hear it?

Let me know if you’re interested… if you feel an excitement then this might just be what your soul is looking for right now ❤️


Really great Unique Truths about my business…

✨ I speak to your soul- so I’m not pressurising you to buy a session it’s more about what is best for you right now.

So id ask you ‘Is a session with me the most helpful action you could take right now?’
And listen to how your body/intuition/your deeper knowing reacts to that question.

✨I am available out of hours times so if you want a session after 9-5 work times and on the Weekends… I’m here, Available to hold you.

✨I can hold big things! However shameful or ‘terrible’ your actions or past experiences might sound… I can say that I will love you in all of that. Your shadows are welcome.

✨My loving presence doesn’t just end after the hour slot. To me it’s important to follow up with the aftercare. From my experience; I have looked at and released old energy that was a big part of my identity and then finding out who I am after that takes some recalibration. So having someone available to hear me in the days after a session has been really important. Im here to give reassurance and holding if you have intuitive dreams and/or body reactions following the session.

✨Energetic intelligence and Discernment. My childlike curiosity really allows us to explore the unfolding of the places we go in your psyche with unconditional love. Coupled with my highly trained energetic intelligence this allows me to discern if it is healthy and safe for us to go towards more difficult past experiences. Deep releases will Only happen if it’s kind and gentle and what you feel you are ready to let go of. Kindness is essential.

If any of this resonates with you I’d love to hear your responses.
And sessions are available this week and next inbox for a Free connecting call ❤️


What a grand day!

From speaking with clients I notice that there are big changes or crossroads appearing right now as a theme for many people.

If you need support in coming to YOUR most peaceful, truest decision then let’s have a session together!

I specialise in asking the right questions that support you to get to ‘the bottom’ or core of what you really want.

I’m here in service and am ready to support you back to clarity, empowered states and feelings of knowing it’s all ok/going to be ok.

I have session availability next week so get in touch to get connected… back to yourself and embody your truth 🌺🌺🌺


Back with added POWER!! So there have been some massive and pretty brutal energy upgrades that I myself and others have experienced in the past weeks and what I see is that…

💕We can all heal ourselves yes…
💕sometimes we need help…

sometimes there are some effective tools or explorations that can really soften the sometimes ‘violent’ nature of opening up to Love/Light.

I don’t want it to be so violent for you all and I don’t believe that is has to be. And this is what compels me to provide my services as I get to share this exceptionally BEAUTIFUL meandering energy that softens and releases blocks.

It does really do this. Shifts happen, strong behaviours and habits can leave and feelings of satisfaction can arise. Feelings of relief and comfort in the body is available.
Ailments can change, lessen and even heal.

Dis-ease can be seen, understood and loved.

The shameful parts can be known as ways to get love which was the only way we could. And it’s perfectly natural and obvious that you would do those behaviours or ‘shameful acts’

I’m here to love and accept you unconditionally hear your ‘worst bits’ and be like ok… that makes sense and of course you did/do that.

I’m sharing my courageous heart with you and I wonder are you ready to step up and share yours with me?

If you’re here now… then we are meant to connect.



Are there big emotions coming up for you from the past?? Are you getting annoyed with addictive habits? Have you tried different things and just can’t come to peace?

Or are there some behaviours that you are repeating that you just want to stop?

I am here to assist you!

Comment or Inbox to have your free connecting call!

📸Me Tickling Buddhas Amethyst


I am Here if you are ready for change 🙂 Tomorrow is the last day of the super discounted online healing sessions. If you get in touch before the end of Sunday 11th Feb and book your session for any time in the next weeks you will get a powerful clearing session which brings clarity and deep resolution for only £40 which is usually £111!
Comment or inbox to book your session.

Here to remind you of your inner Joy & Power ❤️


A powerful interview with Jane which allowed me to share a free energetic upgrade at the end. Let me know how it feels 💚


Wooohooo!!! Loved this interview with the expansively magical Jane Scanlan!!! Have a watch until the end where I share a powerful channelled healing!!! Feeeeeel it :) ❤️


A New Channelled topic for the Zoom online series came through today …
Exploration 2: Conversations with Money as an Entity.
If you sat Money in a chair, what would it say to you?

One platform to connect | Zoom 30/11/2023

Here is the link for tonight’s session!
Please PayPal £10 to [email protected] to commit to the JOY!

Aurora is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 5D channelled exploration
Time: Nov 30, 2023 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 3187 5062
Passcode: 877608


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Meeting ID: 810 3187 5062
Passcode: 877608

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One platform to connect | Zoom Modernize workflows with Zoom's trusted collaboration tools: including video meetings, team chat, VoIP phone, webinars, whiteboard, contact center, and events.


Not long until our exploration!! Inbox as have some space ❤️


Tomorrow we go live exploring the expansive energies of 5D… I only have limited spaces so please inbox me before 5pm tomorrow (Thursday) to secure your place.

Much love and bountiful light xx


Today’s beautiful insight… noticing there was conflict happening within me that was the cause of the discomfort within my body. Noticing what parts were in conflict… and then bringing the loving mother part in to bring resolution.

As it comes closer to me going to Brighton I can see how the excited child has the world in her eyes and the teenage part is telling her her dream is rediculous.

So painful to observe the teenager being so mean and shooting down the dreams of the child part.

When the parental part came in… there was an acknowledgment of both and then a soothing care that said ‘we are going to give it a go, let’s just see what happens’

So here these next moments unfold.

The universe wants me there so I’m following that.

Photo thanks to my Leela friends…
Me fearlessly trusting and walking on hot coals… and it being ok… and being welcomed with open arms on the other side.
💚 It’s happening 💚


Back in North Wales. Offering in person channelled healing, body and parts enquiry and loving holding. If you have an ailment that hasn’t been shifted by medicines, try a session! Come with a curious mind and see…

can I be a mirror for you to see yourself more clearly? Could your dis-ease be caused by emotional dissonance?
Looking forward to exploring & connecting ♥️❤️♥️

Astrology, Archetypes and Magic with Sukha Sama - The Leela Podcast EP6 22/08/2023

My interview with the other worldly cosmic Sukha Sama!
Let me know if you can feel the magic through the recording ❤️
I would love to see you all at Osho Mystic Heart Festival so please do grab your tickets if you feel the pull!

Astrology, Archetypes and Magic with Sukha Sama - The Leela Podcast EP6 In this episode Aurora interviews Sukha Sama one of our Osho Mystic Heart Festival facilitators, they talk about all things Astrology, Tarot, and mystical ex...

Photos from Aurora Ananda Healing Arts's post 12/08/2023

Remembering some of my favourite costumes I made. I loved working with hair and tutu material because it was such an extension of my body and it would swish a lot so dancing made much more or an impact. Time for more creating I feel, and more bonkersness!

How to bring more Intimacy into your life | The Leela Podacast EP4 02/08/2023

This is me interviewing Ranjana and Amura finding out the flavours available at the next Intimacy Gathering on the 15th of Aug this year. I have been to this festival before and the depth of the learning and transformation was extra ordinary! Love the line up of facilitators and what workshops that are on offer! Come join in if it feels good for you too xx
Pure vibes coming from this video too... well i feel them for sure xx

How to bring more Intimacy into your life | The Leela Podacast EP4 This time we have Aurora, another community member interviewing Ranjana and Amura - co-facilitators of the just completed Leela Ta**ra Experience 4 module wo...


An interesting experience is happening for me at the moment where I am feeling into if another person is ok without me being able to speak to them. I imagine it’s an innate sense we all have of subtly being able to feel if someone is in danger or not. I’m touching on this so just exploring…
It feels painful in my body to worry about them if I have not heard from them and I have felt the energy of someone worrying about me and find it is not a healthy fequency to feel. So I am choosing to radiate love and share that with the person and ask my consciousness or the bigger part that knows everything ‘is this person ok’ and I seem to get some response of yes they’re alive but they are in pain.
I remember past truth of sending metta or healing love to another and that even the intention of sending love to another can be felt by the person you’re thinking about.
So even if I was feeling disempowered or like I can’t do anything to help the person… I actually can, my thoughts/prayers make a difference. And all this helps me come back to peace and love, as worry helps no one.
Just thought I’d share as it feels important x

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