Mildenhall Slimming World Groups

A Consultant since 1995 of the award winning Mildenhall Slimming World groups There is no need to book in so just come at the time that suits the best. Donna x

In June 1995 I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World group which meets in St Johns Church, St Johns Close, Mildenhall every Wednesday. Every week we have five sessions starting at 9:30am, 11am, 4pm, 5.30pm and 7pm and our new slightly shorter timings mean each session finishes one hour and 10 minutes later. We have had the honour of national finalists for Woman of the Year, Katie was


Just 4 sleeps until this will be me, Shani and 10 other very brave people connected to Mildenhall Slimming World Groups if you are able to spare any pennies it will be very much appreciated.

Am hoping not to break the current speed record of 118 mph but you never know...............

The above link should take you through to our JUSTGIVING PAGE or if you are checking in tomorrow then any donations/sponsorship would be wonderful


I know I’ve been guilty of saying all of these, perhaps you’ve said some of them too? The trouble is if we keep putting off starting then we keep delaying finishing 😉

Be great to see you on Wednesday in St John’s Church in Mildenhall - not because none of these apply but because you’ve worked out they are ALL a part of the journey.

Once we start working on our personal stoppers then magic starts to happen 🥰 After all that’s what EVERY Slimming World target member did 😉 xx




Just saying!!!


Can you believe that we are now closer to the end of 2024 than the beginning 😱

In terms of weight loss there really isn’t a good day to start as most of us have stuff going on all year long - events, holidays, birthdays, life! So the best bet is to just start when you recognise that your future could be enhanced if you were to make some positive lifestyle changes 🥰

Tried before….. well haven’t most of us but if your mental or physical health is impacted by your weight, by your food/drink/activity choices, then why not try again ❤️

I can’t promise this time WILL be THE time but I can promise it’s much more likely when we are trying over when we aren’t 😉 xx

IP28 7NX

Wednesdays at 9:30am, 11am, *4pm*, 5:30pm and 7pm

(*less busy session*)

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 28/06/2024

I am so incredibly proud of each and every one of my target members as they provide that proof every Wednesday that if we keep persevering then we can all get to our dream weights.

With over 40 currently attending target members then it was never going to be easy to pick just 5 people to represent each of the Mildenhall sessions but these superstars truly are AMAZING.

Having tried unsuccessfully at the minute to contact the lady from the 9:30am session to let her know that her friends in group voted for her then one set of before/after photos is missing


As a Consultant then the ultimate reward is helping people to achieve their dream weight but it’s lovely when you’re recognised by those at the top of Slimming World for a job well done.

Was so proud to be amongst just a handful of Consultants who achieved the DIAMOND AWARD and one of just 3!!!! Consultants achieving the award in both my groups 💎❤️💎

Thank you Mildenhall Marvels for always making me so very proud - 29 years as your Consultant and still LOVE my Wednesdays xx

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 04/06/2024

DAY 25 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️ *******************

I was gutted to step away from being the Consultant for the Red Lodge group following the challenges of Covid as I just didn't have the energy to rebuild it again from scratch and I am so sorry for those who stuck with the group as they saw a series of permanent and caretake Consultants before the group was shut :-(

Am thrilled that over recent weeks I have seen a few familiar faces come over to Mildenhall Slimming World Groups to carry on their journey as I have missed you all

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 02/06/2024

DAY 24 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️ *******************

I love my Wednesdays and all five sessions are very different but I’d like think we have fun in all of them.

Some….. well I’m on crowd control some weeks (5:30pm 😂) but I’d like to think most weeks whether you’re in the 9:30am, 11am, 4pm, 5:30pm or 7pm session that you’ve had a smile at something.

Losing weight is of course a serious matter when it can transform someone’s life but I think when life can often be tough going that I don’t need to add being a Mildenhall Marvel to that ❤️

Most of my very favourite Consultants have a wonderful sense of humour and whilst it’s not one of the qualities when we are taken on I do think it helps.

I have enough funny memories that I could write a book and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had to try and regain some composure to be able to carry on 😂🤣 xx


The Slimming World Kitchen website is NOW LIVE!

Now the website has launched, you can place an order before 12th June 2024 and you will get free delivery on your first recipe box...the ONLY 100% Free Food recipe box service anywhere!

A great service for if it will help you on your weight loss journey and will definitely be cost effective if I am not having any takeaways or meals out ;-) xx

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 27/05/2024

DAY 18 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️ *******************

I love it when a photo captures what being a Mildenhall Marvel is about and this gorgeous lady was surprised to find she’d been chosen by her friends in group for being the superstar she is.

Anita is a target member in my 7pm session and whilst she’s dipped in and out of target she’s never too far away. Keeping those pounds gone for years and years now 🥰

When anyone in group is struggling Anita is there to offer encouragement and is famous for her “just get on with it” advice 🙂

After group finishes quite a few of the men and ladies stay on to help me pack away including Anita and I’m so grateful for this after my long day.

We can sometimes take criticism that keeping weight off isn’t sustainable but I wish they could come and meet all the special target members of Mildenhall Slimming World Groups who keep group in place to help them stay at target xx


DAY 16 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️ *******************

When I came on board as a Consultant there was no such thing as social media, crikey I didn’t even have a mobile phone so things like newsletters and the magazine just for my Slimming World colleagues were so precious.

We’d also have the chance to catch up with colleagues at the Slimming World balls and those were so very glam for someone who’s idea of dressing up was the go to the local Chinese for a meal.

I’d look on in awe at those familiar names and faces who were held in the highest esteem for running groups to be regarded as the top groups in the company, to the people who time and time again would be on the stage for their member’s weight loss success or for their group’s success and never did I dream that we’d be able to put Mildenhall on the Slimming World map but with the help of my wonderful Mildenhall Marvels then we’ve done that with bells on ❤️

To every colleague who has picked up one of these gorgeous glass trophies and to the men and ladies who’ve helped us to achieve all of these (more since 😉 ) then well done and thank you.

It’s not easy, this weight loss lark, but when we persevere then magic happens xx


A fab offer starts in Mildenhall Slimming World Groups next Wednesday to strengthen our resolve to hang in there and to receive a reward for that commitment.

For this offer then you will get a brand new recipe book called *Grab and Go* with both a 6 week and a 12 week countdown course.

You will pay for 5 weeks and get week 6 free which without any planned in absence dates will get you through to 10 July 2024 before you need to pay again. WHAT COULD YOU LOSE IF YOU REALLY, REALLY COMMITTED TO 6 WEEKS 100% ON PLAN? The cost will be £29:75 (£28:25 senior rate) for currently attending members.

Or if you want to get all the way through til at least 21 August 2024 then with a 12 week countdown course you will get 12 weeks for the price of 10. If you are already a member of group then the cost will be £59:50 (£56:50 senior rate). 12 WEEKS OF INVESTING IN YOUR JOURNEY COULD SEE YOU 1.5 STONE, 2 STONE, 2.5 STONE....... LIGHTER - imagine that

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 22/05/2024

DAY 13 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️

Today’s sharing is a very special lady indeed. I know that Sharon Phillips was not feeling too good but she still made it to the 7pm session yo check in with her Slimming World family.

Sharon and I have shared so many wonderful times together whether that’s in St John’s Church on a Wednesday, weekends away for the Slimming World balls or taking part in various charity events.

After losing a lot of weight Sharon found out that she had cancer but all through the treatment she tried to keep group in place and even though she’s still undergoing health issues there is always a smile for everyone.

We all love you and hope you soon feel better. Thank you for all your help, support, smiles and got quite simply being you xx

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 21/05/2024

DAY 12 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️

Either on my own or more often with others joining me then every year for 29 years I have taken part in charity events and I can't even tell you how much money we have raised collectively.

The majority of support has gone to St Nicholas Hospice Care as a local hospice who really appreciate any help that comes their way and I've also loved all the people involved at St Nics

Photos from Mildenhall Slimming World Groups's post 19/05/2024

DAY 10 - As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me ❤️

I am in awe of some of the things my wonderful Mildenhall Marvels deal with and yet they find the strength to tackle their weight loss journey too.

In my 29 years I don’t know of anyone who has had so many health issues including brain tumours, multiple strokes leading to paralysis, cancer, fibromyalgia and many more medical issues AND yet Amy is one of the most positive people I’ve ever met.

I may never have met Amy as she joined another group in this area and it just wasn’t working out so she came to Mildenhall as a visiting member and has been a Mildenhall Marvel ever since 🥰

This photo is celebrating Amy achieving her dream weight and Amy gifted this to me as a canvas and it’s up on my wall in my office to remind me that I’m privileged to share in people’s journeys.

Amy continues to help anyone whenever she can and I don’t think she has any idea of how much she means to me for all the support she has given in return.

Helping people to better enjoy their life whatever hand they are dealt is a fantastic, humbling and sometimes a little overwhelming role but my goodness do you meet the best people ever xx


A great NEW service launching very very soon and looking forward to sharing the details with the men and ladies of Mildenhall Slimming World Groups


Exciting times on their way with a brand new service available to all Slimming World members…… watch this space 😉


As well as a secret prize then your raffle prize is everything you need to make the cheese & bacon loaded fries from the new Slimming World magazine.

If you’re dreading stepping on the scales then please don’t worry as I’ve had a word with them to be kind ❤️ xx

Mildenhall Slimming World Groups
9:30am, 11am, 4pm, 5:30pm and 7pm


As we head towards 29 years since I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World Groups then I thought I would share 29 photos/videos/memories and what they mean to me

Mildenhall Slimming World Groups 03/05/2024

❤️🌟🎉SPECIAL OFFER UNIQUE TO Mildenhall Slimming World Groups ONLY 🎉🌟❤️

For ONE Wednesday only (8th May 2024) then anyone returning/rejoining/joining any of my FIVE sessions will ONLY pay their weekly fee when they pay for a block of 5 weeks - you’ll also get week 6 FREE courtesy of Slimming World.

JUST SHOW THIS OFFER AT THE ‘PAY’ DESK and payments of £29:75 (£28:25 senior rate) need to be made by CASH or CHEQUE as I have no facilities to accept card payments in group.

St John’s Church
St John’s Close
IP28 7NX


(Join the less busy sessions *4pm or *7pm and get a FREE Slimming World magazine worth £3:95 courtesy of me too)

Mildenhall Slimming World Groups


It was so lovely to be back with the men and ladies of Mildenhall Slimming World Groups today and whilst I had a fantastic holiday I do miss you all when I am not there.

Was cream crackered after only getting home yesterday afternoon so thank you for making today as easy as it could be - very much appreciated


Away in one of our favourite places as an early celebration for our 40th Wedding Anniversary next month


“I knew I had to make a change if I wanted to see my grandkids grow up 💔.”

Being diagnosed with a serious health condition was the wake-up call that helped Joanne Kiddell lose an incredible 16st 2.5lbs – an achievement that has earned her the title of Slimming World’s Greatest Loser 2024 ✨🥳!

As well as improvements to her physical and mental health, Joanne says losing weight has also given her the mobility and energy to make precious memories with her family 🤗.

Read her incredible story here:


Anyone who knows me will know Cooper is my pride and joy but love to see your pets? Xx



Tomorrow is the last chance for anyone to get FREE MEMBERSHIP when they buy 5 (you get 6 weeks) or 10 weeks (you get 12 weeks) up front.

Reminder of the session times every Wednesday in St John’s Church, St John’s Close, Mildenhall - 9:30am, 11am, *4pm* (least busy session), 5:30pm and 7pm ❤️ xx


I just know there are some gorgeous men and ladies out there who are thinking of returning to Mildenhall Slimming World groups so I wanted to ask “how can I help make that happen?”

This Wednesday is the last chance to get FREE MEMBERSHIP and 6 weeks for the price of 5 but whilst that money saving will always be very welcome then I know for many it’s other things that stop them returning……

Message me with what’s holding you back and I’ll do all I can to help as these weeks pass so quickly, too quickly! Xx

St John’s Church
St John’s Close
IP28 7NX

Wednesday - 9:30am, 11am, 4pm (less busy session), 5:30pm and 7pm

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

In June 1995 I became the Consultant for Mildenhall Slimming World group which meets in St Johns Church, St Johns Close, Mildenhall every Wednesday and then in February 2019 I had the pleasure of also becoming the Consultant for Red Lodge Slimming World group.

On a Wednesday in Mildenhall you can choose any session with the 9.30am session being the busiest which means it doesn't usually finish until 11.15am but the 11.30am, 3.30pm, 5.30pm and 7.30pm sessions will finish one hour and 30 minutes from the start time. My members can also check in at my Red Lodge sessions each Thursday in St Christophers School, Bellflower Crescent at 5.30pm and 7.30pm.

We have had the honour of national finalists for Woman of the Year, Katie was the national title holder for Diamond Member of the Year, several members have appeared in the Slimming World magazines and other national magazines/newspapers and as a Consultant I have been very privileged to have set two Slimming World records so whether you need to lose a few pounds or several stones then you will truly be in safe hands in all 7 sessions.

Please message if you have any questions. Donna

Videos (show all)

As a Consultant then the ultimate reward is helping people to achieve their dream weight but it’s lovely when you’re rec...
Today’s raffle prize in the 9:30am, 11am, 4pm, 5:30pm and 7pm sessions
Just a little from Mildenhall’s recent Woman of the Year 2023 Group Finals - a wonderful day with my Mildenhall Marvels ...
Seems like a long time ago now but a lot of people helped to get me ready for a photoshoot for a charity calendar to rai...
It would be lovely to see you back in group as we always miss people when they step away xx
Tomorrow’s raffle prize are products featured in the new Slimming World magazine ❤️ Mildenhall Slimming World GroupSt Jo...
Recorded this little video last Wednesday for if you’re new or haven’t been to group for a little while. Will give an id...
Love this time of the year in Mildenhall Slimming World group 🎄🎁🎄
I don’t very often display these in group but I am very proud of my achievements during 27 years as a Slimming World Con...



St Johns Church
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