Theatr Iolo


Photos from Theatr Iolo's post 16/07/2024

We're pleased to announce that our two Platfform pieces for 2024 are Dwi'n Dysgu by Mari Luz Cervantes and Drum Roll Please by Greg Glover. Dwi'n Dysgu is about moving to Wales from another country, finding out where you belong and learning to love all parts of your heritage. Drum Roll Please explores the true story of the Cardiff Colossus - a man with giantism who joined Barnum's Circus and took on the world!

We can't wait to work with Mari and Greg to help them bring these stories to life for young audiences.

Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o gyhoeddi mai Dwi'n Dysgu gan Mari Luz Cervantes a Drum Roll Please gan Greg Glover yw ein darnau ar gyfer Platfform 2024. Mae Dwi'n Dysgu yn ymwneud â symud i Gymru o wlad arall, darganfod i ble rydych yn perthyn a dysgu i werthfawrogi bob rhan o’ch etifeddiaeth. Mae Drum Roll Please yn trafod stori wir y ‘Cardiff Colossus’ – dyn a fu’n byw gyda chawraeth a ymunodd â Syrcas Barnum am antur a hanner!

Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at gydweithio â Mari a Greg a’u helpu nhw i ddod â’r straeon hyn yn fyw i gynulleidfaoedd ifanc.

Have a Go | Arts Council of Wales 12/07/2024

This week we've spent 3 days at Bryn Celyn Primary school delivering drama workshops for Reception to Y1, funded by the Arts Council of Wales' brilliant 'Have a Go' scheme.

Rydyn ni wedi treulio 3 diwrnod yn Ysgol Gynradd Bryn Celyn wythnos yma yn cyflwyno gweithdai drama i blant o’r dosbarth derbyn a Blwyddyn 1. Cyllidwyd y gweithdai gan gynllun gwych ‘Rhowch Gynnig Arni’ gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Have a Go | Arts Council of Wales We help people to make, present and exhibit the arts. We work with artists and organisations to reach as many people as we can. And we research the ways we can protect and sustain creative activities in Wales.


A huge DIOLCH to the brilliant and lovely Kira, who has been running Playhouse Cymru this year. We couldn't do it without her! 🥰

DIOLCH o galon i Kira, yr unigolyn hyfryd sydd wedi bod yn arwain ar Playhouse Cymru eleni. Ni fyddai’n bosib hebddi! 🥰


Pob lwc to Evenlode Primary School who are performing at The Riverfront this evening as part of Playhouse Cymru!

Pob lwc i Ysgol Gynradd Evenlode a fydd yn perfformio yng Nghanolfan Glan-yr-Afon heno fel rhan o Playhouse Cymru!


Pob lwc to all the children from Ysgol Bro Teyrnon and Saints Gabriel and Raphael Primary School who are performing at The Riverfront this evening as part of Playhouse Cymru!

Pob lwc i’r holl blant o Ysgol Bro Teyrnon ac Ysgol Gatholig Seintiau Gabriel a Raphael a fydd yn perfformio yng Nghanolfan Glan-yr-Afon heno fel rhan o Playhouse Cymru!


CALLING ALL ACTORS! Could you be part of our next production, The Welsh Dragon? We're looking for five actors to play a variety of roles in a bold new play for children exploring Britain’s black ancestry. DEADLINE TOMORROW!

YN GALW AR ACTORION! Tybed a allech chi fod yn rhan o’n cynhyrchiad nesaf, The Welsh Dragon? Rydyn ni’n chwilio am bum actor i chwarae amrywiaeth o rannau yn ein drama eofn newydd i blant sy’n archwilio llinach Du Prydain. DYDDIAD CAU - YFORY!


✨ Over the last few months, we've been working with four talented young writers to develop their original plays into a professionally recorded podcast drama. A huge well done to Ali, Sioned, Alex and Sophie for writing these incredible stories and sharing them with us! You can now listen to the plays on our podcast channel or enjoy them with captions on YouTube.

✨ Dros y misoedd diwethaf rydyn ni wedi bod yn cydweithio â phedwar dramodydd ifanc talentog, er mwyn datblygu eu dramâu gwreiddiol yn ddrama-bodledliadau sydd wedi’u recordio’n broffesiynol. Da iawn Ali, Sioned, Alex a Sophie am ysgrifennu’r straeon anhygoel yma a’u rhannu nhw gyda ni! Bellach gallwch chi wrando ar y dramâu ar ein sianel podlediadau neu eu mwynhau gyda chapsiynau ar YouTube.



CALLING ALL ACTORS! Could you be part of our next production, The Welsh Dragon? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 We're looking for five actors to play a variety of roles in bold new play for children explores Britain’s black ancestry. Deadline for expressions of interest: 08.07.24

YN GALW AR ACTORION! Tybed a allech chi fod yn rhan o’n cynhyrchiad nesaf, The Welsh Dragon? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Rydyn ni’n chwilio am bum actor i chwarae amrywiaeth o rannau yn ein drama eofn newydd i blant sy’n archwilio llinach Du Prydain. Dyddiad cau dangos diddordeb: 08.07.24

Award-winning Welsh playwright, Gary Owen, writes new play to be performed by cast of children this summer — Theatr Iolo 27/06/2024

We're delighted to have been able to commission playwright Gary Owen to write a new Welsh language play for children taking part in Playhouse Cymru this year. Children from Ysgol Bro Teyrnon will be performing Gary's play at The Riverfront Theatre next month. You can find out more about the project and Gary's play here...

Mae’n bleser gennym gomisiynu’r dramodydd Gary Owen i ysgrifennu drama newydd Gymraeg ar gyfer y plant sy’n cymryd rhan yn Playhouse Cymru eleni. Bydd plant Ysgol Bro Teyrnon yn perfformio drama Gary yn Theatr Glan yr Afon fis nesaf. Gallwch ddarganfod fwy am y prosiect a drama Gary fan hyn...

Award-winning Welsh playwright, Gary Owen, writes new play to be performed by cast of children this summer — Theatr Iolo Welsh children’s theatre company, Theatr Iolo, have commissioned the writer as part of Playhouse, a UK wide project that offers schools brave and relevant new plays to perform at their local professional theatre.

Photos from Theatr Iolo's post 20/06/2024

Did you know schools in Wales can receive up to £1000 towards ticket and travel costs to see The Welsh Dragon this autumn? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿DM us or email [email protected] to find out more.

A wyddoch chi bod modd i ysgolion dderbyn hyd at £1000 tuag at gostau tocynnau a theithio i weld The Welsh Dragon yr Hydref hwn? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Anfonwch neges breifat aton ni neu e-bostiwch [email protected] i ddarganfod mwy.

Chapter Welfare Ystradgynlais Memo Arts Centre, Barry The Met Abertillery Pontardawe Arts Centre The Riverfront Y Muni Pontypridd


We welcomed schools to the Riverfront this week, as they began to prepare for their performances next month as part of Playhouse Cymru. Pob lwc bawb - hope you all enjoyed your backstage tour!

Wythnos yma fe groesawon ni ysgolion i Ganolfan Glan yr Afon, i gychwyn paratoi ar gyfer eu perfformiadau fis nesaf fel rhan o Playhouse Cymru. Pob lwc bawb – gobeithio i chi fwynhau’r daith cefn llwyfan!


Today we say farewell to Aled, our Artistic Administrator, who is starting an exciting new job Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru next week! Best of luck with your next big adventure Aled. We will miss you!

Heddiw rydyn ni’n ffarwelio ag Aled, ein Gweinyddwr Artistig, sy’n ymuno â thîm Wales Millennium Centre - Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru mewn swydd newydd gyffrous! Pob lwc i ti ar dy antur fawr nesaf, Aled. Byddwn ni’n dy golli di!


Heddiw rydyn ni yn Ffiliffest gyda’n ffrindiau Kitsch n Sync Collective a’n sioe wych i’r teulu cyfan - HOOF! Dewch draw i Gaeau Owain Glyndŵr yng Nghaerffili i fwynhau perfformiadau am ddim am 2pm a 4.30pm.

Today we're at Ffiliffest with our friends Kitsch n Sync and our fabulous family show, HOOF! Head on over to Owain Glyndwr Fields in Caerphilly for free performances at 2pm and 4.30pm.

Photos from Theatr Iolo's post 06/06/2024

⭐️ Only 4 days left to send us your idea for a new children's show! You could receive up to £2500 to develop your idea, as well as mentorship from Theatr Iolo's Artistic Director, Lee Lyford.

⭐️Dim ond 4 diwrnod sydd ar ôl i anfon eich syniad ar gyfer sioe newydd i blant! Fe allech derbyn hyd at £2500 i ddatblygu’ch syniad, yn ogystal â chael eich mentora gan Gyfarwyddwr Artistig Theatr Iolo, Lee Lyford.


🎧 It's the final morning of Young Playwrights recordings, and today we're joined by 14 year old Alex with his new play, The Great Christmas Dinner Plot. 🎅🎄🎁 We can't wait to hear the final result!

🎧 Heddiw yw ein bore olaf o recordio dramâu newydd y Dramodwyr Ifanc, ac mae Alex sy’n 14 oed yn ymuno â ni gyda’i ddrama, The Great Christmas Dinner Plot. 🎅🎄🎁 Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen yn arw at glywed y recordiad!


Another day, another play! Today we're recording two Welsh language plays by Sophie and Sioned, as part of our Young Playwrights project. Pob lwc!

Diwrnod newydd, drama newydd! Heddiw rydyn ni’n recordio dwy ddrama Gymraeg newydd sbon gan Sophie a Sioned, fel rhan o’n prosiect Dramodwyr Ifanc. Pob lwc i’r ddwy!


Wythnos yma rydyn ni’n recordio pedair drama wreiddiol newydd a gyflwynwyd fel rhan o’n prosiect Dramodwyr Ifanc. Heddiw rydyn ni’n cydweithio ag Ali sy’n 10 oed, ar ei ddrama The Well-known Wicks.

Gobeithio y byddi di’n mwynhau’r recordio, Ali! 🎧

This week we are recording four original new plays that were submitted as part of our Young Playwrights project. Today we're working with 10 year old Ali on his play, The Well-known Wicks.

We hope you enjoy the recording session Ali! 🎧


Today marks the start of Imaginate, Edinburgh's International Children's Festival. If you're visiting the city over half-term, make sure you check it out!

Mae Imaginate, Gŵyl Ryngwladol i Blant yng Nghaeredin yn cychwyn heddiw. Os ydych chi’n ymweld â’r ddinas dros wyliau hanner tymor, beth am gymryd golwg ar yr oll sy’n digwydd..?


Have you got an amazing idea for a children's show? Take a look at Platfform 2024 and find out how we can help you turn your idea into reality!

Oes gennych chi syniad gwych am sioe i blant? Cymerwch olwg ar Platfform 2024 i weld sut y gallwn ni wireddu eich syniad arbennig!

Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash


Our friends Our Voice Network . Rhwydwaith Ein Llais and Sherman Theatre are looking to support two artists of the Global Majority, for one year, to develop as storytellers through the 2024 Our Voice Bursary!

Apply Now:


Mae ein ffrindiau, Our Voice Network . Rhwydwaith Ein Llais a Theatr y Sherman, yn awyddus i gefnogi 2 artist o’r Mwyafrif Byd-eang, am un flwyddyn, i’w datblygu fel storïwyr drwy Fwrsari Ein Llais 2024!

Ymgeisiwch nawr:


Thinking about applying for Platfform 2024? Check out this film to find out why you really should!

Ydych chi’n ystyried cyflwyno cais ar gyfer Platfform 2024? Cymerwch olwg ar y ffilm yma i weld pam y dylech fynd amdani!


Find your wellies and dig out a raincoat! 💦 Today is the first day of Wales Outdoor Learning Week. Check out our free resource pack inspired by the illustrated children's book Tidy, by Emily Gravett 🌳

Gwisgwch eich cot law ac esgidiau glaw! 💦 Dyma ddiwrnod cyntaf Wythnos Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored Cymru. Cymerwch olwg ar ein pecyn adnodd am ddim sydd wedi’i ddylanwadu gan Tidy, y llyfr darluniedig i blant gan Emily Gravett🌳


Today, we're at The Riverfront with the teachers taking part in Playhouse Cymru this year. Looking forward to spending the day together and exploring the project!

Rydyn ni yng Nglan-yr-afon heddiw gydag athrawon, yn cymryd rhan yn Playhouse Cymru eleni. Edrych ymlaen at dreulio’r diwrnod gyda’n gilydd a thrafod y prosiect!

Tidy — Theatr Iolo 21/04/2024

Calling all teachers! Did you know that 22-28 April is Wales Outdoor Learning Week? We've created a free resource pack to support outdoor learning, inspired by the illustrated children's book Tidy by Emily Gravett. Download for free from our website...

Yn galw ar athrawon Cymru! A wyddoch chi fod Wythnos Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored Cymru yn digwydd 22-28 Ebrill? Rydyn ni wedi creu pecyn adnodd am ddim i gefnogi dysgu yn yr awyr agored, wedi’i ddylanwadu gan Tidy, y llyfr darluniedig i blant gan Emily Gravett. Lawrlwythwch y pecyn am ddim o’n gwefan...

Tidy — Theatr Iolo Polka Theatre and Theatr Iolo transform Emily Gravett’s inspiring and funny illustrated story, Tidy, into a magical stage production.


We're delighted to launch Platfform 2024, inviting Welsh and Wales based writers and theatre makers to inspire us with a new idea for a children's show. Two artists will be given up to £2500 to develop their idea further!

Deadline: 9 June 2024

Mae’n bleser gennym lansio Platfform 2024. Rydyn ni’n gwahodd sgrifennwyr a gwneuthurwyr theatr o Gymru ac sydd a’u cartref yng Nghymru, i’n hysbrydoli ni â syniad newydd ar gyfer sioe i blant. Bydd dau artist yn derbyn hyd at £2500 i ddatblygu eu syniad ymhellach!

Dyddiad cau: 9 Mehefin 2024


Our friends at National Dance Company Wales are running free dance and prop making workshops before performances of their new family show ‘Zoetrope’ on Saturday 27 April from 11am in Cardiff Bay. Tickets to the show are just £6 for children too – make a day of it!

Visit to learn more and book.


Mae ein ffrindiau yn National Dance Company Wales yn cynnal gweithdai dawns a chreu propiau am ddim cyn eu sioe deulu newydd ‘Zoetrope’ ddydd Sadwrn 27 Ebrill o 11am ymlaen ym Mae Caerdydd. Dim ond £6 yw tocynnau plant ar gyfer y sioe – diwrnod cyfan o hwyl!

Ewch i i gael gwybod mwy ac i archebu.


Eid Mubarak! 🌙


🌳 To celebrate Wales Outdoor Learning Week (22-28 April 2024), we've launched a free learning resource pack for schools, themed around the illustrated children's book Tidy, by Emily Gravett. 🦡

Download it for free on our website...

🌳Er mwyn dathlu Wythnos Dysgu yn yr Awyr Agored Cymru (22-28 Ebrill 2024), rydyn ni wedi lansio pecyn adnodd dysgu am ddim i ysgolion, yn seiliedig ar Tidy – y llyfr darluniedig i blant gan Emily Gravett. 🦡

Lawrlwythwch y pecyn o’n gwefan am ddim...


We're in Chapter today from 10am until midday running a free children's craft workshop in the cinema foyer. No need to book, just pop in!

Rydyn ni’n cynnal gweithdy crefft i blant am ddim yn Chapter heddiw o 10am tan ganol dydd. Does dim angen archebu lle – dewch draw aton ni, fyddwn ni yng nghyntedd y sinema.


🎨 Don't forget we'll be running a free craft workshop in Chapter tomorrow from 10am-midday. It's free and there's no need to book - just turn up!

🎨 Peidiwch ag anghofio, byddwn yn cynnal gweithdy crefft am ddim yn Chapter yfory rhwng 10am-12pm. Mae e am ddim, a does dim angen archebu lle – dewch draw!

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We create theatre for young minds

Theatr Iolo is an award-winning theatre company, which has been at the forefront of theatre for children and young people for over thirty years. Babies, children, teenagers, parents, pupils and teachers have enjoyed performances, workshops and productions from the company performed in all kinds of spaces across Wales, the UK and internationally.

We create quality experiences that are stimulating, surprising and special for children of all ages and backgrounds, to help them make sense of the world around them and to find their place in it.

We create and produce the best work for children and young people on a national, UK wide and international level, working with the best artists and writers, to ignite creativity and imagination in both English and Welsh languages.

Theatr Iolo will be;

Videos (show all)

Our friends Our Voice Network . Rhwydwaith Ein Llais  and Sherman Theatre are looking to support two artists of the Glob...
Thinking about applying for Platfform 2024? Check out this film to find out why you really should!Ydych chi’n ystyried c...
We're delighted to launch Platfform 2024, inviting Welsh and Wales based writers and theatre makers to inspire us with a...
Check out the trailer for Tidy, our co-production with Polka Theatre 🦡 Coming to Wales in 2025, alongside performances o...
Only a few more weeks to sign your school up to Playhouse at The Riverfront! Watch this short film to find out why you s...
Haven't made your mind up about whether to see Peter Pan yet? 🏴‍☠️Watch this wonderful film of Rebecca (Peter) and Emily...
Hey kid! Wake up and watch this wonderful film of Peter Pan in action. Tickets still available for performances until 6 ...
Bach o spoiler alert, ond mae'r daith ar ben nawr'n hapus i rannu😉Dyma rai o'r golygfeydd o #PijinPigeon na...
Nia Gandhi
💿✨ Caru steil cyfnod yr 80'au a'r 90'au cymaint a ni?!👯'Chydig wythnosau nol fe eisteddom ni lawr gyda'r Cynllunydd Set ...
✨HENO! TONIGHT!✨Mae tim #PijinPigeon yn glanio yn Ffwrnes, Llanelli (Theatrau Sir Gar) heddiw, yn perfformio yma heno + ...




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