Titan Coaching

Titan Coaching

BNBF Champion, Miss Athletic 2015 & 2017
Ultimate Athlete British champion
NW bench record holder 5

Online Personal Training
Evidence based practice using flexible dieting methods and evolving training techniques
One on One Personal Training sessions
Rehabilitation work undertaken
Mindset, psychology and emotion all taken into account


The joy of IIFYM

SURE you can “fit” bagels and cereal into your macros, you CAN fit pop tarts and twinkees in them too Aaaaaand you can easily exchange rice or potatoes for these things right? Course you can … BUT are y you going to be FU**ING hungry and left unsatisfied after one ham and cheese Mayo laden bagel when you COULD have had a massive bowl of chick, rice with pineapple and veggies?

“Fitting” stuff in has its place but doing it all the time is just an excuse to eat s**t and say you’re happy with it. Swapping these things in to FIT will leave you derived of vital minerals and micronutrients that your body reacts to in a much more favourable way.

Gut health, systemic inflammation, recovery, hormones… these all require decent minerals and decent nutrition to function properly.

A bit of this and a bit of that is cool beans, it keeps a diet sustainable and you get to have some flexibility, but there’s a difference between “flexible” and “ar****le”

Don’t be the ar****le that tries to diet on being TOO flexible with s**t foods… be a bit smarter in your choices, especially in a prep where aesthetics, performance or making weight is involved - macros matter sure but QUALITY macros matter more



Digestion is hard to comprehend
I have consultations with people who are simply looking to improve their digestion - just to have ONE DAY free of pain, cramps, bloat, constipation, diarrhoea… the list can be endless.

Poor digestion can literally stop your life in its tracks - bent over double with pain and can’t even go for a walk let alone get to the gym.

There is always an answer to improving digestion, sometimes it’s simple, sometimes there’s a bit more digging to be done but 9 times out of 10… analysing your nutritional intake can reveal some answers.

Never take for granted a regular poop… for some people it’s their ultimate goal.


Wins for The Team this weekend 🥇

taking the champion spot claiming Hulls strongest woman in the opens class

taking a 5 for 5 event win and overall champion

thankfully not allowing a 90kgs stone to smash his face in and loading up to the 110 on the platforms in the 105 class!

taking 2nd in a hella hard comp and feeling bloody awesome throughout

More comps this weekend for more strong people, bodybuilders and wind surfers!

Proud as always of all my Titans proving that they can become more than they believe ✊


It’s amazing what the body can do when the mentality is 100%
has amazed me with her achievements this last month - she told me she was entering 3 back to back competitions all in different weight classes in descending order.
Me and Desi have been working together for over a year and I know how her body responds to certain situations - the situations are usually dictated by emotion and there have been a number of conversations between us about how to OVERCOME these emotions and be the biggest badass that she can be.
She proved without a shadow of a doubt that she has conquered that… first comp .strong England’s strongest woman U82 coming 7th hitting multiple PR’s
The next weekend we undertook a weight cut to the U75 becoming .natural.strongman.fed Champion taking a Deadlift WHEA world and BNSF British record pulling 190kgs
The following weekend - a FURTHER weight cut to the U73’s to go and win the Official Strongman Games Qualifier.
Desi listened to EVERYTHING she had to do and never complained, we spoke daily morning and night to gauge emotion, mentality and physical well-being as well as monitoring her weight.
Proud is a fricking understatement… we now have T-minus 10 days til the next event which involves a flight to Ireland and a PM weigh in… will we have doubts? Heck no…. Finally Desi has learned to believe in herself which is the biggest win I could ask for 🥇


Snippet and a tease from the epic with my homie
Me and Will had such a laugh filming this weekend and it was a privilege to see my athletes do such amazing jobs from all disciplines including Strongman, powerlifting, bodybuilding and CrossFit!
Records were broken, emotions were had, tans were applied and Rick took the p**s out of me as always… because fwend 💜😂
Full video to be released on ze YouTube tomorrow so keep your eyes and ears peeled!

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 08/07/2022

Wanna know why?

cause you have been dieting for too long and your body says NO

If you JUST focused on eating less, theres a whole host of things that occur in order to keep your body alive

1 - you will see an overall drop in your NEAT, physical activity and a small drop in your metabolic rate... much harder to loose weight

2 - Lower calorie intake CAN impact hunger and satiation hormones making you hungrier and less satisfied ... much harder to lose weight

3 - It impacts sleep which heightens hunger even further making it harder to lose weight

4 - Your thyroid regulation gets reduced impacting energy expenditure ... much harder to lose weight

There are OTHER areas that you must focus on rather than just eating less. Management of stress, baseline physiological function, nutrient absorption and gut health (so the TYPE of food that you consume) are all factors that impact weight loss - these aren't factors that can be learnt over night either - it takes time and education in becoming AWARE of your own body's reactions.

This is why I ask so many detailed questions in my check ins - As I always say it's more than just macros - A LOT MORE matters.

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 28/06/2022

Tried hammering a bent nail?
It’s hard AF right? And no matter HOW HARD you hit it with that hammer you won’t be able to hit it straight - you have to use a different tool to pull it out and start again.
If you batter your body every day, train hard and heavy to the point of exhaustion, under fuel it with s**tty nutrition and try and run a marathon to loose those extra couple of pounds - you’re going to crash and burn.
Recovery is the most understood tool that everyone fails to use - always thinking that MORE is better where as if you used DIFFERENT approaches, took extra recovery days when you need them and actually LISTENED to what your body is telling you, you will progress a lot faster and probably enjoy it more!
Rest and recovery are important tools just like training hard and heavy are - remember to use BOTH.



Various lightings for a reason
Recent check in update form Mr showing some new lines in this growth phase.
We have been taking check in photos in two different lightings so I don’t miss ANYTHING that is occurring - you can see that outside his lines are blurred and I can’t quite make out his leg detailing - so by asking Andy to take photos in two different places with different lighting I get a clear picture of how his physique is responding.
Still pushing up food when it’s necessary, we aren’t over pushing based on digestion but we’re certainly not pulling back (no need for a tidy up/mini cut) he’s now for the first time EVER following a structured training plan and logging his lifts which is paying off nicely - focusing on his weaker areas so he’s not on the cookie cutter PPL or Upper/lower split, his training plan is designed with purpose, executed with intent AND it’s enjoyable which is a key thing!
making the big… 2023 should be interesting 🤔


Over 25Kgs LOST!!
The smile on face tells the story about how proud she is to have achieved such a HUGE accomplishment.
It hasn’t been a easy road, Kim is a very busy human with a very demanding job, she gives A LOT of herself to other people and over time has failed to acknowledge that she needs her OWN time.
Over the last few months we have been communicating all throughout the weeks so I can make sure she is giving herself some much needed down time as well as remaining accountable with her fluid and nutrition intake as well as her REST DAYS!
Having an emotional attachment to training it’s hard to keep Kim still with her feet up for more than an hour BUT she stuck with it no matter how loud her head was telling her to train.
Recovery paid off and not only has she lost this incredible amount of weight but has improved her relationship with food, understands the importance of rest and recovery and managed to smash up a Strongwoman comp!!
It’s been an epic (and soppy) journey so far and as always it’s a privilege to be a part of it 🥰


6 weeks Transformation 🫣
Ok only joking - But it’s a SICK progression that deserves shouting about.
and I have been working together for 18 months. We started off as a simple “I want to get healthy and feel better” program which soon escalated to competing in Strongman and attaining a physique that is NEXT year going to step on a bodybuilding stage.
This physique change has not been linear, we have taken diet breaks and gone through gaining phases, maintained to “marinade the tissue” then dieted again.
Throughout this time Alex has competed in 4 strongman events, had a beautiful baby girl and carried on playing golf to his liking.
These things can happen when you plan accordingly… you don’t have to think “I don’t have time” - Alex is a busy business man, has a family with two children, travels a lot with work which he made clear in our first consultation so we built the plan around him.
Cookie cutter plans or downloadable PDF’s are GREAT but if they don’t fit in with YOU, then they’re dog s**te. 💩
Epic work from Alex here and it’s an immense pleasure to have you as part of the Team.


2 preps - 2 photo shoots
literally was in a “prep” for both of these photo shoots. The term “prep” doesn’t automatically mean weight loss, her first prep was based around restoring her hormones and gaining self confidence REGARDLESS of the scale weight or what her physique looked like.
It was tough, but Lucy understood the reasons behind everything we did and her prep ended with her regaining her menstrual cycle AND pulling off an insane photo shoot.
Her recent “prep” was more of a fitness related goal, after restoring balance and having a much better relationship with her food altogether, we knew together that she was in a great place to have THIS prep.
She’s still the same Lucy… the same but different… and the difference in her as a person speaks louder than these photos.
The biggest win here? Lucy LOVES herself, her physique, her mentality- that’s a hell of a win 🥇


A lot of people have been asking about “ideas” for their food intake to make it less boring, less time consuming to prepare and easy enough to make in bulk or for a family sit down.
Food is easy as long as you MAKE it easy - the Titan kedgeree takes less than 15 mins and can serve multiple people or have a weeks worth of Tupperware prep!
250g white rice
4 smoked haddock fillets
Turmeric (excellent anti inflammatory)
300g mixed frozen veggies
Whole eggies
Coriander (cilantro)
Lemon juice (a sq**rt)
Boil rice adding turmeric to the water
Meanwhile bake the haddock
Pour boiling water onto veggies to defrost and put your whole eggies onto the boil.
Drain the veg and add to the rice mixing it in.
Take haddock out of oven and flake onto the rice and mix again
Peel eggs (hardest job…)
Serve up and sprinkle coriander…sq**rt lemon juice… Present on a nice looking plate adding boiled egg on the side 😍
Simple, easy, high protein, tasty - perfect as a post workout being higher in carb and low fat - or anytime of day because it tastes damn fine!
Please enjoy, post up your efforts using the tag and tag and you will be in the chance to win the Titan cookbook!


A lot can happen in 8 weeks.
8 weeks, 8 weeks adherence, checking in on time, ticked of
- Cardio
- outside walks
- Meals perfected
- Trained with intensity & to program
- Never complained

A lot can happen in 8 weeks if you trust the process, adhere to it and just take it Day by Day.
12 weeks to go… .lantos never lets anything go unticked ✅


WANT to vs HAVE to…
comes around again and people ask me how I can stay motivated all the time being a busy hooman with a lot of tasks that need doing on the daily.
Answer is easy, I don’t have motivation, I have routine and discipline and I LOVE IT! Motivation is finite - it runs out quick ESPECIALLY when you’re busy and have a mountain of things to do.
Im 12 weeks out from the first comp of the year and I know I have my daily duties to do on top of training and cardio so I just make it work.
I make it work because it’s a choice, I WANT to do this, I don’t HAVE to do this… if you want to achieve something you’ll make it happen… you won’t need motivation.
12 weeks and counting…..


Over 3 years between these photos and throughout that time me and have worked collaboratively making her a podium winning Powerlifter, gaining her self confidence and emotional relationship with food to now.. in her last 12 weeks of a bodybuilding prep.
Words are lost when I try to say how proud I am of Jess and what she has overcome. She continues to be outstanding in her consistency in training, check ins and communication and that is what makes the coaching process so easy.
There is nothing wrong with transitioning to a different sport, you can excel in more than one and I’m sure you’ll agree that is knocking her prep out of the park so far. 💜


Maybe… Maybe not…
When someone comes to me complaining of not being able to loose weight, I analyse what they are currently doing - we look at food intake as a whole, not just macros and calories but the types and sources of food that they consume. What expenditure they’re doing and what their day to day activities are.
The majority are starving themselves and doing crazy amounts of expenditure HOPING that weight loss will happen.
Analogy… if you’re building something and a hammer isn’t working… you don’t just hit the hammer harder, you use a different tool.
In a prep or weight loss phase your body recognises that something is not right so ADAPTS to that stimulus in order to survive. If you start on too lower calories and too higher expenditure WHERE HAVE YOU GOT TO GO?
When I increase someone’s food and take down their expenditure, all of a sudden they think I’m a magician when they start to lose weight and get a better physique - it ain’t magic… it’s basic physiology.
Stress the body too much for too long and it fights back, work WITH the body and it works WITH you.
Starting a deficit on as higher intake as you can will set you up for a successful and healthier prep - don’t think you have to starve yourself to the point of mega exhaustion, unable to string a sentence together and are a miserable sod, there are better and smarter ways to prep than just having white fish and a rice cake 5 times a day.


Introducing the TITAN Mascot.
The lean, mean, peanut crunching machine… ‘SQUIGGLE.’ ©
Squiggle started off as a skinny squirrel, not optimising his nutrition, his training or his supplementation - since working with the Titan team he has morphed into a stronger, healthier version of himself and for this reason we have appointed him the head mascot for the Titan brand!!
Soon to take stage on the new and be featured on our brand new and exclusive products.
The first new product was a collaboration between us and squiggle and we’re excited to launch it this week!
- .digital

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 16/05/2022

Changes go deeper
What can I say about - she came to me needing to be “saved” from her eating disorder. Sick and tired of being ruled by the “chatty bitch” that was forever in her ear.
Over time we have worked her intake up from 1,400 calories to over 4000 and still going strong.
Coaching Naeema is different than coaching athletes, yes she is treated with the gold standard as I do everyone, but we have a very different form of communication. We needed to instil trust in the process, understanding why we had different forms of intake to NOURISH her body.
Over the years that we have been working together has pushed herself far beyond her own expectations, managing challenges on a weekly basis that I set her to overcome fear and actually ENJOY going out for a meal.
Not only is she recovering but she is also putting all her efforts into finishing college and has got into the university of her dreams to pursue her dream career 💥
It’s a joy to see just how far my girl has come, made me quite emotional seeing these photos side by side 💜
This girl has finally secured a bright future with her recovery… we ain’t done yet 💜


YOU are the one in control
Regardless of whether you have the BEST most well known, most expensive coaching team in the world.. it’s means SCHWEET FA if YOU don’t take ownership for the plans provided.
Adherence is the number one factor that makes your goals achievable.
Scenario A - had a bad day… had a twirl bar, fu**ed the diet…the rest of the day went to s**t
Scenario B - had an eventful 20 mins, took a moment for myself outside and calmed down, got on with the rest of my day…
Your reaction dictates your actions - YOU RUN YOUR S**T



More muscle - easier weigh in
from our first Arnold’s prep together to the latest prep together - within that time we managed to build some decent tissue, some hardcore strength with some expert programming from and make weight easier than ever before eating and drinking before stepping into the official scale AND pulling out a world record on the dinnie stone lift in front of a huge array of spectators world wide.
Moving onwards and upwards now to the next weight class without MASSIVE jumps in weight because… not necessary… alongside some lifestyle changes to make “human” progressions not just “athlete” progressions.
Chloe is a pleasure to coach, we always have excellent check ins via a floating head video and random voice notes and that’s what I love - actually getting to form relationships with my athletes… they are humans at the end of the day - not just data.

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 11/05/2022

Got the ambition?
So many people have the drive and the desire to achieve immense goals and yet rely too much on the things that don’t matter in the bigger picture.
“What supplement can I take for…., what’s the best PED I can take for… how about how many grams of salt do I need?”
Sorting out your FOOD as in PROPER FOOD as a baseline starting point is what’s going to be the biggest impact into your progress whether it be fat loss, muscle gain, a platform PR, a CrossFit win or a strongman podium.
Focus on your ambition but also focus on the necessities rathe than the insignificant.
The insignificant side only becomes significant when the significants are nailed.
Do you have drive? Do you have ambition? Do you have goals? Do you have p**s poor nutrition?

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 06/05/2022

Being a dark horse,
Hard days may outweigh good ones, negativity can be screaming at you to stop but ignorance is blissful.
Embrace the dark, embrace your work in silence - the end result is your trophy 🏆


Not a bodybuilder
You don’t HAVE to be a competing athlete just to look and feel good. In just 7 weeks this transformation took place from diet management, 4 days training and a lot of stress reduction - the goal was to look and feel better … goal achieved…


Cue getting p**sed off after the first day of dieting

Photos from Titan Coaching's post 03/05/2022

Why do we crave extremes?
Start a new “diet” expect immediate scale weight loss overnight… didn’t work.. EAT LESS - DO ALL THE CARDIO!!
Ok things start moving.. INSTANT GRATIFICATION - the scale continues to go down and down.. then stops… so what now? Eat less? Move even more?
We go to extreme lengths to achieve certain things thinking that more is better.. but we fail to see what’s actually going on due to associating more loss with better progress.
The first swipe was an extreme prep, a terrible one that cost a lot more than I give to social media - the second swipe is an extreme example of MORE DRUGS MORE FOOD MORE GAINS (of course this is photoshopped… I don’t look that massive).
Kim kardashian lost 7kgs in 6 weeks rating nothing but tomatoes, running every day and sitting in a sauna suit just to fit in Marilyn Monroe’s iconic dress…that’s extreme even for fashion!
There are things that can be extreme but they aren’t sustainable nor are the effects long lasting.
Think about the next time you look for INSTANT gratification when entering a new diet, bulk, sport or anything else you do - is it worth it? Will you be happy with “instant” or HAPPIER with long lasting?


Photos from Titan Coaching's post 02/05/2022

Crash dieting - the reality
Crash dieting is all shiny ✨ it guarantees to make you lose weight at a faster pace than you ever have done before… eat only 60g of spinach 4 times daily for two weeks and BOOM 💥 dress size dropped… drink maple syrup and vinegar for two solid weeks with no solid food and hey presto bikini body appears!!
Really though? I mean who can ACTUALLY do that and enjoy it.. let alone stick to it!!
Hate to sing the obvious but crash dieting is a crash course to binge city.. eat nothing all week and your body will FORCE you to crash course collision into ALL the foods just trying to satiate the hunger, the fatigue, the irritability… your partner may support you at first but if you’re biting their head off by Friday they’re going to throw Reece’s PB cups at you with force just to bring you back to life again.
Work at little things, sustainable things, things that you can learn about and get good at over time and be consistent with - ditch the crash helmet and maybe just start with goggles…


Photos from Titan Coaching's post 26/04/2022

Importance of a an off season
-lantos 18 weeks out in both pics, TOTALLY different body composition - the first pic was down to an uncontrolled off season having “untracked” pastries and a highly stressful personal life… it made prep ten times harder due to the unstructured nature of training, nutrition and expenditure. Fast forward to this off season and EVERYTHING was accounted for, we had periods of time OFF taking stress down, structured training to suit her personal needs and growth areas and are now well ahead of where we need to be before heading back to stage.
Swipe over to where he is the same weight in both pics only again holding a completely different composition - less systemic inflammation, less PED’s, WAAAAAY less body fat, more lean tissue…better health.
Off season is more important than prep, and this spans across all sports. Get too fat as a fighter,you’re going to make your weight cut tough as s**t, get too heavy as a cross fitter, say goodbye to butterfly pull ups and handstand walks.
Having a structure to your off season MAKES you a better athlete, take the time off, have your push ups, knowing when to push and pull back is the key.
I am maybe too meticulous sometimes but I am not one to detriment anyones health or progress through lack of structure in any phase.
Excited AF to see more of what Team Titan can achieve 🧨



Motivation = NOUN Discipline = VERB
Motivation where no action is required, it is out of our control now and when you FEEL motivated to do something. Discipline however is a verb…it’s all about action, it’s about something you do and something you chose to do.
Or you want to change something in your life, you can let motivation inspire you but don’t expect it to stick around without focusing on building new disciplined actions around that new thing.
Don’t get me wrong, motivation is a wonderful thing to take advantage of when it strikes, it provides us with super human powers of focus and productivity, but the daily grind is finite, we can’t force, beg or plead or to stick around when climbing that uphill battle.
To put it bluntly, motivation will start the campfire, but it’s the continuous feeding of logs, paper and fluid that keep the fu**er burning.
To become disciplined you have to build habits, small things to focus on until they become engrained as the day to day “DO” just like brushing your teeth… you aren’t motivated to do it, you’re disciplined through continuous action and repetitiveness of that action.
Form habits, create discipline - stop relying on motivation when it leaves you - because at some point… it will.
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“I just CAN’T do it!!”
Big difference between CAN’T and WON’T… Just CAN’T say No? Or WON’T say no?
Try it… say no… you CAN right? But find yourself in a social situation where friends or family are saying “go on, it’s fiiiiine!” And then all of a sudden that want to say no vanishes and you just don’t WANT to say no any more … finding yourself in a constant spiral of keeping on plan UNTIL the situation rears up again… causing a continuous back and forth in progressions.
Changing the way you look at things and how others perceive you will stop this persistent back track… everyone can say NO… let’s face it, it’s one of the first words you learn as a baby and can say no AAAAALL the time when asked to tidy your room…
Saying you CANT do something automatically sets you up to NOT do it - “I can’t lift that weight” well you won’t… “I can’t say no to wine” - you CAN, you just don’t want to…
Taking ownership for the cans and wills in this world will make you feel a hell of a lot more positive rather than saying can’t.. self positivity and praise can be just as much as a spiral as the negative words and actions you use.
Change the perspective
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Tongue in cheek - but very truthful
Former fat boy syndrome is a very real thing and as the name implies, it relates to someone who used to be fat, worked damn hard to shift the weight and is now crippled with the fear of RETURNING to their former self, resulting in a mess in mental hang ups, being afraid to socialise, have meals out or even increasing any intake for that fear of getting fat again.
The same mentality can be associated with a bodybuilding prep, where you work your tail off for months reducing calories and increasing cardio to shift every last bit of surface fat to expose the lean tissue underneath.
There are ways to combat this and it all comes down to learning - learning HOW to eat again, (sounds odd right?) learning how to increase your intake and decrease the huge amount of steps and cardio that you are doing as routine and learning that eating more in the correct fashion is not goi g to result in a fat over shoot l.
By learning and having a direct plan in order to regain metabolic health, strength and sanity, you need to have a plan.. support and accountability- you can break the cycle of fear of becoming fat again…. You just need to learn HOW.
Graphic .digital

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Videos (show all)

Snippet and a tease from the epic @fitxpo_uk with my homie @williamcarver_ -Me and Will had such a laugh filming this we...
Cue getting pissed off after the first day of dieting
“I just CAN’T do it!!” -Big difference between CAN’T and WON’T… Just CAN’T say No? Or WON’T say no? -Try it… say no… you...
Sound on….-You asked for more than just apple iTunes… well - @darkmatter.digital did what you asked!! -All podcasts now ...
Gym tantrums -I always have an issue with my right arm cutting out when performing an overhead press, and EVERY TIME it ...
HARD SETS -The amount of time I hear people complain that they aren’t making progress in the gym, aren’t growing their l...
The passion -Why the passions make athletes..-Video @xpresmedia_ Filmed at the immense @area51fitness Featuring athletes...
NEW!! How to train like an old fart-This was my favourite video shooting with @andypoole_bb when we visited @strengthsha...
Enough said… improving self perception and feeling damn good about yourself is fucking important to continue the process
Holiday eating - the fine line between enjoyment and being an arsehole
Training Tuesday and an epic save from a secondary face plant from the spotter of peace @fullstrength001 -Back squats al...
Never be afraid to shout for help -When accumulating tissue you need to add in The hard stuff, AS WELL as the accessorie...



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