Bump into Fitness

We educate and empower mums to take control of their health from the inside out. Movement&Nutrition


Just over a year ago today the gorgeous asked me a question that set about a series of events that caused a lot of disruption and discomfort in my life…..

But in that moment my body finally accept what my mind has been trying to tell me for a while…. And poor Shona spent ten minutes listening to me SOB 😭

Thankful 🙏 it happened, that one conversation sealed the deal in me understanding my self worth and stepping UP to say I was no longer stepping back or backing down to make others feel better.

You do NOT have to dim who you are to make others feel better. THEY need to learn how to be confident, bright and shiny WITH you… because we each have things we are amazing at and things we need to improve….

Anyway: If someone can look you in the eye and then lie to your face… you know that’s not your space.

I don’t repeat patterns, I learn from them. It still hurts to think that people don’t and they’re still going through it BUT some say if distraction is around you, it’s inside you! I hope peace is found for you.

Fast forward a year… fully stepped into the light. I’ve never had a doubt, I’m always myself and the pure ease of my days- it’s real ❤️

I’m so thankful for the bad times. I’m thankful for Shona for seeing me and just being brave enough to point it out. The world needs you. I’m glad it changed both our lives ❤️

I didn’t think I’d be doing this job now…. But we’re doing it, full time, fully booked and now taking on a brand new project 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Live big people! Live your dreams.

Be kind but truthful. Always 💖

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 13/05/2024

Update: we are IN

We officially have everything set up and ready to go for in 🙂

We’re just getting the website sorted do for now please DM .pilates if you would like to book a class.

We open June 1st 🙂

While I’m here, I thought I would also show you the gorgeous new room at the gym! It feels amazing and has all the equipment in, it’s been used by members and us as trainers. We’re so lucky to have it. Feel free to pop down and visit us.

Happy Monday all. See you in June 😘

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 21/04/2024

Happy Sunday 👋

It’s been a while since I checked in and it’s obviously birthing time for many s enquires are up again 😊

I am still around and I am still working with Pre and Postnatal Clients but only 1:1

Classes are not currently being held with Bump into fitness.

In other news I have a space available for PT after helping a lovely mummy reach her goal 🙂

I’ve been busy teaching Mat Pilates with Tandys gym in Nantwich, learning my new rehab role and have some training days this week, so that’s exciting 😊

Harry is expanding the gym and so the team at P1 are getting ready for the big move as well as our team training and our clients and members.

And yes, I’m excited to say we’re able to offer group reformer Pilates classes from June 🙂 so we’re busy behind the scenes with that too

Looking forward to being a little more social media present 😁


****Its amazing what can happen in a year****

Hi all 👋 it’s been a while!

Just popping on to say that I am officially fully booked. 😊 There is currently no way to work with me 1:1

3 months ago I set myself a target 🎯 and since then life has been max speed… and thankfully I have made it 💪💪

My priority is to deliver a quality service to clients and do this while also keeping my studies up to date and progressing in my career. While simultaneously being the best mum I can, while running a home single-handedly ….. while avoiding a nervous breakdown 😬 I know you will all feel that 🤦🏻‍♀️

I am incredibly grateful and so happy to be able to say the above in such a short space of time and will not take it for granted. Those close to me know just how difficult life has been in the previous 12 months and what it has taken to get here.

To those struggling
-Align yourself with your values
-Keep concentrating on yourself
-Don’t listen to other people’s limitations, they’re limiting themselves not you. 😊
-keep shining: Our world needs you exactly as you are!

*I do have a wait list that you’re able to join, the minimum wait is 3 months. DM to join 💕


Didn’t go to the gym as planned today!

That’s okay 👍 I won’t be beating myself up 🆙 get it. Still got my steps in, still eaten some incredibly nutritious food.

Still moved my body.

I don’t need to go into detail because we’re all busy and we all have times where we can’t catch our breath…. For me that’s been the past three weeks and I’ve made the mistake of not giving myself a little break to catch my breath and tend to my home and the needs within that…..

So now I’m panicking how I’m going to catch that time up….. so today I sacrificed the gym, knowing that won’t make any difference to my day but it will mean I will sleep better tonight and aid my session tomorrow 😉💪

So mumma: remember that when others depend on you, sometimes the sensible thing is to prioritise rest.

The only time place your irreplaceable is at home 💕😘

P.s Pilates with me pretending I’m a pop star is amazing 🤣


Happy international women’s day to all the women who shine bright and refuse to be anything other than themselves.

Here’s to strong women:
May we know them
May we be them
May we raise them…..

And create them in the gym (for life) 💪💪🫶🏻

I had a new picture taken (where I look more myself 😉 and not the weird blond/ginger version) so thought I’d share it.


Good Morning :)

I’ve been relatively quiet lately because…. I’ve been super busy 😊

I’m so grateful to be busy and I’m enjoying the challenges but obviously something has to take a back seat……and clients over socials… but I’m enjoying seeing all your stories still.

🥳 I’m super thrilled to have joined a new team where I’ll be doing all the usual PT things BUT I’ll also be making the most of my referral quals and working with the rehabilitation team for cancer survivors and cardiac patients 🥰 super overwhelmed and scared by it BUT that’s where the growth is isn’t it!

I am still at and I won’t be leaving! It’s the perfect mix of everything I was hoping to one day experience in a workplace… I’m learning everyday and I’m being challenged with clients that spark all the knowledge I’ve collected over the years…..

You can join me for mat Pilates at in Monday 12.30-1.15 and Thursdays 6.15-7PM where I’m also available for massage and Personal Training sessions.

Hope you’ve had an amazing week everyone.

Happy Friday 🙌🙌


If we took weight out of it….

What do you think are the top three things women say to me about why they want to train with me?

Clue: you’ve all thought at least one and probably feel guilty or weird for at least the one thought 🤣🤣


A friend said something to me a while ago and it’s stuck with me.

“We all go through hard times but you do it alone, that’s the difference between us”

And as weird as this sounds as a single mum of 10 years….im not sure I’ve ever thought about it!

We all have our times when we’re overwhelmed and struggling….

But yes, parents like me do it alone (or with minimal help) and we do t have that person to pick up the slack or help financially or to lean on daily….

That’s the difference, the lack on leaning! Our time is not the same or priorities can’t be the same…. It’s a constant battle of change and balance….. just like other mums…… but alone!

If you know a single mum (or dad) just try touch base with them and ask if they’re okay and if they need anything….

Because they won’t come out and say it. We’re not made that way.

To those doing it alone, speak up if you need to 💕


(I’m fine before anyone asks, it’s just a thought)

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 05/02/2024

Change can be really hard. The fitness industry is rife with toxic thinking patterns about how things “should” be and look….

But everyone’s circumstances are different and we’re all doing g the best we can. Sometimes we need help to think differently and find the solution because we are so stuck in our own thought patterns…..

That’s when life experience and thinking outside the box is helpful.

I like the phrase “keep it simple silly” because we often think we have to do crazy big changes that
-were not in alignment with
-are not sustainable for us

That’s why it’s important it’s built around you!

Happy Monday

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 03/02/2024

Really boring things I did in January that will set me up for the rest of the year!

Now 2023 was a bit of a survival year, I over spent and was not conscious of a lot of the choices I made because… life was happening to me, not for me. Completely out of alignment with myself… stress and anxiety up and down…… and I had been drinking a little more than usual…. Stress apparently!

So between Christmas and new year I had a clear out ✔️
As you can see there are some old things that should have been thrown (fake tan) I did the same with my bank accounts, debts and savings…. No it’s not fashionable is it! 🤐

But I’m a single mum and realistically, budgeting is part of most peoples lives…. I’ve been debt free for a long time but gained some in 2023…. Because I walked away from a job…. 🤷🏻‍♀️ we survived but we didn’t thrive!

So: I discovered 5 foundations
So much food! Clothes, bags, shoes I don’t wear 👋

Then I set my budgets
Set my goals and intentions for the year and I got my head down!

January is a big spend month because for some reason last year I decided to buy a car 🤦🏻‍♀️

Other than that it was all non essentials BANNED ❌
😊 We are from the fridge/cupboards and freezer
😊 I cut off the tops of my foundations and gained an extra week (that’s a truck from my granny)
😊 Only used the car when I didn’t need to
😊 Wrote down everything that I spent
😊 Did a weekly audit
😊 committed to no alcohol

Why did this set me up for 2024?
✅ Cleared clutter (physical emotional and financial)
✅ Gave me focus and time to get back in control
✅ made me conscious of what I’m doing daily.

This just creates space for me to be really intentional about my needs and how I’m living rather than trying to impress or keep up!

Why am I telling you? Because I’m listening to some of you feeling just as stuck/confused or out of control with just trying to keep up with everyone you see on instagram…… and then worrying.

If you have it spare, sure go for it.
If you like to do it, sure do it….

But if it’s about how it looks to others, think about that!

Stress has a huge impact on physical health, that no nutrition or exercise can help with.

Hope it helps someone 💕

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 31/01/2024

It feels right to say this now. Prenatal classes started September 2017 Postnatal Group classes started January 2018

As a trainer I’ve grown so much since then. I believe that when you don’t feel things in your heart you can’t govern your best and in this job it’s not acceptable.

I also would not want to be the type of person that becomes so stuck in a role that I stop growing or begrudge others growth because I stayed stuck in the past. I’ve been on the receiving end of a lack of growth and it’s not nice…… so

Here is to growing, showing up as our biggest and best and really making an impact…….

See you on the otherside 💕💕

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 24/01/2024

Bit personal but:

Today, I went to go and visit one of my besties in her new studio space! I couldn’t be happier for her, not only has she waited literally YEARS for this to happen but she’s really been through some challenges during that time too! It’s so so hugely deserved I couldn’t be prouder of her.
She runs two studios, completed a degree and started a new job while also caring for her family and generally being awesome! 🙌 you’ll be hard pressed to find a woman like her

BUT you know why I love her most?
She’s one of those magical people that just wants to do amazing things AND wants everyone else around her to do that as well…. Genuinely and fully encouraged everything I’ve ever done, unconditionally (and yet always gets me to question take my time)……

As soon as she showed me around and we caught up , laughed and shared the excitement….. she pushed me upstairs to go see the empty unit that “would make the perfect gym space”…….

My point is: surround yourself with people that are excited for you, are happy for you and challenge you to be a bigger version of you. Don’t settle for people or things that want to keep you small.

To those of you living your dreams: amazing, keep going. The world needs your energy.

I’m off now to bask in the joy and pride for me friend ❤️ have a great day 💪


Ladies do you ever just have that moment where you think.

That’s just not who I am anymore and you know it’s time to just move along!!

You can do it little by little but the universe will keep screaming and showing you it’s time until you wake up and listen to it!


My telweeb will not thank me for sharing his face so he is covered 😊

If you’re on a social media page that does show his face, consider yourself a chosen one 🤣

Anyway, yesterday I was presented with an opportunity that is to good to pass up. I however don’t want to give anything else I’m doing up… because I love it 😍

I know I can fit it in but it does mean some sacrifice that will affect my child so my first port of call is to talk to him ask his thoughts and make sure he is comfortable.

He’s a tween, sometimes he’s moody so u thought it would take ages…. The FIRST thing out of his mouth?

“Go for it mum we will work it out”

People: he is 12! His go getter attitude is beyond

Then he says “if it doesn’t work, we rejig” 🤣

I hope you all have kids that encourage you to chase your dreams as much as they chase theirs…..
No matter what they are 🙏💕


1/2 (you’ll have to wait for part 2)

Why haven’t I done a big push for you to coach with me?
Why am I not pushing you to sign up for three months to change your life?

Simple: research shows most of us will give up by the end of January
AND most importantly I’m really not in a space in my life where I want to force or push anyone to do anything. Personal or professional….

Does that mean I’m not working atm? No
Does that mean I’m not taking anyone on for coaching? No

It means that I am living in alignment with where I am in my life.
That I am practicing the very things that helped me change into the person I am today…

The healthiest version of me from the inside out. I’ve coached hundreds of women for the past 14 years in each phase of life and we all have one thing in common:

We have to care for others- whether that’s children or parents (or both)
This often means our needs are neglected.

It’s taken me 8 years to shed all the guilt, shame and “giving a f**k” feelings while still caring for those I love.

I know the key to your success is not
That certain weight
That race
That event

The key to your success is…….

Asking yourself the biggest question that the majority of people overlook.


I have two spaces left on the prenatal classes this term for your space DM

The original Prenatal Pilates and strength program begins again for 2024

Join me at Thursdays 7PM
From January 11th

Learn how to understand your changing body
Maintain overall strength, control and relax your pelvic floor and core strength.

Condition your body ready for postnatal recovery.

For full details and to book DM
“Prenatal power”


I have two spaces left for this term DM me to join.

The original Prenatal Pilates and strength program begins again for 2024

Join me at Thursdays 7PM
From January 11th

Learn how to understand your changing body
Maintain overall strength, control and relax your pelvic floor and core strength.

Condition your body ready for postnatal recovery.

For full details and to book DM
“Prenatal power”


Postnatal classes start back 8th January 10am

Join me to understand your postnatal body, return to movement, condition your pelvic floor and core. We use breathwork, mat based Pilates and strength work to build a plan especially for the postnatal body using motherhood movements that help recovery and build strength from the inside.

For full details DM your email address and we will be in touch


Postnatal classes start back 8th January 10am

Join me to understand your postnatal body, return to movement, condition your pelvic floor and core. We use breathwork, mat based Pilates and strength work to build a plan especially for the postnatal body using motherhood movements that help recovery and build strength from the inside.

For full details DM your email address and we will be in touch


The original Prenatal Pilates and strength program begins again for 2024

Join me at Thursdays 7PM
From January 11th

Learn how to understand your changing body
Maintain overall strength, control and relax your pelvic floor and core strength.

Condition your body ready for postnatal recovery.

For full details and to book DM
“Prenatal power”


Social media is a wonderful thing but I also know some of you are dreading the next week or so for the

“Highlights of the year”

So I wanted to offer some insight:
Has it all been easy? No!
Within each amazing time there will have been a set back or even a struggle for everyone….but that makes us appreciate things more!

Look at your body: when it’s suddenly not how it used to be, you miss what was. When your health declines, you appreciate how it was.

The challenges through life make us resilient, they prepare us for the next challenge and we enjoy the better times even more…..

Embrace it, go through it and enjoy the otherside with MORE of you.

Someone once told me they “pray you have enough” and I didn’t get it until recently

Enough rain to appreciate the sun
Enough sadness to appreciate the joy
Enough challenge to appreciate the easy times.

Look back and see your year and enjoy the wonderful memories you have made.

You did it, your year was what you needed 💕


God I’m awful at posting lately!

Life has gone manic… oh and I have a 12 year old now! How did that happen! Happy birthday to my sweet boy who’s a young man now 💕

Tweenager and midlife mum life in full swing!

Hold on ladies because the adventure gets better 😊


Full day today…. And I’m starting the day better than yesterday 🤣

From 2024 you can join me in Nantwich on Mondays or Thursday evenings

Among services offered I will be doing a mat Pilates class at Tandy Health and Fitness Monday lunchtime and Thursday evening. You can book via Rob’s website…..

Postnatal will move to physio at the Lodge

And 1:1 appointments available in Crewe.

1:1 and a small postnatal class is available at Precision One Health & Fitness Gym Community 😊


Available with gift vouchers also 💕


Ladies: My phone has done a disappearing act today so if you have an appointment with me and need to contact me please drop me a message on here. Otherwise all appointments are on as normal :)


Tell me something you’ve learnt about yourself this year…..


This mum first came to me for massage for consistent headaches!
(All medical tests done)

We did some release work and it worked … for a time, so we did it again and added some stretching and strengthening work for use at home.

The third visit then progressed again to stress management and breath work as well as a full review of nutritional needs.

The 4th visit we reviewed all of the above and added the reformer for a deeper stretch, strengthening while supported and a deeper connection to the body through movement.

This week she returned and confirmed there had been no headache for a week and she had been able to manage daily tasks without having to sit or lie down and rest.

Even managed to do the iron at 8 am! 💪💪

It’s not magic, it’s just moving in a different way and if that helps you life your life pain free- I’m here for it 💪💪

Photos from Bump into Fitness's post 18/11/2023

Earlier this week I posted a story that a client had been told to stop exercising by a “weightloss consultant” because the scales were going up every week!

It makes me angry! For many reasons, you’re more than a scale weight! Exercise has MORE benefits for your body and your soul!! Than most things sold to us these days!

Lastly- untrained people selling lies and not fully understanding what they’re actually saying…. Is pure money grabbing greed and I’m not here for it!

Rant over thanks 🙏 have a great day!


Yesterday my heart broke!

My favourite person told me he hated his smile!

That smile that brightens my day, the way it reaches his eyes, the corners turn up to give him little dimples! It’s pure magic to me…

And he hates it….

I know it’s his age, I know it will change and I remember feeling the same when I was younger….. the thought he is now becoming aware of himself so much he can say that he “hates” things….. makes me so sad.

I know he is entitled to feel that way but the thought of not seeing that smile every day makes my heart cry 😢

So all I could say was:

I can understand that, I felt the same, this is what I did instead of smiling…. But just so you know I love your smile, it’s my favourite smile ever…

I think there needs to be MORE smiles in the world not less 😞

Time is a thief and it’s taking the innocence away. This tween mum life is the hardest stage so far 💕

Growing away. Enjoy every single precious moment.

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Social media is a wonderful thing but I also know some of you are dreading the next week or so for the “Highlights of th...
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Doors are open for September classes….. week commencing 4th September-16th October -restore core and pelvic floor contro...
Did you see our lovely venue for our new prenatal power class on a Wednesday 6-7PM in nantwich 😊 we love it. Right by th...
Setting up for our mums and babies this week has been very exciting, different goals for each but one thing in common, a...
Doing a Q & A in insta stories. Ask me anything
Not local to staffordshire or Cheshire? Want to train with me?  Join our online community and let me help you get strong...
Let’s stop the narrative that kegals are the BEST for the pelvic floor…. Want to know more: drop me a message and let’s ...
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