Carolina House Trust

Carolina House Trust

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We provide safe and nurturing homes for children and young to reach their potential.


One of our young people has been recognised for participating in his school's savings club. He volunteers as a teller when pupils make deposits to their savings accounts. This involves numeracy, communication and reliability. A teller is a position of responsibility and a brilliant introduction to financial inclusion. Our young people are supported to contribute positively to their community and we are pleased to see it recognised.


PVG members should keep their details up-to-date with Disclosure Scotland.

📣PVG scheme member? Remember to let us know if your details change!

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If you choose a therapeutic parenting style then this detail will come as no surprise to you 13/08/2024

Something you may hear us refer to at CHT is 'therapeutic parenting'. Therapeutic parenting is highly nurturing and helps children feel secure. It is especially helpful in caring for children and young people who have experienced trauma in their early years.

You can read more in this article.

If you choose a therapeutic parenting style then this detail will come as no surprise to you Therapeutic parenting is all about nurturing and encouraging secure attachments


As it is International Cat Day tomorrow, we thought we would celebrate this on our Wellbeing Wednesday. There are many reasons to love cats and many of our CHT Community have cats in their lives. Here are some of the cats from our community and why they are special to us.

Children's hearings redesign - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space 05/08/2024

The Scottish Government have launched a consultation paper on redesigning children's hearings for families to have the best possible experiences. The paper is now available online to support formal responses.

Children's hearings redesign - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space Find and participate in consultations run by The Scottish Government

Building the Money Springboard 04/08/2024

Quaker Social Action provides 'Building the Money Springboard'. These resources are helpful for people who support care experienced young people and care leavers. Resources offer age-appropriate financial education.

Building the Money Springboard Resources for adults supporting children and young people in care. Designed to provide positive money-learning experiences using the informal moments and situations that come up in everyday life. St Christopher’s staff, foster carers and young people have worked with Made of Money to develop these...

Playday 2024 - Play Scotland 03/08/2024

Playday 2024 is on Wednesday 7th August. This year’s theme celebrates the rich and lively culture of children’s play. Every child plays – playfulness is a distinct feature of behaviour across generations and cultures. Playing generates a culture of childhood. More info is on the Play Scotland website.

Children have a right to play and therapeutic play is something we promote with our carers at CHT.

Playday 2024 - Play Scotland On Wednesday 7 August, families, communities, childcare and youth settings will celebrate Playday across the UK.

Altruistic August 01/08/2024

Action for Happiness is inviting us to take part in Altruistic August. It started today with the task, 'Set an intention to be kind to others (and yourself) this month.' Sounds good to us!

Action for Happiness

Altruistic August Daily actions to create a wave of kindness in the world.


Countering Compassion Fatigue

As part of our innovative resources for our carers from Get Set Yeti, we have tools specifically developed for our carers to help counter compassion fatigue. has also provided a tool on countering compassion fatigue.

Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.
Compassion fatigue is the reduction in capacity or interest in extending compassion to someone after witnessing his or her suffering (Raab, 2014). Compassion fatigue, also known as secondary traumatic stress or vicarious trauma, is a form of burnout.

This tool, developed by Lucinda Poole (PsyD), helps caregivers cultivate self-compassion, whilst maintaining a connection with others.


Find a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Gently close your eyes and take a few moments to settle in position. Let go of the day so far ... conversations you’ve had, things you’ve done ... and just stay in the moment.

Now, place one of your hands over your heart. Placing your hand there during this mediation serves as a reminder to extend loving awareness to your experience and yourself.

Savour the breath

Now, take five or so deep, slow breaths. As you breathe, feel the sense of contact between your hand and your chest and notice how your breath nourishes your body on the inhale and soothes your body on the exhale. [30 secs]

Gently return your breath to its natural rhythm. Allow yourself to savour the sensation of breathing, following the airflow through the nostrils and down into the lungs and out again. [10 secs]

In for me, out for you

Now, bring awareness to your in-breath, and do your best to breathe in something good for yourself.
Whatever you need right now. [30 secs]

Now, shift your attention to focus on your out-breath, and do your best to breathe out something good for someone else. Perhaps think of a loved one or someone who is suffering and needs compassion. Visualize this person clearly in your mind ... and direct each out-breath towards him or her. [30 secs]

Now, for the next few breaths, focus on the sensation of breathing compassion in and out ... “In for me.. out for you. One for me ... one for you ...” [20 secs]

In for me

Now, let go of what the other person may need and gently bring your full attention to yourself. [10 secs]

Continue to breathe gently and intentionally, directing compassion inward ... “In for me ... out for me ...” [20 secs]

Allow yourself to savour the experience of self-compassion flowing into and out of your body. [20 secs]

Spend as long as you like here ... “In for me ... out for me ...” and then when are you ready, gently open your eyes.

Talking to children about scary world events 30/07/2024

Even for children not directly impacted, learning of shocking events involving young people can be distressing. We are sharing this guidance on talking to children about the news in response to the awful events in Stockport yesterday and as a resource that might be useful for future reference.

Our thoughts are with the victims and their families and friends in Stockport as they are with all victims of violence against children.

Talking to children about scary world events In the digital age, it is no longer possible to control the news that we are exposed to or shield children from upsetting information. What you can do is help to minimise the negative impact it has on your children through open and honest conversations.


If you could offer short breaks to a young person for occasional weekends or holidays, then we would love to hear from you. Offering short breaks allows you to be a part-time foster carer and remain in other employment. Visit our website for more info.


The Promise Scotland have released some new resources to help teams understand Plan 24-30. One of these is a presentation that helps breakdown the roadmap.

The scene begins (top left) with the foundation icon for Voice.

The position of the voice icon is one that influences the entire scene and wraps round all other foundations of the promise. This foundation is about ensuring the voice of children, young people, their families, and care experienced adults is prioritised.

Bottom left begins the start of the route map to 2030, the journey Scotland must take to keep the promise using Plan 24-30.

The stairs to the start of the route map are beside elements that are what has come before, and work that will continue to be built on - books for research and learning, and ears for listening.

Supporting the route are the things that need to be in place for work to keep the promise to progress - coins for financing, data, the sector icons representing those who need to work and change, the lightbulb for ideas and innovation, the apple and pencil for continuous learning.

Scaffolding is everything that must support Plan 24-30 (adjacent systems) and the crane is the collective effort of building. The crane itself is in the background to symbolise there is much more work to be done and it is in progress.
All foundation icons are on platforms elevated as they are imperative to the plan, with corresponding colours for each foundation. The saltire flag gives context to where the plan is taking place, as well as signs on the road laying out the route map.

The figures in the illustration give context to who the plan is for. With a ratio of 2:1, adults make up 2/3 of the people in the scene. Those in the scene are the ones who need to act the most to make the plan work. Each age group is represented, with interactions between them showing collaboration (waving), led by children (hand holding) etc. Finally, the bottom half of the image is more populated than the top to show more is known for the first few years and the rest will become clearer and busier as progress is made. �


We were pleased to see the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child enshrined in law in Scotland this month. Our Chief Operating Officer, Sara Lovelock, said:

“Carolina House Trust is responsible for delivering the best possible care for children who, for various reasons, cannot live with their own families.

To maintain optimum standards in care, we welcome the UNCRC, which will ensure that children’s rights remain at the heart of our organisation, from planning and service delivery to decision-making.

We are particularly determined to ensure that all of our communications are inclusive so children really understand their rights and their role in shaping the plans that determine their care. We are currently working with children to review our portfolio of communications so their voices remain at the centre of their care.”

Kiri Pritchard-McLean on sharing her story as a foster carer on stage 25/07/2024

Kiri Pritchard-McLean shares her fostering experience and explains the flexibility that short breaks fostering can offer families and young people who need it.

Kiri Pritchard-McLean on sharing her story as a foster carer on stage As a frequent face on TV with a distinctive laugh and a streak down her hair, it's tough for comedian Kiri Pritchard-McLean not to stand out.


Today is self-care day and we would like to use this week’s Wellbeing Wednesday to highlight the importance of self-care. This day is celebrated on 24/07 each year as it represents the benefits of self-care on our health and wellbeing 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

International self-care day is used to encourage us to priorities self-care and introduce it into our everyday routines, ensuring our physical and emotional needs are met. This does not always need to be long time consuming activities, these can be simple activities that help boost your mood and help you feel good about yourself.

Examples of self-care:
• Ensuring you have a balanced diet to fuel your body
• Drinking enough water each day
• Taking a walk
• Having a bath
• Making your bed each morning
• Getting enough sleep each night
• Reading a book/ listen to a podcast
• Watch your favourite film/program
• Write a self-care journal
• Challenge yourself to learn something new

Here is an article that offers many more ideas for you to try- 50 Simple Self-Care Ideas That Take 10 Minutes or Less (

By taking the time to practicing self-care daily it helps us value our self-worth, improves our mood and confidence and reduce key stressors in our day to day lives.

Photos from Carolina House Trust's post 20/07/2024

Every day we receive enquiries from across Scotland seeking safe and nurturing homes for children and young people. You do not need formal qualifications to foster, just the motivation to make a difference in the life of a young person. Full support, training, fees and allowances are provided.

Photos from Carolina House Trust's post 19/07/2024

How to plant “I Can” seeds

With the school holidays in full swing, some of our young people may be enjoying summer camps, meeting new friends and trying new things. For some young people, this can be a challenge as they don’t want to be seen to be making mistakes or doing something wrong.
Big Life Journal has provided this step by step guide on “How to Plant ‘I Can’ Seeds” for children and young people. The message of resilience and keeping trying comes through to them as the children and young people colour in the sheet.


Earlier this year we were delighted to support Fairmuir Boys Under 16's football team to travel to the Netherlands and compete in a tournament. Their manager, Mo, had cultivated a growth mindset amongst the team throughout preparing for and funding the trip. The boys reached the semi-finals of the Holland Cup, coming up against European sides for the first time. We loved following their adventures.

Nicola and Calum went along to wave them off on their coach and grabbed a spot in their departing team line-up photo.

𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐌𝐔𝐈𝐑 𝐔𝟏𝟔𝐬 “𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐬”



Your time is almost up. Voting closes on Friday (19th July).

We are finalists in the DACC Awards for People Pioneers. Winners will be decided by a judging panel and public vote. Click here and vote now:


Monday the 15th July is World Youth Skills Day, which focuses on the strategic importance of ensuring we equip our young people with the right skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

Our vision at Carolina House Trust is “All children and young people, irrespective of their background can grow up to be the best that they can be” and key strategic priorities include:

• Delivering a programme to support our young people into independent living with a focus on life skills
• Work with partners to offer work experience opportunities to young people

To achieve these, our Support Workers provide therapeutic support to our young people, focussing on life skills.

We have offered a number of placements to young people studying foundation apprenticeships, modern apprenticeships and placements for students studying Social work and Community Learning and Development.

In addition, we have committed to the Young Person’s guarantee with Developing the Young Workforce, Tay Cities. The Young Person’s Guarantee is a commitment to provide opportunities for all 16-24 year olds in Scotland through jobs, apprenticeships, further and higher education, training programmes and volunteering.

From here, we have also committed to becoming a mentor to school pupil’s through the Career Ready programme, which empowers young people in S5/6 to kick-start their chosen career through an authentic workplace experience.


Please keep sharing and voting for us in the ‘People Pioneers’ category.


Our Chief Operating Officer, Sara, makes a strong case for your votes in this video! You can vote to make CHT the winner of the People Pioneer Award at the link.



We are finalists in the DACC Awards for People Pioneers. This is our first time being finalists and our whole community is excited. Winners will be decided by a judging panel and public vote.

Vote for us online before 19th July.


As the summer holidays begin we wish all our families a very happy and healthy summer.

☀️ Our carers have access to 24/7 support from social workers that they know and who know their families throughout the whole summer period.
🖌️ We have art activities planned for our young people and a community BBQ to look forward to.
🏖️ Our carers are also making good use of our holiday home.

Please do get in touch if your family wants to be part of the CHT Community and provide a safe and nurturing home.


With the summer holidays started for most us in Scotland, there may be times that our children and young people will be looking for things to do.

We recently launched a Growth Mindset board game, in collaboration with Get Set Yeti for our families as a fun way to way to discuss Growth Mindset in a range of different circumstances and situations our young people may find themselves or their peers in. The board game is suitable for children and young people of all ages.

If any of our carers have not received their yet and would like to over the summer holidays, please contact their dedicated Supervising Social Worker or Charlene, our People & Development Officer.


We are keen our advertising spending benefits communities. This week we received a Baldragon Academy folder which we sponsored for two years. The school will receive funds for extracurricular activities and we can reach families who want to foster. A win win.
Baldragon Academy


On this , we would like to highlight the concept of James Nottingham’s Learning Pit. The Learning Pit supports the ways in which we think about our learning and is particularly useful for building resilience, self-efficacy, growth mindset, curiosity and collaboration skills.

The image from The Learning Pit shows the stages of the Learning Pit.

By challenging and questioning the concept or the question, learners use more learning skills:
• Defining
• Evaluating
• Generalising
• Interpreting
• Predicting
• Questioning
• Testing
• Verifying

These are all key life skills, and also useful when sitting exams.

Key to the pit is having a Eureka moment and you can’t have a Eureka moment without having struggled first and that is what builds resilience and growth mindset.

If you are interested to learn more about the learning pit and how it can help young people with their learning, this is a great video -


It was a pleasure to spend time at Ninewells Hospital today talking to staff and visitors about part-time and full-time fostering opportunities. Thanks to all who came to chat to our staff and carer, Tracey. If you would like us to come to your workplace, let us know!

Photos from Carolina House Trust's post 18/06/2024

Nicola attended Les Lumb's talk to community group, the Chuckles, earlier this month. Held in Ardler Complex in Dundee, Les spoke to the ladies about his time at Carolina House in the late 1950/ early 1960s and provided an insight into the social history of the era. Nicola was happy to update the group about what we do now at CHT to support young people and collect a very thoughtful donation. Thank you to Rosie and the ladies for making us so welcome (and forgoing the bingo to spend some time with us).
Les (pictured) brought along his late father's cap from World War II as our visit coincided with the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings.

Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets 14/06/2024

We provided the CHT community with a practical learning session on constructive feedback yesterday, where we discussed what makes feedback constructive and how to ensure that the feedback we are providing is constructive. One of the main aspects of providing feedback with a Growth Mindset is praising the process, as demonstrated in the video below.

We may not always enjoy receiving feedback, whether that is positive or negative, but a way to cultivate a growth mindset is creating a habit of asking for feedback – that could be from family, colleagues, friends. This gives you more control of the situation and puts you in a “toward state” where you are looking to improve, learn and grow.

Carol Dweck - A Study on Praise and Mindsets For over a decade Carol Dweck and her team studied the effects of praise on students. This study involved a series of experiments on over 400 5th graders fro...

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🎶 On the twelfth day of Christmas, CHT gave to me 🎶 …. Christmas CharadesWe are very excited to be working with our frie...
We had our final session of 2023 with Jamie McBrearty Coaching last week, where we discussed our key priorities for 2024...
As 2023 draws to a close, it's natural to turn our thoughts toward the holidays and the year ahead. We should also take ...


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