LDC Driving School - David Doughty

Hi, I'm David and I’m a fully qualified driving instructor and ORDIT registered driving instructor trainer.

I don’t just train you to pass a test, I help you become a safe, confident driver. Hi, my name is David, I am licensed by the DVSA to give driving tuition. I provide intensive and semi-intensive driving courses as well as individual driving lessons using the unique LD System of driving tuition. I cover Glasgow (south side) and most of East Renfrewshire.


Massive congratulations to my pupil Katy who passed her practical driving test at East Kilbride Test Centre this morning. All your hard work has paid off Katy and you thoroughly deserve your pass today…TOP WORK! 👍👏


Congratulations to Sophie who Aced the reverse bay park on her lesson today. When the car wasn’t lining up, she worked her way through it, troubleshooted the problem and put a top fix in place to end up with all four corners of the car in the bay! All her own work too, without any help required from me! Great work Sophie! 👍👏


The Scottish Government have announced that from Monday the 18th of April, it will no longer be mandatory to wear face masks or face coverings within indoor public spaces. This also applies to driving lessons, practical driving tests and theory tests. However, although the wearing of face coverings will become a matter of personal choice, their use is still recommended.

Whilst Covid-19 infection rates remain high, for the foreseeable future, I will continue to wear a face covering whilst conducting driving lessons and instructor training. This decision will be reviewed regularly and changed at the earliest opportunity when infection rates are far lower. Whereby I cannot force any pupil or trainee to wear a face covering when inside the learner car, I would respectfully ask for everyone’s continued cooperation by wearing face coverings for the time being. Multiple learners and trainee instructors use the learner car and some may have family members or close contacts who fall within the vulnerable Covid-19 category.

Many thanks in advance for your continued understanding and cooperation.


An amber weather warning is in place for high winds from 4pm today. The warning is severe enough for ScotRail to announce many service suspensions later this afternoon as a result of storm Dudley.

As safety is always the primary concern on driving lessons, there is a chance some lessons may have to be abandoned or cancelled at short notice over the next couple of days. High winds can make driving conditions extremely hazardous and, if the weather is severe enough, it would not be safe or appropriate to conduct driving lessons if the high winds pose too much of a risk.

The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 January 2022 27/01/2022

For those who may not be aware, significant changes to the Highway Code are being implemented from Saturday the 29th of January onwards.

These changes are intended to set out a hierarchy of road users, providing the greatest protection to the most vulnerable, such as pedestrians, cyclists and those on horseback, for example.

The Highway Code changes will be covered within my driving lessons and all pupils are expected to familiarise themselves with them. If you have any questions regarding the changes, I’ll be happy to discuss them in greater detail on your next driving lesson. I’d also recommend that ALL drivers familiarise themselves with the updated Highway Code as, under certain circumstances, driving procedures/priorities will change.

For example, if the vehicle ahead of you is approaching a junction, please anticipate the possibility of that vehicle coming to a controlled stop on the main carriageway in front of you. They may have to do so in order to give priority to a vulnerable road user (e.g. pedestrian) waiting to cross the road at the junction. Please do not become frustrated at a learner driver doing this as they will be following the correct new procedure, adhering to the Highway Code in order to keep things safe. Allowing a safe & suitable following distance from the vehicle in front of you should minimise any disruption to your journey and help you (and everyone else) stay safe.


The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 January 2022 Rules for all types of road users will be updated in The Highway Code to improve the safety of people walking, cycling and riding horses.


Happy New Year to everyone from LDC Driving School -David Doughty!

Congratulations once again to all my pupils and trainee instructors who passed their tests in 2021!



Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2022 from LDC Driving School - David Doughty!




As I’m sure you’ll appreciate, fuel for my vehicle is an integral part of being able to deliver driving lessons and instructor training. The panic buying of fuel (and potential supply shortages as a result) could impact my availability for driving lessons.

At present, I have plenty of fuel and supply is available at most fuel stations in/around West Central Scotland. I will do everything I can to ensure my car has sufficient fuel at all times. However, if fuel supply does become a problem, there is potential for your driving lesson or instructor training session to have to be cancelled or postponed at short notice. If fuel supply is an issue, I may have to “ration” the use of my car and give priority to pupils with a driving test booked in the foreseeable future.

I’m hopeful that there will not be any disruption to normal service, but thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding if your lesson or training session has to be cancelled or postponed.


Massive congratulations to Aedan who passed his driving test today at the 1st attempt! Aedan’s lessons were disrupted due to the Covid-19 lockdowns and he had to wait patiently for his test date due to the backlog. However Aedan, you took this all in your stride and thoroughly deserve your pass today. All your hard work has paid off!


Earlier today, the First Minister of Scotland confirmed that Scotland will be moving to Level Zero on Monday the 19th of July. However, the wearing of face masks will still be mandatory for the foreseeable future.

Therefore, all of my current Covid-19 safeguarding protocols will remain in place until further notice, including face coverings still being required whilst in the car.

Throughout Scotland, face masks will still be required to be worn throughout all theory and practical driving tests.

ALL my pupils and trainee instructors have been incredibly understanding when it comes to the Covid-19 protocols, adhering to them without question or debate and I’m extremely grateful to you all for doing so.


Huge congratulations to Georgie who passed her driving test earlier today in her own car! You’ve worked really hard and taken all the delays from the Covid-19 lockdowns in your stride. You thoroughly deserve your pass as reward for all your hard work. I’ll expect a wave whenever I see the red Mini go past! 😂🚘😎


Fantastic lesson with Katy who performed really well honing her reverse bay park technique earlier. It was also great to see her confidence grow when working on her approach and judging safe gaps at roundabouts in the first part of the lesson. Before long, Katy was negotiating roundabouts and making all the decisions about where the safe gaps were without any help from me. Great job Katy! 👍😀😎🚙


Earlier today, the First Minister of Scotland confirmed that driving lessons can resume again on Monday the 26th of April. Pupils have been contacted in anticipation of this confirmation and next week is now fully booked.

The Covid-19 safeguarding measures for lessons prior to this lockdown will remain in place until further notice. These measures, in summary, include...

1). You are required to cancel/postpone any scheduled lesson if you (or anyone you’ve come into close contact with) experience ANY Covid-19 symptoms or have tested positive. This will also be the case if I have knowingly been exposed to the virus, am displaying any symptoms or have tested positive for it.

2). Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap immediately before coming out to the car. Hand sanitizer will be provided and must be applied before getting in the car.

3). We will meet outside the car initially to discuss the plan for the lesson and confirm neither instructor or pupil are displaying any Covid-19 symptoms.

4). Face masks/coverings must be applied before getting in the car and be kept on at all times whilst in the car.

5). Please avoid bringing any unnecessary items such as jackets, bags etc if at all possible.

6). The car windows will be open at all times to ventilate the car as best as possible. On colder days, you are advised to dress accordingly.

7). The learner car will be sanitised between each lesson.

Thanks once again to everyone for your patience and cooperation throughout this second lockdown. I hope you’re all looking forward to resuming your driving lessons as much as I am!


Today marks 1yr since the country first entered into lockdown and driving lessons were suspended. My thoughts are with everyone who has lost a loved one over the past 12 months. Thanks also to all NHS staff, frontline and key workers who have looked after us, protected us, comforted us and put themselves in harms way for us.

We’ve been able to have a few short periods where lessons have been allowed, but the amount of time driving lessons have been suspended is completely unprecedented. This has been difficult both financially and emotionally but I’ve suspended lessons willingly for the greater good and hope that the driving instruction sector has helped play its part in the battle against Covid-19.

ALL my pupils and instructor trainees have shown amazing patience and understanding, despite how frustrating it will have been not being able to have driving lessons. I am incredibly proud of every one of you for that and am extremely grateful to you all.

Monday the 26th of April is still the anticipated re-start date for lessons and in-car training. This date is still indicative and not yet guaranteed. I’m hopeful the infection numbers won’t increase to levels that will prevent the re-start date of the 26th going ahead.

As we hopefully get a bit more certainty over the next few weeks, I’ll be in touch with everyone to arrange your on-going lessons.


The 2020 lockdown created a huge backlog with theory and practical driving tests. This has been compounded by the 2nd lockdown. December 2020 saw many pupils unable to book theory tests in & around Glasgow due to all available slots being booked up.
If you have yet to sit (or book) your theory test, this should be your priority & focus right now. It’s perfectly understandable that everyone will be desperate to re-start their in-car training but please consider how long the wait might be for a theory test date. Remember, you CANNOT book a practical driving test until you have passed your theory/hazard perception test.
If you haven’t booked a theory test yet, considering how long the wait is, I suggest booking that now (if there are dates available) and working towards that as a target.
The theory test is a vital part of getting your full driving license, but it is often overlooked or not given the focus/attention/priority it requires. Therefore, if you have yet to book or pass your theory, I urge you to focus on that right now. Once you’ve passed it, we can look to booking you a practical driving test (within a realistic timescale) and arrange your practical lessons around that.


Earlier today, the First Minister announced that it looks likely that driving lessons and in-car training will be allowed to resume on Monday the 26th of April.
This is fully dependent on the Covid infection rate continuing to fall, so is likely but not 100% guaranteed yet.
I will contact all pupils and trainee instructors over the next few weeks to book in lessons again. Please note, some pupils have had tests booked and cancelled throughout lockdown and have been given rescheduled dates for early-mid May. As I hope you’ll appreciate, these pupils lessons will have to be prioritised at the re-start.
Thanks once again for everyone’s patience and I hope to see you all again ASAP!


Based upon today’s Scottish Government announcement, it is looking likely that driving lessons will not be permitted to resume until the last week in April at the earliest. This is under constant review.

On that basis, and in full accordance with Scottish Government restrictions, I will be unable to resume driving lessons and instructor training until that indicative date of Monday the 26th of April.

For those who have theory or practical driving tests booked for dates between now and the 26th of April, your tests will not go ahead and the DVSA (Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency) will be in contact with you to cancel or re-arrange your test.

Please be aware that private practice with family members/friends is still not permitted unless your practice can be included within an otherwise essential journey.

Once again, thank you all for your continued patience, understanding and cooperation. Although necessary and unavoidable, I understand how frustrating it must be not being able to have driving lessons for this prolonged period. Rest assured, lessons will resume as soon as it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.


Once again, the First Minister of Scotland has announced further extension of the current lockdown restrictions.

Therefore, driving lessons and in-car training remain suspended until early March at the earliest. This is to be reviewed again in two weeks. Please be aware that the decision could still be to further extend the current lockdown rules again if the infection rate hasn’t fallen sufficiently within the next fortnight.

If you have a theory or practical driving test booked within February, the DVSA (Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency) will be contacting you to advise your test will not be going ahead.

Thanks, as ever, for your continued patience, cooperation and understanding.


Earlier today, the First Minister of Scotland announced that the current Scottish mainland lockdown restrictions are being extended until, at least, mid-February. In response to this and in full accordance with Scottish Government requirements, all driving lessons and in-car tuition remain suspended until further notice.

In Scotland, it is currently a legal requirement to stay at home unless you can’t work from home, you have caring responsibilities or if your journey is essential (food shopping, medical appointments etc). Unlike the previous Tier 4 restrictions, learner drivers are, at present, NOT permitted to leave home in order to practice their driving with family members/friends (even if you’re from the same household), unless this can be incorporated within an otherwise essential journey. If doing so, learner drivers are advised to check with their insurance providers that they are covered for private practice whilst under lockdown conditions.

The Scottish Government are set to review the current restrictions on the 2nd of February. However, at that time, there is still the possibility that they could extend the current restrictions even further beyond mid-February.

For those who have theory or practical driving test bookings for dates before mid-February, you should expect to receive notification from the DVSA that those tests will not be going ahead.

Once again, thank you all for your continued patience, cooperation and understanding and, rest assured, driving lessons and in-car training will resume as soon as the Scottish Government announce it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Take care & stay safe!


The First Minister of Scotland has today announced that Tier 4 restrictions are being enhanced and extended until 00:01hrs on Monday the 1st of February 2021.
With regret, this means that LDC Driving School - David Doughty cannot re-open as anticipated on Monday the 18th of January and will currently remain closed until Monday the 1st of February. It has been made clear that, if necessary, Scottish Government restrictions could still remain in place beyond the 1st of February. If this is the case, the temporary closure of my driving school will also have to be extended.
All my pupils and trainee instructors have been incredibly patient and understanding throughout these closures and I thank you all for that. Your continued patience and cooperation is much appreciated and I will resume lessons and training with you all as soon as it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.

Thanks everyone and stay safe.


As 2020 draws to a close, I’d like to wish all my pupils past and present my very best wishes for a healthy, safe and happy 2021.

Despite the positive news of there now being two vaccines certified, the Covid-19 infection rate remains extremely high. It is yet unclear as to when our lives (including driving lessons) can return to anywhere near “normal”. At present, Tier 4 restrictions remain in place until the 16th of January 2021 with my driving lessons resuming on Monday the 18th of January. However, with the increasing rate of infections, I’m preparing for the possibility of an extension to Tier 4 restrictions beyond the 16th of January and would ask for your continued patience if this happens as this would result in an extension of the suspension of lessons and training.

Congratulations to all my pupils and instructor trainees who have passed tests this year under challenging training conditions.

Thank you all for your continued patience, understanding and cooperation and I look forward to resuming driving lessons and instructor training when it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.


The Scottish First Minister has announced that all of mainland Scotland will come under Tier 4 restrictions for 3 weeks, commencing at 00:01hrs on Saturday the 26th of December 2020. Under Tier 4, driving lessons are not permitted. The DVSA will also suspend all theory and practical driving tests throughout this period. If you have a test booked within this timeframe, be prepared for an email from the DVSA advising your test will be cancelled or rescheduled to a later date.

Therefore, in full accordance with Scottish Government restrictions (and to help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus), LDC Driving School - David Doughty will be closed from Saturday the 26th of December 2020 and will reopen again (unless Government restrictions change) on Monday the 18th of January 2021.

Learner drivers are still permitted to practice with family/friends under Tier 4 restrictions, provided the supervising driver is aged 21 or over and has held a full UK driving license for a minimum of 3yrs. The driver supervising you MUST also stay in the same household as you.

Sorry lessons are having to be suspended again and, as previously, thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation. Safety is always the no.1 priority of LDC Driving School - David Doughty and I hope to see you all once Tier 4 restrictions have been lifted.


With great sadness I’m sorry to have to announce that all driving lessons and in-car training will, once again, be suspended from 6pm on Friday the 20th of November 2020 until further notice.
This is in full accordance with Scottish Government Tier 4 guidelines to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As I’m sure you’ll understand, health and safety is always the primary concern for LDC Driving School - David Doughty.
In the meantime, please keep studying for your theory tests. If you have the opportunity to practice your driving with someone from the same household as you, this is still permitted under Tier 4 restrictions.
I will keep in regular contact with all pupils throughout this lesson suspension.
Thank you for your patience and understanding and I look forward to resuming everyone’s lessons when permitted to do so.

Take care & stay safe!


What a fantastic piece of bay parking by Georgie this morning! This was her attempt at reversing in to the right and all her own work! I asked her, if it was a toy car & you were asked to pick it up and place it perfectly in the bay, is this where you’d have put it? YES was her answer. Great work Georgie! 👍😀😎


Massive congratulations to John who passed his driving test this afternoon. You’ve patiently waited since your test (which was originally booked for the 24th of March) was postponed due to lockdown. All your hard work & patience has paid off John! Perfect photo opportunity for you at the rugby club too! 👍😎😀


If an emergency vehicle (whilst responding to an emergency) is behind you on a section of road where it is unsafe to pass you, they will not do so.
If there is not a suitable place for you to signal and pull over safely to allow them past (you mustn’t use ditches or soft verges), you should keep going, at the speed limit if it’s safe to do so. If it cannot pass you safely, it will likely switch off its siren whilst keeping the blue lights flashing. When it is safe to pass you, it will switch on its siren again and pass you at the earliest safe opportunity.
Slowing down or stopping can impede the emergency vehicle and delay its arrival at the emergency its travelling to.
Remember, emergency vehicle drivers are extremely well trained and have certain exemptions to road traffic laws such as contravening red traffic signals, using active bus lanes etc when it’s safe to do so. You/we don’t have these exemptions and should not contravene road traffic law for an emergency vehicle. They will/should not expect you to do so and will do all the hard work.



Due to current Government advice regarding social distancing, I have taken the extremely difficult decision to suspend all in-car training until further notice.

This is not a decision I have taken lightly and it will have financial implications. However, minimising the spread of COVID-19 for the sake of myself, my family, my students (and their families), and the greater community is my absolute priority at this time.

I hope you understand my reasons for suspending lessons and realise many will be disappointed that their lessons can’t continue right now. I am constantly reviewing the situation and will, of course, resume all in car training when social distancing restrictions are lifted.

In the meantime, I wish continued good health to all and thank you for your cooperation and understanding.



***Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Policy***

At present, all lessons are operating as normal as I am free from Covid-19 symptoms & no symptoms have been observed or reported by any of my pupils.

The learner car is being cleaned with anti-bacterial wipes before every lesson and, if I can source some, you may be asked to wipe your hands with hand gel at the start of a lesson.

If you are feeling unwell and/or displaying any Covid-19 symptoms, I respectfully ask that you contact me to cancel/re-schedule any lessons booked and understand that I will be unable to carry out any further lessons with you for a minimum of 14 days after you inform me. On a temporary basis, my policy of charging pupils for late cancellations has been suspended (for Covid-19 or health related reasons only). If you do not inform me beforehand, but are displaying symptoms whilst in the car, the lesson will be terminated immediately & you will still be charged for the full duration of that lesson. Also, please rest assured, if I develop any symptoms, I will suspend all lessons and not put any of you in harms way.

Whilst on driving lessons, we share the same air in a confined space and have to touch controls and surfaces within the car which increases the risks of spreading germs and infections. Therefore, I hope you all understand the reasoning behind this policy.

Thank you all for your cooperation!

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Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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