Mind & Muscle Training

We help people with physical disabilities improve wellbeing, mental health and physical performance

Photos from Mind & Muscle Training's post 25/04/2023

The Man The Legend Jack Baker

Every time I see this guys pictures and videos it completely blows my mind.

He's out there just having a blast doing his thing and enjoying every second.

Nothing holding him back.

This is why I love my news feed amazing people doing amazing things.


If you are happier, more confident and getting stronger mind & body

You'll become more focused and determined to do more

Which in turn gives you more confidence and makes you stronger

Its all about building plans, utilising them and fitting them around your life.

Around your likes, wants and needs.

Mind & Muscle Training®


A TIP to help you make progress stay on track
And keep motivation high

While keeping focused on what you would like to achieve

It also helps build a plan to get you from where you are now all the way to the big dream.


As someone with a physical disability what does progress look like for you?

The clients I work with have a huge range of different goals very personal to them

There are shared goals but all my clients are at different stages of reaching them and time spent working with me.

When working with clients what they achieve and the space of time they achieve it in is very much down to them.

And there is no right or wrong

As I say everyone has different goals

Different reasons for wanting to achieve them

Different lives they live and different priorities.

I started working with Sam 2 months ago

2 months, which is 8 weeks, which is exactly 60 days today of us working together

Sam is a below knee amputee

In those 60 days of working with me it's enabled Sam to achieve:

Not smoking a cigarette. ✅️

Dealing with and stopping terrible cases of gout in Sam's foot which stopped him getting around and even getting his shoe on. ✅️

Being better hydrated enabling his brain and body to function better. ✅️

Feeling more energy in his day. ✅️

More improved sleep and rest. ✅️

Becoming more active. ✅️

Feeling fitter. ✅️

Easier movement and the ability to move around for longer. ✅️

Ease of getting on the floor and getting back up. ✅️

A new stronger more focused mindset. ✅️

More happy hormones flooding his brain giving him a better sense of wellbeing. ✅️

More confidence in what he can do and what hes capable of. ✅️

An increase in his view and motivation of wanting to do more. ✅️

The ability to deal with stressful situations better. ✅️

Sam is also 24lb lighter which helps with all of the above. ✅️

Throughout the 60 days I haven't set Sam anything to do which is crazy

Or anything radically different to achieve these results and goals.

I've set him small changes

Ive taught him easy to follow techniques, strategies and routines that he can use in everyday life

I'm there to support him, to give him advice and bring clarity whenever he needs it

I set him small challenges that he can complete

And when he does it boosts his brain, body and confidence knowing he has total support

He's raring for the next but most of all it boosts his wellbeing

His capabilities and his view of what his capabilities are.

60 days is not long

Sam and I have a much longer journey together.

And I'll carry on enabling Sam to achieve and make alot more progress

This is just the start for us

If you would like the knowledge, support and guidance to achieve and make progress towards your goals

Or just to a healthier, happier, better quality of life

To find out more contact me now

Online and face to face services available

[email protected]


How do you deal with stress and frustrations in your life?

Its in everyones lives but can be amplified for people with physical disabilities

How you deal with it is the difference between it bringing you down or making you stronger

Stress is a normal part of everyday life for most of us, and our bodies deal well with it in the short-term.

Long-term, chronic stress is a different matter, it can disrupt the way our body and mind works.

So having coping strategies in place are essential for not only health and wellbeing

But also seeing clarity and dealing with stressful and frustrating situations.

When I first start working with a client and ask how they switch off from stress alot of the time their answer is "I dont".

Running over and over the same stress or frustrations in your mind will do nothing but cloud your thoughts

Lead on to more negative thoughts and bring you down lower and lower.

Finding time each day where your brain is totally shut off from the outside world

From stresses and frustrations is one of the answers to this problem.

Easier said than done I hear you cry.

And I agree in part but with some trialing and practise my clients master this process.

First thing you need to do is find activities that when you are doing them they take your FULL focus

This is called flow mindset

My clients get flow mindset through:
🔵 Reading
🔵 Colouring (adult colouring books)
🔵 Painting & drawing
🔵 Exercise and being active
🔵 Meditation
🔵 Visualisation
🔵 Writing (poetry, stories)
🔵 Pottery
The list goes on and on and is very personal to you.

What elicits flow mindset in one person doesn't in another.

Find yours and its your shut off

It's your brains break from the stress and frustration.

This doesn't resolve the stress or the frustration

What it does do is help to see the issue in more clarity and clearer thinking mind when you go back to looking at it.

Along side this another strategy to have in place and practise is

Question can you change the situation.

If you can make a plan of how to deal with the situation that is stressful or frustrating, which will deal with this issue.

If not then move your thoughts away from the issue by finding your flow state as spoke about above

Then when finished redirect your thoughts and activities away from the issues you have no control over.

So what do you use to shut off, what elicits your flow mindset???


They say a problem shared is a problem halved.

It is when you have problems and someone else has the answers and ways to solve them

And that's why this week I want to offer you the chance to solve your problems

I dont have all the answers but in my 13 years working in the health, fitness and wellbeing industry

I've helped and worked to a huge amount of people to improve their mental health, physical health and quality of life

I have not only become qualified in many areas but also gained alot of knowledge and experience doing that.

Whether it be how to improve:
🔵 Mental performance
🔵 Mental health
🔵 Physical health
🔵 Becoming more active or exercise
🔵 Nutrition and what you eat
🔵 Your wellbeing and day to day life
🔵 Or general quality of life

For the whole of this week everyday I've put some time side to offer some totally free help and advice.

If you would like to get some help, guidance and advice in some of the areas above and fancy getting some answers to areas that are holding you back

Either face to face or multiple sources online

Drop me a message or give me a call

And book a totally free consultation

Because its good to talk and it can solve your problems and give you a new outlook on life.

[email protected]


Not all carbs are equal

Complex carbohydrates - Slow burning and the best to consume giving a slower more steady rate of energy.

Complex Carbs
🟢 Sweet potatoes
🟢 Oats
🟢 Brown rice
🟢 Whole grain bread
🟢 Peas
🟢 Apples

Simple carbohydrates - Digest faster producing a spike in blood glucose, providing the body with a short-lasting source of energy.

Simple carbs to avoid are typically in processed foods or those with added sugar. Adding sugar to food increases calorie content, without adding any additional nutrition.

Simple Processed Carbs
🔴 Pizza
🔴 Many breakfast cereals
🔴 Fizzy sugary drinks
🔴 Sweets
🔴 White bread
🔴 Fruit juice


When you have a physical disability its even more important

How you treat your body & how you use it when moving around

It can improve your mobility, strength and stability or it can increase the risk of injury and soreness.

How many people day to day really think about posture

How they hold themselves especially when exercising and being active??

It really can be the different between making progress

And picking up a pulled muscle or worse a serious injury.

Good posture has also been found to benefit mindset and how you feel.

Check out the video and see how you are holding your posture!!

As always if you have any questions about the video or anything else drop me a message.

Send a message to learn more


Are you someone with a physical disability that would like to be more active

While improving your physical and mental health

Would you like to be guided through the whole process by an experienced qualified coach??

I work with people with physical disabilities and I fully understand how much harder it can be, trying to be as active as you'd like.

Not knowing where to start, what to do, how long to do it for.

Then there's adapting movements

Which areas to work on

Finding the motivation

Keeping focused

Getting through low mood, plus many more areas that could make you struggle.

I totally understand why it can make your head spin and leave you not being as active as you'd like or need to be.

I can help you relieve the stresses of what to do, when to do it ect

I answer the questions, help you avoid pitfalls, avoid the things that can halt and slow your progress.

Im on hand to give advice, lead you to the results you want and support you every inch of the way.

So you can concentrate on the doing and celebrating your progress.

No matter your start point I can help you make progress in areas such as:

🔵 Finding out what you CAN do.
🔵 Improving weaker areas.
🔵 Building strength.
🔵 Building focus & motivation.
🔵 Building confidence.
🔵 Improving mobility and stability.
🔵 Reducing stiffness and soreness.
🔵 Increasing your beliefs of your capabilities.
🔵 Improving your capabilities.
🔵 Increasing happy hormones in the brain.
🔵 Improving the quality of life.
🔵 Being healthier body and mind.
🔵 Eating the things you enjoy, like and want while getting results.
🔵 plus much more

Leave the dark low behind and see how strong you are

While being guided and supported doing it.

Improve your quality life, your physical and mental health and reach your goals and beyond.

I am based in Kingswinford, West Midlands and offer clients a number of ways to work with me.

I work with clients face to face

As well as having online services.

If you would like to find out more about how I can help you make progress in a range of areas

Contact me NOW

Mind & Muscle Training®

[email protected]


A Physical Disability Doesnt
Mean you cant..........

Be healthier, be active, get stronger, improve mobility, get fitter, improve mindset and motivation.

I help people who have physical disabilities improve many areas of their life including their quality of life.

Whether your a complete novice or have plenty of experience in exercise and mental performance

I can help you improve to the next level.

By talking with you and looking at your goals

I can help you improve everything from
✅ Health markers
✅ Ease of moving around
✅ Losing body fat
✅ Better stability
✅ Better mood motivation and mindset

I take out all the stress of knowing what to do, when to do it and how to make improvements.

I plan your journey, keep you on track and help you to fit it all into your life.

Giving you support, guidance, help and advice throughout your journey

when and where you need it

I help you avoid pitfalls, wasting time and anything that can slow your journey and progress.

Not only helping you get physically stronger but also mentally stronger

In areas like:
✅ Relaxation
✅ Stress management
✅ Focus
✅ Motivation
✅ Pain control
✅ Plus much more.

I'm there to support and help you ever inch of the way.

Offering online and face to face services.

Move Better, Feel Better, Get Stronger!!

To Find Out How I Can Help You


[email protected]

Mind & Muscle Training®


How many times have you been asked if you are OK And answer "I'm fine"

BUT really you and the person asking know you are NOT fine??

Changing that answer can change how you feel, how you think, even your whole day.

The problem with keep saying you are fine when truthfully you are not

Is you never deal with whats leaving you feeling crap.

Its interesting that when asked if we are OK by someone we trust in our support network

And we are honest

We are open about feeling crap

The discussion that follows can hugely change our mindset and feelings

Like the saying a problem shared is a problem halved.

This can be because the person we share with doesn't have the stress of the situation obscuring the answers and options.

They can bring clarity to the reason for feeling crap and options to help resolve it.

Other benefits of sharing with your support network are:

👉 Firstly you to admit to yourself you feel crap!!

When you keep saying I'm ok, I'm OK who are you trying to convince

Yourself or the person asking??

👉 The other thing that admitting you feel crap does is get you to ask yourself why you feel crap.

👉 With that answer the next step is looking do you have control over this thing that's making you feel crap??

If you don't then the best thing you can do is focus your energy, mindset and thoughts on something you do have control over.

Try NOT to dwell on issues you dont control because this can lower mindset, mood and motivation while having no closure or plan for the issue.


👉 On the other hand if you do have control over the thing or reason you are feeling crap

Then building a positive plan of how to make changes to improve it.

Consider how making these changes will improve the thing or issues

And how these improvements will leave you feeling

How it will increase your mindset and mood.

At first its not easy to always admit you feel off

But the more your practise being more open the better you will feel

And the more you will want to be open with the people that care.

Try it what you got to lose?


It isn't just about the visual improvements

The improvements to mind, mood and mindset are huge

Not to mention improving outlook on life and the lives of those closest to you.

My clients are the superstars


Do people have preconceived ideas of you??

I get it sometimes when people find out that I'm ex forces and then expect me to be a trainer and coach that shouts alot 🤣

When it couldn't be further from the truth.

Infact the truth is I dont need to shout. 🤫

The last thing I want to add to my clients experience is stress by yelling at them.

Forcing them to do things they dont really want to do.

I have a strategy that works much better and yields much better results than yelling and shouting.

See what you think.

After we have sat down and chatted and I understand where you are right now.

Your likes, dislikes, worries, areas your excited about.

Your goals and all the information I need to build a plan to help you moving forward. ✅

At this point if I gave you some really easy simple things to do that fit into your life

That you are confident you know what you're doing, when to do it and why your doing it

Would you complete the easy tasks❓

So you do complete the tasks

And then you feel some improvements to your mood, energy levels and you just feel better in yourself ✅

So would you now stop doing the easy tasks that have improved how you feel❓

So you keep doing the easy tasks and you keep improving how you feel ✅

Now naturally you want to do more because that will increase the improvements you are already confident your making.

So you do more ✅

And again you feel further improvements

Increased strength, mobility, stability, fitness, energy levels, mood, quality of sleep, confidence, capability, view of your own capabilities, calmness, health mind and body, plus lots more. ✅

If something improves how you feel you want to keep doing it. 🙂

You also increase what your doing to feel more of the improvements you are already making. 🙂

My job isn't to add stress by shouting ❌

Its actually to take the stress away, so you can concentrate on the doing ✅

Enjoying the results and how much better you feel. ✅


What We DO Know About The Unknown

The biggest force holding us back from doing anything in our lives


Got things you want to do
Need to do and ......end up doing neither?

How many times have you been in that position?

The more you think about it the more reasons come up to not do it?

You dont know what will happen

So that leaves you open to a huge array of possibilities playing in your mind.

We've ALL done it at times

Its What Us Humans Do

That doesnt mean we should let it stop us doing the things we want to or need to.

Heres how I deal with it:

👉 1. I accept in each situation where its the unknown, that it is the unknown and in those situations my mind CAN overthink.

Its not easy and like anything in life it takes practise to improve.

👉 2. I think what is the worst that can happen?
Really though what is the worst?

👉 3. If I do "the thing" or go there and I don't like it, if its that bad, I never have to go or do it EVER again.

👉 4. I keep the thought going round and round in my mind
You Don't Know Until You Try!!!

👉 5. I dont hang about getting it done that first time.

The uncomfortable feeling you feel is pushing outside our comfortable zone.

Which when done builds confidence and makes us grow as people. 😊

You've heard the saying do something that scares you.

The reasoning behind this is it builds confidence once done.

At first start with something that doesn't scare the s**t out of you

Start small something that just tests that feeling of pushing outside your comfort zone.

You will quickly realise and feel the lift in confidence and realise it wasn't as bad as you imagined.

I went, I saw, I conquered.....
and nothing terrible happened!

Then slowly build up on the things you try and how far they push you outside your comfort zone.

The more you do it and test it the more you'll trust and have confidence in the process.

Try it give it a go

Start small

Make a note of 3-5 small things that you want to do but you hold yourself back

Dont over think them and give them ago

Practise make perfect

Do you hold yourself back because its the unknown??


What if I told you some of your issues could be reduced & resolved using simple techniques?

More of them than I bet you would imagine.

Get consistent with the basics and then if needed incorporate more advanced techniques after.

I speak to A LOT of people with physical disabilities that are struggling with various issues with their mind and body.

Not just the clients I work with but various people I chat to and when giving advice.

They are looking to improve a problem

Or in most cases, they are looking to improve various problems.

Yet I've got to say majority of the people I talk to when asked about the basics

They reply they arent consistent.

The basics can be so easily overlooked but can make such an impact to how your mind and body function and how you feel.

I call these basics
Mind & Muscle Training's 5 Pillars of Wellbeing

If you are struggling in areas of the body and mind and we chat

We will run through these pillars pretty early on in the conversation

Reason being don't perform 1 pillar of wellbeing consistently and you will get negative effects

But further more

Don't perform a number of these pillars consistently and it will increase the negative effects 10 fold.

Yet use them consistently and you will reap the benefits.

I think of the pillars like the fingers on a hand

Alone they all have their own job and benefits

Together they increase the effectiveness of each other and the role they play in our lives.

I dont just educate my clients on the benefits and effectiveness of Mind & Muscle Training 5 pillars of wellbeing.

I help and support my clients to implement and be consistent in using the 5 pillars of wellbeing

Helping with techniques & strategies that they use daily to consistently improve areas that are lacking and need work

Boosting their wellbeing mind and body and helping to reduce and control a range of issues.

So what are Mind & Muscle Trainings
5 Pillars of Wellbeing?

Are you fully hydrated daily?

Are you eating reduced processed foods.
Is your body getting what it needs or too much?

3. SLEEP -
Are you getting 6 - 9 hours a night of quality sleep?

Are you active daily?
Are you using the right activity for the goals you want to achieve?

How do you feel mentally?
Do you have goals?

Once I help my clients to instil new habits that ensure the basics are covered consistently

And they have their go to techniques to ensure this

We move on to more advanced techniques.

Working with my clients we don't just cover
Mind & Muscles 5 Pillars of Wellbeing this is just the start

I help my clients improve their mental health, physical health and quality of their lives

Improving outlook, relationships and a whole range of areas.

Offer online services aswell as face to face services

If you are interested how you can start covering the basics and much much more to improve your mind, body and whole life

To get more details how you could work with me

Contact me now

Mind & Muscle Training®
[email protected]


It's about understand why you feel the way you do and how to go about improving that.

It's about seeing where you want to be but knowing it wont happen over night.

It's about being consistent in the little things that lead to big changes.


We have all been there, we have all done it

Its amazing how easy it can be to slip into that mindset that holds us back

Yet it can be so hard to change..........

Focusing energy in the right areas is key to changing your mindset.

As humans we can allow our brains to run riot

Ending up thinking and concentrating on the thing we cant do or have no control over.

Focusing on these areas result in more negative thoughts

Feelings which can take us and our self-esteem lower and lower.

So what techniques and solutions can we use to change our mindset and improve our thoughts and feelings??

So instead of focusing on what you cant do or what you cant control

What about thinking about what you CAN do

What you CAN control

Then practise those things.

No matter how simple the CAN do's are
You start with, they can progress.

Which means over time you can actually do MORE than you originally thought!

No matter how simple the CAN do's are at the start, doing them will:

🟡 Improve progression
🟡 Improve focus
🟡 Build confidence
🟡 Build motivation
🟡 Improve self-worth
🟡 Improve determination
🟡 Improve the quality of your life.
🟡 Plus much more.

The more you practise focusing on the things you can do and can control the better you will get at it.

It does take practise and you have to work at it.

If its still extremely hard even with practise

Maybe you need to look for support from someone experienced in helping in these areas.

Reaching out for help and getting the support you need can change

Your mindset
Your views
Your whole quality of life

Don't let your mind hold you back
Its your mind use it for your benefits


The foods you eat can effect your mind, body and whole life.


How do we help people get such mind blowing results mind & body??

Unlike a lot of companies WE DONT have one plan that fits all

We plan and support around each client, their wants, needs, goals, likes and dislikes.

By building your plan around YOU

By planning your route forwards specifically for YOU

By planning so it fits into YOUR life

We offer faster more improved results.

Everyone is different, has different needs, find different areas harder and different things easier.

So its pretty clear to see when the same plans are given to everyone

Its really does limit the results everyone will get and the speed they are achieved.

Once your whole plan whether it be mental or physical or both

Are planned around you, your needs and your life

Then we can give you better support and you can achieve better results.

It takes more work for the planning but will give you a much better journey

Helping at a much deeper level

Dealing with the issues and problems that are real for you that you need help and support with.

It will make much better use of your time and energy

And most of all gives you the results that you want

And results you never thought possible at a much faster rate.

The results we help you achieve no matter how small or large give you:
👉 Belief in yourself and a want to achieve more.

👉 From the increased motivation brings a willingness to expect and want to achieve more.

👉 Expecting more from yourself brings confidence in the things you CAN do and have achieved.

👉 With that increased confidence and the results you achieve mind and body comes the boosted wellbeing and outlook on life.

Its not by chance we help our clients get the incredible results they do

Everything is designed specifically to lead them to their goals

Support them to achieve their goals and beyond.

If you would like more information on improving your mental and physical health

On how we would help you to achieve things you never thought possible

We offer online and in person services

Contact us now

Mind & Muscle Training®
[email protected]


Working, speaking and listening to lots of people with physical disabilities

I get to hear their journey, what they have been through, the highs and the lows.

I hear lots of different stories but also similarities in there too.

One of the similarities is what I call
"The darkness".

Some time after the trauma they struggle with a very low period.

Even in the darkness everyones experience is different.

When it starts, how long it lasts, what it actually involves, the specific feelings that are felt can all be different

BUT the similarity is its a low point.

Things don't feel good.

Self worth is low
Views on capability is rock bottom
Views of future life is none existent.

And although this dark period is very very hard from the people I've discussed it with I believe it is part of the recovery.

You only realise how strong and powerful you are when you've built yourself up from a very low point.

You only appreciate what you are capable of when you've picked yourself up and bit by bit got stronger and demanded more of yourself day by day.

Can you really appreciate your true resilience if youve never faced true adversity?

The darkness can feel like a very lonely place that seems to have no end but with help and support

Calmness, clarity and confidence can be found.

Along with the realisation that moving forward IS an option.

I feel privileged people trust in me to help them move forward to happier feelings and a better life.

Im truly passionate about helping amputees work through their darkness and move forwards.

Helping them to want, expect and need more from themselves and their lives.

Heres some of the ways I help people leave the darkness behind:

🟡 Increasing their daily activity.
🟡 Getting more fresh air.
🟡 Practising breathing techniques.
🟡 Eating good nutritious food.
🟡 Making goals (no matter how small).
🟡 Finding new focuses in life.
🟡 Sharing their worries.
🟡 Practising things they are good at.
🟡 Practising the things they find harder.
🟡 Coming up with strategies to stop and
limit low thoughts starting.
🟡 Practise mental performance techniques
from relaxation to visualisation.
🟡 Plus many more

There is hope, light, happiness and there is definitely a better future.

If you are feeling the darkness small consistent changes will help you move forwards.

You can change how you feel, there are better times ahead.

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A TIP to help you make progress stay on track And keep motivation high While keeping focused on what you would like to a...
A TIP to help you make progress stay on track And keep motivation high While keeping focused on what you would like to a...
The foods you eat can effect your mind, body and whole life.
Are you getting enough "of it" to benefit your body & mind?????
If you have been feeling isolated, alone and struggling through life. In 2023 I can help you change those feelings.If yo...
Having the support, help and knowledge means you can approach your goals in the right way.Approaching your goals in the ...
Simply this 👇
Are you covering this commonly overlooked  essential area Which when lacking will effect your mental and physical health...
No more feeling isolated or alone No more struggling through life. When feeling negative feelings it can seem impossible...
Having the support, help and knowledge means you can approach your goals in the right way.Approaching your goals in the ...




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