Weight Loss Hypnotherapist

Weightloss that works! For Women. Hypnotherapy helps re-set you and get you moving forward!


IT’S HERE!..........The BodySlim Hypnotic weight control group programme starts 20th March 🎉🎉🎉

REVIEW......Sam just finished the one to one, 5 session BodySlim programme and lost half a stone 🎉 and says ;

“I came to Kirsty for weight loss and overeating

I had tried so many fad diets that hadn’t worked for me long term

I received physical emotional and mental benefits from the Hypnotherapy with Kirsty...

This is only the beginning of my journey.

Now I don’t think about food all the time I have brain space for me.

I have lost 1/2 stone, without really trying. My knee joints hurt less now.

Can I just say thank you for reprogramming me

I know it’s your job and I paid for a service, but I feel like you have unlocked a new me…. Or is it an old me ? X”


There is currently an early bird price that saves you £100 😮

- Lose weight safely and naturally by harnessing the power of your subconscious mind

- become the size and shape you want to be WITHOUT dieting, calorie counting and obsessing over food

- Gain control over food cravings

- no more thinking about food all the time ... have more mental space to focus on things in life you enjoy

- re-connect to your bodies signals so you only eat when you’re hungry and stop when you are full

- over come emotional/comfort eating

- reduce portion sizes easily with hypnotic re-programming

- gain more energy and motivation

- reduce the hold that sugar addiction/ food addiction has on your life

- kick start your journey towards health and confidence without yo-yo ing

Can you afford it?

Let me ask you .... can you afford NOT to!?

Think of all the money you’ve spent on trainers, crash diets, fads and other methods 😬

Think of all the money you spend on unnecessary excess food and new clothes to accommodate all the fluctuations

⭐️ This is an affordable, safe and natural method of weight control that can have long term effects because -

It isn’t just about “losing weight” at all.... but about re-programming all that self sabotage, all the unhelpful thinking patterns and habits

So you can re-design your relationship to food, your body, and how you deal with life

Hypnotherapy and EFT is a well known effective method for controlling weight and helping people become the size and shape that is natural and healthy for them

The first TWO people to sign up also get a BONUS bespoke 1-1 Hypnotherapy zoom session with me worth £85 FREE 🎉


⭐️ Weekly live and powerful group BodySlim weight control Hypnotherapy sessions (7pm GMT Monday nights)

⭐️ Private fb group for the duration

⭐️ EFT Tapping workshop for cravings

⭐️ Inner child hypnotic workshop for deep healing

And more!

Early bird is just £299! Goes up to normal price of £399 on 8th March

Only ten places available- I run small group programmes so I can attend to each persons needs through their journey 😍

You can send your £299 to my paypal link with your email address as your note to book your place now

- https://paypal.me/kirstyelliottGB?country.x=GB&locale.x=en_GB

Or message me with any questions

****watch the 3 free “comfort eating clinics” in featured section to learn about my work, start your journey and see if what I do can help you in group Freedom From Food Addiction, With Kirsty Elliott

Love Kirsty Elliott

Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip.HYp
EFT Coach
Comfort Eating Specialist



The Comfort Eating Clinic 02 Online

✅ Re-wire your system so you can stop eating when you’re full

✅ Understand and over come the link between people pleasing and comfort eating

✅ Re-connect to your body with respect, so you can “hear” it’s hungry and full signals again

✅ Become the size and shape you want to be with Hypnotherapy (this session gives you insight and taster into this)

Join group to access - Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

And gain access to watch the first episode on replay immediately!

Love Kirsty

Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip.Hyp
Comfort Eating Specialist
EFT Coach



Do you use your tummy as a waste bin? Don’t know how to stop? 😩

If you comfort eat/ binge and can’t seem to stop no matter how many times you’ve tried...

Do not feel shame, and do not despair!

Come to my FREE comfort eating clinic online tomorrow night at 7pm

I am going to use Hypnotic techniques to re-activate your true “hungry” and “full” signals so you can stop eating when you’re full

I am going to help you re-wire your eating habits by re-connecting you to your body - so that you stop ignoring its signals and eating wayyyyy past the point of being full

Come and also learn about the HUGE link between people pleasing and comfort eating

This will be recorded and available for you to watch after within the group, but if you come live you can interact with me and get some LIVE support with your unique struggles

Don’t miss this opportunity to breakthrough your unhelpful eating patterns so you can achieve that size and shape you want to be!

✅ NO more diets

✅ NO more relying on willpower

✅ NO more self sabotage

✅ NO more failed exercises programmes

✅ Learn how to respect your body instead of consistently harming it with over eating

✅ Create emotional stability so you don’t have to suppress emotion with eating

✅ Learn self care practises so over eating isn’t your go-to coping mechanism any more

As an experienced Hypnotherapist I help you get to the ROOT cause of your emotional eating habits at a subconscious level

To create long lasting and sustainable change in a healthy way

Join the group for access .... Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

7pm GMT live in the group

You must answer all three entry questions for admittance

You can also watch the previous comfort eating clinic as soon as you get in the group!

Love Kirsty Elliott

Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip.Hyp
EFT Coach
Comfort Eating Specialist


SUGAR, SUGAR....... Friend, or Foe?

Even reducing rather than quitting can bring major benefits and vitality to your life

It’s about eating to nourish you and your body in a way that brings you life and vitality - rather than about rigid rules and diets

The next free comfort eating clinic is Mon 23rd 7.30pm GMT inside....

Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

Helping you to break free from the trap of bingeing, craving and emotional eating for good ❤️

Love Kirsty x


What would be possible for you, if comfort eating was no longer sabotaging you?

Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott


REPLAY available now free.... “Comfort Eating Clinic 01”.... join the fb group to access - link in my bio


If you haven’t watched the “Comfort Eating Clinic 01” yet, REPLAY is available now!


It was SO good

We dived into some of our current sneaky self sabotages 😉

We discussed why willpower doesn’t work

We talked about the impact the pattern has on our lives

And uncovered some really good truths we all needed to hear!

Breaking through and shifting your emotional eating habits once and for all begins with these conversations, with awareness, with a willingness to see ourselves clearly

We created an environment of humour, honesty, compassion and inspiration on this call

Don’t miss out!

Next one Mon 23rd ❤️

Join Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott to view Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

Love Kirsty x


TONIGHT! ....... THE COMFORT EATING CLINIC...... online.... free.....

To help you breakthrough your unwanted emotional eating patterns

To give you insight and understanding as to why you haven’t been able to break free yet even though you’ve tried so hard over the years

To inspire you with hope and knowledge about what actually DOES work

No more yo yo diets

No more strict eating rules and regimes

No more good intentions and being at the same place every new year

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Emotional Eating specialist and EFT Coach with over 8 years of helping people over come their struggles...

I’ll be giving you all the insider info on how to change your relationship to food and life with practical hypnotic tools and mindset shifts

Join group to come!

The only requirement to join is a sincere desire right break free from the trap of comfort eating and find wellness and a confidence within your self and body instead

Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

7pm GMT, and fortnightly

There will be a replay so join group even if you can’t come live

Kirsty x


This is gold dust from the Holistic psychologist

I’d also like to add that this can happen even if you don’t feel you came from an “abusive or neglectful” home which can sound quite extreme

Quite simply - if your OWN parent(s) were control freaks, lacked healthy boundaries, were highly stressed and not present, or simply didn’t know how to help you soothe your emotions as a child due to their OWN past trauma and childhoods....

Then the cycle continues

This is a huge component in over eating/ binge eating / comfort eating

A lot of times we eat to try and gain a sense of control

And a sense of safety (comfort)

You don’t have to feel you were abused as a child, to feel you were a child who didn’t feel safe in the world

If a parent had un predictable mood swings ....

If you never knew what mood they would be in

If one parent left or was absent

If you moved schools a lot

If you didn’t feel you fit in at school

If you often felt lonely if the adults were often pre occupied with work or busy all the time

All of this can lead a little person to feeling a lack of connection with themselves and the world

Feeling alone as a child feels unsafe

Often that little person is still inside us

As adults

We are still seeking to feel connected, safe, seen, heard

Whether we consciously know it or not

Eating provides us with a (albeit dysfunctional) way to cope

We may even have learnt that coping tool from seeing our parents do it

This is why self sabotage like denial stays in play

“I’ve only had ONE slice of cake it doesn’t count”

“I’ve opened the tub I may as well finish it”

“It’s wasteful if I throw it away.... I’ll be a good person and eat it”

“I’ll start tomorrow/ next week”

“I am on holiday/ it’s Xmas/ it’s a birthday/ it’s Friday....”

All of these fibs our brain tells us is actually just our subconscious desperately trying to hold on to a “friend” (that provides safety)

It’s not working for you any more though

Find new and healthy and empowering practical tools to create inner safety and create a whole new relationship to needing to be in control/ perfectionistic..... which is a trauma response

The first ever “Comfort Eating Clinic” starts this coming Mon 9th Jan at 7pm GMT Inside the group Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

There will be a replay and it’s free... on fortnightly

Come and finally gain more control over comfort eating (by letting go of the need to control in order to feel safe)

Find insight and understanding into your past so you can let it go

Learn tools for coping with life without over eating and binge eating

Or book one to one sessions with me ....

Love Kirsty Elliott

Clinical Hypnotherapist
Comfort Eating Specialist
EFT Coach


Controlling behaviors are safety seeking behaviors.

When we don’t feel safe or able to cope, we can enter a state of hypervigilance.

Unconsciously, our nervous system and brain uses control as a way to say:

- “I can’t let anything I cannot predict happen, it left me hurt in the past.”

- “I must control everything around me, that’s how I stay safe.”

Internally, many of us are still that little child hiding in our room, feeling helpless.

And what do children who once felt helpless on a regular basis become as adults: “control freaks” or perfectionists.

It’s our body attempting to protect us.

The work is learning how to create safety in our body.

Learning how to create clear boundaries (few of us had these in childhood), how to regulate our emotions, and how to notice when we’re going into controlling autopilot.

This is when we can ask: what need can I meet for myself? Or how can I move my body to disengage from this cycle?
🎉 3 DAYS UNTIL .circle opens. waitlist only. Link in bio.


Coming in Jan 2023 🎉
To help you breakthrough and gain control .... join group Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott


Feeling weird in the between Christmas and New Year “Limbo”?

Feeling a bit “lost”, not sure what to do with yourself?

Try this 👇

Of routine and structure keeps you feeling good

Then this time of year can really throw you off

You KNOW you need to relax

And you know you deserve to relax!

However that feels hard for you

If you’re used to over working and keeping busy to keep going

It can be confusing to know you need a break, yet struggle to fully let go and lean into it

This may help-


When you find yourself feeling like you “should” be doing something productive....

Practise gratitude to bring yourself into the present moment and feel safe that you have enough, you are enough.... and you don’t need to get back on that productivity train too soon before you’ve had a chance to rest and nourish...

🌟How can you do that?

Here are a few ways-

1. Write a simple gratitude list.... 1-5 or 1-10 if you can.... then read them over and allow yourself to FEEL the gratitude in your body and let it fill you up

2. Start speaking out loud and just see what comes out, start with “Thank you for.....” and just keep going until you feel complete .... “Thank you for..... Thank you for.....”

3. Give YOURSELF gratitude for all you’ve achieved, how you’ve grown, what you’ve over come this year, remind yourself of your accomplishments.... focus on the fact that you have already done so much, and it’s safe for you to slow down and rest

4. Be present now, slow down your breathing, allow the simple things like sleep, warm blankets, and good food to nurture you... instead of rushing ahead to the “next” thing to do/be/have/focus on

BE WITH YOURSELF (and others)

Feelings may come up for you when there’s actually time and space for them

That’s ok.... let them come

Mindfulness and Meditation Club is back on zoom Jan 2nd 7.30-8pm.... join group to access Wellbeing For Women Of West Leeds Wellbeing For Women Of West Leeds Wellbeing For Women Of West Leeds

Also if you’d like to kick comfort eating to the curb this coming year join us at Freedom From Comfort Eating- Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott- Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott, where I’ll be offering regular support for you to master your emotions and gain control of unwanted cravings in 2023 🎉

Love Kirsty

Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip.Hyp
EFT Tapping Coach & Inner Child Healing
Comfort Eating Specialist


Just as children of alcoholics are much more at risk of developing a struggle with alcohol themselves....

children of comfort eaters are likely to also struggle with it

When you heal your relationship to your emotions and therefore food, you can stop that travelling down to your children ❤️

Join Facebook group Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliottfreedom ..... break out of the trap and be free of the cycle of comfort eating


Think back over your life. Who’s the first person you witnessed using emotional eating to cope with life? Who did you learn it from? And how young were you when you “learnt” this habit? Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott


Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott


Comfort eaters..... notice the “can’t meet own needs” part in the bottom of the iceberg

When we struggle to meet our own needs in life

We will eat at night to try and “fill ourselves up”

Ofcourse if doesn’t work

Because what you are hungry for isn’t more food

But instead is the ability to feel seen, cared for, respected and loved

It’s balance

It’s saying no when you’re overwhelmed

It’s letting go of resentment that you need to soothe with food, because you finally stop over giving

And feeling less and less connected to yourself

How does Hypnotherapy help you with this?

See the top of the ice berg? That’s your conscious mind. It’s only 10%

When you think your being “nice and kind and caring and giving”

There’s also your subconscious mind (the lower part of the iceberg) which makes up 90%

The REASONS for your behaviour, relationships, feelings and habits

Those will win every time until we change them

Beliefs like “I need to be helpful for people to keep me around”

“I’m useful and needed when I’m helping”

“I’m only loveable if I’m helping to caretake, Fox or help others”

Those beliefs are often not in your conscious awareness at all

They are driving you from deeper down

Leaving you feel confused about why you can’t make healthier choices with food or why you keep binge eating to feel better even though it makes you uncomfortable in your body

Hypnotherapy helps you to access and release all those unhelpful thinking patterns, all the unconscious beliefs that are keeping you stuck

Helps to dissolve cravings and emotions that keep you in the “comfort eating trap”

What can you do today?

You could join our fb group Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott Freedom From Comfort Eating, With Kirsty Elliott

And peruse some of the videos to get some insight and guidance (stored in the featured section)

Or you can reach out to me, and book an initial consultation for 1-1 work (both online and in person available)

Dieting and exercising won’t work long term of you don’t deal with your bottom ice berg

It will be a quick fix until the lower iceberg over powers you again

Get to the root cause.... and you only have to do it once ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Love Kirsty

Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip. Hyp
Comfort Eating Specialist
EFT Coach and Mentor


If you chronically use food to stuff down feelings, & consistently feel uncomfortable in your body as a result .... 2023 is the year that can change for you 🎉... step inside Freedom From Comfort Eating & Drinking Too Much, With Kirsty Elliott


I’m feeling so joyful this evening

You know when you catch yourself having a moment, and think

“Wow, I never thought I’d get here”

And you just feel bursting with gratitude?

I just sat and had a before bed snack of banana, apple and oatcakes

Feeling happily satisfied with a glass of fresh orange and sparking water by my side

Knowing that I will go to bed soon feeling fulfilled and peaceful

I never thought this would happen

I thought I might be able to give up the booze but not the coffee

I thought I’d be able to give up emotional eating but not be able to give up the caffeine...

And here I am....

I finally feel whole and at peace just as I am

Without the need to control how I feel with food, caffeine or alcohol

I feel so free in this moment

The journey has been so worth it

I am so excited for 2023 when it is my intention to help as many people as possible find their own freedom from compulsion

I feel so blessed to have a tool box for life with the most amazing tools to help with such an important thing

Hypnotherapy, EFT and coaching allows me to help people live life on their terms

I’ve been given the gift of these tools and I plan on sharing them far and wide!

We are not free when are addicted

We are not free when we feel compelled to do something that harms us

I help you to over come these struggles

This work has deep meaning to me

I love it because -

❤️ Your health is your wealth

❤️ Your freedom is on the other side of your compulsions

❤️ How you feel inside your own body is so important

❤️ Your potential can be unleashed when you are free from the harm that compulsive eating/drinking causes

❤️ Your body loves you, and when you can love your body in return by caring for it beautifully.... it’s a match made in heaven

❤️ When you stop sabotaging yourself, your light can shine bright .... and you don’t need to be afraid to shine anymore

❤️ Your purpose becomes clear when you stop suppressing yourself and your heart’s desires with those habits

I’m so excited to see which amazing people will step into my practice (both online and in person) this year so we can go on the journey of inner and outer transformation together 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Now taking applications for Jan 2023

Is it time for you to make a change?


Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women



Don’t know how?

I want you to know, that you can be totally in control of your own alcohol-story this Xmas and new year

Maybe you’ve started to become aware that you’d like to drink a little less?

Maybe you tell yourself you won’t go “over board” but then when Xmas and new year comes around, and everyone else is doing it...
.... it just sort of happens?

And you’re left dealing with the consequences

I’m not going to go into all of the things that happen when we don’t feel fully in control of our alcohol consumption

We already know all about that!

I’m just writing this post to sew a seed for you

🎄 YOU are the captain of your own ship, you get to choose when, how and how much

🎄 If you’d like to feel more in control of your emotions, choices and actions - you totally can

🎄 It’s normal for you to worry about being seen as “boring” or people “noticing” and judging you negatively when you try and make a positive change - but there are ways around that

🎄 You don’t need to know HOW yet, you only need to know you have a DESIRE for something different

🎄 If you’re brain is saying “we will just get through Xmas and new year and THEN I’ll do dry January ..... maybe you don’t have to put yourself through a load of chaos and pain just to seem like you’re doing the “done” thing this Xmas


What do you want?

You may want two different things.... that’s also normal

You may have an internal “battle” of desires

I’m here to help

And I will happily share with you my personal story of how I went from chaotic and out of control

To alcohol-Free and empowered in my life choices

Reach out if you’d like help with this!

I may do a pop up workshop before Xmas for those who’d like some practical tools to reduce alcohol consumption this season

Don’t wait to feel good

You can start right now

Love Kirsty

Clinical Hypnotherapist
EFT Coach

Rodley Leeds and online

Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women

Weight Loss Hypnotherapist Weight Loss Hypnotherapist


When “body positivity” sabotages you

There’s something I’ve been wanting to speak on for a while

There’s been a huge movement in “body positivity”

And in its clean form I think it’s wonderful and I’m all for it

In its clean form it means loving yourself, and accepting yourself .... without feeling you need to “change” yourself in order to fit some externalised perception of beauty

And I couldn’t be MORE for that


In its shadow form, “body positivity” can be used (mostly subconsciously) as a way for a person to stay stuck in habits formed out of trauma

And even to glamourise their coping mechanisms that actually aren’t serving them at all

If body positivity is rooted in “self love”

Let’s look at what self love is NOT

❤️ self love is not refusing to feel our authentic feelings and emotional eating instead to suppress and deny our emotions

❤️ self love is not being so attached to an identity that we glamourise that identity instead of allowing ourselves to heal and come back to our natural state of health

❤️ self love is not hiding behind layers of extra weight we subconsciously keep on to “protect” ourselves from being hurt again

❤️ self love is not choosing to buy into the idea that “well, change is not for me, even though my heart wants it, instead I’ll glamourise where I am and create a reality where my addictive cycles can stay in play”

Often compulsive behaviours and addictive cycles are born out of traumas we experience, big and small, that cause us to try and find a “solution” to emotional pain

For many people that “solution” is over eating, compulsive bingeing, drinking and trying to feel in control by cycling through crash diets and bingeing cycles

If we glamourise our unhelpful coping mechanisms that were created when we were in survival mode...

That’s where we will STAY

And we will never get the chance THRIVE and move beyond the pain we are self medicating with compulsive habits

Shaming ourselves to change is NEVER the answer

But neither is glamourising trauma response

There’s a sweet spot .... that includes ACCEPTING exactly where you are right now, AND being committed to moving beyond painful coping mechanisms that keep you stuck

Sometimes it’s very hard to do that alone

Because we can’t see our own blind spots and subconscious sabotages!

I help people with Hypnotherapy, coaching and EFT Tapping to release the past, and access part of them that is willing to let go of the self sabotage and discover a new way forward

First we help you to feel SAFE for change

Then we release what pain you’re still trying to cover up

We detach from old identities of victimhood, people pleasing and other forms of self abandonment

Then I help you move towards the you that can allow the extra weight to fall away and not need the coping mechanisms of comfort eating any more

It’s body positivity all the way.....

But not the version that allows you to slap a shiny tag line on the pain you won’t look at

Special offer ends Dec 22nd for a fifth extra 1-1 session for free worth £85 when you book your package of 4..... you can start in Jan 2023 and have your session online or in person Rodley Leeds Uk

First step - book your 30 min initial consultation to see if we are a good fit

Join our group Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women

Book that here ... https://kirstyelliottbookings.as.me/?appointmentType=20122137

Kirsty Elliott
Clinical Hypnotherapist Dip.Hyp
EFT Coach


“If You're Considering Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss, Read This First

A "complementary" therapy, here's what the experts say

Hypnotherapy for weight loss

Forget what you've heard about gently swaying beads or sharp clicks, hypnotherapy for weight loss is more mainstream (and less David Blaine) than you may think.

A complementary treatment – meaning it works alongside conventional practices – hypnotherapy for weight loss can prove to be the method to help people come unstuck when it comes to their healthy weight loss efforts.

Reportedly used by celebs, think Adele, Jen An and Nigella Lawson,

hypnotherapy for weight loss works by "rewiring" the limiting thoughts and feelings that keep people losing and gaining weight regularly – aka crash dieting.

Here's what you need to know about the weight loss approach, straight from the experts.

What is hypnotherapy for weight loss?

If you're trying to lose weight well but struggling, hypnotherapy for weight loss may have popped up as an option.

Today, let's start with the basics: What is it and when should it be used?

'Hypnotherapy for weight loss is the application of hypnotherapy: a therapy which studies the trance of your every day experience to help you rewrite unwanted thoughts, behaviours and emotions,' explains Jessica Boston, cognitive hypnotherapist and transformational life coach.

In layman terms, hypnotherapy for weight loss is the process of hypnotising a patient into a deeply relaxed state.

Here, the therapist will use different techniques and methods to change thought patters and bring about behavioural changes.

'Hypnotherapy for weight loss can be used to help you understand why you are struggling to maintain or get to a weight that you are happy with, or help you to the reasons why you might be sabotaging achieving any success,' she says.

‘Hypnotherapy is ultimately a tool that engages the imagination and uses the way you think to better your life.'

Looking after yourself is crucial. And that refers to a lot of things, including your physical and mental health.

Is hypnosis safe for weight loss?

Hypnotherapy is widely considered a safe and natural method of reducing weight via changing your thought processes and habits

Does hypnotherapy work for weight loss?

'Using hypnotherapy for weight loss is more successful alongside an eating and exercise plan,' says award-winning hypnotherapist, Fiona Lamb. 'On its own it can be seen as the key motivator to start you on the right path to losing weight.'

Okay, but how does it work in tandem with good nutrition and regular movement?

'It triggers the desire to reform your relationship with food,' explains Lamb, going on to describe a few different ways it can have an impact:

'It acts as an instant stress relief where you can relax and uncover your story with food. It helps break down the attachments you’ve formed with food since birth.

It breaks down the "control" that people create with food which can lead to disordered eating” -

an article from women’s health mag (website credited in the comments below) - BY MORGAN FARGO
10 JUN 2021

I’m now taking on new clients for weight loss hypnosis for Jan 2023, and I currently have a special offer on that saves you £85 when you book before Dec 23rd

FIRST STEP - book your 30 min consultation (held by phone or zoom) to see if this is suitable for you - https://kirstyelliottbookings.as.me/?appointmentType=20122137


Join our group for videos and practical guides
Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women Hypnotic Weight Loss Club, With Kirsty- For Women

(there’s an EFT Tapping video just uploaded to help you with cravings!)

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Videos (show all)

How does weight loss Hypnosis work?How is it different from other weight loss programmes?Check out this short vid to fin...



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