Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies

Offering Holistic Therapies. Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Healing & Chakra balancing.


As we leave 2023 we need to practice gratitude for the last 12 months and be thankful for the lessons we have learned.

We will then welcome in the new. Set new intentions to achieve our goals.

I really enjoy setting intentions. It allows me to visualise what I want for me and my family.

What are you all looking to attract and achieve in 2024?

When you sit, in a quiet space
1. Can you visualise yourself around the pool on the holiday?
2. Can you smell the air & feel the change of heat as you step off the airplane?
3. Can you see the opportunities that the extra money will give you?
4. Can you see yourself in your new home?

These things are what will help you manifest and achieve your goals.

Do the work, make small changes & see what the next 12 months brings to you.


From me to you, THANK YOU. 💗

Thank you for every single one of you that has supported my business in 2023. From the post likes, shares, comments, to the clients that I have had the privilege to hold space for. I am forever grateful to you all. Thank you, Thank You, Thank you. xXx


I hope everyone is well & enjoying the festive season 🌲It’s been a crazy 6 weeks. Birthdays, busy work schedules for us & a poorly dog 🐶.

There has been a lot of change on for the coming months and I am going to embrace it.

Today, day 1 of Advent.

We all celebrate and look forward to the calendars but did you know that each Sunday there is a meaning / purpose?

* First candle / Sunday: HOPE
* Second candle / Sunday: PEACE
* Third candle / Sunday: JOY
* Fourth candle / Sunday: LOVE

This is clear quartz.🤍


💗Give the gift of self care 💗

I am now able to offer gift vouchers!

I am currently offering the following:

💗 Voucher Only ( 1hr or 90 minutes)
💗 Voucher & Holistic gift.
The holistic gift will be discussed upon purchase.

This can include: Incense, Incense holder, crystal(s). Custom orders / requests can also be discussed.

E vouchers also available.

I would like to take the opportunity to say a huge Thank You to all my clients who I am so very lucky to welcome in to my healing room. This journey has been so rewarding & I can honestly say that with every healing I give, I am filled with so my gratitude & there is not a day that does not go by where this journey just blows me away 💗🌙✨💗


This beautiful grid was used whilst preparing for a client on Friday.

I intuitively picked the crystals with my the assistance of my pendulum ahead of the healing session.

The healing session itself was beautiful & calm and at the end the Card we pulled resonated so very much.

Palo santo was used to cleanse the crystals and the space. This is always part of the routine to remove any unwanted, stuck or stagnant energies in the room.

To book your session, DM for availability.


Only 1 AM appointment available for Friday 13th.

Afternoon & evening have now been Taken.

Thank you to those of you that have booked.

I look forward to seeing you 💗🙌🏻🙏🏻💗


When you least expect it the signs are there right in front of you.

This week has thrown a few curve balls but I know I’m on track to where I need to be.

It’s so nice to be present in the moment.

Concentrate on your breath, Put your phone down, take the time to just be, connect, rest, recharge, refocus.

It’s good for the soul 💗


I have opened up my diary for healing sessions on Friday 13th October.

I have appointments available from 9:30am - 2.30

Hour or 90 minute slots available.

Come have a herbal tea & pamper yourself with Divine love and give yourself the time you deserve 💕

Weekday morning appointments for me are rare. Please DM to book.


Sometimes we just need to drift off to tranquility.

This grid, was used to welcome love, calm, peace and sooth anxiety for my lovely client.

This was her first session and the healing was beautiful.

During healing, we protect, call in the guides & hold space for the vibrational energies to unlock to release any that may have become stuck and stagnant within the body.

Sometimes we hold on to thoughts, feelings and actions and not always in a positive way. When we we hold things and do not release, they can become difficult to shift them and take longer to process.

It’s important to sit with your feelings sometimes and allow them to release with love of course 💗

For the beautiful grid

Photos from Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies's post 27/09/2023

My meditation this morning was one that really resonated.

I got a badger 🦡 show through and I thought, a badger…. Well, hello Mr Badger. You are welcomed in my meditation anytime.

The symbolism of the the badger are words I have heard people use about me and I am not the best at accepting compliments, especially ones of such powerful meaning.

Sometimes we really do have to take on board those compliments.

Somewhere there is plan in place for me. Do I know what it is? Not yet. Do I have a feeling it will be a good one?


Take the time, connect, ground, walk in nature, go for break you don’t realise you need and that’s when everything will make sense and fall in to place.

I am grateful to myself that I allowed the time to connect this morning.


Thank you Lucy Bailey - Magic Molly - Law of Attraction for Families
This is a beautiful view to end your evenings healing.

It’s an honour to be able to hold space for your healing and be part of your journey that we started together 💗😘✨

Moon 🌚 magic is coming 🌝🌕🌑✨

An incredible session with 🤍 so grateful to have healing with you this evening 🤍 listening to what you need is a constant thing, don’t stop because you get busy 🤍 thank you so much beautiful ✨ can’t wait for some releasing with the full moon on Friday!! 🌕


Before each client, I prepare myself and the healing space. The healing doesn’t just start when you walk in.

I prepare the room, fresh incense, clean bedding, carry out my welcoming ritual to bring the healing and protection ahead of your arrival for me to connect to source.

I also, cleanse my crystals & sometimes I set either a few on the pillow or place a grid intuitively.

Tonight, ahead of healing, this grid is set with the intention to balance the chakras and bring love and peace to the healing and the clear quartz to amplify the energy and intention.

I am forever so grateful to all my clients who trust me with their healing. This is really when I have to pinch myself. 💗


4 years ago I took this beauty with no filters. This was in Torrox, Spain.

This place is untouched Spain. It’s beauty, the locals, the memories.

Is there somewhere that hold a special place in your heart memory bank?

If so, visualise that you are there when doing your meditation. This is my location of choice today.

Happy Monday. Make a wish, set intentions. Have a good week.


As the days become equal to the nights, we will have cosy evenings & will see the leaves on the trees change colour & eventually fall.

Its time to:

🧡Reflect on the year so far.
🧡Practice Gratitude
🧡Set new intentions
🧡 Cleanse with sage
🧡Set boundaries
🧡 Enjoy chilly walks
🧡 Ground ourselves using smokey quartz
🧡welcome the warmth of sunshine using orange calcite

In the months ahead, we may feel our energy change and this will be whilst we adjust to the new season.
be kind and gentle to yourself and welcome in warmth, love, health & abundance using the orange calcite, Smokey quartz, citrine, carnelian, clear quartz, tigers eye, pyrite.



Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well?
I have enjoyed a little well earned break and I must say it’s flown by!

I am back offering treatments so if you would like to book your healing, please drop me a message.

If you are not able to come to me, I can offer you distant reiki 💗


Are you looking to welcome in the new opportunities and abundance? Are you looking to make a change and start a fresh?

Crystal grids are s lovely tool when working with the moon cycle, crystals, reiki energy.

My beautiful grid is from

This grid, is showing citrine, green aventurine and carnelian which are all positive crystals to help bring in the sunshine and Abundance that is needed in to your life.

Are you looking to explore your crystal or reiki journey?

Why not book a session for crystal healing or reiki?


Appointments for September are now Open.

Please contact me to book your slot.

Afternoons, evening & weekend slots available for

Angelic Reiki
Usui Reiki
Crystal Healing
Chakra balancing

Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies


Let’s talk Periods and PMT.

Yes, I’m going to go there. We all go through our struggles dealing with the glorious arrivals and then later in life we have to face departure.

No matter what phase you are in, you are not alone.

Do you ever feel a build up of emotions? They may be good, bad or indifferent.

Do you feel off balance? Need help to ground yourself?

Do you get headaches & cramps? Want to lay in bed and hibernate cause you feel like a grizzly bear 🐻

All of the above for me. Not every month but we’ve all been there one time or another with our cycles.

Crystals believe it if not, can be your best friends during your monthly cycle.

There is a crystal for each phase that can help us. These are just s few that I used in a recent healing session. There are also many many more out there too!

🌘Moonstone - with the delicate feminine energy helps hormonal balance. Menopause, fertility and premenstrual symptoms.

🌹Rose Quartz - ultimate gentle living cuddle that you need sometimes.

🤍Clear Quartz- The all rounder that amplifies the other crystals energy.

💜Amethyst - brings in the calm and tranquility that you seem to forget at certain times of the month.

💖Fluorite - To help with any Anxiety

There are other crystals that will also be able to help target certain areas of your cycle.

During this healing session, we release the frustration and the worked on communication.

We poured love and divine harmony to bring back alignment.

We can all feel that bubble inside at times and we can manage our symptoms in other ways.

Sometimes that cheeky devil that sits on your shoulder is just falling out for angelic healing.


This morning my meditation was with the beautiful orange 🍊 calcite crystals. I felt I needed a bit of a boost like vitamin C in crystal form!

I then pulled the self love card.
This allows and shows us to ignore what you think you should be doing, wearing, looking like.
Always have your own back. Have your own best interests at heart & love yourself unconditionally. Love yourself like you love your loved ones. 💗


This afternoon I had the pleasure of giving a healing session bringing in love & calmness & releasing grief and anger.

Releasing grief and anger, is a process that we have to work on as it’s not something that just goes away however, acknowledging the feelings and emotions that come with grieving is the first step.

Self care is so important on many levels but when dealing with grief we need to realise that there is no switch.
We have to do the work.
It takes time.
Look after yourself & your emotions.
You and your emotions are precious. 💗

This session was a combination of crystal healing & Angelic Reiki.


I love a good collection of after treatment crystals 🤩

Magical space is created if you allow and trust the process.

Have a good day everyone 💗


This Card showed itself at the start of the month and has come back to say hello again.

What does this mean?

It could mean that anything I may think is out of reach is very much achievable and I just need to dream BIG!

Well, that’s what I’m taking from it anyway 🤣

Nobody needs to worry about the unexpected as we just never know what’s round the corner.

I’m other news…..the malachite crystal is near by. We’ve not fully aquatinted as yet 😝🤣

Photos from Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies's post 13/08/2023

Todays meditation and cards were lovely.

Meditation bought through the Lion energy showing indicating strength, protection, family, courage which is lovely. I’ve not had the lion energy show for me before so this was welcomed with gratitude today.

The crystal card - (slide to see) Malachite

This crystal has been one I’ve always been intrigued by but have kept it in the back ground as I just was not sure. To look at it, it’s mystical but the energy I just don’t seem to connect to. This is something I’ve been learning a lot, it may not be that I’m not connecting or it’s not my vibe, it’s because I’ve just not been ready to work with the energy even though, it’s probably needed.

Sometimes, to step out of our comfort zones we have to try new things.

Crystals are the same. Some, we go to and they are your vibe. You connect and feel lost without them like they are your best friends and others you just cannot tolerate.

So, Malachite - here I am. Let’s see what happens with you in my life. 😬😝 perfect time really as we head towards new moon this coming week for my beginnings card ❤️

I think it’s going to be a little rollercoaster of a journey 😂

Thank you universe for the nudge in the right direction 🙏🏻🙌🏻. Jodie Cordery.


This morning before I started work I pulled these cards after my meditation.

Trust and gratitude.

Sometimes, it can be hard to trust for various reasons but sometimes, we need to trust ourselves more than anything & anyone.

Trusting your intuition is hard at times as your ego can set in & you doubt yourself.
Your instincts are generally accurate and sometimes we chose to ignore them but we should always trust ourselves and our intuition especially on a spiritual journal and not let the ego get the better of us.

Gratitude, it’s easy to take the small things for granted, such as the gift of life and being able to see, smell, live, breath. It could be material things.
Be grateful for the smallest things as the bigger things will come.
Thank you guides.

Jodie Cordery

🔮 🙏


We are now in the last quarter moon phase.

We don’t realise sometimes how things we hold on to can affect us. Sometimes, we also don’t want to face them.

It can put strain on our body & mind.

Take the time to think about what you are holding on to.

Big or small, it needs to be released for you to move forward.

Have a good Monday. Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies

Photos from Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies's post 03/08/2023

Tonight, I had my lovely Usui Reiki partner for Crystal and angelic healing. Lucy, Thank you for trusting me with your healing and beautiful review.

I am so grateful for you. Thank you 💗


Crystal Grid for Exam or test days.

This grid represents various energies.

Positivity, luck, prosperity, abundance, confidence, creativity, courage, success,


Have you put aside some time for yourself?

My 2pm appointment for Saturday is available.

This can be in person or distant healing. Choice is yours 💗


What path are you on? 🤔

On my walk today it come to my mind that we don’t always end up walking the path we intended or envisaged in life.

At times it’s easy to forget how far we have come and equally as easy to wonder if the path we are walking is right for us.

Stick to what feels right or push yourself outside of your comfort zone?

Some paths are long, some narrow, some feel never ending & some end sooner than we think.

Whatever your path, make sure it brings you happiness & joy.
If it doesn’t, then why not look for the next turning and consider change?

This doesn’t have to relate to a career, it could be relating to anything within in your life.
Whatever you decide, make sure it resonated and sits well with you.

Welcome and Embrace change. You never quite know where you might end up. 🥰


Today my lovely friend presented me with the most beautiful clear quartz Angel pendant with a beautiful silver trim around her wings.

I am So grateful for such a thoughtful friend.
Thank you George xx 💗💜

I always got told when I was young, if you can count your close friends on one hand you are lucky. Let me tell you, I am extremely lucky to have good friends in my life.

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