Intimacy Coaching by Miriam Solis

Empowering women to have fulfilling intimate relationships.


▶ What do you know about Sealed-off S€X ❓

It is basically one-night sands or casual encounters where novelty is prioritised over emotional connection.

⚡ It involves emotional detachment, focusing primarily on physical pleasure without deeper connection.
⚡ Seeks gratification through s*x without nurturing emotional closeness or relational depth.
⚡ Offers fleeting physical satisfaction, yet lacks the emotional fulfillment and lasting intimacy.
⚡ Over time, this pattern may perpetuate distance and hinder efforts to cultivate genuine emotional connection.
⚡ It is erotic but empty.

🔎 💡 Recognizing sealed-off s*x helps nurture relationships towards authentic connection and fulfillment.


▶ What do you know about Solace S€X ❓

Often occurs in couples with unstable relationships and is known for its intensity.
⚡ It is motivate by the desire to prove that you are loved, a way to feel attached to your partner.
⚡ it seeks comfort, reassurance or stress relief rather that genuine connection.
⚡ It can provide a temporary sense of relief and attachment as it serves as a way to soothe fears and insecurities.
⚡ Despite its intensity, it often lacks true eroticism and lasting pleasure.
⚡ Over time, relying on solace s*x can prevent couples from addressing and resolving deeper emotional and relational issues, potentially leading to a cycle of temporary fixes without lasting intimacy.

🔎 💡 Understanding solace s.ex can help us work towards healthier, more fulfilling relationships.


💥 Worried about getting into a new relationship and making the same mistakes ❓
🔻 It’s a common concern, but there are three key points that can help ensure you’re building a solid foundation 👇 👇 👇 .

➡ Know Yourself ⬅ : The first step to having a healthy relationship is to be clear about what you want, what you value, and what is important to you. Without this understanding, you might compromise too much in the excitement of new love, only to find yourself unhappy in the long run.

➡ Be Honest ⬅ You need to pay attention to your feelings and be honest with yourself. Beyond the fun and companionship, assess whether they genuinely make you feel good. Observe how they treat you, others, and themselves, especially during challenges.

➡ Be Authentic ⬅ If your values and goals align, dive into the relationship openly and authentically. Don’t hide parts of yourself to be liked. Show your true self, even if you fear rejection, because your real self will emerge over time.

Building a healthy relationship takes time, so don't rush and make sure that the love hormones are settled as they tend to "blind" the senses.


⛔ The Shadow of Infidelity ⛔

Netflix’s new three-episode series "Ashley Madison: S*x, Lies & Scandal" delves into the fallout from the 2015 Ashley Madison data leak, exploring the profound impact and consequences on those involved.
📌What's your take on this?

🥊 What stands out to you the most?
▶ The lack of scruples
▶ The lies
▶ Their response to extortion
▶ Failure to protect customer data
▶ The fraud
▶ That it's still operating and claims to have 80 million subscribers today?

For me, one of the most interesting part of the show it is how the partners dealt with the infidelity. 👉 What would you do? 🤔
🅰 Would you seek forgiveness and reconcialition?
🅱 Would you end the relationship?

🔺 The undeniable truth is that having affairs is about lying and hiding. Its most common consequences are the breakdown of trust, safety, and comfort within a relationship.

So ▪ ▪ ▪ What are the alternatives?
In my view, there are 2️⃣:
☑ Have an open and honest conversation with your partner about unmeet needs and work towards resolution.
☑ End the relationship before causing further harm, preserving respect and integrity for both parties. Though not easy, it’s a safer path forward.


What fuels a thriving relationship?
🥁🥁please welcome: 💥⚡️CONNECTION⚡️💥

It’s vital to understand:
⚠️ Connection doesn’t natural occur in relationships; it’s not spontaneous❗️
⚠️ It won’t come to you; you must actively pursue it out❗️
⚠️ With connection, you don't build reservoirs, you start fresh every day❗️

✅ You daily commitment to create connection is the key to a thriving relationship

Just as you nourish your body daily with food, nurturing your relationships requires feeling connected. 🌱 Some days, the connections will be stronger than others, and that's okay - just like some days, the food tastes better than others.

⚡️If you're in a relationship, wouldn't you want it to be the best possible one?🎯


💘 The Influence of Parental Love on Our Relationships 💕

🤔 👀 Have you ever stopped to consider how your parents' relationship, how they "loved" each other and how they loved you might be shaping your own love life ❓
💣 One of my clients recently shared a powerful realisation that sheds light on this very topic.

🗯 She came to me seeking clarity on why she seemed to override some of her own values and priorities when in a relationship. Despite valuing friendships and independence, she found herself prioritising her partner above all else, feeling almost powerless to resist. It was as if she were "glued" to her partner, unable to break free from the intense focus on him.

🔮 As we explored her past and her family dynamics, a pattern emerged. Her behaviour mirrored that of her parents in their relationship. They, too, 🤝 shared every aspect of their lives together, from work and socialising with friends to pursuing hobbies and leisure activities.

🗣 Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact our parents' relationships can have on our own.
👁 By acknowledging and understanding these influences, we can begin to shape our love lives in alignment with our true selves.
💨 Consciously addressing aspects of our relationships that don't serve us provides an opportunity to nurture healthier and stronger relationships.
💥 It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.✨


🔹 Understanding the Role of Oxytocin in Relationships 🔹

💥 Did you know that oxytocin, often referred to as the ↘bonding hormone↙ and is closely linked to s.xual intimacy?
➡ It plays a crucial role in various aspects of s.xual arousal and response. During positive and enjoyable s.xual activity, oxytocin is released in the brain, contributing to feelings of pleasure, connection, and bonding between partners.
➡ This hormone helps facilitate physical and emotional closeness, enhancing the overall experience of intimacy and satisfaction.
➡ Promotes trust and empathy, which are essential components of healthy and fulfilling relationships, further strengthening the bond between partners both inside and outside the bedroom.

✨By nurturing social connections, engaging in physical touch, and embracing moments of love and affection, you can naturally boost oxytocin levels and unlock these incredible benefits for your mind, body, and relationships.
✨Let’s spread the oxytocin love! 💖


💥 Let's Dive into the Reasons Behind Faking Org*sms! 🤔

Why do you think some women fake them? 🤔 A recent study involving over 1000 US women revealed some intriguing insights:

🧶 Desire to boost their partner's confidence.
🧶 Wanting to finish asap due to fatigue.
🧶 Fear of hurting their partner's feelings, especially if they like them.

More than half of the women in the research decided not to talk to their partner about their s*xual needs, despite wanting to do so, why?:
▪️Again, not wanting to hurt the other persons feelings
( lack of communications skills)
▪️ Embarrassment
( lack of permission )
▪️Concerns about feeling rejected
(lack of self-esteem)

💥💥The truth is that women who feel liberated to explore and connect with their s*xuality and engage in open, honest conversations are less likely to fake it.⚡️⚡️

☀️Understanding and communicating your
🎯 needs
🎯 likes
🎯 wants
↘ it is the ONLY WAY to a satisfying s.ex life ↙

What’s your take on this? Share your thoughts!👇 💬


🚨 Excellent News: Cyber flashing A.K.A d*ck picks became a criminal offence in England when the Online Safety Act was passed on 31 January this year and today the first person convicted of the crime in England is due to be sentenced facing up to two years behind bars!. 🚨

🎯 Today marks a significant milestone as the first person in England faces sentencing for sending unsolicited explicit images. While anyone can be victim of this abuse, it is a lot worse for women in the public eye - celebrities, politicians - who are bombarded with it constantly... how exhausting!!

👉 ❗❓ But... Why? 😤 why do some men feel they feel entitled to do so?
📍📍The Journal of S*x Research published a study in 2019, aiming to understand why some men send unsolicited ge***al photographs to women and what personality traits they exhibit.
The conclusion:
❌ The motivation is erotic entertainment, they send some with the hope they will receive some too. A clear sign of their lack of empathy!🤦‍♀️
❌ Their personality traits are "higher levels of narcissism and hostile s*xism" 😑

⛔ This is now a clear message to perpetrators, STOP or you will face jail time!.

🙌 Today's sentencing signifies a crucial step in combating s*xual aggression and upholding consent. Let's continue to push for a culture where such violations are not tolerated and punished.

International Women's Day with Daniel Craig and Judi Dench 08/03/2024

🌟 International Women's Day 2024 🌟

Let's take a moment to reflect on the powerful message commissioned by The EQUALS partnership and Annie Lennox for International Women’s Day back in 2011, featuring M and James Bond.

Thirteen years have passed since that poignant message was delivered, yet the questions it raised still resonate deeply:

✨ Have the statements made by "M" evolved over the years?
✨ Can we see tangible improvements in gender equality around us?
✨ Has there been progress in addressing violence and abuse against women and girls?
✨ Have our reproductive rights seen advancements?

While the UK stands as one of the countries with progressive reproductive health policies and services, the journey towards true gender equality and the eradication of violence and abuse is ongoing.

As we mark International Women's Day in 2024, let's use this opportunity to reflect, reevaluate, and recommit ourselves to the fight for equality, justice, and empowerment for all women and girls worldwide. Together, we can create a future where every individual is valued, respected, and able to thrive.💪🌍✊

International Women's Day with Daniel Craig and Judi Dench JAMES BOND & JUDI DENCH SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2011The two-minute short, specially commissioned for International Women's Day, sees 007 star Dani...


🎢 Navigating the complex realm of relationships, I value the insights and expertise of Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh.📕In her latest book "Love by Design," she challenges conventional beliefs about love💔underscoring their limitations❤️‍🩹. Instead, she directs attention to the:
〰️ 6️⃣ key ingredients for 💘thriving relationships💖:

🧲Attraction➖ It’s essential to recognise that attraction lays the groundwork for intimate connection, facilitating the process of getting to know each other and being known, which is fundamental to create intimacy.
❗Remember: Attraction evolves over time, yet knowing that I like you increases the likelihood of you liking me back.

🙌 Respect➖ pay attention to your boundaries, how would you like to be treated?
❗️Remember: Passive-aggressive comments or yelling out your emotions are not healthy ways to enforce your boundaries. They should be communicated firmly and lovingly.

🔐 Trust➖ Consistency and reliability pave the path towards earning and maintaining trust.
❗️Remember: Being present all the time is difficult but what really maters it is to be ready to mend things when needed.

🥰Acts of Love➖ cherish your partner through meaningful gestures and understanding their unique love language. Love thrives on intentional efforts and expressions of affection.
❗️Remember➖ We often give our all to the world out there and bring only the leftovers to our partners.

❤️Compassion➖ Stand by your partner when things go wrong, offering support without judgement and creating a safe space of understanding and acceptance.
❗️Remember➖ ask your partner, "How do you want me to support you? Do you need a hug, someone to listen, advice, or to work through this together?".

🔮Shared Vision➖ align your aspirations and dreams, forging a collective vision for the present and future. Sharing a common purpose strengthens the bond between partners.
❗️Remember➖ You don’t necessarily need to share the same interests, but ensure they are compatible.

➡ In essence, ↪ love isn't a passive occurrence ↩ ; it demands the ongoing investment of personal resources such as 💰 money, 🙋‍♀️ attention, ⏰ time, and 🔋 energy.
🔺 If you find yourself facing challenges in your relationship, take a moment to examine the ingredients and identify any that may be lacking or undernourished. Remember, everyone deserves to experience the loving relationship they desire.


🎁❣️This Valentine's Day let's go beyond material things... Let's celebrate love by truly connecting✨🪢.

The most meaningful gift you can give your special someone is the commitment to learning and speak their love language🗣️💖. Not only for one day but imagine a lifetime of feeling loved, seen and appreciated, who doesn't want that⁉️

🤔💡Curious about your partner’s love language, or unsure about your own? It’s as easy as a simple test, taking just 5 minutes of your time. 🕰️ Here’s the link to discover the language that connects with your hearts:


🔥 Keeping the Spark Alive: Navigating Intimacy in Relationships 🔥

🧩 You might have noticed a growing trend among professionals, including myself, saying:
▶️🔊prioritise intimacy
▶️🔉 schedule s. ex
to maintain the spark in your relationship. It’s about carving out space amidst life’s demands, ensuring that intimacy doesn’t fall by the wayside.

‼️👉 what happens when prioritizing intimacy feels more like a chore than a choice? Where’s the fun in that? ❌🛑
Ultimately, the goal is to reclaim intimacy as a source of pleasure and connection, not merely a checkbox on your to-do list.

One thing’s for sure: you’re not alone! The good news is that it’s fixable.
So, if prioritising intimacy feels like a chore, rest assured there are ways to navigate through it and reignite the spark.

ℹ🌀And remember, I’m here to help you transform your approach to intimacy from feeling like a chore into embracing it as a choice!⚡✨🌟💫



💥 Exciting Announcement! 💥

💫 I'm thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you! After careful consideration and reflecting on the evolving needs of my clients, I'm delighted to announce that I am now offering coaching services for couples! ✨

🎯 As a Clinical S*xologist, S*xuality Educator, and Intimacy Coach, my mission has always been to empower women to navigate the complexities of intimacy and relationships. Now, I'm extending my support to couples who are seeking to enhance their connection, intimacy, and overall relationship satisfaction. 💞

Whether you're looking to:
🔑 reignite the passion in your relationship
🔑 resolve conflicts
🔑 improve communication
🔑 enhancing overall relationships satisfaction
🔑 navigate infidelity
🔑 address feelings of isolation and disconnection
🔑 tackle intimacy issues
🔑 resolve mismatched libidos
I'm here to provide you with tailored support and guidance every step of the way. 🌟

↪ My approach is grounded in empathy, understanding, and evidence-based techniques to help couples build stronger emotional bonds ↩

❗ 👉 If you or someone you know could benefit from relationship coaching, don't hesitate to send me an email or schedule a complimentary 30-minute discovery call today!. It's free and there's no obligation.
📧 [email protected]


🚩❓ 👉 Ever wondered why couples stop having s. ex? 💭
it can be for many different reasons:
💨 life gets busy, the to do list is never-ending
💨 stress piles up, changing your behaviour
💨 priorities shift, intimacy becomes unimportant

A better question may be:💥what couples that have s. ex do differently?💥
🔑 Most importantly, they make it a ↘ priority ↙ ,
🔑 They carve ↘ space for intimacy ↙
🔑 They deal more efficiently with stress
🔑 They resolve relationship issues
🔑 They challenge misconceptions about desire an intimacy.

The important thing to remember is that ➖ It's not only about s. ex ➖ it's about identifying and addressing what hit your 'intimacy brakes' and creating room for pleasure.

➡ How do you prioritise your relationship and keep the spark alive?



💣 After the widespread attention sparked ⚡ by Gillian's dress at the Golden Globes, shedding light on how many people still don't use the right terminology...
💣 it's crucial to emphasize once more the importance of using the correct names! Let's continue the conversation and promote accurate language when discussing our bodies. 💬💪 🙌

🙌 Let’s have an important conversation about how we are educated and, subsequently, how we educate our children about naming of our ge***als.

🧐 It’s curious how we can confidently label other parts of our body like our nose, thighs, or elbow with precision, but when it comes to our ge***als, we tend to use euphemisms. It’s as if we’ve been conditioned to believe that the accurate names are somehow vulgar and inappropriate. But in reality, they aren’t!

📡 I’ve observed:

❗️ Kids referring to them as “rude parts,” “private parts,” “front bottom,” and the like.

❗️ Adults resorting to phrases like “down there” or “lady/man parts” or inaccurately labeling the v***a as the va**na.

🎙Assigning such negative names to people’s ge***alia not only reflects a lack of biological understanding but also perpetuates the idea that there’s something fundamentally wrong with their ge***alia.

💥It’s incredibly IMPORTANT, EMPOWERING, and LIBERATING to use the correct names. So, I wholeheartedly encourage all adults to boldly embrace proper terminology.

💪 Let’s break free from the constraints of shame and foster a healthier understanding of our bodies.

Gillian Anderson wears dress embroidered in va**nas for 2024 Golden Globes 11/01/2024

✨ Exciting highlight of the week: Gillian Anderson’s mesmerising Golden Globes dress featuring intricately embroidered v***as.💥

🚨 However, 👀 it's notable that many media outlets keep referring to them as va**nas .
➖ This brings me the following question: Is the misnaming in media a result of ignorance or discomfort ❓

🙌 Please share your thoughts ...

🎯 Let's aim for precise language and encourage open conversations. 💬
it is so important!🌟

Gillian Anderson wears dress embroidered in va**nas for 2024 Golden Globes ‘Gillian Anderson said S*x Education may have ended but it is NOT over’

Kylie Minogue - Tension (Official Video) 05/01/2024

🎤 ...OMG! 🎯 ⚡ touch me right there... 🎵 🎶 🎵
Channeling my inner Kylie Minogue vibes today
– just like in her song 'Tension.'
↔ Remember, communication is key, especially in the bedroom. Don't be shy to express your desires. Just like Kylie says, 'Touch me right there'—it's all about breaking the tension and enjoying the moment. 😏

🎆 🔉 Happy Friday!

Kylie Minogue - Tension (Official Video) The official video for Tension by Kylie Minogue. Listen/save Tension here: The new album Tension is out now: https://Kyl...


🎄Holiday Time for Me 🎄

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing,
do something for Joy, Pleasure and Happiness.

See you next year!.


🤔 🎁 Looking for some gift ideas that you and your partner can enjoy together?
🔥 Spice up your connection and have fun with these exciting games for couples! 🎯 ✨

1. 🗣 Where Should We Begin by Esther Perel: Unleash your inner storyteller during dates or intimate gatherings with these thought-provoking conversation card game.

2. 🎴 Intimacy Gift Set by The School of Life: Restore closeness and provoke meaningful conversations with Connect, Pillow Talk, Emotional Conversations, and The Couple's Workbook.

3. 🎇 Monogamy Board Game: Award-winning and perfect for couples, this adult game sets the mood for a naughty and entertaining time together.

4. 🎲 S*xy Dice: go with the flow and let the dice decide. Find them on platforms like Etsy or Amazon for a playful twist in your intimate moments.

5. ⚡ Play cards by MysteryVibe: are you into s.ex toys? Get inspired and add variety to your bedroom using these playful cards.

6. 🎭 Fog of Love: Immerse yourself in an imaginative and fun role-play game where you create and play vivid characters navigating the challenges of an unusual relationship.

👉 ❗ Remember: novelty and variety are key to fuel desire...Explore, be curious, and find the game that floats your boat! 🚢 🔎


🗣️💬Have you heard of Ethical P.0RN?, and if so, What do you think❓

For the unfamiliar, here are defining elements :
❌ No Exploitation
❌ No Misogynistic Behaviours
❌ No Risky S.exual Practices
❌ No Underaged Performers
❌ No Illegal S*xual Practices

Leading the way are founders like Erika Lust, Cindy Gallop and Anna Richards .

💬 Join the Conversation:
🔉Share your thoughts! What aspects do you find important?

🔹Let's embrace a vision of entertainment that's respectful, consensual, and free from harm.



📉In 2019, over 100k people were estimated to be living with HIV in the UK, with 1 in 16 unaware of their status.

🌍 A new report by UNAIDS, "Let Communities Lead," highlights the potential to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 but only if communities on the frontlines get the full support they need from governments and donors.

⚠️ HIV affects anyone, and its transmission risk varies. Just like other STIs, anyone can get HIV. It can be transmitted through penetrative s.x, blood, breast milk or sharing injecting drug equipment. A person with an untreated STI is 6 to 10 times more likely to pass on or acquire HIV during s.x. Oral s.x is generally regarded as low-risk.

🚨 Prevention is keyl! C0nd0ms provide excellent protection, and in addition to that, there are two medical methods for HIV prevention: PrEP and PEP.
ℹ️PrEP (HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) is a medicine for people who do not have HIV. It is a pill you can take before s.x that offers near complete protection from HIV. It is a very effective tool (99% effective) for people at risk of HIV, especially those who may find it difficult to use c0nd0ms every time.
PrEP is available for free on the NHS from s*xual health clinics throughout the UK to everyone, regardless of immigration status.
ℹ️ PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine which you can take if you think you may have been exposed to HIV within the last 72 hours. .PEP is most effective if taken within the first 24 hours after potential exposure.
You can get PEP from some s*xual health clinics and from A&E Departments.

✅ Remember: treatment is now so effective that it reduces someone’s viral load to undetectable levels within about 6 months, maintaining a healthy immune system and ensuring that they cannot pass on the virus.

👥 Communities on the frontlines need our support. Let's raise awareness, break stigma, and encourage everyone to get tested.
It is free, quick, and easy tests help us stay "In the know. In control."


🧱 Nurturing Strong RELATIONSHIP BONDS 🧱
➖Dr. Sue Johnson, a leading figure in couple therapy and adult attachment, introduces the A.R.E. scale—a powerful tool for assessing relationship health.
A.R.E. stands for:
▪️ Accessibility ▪️ Responsiveness ▪️Engagemen
These pillars crucial for creating and sustaining secure emotional bonds.

🫶A.R.E you there for me❓ These ingredients are essential to create trust, safety and comfort.

👉This a short A.R.E scale version for a quick check take a moment to reflect and answer the questions below, Rate your experience from 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree.

Can you openly share your thoughts and feelings with your partner?

Do you feel understood and validated by your partner?

How often do you and your partner spend quality time together?

Add up your scores for each section to unveil your relationship’s A.R.E. strength!

• 15-9 points: High A.R.E.
• 8-5 points: Moderate A.R.E.
• 4-1 points: Low A.R.E.

🌱 Discover Insights:
Uncover insights into your relationship dynamics, identifying areas for growth and improvement. Share your reflections below! 👇


But...❓ ❓ ➖ Why couples drift apart?

🎢 Relationships they usually are like a rollercoaster ride, with "natural" highs and lows. However, sometimes they hit a point where things start to go a bit sideways 🛣.

There are 2 significant reasons why this change of direction may happen:

1️⃣ Chronic conflict: where partners are immerse in the never ending blame and defence game, holding the other responsible for their misery. The inability to resolve issues constructively may foster resentment creating a chasm that widens over time.
2️⃣ Disengagement, Indifference and Separateness: feelings of isolation, loneliness, neglect, lack of contact and connection are deeply present in their lives. All these emotions create a void that can make the relationship feel like a solo journey.

🚀Addressing these challenges is crucial. By breaking free from the blame game, rewriting the script, making intentional time for each other, and rekindling the connection, couples can turn the rollercoaster ride back on track. 🔥


💥 Exploring S*xual Intelligence 💥

🌀 S*xual intelligence extends beyond physical aspects, encompassing knowledge, self-awareness, effective communication, and emotional connection.

🌀 Remember, in the realm of s*xual pleasure, the responsibility lies within:
➡ Cultivating self-awareness for your own pleasure.
➡ Mastering the art of s*xual knowledge and communication to become the best possible lover.

🔥S*xual intelligence isn't just about personal growth; it's the key to unlock the fullest potential of your intimacy.



🙌 Let’s have an important conversation about how we are educated and, subsequently, how we educate our children about naming of our ge***als.

🧐 It’s curious how we can confidently label other parts of our body like our nose, thighs, or elbow with precision, but when it comes to our ge***als, we tend to use euphemisms. It’s as if we’ve been conditioned to believe that the accurate names are somehow vulgar and inappropriate. But in reality, they aren’t!

📡 I’ve observed:

❗️ Kids referring to them as “rude parts,” “private parts,” “front bottom,” and the like.

❗️ Adults resorting to phrases like “down there” or “lady/man parts” or inaccurately labeling the v***a as the va**na.

🎙Assigning such negative names to people’s ge***alia not only reflects a lack of biological understanding but also perpetuates the idea that there’s something fundamentally wrong with their ge***alia.

💥It’s incredibly IMPORTANT, EMPOWERING, and LIBERATING to use the correct names. So, I wholeheartedly encourage all adults to boldly embrace proper terminology.

💪 Let’s break free from the constraints of shame and foster a healthier understanding of our bodies.


💥 Toxic love's grip on intimacy 🔗

💔🚩When discussing toxic romantic relationships, we often focus on emotional and psychological dynamics. However, it's crucial to recognise that these unhealthy dynamics can extend into the realm of intimacy as well.

💔🚩It's not uncommon to encounter couples who remain in unhealthy relationships, seemingly held together by a passionate and intense s*xual connection. While this can be a powerful force, it's important to remember that it's often fuelled by emotions that are harming us at the same time.

💔🚩 Toxic relationships, are often characterised by extreme highs and lows. These intense emotions can significantly influence intimate moments, amplifying the sense of passion. Furthermore, the fear of loss or abandonment can further intensify these passionate feelings.

💨Leaving a relationship, even when one aspect seems extraordinary, is a challenging decision. Nevertheless, in the long run, prioritising your emotional and psychological well-being is essential.
☀️Seek the support and resources you need to break free from harmful patterns, and remember that genuine fulfillment in a relationship extends far beyond the bedroom.


⭐️ When a client comes to see me, one of our fundamental steps, regardless of their initial concern, is to challenge the negative and inadequate information they may hold about s*xuality.

TODAY, I'd like to address one of most common and counterproductive beliefs that can hinder s.xual fulfilment:
‼️👉The mistaken idea that the best s.xual experiences must always be SPONTANEOUS and EFFORTLESS.

🔙💬 To challenge this perception, I would like you to revisit the days of courtships and reflect on all the effort and intention invested in:

✅ Personal grooming ➖ taking care of many different aspect of your appearance to make a positive impression.
✅ Choosing the perfect attire ➖taking time to select the clothes that boost your self-esteem and makes you look great.
✅ Planning and surprising ➖ organising special trips, diners, activities, creating together positive experiences.
✅Communication ➖ showing active listening and genuine interest in getting to know the other person.
✅ Prioritising time together ➖ making time and space for the other person.

NOW....🪄 When you look back to all this "prep", does it still feel spontaneous and effortless to you?

❤️‍🔥The REAL reason of why s.x was better during that time is because:
💎 the connection
💎 the energy
💎the emotional attention invested
...were at their peak🔝.

❤️‍🔥It is the mutual effort that made you feel in sync, and why falling into each other's arms felt effortless.

‼️ Also, it is important to understand that 👉 DESIRE👈 is fuelled by three main elements :

♨️ and guess what??... ALL 3 are normally abundantly present at the beginning of a relationship, so desire is at its peak too🔝 .

In essence, a fulfilling s.x life come from effort and s*xual intelligence.

*xMyths *x" *xualitySupport

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Other Health/Beauty in Leigh-on-Sea (show all)
Leighful Lashes by Emma Leighful Lashes by Emma

Home based treatment • Leigh on Sea


Women's Community "Alone in her struggles can not take effective Decision-making. Give women a way out in the middle of a mess".𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡, 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐟.

Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies Jodie Cordery - Holistic Therapies

Offering Holistic Therapies. Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Healing & Chakra balancing.

By Erika By Erika

HRL_Beautyworks HRL_Beautyworks

Eastwood Fully Insured Lash Extensions Brows BIAB Dermal Filler Anti-wrinkle Vitamin Injections

KM Dermaplaning KM Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning treatment, for the removal of dead skin cells and hair from your face, whilst also remo

thebrowspaceess*x thebrowspaceess*x
Leigh-on-Sea, SS9

Beauty by Dawn Beauty by Dawn

Gel nails & spray tanning

kaciharmerx_hair_x kaciharmerx_hair_x
80 Broadway
Leigh-on-Sea, SS91AE

Level 2 and 3 Qualified hairdresser • Based at Aimee hair, Leigh on sea.

ICE LAB - Ess*x Cryo LTD ICE LAB - Ess*x Cryo LTD
1506 London Road
Leigh-on-Sea, SS92UR

We are the First in ESSEX to bring you BIOHACKING all the way from america. 4 treatment rooms 4 mac

Charli's Beauty Academy Charli's Beauty Academy
1550A London Road
Leigh-on-Sea, SS92QG

Beauty and Aesthetics Training Academy

Micro Scalp Ess*x Hair and Aesthetics Micro Scalp Ess*x Hair and Aesthetics
Leigh-on-Sea, SS92HU

Hair Loss Treatments Aesthetics Skin Rejuvenation