Kaleo Lane

Kaleo Lane

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Heavenly Hypnobirthing

I am a doctor of psychology of women's happiness, ethno-therapist, master of women's temple yoga, ph I'm Kaleo!

I am a doctor of psychology of women's happiness, ethno-therapist, master of women's temple yoga, physiotherapist, physiologist. Master of Ancient temple Practices for Women, naturapat! I have been researching the nature of women for many years and I know what is needed to cure diseases related to psychosomatics! And I am ready to share with you my many years of experience♥

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 27/10/2022


To find happiness in love, it is necessary to be guided by seven main principles:

1. For every woman there is a suitable man, a psychologically compatible partner, with whom you do not have to pretend, painfully ponder your every word, guess "loves, dislikes, spits, kisses", worry about quarrels and misunderstandings.

2. Thought is material. We have what we think about, what we believe in. Therefore, it is necessary to believe with all your heart (not with your head, but with your heart, not even with your heart, but with your whole being) that you will meet the man of your dreams and be happy together.

3. In order to achieve personal happiness and find your love, you need to be active, that is, not wait for the weather by the sea and not sit on your butt straight, but act.

4. Getting acquainted on the Internet is not scary. There are the same people as in reality and the percentage of maniacs is not higher at all. There are simply more opportunities on the Internet, and it's a sin not to take advantage of it.

5. Faith is the lot of the grateful. Love yourself, love the whole world, enjoy every day and every positive person. Be grateful to the Universe already for coming into this world with your bright personality and huge inner potential.

6. You can realize your potential by experiencing a feeling of love, finding your soulmate.

7. Before falling in love, you need to determine for yourself the range of possible candidates — psychologically compatible with you. And then — listen to your heart.

My beautiful women, free diagnostics will take place throughout October. You can sign up for them by choosing any day.

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 25/10/2022


In the human body, whether male or female, there are two types of energy - male and female.

A woman in the energy balance is attractive and loved by others, regardless of external data, with a soft voice and a smile. She is feminine and intuitive, while being able to think vividly and constructively. Such a woman feels when, where and who needs her care, does not surround anyone with hyperprotection. Natural wisdom in all her actions.

Using "soft power" and a sharp mind, she helps her man move up the career ladder, takes care of the health of the family. She can perfectly "rule" and raise children herself, if she wants. Such a woman is not bothered by thoughts about imposed standards of beauty and her own imperfection. She lives at peace with herself and does what she loves.

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 24/10/2022


Lingonberry is a medicinal plant that is successfully used in phytotherapy.
Lingonberries are used for the treatment and relief of such diseases:

☀️uterine bleeding
☀️inflammation of female organs
☀️postpartum inflammatory processes.

The following products are prepared from lingonberries:

☘️alcohol tinctures.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, lingonberry-based formulations are consumed orally before meals. In addition, decoctions are used for douching, lotions and baths.

Women's diseases can be treated with infusions of only one lingonberry. But compositions containing other plants are also used.

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 21/10/2022

Harmonious relationship ❤️

Relationships can be compared to waves on the sea. Such waves are different emotions, ups and downs in a relationship. Some last only a few hours, others a few months or even years.

The main thing is not to forget that by themselves these waves practically do not reflect the quality of the relationship. They are affected by many external factors: loss or change of work, death of relatives, relocation, financial difficulties. You just need to catch a wave with your partner, wherever it takes you.

☝🏻It is important to understand that we ourselves can form our life attitudes, emotions and feelings and consciously approach our relationships. Then it turns out that the secret of a long life together is not such a secret. Be open, grateful and focus on your love for each other, and not on negative emotions!

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 19/10/2022

How is lemon 🍋useful for immunity?

One of the main healing components of lemon is ascorbic acid. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves the functioning of the digestive system, circulatory organs, vision. According to scientists, citric acid increases immunity and helps treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The potential benefits of lemons are as follows:

♻️reducing the risk of stroke;

♻️prevention of cancer development;

♻️improving the complexion;

♻️prevention of asthma;

I advise you to eat lemon already at the onset of the season of viral infections. Even without waiting for the first symptoms. Lemon acts prophylactically and does not allow pathogenic microorganisms to affect the immune system.

Lemon 🍋 can be included in your diet even if a cold could not be avoided. In addition to many vitamins, it contains acids and phytoncides — volatile compounds with antiviral effect. In this case, it is necessary to start taking the fruit at the first symptoms of the disease: sore throat, sneezing, nasal congestion and heaviness in the head!

My beautiful women, free diagnostics will take place throughout October. You can sign up for them by choosing any day.

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 17/10/2022

Yoga is a very ancient practice for finding wholeness in life. Yoga consists of asanas (exercises), breathing techniques and meditations (passive and active), therefore it develops a person comprehensively — through the body, mind and emotions.

Yoga helps:

🔅Improve concentration, develop stress resistance and skills to slow down the rhythm of life;
🔅Restore the emotional background, calm the psyche;
🔅"Refresh" the body and regulate the hormonal background;
🔅Improve sleep quality;
🔅Strengthen physical health (strength, flexibility, balance).

The frenzied pace of life, multitasking, excess information — all this contributes to self-destruction, stress, tension, blocks and clamps in the body. We don't move much, we don't sleep well, we eat on the go, we don't know how to relax.


🧘‍♀️Yoga is a tool for self—recovery at all levels, for self-regulation and self-discipline🤍

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 15/10/2022


Below you will see 5 basic principles of naturopathy that will help you understand it more deeply🌿:
The body knows what it needs.

Surgery is rarely required.

A holistic approach.

There are 4 main systems in the body that must be optimally balanced to support health.

🥬Each patient is unique.

It is very important to understand that each patient is unique, and you cannot prescribe the same treatment to different people. Great importance is given to the individual characteristics of a person.

In some cases, they are even more important than its current state.

Therefore, healing with the help of naturopathy methods is highly effective and has no undesirable side effects.

Do you prefer traditional medicine or sometimes resort to natural treatment? Write in the comments 👇🏻

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 14/10/2022


Thyme belongs to the number of important essential oil plants!
It is because of the essential oil that it is so valued in medicine.

It is believed that the substances contained in it have a positive effect on the respiratory system, help to get rid of cough and cleanses the bronchial mucus.

Thyme helps to fight inflammatory processes and bacteria, providing an antiseptic effect.

Having an antiviral effect, the plant is used for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. It helps to normalize digestion, eliminate flatulence, constipation and stomach cramps.

Due to the many useful properties, the product has a wide range of applications⬇️

In inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract, an infusion, decoction or tea from thyme is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent.

The same effect will help smokers to clear the bronchi.

With angina, the decoction can be used to gargle as an antibacterial agent.

When losing weight, you need to take a decoction of the plant before eating to reduce hunger. In addition, digestion and metabolism will improve, which will help to lose extra pounds faster.

Save yourself so as not to forget about the beneficial properties of thyme🤍
Everyone should have this plant to maintain immunity on frosty days🌿

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 12/10/2022


🌿Naturopathy is one of the forms of alternative medicine based on natural remedies.

☝🏻Naturopathy is very effective because it uses the principles of natural healing of a person.

Therefore, it often turns out that a person gets rid not only of one particular ailment, but of a number of ailments at once.

👧🏻For example, a woman wants her hair to become healthier. The traditional approach involves applying certain substances specifically to the hair in order to strengthen them.

☀️🌿Naturopathy, on the other hand, involves restoring the process of hair growth, providing the body with the necessary resources and starting the growth and strengthening of hair from the inside, as a result of which the hair becomes and remains healthy for a long time.

☝🏻In addition, bones, nails are strengthened and the condition of the skin improves, because all this is interconnected.

Interesting? Like and write a comment🔥
Continued tomorrow…

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 12/10/2022

🌺 ”Cleansing of the uterus.
Group ritual ”Twelve Steps"
🗓 October 12 at 19:00 pm London time
50 pounds sterling online payment


Twelve steps:
1️⃣Cleansing from female diseases
I will help with diseases: fibroids, endometriosis, polyps, HPV.

2️⃣Free yourself from past relationships.
Purification of negative karma of the genus.

3️⃣Clearing the poverty code from past partners

4️⃣Cleansing from injuries, pain and misfortunes of a woman's fate
Liberation from the consequences of physical and mental trauma, childhood tragic experiences, fears, phobias.

5️⃣Cleansing the uterus from the effects of sexual and emotional abuse

6️⃣Cleansing the uterus from the consequences of adultery, envy, the evil eye
If your husband or partner has cheated on you, it helps to get rid of the energy of betrayal, frees you from someone else's female energy and its negative karma and diseases.

7️⃣Removing the crown of loneliness

8️⃣Lunar rejuvenation
The energy of the moon is charisma and magic. Using the magic and power of the moon, a woman acquires unprecedented youth, radiant skin, weight loss, toned muscles and a toned body.

9️⃣Cleansing from karmic errors of the lineage
Reset origin errors. Protection against karma errors is installed.

🔟Awakening of female magical power in the womb
The fulfillment of any desire, even the most ardent, by awakening the strongest sacred sexual and magical power, given at birth or coming from another incarnation, or transmitted to you by your bloodline. A great and bright future will open before you!

1️⃣1️⃣The Return of Female Power
If you had one or more unsuccessful partners in life who did not appreciate you, you often quarreled, and then you just need this ritual.

1️⃣2️⃣Cleansing the womb of women of all kinds
All negative information from unsuccessful marriages, humiliations, violence, alcoholism, addictions, lack of self-acceptance is erased.

You will find the guardian spirit of your entire lineage. You will receive protection for 12 generations ahead. Genius children will be born in the pedigree.

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 11/10/2022

The UTERUS is the main female organ🌸

The uterus is the main source of female strength and energy. Not only a woman's health depends on the state of the uterus, but also her female happiness, love, wealth and fulfillment of her destiny!

During life, the uterus not only gives a woman strength, energy and well-being, but also receives a lot of information through sexual and emotional contacts.

☝🏻Therefore, a woman should regularly clean her uterus. This is energy hygiene.

The 12 steps of cleansing the uterus will help a woman replenish her energy and make her happy, loved and rich!
Each step corresponds to an amulet, which helps to save energy after the ritual!

🌟We invite you to go through the 1st stage of uterine cleansing on October 12

🗓19-00 pm London time

Link for registration ❤️⬇️



Today is an online webinar!!!

🌺🌺🌺You are an amazing flower of God, thourhg this journey you will open the great and amazing inner female power.

That will make your life abundante, joyfull and full of love. It will make your relationships stronger, you will feel love to yourself and remove blockages from your body.

❤️Be the Goddess, Shine like Goddess, be the source of Love!


💫PhD in psychology

💫international trainer of women's techniques

💫life business coach


💫master of psycho-energetic protection practices

💫progressor of family happiness with many years of successful experience in all 💫countries of Europe and Latin America
💫 💫 💫
Link for registration https://bit.ly/3M95FRb

My beautiful women, free diagnostics will take place throughout October. You can sign up for them by choosing any day❤️



My beautiful women, free diagnostics will take place throughout October. You can sign up for them by choosing any day.

Very soon, new knowledge about your inner energy center will open up for you. You will learn:
🌱How does the uterus affect your relationship with your partner?
🌱How does the uterus affect your health?
🌱How does the uterus affect your energy and stress levels?
🌱How does the uterus affect your financial flow?
🌱How does the uterus affect your mental health?

Link to registration ⬇️


Choose a suitable date and time❤️


🔥An online webinar will be held on October 10🔥


🌺🌺🌺You are an amazing flower of God, thourhg this journey you will open the great and amazing inner female power.

That will make your life abundante, joyfull and full of love. It will make your relationships stronger, you will feel love to yourself and remove blockages from your body.

❤️Be the Goddess, Shine like Goddess, be the source of Love!


💫PhD in psychology

💫international trainer of women's techniques

💫life business coach


💫master of psycho-energetic protection practices

💫progressor of family happiness with many years of successful experience in all 💫countries of Europe and Latin America
💫 💫 💫
Link for registration ⬇️⬇️⬇️



🔥An online webinar will be held on October 7🔥



At the seminars, thanks to the practices, the students accumulate energy, on the basis of which the healing energy, code of luck, happiness, love begins to form in a woman.

🌱Her potential begins to reveal.

🌱Her intuition, her purpose, opens up.

🌱Woman begins to see the signs of luck, there is a field of charm, love and respect of people around her.

🌱She easily handles all difficult situations in life and helps others to do so.

🌺She is prosperous, loved and happy!


💫PhD in psychology

💫international trainer of women's techniques

💫life business coach


💫master of psycho-energetic protection practices

💫progressor of family happiness with many years of successful experience in all 💫countries of Europe and Latin America
💫 💫
Link for registration⬇️




My beautiful women, free diagnostics will take place throughout October. You can sign up for them by choosing any day.

Very soon you will discover new knowledge about your inner energy center. You will learn:
🌱How does the uterus affect your relationship with your partner?
🌱How does the uterus affect your health?
How does the uterus affect your energy and stress levels?
How does the uterus affect your financial flow?
How does the uterus affect your mental health?

Link for registration ⬇️


Choose a suitable date and time❤️

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 05/10/2022

Greetings to you, my beautiful, dear women 🌹


Thank you so much for your feedback and for your feedback!❤️

Behind us we have online webinars, meetings in Logdon, a lot of useful information, a lot of knowledge, a lot of your emotions, a lot of wishes, gratitude and love!

It is insanely pleasant for me to communicate with each of you! You are my dear ones!

I am grateful to each of you that you are here and listening to me!❤️

In October we have prepared a lot of new information and gifts for you😇☝🏻
Follow me ❤️

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 30/09/2022


I want to thank you for all your feedback and for your great interest in my stories, thank you for following and supporting me!

I am really grateful to you for everything you have done!

Very soon, new interesting events will start, about which I will tell you everything in detail!

Believe me, after you take part in my events, you will become energetically filled, happy, you will feel your femininity and all your strength, learn to heal, feel the energy of the earth and nature🌿✨

You will be cleansed of the old negative energy and will be ready for new moments in your life!



Namaste, my beautiful women of power🌸
The month of September is ending, but my surprises for you are not ending!!!

Very soon I will go live with you!📽

You can join me from anywhere in the world.

You only need to have a phone/computer and a stable internet connection.

Are you waiting?


"Female energy to attract love" - what is it?🤍🕊️✨

In fact, both a woman and a man exist in each of us — the focus is only on how they interact with each other and how balanced they are✌🏻

"It is easier for a man to desire the woman who most corresponds to a special type of his own unconscious femininity, that is, a woman who could, if possible, unconditionally accept the projection of his soul"

It turns out that the more a woman is developed in us, the more chances there are to attract a truly strong man.

I call them "resource" — they are not necessarily millionaires and not necessarily "status", but they have a powerful potential for development and growth.

Interesting topic? Would you like to know more?
I'm waiting for every🔥

Photos from Kaleo Lane's post 26/09/2022


Temple yoga is aimed at the formation of the temple — both external (space) and internal (body). This is a special layer of knowledge about the feminine principle of Aditi, which is embodied in light energy.

Temple yoga as a system of knowledge has its roots in soma yoga, associated with the Khmer tradition.

This ancient Khmer art perceives a woman's body as like a temple and considers the development of female nature from the position of perfect breathing and perfect nutrition, amrita, soma.

In ancient times, the development of a woman was understood as the construction of a temple, and the first year of life correlated with the process of obtaining inner light, followed by 13 years of construction, after which the girl was expected to come of age ceremony.

☝🏻This principle can also be traced in temple yoga, which is the way of obtaining and practical realization of inner light.

🌎This is a type of yoga with a view of the great Angkor Wat.
This is a perfect celestial architecture, reflected by the architecture of the Angkor Wat temple complex, which was built as a Temple of Light to maintain the luminosity of the constellation of the Dragon.

Temple yoga is set up to be filled with the power and light of Shakti in order to carry female energy into the space of the Universe.

Do you want to know more? Stay with me!
Put likes, write comments ❤️


Namaste, my dear women of power!❤️

I am glad to tell you the good news!💌

I decided that I need to be with you more and more often. Give you feedback and answer your questions.

You write to me a lot and often, are interested, ask questions about webinars and personal questions.

That's why I declare SUNDAY the DAY OF REPLIES TO MESSAGES!🖊

I will add the "ask me a question" column to the stories, and I will also anonymously add your questions to the stories and answer them!

Let's get even closer! 🫶🏻

Write, have you been waiting for this column? Have you already prepared your questions?



My goal is to visit the whole World, all continents and convey to people the knowledge that I possess🙌🏻✨

I began to travel the world and gathered the knowledge of Great people, teachers, yogis, doctors and psychologists.

And, accordingly, now I have such great knowledge, the truth!

This knowledge is ancient, it was very difficult to find them, but I got and studied in the closed temples of India near the Ganges River, which the locals don't even know about, let alone the press…

I am your Doctor of soul, mind and body❤️
When I was in retreat for 10 years, I studied a lot of techniques of natural treatment, naturopathy and psychosomatics, I studied natural treatment techniques at the best Indian universities.

Join my blog, watch my videos, leave likes and comments.

I will be very pleased❤️


My story

Part 3

When I turned 21, I had a vision that if I didn't help people, a very terrible accident would happen, in which I could very much cripple my body😨😱

And after that I left home.

For more than 10 years I lived in India by the Ganges River, absorbing the power of these magical places.

And I started looking for masters to give me initiation🧘🏻🌎

I. When I came to one of the masters, he said: "You are already a master yourself, go and serve people!"

Since then, I have been traveling around the world for more than 7 years and helping women solve their pressing problems.
✨I help to establish relationships,
✨to meet a soul mate,
✨achieve success in business and career, ✨improve health and discover your talents and abilities.

And I continue to go to places of power, to imbue myself with the power of these places in order to heal people later.

And here I am! I am open to this world and to you!
Let it be so❤️🙏🏻✨


Dear, today I want to share with you amazing news! The beautiful Enya Soul has created her Telegram channel. Many of you already know this spiritual mentor. If not, I sincerely recommend getting acquainted with her 😍 because she is a muse for many women and for me as well.
Enya is now starting a course "The Lunar Power '' and she will be posting it in her Telegram channel for free!
I know how much you love the moon and want to unravel its mysteries. Nobody but Enya can help you do that. After all, she is a dedicated priestess of the moon, a priestess of the temple of Isis in Egypt, and the keeper of Cleopatra's secrets. Enya will tell you how each phase of the moon affects all areas of a woman's life, what and when to do, and doing what is strictly forbidden. If you learn how to use the moon's energy for your own good, your life will change dramatically for the better.
Be sure to subscribe to Enya's channel! There will be so many useful and interesting things that you will definitely thank me for recommending it. After all, you ask me thousands of questions about the soul, and you'll find the answers from Enya Soul 😉
Free bilingual channels
- English https://t.me/Enyasoul
- German https://t.me/Enyasoul_de

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Videos (show all)

Greetings, my dear women!Watch these videos that our students filmed!We are doing a good deed, we love everyone very muc...
My dear women!❤️I am grateful to you that you are here with me! I am grateful for every message, every like and comment....
I am here to help you and heal you. Are you ready for the journey of your soul? Write me a message, what kind a date of ...
Who is woman of power? Strong, confident, who knows her power and abilities! Who is self sufficient, she knows what she ...
Relax and be a woman. You are divine my dear, just realize it? I am here to help to open all your superabilities and tal...


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