The Worm on a Scooter Party

Centrists not welcome.


We now go live to British Patriot/Brexit/Tory/Reform UK/MyLabour feat. /ANTIVAX/Trump HQ for the latest updates on the which isn't happening...
(c)Frank Place

The Cult of Corbyn has been replaced by the Cult of Gender 30/01/2023

Just the JC being the JC.

The Cult of Corbyn has been replaced by the Cult of Gender There is a common denominator between the Labour antisemites and pro-trans activists


Oops. WoaS doesn't usually enter into debate directly on lesser pages but here the Quorum of Nemotode was enraged enough to comment... See you in 30 days after the Red Wall poor Tory voters have reported us for violating the cOmMuNiTy gUiDeLiNeS.

I've studied nuclear war for 35 years -- you should be worried. | Brian Toon | TEDxMileHigh 12/01/2023

Today, nuclear annihilation is on the worm's mind. Enjoy!

I've studied nuclear war for 35 years -- you should be worried. | Brian Toon | TEDxMileHigh For the first time in decades, it's hard to ignore the threat of nuclear war. But as long as you're far from the blast, you're safe, right? Wrong. In this so...


What's on your mind, Facebjørk asks, day in day out. OK, I'll tell you.

This year will mark the 50th anniversary of a musical masterpiece that continues to speak illuminating truths about the impossibility of the human condition, and how people from these islands tend to cope with it. Pink Floyd’s The Dark Side Of The Moon was released in March 1973, as the last traces of postwar optimism gave way to mounting economic strife and international tension. The response it offered was twofold: a call to empathy and mutual understanding, and the pointing-out of a national trait that this writer – among many others – has probably quoted far too much. It comes nearly six minutes into a song simply called Time: “Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.”

As a new political year begins, those nine words seem more apposite than ever, and they snugly fit one defining fact of our national predicament: that the wreckage of Brexit is all around us but our politicians will still not acknowledge it. The evidence now encompasses reduced trade, diminished investment and the fact that the UK has been the only major economy not to have returned to its pre-pandemic size. Brexit has resulted in a hit to tax revenues estimated at an annual £40bn – enough to have prevented 75% of the spending cuts and tax rises that were announced in November.

Meanwhile, amid impossible passport queues and howls of pain from businesses now tied up in red tape, stories that symbolise the folly of our exit from the EU seem to arrive at least one a week. Just before Christmas, for instance, it was reported that the Metropolitan police would now be buying armoured ministerial cars from the German manufacturer Audi because no UK firm was “able to meet the requirements of the tender”. Here was more proof of the supply-chain problems that are afflicting British producers, and a malaise that has caused annual UK car production to fall by more than half since 2016.

The government responds to such news with its usual ludicrous evasions: “I don’t deny there are costs to a decision like Brexit,” said Jeremy Hunt in November, “but there are also opportunities, and you have to see it in the round.” Meanwhile, even now, Tory zealots cling to the belief that life outside the EU could still deliver all the promised prosperity and general magic, if only ministers would try harder.

A good example: led by Jacob Rees-Mogg (who is apparently giving serious thought to being the next Tory leader), MPs are pressing Rishi Sunak to stick to a deadline of 31 December 2023 for “reviewing or revoking” EU laws that still apply to the UK, and imagining that the resulting legislative pyre will produce some kind of economic phoenix. The truth, as ever, is more prosaic. The task will involve hundreds of Whitehall civil servants forensically assessing nearly 2,500 pieces of retained EU legislation, and the CBI says the plan is likely to produce “a further drag on growth”.

What Brexit has done to Tory politics now goes beyond the party’s interminable debate about what exactly life outside Europe should entail, and deep into Conservatism’s collective psychology. Since the 2016 referendum, the English political right – by which I mean a cacophony of voices, including Conservative MPs, the Mail and the Telegraph, and the kind of pundits now given a megaphone by GB News and TalkTV – has become steadily more eccentric and unhinged.

‘Britain is broken, Nigel Farage says, but no one in politics seems minded to point out that he is among the key people who broke it.’ As far as basic economics is concerned, they endlessly deny the existence of gravity. But they now make much more noise about climate action, Meghan Markle, the BBC, the content of dictionaries and whatever other “woke” ghouls are irking them. This is partly a deliberate distraction from Brexit’s catastrophes. But it is also the kind of displacement activity that was always going to take hold once these people’s defining project had turned to dust.

And Labour? The tensions of Keir Starmer’s position are translated into denials of things that are self-evidently true. In early December, he claimed that “there’s no case for going back to the EU or going back into the single market”, and only “a very good case for making Brexit work”. Amazingly, he and his colleagues also rule out any return to the EU’s customs union.
The reason this once-devout remainer doggedly sticks to these lines is obvious: even if opinion polling suggests that residual popular belief in Brexit is now ebbing away, the Labour party has to secure the support of people who voted leave in 2016, switched from Labour to the Tories in 2019, and would supposedly greet any talk of revisiting the basics of Brexit with anger and dismay. But that does not make what he says any less absurd, nor detract from the depressing sense of a Westminster conversation that omits modern Britain’s most defining fact.
There is real danger here. The grifters and chancers who took us out of the EU are still around, threatening their usual mischief. Nigel Farage and his Reform party are apparently planning to field 600 candidates at the next general election, and amid widespread resentment about Brexit’s false hopes, even darker forces may also fancy their chances.

“Britain is broken,” Farage says, but for fear of questioning Brexit itself, no one in politics seems minded to point out that he is among the key people who broke it. A huge truth is thereby being ignored, which goes back to the 1930s, if not before. If you don’t want politics flooded with betrayal myths and conspiracy theories – which have a much greater purchase on public opinion than anyone in politics and the media currently seems to realise – then do not ignore uncomfortable facts. When mainstream politicians indulge in denial, demagogues often make hay.

As 2023 unfolds, the gap between Brexit’s delusions and our everyday reality will become increasingly inescapable. The Tories’ internal strife and poll woes will go on, but Labour will also be confronted with questions it will no longer be able to avoid. Running through everything will be a massive question about what happens next: how can you even begin to think coherently about the UK’s long-term prospects when any truthful discussion of the present is off limits?

Two more lines from the aforementioned Pink Floyd album evoke the essential problem: “Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time / Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines.” This is what Brexit has done not just to politics, but our sense of the future. Will we hang on in quiet desperation for another year?

- John Harris in The Guardian


What's on your mind, Facebjørk asks, day in day out. OK, I'll tell you.

I fu***ng hate Republicans. Republicans are all about the man. The man who works hard and plays hard and drinks hard and shoots his guns. The white man, that is. The straight white man. With a few token blacks and asians thrown in as a concession to 'modern times'. Well, blacks anyway. But just one or two, where they are visible but controllable. Maybe the odd token woman in a similar position. I'm thinking Colon Power and Condoleeeeeeza Rice, and maybe, erm... Pfff... I dunno. There must be some other Oreo cookies in the US government but I can't think of any right now.

But the things which are actually important to families, like people spending their time together to live good, fulfilling lives, not spending all their time at work or stressed out or hugely in debt, oh no! To Republicans that is boring. That is weak. That allows the government to come and make you do what you don't want to do. Except that Republicans were all up for the regime change in Chile that saw Salvador Allende removed and General Pinochet establish his military dictatorship for twenty years. Like Iraq, that's the kind of war that Republicans love, because firstly it generates a lot of dead cannon fodder for them to feel patriotic about one day per year, and secondly it enriches the Donald Rumsfelds and Bushs of this world, whom all Republican men aspire to be when they grow up.

And Republicans creamed their pants over Vietnam. If that wasn't the government taking their children and flinging them into a jungle just to make their point that fu***ng Yanks are superior to every other race on the planet then I don't know what is. Then they even have the loudmouth small brain lack of irony to love films about it, as long as it's easy to digest, like Rambo - First Blood, Rambo 2 and Rambo 3.

I suspect there are maybe one or two thousand genuinely Christian women Republicans in the United States who are not psychotically averse to gay men and women. They will be those who generally live their lives in fear and had a domineering father figure to kneel before. But the majority of American Christians are now Christian Nationalists. That or ex-Cuban Catholics, who, because they couldn't make Cuba work for them also support the Republicans, because Republicans represent fReEdDoM. Yeah man, freedom in tRuMpIaN, because it's the freedom to work 100 hours a week and drink yourself stupid afterwards and beat your wife then blame it on Mexicans at Pastor Learjet's Mega-Maga-Church on a Sunday.

Absolute f**knuts the lot of them.

Photographer slams Rachel Riley for using his Corbyn image on t-shirt 03/01/2023

Bizarrely, despite all the evidence to the contrary in the Forde Report and Al Jazeera's somewhat hyperbolic but predominantly factual The Labour Files, some people persist in maligning Jeremy Corbyn, and have even been rewarded for it in this year's New Year's Honours. By doing so, they show that they have unquestioningly swallowed the ruling elite's propaganda, hook, line and sinker.

There are still many people who haven't realised that Corbyn was denied an election victory on two occasions, but especially in 2019, by backstabbers within Labour, including Keir Starmer, who leveraged NEC pressure to force Corbyn to include a promise to consider a second advisory referendum as part of the 2019 Labour manifesto. Starmer knew that the who would abandon Labour in droves if their dearly beloved Brexit was put at risk, and along with Rachel Reeves, Margaret Hodge and other Blairites, publicly celebrated their own Party's 2019 election defeat because they were frightened by Corbyn's mildly socialist policies.

These people, along with the billionaire's club of Great Britain, chose to put Boris Johnson in charge of delivering the Brexit that has decimated the UK's economy.

I know that even the so-called left wing mainstream news outlets in the UK, The Guardian and the Mirror, also fell into the trap of spouting the same lies that the ruling elite wanted everyone to believe, but can someone explain to me why now, three years, three Prime Ministers, one disastrous mini-budget, a looming NHS crisis caused by 12 years of Tory underfunding and an overtly racist Home Secretary, there are still some people who think that Sir Brutus "Keir Hardie Must Be Turning In His Grave" Starmer can be trusted to do anything other than squeak his way effeminately through another destructive four years of sub-Mandelsonian Centrist kowtowing to the billionaires?

The man has no principles and no spine. He does not dare to voice support for the unions because he's afraid of ending up in a Scargill/Foot situation, which won't happen because it's not 1979 any more. Starmer supported the £billion upgrade to Britain's Trident nuclear deterrent, despite overwhelming evidence showing that it makes Britain more susceptible to nuclear attack than if the whole suicidal US-supplied weapons system was scrapped. And his obnoxious assistant Rachel Reeves has stated that Labour will be tougher on those needing government support due to illness or disability than the Conservatives, presumably in another attempt to win back the aforementioned Red Wall bigots.

Apart from saying "well, he's not great, but it's the only alternative to the Tories", how can anyone in their right mind defend Keir Starmer?

Photographer slams Rachel Riley for using his Corbyn image on t-shirt A photographer who captured Jeremy Corbyn protesting against apartheid has hit out at Rachel Riley for wearing a t-shirt with an "illegally manipulated" version of his picture.

Elon Musk’s net worth collapse is the biggest loss of wealth in modern history 02/01/2023

Elon Musk’s net worth collapse is the biggest loss of wealth in modern history Billionaire’s fortune has fallen by $200bn, roughly equivalent to the GDP of Greece




How to respond to a Blairite, by Worm on a Scooter Party joint-founder and leader Ian Parsley.

Ron Amis: "Unfortunately Laura Pidcock is just like many other Corbyn supporters, they continue to believe a hard left Labour Party is what the electorate want, it was quite plain at the last election, it isn't, they even rejected Left of centre candidates. If Labour is to stand any chance of winning the next election we have to get rid of those old hard left ideologies.. I happen to be an avid Tony Blair fan, to hear Laura blaming Blair for Labour losing the last Election. I don't know about Pidcock more like poppycock to me....."

Ian Parsley: "We don't believe that. Why do you put words into the mouths of Corbyn supporters? Why did arch-Blairite, Blair's no.1 adviser - until he was thrown out for getting a dodgy loan for a mortgage from a member of the House of Lords - say "I try to do something every day to discredit Jeremy Corbyn" ?

Why, as an adviser to Keir Starmer, did Tony Blair recommend that Starmer push the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn in 2019 to publish a statement saying that Labour would allow a second referendum on leaving the EU, when it was very clear that this would be taken as a sign that the party was ignoring the will of the public?

Please note that I am not talking about the fact that the referendum was advisory and non-binding on the government, because "the general public" (by which you tend to mean people who are influenced by news from Murdoch's Sun, Times and Sunday Times newspapers, Murdoch's radio stations talkSPORT, talkSPORT 2, talkRADIO, Virgin Radio, FM104 and Times Radio to mention just 6 of the 18 radio stations he owns) cannot be expected to fully understand the language of constitutional law.

This was clear sabotage, forced upon an unwilling Jeremy Corbyn by the NEC and NPF, and almost guaranteed to lose Labour the 2019 election. What's more, this sis a loss that we the public have seem on film being celebrated by such Centrist members of the PLP as Anne Reeves.

The electorate want a party that does not allow rampant lobbying by its own members, that does not lose tens of billions in PPE fraud and incompetently managed IT contracts, that does not have parties while the rest of the country was barred under threat of severe fines if they gathered together, for example to wish dying loved ones goodbye in hospitals and hospices or at funerals, such as that of my father, which my wife and son were not allowed to attend on May 28th 2020.

The electorate wants a party that will defend the NHS, and a party that nurses, bus drivers, teachers, delivery workers, social workers, the police, the courts and the thousands of office workers can rely on the support them in the face of zero hours contracts, fire and rehire policies, meaningless salary reviews that are in effect pay reductions, and who will not vote for or take no position with regard to swingeing cuts to benefits for the poorest members of our society and practical criminalization of the homeless, immigrants and protesters."

Originally published in The Economist, January 24th 2022.

Timeline photos 09/01/2022

If you thought Dominic Cummings was an ar****le, check out Keith Starmer’s no.1 Corbyn-hating advisor, Peter “dodgy mortgage” Mandelson.

Guest article: two years ago I wrote I wasn’t buying Starmer’s ‘radical’ makeover. How right I was 08/01/2022

Our intuition on these things is often right, and it certainly was here. The “going as hard as possible” against benefit claimants is news to us, though unsurprising when we think of how he has repeatedly ignored pleas from nurses, teachers and bus drivers for a little bit of support.

Interesting that the puffed up shirt started undermining Corbyn the minute he became an MP. What a fu***ng ar****le. Here at the Worm on a Scooter Party, we commit to doubling down on our anti-Starmer wrath, because this piece of s**t is about as much “Labour” as we are elephant tamers. He’s basically a Gammon in a sharp suit. C**t.

Guest article: two years ago I wrote I wasn’t buying Starmer’s ‘radical’ makeover. How right I was Two years ago, left author Calvin Tucker analysed attempts by Starmer’s campaign to portray him as a radical during the 2020 leadership contest Calvin Tucker is a left activist and writer bas…


7th Jan 2022.

Johnson will soon be removed as Prime Minister of the UK, so who’s up next?

I see Risky Sumak (think dodgy kebab shop) as the most likely contender. The bootlickers love nothing more than being told what to do by a multimillionaire, and at least there’s no risk of any pesky nurses getting a pay rise with him in charge. He’s also slightly less tainted with corrupt Covid deals than the rest of them. Chinless Gove will never be PM, unless the UK is so enamoured with Mr Bean that it wants him for PM. Thick Lizzy is busy stepping into Lord Frost’s Saville Row shoes and making Brexit even worse.

I can’t see the Kipper lobby voting for Patel. Despite all her treachery towards refugees, I just don’t think the Brexs**tting racist t***s of Lincolnshire are ready to have a Ugandan/Indian/British child of refugees as PM, even if they do find her spherical form and self hate appealing. Hunt - too boring, doesn’t do enough drugs, and even some Tories thought he was a complete Hunt with his handling of the NHS.

No, it’s the Lib Dems who are onto a winner here. Rebuild the party for a 2023 election and strut that funky mild inoffensive Centrist stuff for 4 years. Maybe introduce PR. I’d vote for them if that was in their manifesto.

They could position themselves as a party of the people, rather than a party of the property-owning white collar shareholders, as the other two parties are. The Dib Lems have always appealed to a wide base of very normal British people who see that the disgusting corruption and uncaring nature of the Tories is not acceptable, but also don’t feel comfortable with hairy people who want to help poor people (Old Labour), because being poor doesn’t affect them. What the Lib Dems need is some hunky ex-soldier type as a leader to appeal to all the middle of the road middle class mums and dads, and they’ll have it stitched up.


5th Jan 2022

“Sir” Keith Stalin is a puffed up shirt who - like all QCs, greased the right palms and paid the right fees to become a QC. Now he’s doing the same in politics. If you don’t know how barristers operate, ask me. One of my best friends is a QC. It’s all about kissing the right arses to further your career and boost your income. Exactly the same in this pseudo-Labour party. Here we have one wet blanket of a so-called opposition leader who doesn’t support nurses, doesn’t support bus drivers, doesn’t support teachers, and lets Johnson get away with murder at the dispatch box.

I don’t believe Stormer is paid by Murdoch or Netanyahu or the Tories. I think he’s just too dull-witted to realise what an establishment stooge he really is. And as he continues to rake in the cash, he sees no reason to stop any time soon.

For me there is no Labour Party any more. Much as I detest their Centrist s**te, my support is going to the Dib Lems from now on. We need to get them in, implement proportional representation and then in four years when Starmtrooper and the Mandelsons have buggered off, get a decent Labour leader like Richard Burgon and rebuild a proper Labour Party.

Lies, damned lies: the full list of accusations against Boris Johnson 31/12/2021

Buckle up Boris! Now the Worm on a Scooter Party has a firm foothold in Parliament once again with Ian Parsley QC MP, it’s going to be a rough ride for you!

Apolilogies for the sauce:

Lies, damned lies: the full list of accusations against Boris Johnson Alleged dishonesty over Downing Street Christmas party and flat redecoration join list of infamous controversies

Timeline photos 27/04/2021

Dear friends! Apologies for the 30 day radio silence. Our intrepid leader, Ian Parsley MP, was in Facebook jail, and is now on death row. Facebook says he has 10 days to download his data and G**O 🙁. This is sad after ten years of entertaining people with his English phlegm and sardonic wrath at social injustice. But what can you do? Facebook is a very puritanical platform run by those whose interests lie only in unrestrained capitalism. And Ian is alive and well on Twitter.

But have no fear! The Worm on a Scooter Party is strong even without Ian at the helm! We will overcome!

For now, may I suggest that UK-based WoaS members - we love you more than Marmite itself! - print this onto an iron-on t-shirt transfer sheet, make a t-shirt and proudly wear it in public. Just an idea! If you have a lot of Tories in your area, maybe keep it under your jumper. Only you need know that you are secretly laughing at nasty right-wingers, and that will make you smile! And if you smile, we smile with you! Have a great week, comrades!

Timeline photos 23/03/2021

This is for all our 50 new members! We 💜 you!

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

Shaken but not stirred! An unpleasant Tory person tried to get this group removed today, but thanks to the hard work of several important comrades, the Worm on a Scooter Party lives on! Apparently we are not allowed to have a party at the House of Commons on May 5th, according to someone called Cressida Dick. When we reported this person as the obvious fake account that she was, I mean what a stupid name for a start, we were told “false reports are punishable by a 30 day ban”. Talk about fascism. Anyway, please enjoy this picture of our friend The Very Hungry Caterpillar, being turned away from a culinary establishment by a Tory.

Timeline photos 21/03/2021

Happy Sunday gorgeous Worm on a Scooter Party friends! How can you be so fabulous?! You are unique, you are needed, you are loved. I made a coffee for you 💜. Now go forth and roast some fascists! Big hugs from King Worm and Queen Earlybird.



1) End austerity, homelessness and child poverty.
2) Make women feel safe everywhere.
3) Get Brexit undone.
4) Provide free sushi and sashimi to all children of school age to tackle hunger and obesity.
5) Allow peaceful protest.


Welcome Karma! We hope that The Worm on a Scooter Party will fulfill your every political need in this time of troubled troubles. We would like to take this opportunity to state that The Worm on a Scooter Party is NOT a UFO cult as has been reported in certain right-wing press articles. If the Zorgotrons invade earth and make a film palpably better than any of the Star Wars sequels called Oblivion, it will not be our doing!

Please enjoy these tasty Chanterelle mushrooms while we prepare your free moose gift.

Timeline photos 19/03/2021

And it’s a warm worm welcome to the lovely Parm!

Parm makes delicious biscuits and knows many secrets about Josh Homme.

Please enjoy this downloadable welcome pack e-pamphlet while we prepare your other joining gifts!


Does anyone have the floor plans for the cellars under Parliament? Asking for a friend.

Timeline photos 15/03/2021

Maria and Alfredo! Welcome!


Monday March 15th. Now it is time to get serious. The Worm on a Scooter Party is the place where the kind of person who thinks it's a good idea to get a microchip implanted so he has easy access to his office and his car and his home entertainment system is not welcome.

People like that say: "if you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about". WRONG! "Why is it wrong, King Worm?" you ask. It's wrong because it's not Microchip Man with a very small goatee who decides what is "wrong".

And taking the UK as an example, we at the Worm on a Scooter Party don't trust the people who DO decide, because - among many other atrocities that they support - they think supplying arms to the Saudis to blow the s**t out of Yemenis is right, and they think "non-violent protest" is wrong. That is literally the wording of Frau Obergruppenfuhrer Priti Patel's latest proposed law "New Police Measures to Combat Non-Violent Disruptive Protest".

So, if YOU think Yemeni men, women and children should be beaten, starved and blown up, go ahead and support Priti Patel of the SS Tory Party, and leave the Worm on a Scooter Party right now!

The Worm on a Scooter Party wants people that will fight that kind of authoritarianism, non-violently, but as disruptively to the people who condone it as possible, all the way to the grave if need be. Or at least to the nearest bakery! Bagels are vital in the struggle against fascism! An army of worms marches on its collective stomach, as it were!

We know that for people like Mr "if you haven't done anything wrong you've got nothing to worry about", the concept of "disruptive" means something which inconveniences them. Like, Greggs (a well know bakery chain in the UK) wont be open for their morning sausage roll if someone disruptive smashed its front window the night before.

And it is precisely that lack of sausage roll that really irks Microchip Man with a small goatee. He loves the status quo because he's invariably white, male and wealthy enough to buy a sausage roll whenever he wants one, and THAT is the situation that he does not want disrupted.

Well, f**k you Microchip Man! That selfish, sausage roll-obessed way of thinking is exactly what the Worm on a Scooter Party is against.

Coming soon:

What the Worm on a Scooter Party is Actually For! Five Key Policies That Will Set the United Kingdom Back on a Track to Success and Help Out Folks in Other Countries at the Same Time Because We're All in the Same Boat and We Can't Leave it All to Gretl Thumberg.

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