
Strategy Driven Design & Communication

Photos from DCommX's post 10/05/2024

It's been a rewarding journey collaborating with Luis, the Maintenance Manager, and Ash, the General Manager, at Pestana Chelsea Bridge over the past two and a half years as we initiated the consulting and technology update ⚡️. Witnessing the progress and beautiful results achieved in this initial phase of the project has been truly gratifying.

IBL Lighting ⚡️ We’re thrilled to share our story with Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel once again. Over a decade ago, we supplied lighting for the entire hotel, and now, we’re honored to continue our partnership. This return speaks volumes about the quality of our products and service. Nestled in London’s trendy Chelsea Wharf development, Pestana Chelsea Bridge Hotel offers luxury accommodation with 217 modern bedrooms and first-class amenities. Whether you’re visiting for business or pleasure, the hotel’s prime location near Battersea Park and the River Thames provides the perfect balance of city excitement and tranquil relaxation. We’re proud to be part of this exceptional hospitality experience once again.

✨ ”


Refugee Rights are Human Rights

How is a London’s museum after the pandemic? Know Turner’s Exhibition 27/05/2021

One of Britain’s greatest artists, Joseph Mallord William Turner lived and worked at the peak of the industrial revolution. Steam replaced sail; machine-power replaced manpower; political and social reforms transformed society.

Many artists ignored these changes but Turner faced up to these new challenges. This exhibition will show how he transformed the way he painted to better capture this new world.


How is a London’s museum after the pandemic? Know Turner’s Exhibition One of Britain’s greatest artists, Joseph Mallord William Turner lived and worked at the peak of the industrial revolution. Steam replaced sail; machine-powe...

Como é a vacinação no Reino Unido? 19/05/2021

How is the vaccination in the UK?

Get vaccinated is necessary and quite safe. Know better how works the a vaccination day in the first country in the world to start with the vaccine against Covid-19. Come with me! I’ll show you the backstage through this vlog!


🇬🇧 ✔️

Como é a vacinação no Reino Unido? Get vaccinated is necessary and quite safe. Know better how works the a vaccination day in the first country in the world to start with the vaccine against C...


Descanse em Paz, . É triste. Inclusive por ser um dos poucos casais lgbts que teve a coragem de dar a cara neste país tão violento e homofóbico, que teve filhos lindos. E que mesmo atacados, resistiram. Aliado importante para abrir portas para outros. Que ofereceu emprego e gargalhadas para tanta gente, em um país sofrido onde os governantes tiram o sorriso das pessoas. Mas cumpriu a missão. 🥺🙏🏻💐 vai em paz, meu nosso querido. Orações e abraços fraternos para , filhos (que dor), pais, familiares, amigos e fãs. 🙏🏻😢🥺💐💙
Você resistiu bravamente. Abriu caminhos. Sua arte permanecerá e o amor que você doou também! Obrigado por ser leveza e luz no mundo!
Foto: acervo pessoal Thales Bretas


O poeta e escritor Carlos Drummond de Andrade sempre foi uma referência literária pra mim. Cresci ouvindo histórias dele, sendo agraciado por suas obras. Anos mais tarde, escrevi o livro: “Ondas Altas: histórias da família Drummond e de suas personalidades.”, e há um capítulo inteiro sobre ele, sua biografia e curiosidades que apenas um repórter familiar teve acesso.

Ontem fiz dois stories sobre a estátua dele em Copacabana, no Rio. E na sequência, a amiga me mande esta animação linda e poética assinada por seu marido, o designer 3D
Sarah fez o roteiro. E juntos, eles deram vida à famosa escultura do Drummond, aquele Carlos sentado no banco instalado bem em frente à rua onde ele morou boa parte da vida, onde ele sempre ia sentar para ver a vida passar com os pores-do-sol. Obrigado e parabéns pelo vídeo Sarah & Gilles!

The poet and writer Carlos Drummond de Andrade has always been a literary reference for me. I grew up listening to his stories, being graced by his works. Years later, I wrote the book: “High Waves: stories of the Drummond family and their personalities.”, And there is an entire chapter about him, his biography and curiosities that only a family reporter had access to.

Yesterday I made two stories about his statue in Copacabana, in Rio. And then, the friend send me this beautiful and poetic animation signed by her husband, the 3D designer
Sarah did the script. And together, they gave life to Drummond's famous sculpture, that Carlos sitting on the bench installed right in front of the street where he lived an important part of his life, where he would always sit and watch life goes by with the sunsets. Thanks and congratulations to Sarah Rocksane & Gilles Leite for this video!


What does instigate you? What does indignate you? What does make you think of a better world? What does make you want to deconstruct yourself? What does make you want to learn about the universe, culture, race, sexual condition, gender identity, religion of others without harming? Reflect, rethink. The world needs more conscious people, constant learners and defenders of human beings, respect and empathy above anything.
O que te instiga? O que te indigna? O que te faz pensar em um mundo melhor? O que te faz querer se desconstruir? O que te faz querer aprender sobre o universo, cultura, raça, condição sexual, identidade de gênero, religião do outro sem agredir? Reflita, repense. O mundo anda precisando de pessoas mais conscientes,
Aprendizes constantes e defensoras do seres humanos, respeito e empatia acima de qualquer coisa...


O que você deixa para trás de você, da sua existência, de sua caminhada?

Um rio de sangue, um rastro de ódio, de exclusão, de agressão, de incompreensão e grosseria com as dores e visão do outro? Águas podres, rotas, de peixes mortos, que deságuam em um deserto de opressão.

Ou um mar de amor, de coloridos, de leveza, de aceitação, de respeito, de consciência de classe, de reparações históricas, de diversidade e de lutas por um mundo melhor? Águas puras e cristalinas que formam um gigante oceano de libertação.

Eu fico com a segunda opção. E você? De que lado está? Espero que suas escolhas não te levem para a beira de um precipício. O mundo precisa de asas! Escolha se libertar! 🙏🏻🌍🌈💙✊🏿🌹


What have you left behind you, your existence, your walk?

A river of blood, a trail of hatred, exclusion, aggression, incomprehension and rudeness with the pain and vision of the other? Rotten, dirty waters, of dead fish, which fall into a desert of oppression.

Or is it a sea of ​​love, of color, of lightness, of acceptance, of respect, of class consciousness, of historical reparations, of diversity and of battles for a better world? Pure and crystalline waters that form a giant ocean of liberation.

I take the second option. Is that you? Which side are you on? I hope your choices don't take you to the edge of a cliff. The world needs wings! Choose to break free! 🙏🏻🌍🌈💙✊🏿🌹


A homofóbica Deputada estadual eleita pelo PSD, Marta Costa é autora do projeto de lei 504/20, que visa proibir a veiculação de peças publicitárias com diversidade sexual. A PL seria votada nesta terça-feira (20), mas foi adiada para hoje.

No texto, a deputada afirma que a presença de pessoas LGBTQIA+ em propagandas traria “desconforto emocional a inúmeras famílias” e que mostrariam “práticas danosas” às crianças. A proibição viria com a intenção de “evitar a inadequada influência na formação de jovens e crianças”. “É nossa intenção limitar a veiculação da publicidade que incentive o consumidor do nosso estado a práticas danosas”, reproduz o documento.

Histórico de Marta Costa
Em 2020, Marta Costa foi vice-candidata à prefeitura juntamente com Andrea Matarazzo, também do PSD. Evangélica e filha de pastor, defendeu a abertura de templos religiosos durante a pandemia e apontou o desemprego como o maior problema da capital paulista.

The homophobic state deputy elected by the PSD party, Marta Costa is the author of the project of Law 504/20, which aims to prohibit the circulation of advertising pieces with sexual diversity. The PL would be voted on this Tuesday (20th), but was postponed until today.

In the text, the deputy states that the presence of LGBTQIA + people in advertisements would bring "emotional discomfort to countless families" and that they would show "harmful practices" to children. The ban would come with the intention of "avoiding the inappropriate influence on the training of young people and children". "It is our intention to limit the placement of advertising that encourages consumers in our state to harmful practices," reproduces the document.

History of Marta Costa
In 2020, Marta Costa was a runner-up to the city government along with Andrea Matarazzo, also from the PSD. Evangelical and the daughter of a pastor, she defended the opening of religious temples during the pandemic and pointed out unemployment as the biggest problem in the city of São Paulo.

- productor
- voice manager
- narrator
- images director
- film editor

Photos from DCommX's post 19/03/2021

At the event, Von spoke about design in the world (his experience in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, USA and now Portugal) and the importance of making design projects aware and in harmony with our planet. “There is no planet B” he stressed. And that also “In addition to offering quality, brands and their designers, more than just respecting, should benefit the environment.” added, Von. LINK IN BIO! @ Lisbon, Portugal

Timeline photos 18/03/2021

One of our companies, Studio Von Der Liebl has won a “Best Of Houzz” award for Service on Houzz®, the leading platform for home renovation and design. This exclusive award recognizes just three percent of the more than 2.5 million active home professionals and interior and architectural photographers on the Houzz platform. ♥️


we talk? What can we do to save black children?

Esta semana mais uma morte horrível da menina Ana Clara (5 cincos), cometida por policias no Rio de Janeiro, mostra quanto as crianças negras e periféricas estão expostas a uma violência inaceitável e a um sistema político-social que precisa ser repensado. Vamos conversar sobre isso?

This week, another horrible death of the girl Ana Clara (5 fives), committed by police in Rio de Janeiro, shows how black and peripheral children are exposed to unacceptable violence and to a political-social system that needs to be rethought. Shall we talk about it?


SOCIAL MEDIA VICTOR DRUMMOND Esta semana mais uma morte horrível da menina Ana Clara (5 cincos), cometida por policias no Rio de Janeiro, mostra quanto as crianças negras e periféricas e...

Learn Marketing tips for your business and life 03/02/2021

Review de Marketing e de Produto e Mentoria de Branding:


Learn Marketing tips for your business and life Me siga em minhas mídias sociais:FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIAS:Instagram Pessoal: https://www.instagram.com/victordrummond/Instagram Drummond Comunicação (ag...


Chaos. What can you do when your world and the planet look like a chaotic place to live?
Give up? Get lost in the middle of this messy environment? Or get the rocks, the pieces of destruction and build a stair, a scafolding to get out of there? Or better... To create in the middle of chaos. Produce, make things, develop a new recipe, write a text, make a video, clean your home, open your business. I’m sure when the world is lost with no answers, definitely we need to create our own maps, plans, to react and to survive! Chaos with resilience and creativity means another world, a second chance!

Caos. O que você pode fazer quando o seu mundo e o planeta parecem um lugar caótico para se viver?
Desistir? Se perder no meio desse ambiente confuso? Ou pegar as pedras, os pedaços de destruição e construir uma escada, um andaime para sair dali? Ou melhor ... Criar no meio do caos. Produza, faça coisas, desenvolva uma receita nova, escreva um texto, faça um vídeo, limpe sua casa, abra seu negócio. Tenho certeza de que quando o mundo estiver perdido sem respostas, definitivamente precisamos criar nossos próprios mapas, planos, para reagir e sobreviver! Caos com resiliência e criatividade significa outro mundo, uma segunda chance!


Those Documentaries will change your life 29/01/2021

Dicas de documentários para você!


Those Documentaries will change your life Dicas de documentários para você!SOCIAL MEDIA VICTOR DRUMMONDMe siga em minhas mídias sociais:FOLLOW ME ON MY SOCIAL MEDIAS:Instagram Pessoal: https://www.in...


January 29th. National Trans Visibility Day!

Just two reports: I was once watching a ‘s show with friends. And a trans woman arrived. Alone. Unaccompanied. Men and men flirt, kiss during the show, boys and girls, girls and girls too. And she is there; alone. Emotional, sober, tidy, singing the songs as if she dreamed of better days. She smiled at me. I smiled back. She started a little conversation, we exchanged a few sentences. I understood that her loneliness was not just there at the show. It has been during her whole life. Few people approach. Few romance intentions. Few friends. If, in adulthood, a white, cisgender man even has his few friends, imagine a trans woman who has been discriminated against all her life? That had no job opportunities in formal jobs?

The other report was from a trans friend who spent two months as guest in our home. She moved to another country because she was threatened. A neighbor called her an aberration in Rio de Janeiro. She never had the courage to wear a skirt or dress in Brazil for fear of being beaten on the streets. She only stayed with us because the money ran out. And money ran out because professional opportunities undermined after she began the transition from her body of a man she never saw herself into, to a woman's body, where she began to see herself free, like a butterfly. The friends are gone.

Trans people need shelter. Public initiatives that protect them and give them dignity. Education in schools and families that treat everyone well and equally to all human beings. Let inhuman religions stop condemning these people. May the companies offer vacancies and opportunities. Their day is today. But we need to talk about this issue every day.

My reports add up to , in this video. Brazil is the country that kills the most trans women and the LGBT community. They are the most vulnerable. And non-binary people, too. One every 16 hours. We need to protect lives. We need to change this reality. For a country of real good and more humane!


Trecho da Live com o jornalista Luis Erlanger. Leitura da Crônica do Desabafo 27/01/2021

Foram 2h15 de uma conversa deliciosa e necessária. O jornalista Luis Erlanger (ex-editor chefe Jornal o Globo e ex-diretor Central Globo de Comunicação e de Jornalismo) me encomendou um texto, que falasse dos meus sonhos. Nasceu na madrugada do dia 20/01/2021, aqui em Londres, esta crônica que fala sobre a liberdade de imprensa, o fim do fascimo, respeito à minorias. Confira! E de presente, ao final, a presença do meu amado marido, o designer e diretor de arte , ele que é meu sol e o mar tranquilo da minha embarcação.


Trecho da Live com o jornalista Luis Erlanger. Leitura da Crônica do Desabafo Foram 2h15 de uma conversa deliciosa e necessária. Erlanger me encomendou um texto, que falasse dos meus sonhos. Nasceu na madrugada do dia 20/01/2021, aqui ...

Porque você deve parar de chamar gente bonita (mas fútil) de deusas e deuses 23/01/2021



Porque você deve parar de chamar gente bonita (mas fútil) de deusas e deuses Para de chamar pessoas só pq são bonitas, de deusas. Vamos repensar? ...

Marketing Tips: the power of Facebook Ads Manager 22/01/2021

Drummonder! Welcome back to my marketing tips through this video-pill!!!

Our topic today is: Facebook Ads Manager



Marketing Tips: the power of Facebook Ads Manager Hello Drummonder! Welcome back to my marketing tips through this video-pill!!!Our topic today is: Facebook Ads ManagerKeep Tabs on Your Brand Utilizing Faceb...


Para quem não assistiu a live com o jornalista Luis Erlanger, segue o link abaixo do Instagram.

Falamos sobre tanta coisa boa: sonhos, conquistas, minha trajetória no Jornalismo, na Publicidade, no Marketing. Meus aprendizados com as mortes dos meus pais, meus conflitos com a religião que sempre castrou minha sexualidade, minha libertação, meus valores na luta pelo respeito e inclusão das minorias.



LIVE AMANHÃ 20/01/2021 às 20H no Instagram !

Amanhã estarei na “live com Erlanger”, deste jornalista com uma super bagagem. Luis Erlanger Foi editor-chefe do jornal “O Globo” e diretor da Central Globo de Jornalismo e da Central Globo de Comunicação, além de escritor, roteirista, repórter e apresentador.

Vamos falar um pouco sobre Jornalismo, Publicidade e os desafios da Comunicação em tempos modernos e de pandemia. E claro, sobre Reino Unido, lgbtfobia, meu ativismo por um mundo melhor e trazer uma dose de poesia para deixar tudo mais leve.

Tomorrow I will attend a “live with Erlanger”, this journalist with a super background. was editor-in-chief of the newspaper and director of Central Globo of Journalism and Central Globo of Communication, as well as writer, screenwriter, reporter and presenter.

Let's talk a little about Journalism, Advertising and the challenges of Communication in modern and pandemic times. And of course, about the United Kingdom, lgbtphobia, my activism for a better world, bringing a dose of poetry to make everything lighter.



NEWS OF THE DAY 18.01.2021



Timeline photos 15/01/2021

From our beloved British singer and songwriter Sam Smith with their song “Diamonds” to her, who we also adore ever since the clip of Wrecking Ball, American singer, songwriter, actress and record producer Miley Cirus with her song “Midnight Sky”, this playlist brings way too many incredible artists. There are over 40 tracks for you to love. For more click LINK IN BIO!

Covid-19 interrupts health treatments of millions in the UK|Fligths from Brazil are stopped 15/01/2021

News of the day 14.01.2021

- Almost 5 million of people waiting for treatments in the UK. But it’s impossible with the overbooked hospitals

- High Street pharmacies CHAINS in England will start vaccinating people
- UK ministers to discuss whether to stop flights from Brazil amid concern over another new variant of coronavirus that has emerged there
- Amazon faces legal challenge over Prime cancellation policy
- ENTERTAINMENT AND ARTS -Armie Hammer: Actor pulls out of film over 'vicious' online abuse

Covid-19 interrupts health treatments of millions in the UK|Fligths from Brazil are stopped News of the day 14.01.2021- Almost 5 million of people waiting for treatments in the UK. But it’s impossible with the overbooked hospitals - High Street phar...


LIVE - A educadora parental, enfermeira, Bacharel em Direito, colunista do blog Mães Mundo Afora e escritora Claudia Kalhoefer convida o Jornalista e Publicitário Victor Drummond e o designer e diretor de arte Fabio Von Der Liebl para uma live sobre o lançamento do E-book em inglês “The Curly Hair Princesses” e a importância de se discutir temas como racismo, inclusão e respeito com as crianças. ��A live acontece amanhã 14/01/2021 (quinta-feira) pelo perfil e
Horário:�16:30h horário de Brasília
19:30h de Londres.

̧amento ̧ão

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

This year a message of happiness supported by fortitude, the combination of PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating is aspirational and gives us hope.

We need to feel that everything is going to get brighter – this is essential to the human spirit. For more click LINK IN BIO!

Which are the best qualities for a mentor? 12/01/2021

What are the best characteristics for a mentor to your business or personal branding?
Honesty is especially important as you want someone who will be able to give you constructive criticism or a reality check when you need it, but empathy is also important because it’s important to know when you need encouragement as well. It’s also important that you share the same values when it comes to management and leadership as otherwise, you are likely to get far less out of the experience than you otherwise would.

Which are the best qualities for a mentor? Honesty is especially important as you want someone who will be able to give you constructive criticism or a reality check when you need it, but empathy is a...

How is the vaccination in the UK? Will Trump pass for Impeachment? The return of S*x and the City 11/01/2021

NEWS OF THE DAY: 11/01/2020

Every adult will be be offered a coronavirus vaccine by autumn in the U.K.



S*x and the City: New series announced but Kim Cattrall won't return.

Cada adulto receberá uma vacina contra o coronavírus até o outono no Reino Unido.


S*x and the City: Nova série anunciada, mas Kim Cattrall não vai voltar.


How is the vaccination in the UK? Will Trump pass for Impeachment? The return of S*x and the City NEWS OF THE DAY: 11/01/2020Every adult will be be offered a coronavirus vaccine by autumn in the U.K.TRUMP AND A POSSIBLE IMPEACHMENT PROCESSENTERTAINMENT & ...

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Videos (show all)

O poeta e escritor Carlos Drummond de Andrade sempre foi uma referência literária pra mim. Cresci ouvindo histórias dele...



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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