
Beautiful, moody melodies about life and death, love and hate, pain and joy

Ghostbird CF Set Day4 HD 720p 30/12/2023

My first performance just happened!

Technically it wasn't live as the set was pre-recorded but I played the piano and other lead melodies throughout a 20mins set without a cut!

This was part of Clownfest 12, the biggest online music festival for the unsigned talents, which had 130 artists over 6 days! And what a crazy, unique mix of insanely talented people!

Thank you for everyone who stayed up to check out my set, immense respect and love! In case you've missed it here's the original video I submitted, the quality is very low but the audio is pretty decent.

Perfect ending for this whirlwind year!

All the best


Ghostbird CF Set Day4 HD 720p Here's the Megamix of my songs I made for Clownfest 12, broadcasted on Friday 29th December. The set was recorded in one go & I played the piano and other le...


Clownfest is coming!

After a long and tiring build up to Xmas I can finally relax and focus on my music again. Saying that, I've been rehearsing for my first "live" performance, a 20mins set as part of Clownfest, the biggest online music festival for the unsigned talents with over 130 artist!

The set won't be live per say but I recorded it in one go so no room for mistakes! Once you all got over Xmas and still sitting at home please join in and check out my set which will be on Friday 29th December at midnight!

Here's the link to the organiser's YouTube channel:

Enjoy the holidays!

All the best


Photos from Ghostbird's post 20/11/2023

My first appearance at ClownFest!

In case you've never heard of it ClownFest is an online event where independent musicians/DJs/enthusiasts given a platform to show their craft and skills! A few of my friends have been involved in the past and this year I took a leap of faith and signed up myself too!

On Friday 29th December at midnight (or around that time) I'll have a 20 minutes set to share my music with the online world! I'm super excited about this & considering a lot of people won't work between Xmas and New Year's Eve I sincerely hope many of you will tune in to see me "performing".

I'm deeply into practising/rehearsing my parts, working on some visuals and will also have slightly different versions of my already known tracks, exclusively for this event! It's gonna be great!

Bring on the festive season, I'm ready!

All the best



Have you got your copy yet?!

A huge thank you to anyone who already purchased my debut album! The postmen haven't let us down so far, CDs arrived around the world safely.

For anyone who hasn't made up their mind yet about it, I just wanted to raise your attention to a detail that maybe isn't so clear on the Bandcamp page : if you can't decide whether you should buy the digital album or the CD, no need to worry! Anyone who orders the CD will also get the digital album!!
That's right, for £10.99 you will get the CD (plus postage fee, sorry) AND the digital downloads of 16 tracks, including one bonus track and six remixes!!
I took a screenshot and circled which link you need to use to get the whole "package", check it out below.

Please show your support and love for this album. It was a self-financed project without any management or label behind me, I never tried to crowdfund it or asked for financial support from anyone in any way. And the only way I can continue to create music is if music loving people are buying my album. Thank you.

All the best



Aaand it’s finally here!!!


And here they are!
I'm extremely excited and proud to tell you all :
the physical CDs have arrived today and they look absolutely gorgeous! Huge thanks to the manufacturing team at DMS, they were incredibly helpful and professional!

I said it before and I'll say it again : I'd encourage anyone who's interested in my music to buy the physical format. Not only they're beautiful to look at but also you'd own a piece of memorabilia associated with the music & the artist. I'm happy to sign it too if that's what required.

Here's the link to the pre-order on Bandcamp :

Just a reminder, the official release date is 31st October so please think of me at Halloween! You won't be disappointed!

All the best


The debut album's pre-order announcement 09/10/2023

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm extremely excited to announce the pre-order of my debut album is available right now exclusively on Bandcamp! Release is date is 31st October, both for the physical CD and the digital download!

If you ever felt like "this poor bastard spent countless hours and his hard earned money to produce this quality music, I should show my support", well now is the time!

Click on this link for the pre-order

The debut album's pre-order announcement The debut album will be released on 31st October 2023, pre-order is available right now with two songs instant download on Bandcamp, link on this link :https...


Final approval before printing the CD sleeves!

Sometimes I feel like it's just a vanity project as rarely anyone listens to CDs anymore but apart from the vinyl format (which is even more expensive and time consuming) this is the only physical format I can present my music in.

To me an album has always been and always will be more than just the music. It tells a story to the listener. It has a beginning, a middle and an end, which means the order of the songs is crucially important. And with the pictures on the cover/back and inside you can add a tone, an atmosphere to this story.

I personally always enjoyed exploring every small detail of an album's booklet, sniff the freshly printed pages, get to know the lyrics, find out who contributed to the songs, all of it. This is something you wouldn't experience with a digital download.

I know it sounds like a sales pitch but I would encourage everyone who's interested in my music to buy the physical CD format (you'll get instant digital download with it anyway!) because there's a lot of love and care poured into it (and money, Ha-Ha) to make sure you'll get the full experience.

What's your thoughts on the CD format? Is it completely dead in the water? Do you care about owning albums physically?
I'm really interested in your opinions, please share your comments & thoughts.


The final countdown!

The last few changes are done, some artistic decisions needed to be made and now we're getting into the production phase of the physical CD of the album!

Apologies for dragging this out longer than I anticipated it, to be fair I've never done such things before so I wasn't fully aware of what it entails. There are a lot of people involved and circumstances beyond anyone's control.

One of the last minute changes was not putting the song called "Stronghold" on the actual album. Sorry Joakim, I adore your song but it just didn't fit into the arch of the album. You'll all understand this once you listen to the album from the beginning to the end. And don't worry, everyone will still get the song as a digital download bonus track who buys the album!

Oh yes, I almost forgot the main thing : the release date!
Please mark your calendars for - drumroll - 31st October!!
Yes, it's Halloween, which will make it easier to remember, but this date has a much more personal meaning to me : I met my wife on this day 31 years ago!

Stay tuned for the pre-orders launch very soon!

All the best



Tracklist of the album - including the remixes!

We're getting closer to release day so I thought I'll share with you the final tracklist of the album, including the exclusive remixes I announced last time. It's great to see all the hard work of the last 18 months wrapped up like a testimony!

As mentioned before and here on this picture, the remixes will only be available as digital downloads and exclusively with the purchase of the album (both CD and digital format).

Stay tuned as the pre-order will start very soon!

All the best



Among talents!

I'm very honoured to let you all know, for the release of my debut album I've approached a handful of very talented musicians I have the privilege to personally know and asked them if they'd be interested in doing a remix of any of my songs.
They were all gladly on board and I'm so happy I asked!

So here is the special deal for you all:
Anyone who buys my debut album upon release - whether the CD or the digital format - will get 5x remixes as a bonus!!!
(they will be available as digital downloads)

The artists who contributed with their remixes are (in no particular order) : Tipsy Eyes, Kid Mr, Rancid Poets and Technomadic!! The fifth remix is done by myself.

More details will follow, not long now till release!! Stay tuned!!

Album Promo Video HD 1080p22 21/08/2023

Promo video for the album !!!

I'm very proud and happy to show you something cool we created for you!

In case any of you is not familiar with my music you can hear/see a short teaser of some of my songs in this promo video!

Please check it out, share it, re-post it, help me spread the word!
A sincere and warm thank you to all of you who showed their love and interest towards my music!!!

All the best


Album Promo Video HD 1080p22 Promo Video for my upcoming debut album "The Colours Of Our Thoughts".Check out my YouTube channel where you can listen to all the singles from the album wit...

Album Promo Video HD 1080p22 21/08/2023

Promo video for the album !!!

I'm very proud and happy to show you something cool we created for you!

In case any of you is not familiar with my music you can hear/see a short teaser of some of my songs in this promo video!

Please check it out, share it, re-post it, help me spread the word!

A sincere and warm thank you to all of you who showed their love and interest towards my music!!!

All the best


Album Promo Video HD 1080p22 Promo Video for my upcoming debut album "The Colours Of Our Thoughts".Check out my YouTube channel where you can listen to all the singles from the album wit...


The Colours Of Our Thoughts - Album Cover Revealed !!!

Ladies and gentlemen, here it is in its final glory, the money shot, the beautifully captured, the carefully planned cover photo of my soon available debut album!!

Months ago I had a vision, an image of myself playing a piano in a lavender field. I can tell you now, it was a lot easier to imagine it than recreating it in real life! Where would I find a lavender field? How do we drag a piano into the field? What if the weather is bad? The challenges and obstacles were endless and to make it even more challenging I had one condition : everything has to be done in real life, no Photoshop, no AI, no computers! Just like in the old days.

I'm not gonna bore you with all the details - maybe one day - let me just say what an amazing shot Szénási Ákos captured with his camera! And yes, that is an actual lavender field with a real piano in the middle of it (well, the piano was a prop but it was still very heavy)!

I'd like to thank the team at Mayfield Lavender for putting up with us and helping us working undisturbed. Needless to say huge thanks to Szénási Ákos for flying over to the UK just for this shoot and for totally adopting my vision.
Also would like to thank Matt Smith for spending his precious time helping us, and my wife Ella Szabó for her endless support and patience and her wonderful cooking for us!

Please share your thoughts with me, I'd love to hear what you think of this wonderful shot!

I will also have a short promo clip for you to watch on Monday so stay tuned!

All the best



The stars aligned!
It's been months of planning, organising, worrying and spending but with great determination and with the helping hands of talented friends we executed a very unique and magical photo shoot for the cover of my upcoming debut album!
I can't reveal any more than that, it would spoil the surprise. You have to wait a little longer I'm afraid but I can promise you it's worth the wait!
I'd like to thank Szénási Ákos for coming to London - again - and totally grasp my vision through his lense. He is The Maestro, no doubt about it! Also a big shout-out to Matt Smith for coming to give us a helping hand and becoming the "flash-man" (his words, not mine)!
On the other hand, a handful of great artists working on remixes of my songs, exclusively for the album release, which will make this an even more exciting album! Huge respect and love for all involved, your work is the greatest gift you could possibly give to me!

Very exciting times ahead, I promise to update you all more frequently as this massive project is getting closer to the finish line!

All the best


Finishing touches of my first album!

I'm equally sad and happy to say I've finished the last few songs of my first whole album. There are a lot more to do before it's gonna be released but from the production side it's done.

I'm planning to go on a photo shoot with the great Szénási Ákos for the album cover and need to finalise the details with Vaughn G. Eunson of getting a hard copy CD release. Most of the songs have been out on all major platforms but there will be some new ones to explore!

What I can tell you for now is the title of the album :
The colours of our thoughts

More details will come later during the summer, watch this space!

Journey of a lifetime HD 1080p 24/05/2023

It's all about the journey!
I'm very proud and excited to share with you my latest single called "Journey of a lifetime" which is about my love for travelling, exploring places I've never been, without a real destination. That tinkling feeling of exploring all the wonders the world can offer, without guidance, without safety net.

A little bit of side info : it's probably the last single before I finish my first full album which will hopefully be ready by the end of the summer! I will keep you posted, enjoy this little gem for now!

Thank you for your support, let me know how you feel about it!

Journey of a lifetime HD 1080p My latest single called "Journey of a lifetime" is about exploring the world with your own eyes and ears, diving into the unknown and soaking up everything t...


What an unexpected outcome!
I've shared the video clip of Stronghold with the world a few weeks ago and went to sunny Spain to enjoy my well deserved holiday. By the time I came back to the UK it became my most viewed video to date! Thanks to everyone who watched it, enjoyed it and shared it with others!

I'm pleased to say Stronghold is now available on Bandcamp and will be available soon on all major streaming platforms!
Here's the link to it on Bandcamp :

Stronghold music video HD 1080p 07/04/2023

Finally the third single I promised earlier this year is ready to be enjoyed! The track is called "Stronghold" and it's the first time I'm not the composer. Back in October a fellow musician Joakim Sigvald offered his composition for any producers to spice it up with some electronic production.
I took on this task, not knowing how challenging it'll be! What a mountain it was to climb! But in the end it was well worth it!
Please check it out, it's a true dance tune!

Stronghold music video HD 1080p My first collaboration with Swedish composer Joakim Sigvald is a pumpy dance tune! Check out his original below :

Love Your Enemy ("That's how peace begins") HD 720p 10/03/2023

As promised I present you my new single called "Love Your Enemy" and it's accompanying music video! Please check it out, it's a slowly building, moody downbeat track with an important message underneath. The music video is a short film I found online and edited for the length of the track.
Hope you'll like it, please let me know your thoughts!

It's available on Bandcamp already here :

Love Your Enemy ("That's how peace begins") HD 720p A very important message for the ages that goes back all the way to the Bible.Check out my previous singles here :


Ghostbird News!

More than two months has passed since I posted but it felt like a blink of an eye. I've been working on several projects simultaneously, hence my long absence.

The first one was a remix I made for my very talented friend Matt Smith under his artist name Tipsy Eyes.
A beautiful, melancholic song called "No Signal In Here", link below, please check it out and let me know if you like it.

My second project is with another great songwriter Joakim Sigvald, who offered his original piano song called "Stronghold" for a full production makeover. I'm doing the last few touches on this and will share it as soon as it's ready. Please check out Joakim's original version below, it's a wonderful arrangement.

And finally I can confirm my brand new Ghostbird track is near the finish line! Just waiting for the mastering to be done by my musician guru and artist mentor Vaughty! The song is called "Love Your Enemy" and I can't wait to share it with you all!

Great times ahead indeed!

Link to "No Signal In Here" :

Link to "Stronghold" :

Ghostbird - Lost Eden 01/12/2022

I'm incredibly proud to share with you my latest single called "Lost Eden" and it's stunning music video! This is my first original music video which was done by the amazing visionary Szénási Ákos ! Huge thank you to Akos for turning a simple idea into a beautiful and eerie vision of a music video!
Also a big shout out to Vaughn George - Vaughty for the mastering and his endless support!
Enjoy the video and let me know your thoughts!

Ghostbird - Lost Eden The latest single from electronic music artist Ghostbird. The music video was directed by the phenomenal visual wizard Akos Szenasi.Please check out my previ...


Here's a teaser for my next single which will be released next week! Excited is an understatement!


Finally all four of my singles are available on Spotify, iTunes and every relevant streaming platforms!
Plenty more to come soon!

The Deep Serene 4K 23/10/2022

I'm very happy and proud to share with you my latest single called "The Deep Serene", a very relaxed, chill-out song inspired by that deep serene state of mind underwater, much like a baby in its mother's womb.

Please check it out and let me know your thoughts.

The Deep Serene 4K The forth single from electronic music artist Ghostbird takes you to a very relaxed mental state, the kind of calmness of a woman's womb. This is The Deep Se...


What a hectic weekend we had!
Szénási Ákos and myself got on the road to shoot my first original music video! We went to six different locations, drove over 200 miles and accumulated about 200GB high quality footage! We even used a drone! Watch this space for the result in about a month time!


The summer is officially over now and it's time to get back to work! There are a few things I'm working on already, at least a couple of singles will be released this year and - hopefully - my first original music video! Exciting times ahead!

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Videos (show all)

Aaand it’s finally here!!!
#electronicmusic #debutalbum #compactdisc #synthpop
Here's a teaser for my next single which will be released next week! Excited is an understatement!





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