London Speaker Bureau

The London Speaker Bureau is the leading bureau in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. We pro


What an inspiring morning with Angela Oguntala, on fostering innovation and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

The futurist and global authority on foresight and innovation advises leaders in diverse industries, working to embed new mindsets that leverage experimentation, imagination, innovating with purpose, and sustainable transitions.

Discover more about her brilliant work:


La futuriste Angela Oguntala aborde les effets de l’incertitude à la fois sur les marchés et sur les sociétés.

Une autorité mondiale en matière de prévoyance et d’innovation, Angela accompagne les dirigeants de différentes industries, œuvrant à faire bouger les mentalités pour encourager l’expérimentation, l’imaginaire collectif, l’innovation avec du sens et des transitions durables.

Pour en savoir plus sur son expertise :


How does the global underworld launder money in the Internet age?

Renowned Investigative Journalist, Geoff White, popped in to sign his latest book Rinsed.

This captivating read uncovers the extraordinary techniques of hi-tech laundering and its devastating human impact, offering a compelling and unsettling look at the modern underworld.

Learn more about Geoff White:


We sat down with Baroness Joanna Shields, one of the UK’s most influential digital businesswomen and a driving force behind the tech industry’s evolution.

Over the last three decades, she’s held senior leadership roles at Facebook, Google, and Bebo, playing a pivotal role in Facebook’s global expansion.

As the UK’s first-ever Minister for Internet Safety and Security, Joanna has championed online safety, particularly for children and vulnerable communities. Her deep expertise spans beyond business - she’s a passionate advocate for ethical technology, emphasising privacy, data protection, and responsible innovation.

Now a life peer in the House of Lords, she empowers leaders to navigate the fast-moving AI landscape, promoting digital safety and social impact.

Discover more about her incredible work:


Nous nous sommes entretenus avec Joanna Shields, parmi les femmes d'affaires britanniques les plus influentes dans le domaine du digital et du futur de la tech.

Au cours des trois dernières décennies, elle a occupé des postes de leadership chez Facebook, Google et Bebo, jouant notamment un rôle essentiel dans l'expansion mondiale de Facebook.

En tant qu’ancienne première ministre britannique en charge de la sécurité sur Internet, Joanna Shields a défendu la sécurité en ligne, en particulier auprès des enfants et des communautés vulnérables. Son expertise va au-delà du monde corporate : elle milite pour des technologies éthiques, mettant l'accent sur la protection de la vie privée, des données et l'innovation responsable.

Aujourd'hui membre de la Chambre des Lords, Joanna Shields partage aux dirigeants les outils pour naviguer à travers les évolutions de l'IA, tout en protégeant la sécurité en ligne et l'impact sur la société.

Pour en savoir plus sur son engagement :


How are the most ethical companies revolutionising industries?

The Ethical Futurists, Alison Burns and James Taylor, share their insights on innovation, ethics, and sustainability. The dynamic duo are redefining corporate success by helping businesses accelerate innovation, drive sustainability, and lead with integrity.

Discover the impact of ethical business leadership: 👉


Nina Schick, a true AI visionary and one of the world’s top AI keynote speakers! 🌍 ⚡️

As a LinkedIn ‘Top Voice’ on AI, Nina explores how AI is transforming power, business, and humanity. Years before ChatGPT became a global sensation, she predicted AI as a ‘tipping point for humanity.’

With over two decades of geopolitical experience, Nina has advised global leaders like President Joe Biden and former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Want to hear from one of the best in the field? Book Nina Schick:


Nina Schick, experte en IA et véritable visionnaire, est l’une de nos conférencières les plus demandées sur ce sujet ! 🌍 ⚡️

Nommée “Top Voice” par LinkedIn sur le sujet de l’IA , Nina Schick étudie la manière dont cette technologie révolutionne les organisations, le commerce et nos sociétés. Des années avant que ChatGPT ne devienne un phénomène mondial, elle prédisait déjà que l’IA marquerait un “tournant pour l’humanité.”

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans la sphère géopolitique, Nina Schick a conseillé les grands dirigeants de ce monde, tels que le Président américain Joe Biden et l’ancien Secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur l’IA et la géopolitique ? Faites appel à Nina Schick pour votre prochaine conférence :

August Reader's Corner 29/08/2024

Our August Reader’s Corner is here with must-read picks! 📚 Ready for your next captivating book? Check out these game-changers:

💸 Inheritocracy by Eliza Filby: Think hard work drives success? Think again. Discover the eye-opening truth about how inherited wealth is shaping the 21st century.

🌍 Planet Aqua by Jeremy Rifkin: A gripping exploration of our planet’s future. This urgent read sheds light on the race against time to combat climate change.

🚀 Force for Good by John Blakey: Leaders, unlock powerful strategies to navigate today’s business challenges with purpose and impact.

Don’t miss out - tap here for more! 👉

August Reader's Corner Welcome to our August Reader’s Corner, where we have your next read covered: Is financial success really about hard work and education, or is it all about


Today marks the start of the Paralympics 2024.
These Paralympic legends have not only excelled in their sports but also bring powerful messages on overcoming adversity, driving innovation, and fostering inclusive cultures.
For organisations and corporations looking to empower and inspire their teams, these speakers offer invaluable insights and real-world experiences that resonate across all industries.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s most resilient people:


Aujourd’hui marque le lancement des Jeux Paralympiques 2024 !

Ces sportifs n’ont pas seulement atteint des records dans leurs disciplines respectives, mais ils sont également les vecteurs d’un message universel de tolérance, de résilience face à l’adversité, d’innovation et d’inclusion à tous les niveaux.
Pour les entreprises et les organisations à la recherche d’un renouveau d’inspiration et de motivation pour leurs équipes, ces conférenciers partagent des réflexions et des expériences vécues inestimables.
Saisissez l’opportunité de changer votre regard sur le monde aux côtés de ces légendes du sport :


"The deflationary implications of AI will vastly outweigh the economic implications of job loss."🚀

What does the future hold? Are we prepared for what's coming?

In this exclusive interview, Zack Kass - former Head of Go-To-Market at OpenAI (ChatGPT) - explores these questions. With experience advising CEOs in over 300 Fortune 1000 boardrooms, Zack offers a clear-eyed perspective on AI's impact across industries and society.

From curing cancer to AI-powered tutors for every child, Zack explores the transformative possibilities and the challenges we must navigate. 👀

This is a must-watch for anyone curious about the future or leading through this era of exponential change.

Watch now 👉


« Les effets déflationnistes de l’IA… l’emporteront largement sur les impacts économiques liés aux pertes d’emploi. »🚀

Que renferme le futur ? Sommes-nous prêts à l’affronter ?

Dans cette interview exclusive, Zack Kass, ancien directeur Mise en marché d’OpenAI (ChatGPT), explore ces questions. Ayant conseillé les dirigeants et plus de 300 conseils d’administrations de certaines des plus grandes entreprises mondiales, il livre une vision éclairée des impacts potentiels de l’IA sur les différentes industries et sur la société dans son ensemble.

De la guérison du cancer à la création de professeurs particuliers pour enfants via l’IA, Zack Kass explore les multiples possibilités et défis au travers desquels nous devrons apprendre à naviguer.

Regardez cette interview pour en apprendre plus sur le futur et les changements qu’il renferme.

Interview de Zack Kass 👉


Matthew Griffin, “a futurist polymath” - NASA

Often described as a "walking encyclopedia on the future," the award-winning futurist is the brilliant mind behind the 311 Institute, a leading global Futures and Deep Futures advisory firm that explores the next 50 years.

If your organisation is looking to navigate the future with confidence, Matthew is the expert to turn to. Interview coming soon! 👀

Book this brilliant speaker: 👉

The IRC 19/08/2024

In 2014, around 80 million people needed humanitarian aid. A decade later, that number now sits at 340 million.

As we recognise World Humanitarian Day, we spotlight a key figure in addressing global humanitarian challenges: David Miliband.

As President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a prominent New York-based humanitarian organization, David leads a team of 20,000 professionals working across 40 conflict-affected countries.

His insights on leadership in times of crisis underscore the critical role of society, governments, and businesses in responding to global conflicts.

More about World Humanitarian Day:

Learn more about the IRC:

The IRC The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Find out how you can help the IRC offer lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster.


"We could lose over half the species inhabiting our planet in the lifetime of today’s babies…”

Watch our interview with Jeremy Rifkin, the principal architect of the EU and China's shift towards a Third Industrial Revolution, away from a fossil fuel culture.

He peels back the curtain on what’s to come, while sitting at the forefront of guiding the world through this critical transformation.

Watch our interview with the bestselling author:

Photos from London Speaker Bureau's post 13/08/2024

We are delighted to have these brilliant experts on board! 🎉

Explore our global network, and find the right keynote speaker for you:


Nos nouveaux conférenciers !

Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir ces experts issus de divers horizons chez LSB. Ils inspirent le public à travers le monde tout en créant un impact durable sur les personnes avec lesquelles ils interagissent.


How did Hashi Mohamed go from a child refugee to one of the UK’s top barristers?

Hashi is a leading figure in public law and a powerful voice on issues of social mobility, education, housing, diversity and inclusion.

His expertise is sought-after by corporations and governments, offering valuable insights on creating inclusive, equitable societies and tackling some of today’s most pressing challenges.

His brilliant sense of humour and mind captures audiences globally. 🌍

More about Hashi Mohamed: 👉


David Miliband, former UK Foreign Secretary and current President & CEO of the International Rescue Committee, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to organisations.

\His insights on global affairs, leadership, and organisational strategy are invaluable for corporations and leaders aiming to navigate today's complex world.

With a career spanning high-stakes diplomacy and humanitarian leadership, Miliband offers a unique perspective on international relations, crisis management, and innovative solutions to global challenges.

Whether addressing corporate boards or global summits, David Miliband's expertise and engaging style make him a sought-after speaker who leaves a lasting impact.

Book David Milliband:


When you think of your future-self, are they a stranger to you? Learn how this impacts your organisation…

Performance Coach and Human Behaviour Expert, PETE COHEN, empowers organisations and individuals to reach their optimum, building workplaces where everyone can thrive. ⚡️

He provides actionable takeaways, while discussing the link between wellbeing and performance. 👏

Watch our interview with the bestselling author:


Inés Yabar on how storytelling and creativity spur meaningful change:

The UN Foundation Next Generation Fellows Program Leader advises companies, including The World Bank and Unilever, on generational equity within organizations, SDGs & climate action, multilateralism, and optimism for the future.

By generating vulnerable conversations and disarming world leaders, Inés tackles important topics while inspiring change across borders.

Learn more about this brilliant speaker:

Interview with Renowned Global Strategist, Nenad Pacek. 25/07/2024

How can organizations effectively navigate the intricate web of international geopolitics, economics, and business? 🌍

Connecting the dots across global markets is crucial in today's ever-evolving landscape. That's where the renowned advisor to the world's top multinationals comes in, Nenad Pacek.

With his deep understanding of all markets and a keen eye for emerging trends, Nenad acts as a filter for companies, providing clarity and direction amidst complexity. His finger on the pulse of global dynamics makes his advisory services highly sought-after.

Watch our interview with the Former Executive VP from The Economist Group:


Nenad Pacek, spécialiste et consultant reconnu en stratégie internationale, accompagne les plus grandes entreprises à la recherche d’une croissance mondiale accélérée. Il est un expert incontournable en matière de géopolitique, d’économie et de stratégie d’entreprise.

Regardez notre interview fascinante avec le conférencier Nenad Pacek :

Interview with Renowned Global Strategist, Nenad Pacek. Nenad Pacek discusses the economic and business issues concerning multinational corporations seeking faster growth internationall


It was great to sit down with Hashi Mohamed, Top Barrister and Broadcaster, at our London office.

He's a leading figure in public law and a powerful voice in discussions on social mobility, education, and diversity.

Keep an eye out for the interview - coming soon! 👀 🎥

Until then, learn more about this brilliant speaker:


Leading Cuber-Security expert, Dr. Jessica Barker, works with organizations including NATO, the World Government Summit, and RSA San Francisco.

She unpicks the psychology and sociology of cyber security, revealing the human side of it.

Book this renowned speaker:

Photos from London Speaker Bureau's post 09/07/2024

We are delighted to have these brilliant experts on board! 🎉

Explore our global network, and find the right keynote speaker for you:


Nos nouveaux conférenciers !

Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir ces experts issus de divers horizons chez LSB. Ils inspirent le public à travers le monde tout en créant un impact durable sur les personnes avec lesquelles ils interagissent.


“If it weren't for the strong team, I would be dead.”

We sat down with Robert Swan, one of the greatest adventurers in history, and the first person to have walked to both the North and South Poles.

His insights into the teamwork, authentic leadership and motivation required to achieve goals that "seem impossible", grip and inspire audiences globally. He is also a strong environmental advocate, helping companies realise the urgency of climate change.

Watch our full interview with the living legend:

Your right to repair AI systems 27/06/2024

Public confidence in AI is declining... "more American's are concerned than they are excited about the technology."

Check out leading AI expert Dr. Rumman Chowdhury’s TED talk, which explores the necessary role non-experts play in the future of AI.

The London Speaker Bureau exclusive suggests that for AI to reach its full potential, the right to repair is imperative.

So, where to next? Watch here 👀 :

Your right to repair AI systems For AI to achieve its full potential, non-experts need to contribute to its development, says Rumman Chowdhury, CEO and cofounder of Humane Intelligence. She shares how the right-to-repair movement of consumer electronics provides a promising model for a path forward, with ways for everyone to repor...


If you don’t have a diverse business, are you a bad leader?

In our latest interview, Daniele Fiandaca shares game-changing strategies for advancing workplace gender equality and reveals why involving men in the conversation is crucial.

Don't miss these powerful insights, watch now:


Un faible taux de diversité dans votre entreprise fait-il de vous un mauvais dirigeant ?

Dans notre récente interview, Daniele Fiandaca partage ses stratégies pour promouvoir l’égalité hommes-femmes au travail, en expliquant le rôle crucial des hommes dans ces discussions.

À découvrir ici :


Tech pioneer, Baroness Joanna Shields OBE, has spent decades driving innovation and responsible tech that benefits humanity. 🚀

Learn more about this powerhouse:


Pionnière de la Tech, Joanna Shields a consacré plusieurs décennies à insuffler l’innovation et une tech responsable au service de l’humanité. 🚀

En savoir plus sur Joanna Shields :


The POWER of original thinking (aka having ideas no one has thought of before):

Watch our latest interview with award-winning comedy writer Tim Reid:

He discusses how creativity and lessons from comedy change the game!

Photos from London Speaker Bureau's post 11/06/2024

We are delighted to have these brilliant experts on board! 🎉

Explore our global network, and find the right keynote speaker for you:


Hear it straight from a “Global Innovator for 2024”- World Economic Forum

Watch our brilliant interview with successful tech entrepreneur, Martin Adams, known for his groundbreaking work in AI and innovative tech solutions. Martin shares his insights on the future of technology, the importance of ethical AI, and what people are getting wrong in the debate around AI. 🚀

It's packed with wisdom and inspiration, watch now:

LSB x Youthtopia Collaboration | London Speaker Bureau 05/06/2024

Engaging with the voices of a generation is more crucial than ever! 🌟

We're thrilled to highlight that London Speaker Bureau has teamed up with YOUTHTOPIA to amplify the pioneering perspectives of these young visionaries.

Meet these game-changing individuals:💡✨

LSB x Youthtopia Collaboration | London Speaker Bureau We believe in the power of collective action to drive positive reform. Our commitment to this cause has led us to join hands with these remarkable young minds, bringing together our industry knowledge and network to amplify youth voices and initiatives.


Dr. Margaret Mitchell, a renowned leader in the field of artificial intelligence and ethics, emphasises the ethical considerations in AI development, ensuring technology is used responsibly and justly.

Margaret's influence extends through her numerous publications, keynote speeches, and active role in shaping policy discussions globally.

Book the leading expert in AI:

Top Mental Health Speakers 2024 - London Speaker Bureau 01/05/2024

The reciprocal relationship between work and mental well-being is becoming increasingly evident... but are corporations equipped with the tools to approach this effectively?

From pioneering research in AI ethics and its implications on mental health to innovative strategies for leveraging sleep for peak performance, and transformative insights into resilience - these leading experts bring sought-after perspectives on enhancing well-being...

Learn more about our Top Mental Health Speakers:

Top Mental Health Speakers 2024 - London Speaker Bureau These speakers shed light on the intricacies of the mind & suggest tangible ways of improving the happiness & mental well-being of employees.

Want your business to be the top-listed Business in London?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

"We could lose over half the species inhabiting our planet in the lifetime of today’s babies…”Watch our interview with J...
“If it weren't for the strong team, I would be dead.”We sat down with Robert Swan, one of the greatest adventurers in hi...
If you don’t have a diverse business, are you a bad leader?In our latest interview, Daniele Fiandaca shares game-changin...
What underpins a high-performance culture? 👀 From one of the best sports teams in the world to elite special force units...
How can farmers survive climate change?Louise Mabulo, a UN Young Champion of the Earth, is “harvesting the power of the ...
"The best ideas make us laugh."It was a pleasure to sit down with BAFTA winning writer of CAR SHARE, Tim Reid.Keep an ey...



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