MG Hypnosis Ltd

We are a premier hypnotherapy practice in London, also offering psychotherapy, life coaching and TFT "Tapping". We work with Children, teens and adults.


From New Scientist 6th April 2024 Anxiety feature


Staring school - helping your kids adjust going back to school.

It doesn't matter how old your children are, staring a new school or going up a class level can be a scary time. We forget they are changing and assessing the world through their own eyes. What we think isn't hard, might be a terrifying time for them.

There are various worries and pressures they might be feeling. It could be confidence in fitting in and making friends (knowing what to say and making conversations), concerns about their homework and grades, or a second regression stage, which can happen at any age (most often around seven). Some children even worry about their commute to school even if it isn't far from home.

Things you can do to help them adjust:

Lots of positive reinforcement.

Have an older child normalize the event and reassure them all will be fine.

Teach them to ask open questions and know top interesting stories on the news that everyone is talking about.

Set up a play date or coffee date with someone before or just after the start of school.

Send them to see me to learn confidence techniques they can use for life.

Help them set small goals, which they can achieve to build up their self-esteem and sense of accomplishment (ie. for a week give the dog a final walk or empty the dishwasher every morning - and it can be tied to pocket money if appropriate)

Teach them to breathe when they feel worried or nervous and say positive statements to themselves, (parents included in this!).

If they suffer from phobias - get them help to over come this so it doesn't hold them back or embarrass them.

End at the end of the day, remind them that all the children are in the same boat and to take one day at a time and they will learn to adjust and overcome the challenges they face.


Wow, September already! Yikes, where is the time going?

This week a lot of us are back to some point of normalcy as the kids head back to school and everyone returns from their holidays and the tubes are packed full again. SO, what can you think of to inspire you to finish off this year with achieving something great!? Lets get thinking -

Start a new or change your exercise routine - maybe try a Zumba or kickboxing class to get some of those other muscles moving. Studies have shown that a mixture of exercise is much more effective than just running, biking or swimming. Or sign up for your first race, which is very inspiring!

Take a 30 day challenge - either eat healthier, cut out one item of food you know is really bad for you, have a alcohol free month, drink one less high street coffee and put the money into saving up for a treat, drink more water, bring your lunch to work, try more fruit/veg...

Take a class - learn a language, cooking class, dancing, computers or learn self-hypnosis to help you achieve your goals.

Set a 4 month goal to achieve by New Years! Clear out your clothes, paint a room, organize your files, recycle old books/junk (or sell it on line), research a new career.

It doesn't matter what it is but without goals - you have no where to go and nothing to achieve. Goals help us stay focused and they create action which in turn causes motivation and momentum. We feel great when we can tick off out accomplishments. It builds our self esteem and makes us set higher goals. You have nothing to loose and so much to gain. Enjoy your success.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change … | Good night quotes images, Good morning spiritual quotes, Spiritual quotes god 30/08/2024

I love this - I was reminded of it by a woman who swims with us every morning. Be inspired and have a nice weekend

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change … | Good night quotes images, Good morning spiritual quotes, Spiritual quotes god LoveThisPic offers God, Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The Things I Cannot Change, Courage To Change The Things I Can, And Wisdom To Know The Difference. pictures, photos & images, to be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and other websites.


I absolutely love YWA and her wisdom

Healthy posture and alignment does not just reflect in our physical state, but also in our mental, emotional, and spiritual state as well. Yoga helps us to embody a balanced state of being through the integration of all of these aspects. ⁠

They key is listening to your body, synchronizing the breath, noticing when a yoga posture feels a little off and making adjustments accordingly. Often times you will notice that your yoga instructor will say "lengthen the spine" or "spread your toes on the mat." These cues are intentional, they are meant to guide you into a balanced state. When you are able to hone in on these cues, you recognize how it feels to be aligned, and this makes way for ✨️flow✨️. ⁠

Today on the ATTRACT calendar, try Yoga For Healthy Posture! Linked below.


Interesting - my right eye is dominant



People die from stress all the time. Diabetes, heart attacks, etc…

The clinical value of hypnosis has been well documented in the book 21st Century Medicine: Clinical Evidence For the Healing Power of The Mind. Most of our clients prefer to approach their health using natural methods, which can be applied to most illnesses related to stress, including diet, exercise, and better food choices.

Relaxation for example has been proven to drop a diabetic’s long term blood sugar level just about as much as a diabetes drug. And we all know the drugs are expensive and sometimes the side effects are worse and unnecessary in a lot of cases. Dr. Richard Surwit of Duke University did a study on 108 type II diabetics. All they did was listen to 20 minute relaxation sessions 3 times a week! Hypnotherapy is all about relaxation but also more powerful.

Here are more remedies you can immediately do to reduce stress:

1. Remember to take 6 deep breaths (this takes one minute) whenever you “feel” the stress or anxiety coming on. Breathing stops stress in its track and then just think about something that makes you smile.
2. Be aware of energy vampires. They take your energy and use it for themselves to deal with their own stress or try to pass it on to you. Walk away or put up a protective bubble!
3. Learn from example. Who do you know who is “cool under pressure”? Follow their example. For every situation you can handle it calmly or stressed out. Simple choice. Choose calm!
4. Take breaks. When you feel stressed or anxious, just walk away for 5 minutes to clear your head. Even in a meeting, excuse yourself for a moment and give yourself positive self talk.
5. Think positive, calm thoughts. “I love being calm and relaxed”. Say it 10 times and you will feel it.
6. Exercise – so simple. Go for a walk and it’s free!

Hypnosis can also do things that the drugs cannot. Doctors at the University of Minnesota have talked about how hypnotherapy can help increase self-control and positively regulate behavior.

We need to pay attention to the research and give patients a choice and the power to choose how they want to receive treatment.

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind 31/07/2024

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – Deepak Chopra
This book he wrote in 2018 still holds true.

“Scientific studies show that the mind/body connection has an extraordinary power to heal. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind goes beyond ancient mind/body wisdom and current anti-aging research to show you do not have to grow old. With the passage of time, you can retain your physical vitality, creativity, memory and self-esteem. Dr Deepak Chopra bases his theories on the ancient Indian science of Ayurveda, according to which, optimum health is about achieving balance physically, emotionally and psychologically, and demonstrates that, contrary to our traditional beliefs about aging, we can use our innate capacity for balance to direct the way our bodies metabolize time and achieve our unbounded potential.”

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind Ageless Body, Timeless Mind



“Can children be hypnotised?” I am often asked. Yes, if they are mature enough to comprehend simple instructions and they have something they want to change, not just the parents.

The most common issues I help kids overcome (my youngest client is 6) are fears, phobias, nail biting, sleep issues and confidence.

Children are excellent candidates for hypnotherapy. They have wonderful imaginations, no resistance to therapy and it is fun. I teach them a fun secret, which can empower them to tackle whatever scares or causes them to worry.

One case study was a child who developed a fear of noises in his home after years of peaceful sleep. We did some breathing techniques to learn how to stop him becoming upset and than he came up with some cleaver ideas on how to re-think the noises, like the house is a “person” and just settling in for the night. I always want the child to come up with the best solution, as it is 100% more effective. We then do a hypnotherapy session to re-enforce and practice the new solution.

Please feel free to call for more information or discuss any questions you would like answered specifically for your child.
Contact me on 07931 547414


The internet. Love it or hate it.
The thing I love about the internet is learning new things from YouTube tutorial or websites like this that give you some free training for whatever you want to learn.

I am blocking a few hours a week to brush up on my skills and learning loads about new and old apps and updating shortcuts for Excell and my Mac.

I encourage everyone to keep learning as it helps keep your mind sharp and grow some new synopsis in your brain. It is a good way to avoid memory loss. Enjoy


How to retrain your eating habits

We were brought up with a history of eating habits passed down from generation to generation. Some of those traditions we now know are not beneficial to our bodies or minds. Having the usual Sunday roast has loads of fat based unhealthy items – you know the ones. Fast food restaurants we learned have almost our whole daily calorie allowance in one meal! Bread and dairy can be a drain on how our bodies process those foods and rob us of our energy. Plus the old “eat everything on your plate”, mantra added unwanted weight to our bodies.

So if you want to eat better and loose weight, become educated and change the old though pattern. Read any current nutritional book and they will all tell you the same thing. You have heard it before but until you “do it”, you will never appreciate the benefits. You will feel better, look better and loose weight from learning more about modern nutritional guidelines. You can set a new healthy eating tradition for your future generations.

If you need help with learning about nutrition, see Fleur Borrelli, our specialist nutritionist.



Using hypnotherapy for children is an effective, efficient and a fun way to help your child with whatever it is they need to achieve. The most common issues covered are confidence, worry, sleep issues, separation anxiety, phobias and helping them learn how to handle certain situations better (i.e. bullying or anger issues.

I have always been passionate about helping children and it is one of the greatest joys to be able to teach a child skills and techniques that will help them as they progress through life. Hypnotherapy is a results based therapy so I don't see them for months. Most of my "kids" come to see me 2 or 3 times but it's not always to work on the same issue. A common example would be a child suffering from a fear of the dark or spiders will then come to see me a few months later to help with shyness or exam anxiety.

Why and how does it work? First, it always works but the “why” is the important factor. Your child has got to want help with solving their problem. You cannot send them to me without their approval. I can give you guidance on how to approach them on the topic. Once they agree to wanting help, I guide them on how they can do it using the power of their own minds. The results are always astonishing to the parents but it's really just their kids taking action and applying what they have learned. Children are brilliant and so creative. They just need someone to show them and then they create their own success.


The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller


Putting things in perspective.

1. Be aware of negative thoughts getting out of control. Stop - breathe - and move on by focusing on a solution to the negative thought.

2. Thinking life isn't fair is true at times, but again, waste of energy. Stop - breathe - and move on.

3. Time is our friend - think of a problem or negative situation that you are in now and ask yourself, "in a year will it still matter"?

4. Nothing is truly urgent, so don't create a panic for no reason. Just chill.

5. Be thankful for what you have NOW, not what you want in the future. Happiness is here now, you can't plan it.

Be well


The body is amazing when it comes to healing. Just look what happens when you stop smoking...

Within 20 minutes of your last cigarette:
 Blood Pressure drops to normal
 You smell better and your clothes
 Pulse rate drops to normal
 Body temperature of hands and feet return to normal

8 hours:
 Carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal
 Oxygen level in blood increases to normal

24 hours:
 Chance of heart attack decreases

48 hours:
 Nerve endings start re-growing
 Ability to smell and taste things is enhanced

72 hours:
 Bronchial tubes relax making breathing easier

2 weeks to 3 months:
 Circulation improves
 Walking becomes easier
 Lung function increases by up to 30%
 Look better – feel better

1 – 9 months:
 Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases
 Lung cilia regrow increasing ability to handle nucus, clean lungs
 Body’s overall energy increases

5 years:
 Lung cancer death rate for average smokier almost halves

10 years:
 Lung cancer death rate down to almost that of a non-smoker
 Pre-cancerous cells are replace
 Other cancer risks decrease.



5 great tips to keep you motivated during exercise.

THINK! Think about what would motivate you to keep going vs. letting your "chatterbox of doubt" make you give up or fail. If you just use a little creativity, you will find hundreds of ways to keep going. Below I share my top 5 when I am out for a run.

1. Pretend you are leading a class of new runners. In your head, imagine what you would be telling them about proper running style. Or you could tell them what foods to eat, how good clothes and shoes can make a difference. Is there something, like tension socks or runners gadgets you think are worthwhile to invest in? Then tell them about breathing, stride, pacing, interval training, best posture, the importance of warming up, cooling down and stretching. By the time you have finished telling "your class" about the joys of running, you will have finished your run.

2. Imagine you are on a TV program. Similar to above, but when I do this, I imagine I am in the middle of some endurance test (even if it is 5K) and explaining why I like running and a little background of my history and when I started running. I "talk" about all the benefits I get from running and exercise and about other exercises I do to keep my body in shape. Again, by giving this your full focus, you will not consider stopping for a moment - how would giving up look on national television?

3. Pray. It does not have to be 12 Our Fathers and Hail Mary's, (however I did do this once during a 10K race through London - partly because I didn't really have time to train for the 10K and had been only doing 5K's, and it was my first 10K). But you can also use the time to be thankful for everything you have in your life and break it down. I think of people, starting with family, then friends, neighbours, and other people I regularly know.

Then I think of health, and break down my whole body into sections. I thank my body areas one by one for the work they do to help me run. Starting with the toes for the balance they give my body, and work my way up...ball and heal of feet/knees/thighs/legs for the power they bring to the run etc. Then heart, blood cells, muscles, stomach (nutrition), even sweat to keep you cool etc..., if you break your body up into the fine detail, you can spend 30 minutes or more preoccupying your mind.

4. Break up your run into smaller chunks. Like I tell my marathon runners, "It is simply 4 x 10Ks with a little extra on the end. In any race, the last 1k is mainly for you to savour the cheers from your fans when you finish your marathon. Even if it is a smaller run or walk, break up each 1K into a project. Sing a song on the first one, think of your favorite holiday and relive it on the second 1K, etc...

5. Rewards. As my partner would advise, have an ice cold beer waiting for you when you return. I would suggest a healthier reward but no matter what it is, at least you will have deserved it.

Enjoy your exercise but more importantly, enjoy using the creativity of your brilliant mind.


I was watching a travel program hosted by a woman traveling on her own on a cruise ship. She encouraged people who are single not to be afraid to travel alone. She said the best quote I have heard in a long time, “remember, a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet”.

Share it with your friends and happy travels.


Wow really love this



This woman came for help with training for her first ironman race. When asked on the follow up on how it went, this is her reply


It went very well. Here's a link to my photo's - I had a great time!!!

I smiled the whole way through and never once thought I wouldn't finish. I've never felt so good in a race and I would never have thought I could enjoy every second of a 14 hour race!!

I finished 12th so I did pretty well and looked a darn sight happier than the first 11. Sadly 25% of the athletes who started did not finish so I have to say it was well worth seeing you to make sure I didn't leave disappointed.

Thank you so much.


Athletes are great clients because they are used to working hard, pushing themselves, and setting personal goals. They also want to perform well so their motivation for success is very high. Helping a sports client achieve their goal is one of the most rewarding outcomes we have ever experienced.

Sports psychology is increasingly becoming more popular in all fields of athletics. Using various hypnotherapy techniques, it can be extremely effective in helping sportspeople get over past failures, utilizing their past achievements, and create an award winning mind set for competitions and training.

It’s easy to train your body physically but adding the mental training can enhance your development as an athlete.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”�
Vince Lo


Oh my gosh! SO EXCITED!!!!

'So happy to announce that our Thursday Murder Club line-up is complete. Alongside Dame Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan and Sir Ben Kingsley, we now have our Joyce. The one and only Celia Imrie! So thrilled!' - Richard Osman

Photos from MG Hypnosis Ltd's post 24/05/2024


You have to appreciate gifts given to you. However, there is nothing like getting a handmade gift.

My cousin was just visiting me and he is a gifted carpenter, which is his hobbie. He gave me this bookmarker as “it was a little wood left over from a special wood and didn’t want to waste it, so I made you a book marker”. I absolutely love it!! And I love to read.

Also, my neighbor Natalie Smith is a talented painter. She made this painting of my favourite tree, just as a surprise. Again, I absolutely love it.

Makes you think about what you could hand make to give to someone. I have my thinking cap on now.

‘Hundreds of rugby professionals’: players welcome US women’s league 23/05/2024

Wow - so very proud of my godson Arthur Ferridge. He is going from strength to strength! 🙌 published article in the Guardian 😁

‘Hundreds of rugby professionals’: players welcome US women’s league Women’s Elite Rugby announcement prompted caution over sheer cost of playing but leading figures see bright future

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever 23/05/2024

Recommended reading - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo.

It is a must have for any person struggling with clutter or letting go of their excessive possessions. Give it to your fellow “hoarders” for Christmas and free them and yourself from being surrounded by over crowded space. It is for children as well as adults. Marie’s talent for tidying will bring joy, energy and more space into your life. I can’t recommend it highly enough.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever


If you are feeling anxious, it will be the result of what you are thinking about the situation that is causing it. The best way to reduce the effects the anxiety causes is to focus on how to improve the situation.

We discuss two anxiety case studies below – work and illness.

It could be you are anxious about being made redundant, so instead of just living with it, ask yourself “what can I do to take control?”. You can get your CV updated and start sending it out. You can network on Linked In. Try sites like Gumtree or Peopleperhour. You don’t have to accept an offer if you go on the job interview but it could be a good experience to practice interview skills. Be flexible about job positions. Consider getting your foot in the door by taking a lower position and ask to be reviewed in 6 months. Or retrain while you still have work in the evenings or weekends to add to your skills.

If you are constantly worried about ill health – yours or a family member – again, ask yourself “what can I do to improve this situation?”. If you have an illness like cancer, get active and do research on things you can do to help your body fight it. My brother in law was give 4 months to live and surpassed it by almost 5 years by changing his life style habits and following The Rainbow Diet. He got active in his own cancer research. There is a whole community online of people who have had the same experience.

You can also try new therapies, like acupuncture or cranial sacral therapy. You can use hypnotherapy to change your thinking and get motivated to take action. The time you waste “worrying” is draining and non-productive.

If you have pain, again, try other therapies and take exercise classes to keep your other muscles moving.

Remember most importantly, you do have a choice. To worry or not to worry. Enjoy your success.

Call now to connect with business.


Electric ci******es/va**ng/SMOKING/Snus (SO GROSS) – really?! Why?!

If you are going to stop, stop. It’s like choosing low fat cookies – they don’t really exist. It is an illusion to think changing to e-ci******es or Snus is going to really help you stop smoking ci******es, (please note that va**ng and Snus are illegal in several countries - hummm). I don’t know anyone who has tried using them and not gone back to the smoking.

The reason you wanted to try to stop should be your focus to help you quit for life. If you focus on what you will gain in the end, not what you “think” you will loose from them, it will make it easier. At the end of day, what you think was great about smoking was just an illusion you created in your mind. It does not relax you, it does not make you look cool, it does not give you confidence, or anything else. It is killing you full stop, just as the packaging says. Just STOP!


No motivation to exercise? Are you stuck? Can’t seem to get motivated to do anything?
Several clients have recently complained about this and I put it down to the long, cold, rainy weather. However, Summer is here so let’s review how you can get going. In order to make any change you need to change your thoughts about it, how you feel about it, or just take action. Commit to one and make it your motto.

For example, if you want to lose weight, and you choose action, then this literally means to say to yourself, “no matter what, I will at least go out and exercise each day for 15 minutes”. It can be longer, but you just have to start and commit to it daily! Some people believe they can just exercise 3 times a week. Below is the circle of change – one thing leads to another…and my motivational card I used to keep next to my bed and would read every morning (now I don’t need it). Also -
Exercise should be a daily activity. Beside loosing weight, exercise releases endorphins, gives you energy, and long-term good health. So, go for it.


Scary questions but important xx

🔎 yoga with adriene 30 days – Google Search 02/05/2024


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thank all of the generous and thoughtful people on YouTube who share their knowledge and expertise with us.

I can’t tell you how many times I have used videos to learn something new. This ranges from cleaning tips, to learning how to embed a twitter feed onto my website, change an uplighter bulb (need a sucky thing to get it out from a local electrical store btw), and learn yoga, specifically thank you “Yoga with Adriene” (your 30 days free annual videos changed not just my body but my spirit).

We all have hidden talents and skills, and what you might take for granted in your expertise and knowledge, others are truly thankful for you sharing. It is part of the circle of life, sharing and caring, learning and growing. Pass it on – pass it forward.

🔎 yoga with adriene 30 days – Google Search

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Videos (show all)

Saw this wonderful performer Arthur Coates a few weeks ago at the #OSOTheater in #Barns.  It was excellent and still tap...
Open day…come rediscover the muscles you forgot you had.. and have fun! #pilates #exercise #mentalhealth #stopsmoking
Learn how to Set your Goals and excel without limits
Take anxiety and stress out of the exam equation
Stop smoking now #GetitDoneB4Xmas


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