The Nutri Kitchen

we’re a food-based nutrition service dishing up client services & guides for meals you actually want.

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 10/03/2024

Just wanted to drop a little message to all those fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

We posted a little ‘what is Ramadan guide’ from last year which is always a nice little guide to go back too (it’s in our stories). We are in the process of creating some posts which revolve around ‘You mean you can’t even drink water?!’ And ‘but won’t you get hungry?’ As further additions so keep your eyes p*el’d 👀.

Either way happy Ramadan ✨
Love farihah x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 27/01/2024

As it’s still we thought we’d put together a post all about TOFU (plus it’s a great intro post for tomorrow’s reel).

Tofu is such a big staple for many vegans around the world; the first recorded use of tofu was over 2,000 years ago. There’s even rumours it was found by a Chinese prince whereas others say it was created accidentally. Whatever the real story is Tofu is pretty universal.

🤔So how’s it made?!
The journey off Tofu is actually pretty mind blowing tbH. These guys are made from dried soybeans that are soaked in water, ground to a pulp. Which is then cooked and filtered out, what you’re left with is soy milk.

✨ some magic happens to soy milk. It then goes through the same process of how any animal milk is curdled to make cheese, soy milk must be curdled to make tofu. Curds are made by separating the solid parts (curds) from the liquid parts (whey).

Coagulation (the fancy word to describe turning liquids into solid) is done by an adding a coagulant. Like a salt coagulant (calcium sulphate (gypsum)). The coagulant changes the pH of the liquid and curds the milk.

Next, the curds are pressed into blocks- The pressing drains off the whey and the blocks are then cut.

The tofu is then cleaned and stored to become firmer and waits until it’s ready to be packaged.
It’s then heated to a temperature of around 80°C which gives it a longer shelf-life – a process known as pasteurisation.

you’ll see in the post, there’s a few different tofu types depending on the amount of water.

🍽️ Silken- used as a thick cream, fresh cream cheese or ricotta in cheesecakes, smoothies, dips or even ravioli fillings.
🍽️ regular- soaks up the flavours of sauces and broths and so is often used in noodle soups, stews & scramble.
🍽️ firm- can be pan-fried, stir-fried, deep-fried, put in a stew, used as a filling or to make spreads.
🍽️ extra-firm can’t really absorb marinades as much. But it’s easy to pan, stir or deep fry.
🍽️ super firm is the closest thing to meat. mix with a hot marinade and pan-fry, stir-fry or deep-fry

🤔 Have you ever had tofu? What’s your fave way of having tofu?
Comment below ⬇️

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 10/09/2023

We know, summer is officially over but we’re still living off tropical fruits cos well who wouldn’t smile when seeing this funky fruit being served up?

These low calorie guys contains a surprising number of nutrients, here are TNK’s top reasons:

1. Loaded with fibre: With around 7g per 120g serving, dragon fruit is a pretty solid choice. Plus fibre is well known for its role in digestion, and it’s role in protecting against heart disease, managing diabetes and maintaining a healthy body weight.

2. Speaking of digestion: dragon fruit also contains probiotics (which is a specific type of fiber that increases the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut). The thing with fibre we can’t exactly break them down but the bacteria in ya gut can digest them. Using it as fuel for growth. Your healthy bacteria thrives 🤝🏼 you get the benefits. Win-win tbH.

3. The bodies ability to fight infections is mainly based on a few few things with quality of diet being pretty up there too. The vitamin C and carotenoids in dragon fruit may boost your immune system and prevents infection (by neutralizing) your white blood cells from free radicals damage.

4. Dragon fruit is one of the few fresh fruits that contain iron (at around 8% of RDI). This is a pretty nice amount as low iron levels is a pretty common deficiency, worldwide. The main role of iron is in transporting oxygen around your body. But it also breaks down food into energy. The fact that dragon fruit also has Vitamin C, is great cos together this helps your body absorb iron.

🤔 Did you know that dragon fruit is also called as pitahaya or strawberry pear??
you can CATCH dragon fruit (get it cos they’re dragons?! (Nvm)…ANYWAYS they’re found fresh at some international stores or frozen.

🤠 Us being clowns took a while to finish up this post from wavy texts to sentences that don’t flow. So thanks for baring with.

Which tropical fruit shall we do a little deep dive into next? COMMENT below ⬇️

As always stay wavy
Love TNK team x


We’ve been pretty radio silent on our socials because we’re finalizing the FREE guide. Drop up a message with ’I WANT IN’ to be the first to get the guide before launch day 👀


We have a chicken meatball recipe coming out later on tonight.

And we’ve just clocked that you can edit reels directly from the computer which means finally some good quality content coming forward which we’re looking forward. Thank you for baring with us x

The Nutri Kitchen

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 13/10/2022

You’d think because pcos is such a common endocrine disorder that it wouldn’t be so damn confusing. Some say it’s just insulin resistance and to just cut out sugar. But the truth is it’s way way more complicated than that. From symptoms affecting mental health to having to fight internally very real sugar cravings to maybe even beating yourself up for not meeting societies standards of ‘hot’ (which btw is just bs). It’s no wonder that women with pcos often feel chronic fatigue.

🫡this is part 2 of our research topic on pcos and this time we’re talking about food.

With a quick science lesson on the breakdown of simple and complex carbs/sugar we explain the types of foods someone with PCOS can benefit from.

And the ways we can make slight realistic changes to the way we form our makes and snacks to keep our insulin levels under control, whilst also understanding an appreciation for fruit & veggies. (Cos they do help with not only bulking up meals- but literally helping you slow down digestion)

🥛 we also touched on how unless you’re lactose intolerant if you have pcos don’t shy away from milk or diary produce as they offer so much from proteins to bone health and vitamin D.

The main messages from these slides is that by making slight changes to our diet, incorporating more veggies and whole foods heathy fats & protein into the meals we already love will help manage pcos symptoms is realistic. (🫠 our recent pcos friendly instant noodles 🍜 a few reels back).
Start small init.
Stay smiling, stay spooky
Love farihah x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 11/09/2022

A couple of weeks back we ran a poll as to what research topic the majority of our followers wanted us to investigate- and PCOS (polycystic o***y syndrome) came out on top. It’s awareness month 😏

🌸 PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder affecting women and girls of child bearing age (1 in every 10 women) although really common disorder, its often just grouped together with other metabolic disorders and the typical ‘drop a few pounds and you’ll get your period back’. Whilst studies have shown dropping 5-10% of body weight does seem maintain symptoms- it’s easier said than done.

🌸 insulin resistance is a common ‘symptom’ presented in women with PCOS- this is when your body isn’t reacting to insulin produced by the pancreas and so more is produced: creating this mad cycle where the ovaries are triggered to release ‘androgens’ (the scientific term for male hormones, such as testosterone). don’t worry if you’re like ‘wait male hormones; but i’m a girl, why do i have male hormones?!’… having a small amount of androgens in females is normal and needed for puberty, growth, and general wellbeing. 😳 However, the excessive amount of androgens produced by the ovaries in women with PCOS is what triggers the irregular/missed periods, the excessive body and facial hair etc. studies have also shown how the excessive androgen levels can trigger abdominal weight gain; which is similar to the weight gain in males.

🚨 this posts is a quick overview into the research out there… we’ve had to simplify a lot of research… picking the most useful (in our opinion)
maybe you’re reading these and are like ‘its clear insulin is the problem’ just don’t eat bread or carbs.. that way sugar doesn’t need to be broken down…sorted. you’d be surprised at how

✨ part 2 is all about what foods we should be ADDING into a PCOS ‘diet’ and how and why they are beneficial.
so stay tuned

be sure to follow and share this post with someone who might find it useful

love farihah x


pilau rice & spiced chickpeas salad anyone? We’re posting a new reel tomorrow be sure to follow our insta and page ✨🍛

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 18/06/2022

Ahh the humble eggplant or aubergine. Whatever you call them- bake, grill, chunk them into curries, throw them into your next yogurt dressings this versatile FRUIT isn’t only beautiful to look at but boyyy are they an alright tasting yano.

🍆 who knew there were so many varieties?! We’re so used to seeing the glossy, purple, teardrop-shaped large variety (American Eggplant pictured as the cover) but take a trip to your local farmers market or even brave it and order aubergine when you’re on holiday you might be surprised to see how many variations there actually are.
🍆 although aubergines are infamous for their deep purple colour, but did you know you can also find oval, long and slim, and melon-shaped eggplants that are white, green, pink, orange, and even striped skin! ARE YOU MAAAD!
⬅️Scroll through to see our unnecessary commentary on all things aubergines/eggplants.

Nutrition values for 100g raw eggplant ⬇️
Calories: 25kcals
Total Carbs: 6g
Fibre: 3g
Protein: 1g
Fat: 0.2g

🍆 They’re also packed with antioxidants, like vitamins A and C, which help protect your cells against damage. It's also high in natural plant chemicals called polyphenols, which may help cells do a better job of processing things like sugar.
🍆 Additionally they’re packed with minerals like potassium (229mg) and magnesium (14mg) which studies have linked to heart health.

🍆 Although when we’re comparing to other fruits and veggies eggplants might NOT come out on top, it does give you a decent supply of vitamin, minerals and fiber. At just 25 calories and less than 1 gram of fat per serving, it's a pretty guilt-free food -as long as you don't drench it in oil whilst cooking.

🤔Did you know there was bare different types of aubergines?

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 28/05/2022

We’re continuing our mental health and depression topic - with this week focusing on all the foods we can ADD to our meals in order to boost our happy chemicals. we’ve focused on two neurotransmitters (Dopamine and Serotonin) and how low levels can trigger depressive symptoms. we explore the link with our guts and the stuff we eat? some maaad numbers.

we kick start by imagining a take out from favourite meal and exploring what actually happens in the brain when we sit down to finally eat the dish and what happens when you take a big L and not get to eat the dish.

🫐 the link between food and mood is pretty basic, if we eat bare fibre rich foods from raw and/or minimally processed fruits,veggies and/or protein then its a win-win

🦠with probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, pickles etc this can boost the good bacterias in our gut

theres lots to breakdown and we’ve condense a hella lot of research but the bottom line is if we incorporate more whole foods, including
🥬 dark leafy greens
🍑antioxidant packed foods including fruits and veggies to fight off them free radicals
🥜healthy fats and proteins from nuts, legumes and protein
🐟fish’s like tuna, salmon, and lean meats and poultry

🥡although the occasional take out is calm, but studies have linked how constant junk food impacts our blood sugar levels and the type of bacteria residing in our gut (with some studies showing how its the little creatures that might be hungry when you’re craving food and the importance of how eating a colourful varied diet can help fibre and fullness levels.
🧠we’ve recently posted a reel focusing on a mood boosting yogurt and mixed berries granola bar.

stay happy,
stay safe
The Nutri Kitchen x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 12/05/2022

This week, here in the UK is mental health awareness week. With a focus on loneliness; due to the whole COVID pandemic lockdown and restrictions. this year has been tough on us. With more and more people calling through and reporting they’re lonely. Coupled with depression reaching the highest it’s ever been (3). It’s about time we raised awareness.

This week at TNK we decided to focus our research into
🧠 what does loneliness actually mean? And how is it linked to depression?

More often than not sadness and depression is intermingled with each other- phrases like ‘I’m proper depressed today’ are used casually to refer to a low mood- 🧠 are they the same or different?
🧠Can you be sad, lonely and depressed all at the same time?

These are just some of the questions we found our selves asking whilst researching.
We’re splitting this weeks post into two, due to the heavy nature of the topic and to allow us all to process and digest the into. Part 2 will be all about the food we can and should be adding to our diet to keep our happy chemicals in check (see slide 7).

If you’re lonely or wanting to reach out the following are some great tools/phone numbers:



🧠 talk listen change is a fanatic charity offering support to adults, couples, young people and families:

It may feel tough and scary out in the world, but it will get better keep on pushing through. 💖✨

Stay safe,
Stay happy.
The Nutri Kitchen x


Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim followers! Eid marks a special day for Muslims around the world.
Not only with COVID restrictions lifting/lifted across the world, but also as it marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

This year we’re encouraging to spread the love and literally tell those in your life that you love them and you’re grateful for the memories you hold with them and excited for those you’ll make.
Go on drop the person you’ve been meaning to check up on that text to say hello and ask them how they’ve been/what they’re up to- or to even just to say you miss them.

Have a food filled day with zero restrictions- have fun! you deserve it!

Stay safe
Love, The Nutri Kitchen team x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 30/04/2022

🍿 + 🎬 = the perfect movie night in.
It’s the snack that’s rivalling potato chips in your lunchbox- often given on meal plans from nutritionists/dieticians.
This week TNK investigates how healthy is snacking on this exploded corn?

In a nutshell:
🍿 You’d be surprised to know popcorn is a whole grain food; meaning it’s rich in many important nutrients (such as iron, manganese, vitamins B1,3, & 6) (3)
🍿Also it’s classed as one of the most fibre dense food you can eat (1).
🍿 Air-popped popcorn on its own is low calorie, with a high fiber content and increased satiety, so eating popcorn may help in making you feel fuller quicker and for longer (6).

However there’s a catch…🙄 Isn’t there always 🙄

🍿 However, moderation is key. Even though popcorn is much more filling than many other snacks it can still be fattening if you eat too much of it.
🚨 plus the way you prepare popcorn plays a big part in all of this. 🚨
🍿 The medium that the kernels are popped in whether it’s oil, butter etc and the toppings all stack up on the nutrient quality of the snack you’re shoving into your mouth whilst that scene in avengers is kicking off.

Speaking of movies; cinema popcorn even if you get a small or regular you’re nearly doubling the calorie content (and that’s not even considering the drinks or the other snacks you’ve bought). They’re okay once in a while (heck even all the time if you really want) but tbh:
🍿 Our key take away message is if your local cinema allows make you’re own popcorn and take them in with you.
🍿 that way you have control of exactly how much you of each ingredient you’re using.

If Pre-packed popcorn are on the menu it’s worth being smart and reading the labels; to make sure that there’s no artificial flavourings/enhancers or even hydrogenated oils as studies have linked this to increased risk of cvd (7).

Were not saying yes or no to our question but rather just to make ya own init.

Stay poppin’ people x


We’ve complied a fun set of slides about eggs and how the different cooking methods influences the nutrients available

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 09/04/2022

Who would have thought you can make a shake recipe sound low-key dodge?
This is the recipe you should turn to when you wanna go straight to the main course but you’re running late with the prayers. This energy dense shake is a quick and easy way to get a boost to power through (we don’t actually recommend rushing through prayers- have to be one with god and that 🙏).

Dates, almonds & pistachios are a rich sauce of carbohydrates & protein; with little fats- blend this together with some milk and you have a banging good shake- especially when it comes to opening fast this is a quick and easy way to get it quick.

🥛 if you’re using a plant based source (such as soy milk) we recommend it being fortified (I.e added) with calcium; otherwise cows milk is all Gucci too (but try to have it as low fat).

If you aren’t running low on time; we recommend soaking the dates, almonds and pistachios in some water at least 4-5 hours beforehand (or overnight) to make sure they’ve softened and are easily ‘blendable’. if there’s some leftover water in the box; chuck it into the blender when the time comes to bring it all together.


Our Facebook needs some TLC. It’s looking a bit neglected atm 😵‍💫

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 04/04/2022

I’m sure you’ve seen lots of Ramadan themed posts on the gram these past few days (and probably will see more).

So We thought we would create a quick introduction to Ramadan and why it is considered such a blessing amongst the 1.6 BILLION Muslims around the world- and plus as we’ll be sharing guides of our own for how to navigate Ramadan we thought this would be a nice little introduction to something so close to so many peoples lives. We have a few more of these guides coming your way so be sure to be following if you want to know more! From food guidelines and recommendations there’s so much coming your way!


Ramadan Mubarak to all!

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 31/03/2022

We put together a fun little ‘cheat sheet’ to remind you how powerful and necessary it is to eat your greens.

👀 Plus we had the nerve to compare to a kale (and call a….). Swipe left to cringe and look at your greens in a whole new way!

Did you know:

🥬 leafy greens are naturally low in calories but packed with essential vitamins, minerals and fibre (1).

🥬 studies have shown that eating a diet rich in leafy greens reduces the risk of developing obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and mental decline (7).

Some key points:
🥬 kale is one of the most nutrient dense greens on the planet - not only that it’s packed with antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene, which has shown to reduce the risk of diseases caused by oxidative stress. Lutein has shown to reduce the risk of eye disorders, such as macular degeneration and cataracts (3)

🥬 spinach is also another OG leafy green. With an impressive nutrient profile, spinach is packed with folate, which plays a key role in red blood cell production and the prevention of neural tube defects in pregnancy (2).

🥬 we’ve thrown in some Swiss chard for good measure. Swiss chard contains a unique flavonoid called syringic acid — a compound that may be beneficial for lowering blood sugar levels (3) so it’s a win win really!

We often forget just how little leafy greens we need to consume to meet our RI (5). So it’s worth adding greens into your meals. They work well lightly steamed as a side or incorporated within the main.

It’s always a good idea to have some leafy greens raw though (cough cough micro-greens), which can just be thrown in as a garnish into anything and everything really.

Stay green. Stay nourished people
The Nutri kitchen x


First official breaking down science post is up and it’s all about the colour of our urine and how that’s a starting point for possibly looking into our health. Stay safe and hydrated people x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 23/03/2022

Never in a million years did we think the first official post from us would be about urine! But as it was nutrition & hydration week last week, we might as well go with the flow 😉.
(Sorry for that horrendous pun).
Knowing the colour of our p*e is a starting point into seeing what our internal health is like.
And of course we’re not saying to stockpile your p*e for your own personal investigation, but having a basic idea of what our p*e colour is can help us develop a good understanding of how hydrated we are.

Inspired by the and collaboration last year [2,4-5] , we thought we would spice it up a little and add ‘the other colours’ to show just how varied our p*e colour can be and what it can possibly mean in terms of your health and well-being.

Don’t panic if you see (or don’t see) your colour, drink some water if you’re on the darker end of the scale, and if your urine colour doesn’t improve then we suggest calling your GP or a health professional. If you’re on the clear end then just tone it down with the water and fluid and see if you can get it to that ideal pale colour.

Stay safe & hydrated people x


As it’s we’ll be covering all things water over the weekend.
Do you know how many litres of water you’re meant to have daily?
What are the signs of dehydration?
What about the liquid in foods, do they count?

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 13/03/2022

Happy Sunday! Here’s a little ‘hello’ post from our founder and nutritionist Farihah-

You’ll get a quick insight to my top three favourite albums. What I’ll order if I go on a date with you and a rather deep quote from (which I can’t recommend enough).

I also touched on how The Nutri Kitchen came to be, and what my aims are with the platform.

Super excited for this space.
Farihah x

Photos from The Nutri Kitchen's post 09/03/2022

What is ‘The Nutri Kitchen’- you might have seen a rather unfamiliar flower popping up on your suggestion feed and wondered what on earth?! (Or not).

But we thought we would do a fun little intro to explain what we’re about- as a ‘hello’.

You’ll be seeing a lot more from us with the website soon being up and running (don’t judge it looks like a hackers website right now- rest assured we are no hackers so you can safely join the mailing list to be notified first of updates, exclusive TNK news & deals).

We’ll be giving you science based nutrition breakdowns & tips for the meals you actually want to cook.

(We can’t promise no more sculptors though).

Welcome to the kitchen.

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🍜 who said you can’t enjoy your favourite noodles, and still have a healthy and nourishing meal? This is our take on a s...
How healthy are your eggs?




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